WW tl Wi.' f 1 1 I WINSTON-SALEMN. C, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS TVniiMitf i . I if i KV I ti ---i r v f i ti r lkyiLJL N JL -ill N iLJILJo iST FAIR OPENS Of f I I U U I u m i IB lininniPllir HIS BUSY SEASON. i for Last Two or l5 Along Cuban !ih Florida Coast. JFE Y REACH 1.000 rshifiB Vessels And I, Believed to Have Terrific Storm wnicn ,,l On Carolina Coast. ,( the Extent of the Vd propeny. APRIL U Ell President Roosevelt To Open Jamestown Exposition at That Time. "Jxn i-.. :"' per Press. . S: hundred ,,-s approxi (m:, native In Cuba ami hurricane ; i 1 on i.i j' lis may j Carolina Coast. V i.i' The storm I ', Car..;i.a coast. , ; (i. n.ft Mjntii- j,,,:; .in 'In1 Carolina n-.s.'!'..i Th'1 s'o.m i.i;. ! at tin At- fa at Havana. :. ('.ncrailii'iiue , xiarnw ai I'm' offices m-vsiuii i-rs a to the ifc sn-ngl't there by .:m:i.-. in most reh- ::: Havana will lie be ; forty, while the total it island w ill exceed a nal five hundred in-:.ii;,i:i-s of property -ssi-a .. far tint the ;pr.;' ar.d buildings in l'li"vi 1 iii be up- Southern Florida. t'la.. Oct. 2o. :((s Ins- and property Mr nf a million doi ts uf the cyclone de !. :c today. The most ft so far reported K y, a mile coral i'T itnii-s south of 'is ..parted thr.e h un it i belli veil other ;.;" swept liy ih,. tj(ia -liil'.iti's lost. Dozens a;.d employes of .t. -,-ts Constructing ri(la East Coast Rail- -o:. the stem uf these Vessels Lost. P'E. FJa.. Oct. 20 M Iiractu-ally the en--' uf the Florida Fish Curiij.aiiy, was ()sl, s were at sea when " a"d not since ;'ol from, ft is )os. ,,f "- ' boats mav !''' f hut it is not "f'kaL'e flnm IV,, iti ''I'- If 'he fleet ""addition of ''' llM "f d ad. at Key West. '" -".-About f,,,t v tml the Kast '!l ,,1rk "''re landed ' l-ifkeil them t '''III'-' , ,, i , , v! engineer s eoniain- ',r,;'r'' '"" '"'"'I rri.in Jil Inst the I v mm. ma . vr.k : ny iiinior niifiFii " Ul JUIllUII UIlUL.ll .. . . Don.h.u in CLv.Und Pl.n Dr.l.r. II STRONG SEIOS CUNDIDflTES flT ' COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL i OY I. OOiNN CENTERVILLE TONIGHT CONVENTION WEDNESDAY and Tin militia! cniiveni loll (r the tor-Con-Isv'h ('omitv Sunilav School' Assoela .1,1 tlon will In Fxeelle llltS MAKES STROriB SPEECH i This Announcement Was Made Orfi cially From the White Houss To day. Arrangements for the Bg Event Are Being Made On An Elab- orate Scale. I ! (By Publishers' Pretis ) i WABlllNCTON, Oct. 2V-- It w,,, ,.f 'finally announced at the Wiii-e Huim I today that. President Roosevelt will ioptu the .Jamestown exposiUun with a (speech on April 2H:h next. ' Elatmrate preparations ate heitm made for the liif? exposition which iro lllises to be one of the retit- si events of its kind' ever held. The wori preparation is proftrossinn rard- iv Quite a uniiiue affair in lunior Or dor circles in this city w ill be the eias: initiation of forty or more candidate; at the meet in;; Monday nii;ht. Tin members of this council have mad, arrangements for a his,' tinie on tit,, occasion and it promises to be a mns enjoyable time. j The initiation team fas been uri:au-j ized, uniformed and tach ctnnlida'e ir," asiured that he will receive every at - i tetition possible while fatnilitu izin; himself with the mysteries of the ol der. After the initiation ceremonies re freshments will be served. All Juniors in the city and county! art cordially invited to be quests of I Liberty council on this occasion, and the members of Liberty council are es-j pecially urged to he present. ! Liberty Council is now In the most! fliurisl inK condition. Her member-1 ship at, present Is about 1!n and with1 the class to bo taken in Monday even- nig the roll of members win be con siderably over the two hundred mark. Financially council is also in u most healthv condition. The council owns Caps lies. 1 . " 1 "" steamer i,Y"1M;i 'mde. r;; '" haibor by the V"1 F'v" are r-,,.!M.",.r,- "f ''-I. in h,'iii'd from, . ,';;:!'