f ". 7 i -v 1 I! f i! A "FT "uT i ill WIXSTOX-SALEM, X. C, THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 1, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS CHARTERS FOR illS DEAD EASY NOW III D I ii .A II i V I HUH III TWIN-CITY EIU HEW U ' troni Br At ed By ,VA N unl ets Trst.fy. V i ..:u:..e IS L'ftetl N I i , I'lii on lb uli.i , i-i; i:v itatn ami ::,:; I. . lie, ate :.,. pj'vi, imiil or w:i :-, :bi' tin.'. , ,i, U.e.lica pas-; a !':..:'!' ... ,i. ;,.i as i!. . ,.u' did nut j . e. .mi, K : 11., r t- w.. ir. ' .! . in e;l i :; i, Mr. Si-, ei, v.., . w,, en in- i;..;;:',,:!.-! N .i; was i-.iinl.j n. r- I ::. 1, !..., lor. !:! Hit' iiiitr' 1 '-. i illirei- IL GET I RETURNS i I. IIP !!-t3 Terri- iMr. R. E. Simpson. Assistant Superintendent of the Asheville Division. Comes From Atlanta Division And Will Enter Upon His Dut rs rxt Mc-iday Increase In Traffic on North Carolina Midland Road Neces sitated Appointment of This Oc '. Mr. R. Iv Sim has h. pniiue.t assist. nit superim. mi. 'he Ashfvi!U' division, with h. 1': 1 u:s ill tins rit. ;. t" ' . . t Mr. Sim.'s:m. who is :o enter upon ... I .lis duties hero next Monday. ; . n i . i. ov- the Asheville division (if the Somhetii' It.ii'vvay, w ith lioadqnartei , in :;i.i ei:y. Tin' increase in t radio ..v.-: th. North Carolina Midland 'ma.!, hf : Winston-Salem and' Harbor's .limn ion 1 a;i.l Charlotte, in ifsMtai. il an. a:. ri, a taut in (he siiK linn inlrnt, who has ( . , , . t licadiiuarteis in Ash.villo. ( wc.. ""' assistant superintendent of t ! i -."a a.; "l '''('.reoiishoro division pays froqu ut vs ,,',' '..'lt to the Twin-City, his service.- Mm.' ', '-' ,,,: m oiled (iccasionally to clear hh.cks on the yar-i. 'i M i, i . railroad inan remarked louav tlui'i j,,.,lil the machinists' s;rike w,h no; ad-' j justed soon new supcrint. ml -lit nor j,,.ar.'iiny "lie else would he able to mow; Wl ,., j trains, as so many of the engines ar i Ineakiiig down. A freight arrivitm lieic yeslenlay al'iermiou tmin (. ' 1 1 ; t i -1 !;.tle was due Tuesday ninht. th.Mi. aeiiiK eaiisen tiv Ule rtli;!iie reinsin.i; to steam. (Sliecial tn 'I ho Sentinel. 1 XEW YORK. Nov. 1. The r.ntial!'''! am! I'iisst'iiscr Association today iodic. . . .' ,,. .... 'l Ian s to 2 1-2 cents tier mil:' it. all its '',", :.. territory east of Illinois in which the .." ;,' 1 i'State legislatures have not alnw'.v '''." , 1 . ., . hv "1- t..tai "rr 1 '" ",r til -a I , , Vn rvmr: rmr ,;,,, .!r.,i'n Inrtlnaa and in I'ennsv lvaiiia, w ,1 t, ';,, iv cue 1 i I'ittsbtirs, 11s Michiit'tin ami Ohm It. licfl """ " .' "V " . ,j, w 1 tmwever. involve a iiiwe-'ii; ' litJUlU!i'st;il'. piiss ii.iier 1:1 '. II,,..... "I . 