f NTKRKSTlNc; MAYs pru't'il :it yj-:d iVihu ti, iiiiis have heui sc-lita :;t u;u- ;s offering tln-m is intt-rcstiir.' m , V V .. 'ii u!.n : t'V- liK' t t!i..t t !. i I. .tin.-, .11.- in ll.- hfh-.u I l.ni,M m I.i- . 'i !k i-dc sLlllc.l t.!:!..' who .liV up tin- .lit -t nui.i.T-. lllt-ll l It 1 1 ! i ts ut sttl 1 1 ! I . M-n's T.i,!;:f I nf - Vc,li T' ' - ' ' s- I. : ) i S... - . I. f ' i. . i . . , , i, . . i ii a i . . ... .1... i! . ;,r ' i7-n I I 1 11 I I l I ' ' ' ' i I 1 1 : , 15 BoyG' Cottoiudc Suits. h ' V 1 1 ! i 1 i . illl'i ii ,.. II-'.,. !.!: in- hi j . . i i - - ask. .! . in;. ii. wol'h sp, ci.:! $1.00 S- What This Important Sale Means to You. S'l.iii;.- a In-;.- ! i ii i ( 1 1 (lnc!iii!i ii. w -.-a- ;.. .: an reU-t.o- nl of -, i in a: : . ' .tti 1 , Mi'-ch-li' ,i..i.. I'ae l.!l''Vlt- a !, .v.- m; tjm.li.ir ;u in :,. r inn- , ,s ,., . a - I i sac; itic - I hi- Me-Vs Clothing t ma, tv. xMytv Me , .r c,..n.i, .MKirtm.'iim. This : im : !' auni.-. ''." s.iuim i f i.i..- third mi merrham'is! ..i' which 't ii.l.al;. -1 111 iM .j, i; in-.-,1 -his new season ;th : tr.tny ! T.s-! " - Men's tailored suits Men's tailored suits Hi: : f.ii.c !iiitir, 35.50 St.it 0 a -r Men's tailored suits. i.i: J'. $t.9S Suit Men's tailored suits Our $V"t" Sail- in h. .i iU.il fa;ir in i x t . vuiir i'i:iiiti rat .:;. .ii:, i hi!i $G.y8 fitf 7 Men's tailored suits Our ii S.f:s. Smii-li 'l'ir s. ami liiir !i:sr.t Ih.'.M.i A ini:'H.'s. $11.50 Suit Men's tailored suits Our ','ri "in rfiii's --S'-i:. : nil! v. . ar .vi u i ! ; a! n ,i!i:c v iii!iir"i. $10.98 Su.t J IB: III. 7m I4 TOfi ' UMt -j SKI f, l ;.'i-',- :-';.: s.j: ii J;sE" Wi tii ; - 'J .' s ; UFMSIitr-: I.X.VW- CRirros B f A M O CLOTHES Men's tailored suits Our $s mi s its, ma.!" v:;h ( i uu;iil valui'. Men's tailored suits Our Puits, a ju-r-la; l-i; i,, ri'iii hi- 1iiir".;iin. Men's tailored suits ( i;n Sl.'.'.ii S ,'iis. li'.iiil. ,,f Uiili: I, ii.'-, Men's tailored suits D.ii- Sui's. inaiK' in liiii- iiiiv Men's tailored suits Olll JlI.lHI S'liiS. ill lllil IK'-, cllllllCC I'.ll' !l lUHHt, C'lll'lip Sllit, - , -1 $4.48 Suit Men's Brighton Hats. One of the leiiiling ttran.ls. well kimwn here a.ul -rils eve: here f.ir $lui. Our special price. l-59 Men's Hill City Hats Yim li-,!(jV.- theai, lliey fi.r All suits marked plainly so you can see just what the reductions are yv j L i J Ln.-i..i.t LJ LuwJ i . 1 t We Solicit Your D LEARN IKE WAY 10 Slff SON'S I A Registered I)riiLr,u;ist Always Fres-'iitl 3 UZ2 EZZJ EHH E3H Ed $ Prescription Trade Because we're careful in every detail and thoroughly equipped. " Let us Convince You n n PERSONAL NOTES. i it . Iriih Girl a Litc.ary Genius. Southern Prosperity. S)i-e;iii hi Tin- S'Tiiiiui.) (Sppoiiil t;i Tim Rent.insU I'lTTSi'.l Ki'.. Nv. .- Ne-s i: - mcw OIll.EANS. .;v, i.-('ni:.i:i cxiirii ',v. ::.a3 far Hie Snutheru St.iu-s .., . ler tlii- ia.-r inur iiais uae u:u.:. ii veil a io!:i ;f $li,1'i".TlT.::;i;:. Frnni I Kit:; en f (Iri iii'.'o. iv.is I iiiieins. wi'h p. a anil ink ;:: raiKOiK. to iMm;, inclusive, the va mat mil in: tires i n . v I..-. :iia;i. jilt tin- I'll, ami lio'lom !' each i.:i-. er, 7v!..'iH I .TS'i, which v:ts ?i;n.- ea 1 Iiiiiiiu! in h'iu-k silk, an I leile-.-i! ie L'U.i'.!:: 11101. ilian tne lirsl ft a. mi ..- :i; while. I: is ;iiii,!ir ill make-up a.