-''.dueii !h.lt t!: , ;'.' -' iered and general Be. - -v I), a lot on Trade which is said to hi wortli $l.liHl or $l,Snn. uimiu which theeriim council will some day erect a home. The- council carries n sick benefit of $t.0U per week and a funeral bens-fit of $SU0. This council is tie oldest world and lielievins it Junior Order council In the tfate and I is absolved from the I rev Iva! nf the nianjfesily in pro church. A mim- l her of tin niiiiistirs of other churi-he-land lnembi rs of other cl inches an ('ontt'iliutinn their present e and In teres! in tin services. ! last uii:h! an unusually law cm; 1 Hieiratiou. no; wit hsiandini;' other at tractions in the city' and the prontess I of other levivals in the city at the ! I'rot :.stant and Moravian churches; at ! tended the s. nice. The theme was present salvation from sin. "His name shall be called .1 siis, for He shall save HU penpli from their sins," This ureal work of tie Sou nf (iod is undertaken b.v tak ing upon himself the sin of the World and suffi -riiiK for those sins vicarious 1 as thouuh He were KUil-y of tvety committed by man The ac cumulated sins of the world crushed the life out of Him on the cross Tints he removes in Himself the sin of the Him tho sinner mriU of sin. Democratic legislative candidates will speak at Academy at S o'cl.K'k toniit nt music will be furnished by the Centerville cornet band. A Mi, crowd will doubtless be present and hear the candidates discuss the pol itical issues. They are delinrini; Kood sp eehes and have made a .splen did impression wherevtr they have been. APPEAL TAKEN IN THE .Indue Ward heard argument la.sl nicht in a mandamus case Sum coiiiily. wheiein citizens one of the most popular secret oi'Kani zations in the city. The present'ofilcers are: Councilor. Arthur Oliver; past councilor. J. C. Bessent;' secretary. T. A. Brown ; financial secretary, V. A. Speer; treas urer, R. D. Pegrani; vice-councilor, O. W. Joues. to A snecial from Cicinnati, Ohio, the Charlotte Observer, says: Andrew Hodenhamor, aged V. elaiin iiiK ys his home Kernersville, .. ('.. was arrested in company with John O'.Mearn. also 1H, on suspicion of hav ing sand-bached and robbed William Dutton, a veteran hare-back rider and circus man. Thursday niKii'- Two blood-bespat tired coats, identified - as the properly of the ynuiiK men. is lln evidence with which the police hopi to fix the crime upon tin in. Dutton made the rounds of the saloons with Bodenhamer and O'llearn who. owinn to the fact, that he always had money and was never known to work, wa ulider police siirveilance. On a ipi'iei street, it is believed, liny i';it lulu into unconsciousness. He will Both youths protest innocence, cannot, explain the condition ol coats." A citizen of Kernersville, who here toilav. stated thai he did know Andrew Bodeuhanier and that if such a party ever resided in or near that town he was not aware of it, largely from the disabilities rosiiltinc from sin; from the condemnation of sin: from ll'e love of sin and from tin bondage of sin. These features were discussed, and in course, under the di rection of the llnly Spirit. D ip and profound was the conviction of these iniKhtv truths. Some publicly confessed their de sire to flee from tin- wrath to come and to be saved now from their sins. There will lie no services today. It will he a pity for the services to con clude tomorrow. The , momentum gaiiiid should carry the services on indefinite;). It would he a m'lat thini; if sum plan could be devised for their continuance. The revival which has been in pro gress at Centenary M Iv church for two wnks will iio.