T HAT1 Y spiv JL 1 1 N -LL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ill n iLLJLo - 1 W ins f?ijer-Jtiu "party's a .- W n Meet :-c at , Sts :i rs jr .ii Ell iSesttaeM .,-i:i. vi'n 11. w ! lll'liinvi'll rlljii uf i In- f'inils i'!' Hi', o' r.'i:;.-- ii:s':ac- lil: ihit'tt li.ni'i I:-1 a' -i: I'lvisi ;ii 'f.i -r;:o ,1s. t '!,!.. 'iV.il' 'lil'i'i' ':!, III!' Hi Mill I - Alio In: i .i '..iiii''t'r of l air" also :i"!' uf cnun- i'i'i! I.'ii.o' far the )! W't l ::i!i. capitai ,vi). W. . Kay '' in .'il m.i, ii- for ! '.'' I' Ii 'th -H' itiiil t hf Semh- Wr-nhieh iia'. T'a-y will ';' W"i:.i -,:.. ,,11,1 WwiTii. illl'illllillK " ' Rlf'ip;i ant J''I ! Illr S ,11th- ,f Ralositb and T'i' Ralegh a'"" bve sn'i iai X 'lit' IT-tWds :nv;i, ,!;,. f,t, "l itiie fare h" ii; I'tl'iTi I,,.. :,! i.-, k from if as-'iinpii-- Mi. First ' iiv-husi- iu -aeted o tan nn jit . "! op. ' sings Km ry 'ne'in .r.,ng f . 1 1 1 ' i !,es ex: i in SG FEARED M. ak- i JUSTICE I!iD ADAMS u to hue discussion (Special to Tlit Seuliu..i.i t.RF.KNSI'.ORO, Or'. !. Juda S !', Viams, chairman of the Republican Sa'f ixectuive committee, and K .1 in-! id'. candidate for thi- 1 c i ; j ! ; 1 1 i - ,tii this county, will speak ai A ia mailt'. Stanley count, Saturday-. ( li,r IX For some- timi' the two in.-;: have been engaged in a political enn-r.ivi-rsy and a few days ago Mr. Jus tire challenged Mr. Adams t, a joit.t ,' hate uf tin- issues involved. Judvt .Vl.iiiis offered to divide time with limi Albemarle Saturday am! while Mr justice had hoped that tin- 1 . 1 . t t , -night lit' here where the people , ;, familiar with the issues iniolwi:. ! decided U imtt Judge Adams at ,: hi marie. Ho also challenged ih,. (.. jublica,'. chairman in nice' ' him hi ri 1 .t;'i- in 'hi' campaign. It i lnM.i-.id that Judge Adams will ions iu to nn i t Mr. Justice. 1 IS. VANCE & CO. TO Tin- already lari-'o inm wi nks and ot .1. A. of l-'ir-; nlai k d. lit- huill I Iniai hint' niai.iTarUiriiif; plant , Vauct'. Itu-att'tl at the coriii r ,-iand Depot streets, is to he i An addition, Mix! o feet is to this fall. It will front on ('V s'iiiii ; -tit it. lliaUinn the plant exlend fioiiii t'ht. itmit to Dipot streits. The im- ir ivenit.'iits, iiK'IudiiiK new iiiaeliiiii'i y he acueu, win eosr jiti.tuio. unen i Uili'ted the workinir loroe win al-o be increased. This concern, which luii heen ilninu a. successful bnsims for s years, manufactures all kinds of wcod work ins machinery and its products to ncar'y every stale in the union. Mr. ,1. A. Vance, the head of the t nterprise, is a clever luisine.-s man and a hustler. He is popular with his employees and the enlargement of th" plant is evidence that there is a de mand) for the machinery manufactured liv J. A. Vance & Co. ALBE HTT-LAYH E PLIGHT The inarilaKe of Miss Nannie I.avne of nurch, and Mr. Klhert Alln ily. cf 'i'iiahle, Surry county, was celebrated at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the h. -mt' of the bride's parents. Seveial relatives and Intimate friends wit nessed the nuptials. Miss Ikrtha Fiynn. of Doijnaha, was maid of honor, while Mr. llee I.ayne. of this city, brother of the hrid:-, acted