T h TT V QT??vTHPIr NELo ST0XALEM' N- C" MONDAY "EVENING, OCTOBER 29," 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS of Peopif -juries in This Disaster t'n jersey and .shore tlroad BE ADDED 1 C'oir and Ponged 4.; te Paosengers' to Coaches Were if Tnrd Coach But Were Injured ..nUe Catastrophe. Press ) , ;-i a ii.i.a. ail In iiuin 1 ' .."'!.--Sjihe M,i" .'i':.i':lic le Mlill leu 111.' ii.jii ;. lilurs' ail 1 a ,',( a i'k in v, and eik is e' is v( 'lie hl-'- Ihe .acta by nor -M'lmer '.ihnigh Scenes a full re .,1 liie ca--lil l.n e ,d w a ' ,ia;i n.ii i-veii one 1 : ' ".r . fain, 1! i d's VLiri ss as 1. eeell ( s I hilt "liHi'll. T he llle- !i'- statis. ,:i-'' 'I ai a fetidn Church Burned Cl . nrnnniin mrnr nnnuimrn I rttlDUllO KVELnC UnUKWIlLU i fPK nF TRAIN iT ATI fllMTIR i n ill ill i n i lj i i u i i i in m i LUI Ul ,,",, 1,1 i-i 1 1 1 1 1 u If ON YESTERDAY AFTERNOON vlcn 1 severe injuries. A '' Icapc! without a ay rvp .;t be;--, i (if t'.lf fact, hut ii U Im'Ui v, ', ;.'; others lin't the f.i:- t t . ... .1 bodies have bi'cii n'lit 1 i :. :a submerged cars. Practically all ' he sat 1 i-, .,, , pas-sengi l's ill t!l thin', car wim" mi! t-iiti: c!y submerged. The wreckers and rest- n i w,, ail nicht l).v aid ul' el, c'r c :e!" fut.-, art" being dMi-ctid in i.,-,,,, the sublili rgi d cars hut tin- la- 1.... .? 1, 1 .,,. Tl UST Ol: DLAU r,,i co of tin- fall wen' buried t,., hmid. Several linns the chains nrhridaef'''1 aro,m,t 1h 0:u's l'fke when m Drawbridge .m,,ml,,(J1 f( ,jf. .., P Tuat orpui'"--i 1 ,,. district attorne-v U at Mi- the vainunu wn:i me coroner ana :,!!:(; : ,,t Into '"!iiiaiiy ait' invtsugti'ing. Fifty-Two Bodies Removed. Later Fifty-two hn lii h,,, a taken Loin the waters nf thoroniat--fare" Ui iiiinii today and it i-, In in , ihere will he at Uasr iwemv ,,t ii-r.-reroveied. The condnclnp ()f tin. t i-j, i 1 1 said this morning tin re were ninety live passengers when Ule Main left I'lea-antville. ' All of the ,1 a,i har liicn idi'lllilied hut sixiien. Ciuvm'.s are him ring about ill, eiriaace cl I he llitirgue. "'''1 Two wrecking crews and three div- er.- are now working on the cai 111 efl'jrt to raise them, atcr The latest estimates number of dea l a- eight v pen T:; injured identified number twi 1; thiec. Some Heroic Deeds. i ne uecu-.i 01 inuivniiiai liiuuisni 111 j connection with rescue of several sur vivors of Sunday's tragedy are emu ing to light today as in excitement and sorrow of Sunday verything was overlooked except the great fact ilia; inese lives nan oeen spared, miracti-j lotislv it seemed. It was fron iips cf the rescued that ihey caiue as a more modest set of heroes an.! heroiiK s never existed. To a Mrs. McDonald, of Philadel phia, is attributed four rescues. With her husband she was a passenger in I he second car, When the cuach she was a passengi r on went lino the riv er she had the presence of mind to smash a wiiulaw beside her and s am rose to the surface. She is an exm-it swimmer ami she at once dived to rescue her husband, (lumping utulerl water she fotincl a man. brought him 'to surface hut lr oroved to lie a siiau- ter. Again she dived and iese;jil an other man to find her husband was still below. Twice more she ilivaii In -fore she found the right man and brought him to the surface, having