'A V ! I '"x I ' i WINSTOX-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVKXIXG. OlTniUiF.!: ,;. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS t lr Government; If Good Weather Had Prevail ed It Would Have Been Biggest Ever Held At Piedmont Park. jve Been U-5- Auditor?- DAILY NTINEL. , I V V HO SPLENDID .-.' S: h ;i "' , 'i - . 1 f r" .... -,,i ' s ' ' - !,,. I'idai aie , - r I i m-Ti'c.m II , .. ."" f't;J; lh..i.--aiul j J . ' - , , Ill : - ' SEWDRLEHNsj V 'ai'id !''i;uir J ' ' "Ip f,rriri within !'a:'.,;,'! nl ':z :, ; .v. ii ilc ivii or 1 1 , ""s. . ,;Vii ate maiiim in - Iritis. :iil'Mlanias' t f ;i. y iv Orleans is j J I .If winsr '- rf X.HI Oil, i'll.-l. ! L;i'l ii.r; .11-. f tli. i c ; , 1 OrMn ',is usited sin aia! an iMut pass-1 i S. oxi. h i Cull' i United S'.itfs Crt scr North Carolina. Launched at Ntport Nt Tod i - - i ' i i Har. Show Yterday Wit Ouit St-cceM Theft Wr a Good Many Entrift Show Ptopl And Othri Hsv Bstn Leaving Taday- Fair Aiocitioi Not Ducouraged Btt Will Formula! Plant Soon for Next Year" F.ir. K.ili A-wrlatlim, liWAGHER. OF FRANCE, WINS GREAT AGE Ml GU Kjco Kesulied In Few Accidents. One Spectator Being Killed f At The Start and Another Having IPs l.sgs Cut Off Lc- I ter In the Uace -Tiiousands of Spectators MISS REBECKAH GLENN Who Christened Cruiser North Carolina Today. ! !ll llllV ill- riiiii snack Wi si of ,. (Hlt S i.'rl'H v i k.i., ,i ,ni! Iicr 1V. Mi.-. Fuvsl's i ir. a li' i: m-ar in'i- j ,(.- T.i rh:Mi 1M iiijui .i in s HSir iofi:;'-:v on pjn'a'i'.i:. The rilv lis H:!ii!i ilamaKril. i.ni' w'niiiiin tt-li(ts: n ii'.n no I. v,is km. H R. Wfhicr anil )!$. .lull:: llaiT. hii;I in rri)ii: ti':l faliik in- Wes fiT Mown ;,.sh.' At Po'irliaiiniln, :.!ifc riiHMrd ii!iin nf llirir hiinsp rtlltlri'S or .Mr. 'Jily injnro'!.. rtozcti tro ii;jna,i I'hnr.' iii :riirk ,i w Or- wiii:,. n, , iiv,,;, :"' it in-.iil r, i "il Fnl'i miii iMiililings M'i" i.i of u 1 1 i : i wnro NE W CR UISER NOR TH CAROLINA LAUNCHED Ceremonies At Newport News Attendant Upon This Event Today Witnessed By Large Crowd, the Occasion Being Successful In Every Respect-New Ship Christened By Miss Rebeckah Glenn. Daughter of Governor Glenn. iiil; fi v.' Till' sli I'.H.lltllo of i In- I'liilt.l ;i will lie r:.ni : ami icaily for Htati'. iril in urtht wit iii'i-scil ric ':sti(r,' p,i 3l'Ri, OH. of cii!m ' ::: fin l" ha. (Special to Tlia Sentinel.) EWPCRT NEWS. Va., (in. i;. 'I'hr. lotto nil t-nir h.trr.. itlic Olorllillir lit the splendid t'.nilod Status oniiK-r ! Trn thotts.af.(l m uiil North Carolina attractrd a v-ry lar.r : lannflih.K i x'i ciscs. crowd, maiiy Bpoctators -Kiiinj; iTonil (;:n; Iiumln il pt i wore x aic.l' on Iho Old North Stat pi!, tand: Ain niu tln'c (iov- Work was tiiiKpi'inli ii in tlio shii-1 onii.i- and .Mi s, (Ik uu. nienilii'is of the aids today and a'.lOKcliiiT ihr day soventor's iit IT in isaiform. ofllcers nf was one of the biKftcst in. tin hi.