as best man. The bride is a sisler of Mrs. A. I.. Mauser, of this city, who attended tin marriage. Mr, audi Mrs. Albert- were the reci pients of a number of useful presents. They will reside near Venable. where the groom owns a valuable farm. COPPED MINE IN (Special to Tho Sentieel.) SAIdSIil'KY. Ocl. in. By an order of .Iilde H. (1. Furgeson ihe I'nion Capper Mine, of (iold Hill, Itowan county, has now been placid in the ham; , of H. H. Miller. Kstp,. of lliii, 'ily, as receiver for I he mine. The aciion was (aken because of financial embai rassinenls which, howewr, art nut Ihoilgiil to be serious. The mine is still being operated i.ndej- the uianagi tin nf of Mr. II. I.. Criswold. who has been in eliarge of Hie plant for a number of years during which lime operations have been carried on on a huge scale. ARE POSTPONED (Special to The Sentinel i CREK'XSHORO. (K't. h . Tin against :b, managers of the Hotel Clegg and' Hotel Hufline for violaiioiis of the Sunday ordinance ban been conUnueri until Sntiirdav a' the ic illlest of the counsel for the defenib ants, wlio are busy in l-Vib ral couit. The nllotiievs Iftalneif 'o ibdelid the lioli'i managers are Judge W. !.." By liuin. Jr.. and Col. John A. Barriiiger. The attendance and 1 1 1 ii si In 'In--afternoon services at Centeiiarv M. 10 ' church Is increasing Kvang-ilsi ( o-j maun preiichi'd an effective serum:: 'his afternoon' nn tfie powii of thi H'dy Spirit, as explained in the l-ih' chapter of First Corinthians ICs -uh-, ject hist night was "Seeking lie Kim- ', 'loin of God." The (li-cmnse nadt H, Piol'ound impression. Go ! 1 1 i 1 : j Yon will be lustructi.'l a well a.-. ' -i. ;:ii-1 o i i.tioeu. I- Misses Annitsaiid l.'iun a I .nil I'M , of Ixernersville, a'he- visiting in the city. The w. ('. T. C will nn .1 11 "aiy M. church a' the ''lo service there tomorrow ,,fteii;. I U Is (Jjito Possible That I ited Slates Will Retain Isle ot Pines. n" Ctfaj"! That Cuba Cere; Ryot Will -cH oi's Le.-o Treaty to Pes Net Go IHo Resicents See o Be; ef rt It tO Eftct Anxious Ap'fi--; f ot Th .1.1 Cou'ir to Hold the Is'.intj. l'i;:.;;.-l:. :' V, -, ; 1 pi H it :'..: (';. :;';,, I 'illllii -tai.". -ta't ,i ..II il'i- Mu.t:ali: i' ' IIW.W'A t i i d . jiis; 1 Ur! i t i . id i 1 1" 1 1 i: i , wim; : I .i' lie -; ;le ttjtl mi ions liia.ii b .iiil hoi 1' ii s slt;:ii:t"ti is lull of dsn: ft a AI' r. AI' rt.:isies it hifli !!' srov . rtip. i 1 ll:i.- o the. a I ki: a iu.' u r. st.,rK in i;u i rutin ::' w a; i l.ou-t s I'ei'tni.-i' a lias lieer, m.kk'h in a iiiini her of cast s by nn n env m. d in min im; a:-. I xiavaiir.n to rein .M' ilenr .' k.. I" 'In scene of npet riliuiis. AI: slit a rei'.i'.-ts have bei il n fused, how--ti. I'roi I.' ieual aiilhorlHe.-, aipn cial'- t"i; .tiiiirouKli! th- aniiaint t.f dainaui which Ciaild be wroticht iu a ahoit Utile if diatislii u men chose to i -o dynamite or oilier explosive to i.-lrov propert ins'ead of lor blai t'.r.H. The ai e lakinn no clianei .- o all requests are l.ieiiiK refiisei!' for the . resent. (ioernor Taft was in fo: med y t .-:t inlay that all insuiKeiit.