LIT IT 7 H A i ii . WIN3T0N-SALE.M, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 22. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS V V " - :R. I! ft - ;5 "' RALPH IGII J JIUMlll Mr. Ralph wrist, win 1 Ker of reople Lives Us- in 1 1 Bingham. 'In n open Hie ;. course entertainments at H, zetidoif tjnisht at M l- oi-.' I juomises to bp an es-cia:iy i traction and a large and i 'doubtless he present. Thi- c niven for the benefit of th T I I! ispital. I Tl.mi!ii F Watson tin' w. , ammo "" ..,.. tj..i.,i. i;,. ,l,.. ,.i :. . ward Repn, .n. rv.nin. musuum '- 'i I nrillP unione entertainers. Wsee!ts ' jircat to attend liis perl'.ii ninnr. s . S3Vlrtq He,..:t hunmr l i otonii,..,.. Koiw If Anyinmg i pattios. nis musical riii am: hi Invest'daHO'i. mils iur hmuk on. i i i t- iivcii.i.i: .u native enaracters, make an a:: round rapacity for platform wmk rarely equalled." The A 'fiis'a CI roniclc of October GOOD SPEECHES IT GENTERVILLE! BL n DOES MUCH DAMAGE TWO BOYS HAVE ; II NARRQVi ESCAPE MORE MAY SHE II K V s W V Ud J : III SHOPS III DemocraUcCjndia,iU,sSpoKe'GrMl,-,1s of Li!o Feared as , B'3- 1' w :i M:. Hi- llbi t-5 t5' ' 0,'. -: - I d ti ttltT fol- k: ;r,...i'd i Ka.:a. d'd Sil'1'"1 hi-poi ted , !'!.- on :,r passeii- Ii In' !o.-t. to- and .lis. Two a- haviui: ) rif al sea. Ujrd's Telegram. v IV 22.- 1'r- (il tu Good Audience There I on Saturday iglit. , idc'fvrnt Weatner' Qu 't i u"'ber cf Vc.ti's Attpnded The Speaking and Sffrd To Be Tncroagnly Interested In te Vote Winning Speeches Made. T!:e . .,: ,,- eoin.i . .. .,. I i . i ; i , i,.'..i:e. fifiu1 'it ,i i i S . . ' 1 1 ' . 1 ; i ' u ' m Result of One Raging in Rot ky .Mountain Region. Thousaniis cf Seet) 3"d Cattle Per ih In Storm Raging In Colorado, Ne Mexico. Wyoming and Utah Dei'. uctive Fire at Salt Lake City. ti. ' .r'eii'.; T'l.' e r c a ti..:e ' Hat -..-; ,.:',m.1 Manx the U.; III...' v .tl t!it . man t..t..k. .. 1 . II the i,. i , )u I'll I A I lL.'U 1 in Jill ! d 'lie' ( ill.; Mill '. 1 il Hi' ret. .f. A u:r.; t'1 hit ti""' :r i. idt nt hi',1 tli li.ivei noi ;i resp lllM1 '" ii wiih lieoplt .term disaster: ih nl p'ple , ..-i.ill of s III :!lk Mill for Of' , n v prariieable fur: her af'i 2i lias the followiiiR to sa alxnn Mr. Hinliain's appearance thi ie la-i Fri day r.ishl: "Ralph Bingham, a jiist'o imied 'n reiilll lecturer, aildres.-ed a ciowded house at the Miller Walker hall l.:s: :i iji Itt . The subject of the l.ciuic a., t'vei ytliitif; that entertains, and :;e iectine was indeed a coMeelioii of lie most hUUy eiitertaining s.-'.i c'inn T!ie hniiiorous tiiunliers wire anion:; he funniest ever heard in Hie rin. Mr. HiiiKhain is a past master at nmn iIokup. and his facial expiessi nis aif -.imply irreseistible. "The numeb was in every respect a ycenni success, and it Hie snbsisinetit ctnies come up to the standard set J.v Kalpli Ilmsliani the entire course ,'ill be assured a sploudid utttiid- IIK'C. For those not holding seas iu tickets ho price of tlckel for the entertain- uent toiiifilit will be fifty cents an i fnrr v I ; i and are I II I! I liv nrw Fit she. I' I' : i were e.i ..I -wept K U at t uti-i i Ii.. It: ! ... il I' I I'uldi-hcrs I'li-s- l v'u'.ii , i t. -'- - Scot of - ' ea'Hetiieil and f:i! niei - in v,or-; Id. .ml 'hat lias . M..iin..i:n region in ais. Iheie 1ms Ueeli pica' loss - know n that t .U id ml. 