N ii. -HI N ii-ii-o WINSTOX-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER S IK. PRICE 5 CENTS AD. SOME DISPLEASED. IT II pies' of Cuban Liberals Do Not Like United Statcs's Highest Tr' bunal of Justice Consider Ing Lynching Case. On Train Magoon's Policy About Appointments. 1906 I IS -G . Jer Conducted a .-v-Sa Several h ' ! f : ...,. Pel. Ii-' ( ;r. i -ll.-MSV, r Rock' f O I is. H.b ;.. ... t ,.,, Mo; h'lc 'V-. ... ;: ki::u; 7. . H- .i.-.nt-rnl . ,,-iv ., : n-k; '", ,, tj:,-ih. r his J reputation , j 7:-, " sthro.igh- V f n;;,V Afad.t my His Announcement That He Will Not Appoint Cabinet for the Present Is Received by Some of Them with Mutterings of Discontent. (By Publishers- Press ) HAVANA. Oct. l.V dournor Mi goon has poked tin' first stick ui'o Cuban hornet's in st by his announce mint that ho will appoint no cabinvt for the present. The liberals wl-.u ix utpted plum-tree shaking are growling was. and antl-Ameriean demonstrations are lexpecled by small fry military leaders at instigation of king pins, of liberal party. ; Rrv H nt !i it . A! ! Centenary sfl'V il l'S on II, Coniann. ! crowd 1 both e aftcr- nrich in in ii part . their fe.t !1S ( nnst as the ana! Savior. rr.rr h;s scrmou (vnc'-isiun of the! tf iipnii trn inoiintuin Hi' tiK'k as his text, j.ari'th these sayings -111 'hni shall I... lik- h maii'that liuililei! his - rock awl Die ra.ns ki- llmnK came ami ami be.it u p. in tin' fell nut, far it was wit. riit-se winds saiii he, "rcp tercuta'i.ms and trou- !f this life designed of i rate character, wheth With this uudeibtand- iey to unlock the niys- P (if life. Thev are W to hurt us, but to suit)' fur us io declare If H.s grace to sustain s inn- and pure. This purely hemic in even Ftir. Van sac vnn ure -o nut know, if tlure 'Ipso ii.iis that are us all will give voil rfiari' whai ,m :iv r.i- i !lit' contrary. The r saint in tlit- ealen l;f!arn atuiil comli (I have crushi'd any i Ii!' the s'lciiRth of ftirnistu-s us with the a P'Tlxtual char- (l olicyini; these sav- !a'! I'a'V.T fail to Ttck of mat- ; f "iirlils. This K n s:'"" in the lit',. ()f h!in..,.r t iH. t,e -'ra'i'd the fact 'I in ail linints !H without sin. jj(d ' wild'-nicss tlio 'M ap"i. him in nil -r ), wr,,i f m ami nil- "" 'rttmlatiiiiis ,,f this; " jmlne. at t ,r sach is a 'tiiptatioiis. Cor The regular Monday session of city court 4vas held this inornint: i stead (it tins anernomi. twutji in tact that Mayo:' haton is oir ot this afternoon. There were a number of oasi of them of a trivial nature. The first case called was that of 1'ink's wife, he "went and Rot drunk. unci. According lo the evidence of i I'ink' wife, he "went and i;ot drunk, rambled around, cussed and Hew mad:" His fine was $r.nii. I!.ib Harnett, colored, pit drunk yesterday and was fined $L'.uo ant! costs for doing so. Pete Johnson, a negro hackinar.. was fined $5.00 for "rns-Miie" a mat; at the; union station, though he swore did not use any bad words. Alma Vanhoy and Charles I.irville, colored, were charged with an affray. Kach swore they were playing, but the evidence showed it was a very rough manner of playing, so the mayor fined them $1 each. Mollie Robinson, Mary Lewis and Fannie Dnlton. three wretched pieces of humanity, were charged with gen eral nuisance. Mollie and Man were given until tonight to go back to their homo in the country, while Fannie was sentenced to jail for Co days Later the L,ewls woman returned to the court room and became so boister ous that Mayor Eaton changed her sentence to CO days in Jail. The next case was that of Jim Jamison, a sporty-kwking young ne gro, who was charged with assaulting his wife, Gertrude, Shu told a straight tale to the court and, though Jim de nied everything, the court believwl her and fined Jim $5 and cost. It was a very brutal attack and those who heard the evidence think that Jim deserved his heavy line every cent of it. Several other defendants out. on bond failed to appear and their bond's were declared forfeited. i, vma w "It there no way to quiet him? h ..... . . . . .. uet ut give mm unciner oouma tch awnue, Wobter in Cr-ic."