CITY DAILY SEN 'TV N WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS IT (IN FLAN3 FOB THE NEW fl u,,,i rninnnnn nut LOSES ITS NERVLiWITH IHE GIURlipiwiWE IOTH SIDES FIRM. iiL-o 2-1- L HjDDenings Re- '.fli the Island jxlay. Ed'tor V-i lnaJ"' tS u - - , i ,j.rnce to I, Statement from Sec sits Re- United Cuba. Mr. Cong don. Noted Church Architect of New York. In City Looking Over Ground With View To Drawing Thes po Plans For Church Edifice To Be Erected In Near Future. Constitutional DcmocraticiW.T. Sprinkle Pleads Guilty Party in Rnssij Recedes From First Position to. the Charge of Retailing ond is Fined J 100. iters , 00! Dijrio P' ' s:rM -iff,.:- 'a' i-4 lui. i ,,,.,;. SM Hie ii: tin PrtSJ ) Nit hulas i Marina. -papers l.osf of Mr. Congdon, of New Yoik, one uf the foremost church architect;; of the Vnileil States, arrived in the city ;his, niurtiing and the day looking, over the ground with a view to draw-: h:g plans edifice to hat the , . ., 1 F.niscoiml ollicers RYinileirs he (UiU'.i - Rimf stale . ;;.? ' 'the lkjseveit ; :, him hy nt arn-j ....!e lv letter to; ,-t.r here, desire to subject in die - ii t to (V'J. ! ! . riiite.! a -s atiil dis !if nivalis to . f it re ma-: aivvays V ,y;iii oadiriim e, . unr s -ii'tim ubli-w-je lit' t'uta. ror ttie naiiiisome new bo erected by St. Paul's church of this city. Mr j Congdon has had much experience in designing Episcopal churches ami is well qualified in every way for his, duties in connection with the planning' of the new church for lite KpiM-.-p ti 1 congregation of this city. ; Mr. Congdou intends to complete 1 .he plans as rapidly as possible- m t 1 1 - i end that work on the handsome n w church edifice may begin in the not distant future. A large quantity of r Ml. Airy granlie has already in en placed on the lot. this to be u-ed in the .erection of l lie chinch. It will 'be a handsome structure and in eviry I way creditable -to the Episcopal 1 church and the city. cy cf Oppos.ticn to Govern ment Much. Weakened at Conven tion Beiig Held In Hels.ngfors. Fin land. Government Officials Are Much Elated at This Shov of Weak ness And Apprehend Very Little Further Troi.b!e from This Party. (Hy Publi.-hers' Press ) ll.:i.Sl;RiRS. F Oct v -The e..:s,..r.i::e -.:. ot ,.i.-:tii. tio!;;,l i! iiloi ra'ie e.ntv has w.iii'a r- Several Defendant! Submit to Ver dicts of Cutty. a Majority of tht In dictmerts Being for Gambling,1 Car rying Conceated Weapons And Assaults. ) ! lory iii the convent; of No . been di W. T northc 2i:t:ty :.. t. nioruii.g .j.. tine of $,"'i Kd. Jon. .-. ! Holilns. all i gambling i: ink I.i.t S' iii! inipoi tauoe have nf in i he supci ior court, e. wlui icsldcs 111 the of tile county, plead charge of mauling tins Judge Ward imposed a Says Never In His Ministry1 Has He Ever Heard More Powerful Preaching Meet-j ing At Centenary Church., Tile M imoo, of Rev ) II- t'utiiaun at Centenary Me: hodist chntrh yeslcr day afternoon and last nigh! were e ! ceedingly powerful and greatly Inter- J esled those who went out to hear So completely wrought up w Di . Chrcil ben? iiiei the magnificent dis-1'i ,,l sntil...'ts tli.H He at the I Striking Machinists And The Southern Railway Both Seem Determined. MachiniiU Wht Ar Striking for Higher Waget Say They Art Mak ing tht Fight to Win. Railra Company. On Othor Hand, It Try ing to Replace Striking Michlmttt With Others. Nont of th Striken Havt Returned to Work. EETS. ciermcn Practical le To Borrow 00 To Be Used jiree Years. nvest gate Telephone Matter of Improving i City Physician Is W, A. Wilkinson 'aded School Commis- Bjy Patrol Wagon. . Wmiii. uf he W;!ho TnM Co. was clecled jnm::.-sii,n..-:. suceecd "i.. ti-iw a resilient of l nuking Improve-'Itc-ls was discussed as authorized to ap IM' to consider a nro- imw ;iiiiiiihi -s i,,,,,ded iwments. The com- RW. a: the ncvi meet- as natii ii to investi ' !';iho::i service. t ";i 'h t-iiggoMtlon of C-"Hay to install '!ni iital to nin their 'y Populate,! plirt. of i?t'iitn!il. 