WiN-CITY DA !i T tO TT mSTOX-Al E.l. x. C, TUESDAY KVK.N'iNG. OCTOBER 2:!, 1900 PRICE 5 CENTS 1 11 1 - . .... in iu 3i' RCCK r e. l.-s F-t- I! be of a I ,,r ish Na-it- t:;eat ipi'ojch- o! ti e r'. "I1" the I: that : e. :' a i CI. .-01' po: the iilx'i'Li's M that the a sweeping but that iir! lament. t; iiurieil alive Ririarits. a ynitng jrol'i-sisi ir is a (Ell !;'iel'!ii'!lling tat m.u;j i" rsniis U :n a s: a; r- oi rv a;i; iiiinro bis iKteimeiit into his ibi.iwpil no itidica- 1? to In' taken fumi Friday. ?: - i l-S'.aie Superin V::!o:hm .1. Y. :: the West Cen !':"!; of County ';: ;c Sch mils to- - n ,rn; v nt t I'llllC '-Tii, X. ( crr-tarv Pr. ', Oct ---For-; 'li'liti a-: s uf ll,p lli'".V. rs T.- ruMw coi.rMr.i-"., o.. Hotel HM'tuan here r. invention uf the Miuti of 1'jb'ie Acco and both from po'lti i Lustiness t! ar.saetea r;ar.t of :'s !::r..'. ''.-.e auspices uf 'l is bar.c.uet with vviiic'a cinrneiicc war. a Get to !: Ante ia'8 er ssoc; Ti,, -- was affair. brillia CoMroller Herma:: A. Mctz. of F,ro,.k- lya. delivered an impromptu add...-s on "The imp.ntauce of tux mm::;.; to at Las', four T.i' of puip'..'." I'!-, governor of Olio ami mayor uf t'.Oin: bus delivered addresses of . ami. , after which there was a deha'e en "accountants' feos." In the course lot' a' Ions address on the status of the ', association, the president explained , 'that in lS'.tC the New York legislature' passed the first legislative enactment 'of anv State in the union relating to j. i ptoiesioutll m.i.uuuiaiaj rtuu q.oc ,t- sal recognition to tne protos.-n-.ti in two distinct ways. It provided for the conferring upon qualitied account ants the degree of C. P. A., certified public accountancy, and made it a legal misdemeanor for any public accountant in the State to use these degree letters without the possession of a diploma so conferring from the Regents of the University of the State. rn I III L i 1 "eieKaieu io u v m 'g 'ins ot uie I H H Hi verslty of the State the authority ILU Hunt determine who ot the accountants then practicing in the State were rpial Press.) illed to receive the degree; to conduct (jet. In txamlnations of subsequent applicants nhvr-icians and ' for the degree and to issue C. P. A. this morning. : certificates to those a sc;' rained possess the necessary qualifications. I A hoard of examiners composed of those professional accountants have' continually since lSflf, prepared exam- T1"' s,'rk;1 "f l'fm entertainments iuations on the following four sub- to he given during the season at the jects: Theory of accounts, practical "zendorf Auditorium opened last accounting, commercial law, audit Uilm ,Ahr l,n':i'r m"i,t auspicious circum i i nor. .,r.ifi,.oi.. i,.,,-.. i,,... ... statici s. A lame audience was inesenL snd to nrcnuiitant nlreailv Cltovv. ing closely upon this legislation the ! "'imber of the star course was demon Nevv York State Society of Public Ac- j grated by. frequent -anti enthusiastic countants Was organized. The. iiiove-lal','aus,' ment extended in otner states and ac-; countancy laws have been passed in Pennsylvania, Maryland, California. Washing: on. Illinois, New Michigan, Florida and Rhode TsCV , land. IE SAiMTA FE E (Bv Publishers' Press.) HELENA, ARK., Oct. 23. The ptir- ii-ition jchase of the Arkansas Valley ar.d the Siiiier-i Holly and Swink rail roar's hv t'i" .trh-. i :;;:' il I ison, Topeka and Santa Fo will glv s' ' a 'h. Santa Hr.e abo..t 'all miles ;r, "th iK t'.veen Holly and K i : !' h:i-- " ; d. Col., along the'h sl.le of t lit i 1 1 .:.( r i :'l ;r:-;'s P.iver paralbd to 'ts pr.-s- out main line, which foihws the sum!!; bank of the river. While the prltnnr rt of the Sv.:;a Fe acquiring th-se pi'o '( rtii?