-. in au'.t.iK' prm ince have been ilis aiiued except uiit band which encamp ed at a point of dilliculty to approach. Drib rs wen js'-aii d for dinimiiienl i omniiKiioiit is to liud this band and sK'iife the arms of its members. Cubans aie fi eliii' Rood over the an "oaiicenifiii made by (rovei'inr Taft thai he will appoint Jo-e Marti-, of Cill:an aitillery, as his aide (.'apt. Marti is a son of the putriui of llu -awe' name. IN SUPREME COURT (Special to -The Sentinel.) RAI.KH1H. Oct. It. -One case in the supieiiie conn of tut tit than usual in ten st ce, nn .s from. Uohcsaii coi:uiy. Ihe tit-le being Hall is. Atlantic Coast Line. In this nn A. C. I- conductor by the name of (Irinisley was caughi up wilh in his practivo of stealing from Hie raiiroad company aial ii was found tiiat a large iuauiit of Ihe stolen goads was found in llic- pos session of Hall, the plain'iff in ihe cas". Hall sill n mien d the good- lo the riillroad ageuV The coinlactnr was arresiid. gave bond and later the siaie. lorleiiit.g hi-, bond. Later 11111' brought .-ui; aeainst tin lailioail for the goods m, tla- ground that he had purchased 'hem fmin the coniiuetor who was an eii:ploe and agt in of -thf railroad compiin: Tin' conn In low allowed Hall lo n coer a portion of Ihe goods and Ihe railroad conipalii brings the ea.-i- I p or ap peal. The o'her -'M rib lii-'riet -ai peals lo ie- l.t-aid this 'H'l n- Slam v'v King, from Cohuiibiis. coiiiiiy: M'-- Ko is. Hail i i Snrtii i-. Ma Varboieugh vs. luinbiis,; Hoe 1 1 1 .1 n f con i king I nisw i'-k : ilnnii.us.: Iron; Civ I. from Fa I lit Ii Cull a'soll . I'tol Slocunib Ki'.bf.-e-ll. !t ' ,11 : DAIIS IS ILL I Hi I'ul NKW YORK iSU'-l Del. ,' Pit. --.I I o - Mi's 1 at In r Majestic. i ll 111 the .It fter-..part-as a son Davis, i iLtan, t. jinelils il. lb'' lintel I re.-il:' of cold f'.ttl'rae' change of teliiperallll j It was leal lied that ' has hi en i-olihui d in 'with V"!'. sen re Co.i Mr tier w In . pa.s in Il l.!.s. ana, ' in I traC'V lai' Saiurda'. i loriiibl.' nighl and H: bad I', '' beeotne wot -te ,'i w hile si nous I- i,ot.cr;'ical. ' ! ,, her ph-. -ii'ian, but bee.iii. a,vani i tl :i!" "'e uHiios' yt mil -' lie ,as I ll ,C.'lt i Hays , tie' !!- I Color- 'H.r : ti Mr I I epofti e of h' Spi ing d to nn. If. ! liav i: g Moi.' I' ti.lsliei X.I-. DC , w a -kat a la' l'i. :. 1" 1 I.; i i ,i liU.I.NS 'I I.' ' X.I! ,i ' I e d a I nng a Thi nn,: -' i am. d;,ls.f 1 MAY D 1511 .525 FOR CONTEMPT v H. A. ScliuU-r Fined By Judge Ward Fur "Talking Back" At The Court. Srver.ll Def." tences Pa' to Litt P0 'U.cts Gnt'i Road Sen t ts Indited for Fa lure 1 s Re eased t'pon Pay ment of Co-:ts List of Casr Tried. I', th. r i hi Wltllt's lie was aal lo coinr to i il atttiai i' tr.it' it'll 1eh' ! jt , i''oT procet del " d ''''iiilt r t I ! -aiisf.ictoit Kin in-r il bid1 ,,, it... 1 1 '' ,,l i llll I: 1 : inert as iii J'.'V Kri lint, to He! mis , III i t i in!, am life M'f Mill (''liars his i ;.n,i! ' it the ori: tit Court Proceedings. i llest- r, t WO I'H-. s ioix,i--ani ",o I', Wiilpon; i';i',; :, ,,l,,l I',,-! Mr- T!i. I.lll.l: 'lspe he . Ki, bast i K Ii n Wils in. keei iiii; V.liaw KUill : no si I!" urn yt I 1, were five il. did III. lit.