WIN-CITY 'BAI LY-SENTINEL. ' S'il at W AT LEAST 20 WERE KILLED j phjiadelphla 'This Is Latest Report Relative WINSTQyjALEMt N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, 0 JOBBER 5. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS 'USKY 'ARVARD ' i H OTHER W THE HAMHiTriiV- huses instant j Seven. Two ' Later in JLLED to West Virginia Mine Explosion That .Occured yesterday. t PEDESTRIANS; MANY OTHERS WERE PROBABLY KILLED. 1 V Causes Flames ,!b Addition to Kill-! e-son and. Injuring of j Tirnble Explosionj '.. Havoc Upon Proper- N(jr To Where uisas-: Lproperty Loss Esti At Least $500,000. At First It Was Thought Only Five Were Killed But It Is Known Defi nitely That Twenty Lost Their Liv es While Some Put Number as High As 75 or 100- How Many Over 20 Were Killed Is Not Yet Known. I (By Publishers: Press ) I Bl.l'E.TEI.D. West Virginia, Oct. ,Y ) All night rescuing parties seaiclird .-Si'M :i 'for (lend miners and up Id llils niovn n i x iii-! ilia twenty, were recovered. Rapid I he companv Is maiuta:nin;Mhe-nt-Maikei starry and to obtain the names lutein lav hospitals - of thl'dead is almost impossible, "ijri.'v Probably a! The number of dead Is now estima- ili! i:t'ii ipi vvnnni me : ii'u ui iiuiu to ion. it. in-'- "' ! lu .la''h ii n;..::,:::. In t" s:x'li ami i Hum, pin ui' ;'i city on i-'ho-i; F I Ii and Sev-ti-iy wrecked, m! ,,Miii;i workers h ill llii' uir follmvliiK ,1 iMiinln d men and ,il, s.'iiii ioitsly, Ii :i f ri .ui every winnow :t h 'l"ir ltt "f 'he lira ii by I wo horses a m-iii'i, whs direcl.iy : inn i,l the Mil) ,va;. ,'i.M'iii u;t:ii l i-ii. The , si'ir hish ill the :i'r a vv ! Mu'ilenly :. miimlc ,v , : ,,nv . ;(.( I lie boilies are literally blown lo pieces. It will b Impossible t re move them from the mines. Almost n dozen telephone boys Win instantly killed. The town of Pocahontas is in fever of excitement. The 'cause of the explosion is still a mystery. It in worst aceident slnee l!Mi) when an explosion In B.ibv mine killed n;7. --; BRYAN A GREAT MAN. HON THE I VMVMMM Vi "V -l s-- jut , J rv ! M 1 -W f.' vf " i r:-,M 7 'W:fl wife - www 9 it-1"- MM) Strorflest in Country Despite Rail way Views Democratic War Horse of Mississippi, Interviewed at Lake Toxaway, Says He Will Be Next President. I ,iioc- (Special.) Lake Toxaway, .V. (.'., liryan liuiliiii.;'s and only l.e- ft WHI' ib ii -;t(l res ill;: -nl to the Hie '.Vn l'('!llvr HI ill lilt- Inn-'!. .i .r :iM :n,l air. ! lu Ii'-W hi iay in 'If tblM' I'.'f'U tli'i '- lllls lvalues me wo i Inn 1 nf I nr- y 'iituip--ili ;i the llljlllVil ma klii" died a to- ilTr Mrm inr i 1 WITH SHI1T WIIU I j ii n. West- ' '" I, weie ,ep- H " llislf.hv M.I " ICsil'l.. T, ... ' . I 1 ' s.ireet, (tf;: I. avi-M-s 0-at 1 V,'...,,,, , c I d! liXme iljll tllM piest '"'il l '' tne ma: Ii no .itten-'1'it-il man 'iis eiistoni- I'lJaiv. i iluu: .. o .ii vain ! .' il?l.g-in i'i".i v.-ho "!',. They fi'i- further 'iim tired. '"'t-iaii,; were tak f Hi fi.,, ,. ii i, j,,, w no , ' ' the . , hi- ;,. ,, ,e' . iiiin'i.'ver, 'i bout verv it! least. -5 Hi "ill n.