.J-CiT'f DAILY SENTIN rw 5kT WmSTOX-SALDI, X C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER l?! 1900 PRICE 5 CENTS IL 10 BE in mciiMoriD ; TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16TH.; rrTriiiiin ht nrrnniun LflMiibHi raid nrrr-i 1 ii Legislative and County Candidates Made Fine: ("u'on Voters of Abbott's Creek Township.; (5 of Democratic Party Were Outlined in Mas Cer and Auditors Seemed Thoroughly Inter-; BuMon Makes Splendid Address on Live an! ill !' ! ll-.-C-toVVU- , were s r'S- n liircn fifty. 'y ill'.- ledsH 1U1T Ill isg of fin- the i Cox. s. Mr. hour's etit me. and that which is d to .Mm is also detrimental Mr. Cox also spoke of na tion, idea such road all. j Republican Mil t ft v ''I :rr I!1 or ':' ati- to s- riliii1!:;,. to mi." ro.li! lilies- endorsing the road commission and expressed the oi.iiiiini ihai a commission would solve the (Ut's!iou to tht' satisfaction of Ho pointed out that the county commissioners could not give the roads the consideration that they need, r.ot because the county commission ers are incompetent, 1ml because they were all business nun who have per sonal business to look after and ihi salary attached to the office is insig nificant to the work rutuire t of them He said he was in favor of each town- .-cussed ship being nllotted a certain iiiimii'i' I ,- poli- j to keep the roads of that township in in 'his i repairs. A citizen of each townsh.p should be placed in chaw of Hie work ana thus each township womd have its dirt roads Kepi in good con dition while ti e remaind' r of tie road tax could be used for permaufi.t work or !,,,r,.v in conclusion, Mr. Cox asked tin w is-mp j vlt(,rs to (.0nie to him and give liitn ii;.iilc y t s tll0;r (leas on ai questions, as he ' wnrlrt he oleased to know- iust vvleit his people wanted and if they did not Kivc him their opinions lie would be unable to represent the -county as the piople wished it to lie. Strong-j i strong-, count , ' that 1 us down ' ;n and ' :ave I).1U' from Win sonic ten inane ad- -lai.ce von s.jo-.niii ,ads and -c- remainder of the fiN-cla- condilhm. t;i-i failiis of the tt-r'i" and all along :':.r fanm-i s son-ins '.hvir title corn s-s are numerous ii hi- evidences of 5:.i-r a: Mr. Iloosnu's itti sen' across; the !:'re the speak-i Vwi can i-asiiy pict a,n a'.P-n-leil ihe the-' Cuiiiii Chairman." sJiiv wnii a pore i in liic loafer, the pn tty . thi; busy housewife. t:t. Ir. fait tin- only n.akt- i'i a rcproduc- sfi'.c in " I In- t'ountv - till' --refreshment" -'-' ai about en box-' 'i'-i-f- the candidates (iffasioiuilly giving prif.-iuii., of approval k'.r-Yo-j are right." gh Introduced Them. i introduced the 'lute this tin. sheriff is vitj popular down 'u : thank tl ( peo- ' ii'''.ti' s to him and I lilt' ims of lif.. Uo 'MP In stall, I in- tto, -. n- they were "iild make the I lieu lie piesent-hitlii-s K. Ziirlni- ididates Speak. '" ' -a'-! "ami l,e docs '''"' 'it-' iiK-t Inn. ,s :-. I'f'-V' remarked, make ,, speech. ' Z-Kiar an ; '"'H''-' -I'-'i promised ' "ml-:e tl-eni is very pop. ird . Mr i:p ll"X'. t-'-Wll in '-V fr-i-i,;i. '-.! as ' -in;-. MR. CARTER AND RAILROADS. Ridicules the Idea That the Railroads Had Anything To Do With His Nom ination. It rental ne; for Mr. V. T. Carter, candidate or the House, to nail the Inst campaign lie of the present can vass. He said it had been charged that the railroads were responsible for his nomination in the convention, just be cause he has a brick-yard along side of the railroad. He ridiculed the idea of the railroads laving anything to do with the matter, saying the railroad had to haul his brick the same as it had to haul other freight: that he re ceived no favor from the railroads and furthermore expected none. "If you all knew the Inconvenience the railroads put me to in getting my freight delivered you could very easily see that. Hero was nothing in this charge." .Mr. Carter said he was not against the corporations as long as they gave the people a square deal, but he was against them whenever and wherever they oppressed the peo ple, "I am for the people and will do everything for the people without fear or favoritism or prejudice." said Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter discussed the schools in this county, pointing out the improve ments that have taken place under Democratic government and promised that so long as the Democratic parly rules in this State so long would (In state, nave good government 'and the schools especially would hi the spe cial protege of the party that stands for honest, and decent government ir. North Carolina and-Forsyth county. ml 1Mb Remains ot .Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Who Died Last Night. To Be Inter red There. Some ve!eran that need not apply if there hotikl happen to be war gjin in Cuba. - Brdly in Chicago Ntw. FINE SPEECH BY MR. BUXTON. MINT WEATHER HUIIIS THE FUR Crowds in Attendance at Ral eigh Today Not So Large As They Would Have Been Otherwise However, a Large Number of People Were In Attendance In Spite of the Rain. Amendment to Charter of North Carolina And Virginia Coast Railroad Company. (Special to The Sentinel.) KAI.KH.H. Oct. IT. Weather condi tions today tended to deter people from the surrounding country from tiirnig out for the state fair, there be ing heavy clouds with a misty rain oc casionally. However, hundreds of visitors came Tic crowd at the fair is large if not up to the standard of fair week Wednesdays. An amendnii'iil for tin- Virginia and Carolina Coas' Railroad ('ompaii was hi-d today, changing th" old !-' Ti, u'didaie f(,r - Mr. Mc- that town-! - among the among !ri(. I t conduct ""liner that people '" come out : '-it Xovcin- 'H;-y.-af for his liist, d the voters I '-imi! Ii i iii ; '-f tlie of- ua-i tillable of -. He. speech Sole trc t'On Wi Be chaite of the SOtlllM' North so that lie' northern i mail will I"' Suffolk i ru Coluinliia. in Tyn l! Caioiina. The mail: lis to e clause than t ii part of s stein. , ii -i-M-nt i -1 w o I n 1 i i -. prohibiting branch lin ri'tity mill s knig. The Norfolk and Sou'l Sounds Key-Note of Campaign In His Speech, Declaring That Time Has Now Arrived When the Roads Are Able To Give Us Lower Rates Discusses the Road Question At Length and His Views Were En dorsed by Those Present. Mr. ,T. C. Buxton, candidate I'm- the Stnate, made the principal ad diess of the day, in which he sounded the key note of the campaign, lie discussed county affairs in particular and at tie close of his address praci lea II v . all Dir. sent came forward and told him Ihev lii'ii'i-tili- eniloi-seil his iews on ! ( Sni cia ! to Tim Sent iln county matters, esptcially the road cRKKXSItOKO. (X question. As the roof of the porch whs h-esult of a number ol addri rather low Mr. Ilnxton stood on then,,, n,,, n,,v, Crawl'oid .lack grnnurl to deliver his speech". o, il,, intin-st of the Ci.niia .Mr. liuxton did not disc -uss national I t-,,,,, etori- a nn etii.g of issues and devoted very linle of nls i iens, their wive, lime to State issue. He said he would.: people was held go to Raleigh as I'm servant of t he I Heiibow Hole ia el mil, a, md the county. is not alo a s more read is rn T JUVENILE COURT ''- uiaiii' in here lineni!' 'iiiu fit- ami o'her luteii -I' d in the parlors of the t night, and the Ceiii- people of this county, in resided for thirty -one which he expected to inainder of his days., lb that the next Legislature wliich he had Coeniv Ceii'ral .Inn nib- ears and . in v Socii t organized. The peild the l''--iiig olliceis -ttf P- ehi'ted: I'r declan-d j o , --ong; vice-presideni uieiy i ii lielaiid. si-cri'l.iry . Jliv " Ben HBf.. i Fr" :: :i 01 North Lountu u:. -J l 1 19 Read Qi.est "ik,: f Lhvk Th,!1"' Democratic ami llieretore i,e a '"'llw. ... .j.. f..,. Ho. " ' flOll III Oil llillli- no .... I l Forsvth than Mr. IJellhow. who. evt if elected, would be very much in tl: minority. "I have lived long i nougb. said .Mr. liuxton, "to have good fru ml" among Kepubllcans as well as among Democrats. I admire a man who is honest, in his convictions' ami I do not propose to let politics sever the curd of friendship now