-, fin : .: ...Ill" V T. Sp i inkle. 1W :! pit ad Kiiil'y and was fined n !he first case. .luiHtment. was lib,' upo'l painent of costs ill hei four cl, s. I Sliei ts, faillr.K to list poll ; re upon pay melll ot cost ! .Ii If Bishop was lined $a and the cisis for lailuie to list poll for taxes. i V.' H. . I.iiieback was ai'iiiitted of !he charue of failing to list poll. Holes Hill. Kiitrcne Adams, Oscar V. jHiire, Chailes AKee, K P. Wrcuu. I .lames rane, George Terr, .lames iKiiss and Julius Reich plead trulUy to i failure to list, polls. All were released upon payment of costs. .lolin Ilrandon was convicted of lar ceny and given 12 months , on the ' roads. Van l'i nn. assanlt w!lh d'adlv ;wtapon. was tonvic:eil and sentenced !to the roads for five ninnths. Defen- lain was "oncealed nioiilbs o in at tin also convicted of carrying weapo'is and gieii five ti thi roads, i he term to be expiration of lirsl one. Hairston was convicted i.f Kj-nesl laicenv and g;en i. mourns on in.' roads . Old Dims was fluid llu and cosis lor carrying concealed weapon. Hoberi Cole was given f! mouths- till Ithe roatfs for carrying concealed lion. Robert Rudd. Kiutene Hobilis and Kil. .loiies. for gambling, were each lined dn and coats. Heinle and ltuftis Leonard were convicted of simple assault upon .1. W. Holston. .Iiidgmenl was suspended upon payment of costs as to Hernie, while Hufiis wasjtind II" and coHts. Il will b'e reinernbereil that Hernie was shot ami seriously Injured by Mrs. Holston Hi, iii Gentry wa.s given three months 'on the roads fur carrying a concealed weapon. .Joe CoOngtoli and l.wlcl Pea were 'jiveii 12 months each on the roads t'or larceny Chai les . tlavs. colored, plead guilty to burglar in the second degree and was seiili nciil to ihe pi nileniiary for Iu .wars. f'ti ndaut broke Into Ii Moni.'igue's resilience. H. K. Walker was given o months on the roads for iaicer). 1M. Ib-nrd whs sent to the roads for I ft months for lan-enr. OPINIONS 8! THE STATE SUPREME T (Hnet i RAI,KtGH lopinloiih lie ll'oiirl yes'e I Kdgeri ,n , no erroi . i Wayne, pa 1 Franklin, i i 'ill. Gleeli. : jWake. p:oe us Haiiii..:. to Thn Seiitine . I (I. He', l'i The full list of imred by the Jsupreine erdai 'follows: i -, Gaun s, from Wayne. Iltowti vs. Soulht'ilaiid. ei-,il; Mann vs. Ilaker, no! : Seliulleford vs. Mor alliimeil, lit tts Vs. Rab !gh. ei i -lit gs disuii.Shi'd ; Klioit :,. Wake, no emu-; Hicks. Wake, new trial: .('art r vs Co., Chatham, per curiam ;vs II el. Ti Itg.a ld:siii:s-. h ..il: Jackson' vs. N'euse River Wake, per curiam allli nn d , i - Telegiaph Co., Harnett, per affirmed; Cay vs. Lumber Co. pt v cuiiain itfliini' d. Kllis vs i Wake, per ciniam, affirmed IM iio i ; NOT YET SELECTED. I Sp. :! I lo Th St ii'iiii i I I.KIGH. Oft. I'i --Tl. ,i Coiiiin .snon for M.i .Dillon spent vit,lfid. .ntii late last night , tor 'he No i lb Caio ,. e xposii joi,. idat,s I 1 -.'f ari.'hi'ects, ai:d Nor'b Car l.inif s'ow i: Km la', af. t noon ! considering ,"na bii'.ldii.g l,f: g off. n d Mi a My rtf-.