fWiN-CIT m . Y DAILY SENTII WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER.:?. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ITlEPlS5rJEPyilEIISllSE B Discontinue :Ke Attitude ;i I- S- airy Forces ,;t Adjustment i ? J' ' (By Publishers' Press, i I RALEIGH, Nov. 3. All offi.vs In 'the State caiUoI w,i clsl at r...:. To! today on account of the death of K T. . uieuu. urouur ot trovernor do - iat Macon, Ua., this moral:!. Uovi-rn..; sil,e By cfs andjoiwrn had beeu with his brother In ;Ch f's i"111 Macon seveuu nays, mil :eir las; ev. :.- Department injc for Raleigh, arriving li, re j i a lew minutes ahead of the M- .rv.,n' announcing the death. Tin n. v. ., -.v..: a proa I siirriso to the govern r a- I, The 'l. ad beeu assured, after co::- r.t.r iou -. , -, Col. of physicians yesterday aftt-rti -mi. , r,irt that while there wa no lupe f, c , . , i n ' recovery of his brothor. In- might 'iv ;h!for wes'ks or mouths, so lie d f.ti.in- u' -ii,"- 'l to return to pressing official iU-.W ;' here and bo back to his broth-.' '&,; , i, ,is- Uybc with him in bis hs, i.osir :,, in cp .decease J was 4d yca-'s old. ile - , .. : ,if three rhildivn. a s m ami r.,n A ,. ..; 'iv ti is. He was accountant lor :.. irai of (itJigia Railroae. ' T.ie govt inor let'; for Made, : t! moon to attend the la:., ral. !H i MoCHiftlSTS- STRIKE STTHC I ACT ctdihi finur HAS BEER SETTLED ni I III. U1JI 0111(111 HUH MANILA UT Realizing That Splendid Record of Present Board of County vuiiiiismners is winning Many Votes for Democratic J if het i uey Publish Circular in hifort to Create In the 1 Minds of Voters Unwarranted Objection to These excel lent .Men Who Have Handled County Finances so Well That Forsyth Now Has a Surplus on Hand Has a Re publican Board oi Commissioners in Forsyth County Ever Closed a Term in Office With Such a Good Rec ord? An Unjust Attempt to Prejudice Voters. t:nri sat; . V. The c, Reading the utter hopelessness of straw on the eve of flection, their cause unless some kind of un The statement made in thu Repub- ,h. nca'V .ircular that dbts Democratic j "say they do not owe will turn up after prejudice its ploy men: to on the present excellent board county commissioners who affirm warranted objection is lodged mmas or I'le voters nf F-or-.th fnnni the elect on ' is an unwarranted re- against me present board of county ftc.,0ll commissioners Republicans are und- ny out a circular le'tcr at i,ns ,t.- that the county does not owe dtbts moment that : cakua::! to do :n- ol the court house indebtedness. It n (S'.'i..; to 1 h s-ut ;. t ..) , WASHINGTON, No. '." The oti :We niacin:: -! ..n the- S m' lie; n Hi'.. , w Men was tti.tugurau d rvrtt'.h, in liu-r.'H-i ;u wages was settled odan I amicable a Ipn.: mem has he-ji t with '.lie eouiiiii :ee of tna- j s, under wliiea t'le Nlilke Willi l.i:. .l off and the un a now on . will r tin n l ihe:r old lti nis M i : 1 . i y- in. :ii. ti. Nn. til.tr J. witlt on; ptejudUe oil ;i'C..iU! of tile s'li'k-' Tile nun lu i-etiiainej w;:li the roin paiiy ate to continue at work Tli.-e who )me ! mi employ (. I since the- M I'ii.C iH'flHl A n eiu io hiliN e .ie-t:iW.. li United States Will Doubtless Take Up Action of Japanese Officer With Japan ese Government, However, It It Not Thought That At tempt of Japanese Officer To Make Drawings of Manila Fortification Wilt Lead To Serious Complications ; Between United States and Japan In View of Friendly Relations. l.v Publishers Pres ) WASHINGTON. Nov .!.