-ii K., '!!,i .'I, II" il" Win I urn" Will l COTTON 'k f'"!.i Oct 5 . Wil inuk a unpopular chord in hi-, ad vocacy of public 'otvnersliip of rail roads, but' will , be nominated' for the presidency two yearn hence and will be easily elected, in the opinion of Jude A. J". Fox, tonncr represen tative in congress, of YeM Point, Miss. nd,e i''ox is otie oi ilie lead iiifi war-horses of his party. in. Mi s'issippi. lie nerved liiaiiv jear-. on the bench .M" ihe highest court in In state, w as sent to congre-N in mi the l'ourth Mississippi district three times and declined a fourth term and was for some time state railroad com missioner. He has spent the pa-l two months at Toxaway Inn. where he comes each summer lor relief trom bay fever and to enjoy the trout li h int inthe "Beautiful Sapphire Coun try." The -time is not ripe, if it eer v d! be, for tnVpublic ownership of steam railways lines, particularly those en traed jn inter-stale cotuii'iene. lude 1'ox holds, and the people oi the south, especially, 'will not have it. Col. Bryan's advocating this iniiova- t iion an lie pieseiu uiu n a , .jjJlistake, accordinn to the Mi--i-sip-ipiair, but in spite of it, he i- easily the foremost and .greatest citizen ! the Lulled States today. "It is unfortunate that Col. Bryan brouLrht ibis new idea home with I li i ill or rather, thai he it liyht." said Jiuttfe box. "But if Bryan ha an idea he cannot keep it to him-eli. notwithstanding it may not prove I" be K""d politics. He is a man with the courage of his convictions and, I believe ,lliorotij;Jily sincere 1 cry body seems to disaijree with him on the public ownership ipiestioii.. but they're for him the man -j"-' same. I think this wa clearly dem onstrated by his circle through the south. The hold the 'peerless leader' has on the people w.N demonstrated from the lirst time lie reached New York. Xo other private cmen ever was jfi veu i such a reception there or anywhere elst no such series ol re ceptions. No American was ever re ceived so well abroad, except, pos sibly ('en. C.ranr. and be had been president and carried with him the reputation of the undefeated Ameri can Napoleon. No American i x president ever drew such crowd- ui .i;iv..r..i' ...ic .ii il... c.nntrv at home and I don't believe any could. Jnifnf l'ox. speaking of Hearst -noinination in New York, refused to consider bim seriously as a presiden tial possibility. "Such a man j- an Impossibility. "so far as the pn-sub-ncy is concerned." said he, "e-peei.illy when we have . -nrlr a man a Bryan." ., Tho jinlne stated that, alllmituli Bryan may be radical, he w.nil.l scarcely be more so than the. present Chief I'.xecutive. m .mm- If A v'l' REBELS SI IS 0 Some of Them ResIsteJ Today : While Being Disarmed by l). S. Authorities . On the Island. I ARMS WERE TAKEN JUST THE SAME. Wrrtn in Bolton Htrald. (Special lo The Sentinel.) GKEKN'SBOUO, Oct. a. hiviialliuis ert Issued ye.-tenlay by Mr. and .VI rs. .lune 11. HHoiid lo the mairiuse ,f Iheir sister, .Mis's. Mamie Snoud. o Mr. Kd-tiir 0. Bl'oa,dhnrst. on Tiies , lay, Septeiiiber l.s. l'.Mii;. Mr. lli.iad Hirst was I'ornv rly su.ii rinteuden: of it v sehoi Is, am1! is now u nn :nber nf In law firfn ilf Hruadluir vi is. stininl la a oiiuk nany ki..ii hail lihiy efU-etnid lei, '.litilanees. (IKKI5NSHCKO, ('nun ye.ieiday ill." of LAST DAY OE FAIR Aboufe Three Thousand Per- sons Have Visited the Grounds Today. t .in I'll, woman- 1. 