0 A p li ' V Uh I I Vy -11 ji WJL L Jl WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBBER 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS (lT SPECIAL SERIES III UU 1 1. nrinriiinv nmi ui AFFA IRS IfJ CUBA. A NEGRO LYNCHED . beath today of COURT CONVENES. bni't hear uman hiu and Dis armed Volunteers. ,jt "3 CI .. s J I- kt. ABOut 1j S WO' k. -A A- ' AH" j, A: i:- -,,ike Mitl - - -1 II . ;il Tiif i lie' n .if ichi gesl . .in Hi.' a.'t'V. limu- W lis l.rer afl-rn t s I til' !;.: a a i'f"lt.S s perl " I iinj thins i n .... havt I not, il is becat:s you have nut given : If'-" jjntati n ii y trouble. As long as yon r,,itl : k''p Out of . Satan's way anil .In not v ami American Cannes Q barce Recent Rev Have Been Acco-rn Property Can-age.-kms, of Illinois. Is Inevitable. . ii:.- V:-::. j,, 1IAYANV t.. : v (in:n.' a. :.: vv !,,.;. f fl.f.i n. ;;ri: : . I ;'' .Thn !;:i:: ;, ; .m.,:-.-riislu 'I I'n-te n..!a ami 1'ii:.i:.i i !:- i .,-.i!-pain : ' i f -i ii The !',:! i.nrf.i.jK or. -in r. ,! ; , Ut-iMuelll tiil'.-. ;' Tilt I Est 1 ,! in jn ' they si i aii fellow, il, i .1 nil I in' HUE f T-f Sp!1i:ii.'1.I i tv. v Ti.f i ii r- f!ii::u.-di,a luiiav he ttis, f' healing !o wsirnri rules for m ,i! m:r- im lli's. ami irrewiia issuing a fir-:t.-r;.i:u ;-tiiin in. 'in. s. ait- iiu.iiu 'I- ami f! i., i,r juitt! t. ii iff.-. 1Mb .-I1I.''II( lil.' lollllllis--; of general ; in iluir bc imiiii laiilTs liaiai inn of ,:,f...i :n, Bag i'b ja'.';:.K liii" '; cfa-iti :.e t'l.iiri-rf-tj:v .fin i'11'i.-..i ! ' l''"l" , in .'iiir-i ' easily lu ll liv. ship iiill I!) Ion las-iliraiinn ili'll- V.'llt'tl lli observance ill.' . .in j j'. -1 ion -lii'c ti. ai ion In !:. "I all ter- . ili'-.i! illou of wlii'ic I !n III. sliippi'i' limit crowJs fiHeil Ce.itt rh.ulis: church esur.la at tiHinritiK and r veiling sorvics : Eansclist !' H. Coniaim. who 'i.-uai. .i series of nu'etiiigs to lasr at le.i.-t ten Uays. X timbers of our neopie ha.J l.uii.: Mr. Coma mi befote and the powtr with which he preached was ii.nl-in new to them. It is, safe to say that n.. two sermons have ever been ,pi. .u h.-i! in this city that aroused in the amli euce a greater degree of thn ittlrfn'. interest than the two delivei. .! h litis man of Goil. His discourse at the morning s.-;-vice was based upon the thtiiling story of the slaying of Coliuh by David. It was a masterly pres. nta tion of the subject of faith iu t;.ni evulve.; from the expression fr.uu ilte lips of David, "the Lord that delivered tne out of the paw of the lion and out or the paw or tne near will .'.--iivn- orciiin,! ;a: niulr n-e out of live hand of this- l'liiiistiue." , ut-iMuetit (i. v ii.. i..;.t iiinh ..M't... ...I.... tit.. If lau. iiiinu P.I.-.B tir.ii mi- iiiitiiiiii t 1 1 1 i 1 ' '. 1 t 1,- I'lW II ... il,.. ,.:.i'I if IVivM' i.l.U.vt I,. ,.il..,,. ti. . . .- ., I ... .ur 1 ' - ' ' I"" '" 1 hi. J I ; Mil Ii:.-!.' ill lf'-l I."" I""" iw.m. ill ill. -, f.sll,ill, s I . 1 1 1 1 1 he giant, saying "that wlit-m-ver oii.'iiie si i aight w a.v 1 starts to dtj gimd Satan is alwa s . Iciluw. .1. in whi. h itady to use his power to pr.-wnl it, v Ijrelhren, whenever you start to (;.i ( , , ,s ,.x, . .,, for the Lord Sa'au will ..I :.,is II. I ;..' tin- ways give yon .trouble. Does Satan 1 il.