v a ii WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11, 190G RICE 5 CENTS GAIN OF OVER HECK BROKEN A MASSACRE OF IRJILLIOIIS BY HARD FALL JEWS III RUSSIA ' Overrome By in everal State s Snow Has Judge Ward Orders Verdict Of Assets (,f State. Private And Brakeman ,M. T. Rowe in- Another Outrage of This Kind Uivania Tun Been Falling Last Night Not Guilty In Case Against ! Savings Banks Show In- stantiv Killed On Rail Has Been Perpetrated In That Country. And Today t,v Voik. .Jas, L. Howard. Col. crease For Past Year. road Yards at Spencer I VV li-N-Ul Ji . ii i i T , r 1 f GOLD WEATHER ; iksi! , APPEARS EARLY. iuisifM SUPERIOR COURT! , ,..fd in Lock M.M I"1 Tl-nnel Add't'on to ",,g 're-' ExP10510" tZr,' - 3 Co,v ' T !' I'l'iiii- . :.-. this . ,. , l' .sinn !;. ml '"L ,.. '-I"' ''M ::iiitiiis ..-.'. s;sl:v '.;:. Laving : ,!:!, i;i:.c-! tc : IVsyth It" nii.mi' i has '' ii nf rfa- Between Mississippi And Hudson Rivers Fall In Temperature of from Ten to Twenty Five Degrees Has Taken Place In Last Twenty Four Hours. In Several Places Light Snow Has Fallen. i.Hy Publishers' Press t NEW YORK. Oct. II.- The 0 ' Boreas has made an uitiel.tal!; i;tu a:id impiessive l-hiit , according to ie pints fnim th country In twccii Mis sissippi aiul HiuImiii rivers. - ri as far south as Kentucky. Ai'couiia.iy ilig a general fall ul the lu.tciir; troin ten : twenty-live !.';ce, du: ni- i h pas: twenty-four hours t h i bus in many stales been a fail (it snow vaty ;ing from one to six i nc ti . which' I has !n many instances blanketed in: !gathe:eil eiops a ltd ft uit Tclegiapii jand G lophone lines ate paralyzed in many localities and; the trolley ser 'vice lied up as if by midwinter i'i-( jzr.rit. In many cities today's and las! night's, reconls show the coldest October weather In tin- Irstory ,,f banaiis. while Southern riiu.ii-' .-how tlial overcoat went In y pro-,a;l. .1 ; as far t,;tuh as Georgia and that fice-; ilig point was reached in North Caio-' Una. ml Nr. una bated jtiilik'1 siilhn s s while ,&r. (..-! I tb.-sii by the .::r..-.i!a' asgtiiiu-iii iip ot l';ldi al ('entenary ,, '.a;i ! mur. the chap Tf: ,m.' d-' l.i c.i' ton of !.(! i 's it'surrt'ftiiin. A llal '!i''ie was a a!!;' V.'i, die disciples - (jf: is:::cn ef the iis al! over this j"k iirc-ai-w t i show :.''"' n Thani.is. the TViiii.c- nil, r ,. had ,a i1" II, -.!). lie hr '" '.l' 1 ie inaierialists . n:;i!i-iiiiiiiia thuiit ;1 ,.f (;! 1 1 . vei last- fmiiiii;MHi uf. 'r.iotnas, lai'ariii!!. alh '' ii: '.Uiuiu t lu-re Is fcii-iins!) ap: and 'Wa'-Hl 'lie position of men In '. ii.-:-' .-"e wilh ' I'm- nil! Indlcvp and 111 f' ' mil .seen. '-ff'-i'in fiiim many -11 fine I espeetf. :'' ! ami M'unis to uf C,.). wiih him; he f '" elapnap !-'-ri MiniL'eii-ts; (,(. 'I' I' ita-pi-l without Wrh.i.-.KicaI and ""StiK all his ; Hti.it-; . ((K.S ;- ;;-: sr'Mind here- ; "-'-rnii.