1' . of rhaiaeter and is by a larc number of -Federal : tnniaiirt the mm- ' Hiin "'"-'Hi al llnel.) The Cen- te'l a im. hales- of ' ""'iiiH'aeiarers ' J : H ir ih.. - .... .,rfti 'his 4.ST1 -!j"i'l li?r,,!iS7 ' ioe ltf ti,e M I Win ' Mi.-. I I bar I -ie Luther M. Tesh. of the Mendiants Journal, of is 'here aiteini lug the fair, on his return from nns. nesa trip of several weeks to New York Biid Chlcatto. Mr. Tesh has re cently bonshf an Interest in the M ' ....... t ,.i ..,,.1 iliain frb mb omnia .luuiiiui huh ... i. i . .i... o,..o, ,i. tilens-ei to llo IUi uure over me nmo. learn of hln splendid nucr.'-s '"E . 1 to"VMM he has been with the J'"ir'i'"r n'al. The Merrhants' .lourna! is fast 'u l,iww,n,. of l...i,!lio. trade nan1'! s m 1 the South. -This paper has J'1-t "I" e1 a branch bfllce in Chieano, O't tiliernoon an, i iniuiy i Ik en einrajjed for the f,'i eai. r iiart he lime in the Dial of ihe ease I'ainst C'.ft. Shee',;, for reinovnit; siiir ions vhpKim.nn w h i . 1 1 the tax had not been paid. The defendant was repre enoil bv .Iiu.'te Adam., and J.hUe IJ.v-' num. The ease wen! to the Jury jal H :'ori no in tii!.iy I CHKI-N'SBCHO. flrt. a The IniiKh on c ,.f ihe American Revolution held , i hain .-.low and beaut contest here e-l.'iiia uliei'in ou and last nisht. Hit affair as 'bireiy atien leil and the funds lealized fiotii 'he sale of voles went lo the fund in lie ii.edln buildinn the eoliinm lo be nl.ired in the Colonial bnildint; at Waslunstoii to lie known as ihi North C.iiolina "oluilin. Tiliss l-uvitif. Km bis won I lie nrize In the vo.iiik women's beamy eonlesi. There was a ood i iinl aM thorou'ihlv enjoyed suai'affatr. (;kkI'nsboro. on. T'ie- com plele list of ihe entries for Hie laee.-durin- the fair here next w'rek have been piiiillslu- l and the list indieater that It wii! be a most inK'iestiRa eiem In Hie laehm depailmeni. S'-eretiir.v Daniels, of Ihe lair asrOiallnil, say lim It is Ihe fimst a.SfsreKat.oii nf rae in-r hor.-es ever hioualrt lo There are a number of nurse offered and thesi lv contested for horses. Th i"ii i iiN In ih" o'h mems of the fail are equally as jti. n and the prospects for a l 1 enda'iC" a;' Hi, .-In ,l in Hie history of the avoeia Hon. 'Jib is Is the seventh iiiinaW here. ;Sfil each -year the ever!.- .'if more laVso-ly attend. -d. The a-fK'ta t'on here lias made money ftoni : i- stait and the va of the 4t'k ha- more than doubled.. Tho ,'is-of ittli..; has h liandsonif hank aeeount. Elm Street, Meeting Postponed. The pint rafted, meeting m'M.'ii.' , start Sunday niiiht at Klin S "' i i i,,w l.i.i.n uoslliolieil one we. . j(,.v Kdnar Hoiion will -eolelaf nieeiinp. assisted by other Mu in'iiisters. Hor6e Show and' Balloon Ascension Weie Two of the Features Harness Races Called Off Splendid County Exhibit Mu:h Admired By Those Who Have Visited the Grounds. About 111 fee thousand people wile in ulieinla::; e ai Piedinoni Park on this, the rloslnm' day, of tiie I'ouvih 'IHE LITTLE JOKER" Thai Arthur Dunn, is a Rieat fav orite with Win-ton Salem theatre H'.er. was again demonstrated last i veiling when a lare audience (.till ered to witness hL-. appearance m "The I, rule olor," ami lor two limits applauded every lliiiiM be said or did. lu-. Iir-t appear ince on ihe -I iee last c ftiinu was lastnally applaude Kail. The en vvds inspected the va rious exhibit-, whiiii were pronounced the hi si in ii.' bi.