ex. sting he-wet U m' and niy Uepublicaii friends. - Scores Republican Leaders. The recent Republican Stale Con vention was called to the aHHitiou of the audience. Mr. Mux on told of tin light between Adams and Itlacklmin. "this fight not being as to whom they should nominate for Siat'e fdtlces. tin' who should have the !sstrihii'io:i 'd f-leral olliccs in this S'ate.'t Mr. Mux ton charged the ant i-Miackbui n Id pub licans of attempting to convict Mi.ick burn in the Fediial toaiis. m.i be cause he had commit ted a crime, but because they were aft aid he "' gain control' of the part;, machineri and Mum knock them out fit tl ir lal on. mdidaies i-iiig ten young 1 "ig busi si! before lie able "f 'hem. ''h Mr. !o-- disirf- mil is- I Hie conn- 'oimty s. ;-- against ! was ah Ssitfi n. ' hi'reas-would ' that gri at 11 '' working niy sym-''lasM-rt. laltu , lhK " my Inter "' will bc-n- I.. ml ' 'u i couimitt vi n i .., ing io 1 1: ; i f asurer. Mr (Tl tn , appointed t nr juvenile I. ula II- ,scd of the f i draft a bill court and ih I'ron r follow- ':-:lel! . CI... ' II '- ail- A i Hon sy n m pre.-ent'-d ' illon. A- M. (('ol. W. II ' Scvial. svmp.ithy ll.-i.eU'.l : gai;'n"i' n the work. Soiilhei s pi-.,pria'Si; Hon in ; lllilr of lllle pi ot te ,.t.- -iiiii a ploj.o,. fill til H t 1 .-'SI'C-: ford r, the i, evt ,fg: Sca.'--,.V. M !'"' ' Osbo'.n. present expri-.--.4-i u t'e- movi'mi-ti' a II- the Ctiillord CI will lie a sfoir plotectnl v In make . in as possib , fo: iii.itoni-s I'roif-ffiry p ctoiies in a ,K ( mi tii'ida ' children "lie not conform-id to this world" was the text of Ilc. D. II. Comann last night. He said in substance: The Christian man is not or this world; he has transferred his citizen ship lo the heavenly, lie Is a new cication. He Is not to cultivate the curse out of earth;- It can only be done by the tires of the great phy sical regeneration to come. All that is in the world, the 1 list h of the eye, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life is not of the Father but of the 'devil, and "Ihe World passeth away and the lusts thereof but lie that docih the will of Cod abidelli for ever." The church is Jesus Christ's bride, his spouse. He is jealous over us. Trm evil otic seeks to compromise our character and for us who have, for His sake, renounced the world, flesl: and devil. To go after Ihe world and dance to its music and laugh at Its vulgarity' is to commit spiritual adul tery. How can a true wife remove her marriage ring and find pleasure in illicit relations? I .el every one who names the name of Jesus Christ de pait from iniipiily. C,inl has drawn tin- line of siparation. Observe it, maiiiiain it ai nil hazards, a! any cost If ihe wives of Hip men who profess lo be Chri-iV in Winston were to do In their husbands 'as many of U t in do, ignoiiog (heir relation to Jesus Christ. I here would lie a thousand ap plications for divorce in twenty-four hours and tie-court would grant them too. 1 p:ti the woman In this town who cannot sru of her husband, "le ts the In "-.! and most lovely man in all iie woild to ine; I want no other." () Chtist.a;i' c.in.jou say of your baud. Cl ii.-t. hilt Tine ,ilii I desire bei-idi; Thee." do thank Cod for a pine Christian wife in my home. I.is iu ai (bid when He fays: 'You adoi'i tessi'S. know ye not. that the friemlsliip of the world is enmity wiHi teal: whosoever therefore will lie a frit in! of (not tol Hie world is tin- i in in v of Cod." Do you be!iee Hiri ' I beg you in the name of all th'.; s- yi.m ought to bold dear If) pause in. : Ii t your laughter be turned Into in siuing and your joy Into heaviness Now while I preach members of the i -i,!4 h sit in ihe tin at re. Some .iiiiuii'l gambling tables and others. Co,' keows wln-re. May (j.(M ., siighly power aw ah" His, f.otii this sb-f p of dea'h. There is no use talking . about l!,j Ur ( 'on ih till Is doing some ofi thej r-'i.-i'Kt Iirearl ing ever h'Mird here.! lie mail or woman who doesn't, hi, in S.i,, wo! pfi'Sib.y lever hae a clialtei nr-aiu to hear just such u maii. CANDIDATES AT KEHNER5VILL E whom have I in heaven .then- Is mine upon earth 1 lit T! - ta'i in .