- I In U i J on ilie hliilu Ht authority tojay thi.l iiiHi'estloiiahly dipivniatie tepreiienia w'dl lie I el i red from the lio t!.m4 will be made by this country to Monddv iiKvuititt. lint wifci:? :Jainit on account of tho dttctkn nf to lie places, o:- as t ' in. lit in I he shop: Inst aet-.oif. w ill ! fhelr C")ii!iiined em-ia .iHi aiie.e uftlc-r tnukiiiK kkvt'ch of evmimuy la .t :i i jili,. f rt ill. at ions at Manila. No ww heir future employ 'rlon consenueiiccs, h.iwever, are nx- t u e.le,l. s.m-i :al ; e'til. I'nllke colltlneutitl el i--nd as lo l..o M!,e l'iiii.,1 Slatin tum no law mokinx i fjji little mm s e'en "up to' the gentlemen who intimate iP-'.s. thatt h eccunty does really owe debts .ii ic :- j that will Urn up after the election to . produce proof of this aesertion. The -mo-; Democratic county commissioners in. : i pt !'. d it:i I'll-e new ellipio ei .. The wan., fti-rett by the i..i;iiu 'i tlli' nun liiiitht s jifhir ;,i ilie k'like lire lo apply Irotu N iNenilM'f ,",(li .in.', ilie company's ptiiKwltiini in arbiir.:ie tee dill, rellce lielweeil that H.'aie aim In i:.i: W.i - T.i If Tr At: where he !',. .-Iih lit iinst m lie. ,i I'atianta. ',. iat'.i- i. at ilia the H I' f t' flU'S- i) liiithoiise r w.l: in- irans-li-flri 1 . i -i i via nil . r,i i:i 1 1 t:ie Isth- ..! be acoinpan-; ml Hixei. -.-if the! oti- l.at:a an ,;l,ir Mi.ir.s -::al ulili'. While on Bw!i will send uiis i.i Si ci . tury Willi W Mm l.onnie, the eirht-yi ar-old s,.u of Mr. .1. I'. Hur;;e. wlu lives oyer W. T. Iiaynes' ulrc at the terminus of t n- Norih I.ilHi'ty slice: car lin 'killed about live o'clock last : by a iiKi.-t shDcklmc accidiai. The buy was. swlnjring ;:i the ie;r, of one of (I. M. Thomas i Co.'s coil wagons when the driver. Albert M justice to the splendH l:u who now manage th- c .: ire Duraen of tins c.'c .'.v .-i lows: j 1. Statements fro.n thu t.vo I) cratic daily papers ,,f Wirs'oi, -Sai.: i v.te anybody who has a claim against demand ol uii.fotm are printed with a view to showing 'the county that has been presented i ''"" s per bout' for that Democrats claimed in 1904 tnat rot paid that could "turn up after "ii"' l'i' cent n huur the county, was not ihen in de1) c"ci- tne election'' to piesent that claim 'has In en accept i il a :i t t.ie ; lar except for the -.lurt'-ious .tnd t.Ttand it will be paid at once. What about he' arranted- for i.n.lei now Democrats ,ve claim. rg tnat tne.it. gentlemen? It's up to you. ;,"d basis (.unvested by tin present board s psic4 a oot owed i Now that Republicans have intima-!as lromptly as practicable. In oth ted thai other debts against the coun-j This aljim:ment to..U pb: conference in New Yo'i. Hon, Seih ',.n' , it u uul offline fir u MrMu to jhke'i li ut- photoKrapil Itn foililk-wtlon. ,ll was ixpl.i ti.d ut the war dvimrl jinetit today that there is no Ktich, thlnx jus a spy in Ilie time of eii, WhtM 'no one d'.mbU that the J.lxiue ofllc- nuance ot luijir wa a ii'inilnr army offlivr it I uiaebia v.. ami j i ipiali; ceitain Jaiwn will dn.y all l.r apprni:.v .