-toiv of the fair, and ani'ised Hn in -civc.-i in viirioiis oilier ways. A balloon ascension was one of tin I; li 'res f t'o. day. Thf Vis - -how Is b. iiu; hop! ibis af'i'riio'iti, a'tlioijb the harnes,, raies for Hie dav were csillid off. If it ha I ii.t been Tor the I n ; ! i-mc-n I ainlienci weal in i 'he fair I his vein would haw been most - :--t n.f u I in the hisioiy of am Is cvt ills' In Korsytli count). Thos-.e who aiti ndi'd, in .spite of Hie wialliet. weie wi-l: repaid for lliev saw ex d and If. on w,i- jnokiiiK It the si.inr, III ihe ser llle eellnisi esieeetu (or htm of thanks lo the eul hu that lime the audienc f. in ai d. v. hen he w as to his ncM appearance mid act be rc-poiidi A t a-t ic . lest inn mial Willi a fl'W W'oll audiei'C)' !l hoiioli "The J.ittle Joker" xya li.odly up lo lb)' -tiiidaid of "The liin.!w.iys,"(f in which Arlhur llnnn appeared here beiore, the iliiiiinut il e comedian' was a, clever as ever. Il be did i.f '-ay a word he wouUI be fun ny, his facial iirssioo ..lone alway Iii iiil; v ii i p,-n i i t tu iroiiucr a eoiii Contrary To EnpecWt.ont Soma of tht Rtbels Tried To Create Disturbance Today But Wtra Quelled In a Very Short Time Belief That Cuba Will Be Annexed By United States Is Constantly Crowing In Well-informed Circles. (Ilv FnbliHheri'' Press ! HAVANA. Oil. i --Tiouo'e occuir id today si points ur the ills.n iiinnif in of iisii!K) iiH The tin luib-nt eb'Tlu lit-, ibj),'! to ' M lelidf! IliK Iheir Wi iipoUn llii I In S) .etui I I slaneis have kneliiy lilrt -Id le.lnt. (iulneah Is Ihuuiolul of moni ' difle'iol . (ieneral piiiisttiii h is (lls.pat he.( ma lilies there lo preserve order nml u tinee illsaiiu.iini'nt Annexation It Discucaed. HAVANA. M. 5 S.Hilhe.1 ami w ith Uk wui fever chei ketl, 'uli In today iHilivle.:-init rom ti in lurk of political eoilc. Hnllof In only tempom i v, however, uiul the ireneriil belief In tbiij trouble Is so ohioiile tliiil a et iniiin nt cure chu be only affected by ihe operation kuivwii hh nnetiUoii. Itepoiis today h!iow tbut the form (.f dbsi inanii'iit which the provUlon. Ill Kovelliniflit n ailowluK to paes tin rlmlleiiKeti Is proeeedlnn wlili unfx sctel HUiiHilhuesH. The rebi, are Hum nderliin their nntlnuateil ' lifnn-nVr-h.:inite to the Culled Wtntes aulhor ties, while, tht'lr service rifle are hi liiK ssiniKh-l hoiue for line In Ihe next revuhuloii. Thin Is no morn than was expected, however. Now that pence reixiu and outer U rapidly be in nsti iiil t'liba, wiib a Hlijh of re lief, has sunk ba k iioii the Inoud bosom of (invernor TuTt llul ihrre In only one topic of eoncf tation tin ( . u k In oil lli, Maud In conned .,ii wllb III)' t.olltl)'nl IioiU.Ii h ami ihlu Li laiim-xatbui. Havana Ih unaiiliiionH til thi' opinion that auiii vniioii tnu.t come. The piol)iibllty