fWTN CITY DAILY SENTII WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER IS, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS THE FLA3 RUSH A COLLEGE OPENING FUNCTION. IE Ml UUUli I I wiii.w.wn i -w KERNERSVILLE Oil YESTERDAY NEJL. mm nflfjninATFs COAST s Miees .Made Splendid Impression and Arous- f.Va5m county Commissioners Strickland and 'Defended Record of Present Board In Effective TUeir Speeches Bringing Forth Liberal Ap-. Xandiddtes Deliver Telling BlowsAn Effec .',rK For Cause of Democracy. r;.,. LiinRiCM by ! .I'.-'l 'li',nl ..'., , : ,:' ! 1- ;M h: XU Hall. aai'i ;; - nut : iii.iMl!S-1 :i:,iKili ,;i cverv- I I' liino ;, ' ;-l Mill; lllt'V . v. : v iitt'.e i isv' ;h s tar ami ; .,k n , .-;y I'.pp'ivt ii-; l-., Hi. Kiinv ! " '." i I ... ; i :,u i ti" j:. ;,;;-l 1,1 Clllllf ..sums. ih-iiiiU they n:t,.Un - a.- I hey t ! ..a iiaii.1 X;- .:' b''. is, -n i. :iii:hs majority. ; .,.-, .;.o K. F.l ii, V. II.. i in ill. ; . ; .a as nullity : ,-:, i r -1 i:t ami j A (..(i.jnj rin-ii- ofti-! a, i! I :!::, to the' .. ibeari'd by ... !; i o reived al T ij' -1' tH ' ClH'li. To the Front. . , a hjI I), nio--:! ;1 the foicmo'st ;'s llfinonary I'nl' ir: an nine, in !;;;!. i:i a most Nil! ;l itm.'l Wni fur 4R"I Ii)-. healers !o fii'nia: r t-! : 1 1 r s as i ; - .i:. Hi r; anil I unit- taudida Ikj"1 v.'imIs. I hank-P-' k; mln-ss and 'A '.v !!: 1 c J. t un I tent, but this prosperity was all p.ir.g in the classes anil not tu th.. p-.-at mass of people. He referred tu tin priot (if tobacco, saying that while the price may have advanced smile during tie past few years yet the necessity s uf life have advanced in price in in i hau had tobacco. He said i h i vvtn a remedy for the trust evil ,u:r, ,f there , re no laws now on the statute, books that, could regulate these, great conibinations. then he w;i it ; favor of enacting the needed , gii.e tion. "(live ns n Democratic t."i.itit:rt s-. and a Democrat ir president ami I guat- antee you they will tind a letiiedy.", declared Mr. Cox. who predicted tr.atj the ieople would n.it forever submit to the open defiance of the law by i these great corporations and their' millionaire directors. j .Mr. Cox also touched on the negro! question. He declared that the n urn! ipiestion is not settled and never will ' he; that so long as there is a Kepnbii-1 can party in North Carolina leaders ol'i that party will make every cml.Mvor, io again place the ballot in the hands of the ignorant negro voter: that Re publican leaders are too fond of olliee not to accept such a chance to I'milier! their selfish interests-al the expcii.-ej of decent .government. , Mr. Cox reiterated his position prc-j vionsly given in these columns re-' sarding county affairs and in cmiclu-i sion promised to support every imas-l nre i hat lias for Ms object the up-! building of Forsyth enmity and .Virile Carolina. MR. CARTER'S SPEECH. j Reported That Much Damage Was Done In Various Places By A Severe Storm There. Donjhej in Cltvtlmd Plain Dull' It It Thoua1 Eftc of Cot Dutur 1 bnct Will Be Felt It Far North as South Carolina. Enact Amount of Damage Done Not Knowino Vet. (H Publisher PrrM ) , . Ki:Y WKST K1.1 , Oct IS -It tk re , IHi'ied Ui.it ,-i i'cloiif lite i i tick HaN.m.i N. d talld huvp iMt n re Ceied. lull it Ik innuued Rteat duiu '.ice was diuii' Calile eiimiiiiiiilcii'imi wi:h Ciilia i letert n pi d MIAMI. Ki.i . del IV Cutui .m sei 1 a luinic.inc. It h fi un t 'itieat damage will tie doii uIuiik the Atlaiitli- cea-t ns fin north Us Soiilli tCarolm.i Weather bnietut imlletltiH iis-ilitl ftnlii W'HslililKton nave rnlii et the sLu in Detail of devastation lieiieved to hae bi'eti wrought In it'uba me lacking us cable coiiiinniilea Hon with the inland Is lost. MYSTERY IN GAP TAL anil iira'-d iijwi:; nil D moerau in w,, and Vote u;- r'ie , tl ite ticket, as t!:e electain oi ) ni:n ra's mean: the on- fiiuitiiion nf ihi imsH-tiMis state el affairs- i:i X-.: t li Cifdina. "Why Did Not Charlie Reynolds En dorse Mr. Benbow's Candidacy For Collectorship?" Mr. Itiixtou a.tin eh;,!i;eil th,. j;,-j puhiicau par i in tl is i iu as b.