-ta.-hniea; ut Am ever give you trouble, my brother? 1 f : ,.u. ),., :,,. th. i.-t'ti 'i:ii!,'t In in; (tun l'0 trouble any of his plans he will not j Hopkins, of lilin give you any trouble." It was a mag- s -i.ate .-hiu'iim i. niliceiit deliverance upon our weak-' !ie.. ( . that an: tiess wlieti (Ifpenuiiig upon our own strength and our power when depend ing upon the living Clod. At the night service he chose for his text "The effectual, fervent prayer of a. righteous man avatleth inucli." The entire sermon was a profound dis cussion of the question, "Who is a righteous man?" He reviewcd.tlie tight .'(instiess under the law. which was given to the Jew. and the righte iHs ness of God- through Christ of which we partake through our faith in Jesus. Ills exposition of the difference be tween t tie old and new covenant and niir birili as heirs of the second Adatn and not the first Adam was deep, pro i'luinl and thoroughly convincing. At the morning set vice Miss Swank, il' Johnstown, Pa., and nt the evening service Miss l.ora Kerreli, of this city, sang a beautiful solo. Miss Swank exhibited wonderful coiurol of h.-r voice, which was excoedingh' sweel and gentle. Miss Kenell's soio was the best she has ever rendered here.' Her voice exhibited a volume of sweetness and Ktrength. The services will be- held twice a itiy through the week. In -the nt'lei noou at 3::!d and at night at T: 15. Outbreak At flumes Between .Mob In Argenta. Arkansas. DSi!l Takes OneKrom Jail And Lvnt ties Him. it " 1 .I ;ed ih.s i W .11 t.er .f el after ath t-e D-stur-: uticn Sftms to ita by Little' -Sennt3r Hop-! ns An "eat on i Negro Vtie Be.ng R-r; Of To W ing. Tn from thf in Ja,l On Suspic .on of C'S.l) t tor tie WOundmg i te Men Yesterday Morn V.'i3ie Trouble Arose K : 1 . r-tj Saturday of Two . hi M r-t. Un til i'.'.n.-Ks of esult.-.l tt.im a . s lne s:si t-t . a bt other. M r.i! t in'. an.! : t: e. s a t- ..f w White Men hy Two Neyroes. on '.!' tin la:;.; m . :n s WASHINC A; nil- in .ii ', sat ni.' i I i;p'"U a r or Hi, ii niacin i The A lit Hiackna I ci.i.fict; j .ia n - dis-ti. l.lll.lsi" i l r i.-iM lilt 1 1' i: T.ess 1 1 1 m-nmi .v. 1,1- , kill : .ng ol t'li.u'n s i s 11 III. ted a i. d S i ii- llllsiUi'M. ig of, John p.lH-elliail P! l siHil.l'i'v illlil llriao .,f p.: I 1 - i ': . tit- :.. 1 t 1 ! .- It wltiie ! :;. It: ,U P'.n-'.l call ':' .let nn " 1 1 i ! I .il V ii a mi n was 1 nil Ml-pi il lil'.'.i O'l Hint nitig ackliiiin was put I'our ma-k.-d station fiont tie .' I III llket w ith a is ual.H-k'd ihe ."in, oiii t he ti . ar I Ht i and liy I In- innli . and .in st i eei ks. H. i .!.. ,.ll:. -l ,.f .ii I V Han. P I'.sU::;. :n t: i's a:1,-! a !n!-- 'm Iii.iiii ti" in i 1, 1-- The rein. tit-- to n- ni.n. 'l thi tei It., oil to 111.- home of Mis J liaises, from which I lie ftm.iu! vt no will he conducted at 1" o'chn k V dues. in - llioitlltlg. The iiitennei't ili i.e iu the Saieni ronieteiv Miss II, .igin was a cniisecrai. .1 Christian, 'n n g a member t.f i i nten ar M K. clnuch. (.f this vitv She puss, ssi-d a i 'V.ii'le .lisiosition that endeared her to nittnv fi lends mi. I caused be) to he kk.