's mafic T r lit .tt'ui :-.T!ti'"i !. Its eief crd Dr. a'ter ha I'll ineeting of night Dr. I ritv phy 1.. Haras, hf'. ii chair- in fur three ,-k is in i vi ry way Hi rubber Winston :''-''r "tis itiiinted a i-ii(ji room in '',:ir:"l the citv ViM"i dial tliere could lih,ii i'. the skating td xt to the , (SO l''1'.1 prnuf that a,,. M. :nak" a 1: ' Itl!! - Henri ithj.-!- s at eitv '.f Mt eorn.o l"-i'r , na il. I'.ailev. I'ticerning !'' I rains. as so "ieiiicanor '"flo'il for .i time. 'ttgineer. ''tug metal " ai;f the He -'i eel ' and will !!'. II t: ry " of itn- ' Guiding - .-. also ' i'h in- H"tk now was The first joint discussion of the present campaign was held in the court house . this afternoon between Messrs. Graves and Dobsoti. candi dates for solicitor. There were sev eral hundred' voters present, and. judging from the applause, the audi ence must have been about equally divided as regard; party affiliation. It l was one of ftie inns' interesting joint I discussions held here in many years, land both speakers made fine speeches, land dealt one another some' "ban. licks. Mr. (.raves was the aggres sor, but Mr., Dobson looked after his defence. Of course the .Democrats clnim Graves got the brst of his op ponent, while the Republicans on the other hand are equally certain that Graves came out second best. As the discussion did not end until I'.t.'IO this afternoon it is impossible' for this paper to handle the debate in full, and only a brief outline a possi ble here. . Mr. Graves mad1" the 'ripening speech of 10 minutes duration. He discussed national issues at some length, and the tariff in particular, and quoted his opponent (who in former days was a Democrat! as Ally ing the protective tariff was nothing else than a robbery. Mr. Graves in a very humorous manner, pictured the experience Mr. Dobson underwent in becoming a Republican, Intimating very strongly that this Ihinw "li'" was responsible- for the change of heart of his Republican opponent. Mr. Graves also discussed state issues and defended his record as solicitor. Mr. Dolmon began his reply by say ing that Mr. Graves was very loud of "pio" too. and cited the changing of the counties of this district as an instance to prove the fact. In defend ing his legislative record Mr. Dobson said he (Dobson) was bill a 'bump on a loir down there, as everything was Democratic and' therefore he could do very little to help the people. Mr. Dobson said he remained a Democrat as long as Democracy meant some thing but when the party got to that oint where it forsook everything that Jefferson and Vance slood for he left "her,V,atld had never regretted his change. He ridiculed' the Walts law, saying that great moral move ments to be successful required grial moral leaders and asked, who were Walts and Simmons that thev should become champions for teinpciance. in a 2i)-minutcs rejoinder Mr. Graves again dealt his opponent, some hard knocks, asking him if he was a henchman for Marion lluiler. He also cited an article Dobsoii signed in which the writer said no decent man could vole the Republican ticket. Graves said he had the district chang ed to prevent old -Forsyth and other Cood counties from, falling into the hands of Republicans and bad govern ment. He admitted he rode on a pass, ''it said he was ready at all times to prosecute any man. firm or corpora tion that broke the law. He said he was an attorney for the railroad and nan;7,it ion now in ses.-ion h'r . Tinier tb. direc tion of this faction ilie party has vir tually backed down fioiu its s Mug position auaiiist t'le government ard iris rreiitrled tha'. In doing S.,7 It has g: t weak, ned its cause in the eves I f the le.,ile Uelleiallv 111 ptincipe the VuVng iii.iiiiI'i.-:o sim.d. h m-'iiibers of the Annua w ho hi ;d i'liua! ses.-iotis at Viboig alter the czar bad diss. lived the Uw-nuking bmiv is approH'i! but ail force is taken from this dejlaialloti b other actions of Hie colivenlioll. The pionailil ot passive lesistioiee to the gneriiin a' and retusal to furnish men foi ilie aiiuv are I mi h sidetrack d. The time is nit lipc to interfe.e with conscrip tion, the congress asserts. Kor tin .