-i tile X. I ,'iV. net lie- fin. S" I'.iwel.. "I ., v. '..if matif r t.. :. "! i V. t 11 poWi r ' i it ss!h i,f iim -.;' : G. W. Hill-haw . Wii s on. H '. D-rf-kei '. . of K.'i 1 ,ngi am . i. ti that the buiidit g :'l to-' v til be t.f colonial a:tfi':i t .ii,; ierinant tit ly i -e. o ,! r.l :!-, -i,se of lb" ex p. .si' t'f. for ,, . , . r Hunt ry t-'u' p i n us'-s jiiilfv and Mrs fiarrlf.! .''jjnli 1 1, ih VI -VI u.ng I I funeral tut of M i Th 1 a- M.s, - If". M.i .:. M r 'Ill !:,. Ha.: W il f r:. rg ; ,1 K S.-i. gg Ill Chit :t:'.hei I'll tll'i'lV In cr-.ai.u" t r i r t'i' pa.d ,t in..-t I'.'.iiHl ii.Iul C!ir:-'ian . .'.-. ... h.'r It'.'uli ' ii'i; ',o,i!t to hir 1) in'irot I'Miind !',-po-.',i,,ii tit . 'mi rh, and ' I in !'' i was o;,. ( , t t: ni'iM tniititu! W 'h.ii -o i r ( 1 If! S t-aii-i- uf fhaniv Shr i ' tli.iru i mt in In i s an 1 woik'-i aitmnc llu in-', of K hi; s a, lv rile sli cing In il l- eluir of Ihosf till .til hwillls. "A'd-te Willi Me' d 'l.tad Kii.d.i l.igl:!." , most icl'ing ,.aivd uiipii-si e. as was als., tM't' SweiUy SoUliui II. inglit." simg ' Mis- AnU'iiit'i !' t'.lt'ini. 1 Al ike Kiukv ill.- choir sane "Ti ( hiisllall s Ceot! Night " The pa'l In hits wtie Missis Ham s. W 1' H.II. C l Dubm n. Norman. V.rctl Moir and lift ( Alt .1. .1 II 'dglll id (Irei'iisboio Ilii li.aa! iributi.- win- ixipi.-iii' and i urn. reus Tae t!oer l. au-r.- , i 1 e Mi sib. lilt s ) Mn-i lev, (it'ol'Ke illi.iwn, V. M. Httid.en. T: .1. I.enU. ;.l II MeCnait. .lee Kleichei. Will ;D'l!nen. ('. (I l.anier and Miss K!,a i Hiiishaw. t,f t in- Kind's la igh't is. ami Mes lanii s .11 Kiggius, W. N Itev Uls and Iv I., .lores A large ii'iniU i of trit ml.- weie Pipft-nt this tiioinlt.K tt, pv II, in- last tribute of r. f ect to M ss Hodgin, POLITICIANS FAIL TO STIR THE VOTERS (9pecl.il to The Sentinel.) KKIlN'ICIiSVH.I.K, Del. HI -The ciimpalgn has aroused but . little In terest a yet iu thin seetiati of the county. The candidates seem to lie on a still hunt. Perhaps as the till of voting Hppi'oiiches the will strike a warmer trail and make a noise siif llcicnt for all time lost. Mr. John Phillips, merchant a- l,ea prmf Town, has gone to Moore's Springs to recuperate his health. He has heen In ibc'iiiing health for Home weeks .ami a change Is thought to be d adwiulage t,, him. The t leganl residence on Mo.nilaiii -tin l which has la i n built by Mr. 1). W. Harmon, is l ow completed It Is perhaps the most modem building 111 the town, shows to tine appcaiance and is greatly admired by i mtj ob si rvi ,'. Fanners haw their lauds prepared for seeding and iiiie a ,few have al ii ady been sowing. Mr. .lames A l.mveiy cull allow the largesi pumpkin to be seen In Ibis section of his own raising. He has one that weighs "24 pounds and still anolher that wiighN '' pounds, both of which be grew on one vine. Il would be liilert sMng to know how many pumpkin pies could be made from this l::.! pounds of pumpkin Mr. Charles W Davis. U K D No I, Kernel sville, of Davidson county, died at his home oil Monduv morning Mr. Davis bad been in bad health for some months and gradually grew worse till the end came. Ills remains were laid tj rest al Abbott's Creek Haptist grave yard today. He has a large circle of fiiemlt,. he having laughi singing schools