-flQ Inter Ocean. UNIVERSITY DAY AT KNiGHTS OF PYTHfAS CIVIL SERVICE WEI Bill Hi! INieilElS. PENSION SYSTEM .id ' "f jitdgi THUS TO BIG CROWD (Special to The Sentinel.) URKKNSBOKO, Oct. la. A large crowd' heard the splendid political ad dress of John Sliarpe Williams, con gressman from Mississippi, and min ority leader in the house, in the city hall this afternoon. Two o'clock was tho hour set. for the speaking was sometime later than that liefun the speaker and guests accompanying him arrived. He was introduced I Special to The Sentinel. I CHAI'KL HILL, Oct. U' -Today, tin U It'u anniversary el the founding of the l uneisity v.as celeb n ted. T.i. day is known as "I'ni.c.si'i Day " It is the purpose of the faculty to. l'Vike this day ,sd Iii-1nfFtr1(i'ire -onlr to commencement day." I'nrt of tin coin inencemeilt exercises v. ill he held this day, one tiling being the conferring of honorary degrees. Today the de gree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, presi dent of tlie University of Virginia, Dr. Alderman is a graduate of the Uni versity of North Carolina, and was formerly president of it. ., This is the only time during the year when the whole student body is seen together and it made a magnifi cent appearance today marching to the Memorial Hall. Seven hundred students -are enrolled this year, ex ceeding the total cnrolluu tit of last year During the exercises uf the day, President Francis- V. Venable made his annua! report, it showing great pmgrtv-; in the University. In be half of the the board of trustees, den'. Julian S. Carr, an enthusiastic alum nus, made a -very pleasing address Among the other addresses- were those of Dr. Al.phoii.so Smith, in be half of the faculty, and Messrs. John Suriint Hid. ot Durham. W'estcott bill i ! Rubers'!!!, of High ! Alderman, the .e ! old alumni. bv i This dm is celebrated all over the I'oiut ami Dr. K. giving giiftiligs lie ' shall l fadeth li:"vii-g'!i,s hi ntl in Wh. 1 1 h. I k' rate this judgment was pejj i accused To give integrity to the prop- away his will curse " as re- lie cried ' and the e the bi'oved '' '"-: "He " a his lit,, u.tir face." il came '" ''le. ami in curse " ''tat niv ls s,ill the ' x"'l'tional :" saints be "ivi'ir, our 'i for us in l''"ads our '"' is not a 'U'-'ioii f ' HH' ly of ; "I ful ure 'l o-v iin f ' :s decided 1 :ast. judg. ' measure en's it nian does de ;'S punish '''ns imiB - 'lue.-s he :'' of his sermon Powerful. A. M. Scales in a speech that was in-, terestlng and especially fitting. When Mr. Williams arose he was received with vigorous applause. H spoke for. more than two hours, dis cussing mainly national issues. n- advocated a revision of the- tariff and denounced the Republican method- of dealing with trusts. A large number of out-of-town peo ple are here to attend the speaking. They came from all sections of the' State. Speial rates had been, given by the Southern Railway ami this brought manv people from Winston Salem, Salisbury, Charlotte, High Point, Lexington. Asln bore. Ilurling ton, Reidsville, Durham am! Raleigh. The opera house could not accommo date near all of the crowd that came to hear Mr. Williams. (I!v Publishers' PreRs ) NKW OKI. KAN'S, Oct. LI.