of the icpub lb' bebr? a part of the Pulled Siaicn In discussed eveiywhefn. The alum. Hon was well slued up today by a form, er I'nlted Slate 1'onnresxnian, who Ik now one of the millionaire rtirn of Havana, who said: "Ijiiterl Kta(i-n li lu Cuba to slay The aininion U be yoiid what I'tesiibiii KooNi'velt thinks or ib-slies, i iilted Hi'iitcsj doe-, no; a-t vohtiiiaiiLv Cuba will deiiiHiot that flit la. annexed." CHARGE STeFLCTS ii in mm. j Hlv Publishers' 1 Pill-burn, Pa, Oct j burif I li-iiaii li irxilu-ivnv a lateiiDuil When ; lllll's. Il) III' I ill ei- d I lire HI." i til istible. ,1' Mibonh that rtlmr ire hi- clever He -ail)., two I'.iVtn at. 'l ihe alt -b t.i the Stale liaiiil.sotm will be clot.'- those enteritis: r ilepa-'- s that would be finitely "redita'v' to any count) . Beh.w Is civ en a list of those thai wile aua'ilcd premiums on tobacco and live .lock: Tobacco. I bright wrapper, first, A. It i -a coin! , S. O. Bonn; third, V. Hun C., . ' y Ben Wia jut.' HWtllt5;aliy. (list. .1. I.. I'lunke't ; s)-i'Oiid.l'l'. C. VokIit; thtid. Is oie Hidch. Best britihl tiller, first, A. K. KlU r ; sieoud. Isaac Iti'lch; thinl, A. M. liai.kei'. Best liiicr. mahofa"v. lust, l 'u-ok ' 1 1,, rt. .. .1 1, i.. ..e 1 U . inins)u., -i'oiiu. Va. r.v.onu; nnm, n w eri- t; VininK. . Allot-) tie r. Iior,l cu'ter-,, first. 11 I,. Meyers; j M. described -i fond, S. (I.'l.on; third, . I. M ('apl'-i wnli as hut i lunn was tin particular -lar the olin'r -members ,, tilt- cast did V(iv widl what liny weie! called upon I. " do. Th'- female pun- i-'pals, in a'bbtioii.lo some diaiuatic ; ability, wi-re unusually pretty ainl at-' iracliv e. lu the place of "Mr I'lee- ccin." hi -ui,- partner in, "The Bun- iaways,'' Mr. Diuui was t'iiiuallv ac I coiiipaoif d mi the -tai;)' last nifit by' Browi a countrv youth.: Iv ho was everedmely tali as Mr ' .llnnn was .'c)'i'diiiiy -boil Their j appearance . toU'Mher never (ailed to I produce a laub ' j j Tin' chorus was noi the largest or (. j ihe preilie. seen here this sra-on.i but its members -ani; and danced j I well ciiouk'ii for all practical pur i poses ;som- of the music i "calcbv" ami w bile the sob ) ra nib u I' re in s -The Pill,. ill Mi'ioii; iuble hrs cxtrudee) i.l Hi.ll Vllals of fnelr Sam', k war vcs.el.' ate declared lo le I Willi lnul'T tiibi-H rrii-i'leil liv ovi-roiui-iit i ii . p ' 'be ( v( overnnnin, through llic ib-parliiiroi ol lii-ln-e, i nue-tiKatioK ibair lb.. I dif.cini- li..ibr lines were sup plied by the Si,-. I Tube Co . tor the new warship Maine, Colorado, '.roria and Pennsylvania; that .,v nt -lamps were sioli n ami used ib fe, tu e. Hue. pa-i inspector. that cars, after bemK sealed by Kovriiuiiioii, were broken open ib'iVilnr tubi-s added to r inpnirniH. v.-i.iin i.-rri,iry Acwlierrv ib'cl.irrn that as t. ami I be and pletf of Nav, soon a action v me in. W-.ic Iecl.ii is agents m.i-b mvesliialion, will lie taken bv ihe ()iveril- I irsi 'i,-, ('resident I'.dw.ird i' r. ..