'Use n. ulihoi lnKl uiiii', the jonni; men w, il i.- pvestmii I, i knew t s:iu. He i.-i'e!li.-lt' In :he ,: .is known t! at t safe. The tl.U. stil! tl.:rina atiL '"T-t i am M lietet! t'l .1 roL I'-iu.-ra- W T C in li n net and tut :a: .In:.!.!. I'-op; t ai.n'rt Oct hiirviv- ie lie ;-e Ima's ot I lit Rail at extension a ha: rawing talt l-.iCli'ill lilMillK Hie a. ;rv. tjiii i i".:i:i'. in tk uli I."'-:" Key. win itioi' ilealh. arrived i:m sti'iiiuer .Fiinie, -v:-. i - re-cneil. . He Ni. 1. mi waicli wen ick In tin' storm al v iiinrniiin and wat the (iuif tlirotiKl: At t o'clack the ' i hreak up, and a tit h'-i- men. single tim iir iliree, would :' a and lirowned !.! liriiterliutl, but If I'e.n was carried i-i.-iii'l in and the i pteei ;;u , 4ii o It, tn the col mu tinili.'is ti nn::. hlinmeei liiild. hut sue 'i and floater u li" was res in ',-i- In men I : lianiu to of the honse boat n.i'ti. It turned ovc eari; time leiliicinfr fi-n. "I 'Stii'-r Jennie sighted !'l sncrr-eiloii in res- 3 who were hroucl Fli'T Nteniiiers uiiili F'Tf niekjiic , lie Ji nnip In In wnrk Inn . K.v r at: ' - Ti i dead left the at I.onp and oth iii'd food Con M were i xten- it Inn;; thr Itioadti.n sli.iw t!ie oiiil will, Ii some o; e. M r. of liis vol .--win t who have heard Mr i mi' ;i unit in 'speeches ate most ' Hvereil . ill H i- c.i: t'.ia; are of limst iut of l''.ii.-,Mh. (1 ins I tli.- hour. Mr. Cox. House, did not null; M'l !...!' -t v. il e thi tr apprei la! a m n! tri ins : In in a hand llnMoii made a n it aei : itljr speeches Tlio-c Hux'on th;.- earn-1 (lecliiiius that Ills' effective ever de my Oil Nil,-I M'l'st t,l ' lie people I to the late caiiiHil.ite a a speech. iiu itiii". a aniaue Lie I Lake t' 1 i pi ri- ii a I'lah lu I (d ill S'ollll o. New M.-xl Kai! a are ah snow was he Inn I ii'aue III ad'li'ioil i I'aekini; t'i The i.iai III.- T! plant ,E. OF POLITICS FOR GOOD I e lieell III Ml f,,- Iw.i eek l II (Vine: set lllolls I til . ' : r.. 'idle-- I. pi i dollllil ,ill,i I is one of the have been lie ', ili(t Hie sei v ; il -el v I'i's which . have r -s at Ceiiteiiai ; chun h s i i"s nl las' uinhi. Ilev :,, ihs pie: i hi I ierli:l i.sli.ii! " t ' ' 'os and i lo s;n thi i nil- tnad" a instill,', . III. II'' il.'Sl niilt" s 'il.' i, in tills . .iv and .iur es Just I'io.s.-d p; aelu'd Ki I'.ml well lo la NCREftSE IN CAPITAL STOCK OF WABASH anuoiiuclim his eamlidacv ol tier caiiilidaii s. as liens ol I'm the s'liiply till ihe (Special lo Th'i Sentinel ! TOUKUO. Oliio, Oct. TI A special' in el iui; of Hie stockholders of the Wa-I hash Itailroad Company was held heiei today, al which it was decided to in-' crease the $2.imUKlil of 1 per, cent., :nml and the cnnitnl slock to the!ln"h' inoimil nt Ji: t Ollll IIOII ' lesi. horu si1"' whicl arc refuiidiiiK arc lo he for -if ty years and the existing bonds are to bo retirwl unci the amount left at'- er this Is dolio will be used for the ii'ttennent of the properly. Of the net-ease in capital $ Id. raw, nun is to he (referred slock and $s1,imhi,iiiiii is ti le common stock. MR. CARTER S SPEECH. Points Out to the Voters of Broadbay What The Democratic Party Hat Done For That Township Asks What Has the Republican Party Done For It Able Defense of Coun ty