-.; hn (ms assaiies ''' ': im mi riims and a--'-'i:i.h(..l his 'id imerpre ! uiearins Mdr.inai in- II-. s arc a 3- rue n,' -01. ."V'Unll,. deliKl,tB !.'i "fniiiidl V SIT ii:- Ef isnii (Special to Th Spniim-1.) UAI.KICH. Oct. 11. Last uinht in C h list lOpiscopal chinch in this city the inan-iave of Miss Ad lia Iv I'u' nell, of KaleiKl't. to Mr. Kobert Hii'ley. Jr., of I'oi-tsniouth, Va.. wis inatiti fully ci lelirated. The chmcir -vas .-ipt'tdally dfcot atel with pi'tn-, fetus and whito rosies- whi.'h, no 1 ; r the soli light of the. many candles, which ;ue the reKuliir llKhtim; e.pt;i .i.; it rf the aandsoiiitf clmrch, affordeil ." espec ially pleasing scene for the nnpli.tlh. Only invited kupsIh weic- admitted to the ctiurcli. The ceremony was the usual riliR .iptvio1 of the Rpisco.ial church and was liy i)i. M. Al. Mar shall, the rector. The maid of lioror was Mis T.iic. of (leornia. and the d'lt'ies n'.' l o t )' . Mrs. John S. MeKee and Mrs. lierher; K. Drewiy, of Norfolk, sister of me uridd. The best man was Mr. Wil liam Ridley, of Portsmouth, hrothe. uf the groom, and the ushers weir Dr. Herhert It. P.-ewry. of Norfolk: V"l I.. O. Schftkcy, Portsmouth: .Mr. K. I.. Kas.'ineii'r, I'oriniuoiith, and Al.. .lames J'urni l!, of Ka!cith. After the cei-enrmy there was a re ception at the home of the hriiii's pat. Mits on Fayetteville htrcet, and' Mr. and Mrs. Ridley left on the noii.i hoimd Seaboard tiaiti at I: In a. u . for a tour North, alter which they will be at home in Portsmouth.'"" The hride is tic Viuuinest dausntV' of Judge Thos. It. Piirneil. of th I'nited States court for the easti n district of North Carolina. She is a beautiful titKl 'apcomp!ili.'(l youn,' woman. The giomn is a piospi rotis young business man ol I'ortsninuth. (.! nests here from out of town lor the wedding were Airs. Anna Ridley and Miss Ridley, of Portsmouth, mother and. sister of the groom; Miss Ilessie Ridley and Miss .Millie Kidiev. of Poitsmonth; Airs. Preiiow. el Portsmouth; .Mr. Thomas Ridley and Mr. Robert Ridley, of Portsmouth, respectively cousin and uncle uf tin groom; Miss Elizabeth Dunn, of Norfolk. Defe-c.mt Required to G.ve $;G0 Bond for H,s Appearance ' at Next Term of Court. J A. Reed Given 13 Mo-.tns On Roads for Retailing. Other Ro.d Sentences. Ii. Po - '. i ': . ,,-,. ,,i,n . it ' i .-. ... ,;; c!:ar-i- , t -I .... , .... Iildsr W.inl i;,ne I ii..;, ;,,iu. h.. i a'M,;r . : v ..... ..; ! .' ui :i At ir ln.iie:i! tlu i.'.t: 1 1' tor tin pi.in.iu.oii in 1:( cum of James 1.. H.'V. .: i' i il . . :u ;;. ini (: enrn'Z I:.IS ll..t.. ... -. h- I' lSlie l.o .; ul Tlite Ret irnii ts. ,liiu. Waul di-niis--i d : he iiidic uieiit mi i ':e i iii ml tint i in- !;! ,.' lc.c.:i: ni ::t w.is .! w. II 'i aid ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -i -,i ;ai' bail i lir .- l : 1 1 oi $;m tur his aiM ai am-i- al I he i;r: I 1 m . it (van I , w lieu l!ie M!'.i!..r d an another hi'!. O 'a;- w'l- ' Mir C: s - v.i!; tje liuow:! n it I ('Hill. Court Proceedings. I" I I'-' .. . d. a: i i n , In uii.a! 'K ua i he tiiad.