-atue lea-.on the pally will not al ' nipt to induce people to tefiisc lunger to 'pay taxes.' In the future it was decidisl to devote efforts of tin; (.arty to winning the coming election ami' i nlatging the doutna. Officials Are St. I'KTr.ltSlU'lU constitutional democratic party has virtually sounded its own death knell by the action of its national conven tion at Hclsingl'ors. in backing down from former position of strong op position to the government. This is the general opinion of all classes. Government circles are highly chad our the action of the convention ami officials make no ef fort to conceal their happiness. Hv j was suspend iiviiiL' the constitutional dcitioci als i William I, Hough ropi it is Hssei'te.f. they havi hanged, themselves. Tim loss of prcs lige sustained hy constitutional driuo rials, it is believed, will make it pos ihle for the government lo doininali the coiningelection. poweis of I he Elected. ;. (Jci. V --The SII North Carolina Commission For Jamestown Exposi tion Is In Raleigh. Members of the Commission Are Con sidering Three Sets of Plans Sub mitted for North Carolina Building at the Big Exposition, One Set Be ing Submitted by Winston-Salem Firm of Architects. fSpecial "o The Sentinel.) RAI.KIGIf. Oct. !. The- North. Carolina commission for Jamestown Exposition was in si ssion here today, conside: ing plans, front three archi tects, Smith, Carrier and Noithup, of Asheviile and Winston; Barrett and Thompson, of Raleiah: W. I'. Rose, o( Raleigh, for a lift-en thousand dol lar building for .us.- as headquarters of North Carolinians visiting the ex position. The purpose is to sell the building iiftir the exposition as a resi dence. It is expected to adapt plans before ad joiirnnieiii and make ar- i-HiiL'eiiieiits for uieliniinarv work to begin. d Judge Ward and the costs. Robert Rudd and Kugelie colortd. plead guilty to lodgment was suspended upon taeh paving $ln and costs. Th 're wen submissions, in seveial tube; minor cases '"u-t alj-aiined ,(t for dinner and Judge. Ward uniuiuurcd mat it wo, ibl not reconu ,. until I o'clock. extra hour being given for the joint ilis-'ilssion lietwicu Solicitor S IV Utaves and his Republican opponent, .1. II. Dobson. Court Proceedings. Amanda Kcr'es) and Miiitu-a Kccies . re convicted of enticing a s rvant hoy away from his "bound" parents. .1,1, Unr ul was susp- nde-l upon the pay metit of the costs. John Kill p. for .disturbing school en tertainment, alitti, capias. Lewis Issom, failing to list pull; de fendant released upon payment of tax ami the costs. Robert Russell, colored, failing to list poll; not guilty. Booze Xeal. carrying concealed weapon, defendant plead guilty; jlldg tin nt suspended upon payment of the costs. Carl Martin, carrying concuileii weapon; defendant plead guilty and was lined $-b and the costs. John Banks, falling to list poll; de fendant plead guilty and was releasei, upon pay metit of the costs. N II. Medtarls, failing to list poll; defendant pbad guilty and Judgment 1 upon mv lueiit of costs. King, failing to list poll; defendant plead guilty; judgment stis pendeil upon pajnu ut of costs. Raney Burton, falling to list poll; defendant plead guilty and Judgment was suspended t:;,ou payment of cos-is. William Heath, failing lo list poll; defendant plead gn'.lly au.l was re- leaned upon payment of costs. . Sam ('line, falling lo list poll; re leasei; upon payment of costs. C, .1. Dillon, KMJab Halrstou, Geo Reynolds, rrank Fries, colored, Dan Lehman, failing to list, polls, all re leased upon payment of costs. Andrew Huffman and T. Frank lin, assault with deadly weapon and forcible trespass; defendanta plead guilty; Huffman was fined $10 and one-ha-lf costs anil Franklin $S and one-half costs. Sam Moore, assault with deadly weapon; defendant, plead guilty and lined $lu and the costs. Albert Similiters, assirult with dead ly weapon; defendant