-ini; I . ' .. .. . . , , coiitioUe.i iiv !w,, iiieii-ciuiriw and j Leading man In Theatrical LtVZ:Tn "I'o, -':;h' Company Disappears At waj d;,i chaiiie h tt.d.is en-1 Raleigh and Is Bellev- .eii.-e .in. i . iiiniM iviiiiiieai Hi! itiej ciilleciDrsltii)'.'" asked l.lr. Ilnxtnn. and' proeei'ded to nii.-wer it by say ill's Ciall Mr. Reynolds knew that if Mi. licit-1 how was M-li -led for t hi.-, place Mr. Francis, Who Played Leading E CITIi BET UriEO WILL QMORRQW THE LORD JESUS ed Has Suicided. Comedy Role In Play "It Happened In Nordland," Received Letter On Says North Carolina Should Look Af-I ter Her Unfortunates Favors Re-j duction of Poll Tax If Same Can Be it meant I he der.apitai ion of Hi., I her t ..'ihn"s official In ad Mi'. Itiivlnii attain .eeltircil liiHii-u r tl al if the Itelilllili. I eans ..f ii.:.- tin were coin m t.,j Arrival at Raleigh Telling of Death let the Revlmids brothers hold ihi Done Defends tion. State Administra- jktlSSIONERS SPEAK !i aid Hjnnon Defend f Present Board and t Has Done For the 'he Past Two Years. Makes Personal Plea. ,! oi' the can as I'-auiu com- j ''V -li-aia'-r. He ''"'Miif iiaily suwi 'An atn! la ivimlil , A'A -tin Mie duties A -: i:.'r;e.ts of -l-'r'''l'iii as well M t,r.iiiul-..iil i 1 !J elle in t!le 1 ';;v:1-'i as ir ,.aer to !'' -ail: -When ' came in ' " ;i ' -l! 'if $.'1 .nun. ""iiff We have ""' '"'''' 'A.w count v w built at ' " It.illle for " : that is a ' (;ir l;v We have , 'p"1' tt! roads '."'' !-n;iHistanil- '' s net- the ;i-vt''l le Mle in. 'If !.e best . :' '"' r"a,is ami if " !."' "'r lault. as ' ibhiiit thin 'if weather ''ai.-a,n I),-. ai lioatd '' ''""tilllle to , q "f I he ,.,-,-" ,!'l'i' s to the Personal Pea. "' ,'iti"i'iai.. tor " si nek. 11 - renin rks ''",:'" 'I ose or ;" ''"elusion he r1-'1"' !l in par- .'j .. i ..... ' IWIi'W U:ni,''!r'V;l1- ""I Ii.-..!.,.,"'1 Hi I'liers j '." " mietiien." . . , J" ; ' apoloiry (, '.. ' : l;'l.''it on I..-.."' "f'AlU 1 ; :!',",, !i' fand. If .. ' vote t - i. ,'' ;"'e for the t, , f ' clert it. ! y ',"1:" ''ill con- nt-h Mr. W. T. ('alter, raudidale lor the legisltitiiK.. is suH'eiinn from a bad cold, nevertheless lie made a vole-win-ning speech yesierday, Mr. Carter said tint the n iminai ion came to him as a surprise, as lie was not. in the convention, but declared that ho deeply appreciate the honor conferred upon him by his fellow Democrats and uitied them to rally aboui the ticket anil elect it by a handsome majority. In the discharge of the duties, of ;V legislator l:e will have as his ambi tion the best inteiests of all the pen pie. He will represent no clique and will work and vote for those measures which he deems most benelieia! to bis fellow men. Mr. Carter declared that he was heartily in favor of the State making ample provision for her In sane, her blind, her deaf and dumb and if the present institutions were in adequate for cnrinii for those seeking admission therein, he was in favor j of enlargiiiir those Institutions. - .Mr. Carter .said his Republican oppoj ueut was promisim; a reduction in the! poll tax should he be elected. "I ainj in favor of such a reduction." said Mr. Carter, "if such