u PAY 75 CENT Tor a Bottle of our FERSO.N'AL NOTES, Ui F A Ti.v!i.?i3 west to Reiiv; M;. o:-J Mrs A L- FlcUttr. of Kt: rrsi:. .e, :.t To Wi.kesboro toda j H E V.'t-r t::d fax'.:y and JudIjs; .,- nri a:r fi.frnl.Bj! several das; Wirr.es of Those ReglsiereJ Ust Night and Today. Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. A Reconstructor and Body Builder. H LEARN1KEV II n L At the Zinttniiii. ;v-r:h , t-v3s C. Hook and W. 0 Th.-mp'on. ! K-v. V. M. Rabins, of Advanc.; r,ur.,,. w. F, Foreman. .North Car.e ; n li. te y-it-riiay. He cm over toj ; .i,.iu ,mr. Payto. iar r-.ai.K'-'i--! Comann. i j'h'.u; I., H. C.rt-vU. Nf Yolk: R. i J. P. Slmmoi.s went to WestftVM.i xsmaii. Baltimore: MUses Louisa jSurn cuiry. today to attend theli;vi, ami i.aura Lenoir. Ronda: deo. lii!a!ioa of his father's eightieth! Viexami. -Ve' Yoik; J B. Fuller, ! jinhday. Km- York: H. S. Dalton. New York; :..,.. p tl:,,-U wh. hit twn iUih K A. Blake. C. I). Hal'er. ('.. W. u.,ti PK.wniv' lor thic voars i i ! : UYavill. Roanoke; C. A. Bidden !:. Roanoke this afternoon, hi 11:2 ac-iV. E. Love. Jr.. Chattanooga ceptwd a ;)ji:ti.)ii in that fit.-. I i I.. I.. Haidin, of Rocky Mount, X 1 C. who has been the guest of hisi ! father-in-law. Ir. H. F. Chreltrberi. I for a few days, re ,:rned home today.' We Make Med icines That Cure Tlure is no doubt about your getting well in the quicktst time possible if we fill your prescriptions. Your doctor understands our grade of purity that is why he always brings you back to health quickly when we till his prescrip tions. Landquist 6 Pfohl The Corner Drug Store " "w TTTTTTTTTT TTTTT TTTTTTTT I CHEAP FUEL In order to induce everybody to lay In a good supply of fuel while the weather is good, we are offering, until further no tice, our famous "WIDOW KENNEDY" Coal at the very low price of $5.50 per ton. This is cash price. Put in your or ders now for your requirements and pay cash on delivery. See us and get prices on all fuel be fore buying. Pa.: Fromaii Smith, Atlanta; A. C. run aim J. v. Pa. Not folk; U. E. Mendel and C W (.'handler. Chicago; F. Sutler. Jr.. Bal iniote; B. E. Teasrue, X. C; R. S. Knheitson. New York; O. Y. Everly. I.Michlinrg; .1. L. Hester, Claude I Moore. E. M. Wrisht. H. C. Ashburn. 'H. M Maqiu'r.art. O. H. Graham. ! Floyd Hall. Roanoke; Chas. H. Huth. ileiiuiaik: W. U. Sells, Fort Clark. rexas; W. H. Silverman. Cincinnati; enry Vtard. New ork: Chas. New- ,on. fniiaueipnia; o. rueiu, Lietrunu, Ohio; Thomas Thomas. Roanoke; W. P. Lackey, wife and child. Emits, W. Va.; (ieo. P. Shackelford and J. Ureen bauni, Richmond, Ya.; T. H. Ander son, X. C; (J. R- Glenn, Jr., Atlanta; T. Lehman, Florida; A. J. Wolfe. between love and follies, with thei"nlo; 1- -"'....,.. l IMC rnwcm. E. Farinholt, Baltimore: J. R. Smitn New York; N. M. Fiemiiig. Cliarlottj: Cko. H. Il.;ns.. l;ethania; J. . Tackett. Lynchburg; M. C. Nl."!( Greensboro: H. HorTuur., New lurK; W. G. McKay, CVIcae: K B. li'i'io !i injur PLEASES CBEDISBOHP. I Peoples Fuel ! and Ice Co. ;to withhold The following is from the Greens 'miii linlustiial News of today: , A complex comedy, simplified by : naturalness In the portrayal; a Btrug- usual happy end after woes that b j George Ade's "County Chairman" as , interpreted by Theodore Bahcoek and a wi ll trained corps of actors at the and last night. , ; Briefly told, Tilford Wheeler is nonl iinated for the state's attorneyship and jis opposed by Judge Rlgby. with .whose daughter, Lucy, Tilford is tn love on a basis of reciprocity, until he ! begins to say unpleasant things about 'a hitherto presumptive father-in-law. Mini Hackler manages Tllford's cani .paign and wins it, though not.aU'.Vd' the man has overcome the Jinliticians ,:ind the memory of hi:;owii thwarted love for LucyV mother iirnmntc him a printed attack upon the ami R. M. HopK'n.i. Basse: I, Va : W. Henry, Ya.: L. W. HtfVnr?o:i, Ro:ida; W. L. Anglin. Crrwe, V-i ; J. C. X. Clove. Ro;i,ke; R. W. Stltasnr. Pfaf- tiwn;,B. b. Skiunell, Ferram, Ya. l-M-M'4.