-e tomorrow t:ii;lii. Kvaimelist 1). II. (' itl.ann, iif l.iimir. who las been a:-sisl ins; tin- pastor Dr. (Tireiijtlieri'. will conduct a m- et im; a' l.ovi 's church ;n Witlkei low n. next wt k. here from wi I " eiideavorinir to com pel the county coiiiinissiiuiers to rebuild a hriiitje across Stewart creek, near Mt. Airy, to lake ti e place of the one washed away a few months ano. Jude Ward ruled with the commissioners-boil-inn that biiildlui; of the bridge was optional witn the board. An appeal was taken to the supreme court. Th'" plaintiffs were represented by V. F. Caiter. of Mt. Airy, whll W. I-. Ucece, of Dileon, appeared for the commissioners. I'ns-paH-C roi- held at ("cnleiiHrv M. church next Wednesday. There he thief sessions and all the nupenn tendei.ts. ollici'is and menthol's are In vlUil ;to come and spend the day. The program arranged Is as follows: Morning Session 10 a. m. The Supet intemlf in fioin the tots' StaiiiiiMiint IMscnssi'if hy tors present. Opened by H. S. land. Pastor's Relationship l( the Sunday School from the Superintendent's Standpoint.--Discussion by superinten dents present. Opened hy It. It Crawford. Value nf Teachers' Meeting. HuW and When to Hold It Discussion opened by (eo. S. Xortlei t. Afternoon Session 2: 30. Business session. Address by N. II. Broiigl ion, of Hal elgh, N. C, "A, broader1' view of the Sunday school, past, present and future." Night Session 7:30. Devotional exercises. Address, "Necessary flequlsll lett to a Modem Sunditv School." bv (ieo. II. Crowell. High Point, N, C. Address, "Tho Sunday ScIkkiI Teacher," by Preston J. Hail, KIliHton. N C. ana Hen, a: tiij of f, r s.Hvi B" s '"I" .ls '"'HlVe 1 -Tlie war received "t'al Bell, 11 'tin paci 'g effects s light The ship l:m,i this " ti erv die but tin was not ! New Adverti: Home Heal Kst,,t -. ance Co... i;;h page. name riamN for. Simpson's lung Slo line of line pipes. Ilimiiev -1 1 ; IIS' - ! I .cnients. Loan and lesur What our linn ilty I'ubllshers' I'rcss.) LKXIN'd'I'ON'. Ky.. Oct. 2". A lie gin. ,il,"ii! in veins old, w.i i found lianttiiig to a limb of a tree on the lawn of Horace Coleman's home, nine miles Tb" lynch hood any k 1 1 urn icdiei appci now I la xingloii Ibis morning ions are tl'at he was no one In the neighbor , to know him or to linn ge nf the crime, Se ill! at. i our u- vv bin Br i. I'.VH mar. coni-Cios I .'ill stove,. four day s Flank C pain, join set' shoe,-. Craiil'nrii and Suwlcr.--h I read for winter. Itlls.-eli I rlvaN it' bun The ;b notice. V.oii tug ! I.iii ,11 v (' - w TO TOE HOSPITAL 1 fiEBEL P EL PASO i't ' I,. :.-;, i . ' A raid .', ., ..; ' , "I alleged f.,.. ,'!' ' -icemen ',;,' -Zaii-S Was t;.. ', """'"itaneouKiy ' i ;,.V.- "f the '','''' 1 -""vera ". ,-ex . ,"' ''' revolu- ' ar-"..'", rif - . ' ' '' IS US- '-'; ,. ' "' 'Ciirr.,!' h o "', l!"i-of local '!'.' .,"f Sl I.OI1IS, ' " Kag'le Is i.eie re- 1 v a -imde As staled yes! rday the hospital cepiion Thursday was not i:ri tended, nartlv hfcanse of the ment weather. Ti e coffee and cm loaf sugar used were donated by Mr. .1. T. Jo; ner and the sugar cakes were given by Mesdames W. T. Vogler, B'tti" Vog ler, Will Peterson. A. W. Winkler. L. B. Brickensteln, C. K. Traxler and Will Crist. The articles in th" following Its were also donated by the friends ol the hospital: Eight packages Quak r oats. :: ages cream of wheat, .package. olate, one (,f salt, one of rice, on Hour, one-half hushed sweet pi one can berries. 2 cans toinatm package crackers. 1 - dozen dozen cups and saucers. I 'a tumblers, " small bowls. 1 doze sert saucers, 2 glass dishes'. 1 7w, i sugar bowls, s pi'chers. nieaset. o pounds cheese. I kins " Lean condeiir,! d milk l2.iii you i Elm Street Meeting. Another large' coiign-ga ; mi Mrs. liui'iielte at- Kit" : ! las: night. Mrs. Hindi text fmm John 1 t i l. a sermon vva preached, i professions and sevi, praver. Mis. Buniett. .iga:.n tmiicl;' The pi to these si iv in .- Tin and song- are p.'easing T i r, BOSK' lisle, ,e, t'l Side- a lav was W. C. T. Publishers' Press ) Oct. 2t) Counless of Car n! of Knglish branch, w In, astle Howard, York, led world's presided' in n Revival at M. P- Church. T;;'-re wan several r ri : n i . t j f:n pray r ai 'lie Methodisi I'rote-.talit el. iifl !at night. Itev M B 'Ih'a w.-i Is asibting Pastor Williams, pna'd.ed u stirring serl.io I -j ri "ei .p. ration," The message v-a.s a'tep-'-.,-: lis'ened tii by a ianv -mm.