1 ..... 'I-I, . IIIVV .- 1 1 1 . 1 1 01 ine u,u. 1 river ami vv. si u v 1 0. isc. X. Y. Red lotions in i 1 commence on the l.acka v,.ni: . vv 1: Kti. n j Lehigh Valley, llaltinioie ti Oi,o .-. 1 . e t Hi f 1 v nt sape.me ft: vllio, ill" .x.'r. l..'." i: , Mind in all the principal 1: u i in Mm l-lasteni Stales, at the i r. LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES AT BELEWS CREEK: - ,...'. us "its, " m-mocratic lesisiaiue car, it- " '"" - ,,,. 'the while iiieo. utn been arrested in ,',r,av !'l"'os addressed a larS.' and e, husi-; -l.tlunl .... mud. '. ''n 111 , ! J'',,, Va.. chnr.ed wit!, si due lu .(,.!astic crowd of voter.-, at Ruin tson s;i.:';; l'1"'''-;' '" '" ' ! ' itjo.i uiiibi in. .mis. of miirnaae and! .Mill, Helevvs Creel; township, tllSlit. Mr, .1. C. Hiixloa .;,m'us' ..o.. .,.i ..... 1 . , , j views on loail-w'orkin.L.'. Mr. Co a!.-o : ,,, . : niiide a voi.e vvlniiinn speech. Toe ar - , ..mill.ents made In ibi- candidates vv. 1. J w..l received and woo I'lietids a, -,, v , .siipiiortei s for the patty. con, 1 ' ln(' oandidales will speak tit IMi I nls. Siileni Chapel townsliip. lotii.i; Laughed At Death Sentence. IHv Publishers' Cress.l KOAXOKK, Oct. :!!. Al VI: ooiirthoiise this oveniiit the jmv 'he case of .loli.i Richards, chiiitt ith murder of his rival suitor. Ma ioe Francis, of Roanoke, leninied , x iinci oi uuiriior in i:te nisi i . i ee. ; , ,rt nat . s l,t:lv ;t .ii:.-e ;A motion to set aside the ver.liel was! mi-shmiiv 'i 't ! '!'t.i( and .liidae Motllt sent,-i,:-ei. VI. ;, , ,,,y.,xz iKiotiards to lu.nu .lannary .prisoner laughed at lb" jmlite wii.t lie senlcnoe was pi iiio.inoed. An ap- is pi iiio.inoeu. .v:i peal will ho taken. This was Ut.- Miinl' , o,.,,-io. '. "'lal of the case and lasted ivvo ami hail' weeks. 'I'lie former trials rr.-M.t-oil in hunt; juries. Kraneis v.. is s!i e I't'oiii tutJji.sh while dtiviuu' in a bun y Io visit his tianoee. , In the Race Early. I "Col." John A.' Dean announced I bis' friends hei-e lodav ihat he hail .l.' Itli'ely decided to enter lie line !' '-ats hence fur the lh-iimetatii- !! m: ( ti al inn for Ciinsi'i'ss in this disiiii't ... s'locei d lile resell; incumbent. ..n. W. W. Kifchin. The ((.lonel" naf iM il .'is his reason for aniiuonoiiii. hi I'ltlldidaoy this e;ii,y -hal be wis1,, : ,t '. lot his friends know tha' he nieaps 'business and that he vviil have am; Mm to prepare Ills spe. : in - .,'i ! .itnake a vviiiiiini; liulit. ian ;ii Card From ivlr. Buxton. 'I'o the Tax-Payers of Koisyth C n.n !;. !' In my curd to Un- uhcis th" !,,, jfoiuity, stated tha. lahm' einplm .