saved a third Sifanger in the mean time. Henry Deeinver. of Philadelphia, is another to whose presence of mind it is believed several survivors owe their safeiy. He went duwu in tie forward car. crashing against a win dow and breaking the glass. He nr-e to the surface but at once (lived in ! bring up his wife. Finding her he , d-ragged her through the broki n win I dow. The woman's arm was braken mud she cried in agony as he brought !hcr to the surface. Then Dcomci.r I went dawn again. He made his way I along the submarined car, lireakinu : every w indow he could roach to give J a chance to the others lo get uiii ul ;ihe. d-ath-trap. He heipei! sevt ral per- ! s'liis to crawl Ihroiiirh windows of tin I I upper end of the car hi lore it .sank ; ( :iiup!eti ly below the surface. ; These are only a fi w of lie hei.iic tit the Service Held Yesterday Morning. mi'i'h 1 year: then II. C. lioweii ;a 11 f' -' mi years; W, (1. Walters. :', vears; I yeai Ho minisler; W. S. Cash for b inonihs. .1- U. (ileiin for nearly !! icais and lie l"'c- lire sent minister, ,1. A. Hopkins, i'n.11 -l" i'- Se pi. 1. l'.ni,-,. ' l Y'i The chapel, or jmuiav scln.o! rim: :i::'"jwas built in Is'.el; the' main anil' ' riuin was begun in KC am! tini.-ln 1: ','';; i' INHS. The total cost of huil iitea an. ' ', 'ground is upnroxiinati !y. $' .'(. ' j Since th organization, scveial evan , tielisls have held nn-etings by wlii -h ":"'e tliatiy have I'men added to Ihe cimreli Among thi'se I'vatigelisls ihlee Imv national n-putai ion, yi. W Wright, W. II. Hook ami 11 I 1 . I'iiell. l. tola! tnrollue sun e.e in i ' ganiiiai ,011 is about -' : 1 Ii P ! eiiiotlment abon; 1 ;1l'. The c-::g 1 Uoii was aided In su-tainim: a ii ' tc-r f,,. 1 u, (j, .-j njH. x , t'l'iis'ian Woman's Hoard of M ; the American Christian Mi.-Mon.it h''i''y and the Ninth Ciii-.ilina ( .'l,!,in M issioaary Society ai'i 'eh iireh Fxte-nsion Hoard aide. 1 1'Uihliiig by loaning $I,.".i'm; a.i '.vvhieh has been repaid, and Co- '1 ;s free from debt. The la-i v t ai lite! bee n a most prosperous urn have- been fin addition to i!n Tin-re-cliu.i h s i! Ot '"nl for -all purposes $-.vhl i-ii. 'his am-iiiiit $7H.S7 was n-pii'-'!" Sumlaj school; $'!."i fi mi H: ing Hand Seiciely; $17 from ' '- u Woman's Hoard of M; ''L's.:;:, was paid on the cl-.i'c. ? 1 -.-!t for missiles ami the r pri-aching ami other n.- s chutch. II. ( h: To Take Full Election Returns. Tiie enii.rprisliig dreg firm f l-ai -l 'ilis:: Pfohl. of Sab-Ill. ha- e.e tiac: :' d Willi tile Western I'tiion T. -' I1',"., for a full lni!l.'i;i! set vie ' j election ri'tuniS lor the II, lt'.i "! N" I w-nihiT idh. The' bulletin a i' ' -1 eel w ill be re act nut at 'lie .en- i-r ! tHIRIl m SPEAKS TONIGHT t To!i!(j!;t at 7.30 tVluck. in the Court House. e- Gmernoi-lh n !cs Burnley Aycock will deliver an ad j dress on the pt!:tii ul issues of the day. Mr. Avcock is J recognized as unc of the Svate's trading statesmen and oralors and his eloquence never fails to make a : profound impression upon an audience. J The speaker of the evening will he escorted to tlutourt House by the members of the Township j Democratic Executive Committee and the county can J didates. Hon. frank T. Baldwin will introduce him. An immense, audience is expected to be present, j