- Democratic Legislative and County Nominees Spoke There This Afternoon Their Speeches Were Well Received And Calculated to Win Vote. Mr. Buxton at His Best In This Cam paign. Democracy In Good Shape at Kernersvllle Day's Work En couraging In Every Way to Demo cratic Candidates, (Special to The Sentinel.) KEUNKRSV1U Oct. 17. The Democratic county candidates were here this afternoon urul addressed quite a good-sized ainllence In Willi Hall. Clerk Trnnsou was with the candidates today, this being his first appeaiance In the campalgiii The can didates for ihe count. v offices simply announced Mn ir. candidacy, while the legislative candldaiis made speeches Mr. motion again made a strong spi cell. Mr. liuxton is a' Us best In i liis campaign and he is certainly mak ing vole-w inning speeches. Democrats down lu re say Hie entire ticket will receive Ihe full Demoi nitic vole in Hits township, and scleral Re publicans say they will ote fur tin present county eommi: siom-is. Ccluial regret: Was expressed he cause Hie I leinocrai If Candida I en' dale for Kernersvllle was nut made for night Instead of afternoon as ihe farmers are busy sowing wheat and the factories arc working full time hus-uitid then can liardlv keep up wjih orders. everything "looks good" down I ere for the sui-t-i H.s of the Democratic ticket. J (I. S - MURDERER CAPTURED. John Hardy, Who Killed Policeman Beard, In Roanoke, Arrested Ten Miles From the Scene of His Crime. . RO.XNOKK, Va , (Jet. I'i After eluding his piirsiiieis live days John Hardy, the negio who killed I'ollcc nian R. M Heard during a mid on a negro dive last Thuisilav night, was captured toda-. ten tulles from tbia cliv. Hardy went to th'- home of I'rci ton Sliiliings a fanner, and aakeij to be allowed to risi. saying he was ill He whs p cognized b KrilUligs, who gave him a bed Later Hipe farniets entered ihe loom ami Jumixil on Haif!;.. The m gru in an ni'i nipt to ii--.- a, t"i'iili' r which h- had under Mio lull, disi-hai g-! the weapon, the bail passing through his owti b'-iid, indicting a 'i.angcroin wound. It Is said Hardy ha killed -hree men. lb-I.-, now- in Roanoke jal'. in His people r- tor The Oj,ilSi man;, ' Olll' ach. 'I 1'wo f in- tha K flay - li Hi ma be bu.it d C I A.NtilKIt. Morocco. Oi I inland fanatical tiihismen ,1 sieitii of l-'cz aie planning to cut ih.it c'ty and capture Hi'- sultar. dels were It-sued bit t'n- enll .'nu iit thiee thousand u-gulais lo tn'-i t instn gen's hitr battle it-, ex- d in the in ar fu"ir'- . 1 1 1 mor I' sng tot idlellld illll Ikil'llil'ilt1 I Wi!' -.rll. - liuliah C. I!' aril's babboon was ,iiippe, to Charlotte yesterday ami Is ,n exhibllioti at ti Meek b.-nbtii x fair Dr. II. T. ll.lhllM,!!, (i. W. HillKlelW and perhaps oirer ciliz4-UK will go to I Raleigh 1'ini'irrow niuiiilng to al-em! , Hie meeting of Hie x,!c hold- is of the New York. I.lle and New Yo k Mtiiual l.lfe liisin .inn- Coinpaiib f. to , be held In the senate chamber a' II ! o'clock toiiioi row Rcpr vnta-iw-: fif tin- two c'liiip.itilf-s will be present ; and it Is to the lntefei.1 of evei v puib j I holder In the state to attend 'bis I in j Kirtaii; no c'lr.g ! Mr. Roy I'hillipi-, w!:o holds a po-1- Hon ill the Hfintficru lUllwav i(li(i'" at Sl-iicer, fpent the day In the el's Although Denmu Funersl Arrangt mints Have Not Been Completed II Is Thought Funeral Party Wilt Leav New York for Virginia To morrow And That Funeral Will Be Friday. Many Tributes from Var ious Sections of the Country. (Special to Th Sentinel.) NEW YORK, oa i;.