-il by all w lio km w her' Jtiie was mm h luteresltd in chain. ll'lo well, and Ml llei the .le s.'-.:ng p.u.1- had a warm friend. At the Utile of lier .iea'll she was an actie intnilier of Ihe Vh.ltieer Clt !' .C King's Daughter and w.is o-i the la.lljt's' , bnaid . of the A-svu-hited Charities, taking a wink ol huh tb was a beautiful Christian lilt she tviil 1h- solely missed by rel.i ; October Term For i Criminal Cases Today. Trial Of Begun it. ;l. 1 1 . i v in f being l.eell lie lu ll v es ties ami ft lends. I U.S. SUPREME COURT at , i I . v aiiiin ii' Ue i IIL I- I" ll.lllllils. lie II. itlg With tile sill. lit. me mat ann.'a;;ou ;s n. innate . m evllaliie." he said lilis III,.: ::iin, "It it annexation will never come ' agninsi the coii.-eal of 'he p. tp!i Un ihis goveriitlleilt Was sil.ie.'e wher. it L'il.u'' .tilt fi (I soveieignty of ih. island Whatever may he the s,--ii iineiu of the mass of the people of Cuii.i .- Is mid iiilit' ,l! ti ue i ha' 1 1 1 in. ire iiin-ili- (llt f'iii'ells ot Ihe l-e'imliiii- Lilie-... their best interests will he' Ml It.-, tv e,l Ihinugh nnni'vai ion hy 1 1 if I'liiied Htatps: Whrn ih,tr : nit inrrm -iic-comes siillicii lil ; v sluing Cuba will ask to he taken ill. Tin -to wili be tin giaspitig on our pat l 1 1 . w . v i . and no violation of Un g-.-iil tailh we have ph .!.'. ii" HAVANA. Del. s - Comparatively lil tie tnaleiiiil ilaiiiage was wnuighi it; Cuba, hy I lie rcvnlul ion jnst idiseil )jy Atneiican liiierveiillon .Then- b, im di-va-iati'iii which fully tuaiks an in- suri t ctioii to In- s.'f'i in t in- c urn! r lliioiigh vvliich the itisiirei til linct s opeintid. ct to. the ainouni of damage Cuban revolution was III'- Ltisurrn'tion wltu ISpetial to Tiie NKW "V :jliK. Del- ' iiiise ill grain rales 'ay, iliis time an inci i-etll Notices VV.'le si Ijl- to- (Speeial In Tint Seiitiliel l WASIIIXtiTON. ci S The leim if Ihe Sipiitlle Couii hevlllllillg to .'.ay has a d icke' thai contains some v. ty inp,,rlaii' cases There an- over four hnudieil cases all told and among Urn most Important cases are the fol lowing: Tin eoinciiipr pioceedlugs ligalnsi certain citizens of Cliullauoo ga. Tenil , ill rofinectloii with the i.Michiug of a negro pt isolier i'll whose case the i-oiii t bad laken jni isdict ion ; ihe Kansas Coloiado suit, Involving ol tin produce men say jjm s,jcioii met- ihe waters for Inl retaliailoii by, tin- rail- gat Jon of the Aikausnn ilver; llitiie en- inci.) An.ulier ikes plat-. Use ol' half a it out' by the .1 , i i -. t Traffic, Association Ins.t tnoiilli and the indignation of shippers has risen to vvhiu- heal. The laise applies In wheal. Max, corn and barley. The laise on ilits I a tpiarler of a ceui a bv.-dicl. .Many . liiis is inert iv I loads: who ate "Inking il out" of tip "T-btpfii'i-ST--HteaHishtp--lines,- ILjias be come known, are affected by the in-w mi, law in ih.-ir custom of giving j lln. 'igb liKli: of la ling" where shlp , iii. i.ts vviiuid be made by rail and wa ller liniii s.iiiie Ain.'i'ictin city to Kit in, i,, The law ii-.piiies that rales for ' s!I. ii shipment i be tlllhli.