Music for the occasion will be furnished by the Win- : ston Cornet Band. Cocke-Siiozi'deii 1 1 Ja triage Celebrated in Baltimore The aye id t'.r of taken villa re Henri imirn liei St. r Ciii lve, 1 in)ial ehur Paul's Kpi- eh tl 1)111 T'lll! -ii.ll lhi'.'iin. Sun, will he 11 ail w i: I: aiiere gieeai':, niaiii friends, in 'his i hi the cl! ' A !ieau'if-i! wed.iMm was s.eeiiiiu , idav at inn. 11 when Mi- Man,'. ,-a Snowileii. daiighlei uf Mr and Wi'.'on Siiowib 11 was in, in; -lleiiiy Teller Cocke, of YVi'.i Sah in. X. (' , former! v ni V11 ves'e Loll!,- M 1 .,. Kev. stoa-: ;.: :111a. Tin- eeieiiioni to ilj place al Ii 1'ioles-an! Kpiscop.il church in lie presence of a lame and fashionable ass,tnhla.:;e. Rev. Arthur Cliiton j I'o vv i 1. the lector, officiated. He was lassisied by i!"V. Harris MallinckMiil. i The cha.iiee! was hanked with palms land white chrv-anthemiim- and at the tianeo o :n- lunlal parly the wi ,l- 1 . j ding march Iron, Lohengrin was- h'-aril. I he bride 1 niered w.1'1 n-r faiher. by whom !ie was given in 111:11 liage. and Was-MM'l hv the gn nil. alt' inied by his broi her. Mr. William Cocke, of Si. Louis, as lies: man. Sin wore a prii'.ci -; gown of white saun. with bei ilia and panels of dr.rlies- lace. Hi r tulie veil was canghi w It h ASSISTANT STAMP CLERK Colleclo; painled .Mr. stamp clerk to succeed Ceo. II. Ilroivu has ap Isatle M. Cordon as.-is;:iut in I lie rei eiiue office In re Mr. Hairy K. Nis-en. who j was promoted la stamp cn-rK vice .111. 1,1, K. Key nobis. i-i'Mgn d. Mr. Cm don is a native of Siokt s county, but has been a resident of this city for a i ear or more, holding the p- -i:;on of I bo:,l:-keep. r with Pi. ilninii! wan s.ihiry in the revenue s"i -tl.iiciu a v ear to 1 1 1 1 a ppoitit meiil inad'-I- llrnwll the Asl.evilie - -10: hl:l'-e Ills Vice Will be 1 Referring !by Colli etc j News-C.i:'.! ii i There- is j Hiiifi r wl.ii iReyiiol.l:, ;e siili aindhc-i- ide , i.. ,,f in: rest. Wi: -cpieil 1 he n aninai Supe. ior Ci.art of I' it Mr. 1 11 Im' i:r.-v lb ,f Co; li rlt ,.f i n mnlv. I ,. . counteri ni: for e! eclor a;li ho Ill Mr lb i. -.11111,!!, iolaiina ns ail: dliei 1; ' ,ll.i -1- en : 1 1, ,1 lilil-s - 1 ililcn ileial Ran Into An Autoincbik V. hl,e 'slli-il 1 1 A. M.v. ihioivn ,horf - -ii I W, I' ol lb-: Mr. c : n -: api d .Mr sililib-: The be jump ittce Meets Tomorrow Executive Co" T I- .-v i' Noit'i I'.oi'lin in W of I'll, Police .Make a K.iid on Colored Timers I 'il ea 11 led a w tide Mi '!u 1.1 Slle ( Mice Vail Siiowd 11, msIi r of ii!.-, was the- maid of h .mor. oie mi cxipiisiie gown of white lie chine, comhiiieil with priu ;n . ami a Dresden hat. 1 1 im i'h pink ostrich pluiin s. ami car- lll'-l vv I led a liuiKliii't of pink roses 1 be liuiKliii't of pink ushers were Mr. Willou Sno,leii. Jr. a br akcy of 1 fie bride; Mr. Ceorge M Pom". Mr. Oicrge Cnlbreth Thmiip s-ui and Mr. Harry F. llolbrook. of; Ni w York. j A small breakfast for the immediate j I'ami'ies followed at the residence nf j Mr. and Mrs. Snowden, tin,"i Catiiednil; stieet, where the rooms ware prettily decorated wiih while chrysanthe mums a al palms. Rev, and Mrs. Cocke lefi for a wed ding jouruev and will reside In Win tiuiiS:iii-in. whuru Uev. Mrri'ur-ktt hii la eharg' . The parishioners of his 'chinch have furnished