In all the ad joining counties. He leaves a wife iind several children. vv is'n (Special to Tho Si NKW YORK. Del lu. holiday seitton which "Rosh-he Sliotiah" t new wi eks ago t oniluui H v i t called "Ho-ha na Rabba nftne! ) -Tin- ,f began with leat'Ki two totla.v being because of in it 1 1 aiidllion.il piayeis beginnitig with "llosh na, ' "Save, we prav ibee." which an- tecili d. Sewn t in nils, wlih the four symbols of the haiv -i. are luade iu fie synagogue, and ad!i tlonal willows are- held in ihe baud duiiug Hie pravers, ';,e t n'ite t. ttl vat Is chiollv 'a season of lejuicing" j ('.email himieliatbenu") leu ion In ; the mil',-' ot Joy the frail human life, is nol f .rgoiii'ii and dining tin- If', vai the Hook of Koheii'h eleslasH ' u" is lead Th'' "MUClh'' ot liotdh is1 inn ml. d to serve for M ien dati. Ifi In- weather is. Iiil-.trse, ami tin owi.i-i I a nil his fan, llv tan.,.)! dwell Itn-ie.l mi-ios at ens' art i.iktu ihfif The; Hsdirg is mad,.- of d.l: able, mai'Tla1, j and eetmlsts iihualiv of it.ives oil brai.ih.s of flits 1 ! rough whiih 'bet ski 'an be si in The v,ui:,g ,lfisb' ehiliiii u iiHitu Ill lie rile ml fre:'s of :!,,. b" Willi bea. I'.fu: llov lls 1 1 icuia i , v in if building ' sue cab" veil gi-i.' ial. ew:v vn) bi-i; g ut.lizid for Hie purpoi... Dth'ts un Mi" n.it.f or i ii ii M.e fire i-M-ap. , n - n - ai.ts in the liou-es cniiibiinng io pa-. tlie i tiii-iisis of ibt'ir tncMon ami Mn me a n i TI. s- a I v lakil w 1 gifi-H boughs tn eovcr l In-ill' g h -i r iiiii. In occiiphm i ai. I ai mioi. or ur,:tb,' ' lion' h of i biir tiwti, 1 1 paii to ol g.ng l'i the s liagogees hf. wm -h , Hi.d tiilf.:! ,i : du". In n.aitleg ' kif I- ... ::li ai.i W l!i-!l,ll ,f Mn ff.i:v,ili ' ihi'lil S Grt en a la:, ioio la;r gitHo An,,, i Mr ; I low Span II ! Willi Willi I A Crew Hid Mrs I '.slur Mm dow I . ,d,' Mi Mi S T Si,,. .1 I. Ci M;- Da D-f R T Thvi, ii d t E I.I it Some Cubans Arc Dissatisfied With TafTs Amnesty . Proclamation. Fntndt of a Murdertd Congrman Object to Murderert Being Grantd Atnneity And Miki Open Threat of Revolt. Hoever, Ai Ctnoral Thing t H People Seem Satisfied With the Proclamation. I Itv ruM1h'r- Prcsa.) HAV ANA. (Hi 1 As, a result of Ci 'tan oomph, a'.otis the American Hag in.iv rloiti oi-r tin- l-le of I'lues. I'r.ic:ieail 'he entire Islaiul it n til bv Ann i nans I lit- Kxt tieatv to itsloie i? I,, Cuba hat bet'U hebV Ut iU follglfss (,r Itllte t'ltt (Vltl jtion to ii Ik led b. Majtir .1. K I Unni If of H ixatia, ell (whtttf rtf i"UiHt- t rs ftk ago Unnclf sugireKtetl !to Minister Megan Ih.tl 'he iresei.t ifi'iulliiont nnike it. upprtiprlat'. for the j Tutted Mtaits lo lake clmrge of the Island an,; ih' Mich At 'bin shoulil he lakt n b eoiigitss. .i aiisw er A (' t!a k u the foniniiiK . i f thf I g ill lll.tllf III! o Taft liolifted lslo ;lf ttltt fotlll Ot" M.sot,, i en, an i I. Ills In iudicHlf a lit sut.