-illfil of any change be made pub ! iliiv -, Ill-fill i il lakes effect. ami Hole lie Ihlilv KILLED BY A NEGRO Supt. Eubanks. of Lane Bros. Railroad Contractors. Is Shot Near Lexington. In i cap! done Ihe ( Iu ap. st Ihe We.ir Indies fur maiiy Ssei ars. in IMPORTANT LEGAL con. vs. Maker, involving Ihe ipiesllou as to whether the pblllipliie Commis sion hits power' to suspend Ihe will of hab.'.is corpus In the I'hilliplliei; Mov er, Haywood and I'elllboiu-. officers of the Westell! peitei at h in of Millet's vs NicllnU, involvitiK Ihe ipifhtloil til the it light of release f nun pi Is, in In Main), where tin v are lliciiiceialt'd on ihe charge of ."ompllelty ill the murder last year of i x eiv floor Hleniietibi-rg; Sleiuy vs. Suauahnn, a levenue case involving the i"st i m as to whethoi the Isle of Pines Is Cuban or Aineii--an tirritoiy, and Wilhon vs. the Sec retary ijf the Treasury, to enjoin the payment of money on nccoiint of the pui chase of Hi'' Panama ("anal. n Entertainer To ret of The Star Wl'PC In Irmmkl., .ivij in nsicnimy ,'ew Hotel-Series jfolnments To Be per Auspices Of )' Hospital Associ- ;:.. s,ar ciiiirse .in f liming 'i' i'l on Moti- the lOit Ml' ! Charlotte inunoiis' 7; f,!. fr the first is a raise person r J K. Kavanatigh. 8k Mr. Kvan,mgh ,i,u. ,,, !..,, 1kj "'. 'It-H a ; ar,. ti-i.ni .il-iii. i a here ii,(lL., il. ilosnilnl ''ltd yvfi! -i''Mii.3,t and I' -I Willi IV vii: ;..(! " "I'.i-ai'. ;1- Tivin-( 1 - s." !i ;' ut aiai IIS cause. -.'ater- rform i while 'o pro- I III Negro Employees Were Shooting Pis tols at Their Camp And When Rep rimanded by. Mr. Eubanks One of the Men Turned And Fired Upon Him, Killing Him Almost Instantly. Negro Fled And Has Not Been Captured. A telephone message was received at the police station here 'Sunday morning from Lexington slating thai .i negro named Oscar Caddy that morning shot and killed Supt. R- H. Kuhanks, of the Lane Hrm Company, which has the contract and is biiildiint another track tin the Southern Itail wav's main line. The crime was com milled north of Lexington. Kite Lexington correspondent oi Observer gives this renor' of the tragedy: Superintendent Eubanks near.l sonic shouting going on in one of the negro huts and went to see what was the matter. Cpon arriving a t"(' "' the hut, which was filled with negroes he said: "Who is thai sliootiinr down here?" u-ln.r n ii win. the nistol in his handsand replied: "It's me and I will shoot you. d youl" Then Supt. Kuhanks advanced into Ihe Im'. bav ins in his band a small cane. Without saving anything furthet. C.adU- filer! into Air. Kiibatiks' lace. the liall taking effect, just above mouth, coursing iipward ihruiigh biain, and killing Mr. Eubanks slatillv After tiring the fatal C.addv jumped out at tin petl his pifctol and Hid tin (Special lo The Sentinel. XAS1IVII.I.K. Teun.. Oct. V survivors of the first Tmnit -ss. , intent tire hi,hlir,g their annual ion in Cointnerciai I'aik today, is the 41th anniversary of ilu-. of Perryviile. The sui vivors t'l'imi various seetinils of I'm Ci but tiie itiniimf was v. ;y gtatilylng the oiil F ilil'eis mil le'tmc keep them away ftelli n: "onitades. Over tun- hand and i,f those b.''"- "'' war on tin- loth ol' May . Is'il. iimler the coniiiiaiid of Col. In ug. M.iney. a voung lawyer of ;hi- ci'.v. The First Tennessee was .the lirsi rcsini' nt lo teniler its serv ic s ' to (i.ivcriiiir Har ris. II first saw' sen ii e in H .li.is ,.r W, si Virginia, under Hnliei'I K. Iae. afleiwai' b I ti.'ll ,,,-,1 v,iii,-v .l.ahiistnii. I: al'.