-Th widow if thi' president of the Confederacy ;assi d iiii lit away at 1 1 1 : t ." Ia.it light t tie Hotel Majestic. The ud came while she a um-oio-clou and It Is believed she hail no oppor tunity to .tv u last faiewi li to lovlna lies gat hi ri d nt Ihe bedside. The hitler incluibd Mrs. .1. Addison Hayes, the oiilv surviving daughter; r. and Mrs (o iabl Webb, Hie latter a grand daughter; JifTilson H.ors I hi Us. grand son, Mis C. K Palcrimn, of his city; niece. Mrs Joseph PuMtjer, f this city : Rev, Dr. II II Sicghs lastor of Si, Stiphen's Fplscupul lunch, Mrs and Miss Drew and phy sicians. Funeral In Richmond Friday. Th" remains of Mis. Davis will lie aki-n to Itlcliiuoiiil, Va , for Inter iii nl The Huh) ai i aiigemcnta for liking the body to Virginia ar not I'lnpletid. Accoidlng to Icutatho ,)'ans prepared the (uneral party will i live New York Thursday. The fun--nil w 111 be held Friday. Commander Tanner's Tribute. WASHINGTON. Oct. 17 "CirHralM rainier, coiiiiiiandei iu-chlef of ;, ,. t . paid the following tribute to the neiuoiy of Mrs. Davis: "I had the pleasure of meetliiK Mrs. Invis but once That wan In Rich nond in tie spiliig of 1K;m"i. Hhe tin aressed nn- as a lady who llluttrati d HI the gmccs of domestic American lb- In Hie llnin that has i-lapseil dnce the close of the Civil war ah irs form, ,1 nsiny frleuilthlpn among Northern people and I have u doubt hat her views regm-dlnK tlu pefipb iccaiiie niiicli broader and mors ten-b-l than l hey would have been had die passi d all 1 er life in the South. Nobody who has ever met Mr. D'l ml will lie -glail to know that ht -enchiMl the ripe old age of four scorn vein a mid after a life, much of which as passed In the whirl of civil strife, has now entered upon her well-earned rest, peace to her memory." President's Telegram. WASHINCTON. Oct. 17. President KooKcvelt Hi Is' morning sent, a tnes vage of condolence on account of the death of Mrs, Davis, us fallows: "To Mrs. J. Addison Hayes, Motel Majestic, New York, Pray accept most sincere sympathy of Mrs. Roosevelt and my clf. (Signed Thi-odoj-iy Roosevelt." The president also directed tl at a suitable floral tribute In- sent from the White House conservatory for th funeral. U. C. V. Tribute. MOHII.K. Ala. Oct. 17. -Adjutant General W. K Mlrkei; of the Cnlted Coiifedeiate Vi tcraiiH, who arrived here early today from New Orleans, Issued orders on the death of Mrs. Dm Is. In part they were as follows: With hi ait full of grief li e general omiii.iiidiiig a n n hi ti i c m (u his belowd i-omradiM the death of Mrs. Varlna Jefferson Davis, which occurred In the i-ty of New Yoik Tu'-sliiy tilgtit, she bi-lng at the time of tier death gum mi years of age. The bond which Con nected the piople of the South with ihe I ouseliobl fif our first and only president have been Wholly Mevered with the exception of one link yet re maining. Mrs. Davis was such a part of th p'-ople of this section, -participating In llii-lr griefs and sorrows ami iej4iic!ng In their prosi-ili)- and hap piness, and was for iso many years- In timately iiMtoclatcfl with Ihf-m In ev fry way so that extended not Ice Is unnei i smii v and on; of place. She was. in every sense, of the South. Southern and her earnest, wish was to live and die among the poople i,l loved wi well, and what she suffered, win ii ill health ci)iuic!ii!d her Id Ink nil her n '-I'leti' i- aiming grangers far fiom lor own people. In kimwn only ifi those, who were Intimate wlUi her. Though di-nbd th'" pleasure of being wi'ii tin in in liodv she wan ever pres ent In spirit and ib-llgbted In dwelling upon the I i loic deed of our Incom parable atmies New Advertisements. Tin- Allen Co, -Men's sho'-s, finest made, iicw luts, io-w m-ckwear, In fad all that Is lie In f-irulshlngs. The Minsi-s Mar'in - ( all t'tentlou o strong line of ladies' ready to wear goods. Home R'-al ".Mate. I.oau and Insur ance Co What we do. Ros nbaf lit r. liro. We are belli) lalk-d hImiu' The reason why? The lin, Co- ('mil further notice a wallb- iron fin- with each ga- stove. C l Thou, a- k Co. --Your slu-n-Ion if In search of coal satisfaction. Foi-yth Roller Mil! -The large'. Inilt. bet efiiiiiif lit, best flour. j O'ltanloiis Drug Store HiiCl cherry Juice rough syrup unlike any o'iii-r pn para'liiii. T'lii- Hook Store.- ,e arrivals In I m , s 1 1 aids of Win- ton Sal'-m. Siroison Ding Co Who'll Jour Ir uggi-1 '' peer Il urn -'I m .1 A WW -sin r i ('" -Mantles lioiii I J ,'iU up (Continued on patt live 1

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