--. Kan '. st:n'uli. larn n, eiuhi uuHiilis on 'I::- n.ai'.s. .liiii ( 'la : k. la.ci-ny : 1 - in . t h s on t he count y i ot.ds. Jim (Mark, assault with deaiHy wea iinn and carry i:ig concealed weapon: j.idmii' iii -iisiieiided. .l ie Coim;tin and I.yde! Pea. lar- C :i ; juilt'.liielit susn mled. C.i.illie (.'aldrtell. retailing: not guilty. t'hailes Mooiv, latccny; two years ;-:! the county roads. Will Allans, laiceny: In mnut'is on the loads. .Maggie Payne, larceny: 13 months in the comity jail. Ruin rt Kighis. coloied. larr ti ; in months on the mad.-. .11. P. Walk i r, larceny stealing a shirt from a lailroad mail ou Mon day; n months ou the roads. Nora Paiker, assnuli with deadly weaM)ii. days in jail. A M i y Til Icy. fill ling to list poll; juilguien; siispeiideil. lleinie l.eonaid, falling to list poll: jitdgnietii su-pended' upon payment of ( ISIS. Engine t'uli! well vas couvicliil of aitciniiting to steal n pair of pants llolii McDowell At Rogers and wa.-. given a term of !l monihs ou the roads. Gain Since 189 Has Deen Over Forty Four M.loon Dollar:. Some Inter esting Figuies That Have Been It sued by ti'e North Caro'ma Corpora tion Commission. 'S,., ,-,; -,i T a.- fe:.n . i RAI HP.il Oct It file .1.'. .(. pin :.!i ,d s.i' inu hank -. n N'm ih t'at oliiia :,,i- $ i;.,mi'J i : ass. i, ul $-:,. I J , ' J 1 1 ". dt posits, aci 'UiiiI'l; to t - iiiiin.i,- ul stati me: : i ia : :' utli CuoiiiiH en: jn ,t, i.i i ii.O' is '--!' l die llujc t lllls"!1 - S 'h em t : I .The stateioenl was t,.i,i i by :! . cm, mil--:, i i stettla aliernfton. Nni.i ih. i : i-in s in, ntiniieil in tin- s an 1 1 1 . . ' al .-. c.iiital sioch paid ui $i.,'Jii:i,-4'.-J, sin pin- fund tl.L'ut.P'. "- . :. Ti : Mded inn tils. t -:v.i X . . lie uiiiuia i . if -: Il - en:.: .ui- -i.m 'as' vear a'l.i'.i: ibis lliu.- .-hiw.d .-o:!.-., ; -tsi-ts as i-.'!iii:ir. .1 - I- t l"ia Si J I IH -ho,, u in I he snmma I v jits; I -in ii. I wa, i:i ls'j'.l t hat I ii. t -.to, p: iv.tii ami savings hanks vw:o nt- Ihlct he sapi t isinn nf in' .i.i ;, ri t i.nilliis-iiiU. Ai thai Mill'' l.i Wi ll .lily tiT i f these banks hi t.. - Sia. :! e ai'gn gate asset, being $1 -J7'. IPo,- Violent Fad from a Bo Car Resulted In Death. His Neck Wat Broken And Face Bd'y Mashed And He Svstamfd Internal Injuries. i S a iai : i 1 V Se .i.ncl SITMTR it. : II li nk, until M T It, i e ol ilie S no 'n t 'i U-i.lw ii . A. is ils .lVl kilild nil tlH y.llds lleie a t li'iU'.i: ' Uy a :o'..iu iai'. fimii a bu car H: l eek was tnnki it U'nl his race badly ina.-ln d as well as s-o inns illte li.ll IH.Illl It MtslailK'-l lie was pifk'd up h tin na n clew ami the holly tiiki'ti in Salisbury mid .ifi. wards !,iiie, i,i Catawba enmity, his t 0 met- home fm bat ial T (Special to The Sentieel.) fillEHNSIIoRU. Oct. 11. Ex-Sheiirf .1, A. Iloskins, cliairinaii of the Kepuh lican county, exi cu' i cmnmii 'ee, has issm d a circular litter to the voters of the coll.!!.