Commissioners. Mr. ('niter's speech was devoted al- .. i cnlnol to county nianeis. nun hoard of commissioners in partic ular. In the lieuinnniK ot his speecn Mr. Carter referred lo the fact that Hie Democratic county commissioners I ad done mere lor itioadhay ship than any llepublican , (Ico. K, Hunt, pastor of St M. V church at I II eenshoi o. lo pleasant 11:11. Yadkin coiiun. to conduct a pinnacled ineetina. A tew yea is i.ko when Populism was rutting 'a wide swath in North Caroli na, Itev. Mr. Hunt was an ac'ive poll ! iici.iu in Davidson coun'. lie wasj , oi led Suite senator. j "1 went into olitics thiiikine, could t ii form it. bin 1 soon found out Hint t this was out of the question ami I Rot nil." said the reverend Oils inornlim.l ti... i '.i iinn.linrii na-tor reported!' Hiat ihete had been Pin conversions and To accessions lo his church H Is Hi.- tun a in a vvav I to In Dm convieii'i i liearil his nmsii i Ii iM'niirs resuliid I. litis: Hie foil r pins;: el sinus ami 11..I eo I i those dlsi'oni ses i,i nf A'ol lUCil! ei'.' iclatiia io tint tail wiio i The Dm ; in I Probable That Other Union Employes of Southern Rail road Shops Will Walk Out Sympathetic Strike May Bt CPMtrtd Affecting About Thr TnOuOnd Union Men Now Working In Th Shopt on the Soutiern System Nt gotition Betwetn Machinists nd Railroad Tnus Far Have Faded ' ' (Itv Pllldisheis' r.-f ) WASHIVC. TON. Oit -All th" 'union men m the shop of the Sooth rrit uwy tx t-AlivU nit iu m)iu- diathetic s i ike, ucii.rd'.iiK U reiit in labor clrcUs today President OC 'linell. of Ihe lii Asvv ilai.on ,t Machinists, wni Hut "Heh ilia-lie measure Is ven piohalde Mild that If the mi n sh. aid C' out 11 wovlld affeci It.eoii. ini ludiim- Inn'er makeiH. e;u peiilei s. hliieksniiths and fiietueii. N.cotia'h'iis P. 'tween M'likets ami otliilals. wlucli have been on eeial .'.ivi., r Milled 111 failnri Non Union Men Put To Work. SPKNCKIl. K-t I.1 :--Tii euihuds of noi union mm hmi.ii. were put m wink til Ihe Southern Hallway shops heie tndiu. Three nddilional car loans wi n. sent to Atlanta and oilier point of He hisieni and tminv mole nr. to come lo Speneei, The keenest Intel est ill Ihe sliiilitlon U now taken by Hie htilkiis, none ot vvlioili nave t" lurneil to oik T El (Tlv Pul.1l-hers-ATLANTA, ha . I let easiness is tell fo and Mrs. Terrell Front 22 .- tln tit mi safei v of trtivernol who, ii is fi-ed. BROKE HIS LEG IN A GRIST MILL News was ipecived liere today that i man named Petite mel with a scri ms ' accident S:ititrrtav near Shore's Ferry, in Yadkin county. While work-' 'UK in the urist mill of his father. Mr. Robert Pettee, H e son cati-rht one Ick in a belt and was drawn around Hie shaft. The limb was broken and (ho attending physicians say Hint, the injury will necessitate amputation of the limb. town board thai has ever held office in this county, mil withstanding Hie lownship had time and at:a!u niven a majority in favor of lite Republican tlckel. Vn ier a Dene ictaiie adminisliaiion of county at- iniis six or more miles of macadam road had been constructed in tin n.wTisliin evtcndlinr from the west to Ihe east, the schools have been ureal l impioved and 11 e taxes colleelei in this township liad not heeu wasted In disciissin.' the record of the pres leod Mr Carter nointel out thai ihe-e Ki n! lemon had i:i vt n Hie county i most excelleitl. business-like admin istration. He said that when Hie noanij Wellt lllto olliee ineie was ,111 in...