-, ii::;!i;i!i;e "y was to pr ert the t'lvasion of i'.s t--rr!'ory hy "tunn'-tlior lilies, the vapid devehir t.ii lit of the rich Arkansas va'lev, . ' er Hie he?t sugar industry may be - I'd to bo in !'s infancy, presages a fttture business which will jnssf'y tie eonstructinn of a north bank line. The Arkansas valley is rectinied cs ot:- i.f ' ilch-st Irrigated districts in tl ''"lied states. Aside from the frd: i -r.n.. lur!::ii;rg peachc. np h'- a:: !. ': famous Rocky Ford canto',:::: e tl e piinchsal products of the valley are beets, alfalfa a'l.i wheitt, all vai" '1 under SrrJy-ifto't. The val.'i-y if s'nililed with irrigation canal.: :n:n! Dr. il cost of more than Jlii.iioe.nee". tne P ibMshers' press i LONDON, Oct The auioimdiile in which King Edward was traveling o New Market this morning struck and seriously injured a man. The ivng jumped from the auto and as- .; . Y w rniwuDn'c mun mr mum WE 51S OVER 1 SUBJECT ARRIVES NEW ORLEANS ;! a-i tn.-y sti 1 1 " - -ted in curing for Injure CTP PTni ir '"'' arriv'il of an ambulaii Jhl S r T,p Ki!'-K showeJ Kr,'at M, Ul II L 'expressed regret that M - -led in curing for injured man unto aiice. concern am'. motor car hould have struck one of his sub jects. With Sentinel Advertisers. C. A. Jenkins Do it today. Thompson's Drug Store Tin' Pan F lice cigar. ! Oilanlon's Drug Store The largest. I'auilly drug business In X. ('. i Rosenbarher & Bro.-The Busy' Store's special mention of dn-s t'oad-. r Owens Drug Store Fresh litu- of.r. .. "."w rubber goods in. W'v VnCNC, MEN wanting flrst-rlass ta- hi" board apply "nfi Trade str. rsInk.Oct.l7, 1906. em. X. y. l''s C. Am. oitii:" 1 New ! ers' 1: 1 v . D. ii'- k R" If THE RULER iilUli So Says Dr. Boyd. WKo Quits me Regular .Ministry of tiie Baptist Church. 'Modern Fasnionable Cy urn Is m.n By rrcm One to S. Men Who 'e tne Largest Contributors To i Fc-ds snd insist On Certain Poli ces." j ! -I'.ev V, '' has M.sliers' Mo , tie: ;T. Lot !'.,,!. :i pas'. VY . fur thirtv e the Sei jn 1 the w.-al'ha-si city, aniioiinci s egular ministry I'-rgMi.eii must liaptist enure- i re! i:l tna; tie'ar: be sub- has iii;t the tog 'hat al: servient to "the money leave their churches. poW I or "The tnod-:u fashionable citv church," .said Dr. Iloyd. "is nui by from ot;e to six men who are the latg est contributors to its funds, who therefore ihfis; on certain policies of administration. , put no "T liese men could til on n: lips. What I t've . f . , .1. l picacn. ! men join the church for a cloak ' for restiectahilitv The way modern is responsible for ohurcles are run the buiidiiu; mi of urea ethical eul-1 ture socatii.s.t'hri.stian S and kindred organizatio: dency of the modern leine creeds The ten-' fashionable ' m - , Cliurcti is wholv to subserve to.terests of the rich." the in- ' l to' flTI 10 :'d thai it appreciated ihe opening .vir. uaipn timnaui, who, oy tto' way. is president of the International Lyceum Association, made up of ar tists on the lyceuni platform iu al most every country iu the world, gave a varied entertainment of stories, so los and instrumental selections. His story of Hill Johnson, in which he In- Iti'oducnl variations on a popular nielo jdy, literally "brought, down the house." His violin selections were indeed ch-v-'er and his negro dialect was exactly l what it claimed to be. Altogether. the 'entertainment delighted the audience. I Mr. Bland played the piano accom ; pnniniepts during the evening in a ',.; .ugh !v artistic manner. LIFE UNDERWRITERS p-ihl in.-, it lot: Of I die I';; a .vas apt sin rs' Pre Al ;.) he annual 1 As.socta .lav a com-.-eject the a:: vi ti. rr- rted s i;iv i iv on "Th" Kela ess to American P .ife v. Ids . run.-, ti; II. " Th.e prize is the Hen Ti e committee was ap- '.as: li 'i. chainnau. y. ni.Titl !':."ine nailr-a-l. ma .. r. e.' iiol.ti ::d insiira'tee. I'niversi- a P t't.o nomr Ul.-I! Madison. W M'onsln, p-y. professor of liter-. a tnl Dr. .1. Of the mv en- :;:c Ci :;ati. ; v f Clliclll! of Lib. ll -.cin er-e it' NEW ORLEANS. La.. Oct. r. -The hicii left Cha'les- eatltsnip noma, :i. S. C, with a f. tv fears were aruo and fir vv hose rntertaiiie I. arrived re at le o'clock this morning. Mi'' u.s caught in the Florida lie had a terrible experieii cane, t one tl.etn ptaln ,!. while laboring off ih xtremlly of Cuba. 