-'I ;sliould be' free labor. I moan In thai 1 ' I';.' labor shall be hired In the ..wn . e. Milp supervisors and p. it e..t. 1 " v '. , '''"' I have no int. niioo ol 1 n n .... '; I'"'!, worked en the roads i'l . i' n i'l-' tllf 111. The sup. TV isms wi.l e looted ,y lb. o 1 111. ip o at li: ,i, c nrx-'Cv Maconic Notice. Tlieie will be a spoonM c.uu'r.'iU.i'.. on of Winston l.ode No i'l" V M , held toin otoivv il'"'! ' jOiulil at 7::lu o'clook Wink ,o h- !' -tee. ,.;i Masons Invited J D. i.orcK.vnnt v,' m 'I'. I.. Fanow. Sec. M PBR. Pa da . A tew Lines. I cdM 5pfl how. AmT.Ri5cFEiT ,U LOtj MAYOR S COURT lay; rhi,.f r ,.0,i(,. T1olmih m;lt;s UlV I follnwiiitf repot t for lcio.jcr; Nnilllier of caseh convicted hid., the mav.ir l""; hoi over to Sup.' tii 11 Court. :;, unoiint o lines and) c.is's ilocke!. .!. Ji.v ,..' c ected :i. tax el cash. $;,TI iim.Mim of .1 ! h el - d. $.". j til tile cases h. lore the ma,..)!'. W T. I'etny ha i 1 convict. -d and T. I ionr.d over; F. A. Martin. S oonvin- il i.vrr; V. A. llaHiie.- iM'-' cmviite,! aail HI hound over: I! onviilii! and V. Ilt'van. bound over: ( A. I'ta't. in e. ;in,i ,' Iw-mrt "Vfr; '. C. Uoyal. 12 c-oimt'l o.l 1 l.oio.a oii.v It VV illnnfnr.l " :, ,. j:: : , : -,- rZ" ,',;" , . --i.:, ,'i ,i 1 1 Last ev. aim,' a' s o rk a un 11 r I Ij J .Ullle. p' ip'.e VV.'l: ' .' o I lie ! Mi.-. H. X. Davis, on Depo! s ,11 O I Oil! I ...ml . !.. 11 ... .tlm. .irni-Ut. til! i :,.,,,' ,.i' 1 l,i,-.l..e,. Th.'. oiTote vv:, : . 1.,. 1 r, .,,,1 ....in. , .1 l I (Ol- . I... II' I . 1 1 I ,,,! .,.,... : M11 . r.,f ,- .,i,,l UleiineM.:. retire:' u.e.l in.- onoi - Davis. Tin veiill! was sii tit hi p. 'iv 1 its: 'Various amies, oonvei siittun ,,,(. .,,.,, ,. . 1,1 f.il.i, ...... I ... n.t v nnll 01.- vv:is last ;.-' ''-, ' 1 d ' :,"""l:'- ' liill.lo r i.Siiii iv.- noiiies. ..i.- in I-. ... "i'''' "' " "'h '':!;'''v '"' :,"v Nl s D.'.,- '.va ' ": : '' l''a"H inam us.1 u! pi ni s. ,ii i'1'; 'I'll.- nn. niljen ,;' ho,l!i of the As :i , afe llohiU i h. v .rial, d f ;,i t:ia; ciitim be a.'.lli!! I, s an as-'i :ai . 01 ap - . i, ... ,,, i. sullen! ! I', s'llTel ill" I In !l" mi a , bil ls. under pr. in the 1! i resii!: wise il l! 'I'P 'l ,.rt '. :l .lis' riet nut -o b.i a.ivioii.- .. :h" Mti'l-- ' ! 1 1 1 sulliri' at. , i Th,, ,!,, r ,, the assoeiireii o.i j would like to have 'be ta. - .f sum'1 of our - ' M ! ' ' wit-, a - f - : t ,.e. in U.i- wot I.. in' SBORO J DEALER Fl ;i:i:ii'ii"i! 1 n i r . ','. VI. . Ma 1,10, Oil. hie rfrv v.il 0 or,es'. 