-toi j navy; Mis Ri In rUah Williams Clean. ;;f Newport News. Special tiainsj the s :m it: .Mi's l.illie Tho.ioiion. were run and reduced fates who r.l-ji,ir nii.i.l of honor, ami .Mis. A. II. Ai Cored liy the railroad;. i i.iii'nton. The North Carolina was chi Lslone I ) Wi.i'ii aii w as in leadinis. Ciiica! liy Miss Kelieckali Clenn. tin ciiai in- .Vana -r I'i.:-;t. "C the Newport Ncw UK ilaushler cf the povci i::r "n I' N irt'.i ; Sliigilmiloini; and Dry D ick Co., Rive Carolina. The ceremony went off in' tin sitnai. Mis CIcmi steppr! f.n (food shape without a hiicii. When ihe ' 'wan! itiid -said. "I clirislo:) tltitir N n'h vessell liad been chi'isti;"i'il a m at ', ( aioiina," shout went, up from tin a..senihh"! : A fit r tin i-m i'is' s had -I n fiiii.-li- crowd. The occasion wav a tWiimh-if'il Coven' r Ch nn an. his party i ly stircessfnl one in evi r n p;h -The N'ortli Carolina is a sph cruiser of the newe.-t type ai..l Piove a fprmidable adiliiion !. ii:!:d will the ill mil i j nor at 111, nf tin tin ij. Then the rov- ul. l laiiiilv vi'ie quests ol Imni.r homo of I'l' sident Wai IwihhI. h:ii;::inil'i:i;R eonii;in. i: .-Kovoln-s'x are to n. Socvet :'ll Iss I marine. Tlic " l'ar;icii!ailv h trv t,, it,,i,,' Hie revoln- i. ... ' i-ii'i-iallU ' -'X of (I,, I'jr-rs : fSiiS'.' f. revo- rr. iav u.a'i.. of m:' live L I inlire which '-. In ''tier, eases '.id I,. it cai-,, i,,' ""a.-iiien onliT,,,! '' liaiim, tils H,,"J In ai en '"ft ff l:a. iM , H l;l''iiliun:, li re, loved r i" chief I'ar East v Cetieral EvaiiRelisl. D. H. Coniann, win. is lo assist the pastor in a iiiitUjw at Cen tenary M. E. chinch, niriviil in the city this afternoon and wiil prcaeU inorniiiK and'nlKht tomorrow. The evansellst is recognized Ky In th picachets and lay men as one of the nhlest expounders of the word of Co d In the State, lie is instructive, and etitertaltiinj; and The Sentinel lie speaks fflr .lr. Coniann law con;:n;a t ions. While In the city the evangelist will stop at Hotel ZinziMdoif. FOES PLUNGE" DEATHWARD. Sp u,u:ic ronimiMi i .' ii into of a I pint last (fin si ion Vak plant rial to T, Siiitinei.) I. (),'. i;. The .jinial ii,i the ii I i .! the It.oi ihli rmea was -x (' I to re nijiht to the board on the of lmyiiiR the plait' of tin Water Co. or cH(l!Mh:a a in w by the e'itv h'lt when the ; n .it Wv'ftuements. IT i J'1,,! s " ,v'- i'lai.e in. . ,-C , :. " "! to the. 'c-.,,it. com. ,. ' 1 i'i ' ii. , ift s.';i '' ",! '''' s moviiii; ' S,,r, i, , "liioon aft Has hee,i federal Two Clcrka In" Chicago Office, While Engaged In Altercation, Go to Death from Fourth Story Window. Ci.EVEl AND. ().. Oct. Clinched in each othei'.H arms, two youtm men fell flow the fourth story of the l.al-.i Shore Ralircad office' were hurled' to their pavement below, at evening. The dead then arc .1. and Harry Wilfn !' nolli of whom were c I fire o power was called Cor ii-ipiest was inaile aim maiil"d for mon time to idlcuwd for tiir hixeMigalion "li tin- par! ol the commith e. The city U very iiim-h livid, (I on the ipientioii of nniiiicip.ii iwneih:p of water works. Tl-e Iran chisi of live Wake Waler Co. j,-, ahioai to expire inii! t'n problem is 'lic:he; in rem w the f.arrv.ise on teiins pro-,i:i-ed, li. til plant oi esi.iloi.