- ne .ounty mairnian, as pre- oJ'"iut r.uiiift ai. Lilt- vuaiivi. I gives Mr. Babcock an opportunitv to I use a talent that approaches very 'close to genius. Quick, tactful, he plays the dual character of a politician and a matrimonial agent and Is suc cessful in adapting his personality to ; his role. In fact, it seems to be a col jlaboration between nature and the author. He seems to make his tact i less difficult by being himself, yet 1 there is a genuineness of a suspicion that George Babcock can don the garb of the tragedian and be as effective in Yirginius as in Jim Hackler. The accompanying actors ably sup plement the work of the principal. i who can well ufford to occupy the cen ter of the stage for only a part of the 'time. Thomas Yale, as Tilford ! neeler, was especially good, and so l was the Lucy of Gene Gautier, while an effective touch of color was given . to fcass Livingston by Thomas, J iitiiiov. wno siiiks ins Drogue in an I Airo-Ainencan dialect and captures the audience by acquiring funds In a Illiberal way for his infantile "choco 4 ! iate bon-bon." Lorena Watkins, the flirtatious milliner, is a bit or good acting by Fannie Midgeley, aiul the strenuous Mrs. Briscoe, with Laura Ayers in th part, gives a full chance for dodging by the man-afraid of his wife Jeff Briscoe, a character aptly Illustrated by Chiules Horn. - . I T ill Jl I'jI I ULl A GOOD JUDGE OFL-cpn decides In favor of theBort 0f good things for horses, catie, pigs and poultry to be fonm'f uniler , rcK,f. If you are as caijf,, auout the food for your anima5 as you are about what you eat (oUrself. you'll do your marketing here.)priCes fair and square G. I. PllOne 176. uil & Co. 108 Fifth St. AT GUILFORD Fi (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO. Oct. 11. The at tendance at the Central Carolina Kail sterday was large despite the un favorable weather. Today is the big day of the fair. It is termed Greeiis boro day. Many of the stores and practically all of the business houses ill of the banks, factories and school? of the city give holiday. Grown peo ple and children go to the fair by tin thousands. The races are proving an interesting feature and the exhibits and free attractions are better than ever before. Made to FIT your doors and windows. I Phone 85. ZIHERMM & LESTER, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 13-14 Tise Bldg. Winston-Salem. Jot it down lest your t'orgit. Our heating stoves. It's something you should possessespecially if you are a critical individual. We have never known people to be dissatisfied with our stoves. BROWN-ROGERS COMPANY. JOHN N. AMBLER. CIVIL AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Water-Power, Water 6upply, Sew erage,: Development of Suburban Property, Street Work near Win ston During the Sumemr. 