a reduction -can hoi wisely made, but it retinites money t.' "ondiict everything successfully ami j we would have to be very- careful in this matter." Mr. Carter defended the ptc-ent Democratic State administratJoii. He' ridiculed the Republican accusation I that the Democratic party had been j extravagant in the expenditure of the; scl'ool moneys in this State and rpiol-j ed figures to show that the charite iva,, Without t'oiinilation I On county matters Mr. Cartei said 1 e endorsed the road commission idea and believed it would be satisfactory to all the people of the enmity. MR. BUXTON'S SPEECH. of Sweetheart In England. He Said He Would Kill Himself And Disap peared, Failing to Show Up for Per formance Last Night Police Are Searching for Him. Big Crowd at State Fair. best oflici s lor life ! title he knew .lial the p-'niocrats w uiM be colilent. as bo Hi of thein wete clever nun. Railroads and the People. Mr. Iluxioii discuss, d the reduction of laihoad fares and laics and aertiii! pli ducd liims If in finer of a n due . lion. in connection win tins sunjeci. vit. n,,,,. siirred up over a possible sui Huxlon .-lined that lie was etniihat ical T, ,., w, K f,.ar,.( i he l oppos -d in Hie manner in wlii(hlh,, vj,., js r, Kiancis. who plays tie railroads tieated our local m.-r-l,,,,, (,.iiM comedy rede in the play, chants, lie .-.aid the railroads were.., TUnn-u d In Nordland,'' presented (Special lo The Sentinel.) RAI.KIHH, Oct. IS. Haieixh is disci iiiiinat iim auiiiiist our North Car- olitui no tclianis and t ite.- an instance where a Wiu.-i in littn in iiuicha-inu a car of bananas found it cheaper in have it hilled to Roanoke. ' Va and thence back here than to have it ship- in the Actideiuv of Music lasl nlnhi lie is an Kintlishmail of excellent family . II.- an ied hi t esti iday aficriioon and found a letter from Knitlatul tellini;' hltti of the death of his KWi e beai l. He told some ass i Remains of Mrs. Jefferson Da vis To Be Interred At Richmond Tomorrow Afternoon. Kef held WiT , d din el lo Winston, thoimh 'he car s j,, t;,. ,i,mpauy he intend, d lo had lo pass ihroiil- Witis'toli in ej t; kn, ,i,. f. ,. took a room at a private hoanlinn bouse, spent a few, iniiiule in his room and left, ieavliin his haitmut, . lie iibi not show up for Roanoke, lie was in lavor o icmslii- tiotl to lellled) this evil. Other Issues Discussed. Mr. IliiMen disiuiss d 'lo- trust is site at s Hue (eiitttli, takit.it the lo--t-tioii that no man or c i: i -n a! ion is urea-, r than 'he t; e. 1 1 1 1 1 ':t As a solution of tin tin-t . vil Mr HiiMmM -aid lie was in ,,in nf e;,a :' I'm lit of laws under w'i:c- I he-e t ,eh and pow i rial iiildi. ; s oi i !i. M opl. :-'n aid re ceive tile anie iu;i;.-hinetii a- ::te eotn moii hoi-e ihi. I". ir:-'.u. "What car.-tlicM- an ' ci pot at ions f ir a pal'ry it'-;,- nt I.", i ihi wl.- ! hi -ikinu t ne a it make -k.,1 iiuoii re " eonelii. IS!1 SPEECH. , 0 Be Remedy for V:ri'y' Re- , -,-, T"at the " B'C Factor ;"" 'tmdidate .'' speech 'k :P io th,. ' !r;. ,;,K in refer- 1,1 prosper. ' :" pins '' ''.it a in ex- Discusses Trusts, Railroads, County Affairs, State Administrations and Incidentally Tells The Kernersville People That They Must Settle Their Differences Among Themselves. When Mr. Huxlon ascended the plat foi 111 to make his speech lie was eject 'd witli much applause, and he put his audience in an even belter hutiioi by referriiiK to the low eciliiisr. wiy i'lU it w-.ts not Ids dcsiie to "hit th' celling" this early in the cainpaiL-n a: leasl. -Mr. Iluxton's speech i;i the in.'iln was alons the. same lines as that of the previous day, an outline nf which was Riven ill these column '"r day. Nevertheless he di-cuwed se einl oilier issues and time and .atain was applauded. Contrasts Democratic and Republican Administration of State Affairs. Mr. Buxton took up the Resell ad ministration in N-irth Cat'citm nun comnared il with that of the lieiiio- ctatlc. . He told of th" Mail la!