-li a n w iilant on the nart.of the ' bnilditm diaili on i o'clock and i in-: t.ii-' remit tai W. Hums, ituo'l L'.ell IT ye us. ks in. Hie ol- fthe snptVintenditr.t of nn.t.vi of the Lake Shore Ralltoad. K ih. this "U came fteiiioon. clinl,. i!s ih thi has and af- Please ''""I've Co.. : . ''"' atlrar , ,ll:'J"iily of r'J '"r the fair Hunts was killed inslantlv and died in an anibnlaiice whih taken to a hospital. .Mrs. T. C. Allen, of Hixhy county, who has lieen visitim; Tht;nias Alien, on North street, ret-.trned home thiai Will led Ik . Il.ivii lie:- yon. Libert) lejll' HI- .rv. COCKE SNOW DEN. Invitations have In en lectiied which read as follows: . Mr. and Mis. Wifi"ii Snowdni I i lie bonor ol i our pi ' in . ma. i lace of Co ir (la'iitli'ei Ma;ia l.oni-' lo T'n Rev. 11-11?! Teller C.i lo Wednesday' OeloheV Itttilti Coin iiiiiel'cn liiindied and six a n At Cra-e. I'l"!' staii' E.iM"-pa Chinch -I la ;; ir.i' i '. Mai land I Ol ,'ll-i leli is 1 1 ' o i lltfh. Ihlf fll.v, and ay ;.i ,.i:. is heal in tin iiish' -' the ji'iidic celien,;:; . jh ore of K.i.-iniore acconieiiidii d- oaiwh'ei C ieke W0 ,. Twin Cii; heir Event On Long Island. Iliv I'l.tjili.-.l i IV i'r-ss 1 new vii.;;;. v, . : s :. mu nit i tin:'. be ran I ; I : r,:;. i.t'i'f :! b'. M . . V;.'i ; iX t is o h . lo:,' a initio a.-e c.iiAil n' tili :' 1 1:11 alo'i" the eoai o:i I. on-.: I -a n I ; bj ley chaff I' ill's ill's: t,ieethins -their' liv -lie;: to iiain the prize, no matter a: want rls'.i of life or limb. The mo- i :: iied . ante. mohilist.s in the woild at tii it-, their ranks having bven tein forced last wet k by the arritaK el i.enci.s, .Vara. re and !:'. Veilsetn ff. K. E. Sheiiard. xvho inenned a pcnaili of "a retimis (haiac'er In Ki.ii:c for iickliss dilviiiR, is also lore an.l tie cUires that be has the fa -ti s! car, ami will drive ii to the front bv tin nun lecki-ys spied. Shepaid lira-is of hi. Hotciiki.-s car, wit'i wiiii-ii ho 1.- no' -J'r.'iii! to meet i- :ch Uadirs. Tin- IP -a "itp wi'yi' i'- Cet.TKC Heath .'Xerese - hop,- of winni'ip amtin lodm, T ;e f I low ii.'e in. led il ri lets if a hi ...' in t "!lei led :H '!'"' wi le rei"o;';iz ,1 i'e ;ns ovi r i!:e ro'irs": Oar- I). vil Tra-i y; I .r,v( !!. in Prayer Milb i e.p ; Sht'imtil. in llolch!iis : Karlu si K-." ler. In Ohls'iio'iiY: V hiplji ,'! j:: Elat.-. lattice:!. M-i.-edrs . laiia1'-!-.'.. Wltcedes; fhiiMie in Chi':, lie. who -ays he has so! to-win, us his air! !'. t liir try h I pi If he doe.-; Laneia and Nanaiti, in Elate. The circuit so mi shott in iMiii' peel a' !): :;. ')' is -li.ni" o (ii!"kly, ai'hoiiKh M is 2:i Tl mil-K ai'imtlil iilid vei'v fast time is ex ;" ; 'I. as IiIkI.i :: , ?.'. miles fin hour. - lietir l'anhaid and Tracev's K';" tin. bile a'lra'tei! inne!i a 1 1 rn I io'i. a;- i!s.) jlid l heir iliints, both of dblin- ' -plae,". Ma.i'' ted In Le -;s Cut Off I., an n man i It to ,- k- j ,il Ka.