a new home as 'a wedding present, and in addition to ith.s 111a ny other handsome gifts wch-i i received. Dev. Mr. .Cocke grai'.uaieii j ii'miii I lie Virginia Theological Semi- nary. He was fonnerlv curate at Hi ace church. , SALE OF JUDGE BYNUM IT! Mr. Chap lloilenhann r, of Ibis illy, has purchased from cx-.ludge W, P. Ily num. of Charlotte, the old Milium homestead near C.oruianton, the Con shlcratioii being $10,1100. The farm contains over Inn acres and is one of lire most, valuable In the Piedmont s.ciion. It, contains over !!'"' acres of tine timber pine, oak and hickory. In addition there is much teriile hi. it m land on the place. Mr. llo'h 1, hauc r is arranging to move to hi- new possession. Th' re an- three residence buildings on tin place', on of- which I st a large and hand.-auiie fi inie building. The in w mi ner will p. im a saw mil! on the place, ami '-!. fai in are prdn hauler will mi from the .aii-place-. Af'cr :lie sale l!i cum c 0:1-1 1.1 01 Col. .1,.-' ph liiilo. to hav : h.-l-pi! U.. nuiii gravel. no se lamiliar with the mi; that Mr. Ibnb:n ie more Ihati ? 1 1 1,1100 of the timber on his of bis larm e'X--l U'ige 1 o a request lliaen Mori-beail. of (irei ns hi- ledieiills of Colone l in!, lie el In the- Hi exhume d atld remo, ii liailb- ilroiind. Th; d im in the i;e.' .ii- As the- ci.'y 1,1 em d in honor (if Co! iuhlv piobabie. tlial in-,e- extemleil lo Mavol ; ciiy olfice-is to be 1 u liiaii's e.f .the 11 t i ildier are cvhuiaed. lo iln 1 ; 1 VI ; 0 pi" . 1 W'illsloll 1 Winston 1 v itat ions pre wnt v id cili;-.' 1 DISPUTE HER MONEY DAS FATAL ENDING , I'iibli-.bei s' l'ri-s-. 1 YORK. Oct 'J'C - l.o: e -nzn ,-ae-d .'eh of ItiiH.kiyii. was cl.-tll by Cui .-' phe Cabi-i:o 'e OUT lll'dl ( Mill's lion, 1 , a'ibetl. but ai.e 11 to Ihe' 1:1-1 liiotliilig Ml, Holenzo i'i d,in;.',i rou-.!; -! I.. a in Vil.--iiii was bT' f ihe- l.. . n!a i- ai i anit-gi-.i -, for a in ' h .-s ed' l.Kiil (in: i. Ill loll of l.axo iiice-mi'ii :n u! mi'.. Mr. in i ii w . ; Mi. I ,. K. dii-.i -Blind and Find Quantities of Beer P - .ol., u a w ,n i.lM ,, Hi d if l!s-e .ilice: , ,( 1 11 efe 1 1 II oi'.es llil'-.l Ii i i iie b't Mosseni- and pr.i.er book. SE FISHERS LOST: At Least a Hundred Others . Injured During a Fierce Hurricane. Two Hundred and Fifty Coral F-hmg Boats Are Deitroyed In The Terrific Stormj A Few Fact Regarding A Most Horrible Affair. Hii pi: 1 1 K It 1 Oil d: 1 d .l.i', me -c di ,nv in d i'i . a !.i,ii,I and a h i-h. 1!'.' P 1 1 lur t; in 11, in 1 rep 11 led IT I,... Ivj s injuicl ! Coral hsh 1 a ionipesii ti-h I an hui 1 tiaiii' i mlre-d ol!n I o hundred and sul 1 m ni'j v cs e.nll s weir caught lh,ll lull' i 111 d h. niKh' I IN DEFAULT OF BAIL I L. l Itlalock who was at rested i Flidav night on the charge of sleal ling jL'.Vi from T W. Medium, of Da j v ie (oiilili. tiled befoie a tliagbi 1 tralo S'iiriiav iiflernoou and bouml over tu i'i,. Siiiierior court under a jlJnii bond, in ,! fault of which lie was ; placed In jai: The piisom-i'i faiher 'came beie fuim CxiIcoumt and a'leinl i'd 'be hearing, but declined lo give i hail for I111 sua. saving lo' eund not island for such conluct. The voung ;mali confessed lliat be got the money, j Inn claimed ihat he did not know lh aniounl he timk out of M itIi 11 lu x p,H'k el. HlaliH-k