-. ku iw di;i' of his dolim and wHl ! pr. sH tni piMfouml regret I hut one of her oflicers houl4 "witboiu warraut from bin Kovetnmetil" tranutr'iH tu such an unfriendly way. l.'r.u o'.l he I 111 .' II. .. ill I was by the former Ojd'a m 130 eniim er words the Re'nil.liran,. clsim theltv "will show un after the election" Democrats admit n, cnr place t 1 . .. t tf-lwe' think it is pertinent to print again 'weiu tii 1904' the followiiio statement from Mr. H. vvanlw. Lindsav. who i. in noaitian to i llHll Ulan free from debt ti!n. know exactlv what he i talkinolMacy and Knight, backed lm team in the n-ir i 2. The circular ii.t'i.-!- cla'n; tbat'a':out: National Chic county owed a dolit oi $'.0,000 in and in anoth".- siy nc county (conciliation commilti c- a I a loihiy l.e i hainiiuii II. Al laley, e.M'cutlve council Kverl! II. S Uotni 'l'x, i.iitiflivrs Kedeiall.il, ilie of- Democratic stateii.:ntr about county wish to state for the benefit of,l,',,, - f Siutheni l;.il!w.i. the affairs are made ic: cartn.iin purpjs-jany who may not have been advised, president of the luelt na.ioi al .Murliin- tilt" brick wall and the wagon at:d 'es and that debts D.i.iccrats "cay t' ey i that the only indebtedness against the president or the Int. niational Machin 1 crushed. Death followed In a few mlu-'do not owe will tur-i in a'tei ( lection Icountv of Forsyth is the courthouse . ,s,!i I'lihm and 1k 1 nininillee of the ot the liaynea stoic to unl.iad coiil.i The boy's head was cauglK between' ' nut s, rue toy 8 screams when he. for the tax-payers to w ." bonds. The Dretct board of countv ihou.iien. Hal v. ay ma iil.ni. Sl-i mi this di- ii'fn iiailwav for h.;s iii-i'n disgust-ii-:ali' the trains, '-:iL'.-rs. The ex 'U twins was ilis liasfiiKer train struck the wall were indeed heait n nding. The driver, who is -deeip grh vcd. says ho did not know Limine was on the wagon, hence no blame is attached to him for the accident. JMinuie, who way a bright boy , was a, pupil al the North Winston school, been collected then. When the new being In. the second grade. He was board came into office they merely at school yesterday. Inst r .itihed sii'l a luili liours " n.a.ts- up here it ! n..t i-ac assistant snpprin- 'Sinn, aathori.i'd lli.il iw i larger oi: '.hi,-, Board of Trade Meeting. The board of trade held an enthusi astic, meeting last night when various matters of interest to the city were discussed, but no definite action was taken. Mr. E. W. O'Hanloii. in the ah isenee of President W. T. litowti, prc- In the first place, it iiiy be sa'd , commissioners, during the past two thst in 1904 when the pret.cn! board (years, paid off a floating debt of was elected there was an indebt-jabout $21,000, besides building the edness for current expenses of $21,000. modern county home, paying for tame This amount had been borrowed nyjas bills were presented. These are the former board in anticipation of facts and I believe in giving the prea 1904 taxes which of course had not'ent board credit for their splendid management of the county's affairs. Not a dollar of 1906 taxes has yet been touched. H. W. LINDSAY, Clerk Board County Commissioners paid this amount out of the 1904 taxes without going into debt one cent. It was merely a current debt fully cov ered by 1904 taxes. In other words the debt the present board paid was purely and simply a debt contracted by the other board in .anticipation of taxes of that year that the commis- In conclusion it is only necessary to repeat that Forsyth county