-l N-" w !i Wagner Witu Rate. MINEol.A. I. 1.. Oei Wattn-r, of Pi anee, . i. : iv .;:i a linidied hotsc powor l)..ii;oi car, won, e!.io,l tlm 'oein.; I.mr hoi'i:- and ,".o niimitey. lea .mil i v. o tii'i i ki ' on, I , I .anela. ol I: ir ! .' I I' a 1 1 it i.i mi ll li. I ' L'.' :1 II ' i ,'f Ci II':. .n ;.:,'.'. e was had tiab.i' i f I.i, mi -Over l.aler V ib i bill ( up . . Hi ! 0 ,i i; off 61 0! I Vaml.'rbilt, as : "hief promote r the olu. i ved I ;iiished merit, Mr. 'Ivor i f :,e eiin and if- th hi cat tact -, w, if all oli-ervci s as 1 1 One of lit- ThoiiiH.; niai hlm is re ported lo have made a fra-lion o' a mile at the lii'c of IL';'. inl'es an hour. The foltt ah R bits are r'.'oti'eil; (ire h lldnd dollar: to two hni'dred that the l''iei,i b t am will win the i ace; 'tfly ib'll.iis i ion ill it not iooi, -ilian 'tin- Thoiii.'s i ai' will lie on the Amer ican ti.'itn. Man Killed at Start. .in Hoar. d li in Vim Hon tod, iv by a Pir::.a a.iii:, - a id fo: tin .sec oa i tin... ht. a H.o la i . nuo-hli.e. l.oni- V.it,tH . . Pi i n:-)iin:in. h;ti;:rli nnkiiow a in t n:s tr -il r . i pi aied to dai I be ii m '....I, y ;: , f inned ln-.t a . 'i.'e i art i' d bis ma.'!il..e ten I inn s aioai'i! Ci- cirri.il 'of 2M.7 tnll-s with ;-: avei a;;,; e.n-,1 of (;i In mib an l:o.ar, 211 ini-i.iieH to laji. No more masieili i.ie 'van ever d.licti Ihiitl ilia; of Waie-'.-, Ijiilni. lint be share. Iioio:.; v. it h l.alicia. who I w ice ilefea I -e l In a V't'tnlei a::t cup i'hci:, sllll .n. i)e ihe Mpatniioii which i:ice liini liiiih am m; taiitm drive's. I.ue'i i. li'ii !.e,l M'.oitrl, a '"ant thrte mliia'.s lehiini Wamii r. ,-rfter the lialitin'ii no iioisi I'tnver Pial had wte;,:;,-,) fr 'j'.tT nibs wit!) tlii I'V i, 'liiniiii'K lie horye I filial 'I Thllil In the i.ice wa- inov, I around, i iiiirai willi lii- lito Ki.ism lu.wrr ilea. a. Ill t if over si'o-n iiiinnti s In eiapM d time beliiiid .nncln W:n;ner W rf,,e achien nn nt if h.u- mi; diive'i 11 e!;.i-i.. linie that of ail' o 'etia .eri;i:: K of which ex, I 1'r, '-bletll Cel. il'itiMlh Ciii'iti isaii that while In.i eKTHr of the I fair Ibis i" k wne Urui r than h. ' recidits, tlie ass. .lalioti piofMi'M p.iv prt niintrs ,iit( niiet all t U e r ;lij.aiio:"i. : ' Whilf tim Nii4iir n (llsapifHtll jliiU. the tali IlianaKeliii'iit , , - 'h, lilt iitfHtis d!-coii' auiHv. II dcHdiill) , the lu st lab t t piiPe l off and U h; i. ill i, uly he tl d 'Ided ;d make rt it ,f.iii in. pioii merits al l'inlmoiik gik Witness Big ""1 '- k a rair tiext cr lhi(t nl a ciedn not n' y lo W ininic-xaietn ami Koisyth, lint to I he clithw I If I liio'il ri;l'ia. Tile a ooelnl Ion will pii'inhl. I:i Id a nict'liiiR at an eniv dale to ill eits.T plans for Ihe future Tha Hortc Shorn.. The exhibition of Hit.? hnrs- as Ihe IiIr leatuie of the c'o,lnit day tf Ihe fair. Tjn tlrsl event wan diii plai of doiibb' ran luge Hams W. A. Llnillle'y