al!ei;i s that a portion of the money was buried beside the road In or near Walkerinwn ; that scratched a hole In groand and cov ered the hi!K supposed to be about JlJnii with bavis and trash. The moil ey may never he found Revs, II, C, liovvi'ii, ami ,1 A Hop I klrs, Mrs, K It Messlck and Ml.. Kllzabcth Tesll went lo Diinn iolai lo attend the Ninth Carolina Chrisi iuu Missionary Convention, which conven es there tomorrow, -cloning Thursday. Miss Te sh will read a paper al the opening session 011 "The Call of the Cross In Hie round i.ibb' Mm, K, R Me e sick will reiiil a paper, her subject lie ing. "The Value of Hie Soul In (liv ing." Ai I he concluding session Rev, .1 A Hopkins wlil diHciiss the "Mission ary Work In Ihe Hill Coiiulri " ,E. 1 D Coll -. .1. 'ge', C. Kilt;. passed , president of Trinity lhroiic.li th.. eliv to day. leiarniug from -:i,,iii, pieached the sermon ami Wlle-le lie ib-elii-al.-d Hie 1II-W Me Iboi Olio who beard Ibai II was tin hearel ill thai I is! chin eh yesii-i day the dl eoure' reeor'i ablest reitiion ever All. The blllle' 'lie I hand -e in n- new edibi about S t ".. win Ii vie.- was bo'li be.e:! "live. 11 hull eiil le, if'll ami and the sen ilnpl 1 : SCHOOL T The 1 11 1 ,u I -Oil 10 he li'lldi-ied Ill Iln North Will i on graeb d school luiuoi low ilellllig traci.ve- one liglllflll r:ih lb. loiinh g: will be an i--pei la. ! i at In addition to tin- I -dr. una LitCe- M'ii ' bv ail pun:. Mi Ci ii:.- - '. ' ,' ' n-ii g: I' .-'I 111 : . i- be alllila! so, 'in i'h will g-w ML., Mill", lie'- gi ,nl. . will the eiii"rtaiiiui ii n 1 . ills -in I'oiiCli giad- 10 ,1 ron ie w oil ' I h ihi.K I,. ,p in ib ,m. si riiiii'-'ii-i! - the- ti-iolie-r 1 ploe-e-i cs tie, 1 mission uiii and H-li: iln hope- air will taiiiun-nl an, 11-. lb. :,t a i tiint II We elllel .lilting W I Scores of the Various I'ootball Games Piayed in the United States on Saturday Last im H r S.-'iir e-oiiie i score d I'd,: biili i.tiin - P.! I'S , line -if t ! A I. e I .' r . :- N-'tH Ri liliiotel, Va In,-,' ' . .-, i I im Una. elphi II A ' Phi ie h d .iji . 2 1 . I nn .1 . Pet nn Ha M ul. gun I! i i N- V.il I't ill. eiiin !I,C A ' 'Al Ne n Sni in Hal' n lilleiel. Ya M.i l' An '.' i Da, : iiiiiu' Williams " At Si Pan V ("huil' Vug, ma IJ A' Wash; W a "h burton A: La.. . Ii Minn.- Am r-P :'.-! !n- I l!K -hiii.il tl I'. ami P.. L.i fa, gate '1 IT s Several Hundred Negro Rev olutlonists Have Taken I'p Arms. It It Probable That the Government Will Hav Provisional Very Littl Trouble In Duturbance The Itiand. Checking Th'i LateM In Two Provmce of 1 111 I'ubll-dlt-rn' I'H'Hit I li.VVANV. lt !!'.! - Amu her revolu tion tins broken ,,u! Ill Cubit, Just how hi lolls It will be is 110; yet known. There Is probability . though, that tho provincial gov 1 rnuient will smil rldH-ly it Several buuilie,) negro ri'volutloii isls have taken up arum ugainst the piovlslona! uoi ei iinn-iii n Sun I a CU ra ami Caniagtn i pravlnces The trou ble has been caiiscil by eluini of lain", thai tlu lr ottlceis were paid for services In the recent revolution but nun 11 sold n rs were not MS CALLED PASTOR (Special to Th Sentinel I (IRKKNSIK K(. Oct :",i - .t u eon gregaiional lui'ding of th F!i-t Pies hvlcriau chuich vesiii ln i,i.irni:g, ihe Uev Me llon Chuk. of Florence. S. C , was called to miececd tile Rev lr. Kgbert Walsim Stnllli si the iimlo' of the church Dr. Smith preached n; the nioining nirvice irnid prenic.eii over Ihe coiigri'gatlonal mewing. I'heie was a largc attendance, Sever- 1 a I months ago Dr Smith accepi.