today owes not a cent outside of courthouse indebtedness and that, on the other sioners knew would be in hand at the ! hand, the county has a surplus, as not me :n- l f H.'O sided'. It was decided to hold nioiitbh , proper time.; The new board paid the I one I meetings the second Monday night ! amount due at the proper time. Thus, in each month. The elation of offi-; while the new board paid a deot or cers was deferred until the next mi et- $20,000, it was an account the payment ing, November 12, when other busi-; of which without going in debt was nes.s will he transacted. I fully anticipated. A Democratic at- j tempt to deceive in this connection ex- Our New Hotel. ists only in the imaginations of Repub licans who are grabbing, at the last A piMinineut. traveling man in speak-1 jmg (if the new Zi;r"iidoff hotel a few i iram'''a-Vs ago remarked: "1 haw traveled, v th,.ifr several years the entire SePli -., ii;-.. ' ami can safely say no cily in the S m'h has a belter hotel or one that is b' ;i po-lter kept." This is just one of the many bouquets that have been thr iwn at. Manager Kavanatigb by the tniv- iisis' '-.ng irateriiity. M1M1 cent of 1906 taxes has been touched. When did a Republican board of county commissioners in For syth county ever close a term in of fice with a surplus on hand? Speak up, Republicans, you have raised the is sue, give us any facts you may have on this subject. It is due the voters of Forsyth county that you do this. A MnalJ cottage on Mai shall fctn't. Salem, near the Muline Knitting MM, the property of ('lingmaii Jtcnge, and occupied by Zel Hitting, wns daniag d by lire Ibis morning at ii:l!0. The fire oilginaied in the kitchen from a defec tive Hue. The building win ilainiigeil to the amount of about f.'M, hich was covered by insurance. .The house hold effects, the property of Mr. und Mrs. Hilling were all saved, though slightly dainaginl and broken up. The response by the firemen io alarm was prompt and on their arrival on Ibe scene they did effective work in extinguishing the (tames and saying the near-by reflldeuce of Mr. le Hanes from catching (ire. APPEAL TO COURTS1 i Ml Him. .wen lily Reception to Rev. J. R. Moose. A reception was given in -Centra! Methodist church at Monroe last nich: in honor of Rev. .1. R. Mo-ise am! fam-ioe phl'-e '' i''ii.e 'n ,,: Mr. Moose, a missionary in Ko fi :i. is being supported by Ontral church. The reception was for :he lur.ose of giving all nn niliets of the church who are supporling bint a chance to become acfpaiuiid with 'Heir missionei v. ". lie "'. linw- iMeratic - K N. "-s, N it ..:. i n- M,-. ; i t:.. lus Mrs. Robert Ualiey. of Wen a. ,,. ; st reef, Salem, cilcbra'ed her ."i'i'Ii it. -pun lea,, ihii thday ibis afterniKiii by eiitei :ai:i- j: ,1 Mr iinS a few of her most intimate frit n-!-. li,;--. !,.,nThe ocrai-ion was highly enjoyable "' '-t'li rn ( Ity IMlilishei's' J'n-ss SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. cant act ion as taken b tile use this aflerm m wln-a they -eil the sail begun soil! tmie 'u:0e the authorities 'o adnn' CSHIi'.I e:i 1 ail 1 lie I' ' '" of San l-ianeiM'o I, - si, an a'lorney : ii.tr fmsu now ni I! in.il.e :;,. .-f! .:-: i.i ;i.:ti -iirorirll e.af i (II) Pub NKW YORK, both flanks the , to isllets' Press.) N'oy. li. Moiclo d (.'. Hearst lire h is been i divericd from Charles Iv Huvhes. !