( i be National Tube Co , - tlf eli. one, ,ir- faUc. Wf ,1 unn-ua Jtrrt O. l.!i;i K. . VoK- r;ini'yi. .ar boK. the v ,.'11 C. H. Diololl was ca ton Tin sday by a 1 . ; r;i Iiailon infortninK him o! their daughter, Kiizab with siaiiet fever. Mrs. been visitini; tier, mi). n. was exp'-cieo u. ini wa di tailii' I by- Ih' ... Madis in' Herald. - A I Mi i a was bold this uu ! , s. ii.t i ton llvetl m d to not. ) Display tobacco, first. S -eroiid, A. M. Burke; third. i"i', fourth.' K. K. Iloub. Live Stock. Jersev- bu'l, Picas ' Ilett Pobiml and China In It Wlllafd. j Hew Chester boar. .1. H. .Wi'.lard. Best Berkshire lioar, H B Itn wir Best Cheater sow, .1 It W'JIaid Bt SI lifter plifs, aiiv brei Wlllanl. ''Best Reel -Jersey' sow, .1 ! ia inf. Bel Re- Jersey boai, J. iiauis. . Horses. Best hiaiilon k in loi service Kaott. pair drlvlii" hotsi--. V,. I.. Cliailes.- Best i siliKle ilrlvini; horse. ,, T (',..'... i ,Best m iddle horse.; II I.. Marslion Best biei.,1 mare, II W .bilinson II)'t:pair mules. Jl. W .bihnsoii Best coil under two yc-iia old, .1 It Wlllanl. . II) st mule coll under two year. old. J It Maneu de was not two i.r -..!? v effective he Lit lie a nin- ,,l.. -ay-t they liv III'- vii very (nrni.hi"? the larr-t part of Ibr lubes OS ri-,,. ) ,,. Hf-iL- nri.ul ).. nnil rj). OOll.l have air adv brrmirofipf d V erninriil This comnniv naval y s" fbrre ij'bi p'j Pa,-. limn VI i v eial play Ihe prui! inirnnmf Hit C M MeKHUKhan l'i.iil. of this city. ami We Mrs mar- 1. J It M U'd M Wil Sandy Joker" mn'; -at l oiin ily ' ' i.ilblr. dian thai wa- co nmatuiitly , c. ..nine ealchy music and Sotui' , lev-r There was no sie- a tempi at idabor lie si emc dis- j or jjortjeous cosiuiiiinu, although j Mr ..-nmies worn bv -otne )il ihe j l.eo'4 I eriiH-ii.-il. ueri' rather clab'ir.iie rb-d in firi')'iistioio iahl niilo rh'-r. , - . . , ,.,.,,, ui,im .410.11 iiiiiii, 114 utn jrofHir New Advertisenjents. j of lb'- (bnlford Id nliow lion ! In Rev Irsi R)d.-! The veiy best ivoods fur I.. K Johl.vni. jiasior of the Christian. 1 he lowest money. j ehureti In r;i e.-ii-,bon. Huntley II ill Tslockton Co: - Wed-1 Mr. M Kamrbaii Is th Ifi'tnorrti'le ilinii: p' i's) i,iH tif style and ..duiability . li',:nlni-.. d.r Homier of de-'dn nf ("or.- Hus.";i I.. Vaughn ft 'Co.-See our vHi ami Is a most highly . f.r'l i.t.f of s!i')-s befori' v,,u tmv, oiiiiic man. He has been di-pntv r-K Ho-enbaf her Bio. You will flndi'sier of 'b" )!.-. for sl veala, torliiK this .toie a BHle crowib-il tomorrow. , ' isot i.ui'lsuy k term of ofJUe and bill they will S,-e that you i;e! J(ood i-ervbe ' O Haiihin's Ilru j; Htore-TIn . Iti-xn'l !-S!ur .. Millowi',1 i, Rofri-Oreat line of bov k' suits and ovi-icoats- aironx line of reti' suits. bli;h-f Ins. (nil 1 o hill pile"! .... .... - . C. A. Jenkins - Anv ln-iiraiiec net want. Thus Ti - Office rooms for n ut In TIsh leiiidliitv All nu.dein im,iove , ini'ii'a j iiffouiinodjitilia; d u jeiajllon In 1 1 n more em lent or fb-rk .hal never fill' Hie eomHlouse T'.e hrldi- Is M charming young huly,. in popuiar and has a liot nf friends. Mr arid Mrs l Kdiixhaii tame to Ki-riD TMllle toiav and will be tb H'li-s's of ih.e er ,ou,' father there un ti Moiel.u in xi wtn-ii ihev will come Ihe.Twp, -;iv Th.'V will in tn liousi'k'" ilhi at o'lee. re Idlng on Noi III hi pel IK-el. near the Nottb VV'ili- 'on ci oi I 0 hi mp!