- that marked (he reiitti of Kepublii tiiiistn Vorll, -.,,-,,lln , renin I S'.'ll I i s'is, , charged Rus-iell and Hull, r i'h ins; responsible for the Dal-ana b-.i scandal, saylnt; that tl'o" were. alone responsible for tin- Sin haviiiff tn pav t2'i". l"""tl,i,: 1,1 Russell and ililtb r cettina a hiu "ra off" ns attorneys, lie said he w proud thtit no scandal had mail e l t adniinlstiation of State pm'tiue since the Democrats c.'inie it. in pew. l-l V t'le Mr. ItiiMon. . The read ties;ion and the W-addill bill wi-te aisn d,,-( ii.-s. , i. Mi l.tnx- toll, his positi HI nil Ihi i' f" .-!.'!! -belli:; heietohae iv, It: 111 '-,!- iinms. Kernersville People Must Settle Their Local Matters. In conclusion Mr IWx'osi -nm d to his audience that l:e wmiM !ak--no side on the s.-!io.i qa -'lea ;ti K r- ttlT-vioe, If Ihe peopie of li.V "IWH wic in fav.t of incieased iae-. tor i lie schools and a iiiajoritj of He- p.-o pie so v'i;i d 1 lien he would hai c eie acted laws to thai effv.-t, ', I1""- ,..! v. i; that -imii in an election and the maj.iiin vote should rule. Mr. ISnxtoii "a1- as.-uie! In nitiiiy at the elm" of his speech Mia1 his .-jews e" 'le iSs'l "f '"' with their approval and 'he wneV u i 'he phu last nieht and tie- conipanyl left for Durham this morning for Ihelr liiRaaemeii' i ' hi iiifi t with, ml KetrliiR; all) tiaee of liilll The " c; I ' ilittnsihi - as tea-onably sine Kramisi has gone nfl ami killed himself ti he Is a soiier. reliable man, the lead , mis mini in tie plav. The piilice Ilia nil llle lo ikn'l! for 1 1 It I . j Atioihei ta.nv dav for the Hate la': litis foda ha; ttond crowd of piesihlv i i-ti iiioii-aiiit was preseui. STAR COURSE OPENS v an a' 1! h ,- hi': a -.olef- nf Saiettl Ch.,pe tnWi: I'he candidal' Today ihe i a::d Cre, I; ;md tniitot r w - l .,11 the en ill ; wnik. Some i,e tni.l sollle h,n ins io s oi Ihoitb it i h ,,f 'le life : :- evp. t: illle !ICe .1 i; s i to The setrin. i i K i.i:i;n u. t i- - Tit. in ., - ,- :n pr.-.-f.-'he ,-a -. he- w i-t tl li' tl T I! I!- ',' ' i;, m f M tnth hi at.d ii-.. I ' ed M'i I" ,f till I I ... I;, ee t,(l. eiillt'.tl'l' - ;t'lil" ,11,- w ol ' i a ::-' he giv I'll m t-i . ,r; .f tie- p. ib'.:. The hid . .- nf the hospital associa tion ate i:. silling season tickets for the s'ai coats.- to be given in audi toriuin of Hotel Zinzeinloi f. A season ticket ii.!nr"ii!i: two persons is ; nn am! tick, t admitting one is ft.un. Our I citizens should liny these tickets and hus -how tlnir tnleiest in He work if tie- hospital. The hotel has done its eat't. now do yours. T ,e lir-i tiltraclion takes place next Me': ay niglit. Ralph Bingham, tin iioo ! humotlst and musician, will one of bis splendid entertain in. - The following by a news- ;;;,;, Wfil.-r WliO kllOWS liilll. giVS d. of his work : i do not exaggerate when I say eve Ralph Bingham is the gicat- ; . -'oi telh-r in 'be world. I have : , . i .1 marly-' ail the fanions rinm if. of today, but never have heard who could make si tnuch nut of vrtt.ns. I do n.rt mean to .a Ring i'atiis Murks are nothing far fiom j i but I've known him to take the 1 !.. i t : i v ia incident and. in his itiiml .i'r. w a v . convulse his a'idi'oi,-, be I '.. . a tboiisaiiil or a do.i n I it.ti'gha Ill's: ciili-itaintiii'tit never up ; -- ' thai tired feeling. His stnrics, of paHios. song-, pi. mo si, its .:: -.iolin solo- till an evening wn! . i;iv of restful vii'le'v II, s aim is not to philosophize nor 'uck In'o oni-'s mind a '!' , 1 .,;-.:!,; io (Hinder ov r - lie bo'di;. it. ' !e si Iv sav - so II is aim U to ii'. i 1 . ii - to a mu-e all w ho ha '. I I'd. a ,. In- is n -ute ,,h.,l The In ' s .", ' rv night durittg a long -ea--on. - I In re are pl.