-Perhaps the largcM convention ever lit Id in New Orleans commenced today, when the Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias commenced the business or their annual council. The gathering of this remarkablo clan was the means of bringing upwards of seventy thousand people to thlH :ity where most 'of them will remain for the next ten days when tin; deliberations of the council will come to a close. In the meantime the uniformed rank of the order is holding Its encampment, in the City Park Race track, where the California Texas and other contingents are under canvass, livery state, or division of estate, Is represented, the assembly being a most representative one. The uniformed rank of the order Is a semi-military one. and Is com posed entirely of members of the ad vanced orili r of the Knights of Pyth ias. All-are housed In tents Just, as ordinary soldiers on campaign, and the whole camp laid out and conduct ed according io military regulations. The sevi r.il troops of cavalry have been assigned a place outside the i ace track in convenient sites. The camps are eiiuipp.d with all the accessories and appurtenances of an army ramp, such as no ss ti nts and hospital corps. The supMine lodge of the order at present dinct.s the affairs of Pythian in Canada. Mexico and oilier foreign count i ii s (Special to WASHINGTON, bi eli no let up in Tho Sentinel.) Oct. I". There lias Hip agitation ot the Civil Service Retirement Association for a civil service pension system. I The association ha recently written An senators and congressmen asking them to give tin matter their careful I attention. Among Uiohe who are said to favor schema ar Reprfsent.il Ives I Hurl on, of Ohio, and Fowler, of Net I Jersey, the latter prrriicJinn that Con gress w ill soon provide for such a isvs- tern. .Senator Perkins, chalrninu of the committee on civil servlco. hai designated Senator- le. Kayner. LaFollette as a sub-committee to con sider the hill offered by the associa tion, The association ha also writ ten a circular U'tter lo the govern ment employes both In Washington and other cities urging them u join the association as they wish to make a good hhowlng when they arn jflven heating when congress meets. Some Months Past Ne-jro Johnson Was Lynchsd it Chattanooga, Tsnn. Following Issuance by United tuts Supreme Court of Order $Uying Ex ecution. Contempt Proceedings Now Before Court Against Sheriff. Several Deputies And Several Al leged Lynchers. illy ruulUhert' Press ) WASHINGTON. Oct. K. For the first time in lt history the- supre-ma com t of the United State todijr found t Its. If railed tt-mn to ronniuvr a nrh iing ". tU'tiuHl thtu trag.".ly ro th i race troubles of the tiou'h and the I action of llm court is looked forward ' U with unusual iuti rei.t becaiiM- of the precedent th,. d'Clslon will fiUb-li-h. Sheriff J F. Shipp. of Chat- i iiniea. Term,, ths- pi tni-i j. tt delete an', line ileuiles aim s,'eiiieeu llb-M-! li.'Htbeis of the iuob were. tti to show cause t.ilay why' they -.hould noi be Jintged In contempt be--aiise ICPllward Johnson, rapist, HM-i lynched by a im; aft.r beir.x gurn a st.iv of execution bv tl.o supreme ourt i f I tit" Uni'ed S'ates Judge MeKey nobis, who tried John- o;i, is In re gHing Ins moral Mippoft Shlpp Tin Judge says that tli re port that tln people of Chattanooga re doubtful about the guilt of J oh in Kin and condemn Shlpp Is not t. Ti- ays electors of Hamilton county are loyal to Shlpp and showed It by eeently re-eli tcing htm sheriff by the biggest majority ever gUen randb late for thin olllce. The alleged lynchers arc rtpri Jeli!ed by Lewis Sheppard, ho d,v 'enih'd lhe regio at the trial in Chat anooga The answer tiled, today, by Judg Harmon for Sheriff Shlpp and bin deputies raises the (iiclou of Jnrls lictlon. Tin defendants maintain hat they should not he required' to uswer In fore the supremo court of the United States, bcnm.o