- ness of $2u.imiii ha lining over the conn tv. Tii is deli: hns been wiped out. maiiayenieni ot tie Local sliottsmen participated in a llveh fox chase easi of the. city this luoiuinK. They caiialit a urey fox aftei a race la.stlns thus' (piarters of an hour. The boys say iliey Jumped an oilier ltevnard and -van It for an hour, when the dofjs lost the trail. They are persuaded to believe that fox was shot liv some rabbit hunters. Anions, those who participated In the clia-e were Messis. C. M. Thomas. Chan. Vil.tiis H. C. Click. N. 1.. Clan- 'will' In Hie si in in oft 'tleorula roast e 'Flu v wine mu'-ts i.f Maj Wilkin on the yacht ".lessle." which pul on! ifiom Savannah Sntuiday lor St. SI i moil's Island, due nl St. Simon's Sun idiiv Cable from the Island was brok en dniinir the norm. Official circles are tr.vitii; to m-i in coiuiiiinoi .n nm with He yacht. The coast Is not tre-acheroiis. Fir this reason, It Is said, even if in Ihe Moiiu the yacht Is likelv lo have wealliered II. ford, and naiui il bo Ketnp iu.l t I P. Ilallle. The I the brush. last U. P. CHUHCH REVIVAL STILL OUHT SPENCER Dlscns-inu Ihe slilke hIIiiuIIoii at Speneei. a Soiiihiuii Hallway man re tnarkisl this morulni; thai Hie line eliinists weie now hnldinu out fl" a dismissal of Ihe ihuo masier ma ihliiisls who dediiii'd in i?o out when Hie olln r men slopped work. lie added thai us soon as the matter can he adjusted the strikem would return lo work, ami le made tin- prediction that the railtond officials would llnally let Ihe '-bosses" rO MEETliUTlffST. T SlIFB IN X FOR RDBBERV ati.i v l! r. vans was ' I'M. He Is V.i.. fur rob ",i Chief of coal, pants in w. iv stolen. '' "nils a watch ': to West vir- 'ii papers. He '' iirdi! these P'StOl --I k; Fifth Anniversary. Tomorrow Tuesdav. will mark tin (1ft h anniversary of the .1. W. Hester Co. opetiing for business on Trade ilrctt. This linn will celebrate its anniversary by a hiK special sine. starlin; at 10 o'clock tomorrow .nioin iiS when 1.IMHJ pounds of urauiilatel susar will be sold at .1c per pound. Another bis special io be pul '.he same hour is ."inn pounds buckle coffee at 15 cents iht New specials will be added liroufjliotil the week. Itv :t id ill on a. of Ar ponnd. daily New Advertisements. Smokers' Dell SM-nd a ideasant evoniiii; with a flood friend a l nnau fiirai. Kosenliacher & Ilro. Tlie weather for the past ten days and what to cx nect. Watson's Drills Stnre Wal-on's Quick Cold Cure, a dose tonight old tomorrow-. Auditorium. Wednesday "i.-l" 24. Thomas Dixon..! ., author of Claiismaii." presents his ''' "The One Woman. " no Oct. Tlie counl's finances home cost iur about construct! ,1. Mr. Carter said he proud of this institution: that it an honor to- 'he ureal county of svth ;t II 1 every liroa-l-iuindcd feels a di Ulee of pride when he Hits beautiful home which will b' hi'lti-rinrr place f it ihroul ad . r.-it y an hist compelled to look n fr siiip-i:t. "No one." Caiier. ' knows, Hie -toie for liini. S-iine ,,i u laj have to seek tin- shelti our cuuniy home, and I voter ellllol-es 1 lie loiinin thus ha.viiiH const: uctei! a will evei -land as nionum and Hie county of Fin-wit Mr. Caller said 11" a I'avor of a c! atiKe in the wot kins the county vrMf pre-eiit commissioners ar. sured ill some (piarleis. li ilicv had done mov- valu and' that it was impossl board to s oi.