-i'-tniM serv.d tiitder (nneiai- Hr .lohnsion and !!i.'"l. (Ifv Puhllslierd' Press.) ITNDI. A V. Ohio. Oi l. X - The pro't ecuiiou of Hie St.ilidani Oil Collipaliy jiu ihe probate court of this county involves a mav.-r uuosiiou than men' Iciiinirai tiiaige of conspiracy lu re jstniint of nail': A-tcoidiug lo state ments tn'i'ie by coi'imialion attorneys today tin- b-i'al ipiesiioii overshatlows 'ail else. Tills ti. siioll relates lo Ihe jui isilietioii of proiiam com i m living corpoiatiniis rhaigcd with conspiracy Thisiunder V.iieniiiie art. When Judge Hattle, linker held 'hat violation of Valentine ftimelact was a iiiisileaint anor and his unity. court had jui is.'.-iction upd-er sltite statute tn try cases corp.uaiion law- siaaces i yi rs ilinaigniMii uif Mm.- i i.i ...i .. i - :',(i Ihe Importance ot this luned ii be sustained, and li il p.issu.iui n s- oi easy and direct method of attack against their special interests. The Standaid recognizes grave Importance of this (ii.-s!iou and is S'lid'tng lis heavies; legal guns to Kindlay to blow proMM-n-tion mil of 'ke court. Since lighling of criniiual -ui's here against the Siiuidfud oil has gone off eight cents on 111 l.anel. Illilep.lldellt irodleeS. who wi.l be It-tiling witnesses against the .Slainliii d. will suffer. --The It.g-leuu- I il , thous-j holding, : he m fitt j i hey s.r.v ic niiiun Ceil. -i a JEWS Judge Wird Delivers I Brief But t pi.c.t Chrfl to th Grand Jury. Large Number of C for Fatlur to L.st Polls And Property. Soms of the Cases of Most Interest. The tV:o!er term of KVrth tiupe ri.ir comt' convcmdi l 1 o'chx-k this nion.iiig wilh lildge Waul presiding His honors ibarxe to the Kiiind Jurv was lo'ef lint i vpllc'l v The following were tli.twa. swori) and chained as grand luior for thi. term; V N. t'oln.lextei. K Hotnit; VauKtiu. Jexse D Munimock. IWlilei M ,lohiioii. I O Pntieroii. X.tt W Whickei. I, W eeui a ii. ('has. L. Jmn. s, Lewis K Kishel. Will C. Liv engotid, S. A Shiilt, John A Dl gins. John M Ibsier, A It Sides. J M Mai tin. W T. Itrowo. .Iii!lu S ilet ) Interest In S I .ainb. W J IMelon. W. K. HroWO m- organiitai Ions, was chosen foreman. '. F ir icasons satbfuct.ii y to Ihe comt the loll.. w inn Jtirois were ei Uusisl from selvlce; Duiii.. M Walls, j not Minium to 1 , W A Moser, Jus. K Kernel-, .1. T. Sh.tinel, disi.l.. K. L. jit. v nobis. J. K ll.sler, l.uthrr I. Mar shall. A. A Stvcis, Theie are ik k. ted for tilal this w. Ik '7 cases against parties for failure to list polls and piopelly. The: liersolls indicleil ale lit-Ullv all (xior pe .pie and many of them mo vety Ignoialit anil In all piobabllllr did not know of, Ihe provisions of tho law. S vetiil ciist s wi re cnllitl today and the officers it x,n, ,. that lumiy (.