they arc ul vised and believe that rn !) charge, .'veil If 1 1 tii-. wtmld be and ought to be treated as crime under the lawn if Tennessee. They say they hav lone nothing against the authority of the supreme court of t ho union, but ire cognizable only by supreme court if Tennessee, which they maintain had full power and authority They Mnally cuter a denial of tho charge mains! tin-in. Tim other defendant,, 'hroiigh counsel, entered golieral d ilals of the chargow of lynching of 'ho negro. New Advertisements. KoM-nbachcr & Ilro Some excep tionally good values at the Busy Store. Sam Rose For the best oysters, . I! row n Rogers Co -Free, a llarri son Fisher picture and baseball and glove. The .1. tallies ill h Standard Hour W. Hester Co. Special an kefs and undcinear. Si(d and Feed Co dood country wherever tnt-re is an i nivei sitv Alumni Club. Pri.t. IS. K . 'd ra ti n in I-.; in Niw York, w In re lie is to address lhe New York a;i;lin;i at n banquet tonight. The r-s faculty are tonight giving tl I 80 1 EMBED. IBIS A PAUPER and second year men m al schools, a biinipiet. 1 l! .-ut and! Seniors I of.-ssion-1 (Special to The. SALISBURY. Oct. live comniHti e ot t! ers -Mllnel.) . Tile execil- riinary Teach hie Explosion In English Colliery Causes The Death Of Many Miners. Twenty Bodies Have Already Been Recovered And Opinion Is That En tire Number Entombed Have Lost Their Lives. Rescuing Parties Are Now Hard at Work. Richest Woman In The World Marries a Penniless No bleman In Germany. TO TEST FIRE ALARM Several improvements have made at the headnuartei's of the ston lire department. One o! u se t , T the installation of a transmitter li th. which fire alarms can be turned m at; the station nnd the number or tin oox nearest the first Riven, when lh" man lu charge is. advised by te'.i phone by parties who reside too far from a to turn in au alarm quickly. Chief Taylor says that t h new no rnliiL. wilt I,., tested at 11 o'clock morrow afternoon, when the hell wi be lapped the number of ach box ; Winston. Association or .Minn i arom a I..,! i,. I. old the next annual iii'-e1 ing of the at-S'it iation in Sali-Iiy No vember l'2-:t. Tb: wiil be 'ii" ' 1 " ond annual gathering of the rg.iiis.a tioii. wh.ch had I'-, origin in dr.-n-boro one year ago. I's menili'tsi t comurises M'V n'y livi' of the : a ima t-.ilv teachers throughout -the St I wll c!i Miss l.''a!l .buns, of New en I . . r.i,.,..,v Bn.l Miss Annie M: Win- f reei.lot.. i liilner- i n s i nd Illy Publishers- Press. LONDON. Oct. 1a.-Klght eiiiomb.'d lu Durnaiu coll Ulnguto In explosion. If It, f were lost. Twelve Icnlies were re .ul Rt selling par'.it s are at work i.ing 10 read) the mini p. who may ' be alive. tt r T.'l) to lo ll o'flock .on twenty -four lent!.',, t i i c 1 aud t'ur't ii lie i s Rev. J. I). Wiiliam.-. tin pa'.b conducting a si ri s t.f j 1 1 - -1 1 1 1 1; the Methodist proustant clnnch Is being assisted by Rev. N. ll- thea. of Kloll College, who this afternoon. th!-, af l(. it . " i; . , . i 1 s.'cr tary. An ; " ) - -- 8RQ.1DB.HY APPOINTMENT ! iiput niTiinnsn inniiT . u v r IUIII.I fit L T I Ll u II r in u I uu u nun ui iiiiiui in r a i .m n h iimin i,X ' -...p. HUM I UMIUIIUIII IIIUII I nmic inn it c r - i UHIIJ OUUUI uniwiL i to- I ' W I i llv publisher.,- rn.-- ) J ,',' ,-. ,r,u- , t.l I -. I W ll .1 . - , " ' . . . , .. i. , , I., ll, . j I. ,"'S ; i, n v :,; oiei ..i.ij' ii ,. ls f.rf , P..vl. bad sb'i-t fterly ; ' , ni"! ! ,! that lu'r gfin i.e ' ' He fiiu:!. ;i''r;h:.:;1yin::S If " '-'r :: " ; . . .,, her lile , He II section SI. I I f i !'- ii I lil' t !. " " " " ' - . . . , l,r" jat.d el.iidnn. ate Mill at the !,.'