y'.ark liny Ri'Iillug rapmrid the first i"izi while a uplendid pair 'ikiii',! by fmuiik & McCrtary look second. (1 I. I'lflliTM flnn pair (if brown animals nan aaidcd third. There in ,, almul. ten entrlen, In thrt 'lii ibb ti inits In MrIiI harticHH. H R .Itimes, with a pair of standard bred seal brottli horses, eatiRht The JiiiIr-s' fancy and the blue ribbon w;r liiiitiiil I,., his lulilie. Stiinak A Mi Cn. iry's ;i1 am i el was dernra'iM uiih the i f i) .i;ul (). I,. Eiudier, (Ci pair "of handsome whiles took third prize. ' follow Ir ; was a line dlsiliy of sn- 'e iIilvli'K honiic. Kor this evfll! I here vii'io eh'i.lt fiftciMi entries, the i Itt st ;u!ae winner beletf a beautiful hii) mnre, invui.il In W, N. Ittwnoldi. Or. W. C. 'iaufo'('fi bcnutlful uneel Rrav was Ihe m ,'o:nl rttvorlte an l (reo. K. Ow Ire's Mtrk .li'W''ll" third. In ' the sH'Idln horse exhibit fliori were tin lie eutrtei and all of thent r.eic biMiitbn H. II .lani.ra' flue ht. lucky Middle iin;f, ridden by .lohnnli1 .lames, was an cany winner. ... . Tin re wan a creiMiable exhibit of we,- Pia! i-iliit b I --. and "si P. al'i e, in ),,!! l: it':'!. .le .! s I:! i Hi Aft' r Co i : i . V'andei oil , 1 1 Mile e- 1 w a,, see r hoiiis s' j sec i 'rich iiauy, h0IM' lour i call lac- In nhii'li hi.' was always that hi- eoiii 1 1 1 o l s In II,' i iire-t; ill,, condition' it laid we: e v cry (lis tri-i . I.. Hi, MIXPtll.A rain and foi; ' ill run I on ;u i Tl.l ii Ml I , s" cniw.! iiii-iiii; :h" al :;oo,iiiMi. In Ih- r s!i of of t he no t's oi, e 'nam iajiii'"!. I' down hi an ant' and his h, k In it a lit I.V. Ci'OIRe Willi Sadler, was illton.a"' i::.;1!!''! i.. n,-t, t;. lace for tin i rush. vc:ili --larti,.-!. f I'oiirse iy esi:niai Oi'spil" Valid"! autoK lo the sei i i h man Has kilb l and' i-' (di Sadler was i un i. I.on't I: lilil'l Cil' okell lie do d "ill Wuinb r, w ho w a ; knocked flown and The chauffeur wi - 'lite lineiicaii in.'-hi'ies wei- n,,i,i hie liv I le-ir ail -i m-e tn flliishiiiirjiut to .lost p!i Ti a." i . v'iiiner ,d Aim i leal. ' .'iliiinall ia I 'd, wi nt hlKil credit of i lidiiin hit. '"I Ir i --pott ,-r a,i onioliiie lot.'tl. ll'he et, ; in f,-,vi, .. tMle of lb- dav at speei) 1 1 1 1 . i ; , . louche, I i veil by Waitaet . w in, 1M, il,,. "Mn r I'T'inb. In Ihe lifll.lh lap Tu v. alter i . i n v- pnlically put out of lo line In Mr 1 l'in;'.ile I'l eillll lap . i lieoi ', the , ii rnit In I'l; Z I iiiin. ih' - , a speed nf r,7 ni i ii an hour. Wav.i:ei s in are -t appioueh lo -this was his si'.lii lap in 27 2'! inlnuies i Ihe n ' Paul's "h land' citiz :i"in hi and .11 ! - 1,1 ti 'I, ,1 '' llil'i elc, t'K-r. of lor II was d. (). Wiii' town. R. E. P.. who wa premium at the fair mahogany filler, in the 1" exhibit. The name of suce- winner Riven in ye-'erdays was I'leas Tratisoit. . JE R. 1). Reed and family, of wotth. ate the Riieiis of M Mrs. Oscar Shcppard in. .Wan A'a'kei rde 1 li;-l he best ' to'.aer' i ef'.ll I'll"'" - I'i'": Tl: ban day aftei A Hi'ow: N Wilis'"!! 