( publican candelate for govtitoi-. , Sicntan It".' and former Ho-., (in her. "f Taiiiinatn Hall. In 'V l islnr pan so w the e('l' ings iitit mull ri Washi::t cli lid fell which t ; :t!e of the jni'io:i of lle r. -pel tne W i stan I tirni;,'. m !i ale'; cetl'i-lel I hai Mills I pu' It do !' ten la -t few days :! e ainni'ii i: si forci s Is ben u- h! i.aslaug it of U )"i .'iml I.' igiies is pi.acth .lily fot linal light ill 'lie di in s. SAI.ISHI'RY, Nov. .: - With lb. biggest ihunoiiKiVation of (he season the Democratic (atualgn will he clos ed in Salisbury by a. speech by H'-ire tor I,ee S. O'vt riiiiin m xt Monday night. The Senator makes his .last speech in his home town ami will be at his best. Thousands of people fioni the country and mar-by tillages will I come io near him on tin. ormshm. ! Solicitor W ('. Hammer wn I. i" today and pn illcts iii.s re ei et .n by a majority of nlioul ir,.oo(i o ts.imn. jlle believes llackelt will il even a I larger majority in the dis'iiet. NEWS ITEMS REPORTED FROM STATE CIITAl (Sfcial to The HentlnelA KAIiKIGll. Nov 3-Muj..r l. :. (iran: was calledt to Ooldaboro tin uio.ulng by the uewii of th bernluij I of Urn nam in count ctln wltb, LI.' brick yard ami farm there, A yea.r's supply of feed and hixteen head '(. lurM'N and muled dud contildra.(i!o farm niaohinery was Included In the k)nej?, partly ntvnrd by $!,0ib Ina'Ws nnc. Major Ontnt Is clerk, or la Culled rltutes district und CiltiuJl eo. u ts heiv. i : . News front T. K. limner .and It, (( Itrlmley, who were In charge ol tile North Carolina exhibit at th Ikwio't P'm1 ' Plr durliiB Oclobt r, 1s U tl effect Ihut I hey are very much ptVfiff'l wlib the attention ittractitl bv Ufi North Caroliua exhibit ami feo coufl dent that gnvit benefli to tha Sta.'ti In the way of attraction of Immigrant) and capital wdll rt:ult for the HUtt The fair has clow-id and the ruaterlul iiseil in the exhibit will be gxi'.tc'i btu lo this State by tile l.llh. Mr. Clinton ('. Crow, omi of best known citii of it iN-lgb, wis found dead lu hiH tii'.I early yt day iiiorniiije at hl home on lUllfuX si reel, lie hswl suffered nom lfl vvl'b asthina and is thought to lijftt ai;d up suffering from thin and not leu out of bed in hope ni gtin( re lief, ljeai t failure Is thouu n hu leeti the iuimcdlaLe rau.i' of 'hlh. Mi. Ciow- wan dH yi'iiti ;',(?. nut Oa I. rn in Chejri'rflelii ,.,,u it . n, ar IV li rsburg, Va. He leaves a. wife an I seven children, aim a brother, I. W Crow, of Wilmington, and a half brml -er and half 4icr, K. 11. Crow and Mi. .1. T, Aldeiman, id Ralelgll. Ilie fiineuil was held, t.jiluy. i V i I lll.lie n back in'i , aea: .on. th Mrs. Fred R. Hackney night from a visit to ''.rocnville, S. C. returned la rehrives j 1V0r o' Dean :iI'"i::.: n , The Farmer am' Co-Operator, the (organ of the North Carolina Farmers' j Protective Association, which has j hcen 'published at Intelligence, R.s-k-'"s 'jingham county, for some time, by Mr. lnT. i i.owry, has been moved ti S' '!!' V Vliie. ' Mr.! of t loll tile, h' W hose 1 igll Ico'inltv vv, 'pac' wi' h '' them all the , cnmpaiiviui: lclar.se of in leit.s .s' i Si seho '1 n liaire.t l-nt ; - ja il. I.il l.v he tr it'i I 'I" ! Ma: ill New Advertisements. sign artist, removal not ic ell'er. III Faiisler The tiesi serv iei and ileeoratlng. '.' n Co.