-'"," ...i. Ser.jces tonight and oil)" r 11 a m. hint T:Ho p. -n. STAR COURSE OPENS T Ralph Bingham, the Holed humorist, will appear In one of his ideattlng en teiiainnients ai Hotel Zin.endorf Mon day evening, this being the first mini hi r of the slar course. Newspapeis Ibroiigboiil lb" country have spoken In hlh terms of His noted humorist and musician and his (nterlaiiiinciits never fall t please. Change at Colored Church. ( 'olil I illlltefl Rev. l, W Moreliead, pastor of St I'aui's M. Iv chiircl , colon d. ha-' hi en I ra n sfc 1 1 oil to Maxton, N. (.'., after be ing here thru- vears. Rev. N. S Shainbiirger, Hie m w iaslor, will pr' aei p. m. Sunday p in. ami i. Mr. c, lernooii ill West conn' of Scarcity of Coal. M. Thomas return f mm a vl.sit to Ho iiginla. II" I he strike ll Solicitor Addresses Audience j Of Goodly Proportions at i The Court House. Discusses Nationsl And SUtt Issue In a Thoroughly Convincing Man ner. Eposes Fallacy of "Rtpubli can Prosperity" Argument. $ho That Republican Government In This State Has Never Been for test Interests of Its People. Shows That Republican Party Has Not Been th Fnend of th Confederate Soldi'. Hon. S Porter (iiaven. Di-nxx-rclic candidaie for re election to the nidlc itoishlp of eleventh district, msile s strong sech lo scveial hundritl vot ers at Ho courthouse hist night. !( as iiitiodnced hy Mr W. T. Cartrr. CHiididate for . the 1. gUlat urr. Mr. (Iiaves devoted nnnli of his speech l' a discussion of tiailmuil issuea, th mi iff Indiig the main topic. He also discussed State issues, roncltKihH tiis adtniiable sieech with an i'rnl appeal In the Democrats to go to OIJi and roll up a big inajmlty til Forsyth county. Tariff Is Discussed. After thanking tie voter f,,r their ci, i, h.k nee in him and pledging them liis tiesi efforts in the disctmrgo of th duties of Millellor. Mr UraVf lUrtl e. into a disciihslomif uutlonl Ismit-N. He declared that 'he DiTliKrllc par t linn always been th1 party of inasses; that ih Demorratlr party In lleveH lit every luan having voir In the government. H declmeil th preMUt high tariff wan robbing thft masses of the people today and Pu nching the few. Mr. (riaves said In the early days of onr niillitr) It a necessary to have a protective tariff, as onr nianiiUctnrte were f-w and had very little rapltal, hut that now tl ese IntercHtrt had grown t a poln,f where they did not require thin pro lection, urn! Instead of It working to the Interests of the eoiintry It wait do ing II harm He showed that under the present tariff onr manufacturer were selling goods cheaper abroad than In this eouiitiy. He read from a hpeech delivered In the last Con gress by HepreseiitHtlve Ijttldls, lie puldK'iin, of Indiana, to show IhUHii urilele. u,,nl lii foreliii! hiflfkelfl rhisn 'er tlan In this country were not th rubbish or old stork of our protected lu'eifStH He took the reaper as an example. The machine sell for $125 to the American farmer, while; the same machine Is sold to the foreign farmer for $ He contended this wait not right and said If It could bn sold for $!Mi on the foreign market It could be soldi even cheaper lu this country. The reason that It Ih not done Is because the high tariff pre vents the foreign manufacturer from placing his machine on the American market. Mr. Orave said the Ameri can manufacturer has no right to sell tliesi. articles cheaper abroad than at home; t lint th Republican cry that I heat articles were the over plus of ll'e mills, of ibis country would not do, thai If tin- American, manufacturer would sell his inachlnti for Instead of $I2T, more machines could and would lie wild In this country. Taking up the Republican argument that th" tariff la responsible for the prosperous condition of the country. Mr. Oravru ridiculed t. He said that the Republican party had not given the Alniight) credit for anything In len years, that tl In country' prosper ity was hugely due lo discovery of sli ver and gold nt Cripple -('reek and In Klondike, the