1 Ml5t ' Al FROM GREENSBORO1 tsp.'Ciat in i tie ni'iiunei, i I CKKKN'SHOKO. Nov. 1 -The jut v j j in the ins.' of T. Joseph Weaver vs I Mi. Nt Mil Carolina Kailroad letuinedi a verdict at seven o'clock hut nlu.it iti ,-;u, ,. , ,;,0 plaintiff and tlxiiiK tne i d' damages at Jl.too. Mr W.av 'f had sued tin $'J". as dam as;, s lor injnrle,-, received in all ac ci hut 0:1 the yards of .the oonipanv in this city The aiKiinietit of the conn -el ill lliu case was cimclitileil Tues lav alo-Miooii ami yeslenlay 111. it 11 inii .liidae h,..ie delivered Ilis charge to Jibe Jut v niter which the case was It-It . ; vv 11 11 tae 1 vv 1 v e men. ( otmie'stnan . W . ivlieiiin spoi.e ill a rtovv d of 2im m more In 1 lie conn tv ......nhmiw msi .HKi.t, vxur., a. not .!, able to meet i Lloiut canvass Cu postniasier from 1 Winston-Salem, who is his Republican 'opponent He dismissed tile Issues of . tin- campaign it. a most inteti-sMlo; uiitim,. ami was fre.iiinllv applnud bv his lunrees. lie will hpeak at iiuiiii. 1 lb id toil ay and at IliKh I'oint b'. I'rof. Cyiiis F Fraier. Republican atiunla'e i"r si.ait mii.iiui ...hi . .u 1 vv ii.iiini 1 e, us. in. S......O. ... .- I . , 1 , , , 1 , 1 1 .... 1 , s:?.o,, eveeiillVo COllllllll-l i ' ' . I ' tee. spol ,,. niouber ot t he I" H'b' of I'limni'llv lat nlicht and ell neeived. Ml ''heir s poodle.- vv el e well neeived. Ml 1 I''; a.li 1 dis.'u-sed Siiile isMies and d the tat and oMn r national Issues " "' ' . " sianioll.i; IH'I' hh .oie-u ins ....... j 1 ra.ee. as vv . i as 111 mo i-m mini .011 mi vuil he in ou-:,' !,! ar.l Ktveii a I rial! i I !e lortlie. lv , SI, i Plied oil' ae. and ,r w ,f j vv as appn In m iv. d in ''his city, but ! th, ev e of t be tuarr s sole. I inn h. I.u .- I,.-' REAL ESTATE TRUST I I 11. f ami lie! s' I'l'ess I ! I'llll.Alil'l.l'lU IM . Nov I !'!. , ; it. al FM.V" T: i i (' i.'lsill' ss tbi- i 1 ' '..:', vvli'.i'i: -' Ti.estlay, A-; . ' place a trolif tiii.tr ami M.o instil . She said lief fa'lu r and ll. t tier tn:tr eon ep. ,n, will. niiirkH on ttie mm of ele.l 5. i.eiisaiioiiiillv jr. I't-'! I.nt niohl ami to eaiiS'- lif'ltrv n Ibveris is sill; he, In Jl Jsib, i. -iim. d its t'iei. n d her life h"r mother ha I. without bail and there will pit, hah!) hanks of the oi'v o.;i;o up in'o the i loin when- trey,!,,, m, In::,., . rf o . p, seiuri. ball Jr.. wlio' hroiiL'bt j -apt i.oui p n'cloi k she says In :! nn,. i, . . , ;,o-,. shoved utroiiKl). at ion, w as show erer! f;i ,i r ealh-il the luolher and i-he h .1 1 i i , .e.ui w ... i innlni! ftoin the ul n.s jwen: ,1 i.v.1 s un. The !as. she I" - li", - ..h.ii -I n and mat in view of : !ni iiim:.- ... boa, oi- them tflikllii. The..),,. c.r ..If. n-e. I .Piolnp. oo a 'lain, Moor; i! i: :t! t. a l 0!l TO LIFE TERM! II. Publishers' Pr.