-ti'i f n''!s's of n.' V.l ' A HT nt it! ttielr OK II pe 'lar w a '. s - ! 1 1 j : al I ate i fferent --: loin " (Jordoti 0. R'-v nobis, sign pali.'er . " ":ng' out some n'ract've road it!,, for the .(; v. Meter Co. Funeral Party Leaves New York This Evening. Short Services Held To day at Hotel Majestic Confederate Veterans to Have Prominent Part In Funeral Ceremonies, General Stephen D. Lee Being In Charge as Marshal. (Ily Publishers' Press ) NKW- YORK, Oct. I S. III lef vices for the laU Mrs. Davis, this afternoon at Hotel Majestic, .-mended by relatives and peiHonal li lends. Rev. M A. Senile, of HI. Stephen's I'roieslaul episcopal church lllliclateil. The body will lie shipped to Rich mond, 'a., at Ik :in this evening Lieutenant (loveinor KlIUou, of Vir ginia, came here last night to consult Ihe family regarding t n net al nitange- llieii! .;. Tl e body will be accompanied from here In Maj. K.lwaid Owen, of Mont gomery,' commander In chief of Con federate Veterans' Sous; Mrs. .1. II. I'arker. president New York chapter Daughters of Ihe Confederacy, nud a delegation of women. In the filll' lal party will also be Mr. and. Mrs. Jeffer son Davis Haves and Mr. and Mrs. (lerald D. W'ebb, The fun. ra I will take place tuinnr row afiernoou, (iciieral Stephen , Lee. of M is-is-ippi, commander in chi. f of the Ciilieii Coiifi-deiate Vet erans, will be marshal, He has smiC an order ieiuesfing all Confedeiate generals to nt'cml (lovernot Swaiisnii w ill Issue a proc 'ama'loii calling for the general su.v p' tlsfon nf business nil Ihe .H'casioll o tin- hineral. Th.. honorary pail hearers will be; flein rais Stephen II l.ee, of MUsis slppi; A. I'. M Stewait. of Tennessee; S. H. Hiiekie r. of Keuiuckv , L. I. 1 -i 1 1 1 1 a x . of Virginia; R. F. Hoke, of North Carolina. W I. Cabell, Tcmis. Jatnes H. Lane, Alabaniti; Maurice J Wright. Washington, D C ; C. Irvine Walker. Soii'li Carolina; Clement A Kvans. (leorgia, and W I' Roli' iis, of Not lb Carolina. STEAM LAUNDRY II Rev. D. II e.imiinu preached again at Ceiiienaiy church lost night Uh Ureal ViWel . e said In pin t ; John runic preaching "repent for ihe Kingdom or Heaven Ik at land." Jesus and the anoules preached Hid same liulh "i'i'cpl ye repent ye -hall all likewise pilsh." No man. can belli ve in the ,nrd Jesus unto the salvation r his soul unless lie re petiu or sin. Repentance Is the de cision of olio's lulu, in give up nil sin and lo yield lis whole heart and life Up to Hie Will or Hod. How (an ye believe which receive honor mi" or another and seek not the honor thai cume from (Jid? Without abandonment or nil sin Christ will never become Kill lo any tnnu, of be .nine bis personal savior. Among the unconverted and loM nre ninny who bellove, hut an II, win when He was on l aiih, Ibey do tint eotifewt liilll lest Ihev .thoiild be put nut of the i.vn.igngiie The mil) way to Cod nnrt glory Is through a straight gale and narrow way and few there he that find il. Mm go to he because It Is easy; ihe) i each lu ll nn He current nf ihelr evil Inclination. Now win must repent nf sin. give t up, denounce I, denounce It nr he damned. If joil waul In give up fii, ir yon dccldo lo ttive Ii up ami 'give your life to Jesus. He will give