- s'Utifg lor'h the tea ?ons why : ic Iteli'thli,'::': couniy can didates did int i dn i: ilie iiruposed debate hitwii-n the r. r.'.ld.'ites of the cuiliiiv ! i; the legisait and cmintT o-lticjjrlle a::tlo'iii('('- theii cand; lacy and'iisks for the snppnit of Ilie villus. In explana:ion o th.- faiiiiie uf :'ii can;llilate.s to meet those of the liemo ciaiic party. Mr. In:-kl:is -ays that the; are 1;. liners. Winking moll and hitslin .is men. ami thai t In y do not hiiM- : im.- to go over die cnuiry a.- do ;nofi -si ;! M.!:tii,i.tiis They will, howeyes. speak at sen-tal points in he ootinty. Pvoinin.ut Reiiu'ilicati spiakets have hi en ImiU'd m adiltess these gatherings, us well as the conn I v Candida tes. Pour resldenl engineers have been : sent out along the line of the South : bound Railroad to make.tjie necessary i preparations for cotit.ractors. llids j front con'ractors will be called for as soon as the i igiil s-of-way are secured j The surveyors haw completed I their work. SlxtenUis of ono per cent, j grade will he inainlained throughout the lino. j The Davidson Dispatch says that Mr. II. K Pries and Chief Engineer .Cornell were In Lexington Tuesday "to discuss the location for the depot 'aI the road. They went over suggest ed sites with leading citizens. While ! nothing definite has been done as yet. 'an, I while the officials themselves did i not M i ni io kn iw whal would be dniu- ;li:::t!iy iilioul ihe matter, the result ol jibe vlsii and discussion was an; tiling j bill pleasing to Lexington buitu" men and manufacturers. The otllclals :sny that oir accourit of the grade they Icannoi well get nearer ihe town than ja point below th" Victor Hriek Co.'s , plant '.-.oinewheie between here and I.inwood,' as a citizen facetiously ex I pressed it. ' The corner of 11th avenue 'and ll.itgr.ive streets was also sug . gi ste l. Siiiiii w here back of A1rs. ; Ford's residence wils also thought ol. as was a s:'e back of CritneH' AMII, for 'the treiglu depot. Lexington citizens declare that the station must lie near Ihe town and Ii is likely that a strong protest will be lodged against, placing It so far away as is suggested. Ilow t ver, absolutely nothing has .been do ! olded oil b; Hie road, and In the mean .time our piople will wage a war to ge! t he ill pot eios.' to town '' j The Dispatch adds: "As I'leic ' .cms to be some misapprehension aK I to the dudes nl appraisers In aschH iing datnagi s. in case of condemnation of land for the Wunsion-Kaleui Souih ll.ouiiil Ualiroad, .we call a'tentioti to I section In of the charter of said rall ; w.ij . which n ails as follows: 'In as 'sussing the ilaiuages the jnrois ol n-ipial.-'is sh, til take into eniisldeiailon the actual value of Ihe land, together ;wiih an; spec1,-! damages likely to ac-icrui- in in- nil tier, and likew ise shall 'consider an. sin cial benrllts theteld.'" I Sp. c'a! tn. The S'-ni itud ) NKWPOUT II. I 'i ;, ir i'.iiiaciie: n ' i' i : vi l v i, - ii ; and ! ''u: we I. to- k 1 1 1 it Hie n ii'." b.'lt g Ali En- a righi.it.i .'