output fiom tl es re gions Incteasiug Hie moiii- in circula tion In this country from till In lsiid to $dl In llMHi Hr capita of our popula tion. Again the gn at wars of recent vears had opened up niaikets for us in nil parts o( the world, as the arm ioi had to he fed and clothed; ships made a big demand for the output of Iron and sieel, stuck was purcraseil d this af coalfields savs thai on actio- Clinch Val- i fe M. Klrknian, prescription derk Thompson drlig store, has returned :u a week's vacation. lev it is d.flicult to get coal and l e fiars that dealers will he greaily In com eiiienced In filling orders. Mr L. Iv Kllis and family, who have occupied the Dr. Thomas n-si deuce on Buxton street for some mouths, will move to their hoiii" place ou Nodi' Depot street next week Mrs. Thonnn will make her home with Fills until shout the flint of January, when she will eavi for Wisconsin, (HULK WANI oiiiineiidel. KD Mit-i In King f 'r ,n ing well rc C. I.. Sharp is eio.-it.g line ,,f goods a' Cn. si to by Novi miier I. af' In w ;th 'in- Standar 'o cut c'osi hi- wl Fe, let! to d and pa( k-choc- sack tatoes. l.i.-t tive dozen . n .! sauc 1 o.i: i pump-1 Tl he H i F. CaCe on, who from Sn inghi. f );on;rs to lini of Mt. Igtl.'d V bef' I tied John F. Reynolds Resigns; H. E. Nissen His Successor Juds" tlii-ir Ipcr.-Hoi- John F. Reynolds ha -ig.iatiot: as stamp iii-Saleiu office in.tl tin en accepted liv Collect jr ow n, of Asli.rv ill-, f.li : I ul of 'In. sa u( In it 'I l.e ere h.i ;' I Airy 1 1, for ",tid I o nil n- ijnnis , morning On" Hex e M W .1., We ii till!: He wl! 1 ml, i his aft ci noon to' i r.ois ,i Mr. Harry Iv N)ns, i) atipointed stamp cior Mi. Reynolds. .en seel: V a lepo: '. r Ills all'"' Cnlleclor P.rnw n w a bus . In iffif e taking a list d the .'nn p.. Now i i Rain In OPK)I tlllllt to g-t ,ar i ware. Kverj thing fit j.. tomorrow He and will hav Tiiesda y In attend A- ippoijenl joint ' I I! ! ii stoi'k pieparntory to tiain-ler. Coliectot llrown slated ii -,.sor lo Mr. Nlsvn a. icdistamp cbik had not benn named yi-t. I but would be in a few dsvs Tile Sentinel was advised more jthatl a week ago that Mr. Reynold-,, iwlm hai Indd Hie. office for more than .nine vears. would either resign his Ixi-itinti or withdraw from the race I for rieik of the s u jx-r lot court He I was Infornied that he could not enter iiicnviy into politics atnl hold his , po-ition In the revenue service il- was out wltfi the Repuhin an careti I dates w ho began ttn ir canvass of 'In- e nking ihe I count v todav I Collector Itiown will be lii the il'y that a sue- until tomorrow iiHftnleg. when he assistant will leave for Statesvilli- or Asheville ; i vet! I- Ihe Of wl o l.a ' to sue IContlliiied on page five.) A FEW CHANGES IN THE SENTINEL FORCE The Seiilini'l announces with (reu nine regret tl ai II js to lo" a valusbl and popular member of Its force. Mr. J S Mnvnor. who ha, had Charge of the Linotype machine since It was installed In August, JM. h rei-lgii-i o accept a iiopfoii on h rmid to beeoiui. a "knight of the glip" N'0 liajwr enr had mine faithful tin ploes than the men who have made The Sentinel for the past twti years and the breaking of famll) ties I regretted hy one and all. Mr. Mav nor will ! succeeded hy Mr John V, Sterling, slo has been s most valuable member of The Sen tinel family for ten years. Mr, Herbert V Thompson, who was with. Tii" Sentinel for several years, will return to his hist, love Mr. Thompson. ho him been u Wilming ton for some tinie, will inter ujhii hU 'III 'leu Monday, The Big Shoot Monday. U'Uirbcsti r tialll nf expert Is will flM he tnii'ht. The at the grounds of the Wlnntoti- gun c lub. Ju t i.oi ih of 'he The 'I note shoot StCcm home of Hon. A K H Sid,-, vxlll star1 llnl.pl Mm. day K.v . r. bod' come on' bethei 'In v and no dmib' a vr. attend the lug ev.-nt. ii on South at l' a in. ,s Invited' lo y kIukiI or not uge crowd sill i and t Sharp's. bt low COS) kiteh. i

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