-s ) W'l: Nov. I - Ab x. Waik. i i harmed w ii h belm; amoiu' i i ion ; s w iio U. 1 , upon ami "csv ( l flier Ilea i-l. i'i- on! , i .'.! iMlie.l .lurilll! the race I ;it . '. .. . d of tlllirUei ,,o I ecolll ' ' io III. ri V of lie I . ,i,l ! te -Heed to 1 . e 11 Til 11, Ml. p" '1- ol Col ,lo-e;r, Witts!..: Mie ohl I'.'. !,om tl'an ,n o'oii, S'oio- eouii!. it1 xlnitii. d !.: Pi"! iiitii- an t. tiie t;.i if i. iti..; : I I.e. .,(, I"ie':eld pre- (iliil'oi,', Pll' I.IOiill. s ii' w !n ii Mi. i, ;o e ' i ! ' 1 1 ! ;. I ;,e : e,ia : tr i w ll'is. ii.-luu 'I,. I'll ., !I.IV', to h" IL '. 'Ol' 1 i : ,1 ', .1 !'" ! " W I ' '"i! SI" f i. I-;. I-:;,.- 3i Washington Star. 01 MR. TARS I00R tlu I'lihli-hirs' Pi tisH. ) WASlllM'.TON. Nov I - So ImliK naiit is Chi.lt tifaii tli ii;i;s, of IH'inoct a'-; io Concessional Conmiili. .-, hecaiise Sect.t.u v Taft s K.dnK Idaho to !p oat th. Republican ticket, that has penned a lew caustic ohserva tains. He sa-.s. atnoiin other iIiUiks: "I hill,. W,t, Miceles' ree,, lhal my yood fib ml. Sectelaiv Taft, I this ail.iiinlsttiition, has he. 11 ordeiul to Idaho to make speeches ill behalf of the iidtiiiulstia'.ioti. winch 1111 aim he is Koine, there tor the purpo.e of ad- voeaMni; snn.eihlnw Ihe adminlst ra- lion has popularly hoi 11 supposed to cieek and none of the mule or t'lllier detest ami iljbor. When the I'l esldeiil I of ihe ilriv.is were sell uisly Injured., scuds Ills best men Into Idaho to as-i'l'lie liains were Imulltin liui.her. ITm sis: his ailuilliislriiiion lie In doimt ( 1,1111 mule whkoii was In front unit luiillit.K evcepi to help puipiieate thi'ihroke Mii.iltjtl.. Ii.l.ilillim llilo lh Mo.moii faith and adv oca! Inn Mir- I stream, ami tin- rear team followed moll chuich because the M01 moil Miefoie the dilvei could rein Ihein ill. , eliuieh is tin Repuhlli all pailv ol,)i !al.Kk o lied tile li limn. (Ineof J I'luh and Idaho. To this I enter n solihe ililver-, a watte mini hy t tie' llatlli' leiiiu piolesl In behalf i.l the Itoino i,,f AiiKinau. vvtis hadlt lirultwil, but , ci at io parv, which Is oppose.1 to I he j Mormon chun h and its polygamous ! piaot Ices tin,! i.-aclil.iKS II the khhI 0111.11 01 un' r inuiij wuoao'ioi po,,- , s,,oti,, tn,., .,i,, nii 1. 11 : tills slli-l'lie. I, I till' I- ll II 11 1 1 1 1. . 1 1 of I IH I . . . , :,, niiii ist ra! on tn nersoii or Secie-.irv Tali, lor whom I have the Ii Ik In Hi per Motia! ri mod k'hiik into I'laho to!" further seal the pact he: ween Itepiib llcanlsiii and MoruioniMii wilh com pliiceiicv llieu shall zo astounded." I 111 I'llhlislieis' Cres I i SH Kl.TON. Conn.. Nov. I.