'li i. .night t tie ship would fo go' SE; illy Pubil 'AGO. Get ca.-- was :;t of Me . of S I ilid rs' Pre,s 2'! --The tn Itat tic hit liiuiati i'ai.i ,i, 1 w hen li ! 11.. of the nr w o. I. KM; 1AH Cui Cu' . be M K1TC Statesman and Orator to Speak at the Court House. .Public Invited to Heir Him Ladies Included Mr. Kitchin Out With County Cind. dates Today To Make Other Speeches in County E Judge Eunbuck Up Again. Tile citizen.- ,,f Winston-Salem will have the ph as,.re of hearing an orator tonight V. V. Kitchin ,,f t),is district, who w q ste'ak at the c,,urt hotiif. beginning at 7; St' o'clock. Mr. Kitchin arrived In the city last night He went mt to Vi enna this morning with the Democrat ic legislative candidates who spike there today Mr. Kitchin is conceded to b. one of the most entertaining speaker- in the State, and The Sen-j tmel lii-speaks for him a full house, t.micht The ladies are. invited to j hear him Mr. Kite bin's other an-! ' ixiiu'nif nts in Forsvth are at Salem lrh:u. , ,,, '..,. , I e- "i h...iihit alio rtil i,,,,.., Hall tomorrow night, I At Old Town. The legislative and 'county randi-i dates were at Old Town yesterday and I a n.iesseti tt sniau nut euinusiastic '"'(ivvii of vo'ers. Mr. Huxton sixike for nearly an hour on State and couu ty legislation and the effort was in keeping with the splendid arguments lie has been making in behalf of Dem ocracy . Mr V. T. Carter also shelled the enemy's argument on the question of schools, roads, etc. The candidates will speak at Rural Hall tomorrow. Judge Starbuck Up Again. The Republican Executive Commit tee has persuaded ex-Judge Starbuck to make the race for county commis sioner. The Judge declined the nom ination a few weeks ago and the coin I llllU" '"''U put up Mr. I li. llricken- slein, who promptly refused to ac cept the honor. The class Initiation by Liberty Council No. li, Jr. (). I'. A. M., last night was a most interesting occasion. Delegate were prexviit from all the nearby councils and there were about three hundred in attendance. In fact, a member of the order says the coun cil cbamliei was so well filled that the iuiiiilon work was retarded. After the Initiation, the class num- beiing thirty nine, many of the vlsl jt. is made .-bort speeches. Dr. Iv jl'ulp spoke in behalf of Walnut Cove Council; Mi. ( 1 11. Hasten, for Ker nersviUe; Mr. G. (). Hege. for . the Slate council; Mayor 0. li. hatou, for Kairview; Prof. S. A. liege, for Salem, and Mr. F. T. Baldwin for Liberty council. All the speeches deal! on the principles of the order and each speaker conur .dilated Liberty couikJ j upon the prorress H is making. I After the council closed r.fresh inents wen -.' :'. d. consi.-t ing of ice I cream, cake . -m uiade and eirtars.' MISS FLOSSIE SETTLE T NEW YORK. Oii. Z-. --Miss Marion. Diaueim's .- ;it aitainst the Soutlieii'i Amnsenieiit Cotnpanv in recover $12. ""0 becau-e sr.. was dismissed from 'In. theatrical company giving "The Clansman." ''- '' to a sudden end in the Supreme Corns today wlim Jus 1 1 ir-.. Ilischoff tril led the Jury to re iiarn a verilici in favor of the amuse 'ment company. The court held, thai he testimony even by the company o show i tin M;- Draught! petent. to i.ia.' the star role had not j been cmiiia lieti'd. Miss Diiiiiglin. who j is a K'riklni.' in-.vttj. i well known in. '. elnsiB S'lu'l '-rn society as well as in Was'iiu'.'t .n She Is Ihe daughter ! f the la c .l id-.e Thomas Settle, oncej,!,. i's son In-law, who Is running for P-ifirdi'd li; tlal Repub ; on r ca:;s tif the most Inlluen- in thp Carolinas. W, Poland, Oct. 21i.- S.-rl-... is anticipated here toinor , eoasequeiice of the suddi'li a iretH.-ral strike Intended " M'ailist the execution of a .,f Socialists who have been .; to dt Ht ii. ui-iiead court -martial con i : '.