-d 11 cnll to Hie pastorate or the urnt pre bviirlan church of l.iniUvllle, iCv , and shcutli tln'reafler eiitereil u,miii I1I1 woik The ebm of the church appointed, a committee to recominenil . n man hrr the -nm-emmtr itf Dr Hmllh. ;i in I afier u thoiongh Invest Igal loll tnaile tln-lr reMrt lo the church e lerday meeinlng The new paMor U H South Carolinian, a giaduule of Sontli Caiollua College and Colunibln Si'inl nary, lb- has been engagecl III the ministry In Florence for eight yearn. He Is said lo lie a preacher of more ill, 111 ordinal 1 ability. A large' number of young ladle and Voung im 11 of the city who have mu sical abililv an- arraiiglni: .to Klve 1 lentlilr opera, entitled The Hei i-liuilerM, ill! the (iiaiid Opera House Frtdav ! evening Tbe plav In for the bene. fit of the Young Womcii'n, ( hrthtmn An social ion and a large atlenelatice la ev petted. l Is the heroin) lltlcmn of the (ireeiihboro people to give a romle opera with miisli-. The last wan, held III the opera house last winter ami :ih a splendid BiicrcKs In every par ticular. There are a number of good vimes In the piece, and the fact Ihat 11 Is boiiin talent adds latere st lo It. AT TRE I P. ! The revival al tile Me'lboelitl Pre 'te'iiint chiiie-b e-oiillniies IHt uinibat. .ee Ifiteresi. There went fourteen af cessions 10 the church and nine pro- 'fis-lolls W'sterdai The lliei't lllgs will lee on II 1! by Hie paslor a long hH the- Inli nul jiihllliet. Service at the I usual iour loi.igh! New Advertiiement. C A Jenkins - Ibni-niK and house m ,,r rent. ! Shiip-.oii Drug Slori- Solii'IU Jimr pi e-sei ipi urn nadi- Rimi'iibacbe-r K II111 -Th growth of this H'ori a fe w of Hie main iec!as. i Mev ei k West brook Cm. - Flee I talis 1 pi "-latum lo Wiim'im Salem ! The .1. W Heste r Co Hp-clalii for th!.- week II' Ihe- stoic thai savin von 1 moin 1 Slice ke- De l, Will t'licie' Slllll 1 -t 'ihanltul Returni To Hit Farm. I! I' ll.lliel. wholl.li III en SUJHTIII- ! i deir id a coal ml in- near Klk lloin. W Va . iiai ii-s gnt'cl hl j.siiloii ami was Inie lodai -1 1 loll'e 1o Ills obi li-.me in vYi'k. x (ouiitv, lie owns a f iiii' in-. ir Ru.iiliig Itivi.i. Mr. HamM si, le, Hl.ll CXpledollH In Hie mitie-.-i weie In i iii.nig so fi'ipH'iit that lie d' - . (I1U1I lo Inei 'he li-'lvlce- of hi. Wife j'r ! ' ' ;:: :! ig I. Is far til. V S .islilliK'un , I S Went ,uy Wa.tliilig ml Si And -v. r Ma s Ha iver v ie rd n Fiesii- ' im Ii 1 A' i, ' l'hllli.-, Ami I'lol -del, i -. lire vii 2", Norwich Dmli, Co'le Ne w Hainp.htrH on nee n ut Stale- I'i. V..iei .i.r Holy Ctis i ' IT.inl. '. I Mai i-ha.l in Ilar'toid. Conn ' Ti ool '. ic.'i'-i'! Tl initial! Se ln ol e, a-hiiigton. Pa : Wa dniu'oii b ff.'i-on Z. Inek:ii.i:i .' l.i viniooii. Va Vi- giti'.i M.'.'t u i "He r, R.iiinoki- Colb-gi .. Slai ise- " Y .. Pi ll.ee't.ill i'i'mIc i, s 1 ra'-'i-'- I lit-,. " I t im n ,,' S- Nasiii,! I n : 1 1 i ' At a n ':i Vie ic'ei hi ' I ui i e. ' , .,( T. , i- .. i: I , . tl Af OTHER REVOLT N CUBA I

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