..- oi i:. :'n I'.lu.!.;, nl Newpoi ' i.:i.; l.i nib ii. a n! I'.1 hi iilegrnnlii Mr. .Mahlon Alni:-oi: Sand, of New York a'.uf London. About 3, .".no invitations- weie- K-oi.'d itul the church, which was livKVy liecnia ud with flowers and evergri i :i.. fill ed to Us fullest extern. Th 'mintage ceK moliv was pel foi in -1 by I t" H v. Emory II. Poller. Hi,, i -t 101 . ' The bride wnte a most artlsli" gown' if white chiffon, einbinldereil in silvi-t, and d.H'orated wilh Urussies lace woin by her mother The veil was of i.i'ue edged with lace and the bridal bo.i (piel was composed of gardenias and lllies-of Ihiv-Valley Mrs. Illlght has a slight nnglo predilection ami has been styled the "While Rote" beauty The bridesmaids- were .Miss Margaret Win throp, MUs Natlca Hives. Mis;, Edith (lif enough, and Allss Alaruel Murray Rohhins and wi re arrayed In lutnuoW, panne silk with ,ilver trliniiiings large liicime hats in silver, wilh long blue plumes ami bouquets of pink. Air. Crahani, an Eugli-liinan, acted as best man. Afiif ihe cereuiony then was .it ieceplion at Shad; N.nil.Ali. llllglil i. Newport home. Mls plight's inothei was lite ('auglnet' nf Richard Saltoms tall (Ireeuough, a Hos'on sculptnr who died a few years ago In Koine, ll-r 'sisleis are Alts. AV, Pay lie Thompson and Mrs. (leniid Lawiher. whose hus band Is the llrHMi minister at Tan gier. Morocco. In a day or Iwo Air. Sand and his bride will h ave Tor Eng land, Where I'.ey will lll.'lke their I'.onte. ICniannal Church, where- the ceTcmouv toi'k place, was built as a nieinoilal io John Nicholas Htown. Although Number of Casualties Is Not Stated It Is Said To Havt Been Quite Large Government Having More Trouble With Socialists In Russia. I Pi Put.li-hi r. Pless ! SV t'K 1 EHSH! till Oct It An other ma.-Micrt- nf the Jews. atten.td j!t'v; fniisidei aii'e !- of lift, is re pot lid ai Tula, according l.i private .nlviii-s received btte tiwtay HoM i: ui, s!atie, Jewliai-ing and il out lliioi tl fnr lime ilnvs ivl uigltlii. 'utile ciuellles ui iii pracl iced uixui Ihe lews. It Is statisl thai young Je i-b gu's aie being made the ioia! victliiK "I ;he lowdies who lake such ,in active p.ot in the attacks oil the li tin i So .110 details .lie given tl the no -sage, it t veil No uHellipt Is 1 made in g.ve the number of casiml lies biyol.il tile si a 1 1 llli'lil I'l.tl IlleV : have been hav i I.OtiZ, Poland. Oct. in .-S.f.-ioi s' ; tumble , expec.ied hen as a ieni!l , of Ihe l IS- aitopled l.v rkx iallSlK in : declai Int a geaiia! si tike as a pin test kgaillsl ilrniiuii a. I o.iutl lliarll.il hh'iHi In.uigiii aled fol dealing W illi alli'gii.l r vnlnt ionat ies. It It feated 'that piopiKaiula of socialists lll bo ixtendcd over the entile piovln and result III wholesale bloodshed beforo oilier Im restitt'e (. rinisnal succes- hftt attended the i-rTuiis nf s ica'.s's to hi lug lllmu! .1 geneial si i ike and today tnilne-is la tit a siandsii'l, All faclorlet aro clos ed, mi reel cam are not ruiitilng and no tn whpapei i appearisl The schools ate also 1 1 on pi '! led to clo-e. 