plead guilty; flnci) and costs. William Craig, assault with deadly weapon; defendant plead guilty and was fined $lu and costs. John (lllliiiore, carrying concealed weapon; di fetiilant plead guilty and was line.; fi'ii and the costs. Malenh M-irehead, carrying con cealed weapon; defendant plead guilty and vvas limd $lo and the costs. cushions ot Miiiject tn.ii lie a; me (special lo i lie m-huiih i very bottom of the Chiistlan religion' SPF.M'KK. S-pt f The lt re that he aiose at the conclusion of last poit from the twelve shop on the nighl s sermon and w ith a voice - Southern Uailwav aftecn-il by the showing bun to be dicplv afTi-cl-d. ic strike of marked to the cotigi' gallon; "I wish lliolhcr Comanti was out of here. I would like to say something aboe It him. W?. IT, say 'in ui ministry have 1 ever listened to jf'Mir consecutive sermons thai leached lor probed ! 't per than the f.uu dis iconises of Brother ('oinalin. two on to-l.n M Ii ii u-'. s powerful exposition no! we should go to hat such wondertn! he heard and hIuh.1i! lis people," yesterday af ternoui was taken from the story ol tin!, mi's M ml His last night'.' theme was "How to Intel pu t the scripture.." I'.otii wete masterful pre sentations of iliv ine truth. The services are held every noon at :io and T: la at night. stcid.iy are thai cletn sweep was made So far as Is known none of I he '.'"' machinists who walk ed out have returned tu work The anyhow. Never j sti I'm rs claim a victory. The railroad omt'lUlh HIV IllUSliUs t-Asrur-lvc iiriti' Hons to meet tm emergency precipi tated by the hi ! are ripened to import huii-lii . lx ma- lilnlKt. Sunday and t. they have bin, of gope truth Cod In pt aver preaching should -;nk into Ihe hearts of Mr. Coniann's theme after- SERIES OF STAR UTE Press.) 'I'll r1 u 1 on I dains iiKii"sl roto r llarburger anil W. K , millionuire proprietor o ll!v publishers NF.W YORK. Oct. scenes in;, i ked Ihe A I. todau ' D Slok- ire lights i that was why he had a pass. f'.r J, , ; Phoenix Ui'M!i;c X. v r I' 'lets intiiittee a horse 1 ambu " police (fly Pul NL'W YORK. Al. Adams, policy led suicide recent I'M Islo r Oct. h Tin kii.g. . , w as til will ol - c'iiiiiiih d in sur said 'hat i; ,es not iiS K. K Hr. 1 A 1 to he. IV 1 11 J t: i.. I. . An x. Fast i''"ii. N. S. C; II. I!i,l "'. Va.; i'lid J. I. 'I", lilue- High Va.; A. r"x. N. ': K. H. Hai per, " mis af a routs at Mr. Dobson also made a sharp Ply In his rejuiner. lis asked Graves in what counties he (Graves.)' fpre-l sented the Southern, and whet: Mi- Graves replied "Ashe" Dob Claimed there was nor a raiaoad in 2' miles of that county. Mr. Dobsoti further claimed: that if he was eiec'et! solicitor he wonl-i indict the tobacco trust and do all he could to "hits'" it. The debate was, a most interesting affair, each speakur holding "!i:s own" and the crowd in attendance enjoyed it thoroughly. Seldom, if ever before, has-sa joint discussion hero been timr- rogtitc'.s court today. H i: the face of Hie t.staluer.t rev. al the 'real s iz'' of tin- ' whii'h. now is es'iina'i'd at l.env.ei eigh: ami lei: miirUm- The will in;i' -hows a total of i:i.ii.""0, of w'-icl $;,)i.i,.f.. i.s in a a! r--K-rtv o- on cent ;f the for I uti' went to chants. .' hin'. of Ihe estate goes to tin- w;,;.i-j ami : he n iwiinimr i '! hii -is to t ehihlri'i: v.itii the except loll' of -tea iieill.c.-ts lo three reia'ives Aiisonin apartment where Adams died, had n windy war during which Stok. s ali--d llarburger a "dirty cur' and Harbinger Intimated thai. Stokes was i e-potisibie for the death of Adams, which he said was murder and not suicide. The coroner reiter ated Hiis statement t(l tin- Jury but without leaving their seats they re tun. d' iii-' venlicl that Admits .com-m:'--d suicide. Stok-'s and llarburger .ifa-r the verdict apologized and shook The management of the new hotel Ziiuendorf has placedi the beautiful assembly room at ihe disposal of the hospital assoclal ion for the star course and the association now. looks o the