-ly ad th i-o nl lo the road work .in system. The eouiintssio built 'more uooil roads Hum viiuis l.oaiii; H ev have com bridges 'hat cos: me :he nasi summer had AT ST. L new count y in has been was was n see? the I those Who l.eal'li are at i heir county declared Mr. Inline has in is nun some tin in:; roof of know cut) -ioner- lor home that n: io them The revival at ihe Methodist Pro testant chinch Is trrowinx in inleiest anil attendance. Tlieie were seven professions y.-lerilny 2 al Hie nioin inn service and at niithi. The serin nis of Rev Mr. Hell ea. who is assisting the pastor, are nmk t n tc a fine linpression ami wlimlim souls for Chrisi. The Iiieelini; will be conHliiied HiroUKh the week, set vices helms held evi-iy nlclit III 7 ;:!). lle tlliK 1. Illel da n preiiehi Sunday vatioii ciowds aiieuded the revival at Kim Stieel chap'l Satin id Sundav Mrs. Ilutdelte ! lo an overflow connreal Ion nielli, her llioim. Indue "Sal Tlie mnlu part of the cliapel (Special to Tim Sftnitiel.V ST. l.ol'IS. Oct. 22. The Nailonal Assoclniioii of Idle I'nderwrllers. whicl is meetini; here, is composed of insurance ap-nts to the number ot about il.niin. , Meeting's arc held an ! lo discuss nnsiness DHL inn, lie coiil'i reiice will be an ex-j , noi. .." i ... 'io ; .- -ci'iit I DIES AT CLARKSIIILLE was 'iowde. and Hie annex Illleil The ineelliiK is crowing in Inlerest Willi eaeli service. The IneetUn; will probably continue throiik'lioiit thin week. Services every evelilliu Ml tt o'clock Soiii? wivloe. comiiinnelllK at 7 I.V N.A. FIR SHERIFF Of WILKES nn:il -. eai iretni -) . 1 1 1 ;h .- ...:' .:.. 'lo ' ' '"' lays etiacleil lor the KOveruIiiK of He sinance companies will be fully dls ,lssll I', in everv aspect and ways aiiil mean-, of be'teritiL' the standard i if aKohc w ill lie devised. if I lii- Sm i Hi, les'ed iraiu "'; A pis "ti of ,ach ' tuinoiis. al ' 'oie a liis ttii d one n I: top and 'aii a hear- uik' 1 3 The CITY. ' ipiile ;) tHcmls i-ifk will Y.i.ii: ill Co .latch. in visit Force Increased. Messrs, Terry d Leonard have ju.-i added two more eiarniakei , to Unit force of workmen and an- now wmk- extra tunc in oi'i'T i lv" ' r . 1 I', Hun.' fast crowing train'. 1 1 Culian cinar. which has " market onlv about six niouin-., i .' proven a line ndlei and alihonith Hns bi a ml is onlv sold at i'"'"'' i""1 ''v :"' slvelv hv Tetiy & Leonard at ihe Smokers' Den. the extra tore has I.f en added in order to supply 'he u--maiid for the cistar. . aiiilv in stem foi els While the ar.- 1,..ii:js cell ,. pe colli' tided aiiuibb' set vice issitiie for any r people in re under the pies- i t ,- have at. y ir coiislrucl.d Jl.uiiii. and if been favoralne Carter would wo dnctloii- tnade. "One p Will." del Is if win I w ill novel sin! his an I vote could hea I c for all sue eotlsislelitly that he ii-In Messrs. Frank and Olio l.ilpfert jefl. this iiioinlnu for Clai ksv 111", Va . I ifi line,.:1, the funeral of llieir reiuiive. I Mr llarvev ','iiemoie. who died there at -l::.'! o clock Sua ," .ai'eiiiiiii. Deceaser! had a lailt! circle friends ill ihis fin He h.-liV i no.