'rnops have been itispatcheil hero In " iiunihers Io ptcvoirt strlkei creailng uImi, ders. The woiklmc nieil are In a hava;e nnxid anil If sdilleta try to Inierfcie with thorn a serlotta clash is Mile In follow Twenty one lertoilsts have been ixeciileil In Pulaiid within the Inst tblce davs, following the ilnimlicnu tllals. The lasf exeeUtlotlK occiineil t iday whi n live tiicn weie hanged. I TBBFR ?n;JOHK SHARP laU !J'": A-sociation 1 :1" e S.iliinlay, ' ;', ": 'I he pro- 'i ' 1 A il,; Ilie win, Mod;. ,-: va and C. ,,';;;";:: us a,e,tiK ., ,.;':il 11 Misses ' "' J.onise -M-' s 'i'-allcd. i'. " ' '' ael.l. urn. " Hier- ;"' 1 Me I'liildreii Lizzie sis. Al. Ml TO SPEAK IN IORTH (Hy Publishers' rn ss.) . WASHINdTON. Oct. 11. Although; he will make a number of campaign speeches in Northern states. Repie-; isentative. John Sharp.'. Williaiiis.i Iminoiity leader of t "no house, will' jkideslep New Yolk. Th'' Mississippi' statesman is now enroute from the 'South and tit the invitation of the. i Deliiuciatic congressional campaign I committee will lake -he I Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Delaware. One of tin imposed bv him when he j to outer the campaign was thai he i was not t.- be asked to make any speeches in N( w York state tBETWEEN THREE 1 stump i Mar; iand condi'ions j consented , I SEN I "llElil We.. !';. -I " lt.-i. i ';-ii:a. Oct. P.nited :;' motley Ul 1 ' ;"i'i r, to -""ii as pr.r. ' i";.-i-'!s of ' Calnni 1 N'-w ,h r. " v-m to '' "al gov - i ' 'u: u (By Publishers' Press 1 LIVERPOOL. England. Oct 11. Chambers & Co.. opcratois on 'he cot ton exchange have failed. The ab sence of lemittances from tin- I'liltc! States Is believed to be the ran-.- ! 'he failure. Masonic Notice. A special couciavi' of Pie.ui : Commander;-, No, K. T . :'. ! ' ' in their asv liuil t ituonow i F: id-'- ' . night a' T:::u o'clock. Eve--,, tn. ml er I uigud to be pl'"-( nl- Wo'k in T' ;:l i plar degree. W. J lidl'.i:.'! ! -- I I'. ( ( Ih Puhlit hers' I'ri st ) ' NEW YOKE. Oct IE-1' was "' ported this morning thai the. condi tion of Mis. Davis was critical. Dr Robei i II. Wylie. her physician, was .seen and said Airs. Davis wa; much iuipioveil ami that hi'r cotuluioii was not con-ideud serious a: ptvu-nt Mis. .1. A Addison Hayes, lu-r .laugh tel. arrived In r this nnu ntiitr from. Co'o!'a.' i Spring New Advertisements. II, S. Reiil--W'e luppiV TDur to . d ii, cut gl-i--- a::d china. Wiasioii Aliliiio ry Co'. Atii'ii'.' new attival.- Sinipaou's Drug Slote- T.'.c ''O'.s ' !iiK' bo' I of i.tit la-le'i ' s einl 'ul 1 Dr S.-i'iUii A golden ('Id. t.iit!.' if your, eves need piopeilv ,vl 1 f V. l-'o''z - For sale one et inns' (.-s,; .li.ie v.'ie.'in' i"ts in ':.' W O Set. -email-- l!ig red'u::" ' . aUai ,'e r K l!