-lacloi I,, tlit-iu. u l!i-i) hiiggesieil thai tlit-v aib'pt rtilie jlb'iis iilisfl) leg Koot and Wood froiu i blame for tflott'to give Island t" j Cuba Tae islarders have adniittil j it'stilu'ioiis asking for t ountv liiunirt. I piil ni:llt:ii governiuei-.t hiiJ spfiikitiK well of ,,oi anil Wo id. No action iiiHt deeti .taken. The reMiIt, liouper. will pie'unblv be flt'ialloll of At ni h Hint slilpes, Hi. ncie Is confident, eipecially In vlfw ot net lit rxiiinple of Cubnn got'' e riiiiieiii that tuiigiess will not deliver, the island to Cuba. THIRD DAY OF THE STRIKE IT SPENCER (Special to The Sentinel.) .NPKMT.It. Di i 1" - The third la of the s'like of the inachlnlKts at Ihe Southern Railway shop here, an well a at all points on. the. system, ha : liroiight no new tlevelopmetils, other I than (hi- activity of the railroad offl icinls In ptepailng for the en re of new linen to li'" eiuplov eil Iu piaee of the Istrikeis. A poiCoii of the shop build ings beie tire being tilled up fur lodg ing purposes', gnu range and cook Ktoves are being inslailed iiud Ihe new tin ill it. is will be fed iu the shop build ings Klei lric lights are bi-lng placed al gang wavtt and walchnieii patrol all points ol eniiHtiee. At a meeting of tin. striker i'it(er dav afleiiioon Mayor A. M. Hoyden, of Salisbl.rv. HildreS'ieil the 11111, asaiir iug Hum -of Ihe sympathy of the clip nous of Ihe lown and expressed hln desire lo see the trouble aeltletl Judlr loiislv. The Salisbury ami fftenrer til i eel. Railway Co. has granted ii rale of one half rare (2H cents) tie-sinkers unill the presi'iil trouble l bet tied Mr W'. M Scoti, of th" slate ie pari nnnt at Raleigh, has been In Spencer tor the phsi two iIhvh limn tlgailng the lecint burning of two dwellings hen-, uliitli are alleged to' have been tired hi ail Incemlbir) . lint. litCf case progo-,s has been inade Iu inn ii fa r ATTACK ON 801 fSpecial iu The Sentinel ) Del u. A JOUIig Loader a well known p'ltu f. was the victim S A USUI RY I son of .l.it-l A i t'lii.eti t.( Mn . of a noon daslf b unions a'taen veatiTiRiy after bv ii cow I hf frenzied anluuit d upon I lie rliild ci ushlllg him to the glomui Itm- M'V aiol goteii him before rei.ib ifd Carpfllt. in it'll iramplfd help could ,) ! workttig near In at til" Cow in ii stjulng the lev bv aliii-'h' bov tlil use of ell to iusi-iiiinili: T L. (Special lo The .Sep! ;ne, SM.ISHI RY. 'Dei. I".--Condudor T ' Davidson, w ho wit even Iv ln pii.d in a wreck on the MouMieru Ka'lw.T n! wv rmk, near I liiiivtllu, loii,:,'tv at'1 : noun, was bioiigfl to his Inline beie yts't'iday for I re. tin, cut. H,s but k u badly butt and he Wm no! b" abb' to ri'seme bis run fur sometime F F Sin. III. a llniriiiaii 'in He n.iiie itain, Wat ai-u painfully ilijuit-d bU'. will n eovi r j ; i'l To Build Home o' Their Own. Vaughn Ci il'e blleld Co, wholesale ugglsi,, of this (iiv, will probably. bilth; if a iiie: , ij lii r II,. I.' win, s.- I t I 'ru' ii a I I I ,n ! houif of M.i-:r own next sprnm, I'.iMi- In' fan be nn i Th'" in Il i'lf d mall, Is iargff s 'I lif Si n1 .re I U plean-d to I'm' all of Win it'iil Sab in s i i b .ii . ai e mi-e'lug I'll if Hi,;'! t U I f - . I he Vinud.i I,!.. I I ' II 1 1 Ii and iiml In no tan ll-.ng mi if 1 1 x In He-Ill il- ;ng to uton'ti H,pula r i' on s pnl tip logb.i gia t;' l.'vr-. e "i ill! ,i!l" ,1 V V P f;o W ,1, : In this snip ;. ' ii fi MVMiirrTDniiD HI I.IHIU I IIUUUL