yon the siwer to do SO. though every devil this side of lull plot vein dnw ulall. To v leld to JesiiH mentis a lire (,r .',c nlillca'lon with the rejected Son or Hod You tniint con fess Him pulillch, cost what II maj. You ciniiioi serve Cod and Mammon To confess Ji'sus ni your Savior In Winston will not cost vmi your life, hut vnu will In. avoided by the Worldly crowd, ihev will shooi out the Up at vou, bnl no man who gives up the wot Id for the Soli or (iod will jose by Hie liniihaciion. He las Ihe life (real) thai now Is und the lire lo come. Ii was a custom aiieicu.'v, In order to de'etinice the sitnlU ot a tlltitl to deirlve him or food for a length nf illne then to place lefoie him lecail and gold and If he grabbed Ihe gold III si he was coiol.leied rtiii and tieaieii accordiuglv Now what about the H"all"d Intelligent who mal e choice nf death piefeiable to life? Truly ihe old hvpuotisl. the devil, ban a Tearful griinji upon men. Tie man who makes choice of Christ J.-sus. confessing Kim s bis hope and trust Hhall be saved even now, Ibis night Listen. "If thou i-halt confess with thy . mouth the l.onl Jems and shall be lieve lit thy In art that (iod biith !iaic, Hun fiom Hie dead, Hon shall i be Hived Dutinir Ho- closing . patt of the er Mnoti maiiv iiieinhem of the church I made a public coiifeson fit Jesus and the .blessing of Hod came upon Idem A nuiiih. i or Hie iiucoiiverii d also mad.- a conreu .ion of ihelr falMi In Jesus and tlo ir detertniliatlou o give their live, to his m rvice. (Special to The Sentinel.) SALISHI RY. -Oct. IX. The Sails bmy sti am .laundry, inc'udiiig build itig. and lanndn, valo-d in $ 1 2. nun was ti.ni'.'l iailv Hits inornliig TheJ lite ottgiliati d on 'lie second story at 2 n in. and P is I boui'l I io have liei'ii of inc. tuliat y orit.'in. The build-! iug of Hie ('.-irral lle'il, adjoinuiit Ihe l.iundrv cauithl several liuiei. bill' was saved ,v 1,' iolc i ffoti of 1'ie (lie j tu. ii. Tin- i, win ., cairi'd about I'l.'Hiui (Hv 1'iibiUiers' Puss) in-iiiance on t ie propcie, ,e.t roved I MOIlll.K. Ala . Oct IS. Informa tion was r' c uv. d i a r , today or the The Osman Stock Co. I.i-t nlgl-t ida, was Dr. e,v and find. tig or I An mote bod.es or white lilell al IhMlghiu I laud, Where nil (t V Mr Hyde. , whiel, , W. II. liar' ! '"" !,v"e .!.''fi"K ""' ",,'' "! !r"" and liiin Pal The bodies were badly d.ei.nipo id they were poi Ide'i- igan ptoveil himself an artist ' hi '. vet -.at il. ( oiiii;i n v g.'i v ample -iippon i Tmiatia ',t vv.ll be iiil, r. .'l,,g to j 1 '' AH I s h:i! r:" al -'inly Mi Hattigan iiltiyitig one ,r the' ''vlt;; piicen. Sl-dge i'-aditig par's in u oirie. tic cotn.l "The Maid's Hf I a agent At S hi Th'iinp oii, "'be run-makers H'.r ' New Advertisements. i L Rev no'd . gu ,a, titer. ..f their com. , . ts a-, a cuituti K""l "d f-t.ce ifi,. a sp.ci.ty iiii-er. aflf-t wllch 'br- plav pom- r H Reol, good n in.i from ev wi:, l,i-i'ln There w,il he -;,ic;.i!i,r. . ' n ' '' of out !?.jl.l.-me floor, h' I W. ' II Ihe acts. ' I; I- e! I, V.lltl.li V Co. - '.eat ''ii -ee ,, iiiiti ure to wear Itordeii The rutura: 4 Mi.-s ll.imiiia I'ol'z for men was conduced fiom the horn. ,,i the llwribae',.-, tt II: o-- Tomorrow deceased tit three o'cloik vei'etdin f inl...:il dav a' t'o Hus, Store Some b;, Itlsbop Rotul'haier The interim i,t '!''' P' I'-n.i i I v in'.d value, will be of was In l'i- Mofav iau v .iie ia! T ie ' led pall b' tiieis we:e (iei A S.o.et. W I ti'li,i -' Ibm. s'ot.- nnoiihc II. Cliuatd. W. S. I'fotit. II 11 No-' ii ; Velo d. tno; -'i 'ion for Friday Heto H, A I'loh! and W. C. Cti-i i''i IV tt.io To, '" o'c!..i I,