( ihe deteti. lanls could not be found. Perhaps tiie numt lmHrlant cases to be tried at thin term are Indict. incuts against iw brother, lb-rnle ami Itutiis l.eonant. for HsKiiulling Mr. and Mis. .1 W. Ilolslein In their boine Seiltiubel ilrd. Ilerllle WAn shot twice hy Mrs Holsleln. while he wait "Ik hi ml i list" her hushnnd. One bull took effect, ill the forehead, whllo the other went tin oiigh his right hand. While KnliiK was Hoeing Mrs. Holsielu Hied upon Ii f in. tlit hail knocking off his hat. Heinle I In jail, whllo his brothet Is out on hall. Ther ant no iiuliciineiils against Mrs. llolstt-in. lu discussing the cas to.biy Mr. Holslidll remarked that he came liear hcnn forced to sliool (bsirge llmwn, a while mail, who was badly car nil up last Monday evening by a tiero, just wesl of the cliy. Affording t(, Mr. Ilolili -Ill's slnleiiient llrown passed his home about an hour before he bt inlo the tumble with tlm ue-gro. lie slopped and asked llolstiiln if thai, was ihe place where llertiln iii,1 ItilfilH Leonard were shot. H'dtin lold I hat It was ltiowii began ciwmtlK.JIol stein, who replied: " know your repu lailoii llrown, ami f yon do not inov on I'll put a ball In )ou just like my wife Hcivetl lpuiili" l.eotiaril." Tht warning was suiricleiit for Biown, who moved .iff at a rapid pace. IS Another Outrage Perpetrated At Tomsk In The Czar's Kingdom. Russian Soldiers Make Fierce Attack On Jews, Killing Many Victims Very Cruelly Treated, Especially Women. Troubles at Irkutsk Be tween Mutineers And Loyal Forces. Joe doing . thai (iad.lv was J.i-!.p.,, 'J-V hi" "'i:h,, flu, (' - uaa- l" I is re V rinse 'hat he "ii as i-iahle ' this lug cafe ilarin .No l. 'bit- on Aiister. has Ight. the the s- in-shol door; drop- as 'fast as he could. He was clad in shut and trous ers, having on neither coal, siloes nor bat.. He was seen later running iu a northerly direction iilong tin- public road. As soon as word .of ihu liac dy came to Lexington Sheriff Dorsal', Chief of Police Helper, the oilier po lice, and about'. two hundred men set out for the camp. Hlooilhouinls w.-ie sent for from (ii eensboro intd High Point. Hughes Starts Up the State. - (Special to The Sentinel ) XEVYORK, Del. v -Charles I' Hughes, candidate of 'lie Republican party for governor of "if Kmpii"' Stale, stalls oil his stumping tour of Hie Slate today and will keep ;H i' nulll the election. He will speak i'i 'he principal cities, ami ha- a'l' '1'.1 spoken in Xew Yoik city and in P'" '-' l.vii. Hughes is an incisive public speaker and makes a strong inn1''1--slou upon his audiences. I ,'V"-''- i -w r . W I BM ' I Ulv I'lihlisheis' Pre" ) ST PHI FORSnCUO. Oct. H -A pti vale dispatch leceived hcie tells of another Jewish tnassarie DlBpa'ches state that serious Iron hies have occuri en) nt Irkutsk and Tomsk tlitriiig Ihe nasi six Weeks, news of which was k. pi from outside I win id. j A sctlotis trouble occurred at Tunsk wheie Russian snldicis and e.'iluniieks made concerted attacks on b ws, killing many. The attacks were accompanied hy .terrible biutalilles, especially against women. Pour huu- ured Jews. incliKllng women and chl. l-.t'ii, took refuge in a factory, which was set a tire by soldiers. Moie than a hundred wnue burned alive. Since then almost dally attacks have been made on Jews who are lu a s'a'e of panic. Private news dispatch) have also reached here of selious mutiny Hep lemher Hi at Irkutsk, where a pitched battle look place on ! lit- sheets be tween mutineers and dotal sohlieis The i asu.'il! ies approximated a bun died. The niuliiD't'iH were ' defeated uevt day summarily, a court martial ordered and foi ty -one, , Including Wen oiriceis, were s'nit. The de-ad IlhIo-s were then ihrowu tutn Augiita riv.