-en S' ia'i-ts and as :; came known anaiig'' . at once made for tin- ca , t ;! workmen lu the ci'v ;,r gre.itlv exeited It I- a "i w i t ii ioll' e and troops ;. ' ae 'itempt to Inaugural" THANKSGIVING DAY SOS & CO. SUE AMERICAN TDBACGQ CO. A ' IV R: Urg - ;-, ,: (: ti, hauls.. n. J ; t sua k! :c K.-1 lsV; . : fo toOaceo . m e of i concert: li. the oittu'.ry. have Iles ins:. tiled . vi ican Tobacco t' pi rforiuatice of a entered into nut:: through their attor it against the Am !iii.inv for the lion cot i act which was months ago It is sab! that this contract was for the purchase of the ma Jul ptt of the slock of the Hichardsou plant, and ltuH;,.$ on the areluiM flimm tod.wy i iiueued that ttie Anieiiian Tobaico Company protnisi.l certain thltics to the Reid.sviile firm wtkh the Anierl i all Tobacco Company failed to per form, and the linn has In stituted suit annulling the Mine, so that they may carry on business as they did iH'fore the American Tobacco Company became a pan of it The legal battle will he a gret one. The American Tobacco Company Is represented by a long list of counsel It will take weeks to try the case, as carloads of evideiuV will he Introduc ed. It is the biggest suit ever brought In this eonntv. AROUND THE CITY. . . Casper Hitting spent th dav In itiii - enslioro Miss Fannie Hellen went to dreeus boro today. K. A. Kberl. left this morning for Wilmington. I.indsav Patterson made a business trip tit Creensboro today. Miss Mollie Fletcher spent today In Greensboro visiting friends. Miss Carrie Crist, of Salem, went to Aberdeen today to visit relatives. Misses Susie Hitting and Grace Whllaker visited Greensboro today. F. M. Roberts, who took part In the shoot hero vesterdav . returned to Ker nersv ille today. Dr. II. Samuel, of New York, Is vis iting his sot.. Dr. Samuel, of this rlty. lie Is on his way to Florida. Miss lieula Piiikslon, of China Grove, Is the guest of Miss Edna S wink, on West Fourth direct. Miss Agnes Keehln. of Salem, left this morning for Salisbury to enter the Whitehead -Stokes Sanitarium, where she will receive treatment for appendicitis. Tomorrow at 10 a, m. In Centen ary church the convention of the For syth Sunday School Association will meet. Even body Invited In attend i", 'i a. in.. 2:110 and 7:30 p. m. Speakers of note will he present. ('apt. .1. D. Terry and Julian Slllh have rented Ihe armory hall and will operate a first-class skating, rink. The floor of Ihe armory Is to he re-laid wllh haidwood maple flooring, work on which will be commenced at once and the managers hope to be nady to open the new rink by Nov 1. The main skaling rink will be In'xXT'sj feet and equipped with the best roller bearing roller skates. ( Hv Publishers' Press ) DENVER. Oct. 2:i. A snow storm. which commenced last. Saturday, now aggregates a depth of twenty-live inches i'talllc is still delayed hi all point-.. l'ar;ncrs' will suffer severely fiom He crop losses all over the Stale, The eiiilre States Is miow cov ered. Till Is the most severe fall of Snow ever known- In the Rockv Moun tain district. LABOR PEOPLE AFTER jriv Publishers' Press I WASI I INGTO.N. Oct. V. Campaign Manager Tracy, of the American Fed oration of Labor, empbaicnlly denb-s i,.. repoit that the Fed. 'a';oa has lot n,, ,,n Nicholas lmgwo: t n. the Presl Congress In Cincinnati, lie says they are doing their best to defeat lilin Miss Emma Lcinhach. .,f Cbarlolle. Is the gue-t of Iht mother In Salem She arrived this afternoon. Miss Sadie Harvey, of M'hiicsvIIIo. arrived In the city Ibis afternoon mid will be the guest of relatives for a few days Voters! Be Careful! R. i "II. J iilc-r 'bat '., von rnu if Vo'i i.balit" d voui ward t t'-gister before Satui'l.iv live in f you moved situ-'-in th" ward er predict f.. ef i nc , OU lio w back and vote T:.' follow lug is lb. Foit Ward, Winston, lie lud. !'