-l lion with M.nier K Dalton and la'er with Hie Cilnier llros Co. 11'' re signed and went home the laiter patt of I hi- siiliiniei' ,,i, account of ill In a!'h I Mr I'. II. Ileudien. of Wllkesboro, I was In te today lo..kln after Home le lit a I liiisin.'ss- He ieM.ite.l that llm I Democratic Kxectitlve ('oinmitlee of iwitkiK met Saturday and A. Parller. a popular ,,f lo make Hie nice V.inii' loll w In dee named N. farmer of Romtu, for slier iff. vice A. M. ii, e, lie ooiiilna- mise I do solemnly inal.e red Mr. Caller, "and that .ml me to the Ijf'L'isla'nre voie to adjourn mat imuy i: i let roa T ho! ihe uri he,' 1(1 II r Merchants Meet Tonight., Merchants' Association toiliu'llt 111 II"' n.o. " PiosidetH Cranlmd endaiice of Hi- m''"'" every dill have been cessant la The pie i call bond-, cm.. . I'st ,.l a iotie pay i s trier.-. hid 'ax. Hie load in Hie f-oiit:t we in i;ood condition, but . Pad hii ''"n d in Hit- w iies'ii' coninii--iii!iers iitm , in fl'i. of Hie eoiii'ln winch i.oli- ..f ,,tid :-stt"d ''onus f'Mi.i'J ,f onlv .'. t ent. I!y tl.l, the boa:d had saved th- s $'i.i'i. Wi'h , thill have bee not t-.'i'li".! a and i-w-t v hot n!d int. had .f II meet inn il hour. full alt' COllll V Hie io appiee hoard Taki ,1: C; i four tn z to' of I 111' :i '-le C'.lldi- -"men. o; 'M-l, l. win 'hi- The tet-is'rati Ortoiier -i hnoiher ward (p registration have to at once rem: oil bo ik - l' If oi hav III hi'COtll' two w'.irs now ,-e S.l - - . nioso'l 01 a'-'- ao ' I ill Hi" mi mad" lb'' .ii' of th' si claim a an paid and lilt Une-s no a Mr. Car"-;-loadbay to slum o! Ihis mind Wot k Ira for it Now mhi :!,.. que. Hon of s ,, -i,;d tliilt (I il I in u i.: ,,m.. ' a I ii piocr.r-o ' ... W I. led lioU- i jr N-.t'li Cn'to'.lna kc! Mr ear-.-r -i-li.i: h i.-e in I up end d fr.-m al ' 'i-. -1 I si ,,n , i.o, ,. . A '" --'- - "!" ,,:v,!::.;:,i;M,o,tr'1aw' , i. won 1 1" - . , ,v Ihe .1- W jbJ' ' Flak" H "u ,ol, were in ' e.ld I ' d Tli Il U ' r tn iowi-r w a '"' ip'i ! iu honor of a negro or refuse m vote o adj. uin it in honor of the birthday' if a Confederate lender." In coucludiiiK Mr. ( arl'T referred :o Hie service which Hon. .1. ('. Buxton and Hon. A H. Eller had lendered the people of Hioadliav townsblp. Mr. r had "ciired tlie passu Ke of a.ij ciiai-terii'.K the Soutlihni..d ft i i -1 I. wl.ii l was to be con.,1 rucied j Hit mil P.ioadbay township, n , v 1 1 : K Mi'1 , p. "tde of that lownship tin: facilities ! have so loii lieehd and enliatic t,.t Hie value of their ptopi'i'ty per one hundred per cent. Mr. It ix is one of 'he most artive promo of Hns road. He is one of Hie .1, i , 'or- and his pa-t lias sl ow n Hint ,. ts one of lite nio.-i loyal ci'iz"lis ot I' t-i'li. always ready and willlni; to I,, all lu his power for the material iitvaneeinetit of ihe coun'v and l.i-r .. ;e.' and bespoke for htm the cordial ,i ii I of the volets of that tow ioh!p MR. BUXTON'S SPEECH. Makes Vote Winning Speech, Dealing : With Trusts, State Issues and County Matters At Old Town Today and Vienna Tomorrow. i Mr HuKlonV peci h was olio of He l : h" has deliver, d 'Iui.. the pre i , ( ampaimi. W!:.'" ;. . ' w ', n" Il ,,, , dev." d to i,-:il'"i.i. lie i,.",ik-r totifhi'd iikiii tia'ioiial nnd .'