-i FIRE'S BIG DAMAGE ' AT JESUP, GEORGIA TI BIG SUITS ON FEDERAL COURT DOCKET The two sinls instituted axalnst ihlt .Norfolk K Western Railway Company by the udmiiilstratois of (icotge May, Jr., iiiiil Hobble Ib-Hnent are set for lilal 111 the Keilentl Comt at GremiH boro this week. It will Ii'1 remeinbei ed that Messrs. May and Hcsseni were killed In a height wteok m ar Kei ruin, W. Iwt) years ago last February. Mr. May was engineer and Mr llenst-nt llreman. Tiie suits, which ai- for IO.uoO each, wen- til hi limlittited In'Foistjth Kupeiior Cotiit, but were reinovei) to the federal court upon motion of Wat son, lluxioii & Watson, counsel for de fendant coiiiiHuy. j The plaintiffs an- i cpre scuted by iMai.ly and llendren at-' 'ir J. K. Alexaluli r, of this l v , 'elf e W. P Hy ii 1 1 1 1 1 . of (irtti-nsl) Babboon Furnishes Excitement. Rnbtih Ifeind's hsltbooie Vfm nlshi-d Ilvi'lv ainiiseinenl fpr ''-riorr w hile 'his moiirliig. on Main srtei" 'Die animal t ni ihe i-haln with which he wa t;i-d and dfcldi-d t.)' make tliiuxn Nvelv, and off down Main street from the llamas house he strolled and little dogs on bis route hail to make loom, Afier a while a number of boys s'art ed lu the chase mid after a lively round of ti n fo fifteen minute Mr. Ilabboou was tieed on lop of a hoiiHA on Chinch s'L.t-i, Halem. and afi-r a -HIT r. sistain'e was capturcl- ( IJy Puhllsbets' Pres ) .IKSCP, Cel., Oct K.-Fnt- m, tried hen- Mils inoi inns iVtini tllilillOW'ti ( an.-.'- Tin- flames are spu-ading rap-1 " nllv as there .-.re no iiutaim of llhilng "'it 'In i-i an ? 'he who')- tiiinlnes. sfclionl S is il,i'-aieue, with des'f t ion. Al ready Until SUcklaii'l. posiiifl'n and ihe Western I t. K.ii lelog; up., olt'n ar. in ruliiH. For Stealing a Shirt. II F Walker, a whlt.t boy, who Halms lo be fioiu Sou'h Caiolllia, was arr sled this afternoon for Mealing a shin from a bo car Just notih of he i lty The shir' hehuiK'-it lo l. II Rav, wiu, wiih a frb ml, had Walker down wlun Iheoftliei arrived. Walker atiinllied his guilt. Ills excuse a that he needed n clean shirt. New Advertisements. i;enha( h'T tt fir)).- A forecast of week's specials at the uivui's Dtag Situe ,o 1 1. a' eon ernh you " ii'bui n V -t Co. - St ring of prnpery i lent ami sa'e. Miiok.-i D. ii - The Cuban C ,M on met ii. Huiy Stoi)'. "A thing or gar - I" siding nn noon tut ai 1, .'in, Luther Mr, Bin l)3"k H.is Eurbank. New C'l'.' Among Others. Plans, the Thornless Hr-I. ch.,.-1 ii to S'ipiily th l-l church Ibeie on' KUler Sct'H'i's r in i f ruin Thomas i d vc-,ti id. i f r it ei-tisbo. -n I'U I"" I cnllle lie I He , W , - I,,'- I' I the M I Dr pa -lor 111 a Mi U.'V T II; pte.'IC W Wa'ts I In - bit i'f ,e!i . " in i m;.l.,i). , ;.i Ibis at'. new, ,-. s f. n the -I'd. -cr.l M at suit , ,ik.i U(l. in It a I a a v I' ipYiii r .mil t'loii of X'.i folk' and i ,. w nt i,, (Jtei-iis-,u Tb)-v are wlt e,.,!nnt l Un. lles- n-i the Norfolk it ii In. trn-d In the te.-k I I I

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