1! lilU-' ' 1 will a t- P toon and i .-tin foul talk o'clor k wis! inal . Van Wi a' and lit , m ii ll i: el .nil: .ehm Hi ai'i'k. be held al eveiv llilll -.'inuiti" . . I.'". ''' , ' ; 1 J ' " .A ' , m. - . i it ' ' - " . " . ' ' . .yi -' ' ,v '.'' 1 ' . . .- , ; '-. -- ..1A '-. .sr . ::...,; : : " ., ft i i 1 J iltiiuRht ht rsi's I ,ii' Mr black team u.M ,1 by the Kiiletn fiia depailmeiit. was the first choice, white lionoil were illiblrl helwien tea iiih owned by A. C. VoRb r a Son, Oakland Fur niture C.i. and the R. J. Ui .molds Co. Then wire forty nitric of sliigld diaiiKhl Iioimh mid the winners. In iiie otib r iiaini d, weri : . , Jerkins Itioi; Shoe Co, the Wlnslop Mil! Si ptdv Co., and II J. Remold To'nii c, it : i. Thei, were I, n ealrle.s for the rutir bliiatlon Mid lie and liarness hor.H Mint ai', .li.bii .lanies. ,,n Ids ijand some bay tnaie, m cured Ihe blue rib bon. A ohc iiiai Kirn i Inn h'e, on tied by Mi s I! .f Rei nobis and handled In I II. Mi-Cioiuy, tiH.k th' red, ev. Iiir tin- whMe lor a s'-irrel home nwued by II. II. ,laui':. The ,ieM Utile po:ili''h owtifd hi E ,f I.i pleit. ,lr and .lamen .Nor th it, ,lr, weie shown and recclvi'd Hist ami second taiotfi In the order name,!. Two Racet. L,-'ii 1 1 tmn ,-s road la-e ai,, it of half tnlb- dahi s hi rutilli r tlie Rnii! dm. Ei.r the first were six entries. Caupcr lilt brown hoTse, ChcnD John; The ' onjile cheed tl.l re tlllli'h Cioti-e Aio!re', fWPi Hut loti 'h ! liui ion's sorrel C.'la. VIIIei'H Tin rac" was A'.'icb .lol'v I',, ton's blown tr. ,- bay Colter, Jlitilnle; liion'n niRre; Ilanpy lioiKc. Tliriimis 1',, u rxt bay li'iise, Jolly he be.l IWo in ih'C''. . won with WH1 Hdr- iter sn ond. Il) the ;,-if mile da she the stliler we,.. SWian I)'-,;, Aim eli ration, A ! ma'ion and Alliti einent, nil intitiitia' I'l " older ninied In the first lace. Th" i::iie u Wi r-conds In Ihe -ond no - lite saino iior'-ch ran In Ihn xaiiin oiib-r onlv adding Avntn. which rim In filih. ' - 15 DEAD IN NEW MEXICO MINt. i . . Exploiion in Which All the Night Shift Are Geppoaed to Have j Lo-t Their Livet. RATON. .'. M Oc't .', - Eifos'i men tare i ,,;i,,- d to have !ot their Uvea jlu .an explosion to'.'a. in iho Dutch jm.ia Cjia! Mine, al liloi-sblirR, a, small liatnp lli tni'-s ft-iiii Raton. Three bodi-H I, eve le en lerovcted. 1 , I 'flu ,ca a ( f '.'if oxplo'loii U not know a. 'I .i" niine Is im niil and op jeiai'd hi ta--S'. Louis. Rocky Mutm jiaiil and I'aiific ('ctiipanv and well Ciietpped with ail inod'-tl! clec'iical !a.pl!auren I The niuht -hife of ." men ta workinR w le u the , jplorlor) o (:iirr'd. -n;nk iiii EatiMi-r are palntlns, ile.',,i,:l.i.R aid hard wood flnishlnc tl: Inii iio: of the II E Hutd'cy r".l- of Adiane, .IS he! Alonzo Melvin. Dr. Melyiji Has Charge of th Inpectort Created by the New Meat Inapet tion Bill. !l twoie.iroiil -on of Mr and li Siock'o'i contiuum (julie .las, S, Dunn afternoon. went to Ml. lry thi I W i!,,i a," llaiiei : it'sin.