- A linn i.l and suicide weie revealed h'ie I'i.i.s ii.'i.'tiiliK vvheli the ehildlot, of thailos tj.ij.z.a, ayt-1 foil .v. einpl'.tn'- .1.;' S.eoiaiy W.av, nn Co, 1'iiiid their,; u . ,,v 'i'l,,. , -tnii) ,,f 'ni.Mie. ihtid in her bediooin wIMi tt'-r '; Un- man kiied l.eie hv S. A I. Hal! I'litoii! nit, the faMjor lug dead wiili.wav I'l'lneunin IlKetnv Sal trda, Ii.kI.I .iiiiis a.o'iiiil thf luo.iier, a I'll' . cut in , .eiiyiins hi .loulit. he havlnii been p.-bi.-. ilium, and a uior w ith which Cm hJj, j i.-mli. t ics Inch W. II Mry-. oi'Iiio: vv Us doiie 'viu;; bi'side lllctti u.m.- .,r Ciia'bati. eoiiuty, ami ,1'imes :iie'i,i. 'in Hides: dauiibter of thi' ! Aeiihall. t.f l'et.T4hiiiK. However he ' ' ot. ehiidreii honio. aned Mi, open..! f.,r,'li-"ierei! evi leip f the IraK'dv ' il'l ' ii mi ovetslepl and tie, Lad i I", die., of It, oi, pireiil, wire nit di- pm, p i:n',! lb., arose abnu1 i'i T I II, PlibliMieis' I'.ess , VI . N n I l.oe.itiiOUV" - .1 mail I for C. a n.o- '. ha- I,. . a i.-lu-'.! i ;. s' PA -iliee s'.it.il 1 mi it lln;.. is ," en.', to e. , were ,,fT. of 1;" ii .I I . f it. I f r. : - ;, i a -'i ll P iv eihl eompi. I.' i II ' I all .I Opel il' Hit, - - - - .e,,r.(, ,,f I ot.s! i ee' ,,,) oil th. miner Marriage Trot Evening. ot Cln stun' and l'l(t,i str. ' ti., Woik A J.:""', hotio' WedliilK will be rei-. "" 1 '''''' '"'li'!!' ' Kill b. commenred !.r;it. ! at tt,,. home ,,t the bride pn- ' :". . ,n v .bit. re.i"-. M' i.nd Mi.-. A I. II ..iv : . ..(' , - '..uch!'iwii. at doelotk Mils eventiiK '. Receipts Over $80. :': (.,i,iia..;it,K paiit.-s t.-liis Mito. foe Ihioow.en pailv c.veii !u,i Ma id", lion, -- an ; Dallas C .i- evinii.' ',; t i. m', holies t.f the io t R. . A I. pens ol lb.- ItapMH' l iir l!,ip i-i hurt , a1 the hniue of d.U'.b v 1 !. otlP ia'e, Th'' 1.1 id. "'!' e! j, l - I I podd;.'!. Was ji t,,i! u -a '; ...... liv popular '.Hi it.t e.-.s lln- i ..um v,ie li.od I'oin .In- wlo'e ;"oo!li Wl'.o '. bookie p.! t... i.ii.j , i i; ,.. close w I "l .1 J,i,v f.,r Mr !": n Tin i'.' Vis mam ,t,ni i..v..! of . ,-ii.k , , we,' , .,)... ieo- ' ' ! I' '' I'"" .,' "Hi! I I, lie ,i .i.:K't...',ile I , Lost Teree Fingers. j M ' i !'; .It; I. iilUMi a vei'o; nu, ' . in ;,' . , ; a- M mil! r a ;. tn.a I '"li l.a ! M:roe (,:-. e .' ,,!! :: j lollillli; In E""ltlC bis l h .I I ' auol Oi a saw SevoMl Have Been Granted by the Secretary of State for Business En terprises. L'lt of Thof Granted Accident Nar Ra'eigh Or Onon TaWft Governor Glenn t P ce In The Cmpngn Otner Nevti lte.ti Reported Fitm Ra'e gh. (f l-.-r. i'. io The S. iit r.o! ) HVI.KICH Nov I Thf Cuml.ei lan.l S. iv .ICS anil Trust Co. new tuink'Hi; eiit : pi ;s'. .. cti.irteird 10 iliiv foi K.ivt-t t'-v li ! T!ie eapi'n! Is il'MH'ii aiiMiot i tl aii.i $ .l. mm Mil.