- Miss Bertha Krupp Becomes tho Bride of s Man Who Has Been Hold ing Insignificant Position In Diplo matic Service Marriage Marked by Extreme Simplicty. I j (By Publishers' Press.) I niCRLIN, Oct. I.'.-Mis.) Krtl,u t Krupp. richest woman In the world, j was married totlay 'o Hrr Von floh jleu llalbav, a penniless German noble jman who hitherto has h' id an inslg iiiificant stiljordintite position in (W- mail diploma le' service. The dermaii ( inpi-er was pti .enl a, tho wedding, wllil. took place a fii, where the biide. being sole owner of this city of ni arly a quarter of a million Inhab itants, Is commonly known as liucen Krupp The w-dtliiig wat. character. ia d by 'hat , tr. me siinpllclty which one of Hie most' rrtnarHablO fe.i- turts of the Krt.'jip family. , CHANGE OF NAME Of THE OGAM-IEST CO Al lhe recent semi nntiual meeting of lhe Oghtirn-Veftl Co. It was decided 'o change the inline of tho company to Home Ileal Kslale, Iian and Inaur anco Co.. on account of this resign. Ion of Mr, John L. Vest as secretary of the conipaii). The s(ockholdr are the same as before and tho officer the same with the eiceptlou of Mr. Vest. Mr. T. H Kapp, the former treasurer, was elected to fill both of flees of secretary and treasurer. Th other officers are S. (' Ogburtl, pre. dent; J W. McAlls.ter, li-pri'sldnt. ind A. 11 Klk-r, atloriiry. The flrnt. six months 'of the Ogliiirn-Vest Co. lave been very successful and they are now preparing for larger thing. The new name Is significant. The llfn and some of the fire companies repre sented have agreed lo return tho net preminiim to Winston Salem to i loaned through this company and to that extent It Is a homi Innuranf company. The name advertises their three distinct d partnients. real estatt) loan and Insurance. Kspeclal atten tion will be given to .soliciting money from (lli-iiis to be loaned on Hist mort gages on real estate ami In addition to this security lie company will guar-ant.-e w il h Its iJii.iiuu of paid 111 cap ita! that the Interest and principal w!f he paid when due. This comprint', tho Ogbiirn-Vc.it Co, has already built a number of homes in tho city with In istiiance money -and such an liiHtitu ion di serves and Is enjoying the pat ronage of the people f Forsyth noun-')' SOLICITOR CRAVES AT KERNERSVIllE Death In Salem. Marshal Heck died ;.c iH-inocia'ic oilllly andl'Iatei . lo have out lh d their camitaigii l'f;.IT's Mom in llioaill.av towiislun ' I" Sab III. af'f s .-if'ernicin but th. lin-ep.ng was ned until n xi S.itntd.iy night ! nu-n and ami i, l i n k wl.cn !! !-.. e oahda'i- iK'tl'g ot,h a f P'-ak at ( eiHei'.ii.e H.i.l The, The rt niaiio wc. eh inakiiig Saturday nigl.t will b..-1 county this aP'-ino. at x o'clock and the voters of that -The futierHl -crticr Invited to be iiresem and ew i mon c;iure!i Soi.el'or (itatt's a'ilrc.si'd ft iargt and ciithuslasllc crowd of vo'er at Kernersvilli Saturday nlgli'l Oi who heard him s.tts It was a nia.slcrly 'peecb an dthat it made a fine Impres sion, "If I coul. talk i.ke Porter Craves I would not begrudge lloji'm," said a. gentleman who was pel I bound by the solicitors eloquence "(It! dl ''i' ' the Issues of the campaign, but aid nothing to offentl .anyone of the oppo ing party " ast night Week's illness. H'T, Senator Burton Must Serve Term. IHv Publishers' lres:i WASHt.NOTON. . 15.--The -up- it ine court of lhe I). i.il h IIV hr urge IV ' oid I. 0 Dv, i..td 'lit- inot;,. "i of loilinr n for In'i t wii be In to mono a afe issues of the isetissed. i noon I t !,. fo r ,1 V l i e I'l.l'ed now bavt to onnitiit and the fede-e I'nilcd Sta'e;, 'oday fur a rehearing 10 l.-Tl ei,- liiiiton, of i' d of pr I'-Ihr tin ,e jkp ' !' d. j ,11 1 lilt lit. S'at. . i,,i'or He will .i rve - mon'lis Imprtw i,i) $:'.r'' afc-HC'i by "i a S I M

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