music and literary loving cit izens of the Twln-Ciiv lo make Ihe course a success. Of course it will lie a success. But every citizen must help these ladies in their effoits. When a member of the committee calls on you mi et her wlih a smile; tell her you are anxious lo show your appreciation of their efforts and buy oie or more tickets. The hospi tal Is Ihe beneficiary. The piollt.s ob tained do not I- ave Winston. For the pi ice of $T,.ilU you secure a season iickci lor iwo persons, ror $:;.nn you receive a ticket that will entitle (he holder lo admission for all the attractions. For a small sum you can take your wife, sister, or sweet heart, lo an attraction of high class literary or musical talent, attractions thai are a delight, enjoyable and In structive to our iclined and educated community . On October lud the first of the at tractions will be held. Ralph Bing ham, one of the foremost. If not the leading humorist oil the lycentn stage today, will be here. Ralph Bingham comblnea with his numerous lecture his great, talent for music. With the piano he is a marvel and his violin productions are wonderful. Ralph Bingham a most evening of song, mirth and has often been called the man on tho lyrciim slagi who lake advantage of Hie opportunity to see him will agre- that he Is enti tled to be called a wonderfully vnsa tlle gentleman. The attraction for November will I the famous F.dwln R. Weeks Com pany. In December the wide) know n Bos Ion Orchestral Company i booked to appi ar. In January will appear Ihe no'ed Ariel Uidicsi Quartette. In Febniaiy the Alkalrbesl Art Keel lal Company and lit March I lie Puce Klilig Company, consisting of the three most beautiful women on the lycentn stage, will be here. Tlcse attractions ate booked and guaranteed. Now let our publli spirited citizens i, tin ; r pan and asslsi the bulbs of the Hospital As sociation by purchasing tickem. Buy a ticket for yours-if and wife or foi your sou and daughter or for youi father and mother. Kiste-ts or brotheis, but buy u ticlo t. LEAF TOBACCO SALES it is. with enjoyable story. He "fiinnloi.t ami those ATTRACTIONS OF WINSTON-SALEM The following appeared In yesler i'ay morning's Cliailotte Observer: week two Obsnvir men pen! three delightful d iv In Winston-Salem, a fauueil point of the paper. The special occasion of the week wiia the county fair, and while th weather was adverse, the ultcudance was good Olid Ihe "exhibit ver flue. Forsyth Is essentially a tobacco Coun ty ami Ii-Ing so well kn.-wu It whs a subject of sui ii ise lo see so great a . variety of the products of the will on exhibition mid of so rare excellence. Not Inferior In quality to the toliacco were Ihe wheat, coin and otutoeit, which arc entitled to special mention." Winston grows rapidly, It Is not. tobacco manufacturing town alone, but a variety of things go on there, lis latest acquisition of Aalu,e la th new .Inzcndotf hotel, a pleasant sur prise In all particulars II lias 1,:.' bed chamber, each with a Morris chair and a longdistance telephone. The house U richly carpeted through out, the moms are beautifully furte Ished Iii oak, mahogany, cherry chairs ami tables, with bra-a and brone bedsteads. The rooms are light and airy, ami tliere are enough baths, each of which Is roomy and wpII pp Vlded. Tin- lobby of tht; bourn- is ample hioIi handsome am! as much la true of the dining room, which Was opened for Ihe firs! time lust week. The Hotel Zln.eiidorf Is an enterprise of a J dm slock company of a lot of live men of Wins-Ion and was planned by Mr. C, C. Hook, of Charlotte. II Is meter tin- management of Mr. ha vie uaiigh, an experienced bote) man of Augusta. Ga., who knows his buslnco and has already signalled the new ho tel for aufrcKF. The pilnrlpal social event of fair week was the reception. In Ihe hand some rooms of the Twin-city club, Governor and. Mrs. Glenn aland Ing nt Die head- of the receiving line, Nothing Is veiitnud In saying that Hieie U iu town or city In the Stale which could have presented