- i - S'."1 !' ' .;, ...a -.cable tin u hail 1. - O-.li II- I 0 HIT Co, - WIlV liiU CO !.:,! ,:: f.'.ril b '!''.- ' '' .ilai. !! ii.-.in: ' c V.. ci. A S ui V, , ,,,:.- ;; - .it's of pl'-t;, 1.1. W 1 I. Of (1!-.- Publlsherf Tress ) NEW YORK. Oct. II. Wi.'li cumins. the banking hour today the full ex i;t ol II'1' liabilities of J. Al. Ceballos Co., of New York and Havana, w'ho i vesterday, was siiii e-tiniaod 'iiiweeti J.I.iiiiii.imhi and ll.oiiii.iioo. 'hough publication of 'he story of fiilcailon of Manuel Silvern, head ol i Havana house which cause.l Ihe hi."', had put ail mar. nets along ihe an on the lookout. No word has en received from the Carinciiiia 'li on which tin- mi-sing man i in-:k"d. (Siiecial to The Sentinel. CLARKSVII.I.E. Teuii , Oct. 1 1 To bacco grovjeis from Keiitucliy. Ten nessi e, Virginia. Alary land, Ohio. In diana, and Wisconsin nit l in conven tion heie, the occasion being the third annua! convention of the National To bacco (irowers' Associai ion, or he American Society of Equity . Icpar. nunt of Tobacco. Air. '. Hayes Tay lor, nf Virginia, and oilier speakers an nounced thai rile convention was Iru IMiHaut to tobacco glowers, nianufa'' tillers and cuiihuiiiois for I's objects were to pet fed plans for n be' ler ays tern of maiketinx tobacco, a ivstetn thai would shorten the mule from pin ducer to cusiomer at the same time while giving the producer more fur iiii' product, the cost of the finished ai.i cle to 'he cilstuiner would not be in creased On tin- eoniiai; It was tin geneial feeling ((r 'tie llieillllg that the pl.ee to the consumer eoilbl be la .lilted. The "em-ral (eellhg of file meeting also was tha' He ie was ,u. neiesHit; Im f n i tin is. to sell their e bacco lot less than it was worth, atu' n solu'loiis weie iass,-i dealing v'. h ViUimls subjects of illlpo' talice to tile Imlnstrv., FROM KERNECSy'lLE (Special in The Sentinel.) KEKNEHSVILI E. Oil. II Mr ami Mrs .1 llarve; Holt, Mra T J WIIIU itud children. Mrs. E K, lluff and daiighler, Allss Neiva, Inn lmvis, .Mr. Giant Davis and daughter, .Ml Sadie, Alls W. II Notniiiii. Mini Em ma J nns, Miss Mollie L',nvlll, WI1J i'i. Conk. I.eggetf Koruer, Herbert Ixiwiy, Post mast i r lleesoi),, It. f, ll'ackbiiiu ami l.iiin;. Miss i'anlo Wlnliie and oiliei, whose names wo lalled to git, are inking III the Cen tral Cnoiiiia lair at Oreeiishoto Gila wi . k. Alls, lliibeii Lyon, of Oxford, who lias been tin guest of Airs J. K Hart for a few days, left Tuesday for Oak Ridge in visit her hrother-ln law, Ptof. C. Z Whltiikei Aliss Dais; Leak has n turned to Walkciiown, where she !h teaching t Iv ale school. Mrs Kemp Alexander, who has been vlsiiliig Ihe Missis Leak for n few lava, has relumed In hr honi al Lexliigloii Alt Kent Ciews has been on th sick lis,' Im a Ii day WRITERS' NIGHT AT (Special to The Sentinel ) NEW YOKE. Oct 11 -At the New Yoik county fair In Maduvvii Siu.ne 'Ganbn tntught wi'l be set 'aflde as , "Wiit'is' Night" and there will be as. s' liibbi) iiintiv welt