412 South Broad Street, Winston, N. C. At Home From 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Daily. NOTICE. By virtue of my authority as trustee in bankruptcy of the estate of W. L. Hill. I will sell at public auction at the eomtho'.ise door in Winston. X. C on Wednesday, the 17th day of October, lluii;, at 12 o'clock noon, to the high est !iililr for cash, all accounts and other evidences of debt which remain before played here, I. TO 8E HERE NEXT WEEK The following is from the Green ville, S. C., Xews of Tuesday, Oct. 9: The Osman Stock Company has re turned stronger than ever. ' Last night a large audience witnessed the per formance of "Wedded, But Xo Wife a four-act drama full of interest from begining to close. The special lies were far above the ordinary, that of Grinn and Barrett being one of the strongest ever seen in Greenville Thomson and Farrelf, too, delighted the crowd Immensely, and Roy Dee': neat and clever work also pleased Other good specialties follow with each bill. "The Silent Witness" Is an nounced for tonight, a drama never on that date due the estate of W. L. Hill. At the same time and place I will sell to ' the highest bidder for casii. i a lot belonging to said estate, which . , , lot is situated in AlU'ghanv county, At new quarters in near Roaring Gap Hotel. I). H. BLAIR, Trustee. Johnson Building, Lib erty street, with a full line ofhouse and fami ly paints, wall papers, etc. SINK & FAIISLER. Painters and Decorators. HOW ABOUT Your Old Roof? Whv not let us stop the leaks while the w eather is favor able? New roofs and roof repairing a specialty. Morgan and Cuthrell. Best Cake and Bread. Mrs. Millard Masien, of Fairview, was awarded first premium fl)r the b st pound cake and lighttiread exhi bited at t'he county fair lust week. The Hour from which the cake and bread were made was sold hv J. A. Crews. There will be a matinee Wednesday at 3 o'clock and twenty-five dollars In cash will be given away on Saturda niglit to the holder of the lucky mini ber given away at each performance The Osman Stock Company will lie In liiston next week. Big W. O. reduction on parlor Senseman. hearten. A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her, until six months ago, fchen she began taking Electric Bitters, which have complete- .y cured her and restored the strength nnd activity she had In the prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, of Danrorth, Me. Greatest restorative medicine on tho globe. Sets stomach liver and kidneys right, purities the blood, ami cures malaria, biliousness auu weuKiiess. w oiiueriul nerve tonic. Price uOe. Guaranteed hv V Remember that every dollar's worth of dry goods, notions, clothing, shoes, bats, caps, trunk, curtains, trim-. mints, velvets, silks, ribbonti. nloves furs, corsets, hosiery, belts and lots of'0- Thomson's drug store, other things not mentioned must be sold and within the next liu days re gardless of cost. Come and get your share of Jhe baigalng. C. L. Wilkin son a Co. Washington bread and White House batter. White Slar Co. I'ortner's Hofbrau Is liquid bread i ne timer of Hops is an excellent tonic, ami the malt sugar of barley oi a nigti iooci quality, (iood dealer i;eep it. Come today, get pick parlor heaters, must go. W, O. Senseman. New cereals, all kinds. White Star Brightsbane Co. WANTEH At once. Young ladies with plain handwriting to address tappers. Will pay seventy cents per thr.iis.ind. Ho not call unless you can write plain and readable. Come pre dated to work Friday morning. Cas net- Building, Main street. Ask Tor Mr Andre. A Badly Burned Girl or boy, man or woman, Is qtiicklv of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve applied promptly. (;. j. Welch, of Te. HoiiMiii. .Mien., says: " v,se It In my u.uiu.i mi cms, sores ami all skin ll, .... I !... It . ... o, nun nun ii peneci. Quickest mh- fine Known, n,.st hra i saU, made. 2r,c at Y. 0. Thompsons drug Pentad's Hofbiaii Is the bter ."