g hand somer lot of well dressed and genteel appiarlng men and women. . Nowhere In the Siati- do Observer f'dk have mole cordial welcome or more courteous Inaiinnit than In Winston-Salem and their hospltalllv and courtesy were never U,,,. mani fest than last wiek It Is alwava a J.n lo mingle- with Ihetn on their streets and to meet them In tier homes. Their social life Is entirely 'leligh'ful and It s 'a great pleasuro to see them doing so well In a mate rial wnv. i T TO BE P00NDE0 TO PIECES I By Publishers" Pa ss i BI FFaLo, Oct, H,-The si hooper V ia Medora witb Jtp.u.oi.u cargo of ardwood lumber Is pounding lo d-eis at the entrance to Ruffa).. liar .or. She was cariie-d agalrml Don a-ily's Pier III a gale Saturday nigh'. t'tijoyed than that of this al'iettus-ii. : All members of Salem Gun Club atv meet, at Hcgp Bros.' nesday night at 7::i" on-1 to Hie Wim requested store, on Wed to make fit'a arrangements for the big .shoo, on Monday, October 12. All persons in terested or wishing to slum; m: tlw 'lay will please meet with the club. Mrs. .!. A. Dean went to B.-.'ews (-'reek this morning to viist her mother. IS;,... iii! to Tim Scrt,:,e! WASHINGTON. :' J'-' n . commission has . ci-l- , lin from in'-'if-'riug at pi- e; e :hiii, of poli'jps as pl.v.e 1 ,, oflice hold" rs ev en t h-e.g l aie lil-:d agnilis' 'pernicious act i (.'" joll the eomlili -st'-ti h the cbaiu--f..r j.-e c t iu,' aey d'-etsi-.i i,, iatisail r-iriy !.li.-.l -i:.k. this moriiing off when the the vessi crew was began I" Colonel Webb, In his Tobacco Jour nal. - "Fanners a a s.-iiiiijr Hair tobacco iiioi. than we have ever known lb-m In Hos sect, on lleci-ip s !a-t eck were iniiauai'y large for -he sea.-.-ri ..f Ho- unr Th,- (oi;lie nous lams have eau,.i., tobaee., to dalnuge a great deal, and farm-n have been ui. aid- to prevent it. hence their iiiixii'ly to. s-li We hiar no rouiplaint of pi ices. On the other hand prices se- to be genciallv sat Isfactoiy. Th-- quality offerings iii to this line- havi -bn n mainly um mon." Tin sales la.-t w-.iK on Hie local ma ike! agg'igateii .i.s2 Mtiit. GKFKNSBORd on i .- K -r! con 1 1 reconvened for Hin second week's work this morning. This ra wiil be six nt In tin- trial of case on 'lie circuit court docket. There are eight damage suits agalimi railway eoiii!iiii K 'set for trial. This rnorn I: g tin- case of lan-lla May. a-kmx, against the Norfolk and Western Rail way, waa (,i!le,f for trial. This case, will probably consume all of today' M-spi in. Judge W P. 11 num. Jr., and I'l'-m-'iil Mahly are appearing for the plaint i IT and J C Buxton and Cyrus II. Watson are reiil t sent Ing Hie ib'leil- conn any. dan; The plaintiff a damage foi hand. suing for 'phi killing of hi r hiis- if r Ti Is on "Tht County Chairman." "The County Chairman," to he pre sented at 'In F.'ks' Auditorium Fridar night, 'Ih a comedy of Indiana coun'.ry life by Giorgo Aile ami Us preseuH tion. here will be a theatrical event, of gre.n Importance A large audience for this high-eiass a'tractlon Is assur ed lb'' paslucMon Is said lo be very tu and complete In eyi ry re- reiii B. P. O. E. Notie. , rae;; . be no ab-ent bro'lieri Is s- el Itl'' sl't Aim over !' moils. h-'. ehaiges ll-d ,,. -Ihisi. nin.le by Sena of Not til Carolina (Bv Publishers' Pies I PKTKK.SBI RG. Oc" !' Seven -ooii-'in were kiiiid and t - n'yi.iiie ...tij-iied. several so erious;y that ihey I wiil die, iu collision on Sibeilan Rail j way near Marlnov ka. Miss I, my Gm-riaut. of llittivi the guest of Mrs H. A Cm Cherry stteei. Ir. 8 J Montague returned (his. tonight. A g'H.d -aire aii-ni'Hin Irom Thomasvillc. ! Mis, Jollti, of I'ilie I Ui who has In n vlsi'lug here, man m home rh: afieruooti. Mrs. (' M McKaiighaii "!,! to 1 baccuville this aft-moon to us.t !,-mother ssion i.-iilght I, el there fiom Hie lo-kjij in -Hole Mr- ' lit" m -1 ri A R B- thU af. .ix-' toui-.r I. Buiz'-ss i,j George C. 1 v ilie Ih.i af'e M.s went to Martlnio n Mo a"i.ii. th i.f h-r broi her, It Nil mile 'I y a-e w-Tit lo Martins-