km. ii newspaper I magazitie and I'l iK tal writers. l Cbireiu e Hut us. pii siip lit or fli Lit tie .Mothers' Aid Association f. r iw.'tiftl event ls a lieliefp will he pres. i'lii and explain in,,. t,,, a.oclal ion has a i's (hatgi s more than fai'l chll I driii of ihe pom est tenement di'-itbtH N. 4 1 TO INCREASE ITS COMMON STOCK IN FEDERAL COURT ' (Special to The Serlii.e! i (IHEENSIIORi). ( ie' - 1". Federal i-mrt has In eti e:ig ii;ed today in tin examination of , w;i-iiicm-i In the riio ui l.uelia .May. ti'lnn. , aitaituo the N'cfulk aii'i West' i a tt.ii;wa. it. i!:ii II she s !.:! g t o J.' "'"i ,. ibilliiigis fnr Ihe kd'-ilig of her has ...ici. i II May. !r. a wi.-cl le-ar II nii'ikl Va . Ill I. all t'.ln yea's ,,t . Several Willie 'S ft '.. I to .i.i There are m.'r. w tin-sin nim :ia,!e I, I nt 1: I 1 a- d! probable " c V. M -ii'i i a: . : i , p. i 'V ill i ' -I''" M a! el III w I f Kt... ; igi ;; -.f .-' i I' 1 VI,- W C. .',.i..n' v ii e, . ;i.-nl tiie da'. In' ' . 1 hnf.tr tn I'.m it to Al t a: d '! I s ( :..i 'Due, a son ill the c'.fy who aie unable to alfi lid public schools The Ciiltirmi'ie of writers will receive the membeis of the Association, and Ihe little waifs who eiidicd the jardiii, n(Iude4 An ua sini-ce It ' luinl-'in I'hairnimi; Itny W. Guide!!, A'let, Hallgiee. Waller SI. Denis. Emma lie Zuuclo Johnson, ( Su ( iai io The Seti'Mn 1 i iM.ufiii Gteeii. Alice Ro'il. Iluitou HO .oKE. Va . t I' - in-"' lo"'hv IGi ha"'"on. I ,nac I), ing of Hi.- Mia I.I,..!''. -i , nf i'i. Nii'I .Ik , Wlnie. Hniand lltitke ll-nessv, Aib-rt Western Kailwav omiiien'ed In ie ' Terhutio atel ( at t huiP',. T. Power this af'irtiiKi'i fnr 'he peri m .and (b ne f'ai r ihorizoiii an :nc,ea-" ! iln loniniotc - son k ol the cninpany fr..iii I'!". i.nni' j ' ftatift.nl ntunn-.l i!s afier- i,, lino. nnu, bun I he ,e i-sid'"i' , Al r 1 .V'' Yoi k E I. JullIiSnl! I Xplaltle i ''all til' fll ilt; 1 " Iticr. a-" in the coiiipa,,.', t io e I e-1 K L liege, of Av-'oti. who has Im-ii c.s,itHtei iiine.ia 1 trip' iv . uieiuti (,, I v i sit lup here, re'unie home th1 jf cope with It. The ! .;:.-, t of ll.e l. j t'Ttloou H" . rs mi ipe final i ' i' cerlithui ,.t , h" road is 'he m m- fiv ci .ie y. ' ,v w Kitij!, nf D.mb'iry, is in 'l.e made ti; the coinpain ,ie total i-rirn '' " !t:as .,r the . Jr ,-. i,o it-i. , s,. Is 7 :.'.:. at: iliciea--' o.i !'"", if II l'" U 'I' ll.ti'i-.g of Spr.'iv. who -;'is ..nr.. Af'-r Hi- il-.lui . ...i .,! .,; , 1 1 vi-. telai'v. , h e and a'l'ig . xpeti-e tt-.'ei - i i '..;,' 1 ;'' IMta Hall, t . ' u m f ! tie it,,,, ,if ' I I I ' ). ! e , ,,.. .., , .. , ,,f Ie'-i. " IT l..3 :"73. an imr.,. e ,,f 'i,i.'.- - in.. ,... ,;.v!',i, , .. Mr ou' M. c v 7!:..ni.i!t and. t M '.t.' ie p. .M'.ie ,- l- G . -- :-..o !.,r l,.aes w.l' :,1 a' 'll.'.tli-i t Oi,o.i ;-. ,. 0 1 nliin'ilie ; ( 1 I ! 1 1 1 1 ,:.) i. till! :o n't ' i i I Ft C,', I !''' :i-l. un fair (it!

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