- I : :: i ! . and '.;.iw that the Itist qu.ul l. jell as in' ( iitileiiis. This eliiinniliji liit.uial exii:Ms have alums: iliut'ih 1. "U : vo-.iii" liteiar. wriier lias written I Ml. The eu.irntaus value nf c:)ilai l'i the I' ' u-liii li s:,,,ilU i. -in hi. Ivilrlv esliiienei I'll ill "U anil U'i it SALE OF U .1. 1,. Casper came in u stenlav Mini: Uiiier.ke. V. I'. Tiumhm. nt iii!h Wilkes- hnrn. was In i e 1). lin.H'.i.i. i l: ie,: :;: Mrs. .1. W. .lc.'-.'i,:er sell! I" M Ail y In ia v to v I.mi her ' neither. M s, II. II. Kill ie alii: sell visited sie Hiieliamiaii. a In am ii :1 I: :. !. mer- ic;m 8irl el' t s i 1 1 r , am! a im niher n- the hlal'f nf the Pitisiiu'r.u l.eail,' i!.:liii.-h'. (1 a Ijmik el' liiiri- i: ::... Ci liet,',:, T.'sil e M'll Hi " ! mil nis ill I he- last lltrie e!ir Mrs. W. !. Hash an I (laiinliler, of i s1iim- siirnrisiiiM i.leiitli nf t Ikiul'IiI in such reiurm Hm hI lla'l. a: the quests nf Mrs A.liiue s, Minna. Miss I'liehaiimiu is a ailililiott moro than ."lU.enii.iiiiu aci i:u.-,se -es ill iim !'. Mcsick. .Mrs. W. T. Vest. ,,f Wi s! Sa'n in. has reiurm ; f mill a isit In r. la i ivi s near . w 1'ailaie ! ii'uia, Mis .1. !. IImT, r Ivisl l.leiu, wiui has Ic. ii visit: :-, i it mhler a: 'ash;ai:ii'n. retiii-:u( lie.ue lotlny. iKiaiiii tieice of Kiizalielh l'i: in rsiiii,' sailalile fur ciittiui euiiiviitimi. Win n : I lit- cclelu atei! Haltiniure heautv. wlin t'.ie ii!i-silii!ities emliraceil in this pas- im- the wife nf Jermni I'.iiiiaparte. si sshm are cn::si;lei eil , wit t the it on '"'' am! coal am! mineral re.s.mrees iltitt K: I Marking Confederate Veterans' Graves are imw .liehlina: tn the tauch . f i i- I (Special in The Sentinel.) ihmtn tht future i,f the Sami; .ei!.. I: 1 i . . .. ,. , assitreil. 1 n..iu m 1 . ii.. aov. in iitvtiru- in-. ' ' 1 with lie- hiii in; rinliiceil hy Sena- f NOT 'miiot ro nnnni! i JUdlHdbUUU BUT I J! ("pECK-WILLIAMSON jr. r ! j .. . r . . i r unaencea rurnace SaCes You Money One nf the splemliil resiles of ph.' -iical heatil if.' im; is it's liiu.. luv ti create an iililllitioll to he lira ,: ::: ; i eyi i v way. When a woman m-; a K. W. O'Hanlnn. or "h laimliiiiist &. 1'iohi. nl NONE AS GOOD t This is nur honest conviction with ic;'aiil to our "Snitheru Queen Crates." They furnish mom.' heat ami consume less fuel than any mates on the market. S.ohl hv "THAT'S .straight! With an. Underfeed you pay one-half to l:ro-.'i i fits less than you've always paid feu- your Winter's coal. The' Underfeed burns coal of the very w dicapesl grade, j - ... Smoke and r,; 4Ht". v J gases was- j "",V"J. Ud in other - y furnaces a re consumed. A Cellar 1 Savings Bank. pnciF RRn q nn I UULL UIIUi U UU Pi U UUi w .J Thoun;li It I.. Same a loll,;- C.llzell W'lii ii'ic has iieea a r.'s:!-;r of Hurhani forhur Korak'-r an-l tm-seil b Conarc three yea is. is siieiida'-..'. a fi ihiyiihe Hn'i. Win. Kilhiit. I". S. C.mimis lu re with frien 's. : iiaa r for niaiUhm .-oi.lh r'., graves .Mi.,!-(- ( Vli Mielia. ', nl I'm. l .1 .1. ' ' : :l-, in. I t oniieeleil 111:1 i-k i no l. is'in lletaal. was in lite cit today juraves i" H'.e Cmiledi lane e. meterv mi;l start hy taking llollister s H ioakitm' after sinne U --al liusiness. He on Johnson's l!iiml. The cemeterv. Mimiitain Toa she is all rjpn retmm-il to Madison I'lis iil'lernnon. ! was reccnl Iv nurcliiiseil li Koherl Pal- 'ttlih'lH '' cents The nl i 1 01 lias 11 in . ! ( .several cam-itna. of ( 'iucmim; i. i'ilimi -ieeches ill S'okes COlllll V. He 1 " will speak at Iv'.en. in Knckiimham 1 7.7 totiiKlll