. ,: ih s' : ' i t and w . .,i r,f C . . 'i. found a' ( our1 bou - d i: :: Second Ward, Winston, ,nc'u . Fo i. ii - : eel and sou: ii 7. "i I!'- iriin .it i -Har O I JO'IIS ,1 S.-v. U Six Hundred and fifty To bacco Wagons Crowd Ihe Streets. The Largest Break! Thi SfiiOn And One of the Largest In History Two Third of Crop Will Be Sold Befort Chriitma. Tic biggest ',,,f tobacco hnik In the history yf the local market la cr atuig much Inter. t hero today lb and tomorrow will h record breaker. About six tnu.dtid and fifty wagon and one thousand farmers are her today T!i iremuiulouji brak today and to morrow is largely aivounn'il for ty the fact that the farmer, being un bio to keep tobacco In high order, aro rushing It to market to ki-cp il from damaging Also the farmer are una ble to sn wheat now. It Is estimated that two-thirds of the tobacco crop will be sold by ChitMinas, something never known Ixiore on thin market. North Carolina this year will not pnxluce over 7" or 75 million p.mml8 of leaf against sr. millions last ir. In l'jn; the State produced H2 mil lions. It will thus be seen that th amount this year is just about half what It was four years ago. One rea son for the decrease la found In th fact that farmer In tho eas' are find ing It more profitable to raise cotton than to raise tobacco. Also In every SsH-tlon of the State farmers are going to town Btid IiiIhii' Ih scarce. In this section the acreage is about what It has been The continuous rains have damaged the crop. Price are pietty good on common and ni dlum guides. The boiler grade are selling fairly well but not high. A large per rent, of the crop la common. Very few wrappers aro showing up. hardly enough to quoto prlccH. The local market will sell full rapac ity Ibis week The market will prob ably sell one nod a half million ixmmlx during the week. Alsml $l2f.itni will he paid out. REGISTER'S OFFICE Two Swedes were united In mar riage In the office of III" register of deedH at 11 i'.o today. "The contract ing pait'S wcte Car! Ilerihar Olsen and Miss tirlka EleHenson.Thn brldft airlved here ibis morning from New York and was met by her lover, who, has a position with tie granite work al Mt. Airy. The hrldu cannot speak a word of English, hence It was neces sary for the olllclaiing magisiraie,. Squire Lehman, to direct the eouplo how to Join bands. Mrs. Olm'ti Is fairly good-looking and the nupllals were wit mused by a number, the Invitations being extend ed by the affable Register Lindsay. Illy Publishers' Press ) WASHINGTON, Oct. 2'i ' Ameri can cotton reaches Japan In bad con dition," says Consul Hunter Sharp, of Kobe, n pis report to th" Department of Connoeice and Labor. II" has wnt reviial pholographs showing how bales are broken open In transit, add ing another chapter iu ibe history of bail packing bv shippers In this Coun try for expmt trade The consul adds that Bombay coi'ou Is the best packed thai come., to Hi., market IT ROOSEVELT (Hv IbiblliiierK' Prcst ) WASHINGTON, Oct. 21! Tie Pre Ideni has decided to visit Porto Rico next mould when he makes trip to Ihe Panama canal ?,oiie : nil ilersiood the Prcclib-ii! niak..,. this vis it UHU the urgent request of Govern or Wlnthrop, who believes ihe pres ence of the chl'-f executive will In spire In th.. native inci.-as.-il confi dence' ;,ud loyalty. W P ii nobv' V residence H to by by C. 1.. Furgu.on lep. ii ,.e ito'i I,, fo;e .,' ,; tight In Ihe ward or Jul;. ;, I'"";, oij IHM..I mi l.a b sou moved. f 'In itv llio wat'l ' I'""-' f all rt nut n ' Wilis: th- ! SOU! I ' i: I. Waller. I.-.'ia''oii Lours ti.a1 por'lon of i.i i v of Ch" ;: p ' ' .1." i do north h'lee BREAKS of tii , Third Ward. Winston '. 1 1 ' i i a '-.;i i of ( 'u Sa'em I". v .-r v one m ii cl rb in.' -I ia' port on M. Whs.. "k : U ,-( i: -' pro i.V Hi'' P: aun 1.1 lc is-'U d ation his :it '. . i.-d ,r I oa ti Ha, da'

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