- .See o,:r men's, .siloes is, und -Twiar. iK'el.wiar. t-te Tlse Ci'oeeries "a !i'"i It was learned today that I he South-1 ern Railway bad decided to transfer! iuj'he two train dispatcher ai Ikirbet's! .Illljet ollk ' a to l.hl,, mid Im in city a : I lie ni.ii d tha' :ln room at I lie I I ue 111 .si et mriiuia! :- Wi'bri-Hjk Co P-riai prices. M Phelps k Co. t $1 as pay men' sp.,1 A on coutxdi suit or :a. -ni passenger :atioll. Int.- d.i- p,. tchers will direct th,- in vi-ment 'd j trains on tin- -A-in", ilie ilvisloii, 1 1 -!! litis citv. M.iresv ;ile and Char-,,,,.. I - Miss Pt rcy Power, of fluVem, who has bei ll at Hi. I.uko's IMpHal, j He blebeiii. Pa , sevinii ycara. taklric ja eotirse In nursing, p.'tiirned home thls aft-moon. Miss I'owers was prr iMiited with a gold nn-'lal, ttili Im-Ihx the (itlze awarded the number if Ibe j'-la.s making the best recti nl. About Pel ptyiple a'tenii-l the S cialih: sakilig at the enunhouse Ut nigliV Address. H were uadti by Messrs I p and W II Taylor P T Lehman ami Thou IkivX -The local manufacturer ar oUV (ilaining of a car famine. Thla ( causing ln'ieh Inconvenient in flxi shipment of their good lacnli ' on 1 Clolhing C i the good os. clo'hing. A go kI finalities CITY Of BOSTON nbacher d Hr. T'Hlay a biev :'ie Busy Store, ('.line Pt.i.glif '. Star Co. Supper ineiin rcii'ecr j. h. Ziriiiiiernian, ,f the i (Inn of Zimmerman A- l.esi.er, return ir.i'd .tliis morning from .Iiiincnowti, he has b tu getting data and iii iti for ibe. North Carolina build ing, for which bis firm war anlw 'he architecMiral work. ol ; w here -The protracted ci.!eeH at Hfnlli side, in whli-h Rev 1 K Mason uldtij the wistnr. R"v. A I.. Ibttt, c'ivnI Tlrirsdav nlif'it The meeiing arcoin-pli-ht'd pood results. a ;n Rev. Ci. W. Helk, of llieniar.e, f"r. who )l;,s ,,M,n assisting In the liie."- '"''rt.jinjt' at the North Winston Presbyt -"an i mn church, left, yesterday ror An-''-"It-'usta, (Ja., to assist tils brother 'in re vival services there. The i H" IP iST t in! p.u.-li a:, llospl'. "lis III. PaV.sh M.isS', :-- Pre Nov ! 'he V !,s,-r de M-t I io: dill (J. Ri-Viiol ! ia, erected ov'-r signs this .week . the sig I o t.hous Mr lt"v - I. 0. NlfiHig, Tiieii Siiitinvi's c r ri s)ioi,(leiit on l( P. ). No. 4. will teach 'be public school a' Friendship, which opens Monday. Tin- in :t.i u street bridge across Ku leln cru-k in being repaired Tlw old (1 tor has l en replaced with a tie one ThU is a liiucli utM-ded irnpnovt: mi nt. raw ' M:i,. i 'he North Winston church I'lnned by Dr. I.iliy. Services iUT1'l tomorrow- nlglit. be ineetinvl a' h will be I t,- g aju'i ua-, making a spwiain Jus' of coun'ry road .it'nn. at tf Mrs j ' J- O. Cooper, o( Oak Ridge, he:. .1 T. I'.r 'M tod.' 1 the yli'ti pauper tins ti'o the .lohnsoii building at r of .".t and l.lbetty s'mkjI. has more room and !ncrea :i s ni. ih- ; .Ml HIT' (' W'll lit' i,. ;, Chi'is'iHii church tomorrow nlgV I .'iceixiril of 'I'f llliinti he I vice of w c t r ( .1 P. Taylor and Jchn Kfft-r wui' jti I). mils thi-, ,'tfteriioori' to tH ak for Muciaiivia loulfht. Miss Mittio Waggatnan, of rUihrti), Ikis, left hand u. amputated m. the hospital a few days since, is UiOK n 'ft 1 1 S'n- will r''urii home tomorrow the I Mr. and Mrt S' F SI. or", of Vadk'n roun'y, weiu Hi 'lie c.ty today. today. I'h, 1

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