.,. ;siie iiiei-lei.ialiv aid ffiiyed closest atti-n'lo'i of I audh'ti'' ' I elL'llOli' biS dt-Co'll ,1' of ill! I t .Hi Mr I'.'IXton di ci. ' red tha' f'otl I ,. . ron' of onr tjrivernnieti' a ,,. b. i ti tu po'i'ii al pail', -i Kitchlli will speak at ji 7 ::u o'clock lomor . will lie music by H e crowd ot t, people I, em lb. IhU dl day Scarcity of Labor In South nd West. (Special lo The Sentinel 1 NEW YOHK. del. 22 - So Kieai is the scarcity of labor In (lnk'Ui, Aia t bama and Kansas that Hie progress nf I ('ih.cii ssinan several lallroads Is le im; cn-nth ' -1 1 coin (house taided lu Ceoinla the construction ,w niKlit- ' her of seveial lines Is almost nl a stand I band A laiK'' still and Hie same complaint comes I ,,,,, less be piesin. from Arizona and New Mexico A la jrpn'ii' coiii'.ri' i I bor auenl here lias nniioutK ed ttnit ,,:M..1Hi , ,,ueii of he can uif employment lo as maiiv j as 2i oini men torn. i row , Q,g Poultry Show at King. . - ', On November 2", l'ei'1. then- Secretary Root in New York (Special to The Sentinel, I N'lCW YOHK, )' I 22 - Secielan ftool opi ii" I the Hi publican i am paimi in the CannKie Hall hen- (Ins at'"! noon Seetetar- Shaw and Speaker Cannon baveai-ri bemi liil.ed o SKilk h'.e One of (he luo-i ar live eanipaimis in 'he hi-.'oiy of Hi" party in this S'.r'e Is planned. Ti e en tire Si.i'e wiil be rturnp.'d and an es will ido-Ulel wll peria! effott the younni t men upon 'I- bl le- mad iii I s by pia phi I foi Ill to inn ".ic! inn: !,e ,idd al Kniif. N C . a Poultry Show I i". . . . ea. :,.,o,.a t.. . ..trii. unit exhltl' be u.lmiitaii"" t" Hi.; show You ran a'vi exhlto' your 'there will be v valuii- emlums riven fur ben liiidn Some ca.-h pr.-uduli., a. we:; n -, o-nt-r ya uable premlniim Only MS.deiith of Stokes count) will be allowed to enter exhibits For t'ir'liei Inloi mai kiii uml pn tiil'im li-t ad. lies- .1 F N wmim. .Seel Lit y ., N C ! F y ' i v hi"!- I w : b fi'-' buds fi"'' .1,!.. p: i: , da y I o.da t wee Attorney Holloll me. r - hi ri i sijf to It lei til h r lo n o'tid Federal .ild:t" P.oyd setil": hpeni hnn II. n St,i"'.,ylie and Court. Ijniifoiit eii, four lin n i lltini i,, ihe Fed. nil pi 'sou af illicit iltsi illlnif tine of Ihe a his wa Tlios I. Williams. Im ill faniu r and saw null In del! co 'tn Atlanta for emu m dot. lid a piom man of I'll s Will It is beink' doll, il! oil" S'oke, coiltl'V, stamp r'i tk ,ili'l.l"l' il, 'he Ination le-ld b Gordon p. edict ".Hie Ct It? Icted H a' I ,. -Jster "f will b" ap mad. t!" I t r Ivi! 1 i v i t Hor Is Of And Still They Come, et v tn mli' In Inn new K.Hids for Held ill- flock of cut k'js tine china now at mtn to over e.,i loads and st ill Ihe Kood Coll- to artive Just us Km ill a his s'ock has all artivd Mr (,., w ili al noiiuee a on: opi'ioui; Itje.l pi, t ilin lidollS Slock li! he .prtl,H"d It is Hi" puiliow "f Mr (. ,! to I an- an openii.ij tha' .1 ! ..ei mid 'o Itone In the S'a'" .M"ie i,( IhU Kr.'Il! event .., tie p. 1(1 1 V .in i!hv to da. In ft lit HUNT F,' Sun. in i .'r'' I M r Con' m.e I on r , I M s Ceon-e Pi from Spet.ri d I" r, Va ,,l s! of M ' i rootu loeisil oil .litn-s S fl'inil . W ( ' : i r w'c, i. now F'-male Colli'lte. ,: ',-! i . ill H e 'I'v. it II ( t iwf.iid j ::' ! "ov. who! 11 j V. ?l'aouh and ' " '-s "i luori'...r Hie Clelliinons Sol ' i i'j ViilaT a.

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