- i.im ,:ui,-,i aim dinner table. lt aids 7"'"- " 'lyspeptie, just try hot r - mi om meals, and eat and ,1,-lul, .am , White Lead Paint The best painters still i 1 use pure vvnite lead ana pure linseed oil, and they secure results, both in ap- earance and in wearing qualities, which can be had in no other way. If your paint has peeled off the house, it was not Lewis Pure White Lead (Made by the Old Dutch Process) and Lewis Linseed Oil. Paint made of these ingre dients wears smoothly and does not peel. JOHN T. LEWIS & RROS. CO. aji S. Frunt St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by all first-class dealers. j'' J A. , . - - - km n fit" 1 f "; ! M ft'- hi i, -s OUR AIM i 111 0 'HI net :'Kt to .ijto .Ti.ile' within your reach well ly fitting clothes at moderate prk extravagant in your expenditures, dressed, if you'll come here and letth t MICHAEL & SON SUIT. These jrarments are designed to meet the uiciiis ui uic nuui vvuu oesiies Slllsll apparel at a reasonable outlav. Come here to till your clothiii"- w.mt ;uul v FLETCHER BR0. 1 Winston-Salem, N. C. (98c hats are all the .) STHE J.W. HESTER Incorporated. 441-443 Trade Str( THE Now ready to show you our fall line of dress goods, millinery, coat and jackets. Big line of Shawls, Fascina tors, Hoods, Caps, Comforts, Blankets, knit yarn. Big display of Crockery, Glassware, China, Tinware. Our store is the place for you to trade at if you want to save time and money. Come to see us. We v,ant your trade and you need our bargains. J. 17. HESTER f The Store That Saves You Money. UNHAPP1NESS DISPELLED. Kern and Women Unanimous About It. Many women weep ajid wall and refuse to be comforted because their once mag nificent tresses have becomo thin and faded. Many men Incline to profanity because the files bite through the thin thatch on their craniums. It will be good news to the miserable of both sexes, to learn that Newbro's Herplclde has been placed upon the market. This lg the new scrip germicide and antiseptic that acts by destroying the germ or microbe that la the underlying cause' of all hair de struction. Hprplclde Is a new prepara tion, made after a new formula on sn entirely new principle. Anyone who has tried lt will testify as to its worth Try t yourself and be convinced. Sold by lesdlnn druggists. Send 10o. In stamps tor sarnpls to Th Herplclde Co., De troit, Mich. B. W. O'HANLOW. ftpMial AjamL out Is Hundreds physicians constairiiyi'; firystal Palo Bee, fur over-wcrkca cr i.ei 'T, t of sedentary habits. It is an invaluawt in building up health and increasing weight in all people weak from a'-.-especially during convalescence. Crystal Vela is extremely w .1,, r4 but very light in alcohol. It 1.5 r.-' ' 0(j s;eri mountain spring water ; it is ajred. 1"rn;i vfoi ized, and when sold, i. i3 in efleet.a ; re-u.. Or.CHK A CASE FOa !' Tho New South Brewery &. Ico Co. (Inc ) Mi -.l MENANDWQMEh. 'tlBKox 1 lliBllforunnturl I. 1 1. rv 1 dia-hr.'l. Inflammation), Oa.iul U irritation, or uU-nr.iion. M l. itrlodrt. ni rr.nal Clu. . n... " " V" . ' " iBiciMri,O f "I bT DraraHU, ' i r nt m Dliin wrapDer. 'HsSE2 'Morps PENNYROYAL HLLS So,fo e.rd rollnblo. tt;' ' I overcome wearnw ir ' fir.B.Awl.Ar. knnlst umP ,S. No rnmndv eauD.tS jdlesborouBit -J : J We never use cheap rubber tires. The best is none too good for our trade. S.J.Nissen Co. 10! . iV 1 MOTTS lENNVROV Al. PIIXS "' 'f iSoU by Drncuistaitid Dr. Wuttt Jf Chemical to., eievcunu. um oiny ut, vjiiupsou'ii Drug Store. (