- .soiihel to i'; auk II S'otman. V S Ciiitk and V II l.illv Mr StedlliHii tndiliiiK i.melv t, of the ine I11111- ' !:..! ni. 1 1 1 s suhvi-rllH'd The I'arTiliiia Knstne-riiiu Conip.mv 'o Ilillltl114l1.ll Is elulltiied with .',ri capital t .1 Ciiic H VI l.ir- ; lew ami otln i v Amnio r chatter is tor the Monro' Mto-.i! .nice and Im. s:ni. tit Company, lot Monroe. .,(i.ii.hi cnpital, li V. S ll.ikiiev. .1. K S'ek .la. I- iltlielit ! The Kavilti V llle I Vv.'loptlK'llt Com pau, of Ka? " I'' v tlie. was charleteil toduv, wi ll lir.ii.en lapital Hnllio mi and $( 1 Mibserlbi'.t. hv W. J Mclliitlild and oth.-m. (or t lit' devel opment of real estate Requisition Paner Imuert. In the otllre of O.iveinor tlleiin liv .lav', his private KecMwv, Col. A II. Art 'iiiRton, Issued a r (pilsltlon m tlie Cov.-nior of VlrKinm for C..t. I.011K, who was M-rving a term on thf KiMk ! Iiiwlin in coiiiitv roadit, anil theieaftfr trnliiniitted ilic ciime of hieukliiK Into a house In liildwvllle liefort he flit to Virr.liii.i lie Is now In jail at Kan .ll... HU ll'll... ,.tt..,... t. .... V'.. ..I. t ' , " '" ,l,ln k N'kln- '''""' Team Goes Through Bridge. Vester.laj evening at II t iiil .t Mill, five miles Hoathwirl of ItalcUh a I. air niitl. tt ,'tm M".I u twinnule team went thiouh a hridue over Swift hk aldt. m h,. out today Tin- escape limn lujuiy weie 1 -allv miraculous Governor at Macon Ga Stale Auditor II K Diti.n w.-ni Oils i ill i i ulilK. urn let dlteotion t.f (lie Dene iiieiioli- sJ.'O,, en no.:. tt ll i.oi ti ii it..iw.i. t i ........ 'o llii a niiniber of the aipoliitnituU f tloni'ioi C'. nn, who has been blin. il I,, ab.iie! m Mm on niptilKii to be will) bis brother', K T. II. ClellB, who Is daiinerouHy 111 nl Mucin, (Ju. It,' Dixon will tpetik at llandlenuui, lllitli Coin'. I.ex.io'toii and at point in Cabin i us led .re retiirlilui. In ri Millie hi- own ti.i slut tin nt h In C!eve liind en him his home, on the eve of MAN BELIEVED TO BE 1 1 UL II. II. UIIIUUil III'-;'::, nnet pt.bablv Cis-oii. as he has ,;,!,, ma, li, on hh: arm thai seem to .,,,t wioi .iii the nflieer in nsln ,K - ip .n ill eft.iitti to arte. I m E STORAGE HOUSES M. . i ,. .in, nn t loan A l'su i al Miiikuiu pans lor 'he or. ''lion of mo ''iti'. '..;.. 1 for the It J. R.'V-i...: U . ,!,:.. .',,(' , 'n,,. hull V.HK w "I I. one , v ones, and bu'ii of shiil Iron l):,e. Ih.ulMi feel w i.l IP "it .nor of Fit Mi a mi Depo' Hire. Is I not her.. I Ik.x I I't fe t Wi!i be nil Cln nn flief OI V il !' ii Hail, v Hto ' ii d the ;,.it; li.-.te now undei I i he ! I 1 .r ii. p..

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