Mrs. W. I. YomiK and ilaiis'.iter vveri itete today en mule to -Salem Chape lo visit m hit i vi s. Mr. Yniiim ami family, who have been ,llvinn it; (ir enslioro fin sevi ral years, ate mnv ini; In Clialtanii:::;a, Teim., where M1' Yomiii is (oiineciiil with a Ijirti'' en' inn mill. I..:'i;' " Me! 4 Notice ! The regular quarterly nicctim of the foil nl of Trade of W'iiistnti-Salcin will he held in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Huildinsr Friday ev ening at T::;u o'clock. Khction of officers and oilier impor tant business to be transacted. A full attendance is ii"sired. W. T. HKOW.N. President. IlH bAI.lC HY CRAWFOHU PLUMBING & MILL SUPPLY CO. NOTICE! Sign Writers We have added a com plete stock of Dry Colors and are prepared to serve you in any quantity SINK & FAHSLER- Painters and Decorators. Phone ((.8 Socialist Speaking. It having been ascertained.' after diligent imiuiry. tliat m-itiier the Dem ocrats nor tha Hepiililienns ih-sired the use of lite caut'tlm.ea mi next Fiiday iiiRiit. County Commissioners llai'ey mid Strickland' Ktachiuslv accnriieil us, the Socialists, the privilem- nf tisiiiK : he court' room on thai eviuiiiii;. So yve will have sieakiui; llu'e ;ii 7 :111 ..'chick. Conic on- atiil hear us. ('-metnhei- the day ami date. Fialiy. Xo 1 mher 1 he Jil. I'.iei;. I. P. TAYLOR. Chairman. Park Closed Fries MTjJ. O Power Co, Niflht Watchman Position Wanted. By man of expet iene". Ihsi rrfer ence. Phone of call on im. at 1. m White's hoiirdim; house. In; .ib.-rty street. Phone o. ( KU lleer contains but tbr. e ,, !,il;r p, ' I aiCOIln: iia.l is nu c!:',-l d : anions ti 'iipeiiinc, drinl-s In tair-i minded I pe. I'm t hit's nri.. i l'm hi 1 r(of ipia'in . Coll f,iv if. ' ! r -j at w , 5 PI TI.- iF 11 r JR. -.-.A fl AA I ' . , 3 No wonder SCHNAPPS is Dooular it s the cnewin tobacco that suits the man who chews to get enjoy ment from the tobacco, instead of the mere habit o: - -VAiWLUiUUAiC. I piillili SCHNApPS is made from choice selections of th l'KrM wftll mafiirprl ffinrnnnh1v nrH Piedmont &i ; .'- i':'-',i'ji'L ,tI4.U J.e.eit.l J Annfi rinff tM ' & popularised the chewing of tobacco. There: uuici luuacco in uic wuiiu uiat t takes so little - " S-y,V-',':i.fcr A. ' ' m.-im .J T W. tobaccos belt! niMAPPS and the manv excessively that oiiw 1 in 1 ff1' a-vi"i3',T 'Zip't"-L" 1 w aiiu lllU XX1CU.AJI jjjj- -j WM0S: imitations-and it's such a difference that once: t:V;yMf---:-ii nu. , . , ? r ApmW mmiMmm with tion. . ..... j i GEORGE P. PELL . Attorney at Law. Oray niock, Wliuton-SiUm. Twin-City Skating rink, corner of Second and' Chestnut Streets is now open. Ladies f roe tonight. Vesper King, proprietor, j - j j I h.- Winstn'! strani l.aunin haJ Pan of 'he 1,1:11 '.lilieiv to ,e! -''""it Hour, Cei.ln ,' !u ,,, tn.i'.c ilotir -.iiari'. 1 iic bweet, tasty and exnuaraung 'j SCHNAPPS tnharrn Viae mo the. Reynolds laCWl Plmmir. i 1 . . - f ii.. Uarf QftHfnCH W4"wua dS manuiacturers 01 uic uwt 'A Popular brands of chewing tobacco, and as the im mWt best equipped flat plug factories in the wy "vj wuuuii every moacrn appuai w. v- , the best chewmg tobacco, by clean, sanitary thful processes. The RJ. Reynolds Tob Company is under the direction of the ' who have managed it since 1875, and wno ' J made the chewing tobacco business a life-study. R- J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Sam

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