fWTN-C ,Y SEN WINSTOX-SALEM, X. c, WEDNESDAY EVENING," NOVEMBER 7. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS II ml - -in Ifa. 'E ITS CABBY FDHSY I H UUUHTY DEMOCRATS i I BY AN INCREASED MAJORITY 45,000 MAJORITY; MORE THAN 54.000' UlO YESTERDAV INDICATES AVERAGE HoCRATIC GAIN OF 100 VOTES lY pnun 107 to 406 KItchin Gets a Round Graves 34 1 McKaughan Defeats Wilson by Cstate Ticket Carries County by About 323. L .Make Average Gain , in Out-of-Town Pre j dhvj! 157 Majorities Secured by Various (eC candidates. Thai Is Latest L'Mimate of Hearst Kan Behind the Other Party's .Mjjuriiy in North ; Candidates on His Ticket Carolina. . Yesterday. I . . ' Sc-n-e S S'i ''cant Cvs in Democrat c Chandler. Ca-d.oate on Hearst Ticket V in f-c-us Cou-t cs AsV For Ueuten.int Governor, and Other Gees Democratic-Party fleets Ten! Candidates Besides Hearst Believed Corgressmen-Res-lt Was R.-.er' To Have Plurality of Less Than C'CEf In ti-e Tenth O sti ; F - "a '.- HI- a, ::aM'e juoi- ,. i,-.r cast "ill no; , ..t! : , . when a. . il ,1. ,:.,:- Ui- 11IJ.I"! ! I;V 'l! . ! :.':u 1 1 .: )i ,.,:;(: head ;.)!iar. a made y HiiHM-r. This ., majority of . .,:! eatuli- ,,;.,; :;,,. S aui'itor :ix'nii, I'm- Slate r:t. r. !r House. ,r i( ,::e. :!:: It. K. i uf mi.:, t"::: ! t, r;rr. mi : . m. .mc- t.r uf deed.. IK!: fi.'sirj inasnrei. In- surveyor. 11H7; r f.n.R. r. 27: M. 1: ia Jmlu" Starhuck Me iiuinl of county lib"; lit. Strickland's ;! i ll'i anil I). V. S!i ire. I V.I. ilislieai'lelied over i rial. .ma: W: their losses, hill they arc wii'.lng n ,w (j It'll what t!lry think iaus.i.1 i: oni. i said t'Hlay : "The failure i our can-dl-lltis t ) meet fit Democrats on the stum) and discus.-, the issues us many votis." Ano'her said : "Se:ue ,.f -our candidates had run lia e put up new ma Tile returns show a the Denfocratic iii.ij.iri st, in, while Salem made a stna'.l gain over tw ytars as i. The maj.ritv i n the State ticket in the first ward. Win ston, is Had; in the second ward. '::v and in the thini ward aliout 1 1 : 1 . Nearly every irecinc: out -hie i,; Winston-Salem showed Republi "an losses, notably Broadhay township, the home of Po.simas'cr c. a .Rev nolds. Ks rnersvlllo and old 'Town iranie up with splendid Ihunoctntic gains, the average inajoiTij in Kcr nersville being abiiu; 'u and at OM Town 40. Congressman Kitchin's majority in the county was increased aliou; lluu. compared with the ott :wo years avai. Graves' Majority 1,000. Solicitor Craves estimates his ma jority in the district at Twin. He car ried Caswell by .".uv Rockingham. iiSd: Forsyth, 341: Alleghany, pin; Mr. John Dobsou carried Surry by 3.V) and Stokes by liuo, these being un cflicial but. carefully estimated major--ities. 10,000 oi S'ate Tammany Elects Its Supreme Ccurt Justices With One Exception Legislature Republican. I li I' .Y.i.-.hflV l'ress.) i V Y-'U;K. (Xn 7 -The !! s( eo rei t, , i, : us' show Charles Kan li Ifil.W h' S 'n II elei'tnl governor o( i I'uip 'e S ir. in a phii.iiity of -' v - i- in K I lea I si l' nioini'ii' il. -n : :.. t- I ' ' a -st ! .in ta i In liinl hi- i !.-(, ill i!' -v Y I k and .n ina'iy cmiu i 1 1 n; S( i e ai .'. .i; n mi ludav I n re in !'i-iit;i;i thai Lewis Sin- .i t ' i i nil i . . I i in , i ,n : noiniiiie I i hi ;i.ini (im i i n ii . and tin' n st :ii. Deliio.-i.iLc ticket, was elected . . 1 1' I .'!) 't - s I i.i a ten I hu: imt. ' '' -. ' i ' i.; a 't::ii;. oi i ;:r,,iinii in 'I '.i'l X w Y t. k. which breaks all H I' i Mr a! ii ii - In i his cily for ; ; :,aui :iei an; Tlu- ,it i. r noini in i . u the I li iii! k r.nic ticket ran .i::i,,d i.f Ciiandlei in this city. Rc 'i ins 1 : 1 1 it upSiale ciiunties on the i iiteiiaui-itDM rnoisbip and ri'tnaiud- il ticket a if iiicoinplele and le- and Craw ford A re Both Elected to Congress i Tkt- FiMitiiiel.) Kw. ", Democratic SiuiniDiis statvs that (e 'HL-ress;. .na! district t! ove;- Hritt is at fish'h district 'i' lilackburii by nii;' Mitablc sains li'1 Hjrjith were 2110 11 ;r lr.il.'.l'.. '"Mi (Ict'lari'S the the State is a crushing rebuke to the interference 011 the part of federal oflici -holders, in cluding postmasters and others, in the affairs of the State and their attempt to ro-int.roilnce Hutierism in the State. SAUSm'RY, Nov. 7. tlfllcial count gives Hacket S21 in Iredell; ::io in Alleghany; 50 in Alexander;. I110 in Ashe, good majority In Stanly, Rowan and' Cabarrus. Hackett telegraphs that Blackburn gets Wilkes by '7;'.; Caid well 149; Surry lo; Watauga by Hon. IE EVENT CROKER FOR BRYAN f of Masonic Tem f Laid Tomor- Miernoon. Takt Place At 3:30 y Prominent Masons 9 Present From Va- F tte State-An Inter- ''! 1 alteniuun at i-o'lsJ' uf Ma :i avy the 'ii:i:inil new Mti n"'' Tiri'ie an., a ::;iiuli,.- f ; Masms " 'law' be, n in. ' 'his oc- '"I'-i.iliy in :':,s' ci'i'i'ino I' ' 1 int; in 1 :': ' -! for all Says That the Nebraskan Is the Proper Man for Presi dential Candidate of Democrats. Result of Elections In North and West And Demand For A Man With Re spect for Law and His Country's Traditions Point to Him. Ii Vl.liiiili .,.. ; ;.,..;. ia'e C:,a,: i.i.n. S .i,-. ,, , s' a'i lilt r ' 1 , , , , t'-i! ill N : ' li I'.i. -: IM ' si.. . r... that ill'i ' ,. ., ; , 'i j: ci aiic niaj ii -, J. 1 in. S! .,' !. SOUO'd.ill- ''I,,. . I til, :,.. j ,, 'ea i id' !; : -:'i , i-.m ; ;,... '!:at 1H in .ft ,i' h.ie hiad. . wi. ..li '.!!? - ; ' 1 :,' h,i I : -' 11 ; 1 I..-': 1 'a,,; ,: . . ,. two ;i:ii' ;r.i K..! i .' - " -.'.-(' nian Siliiiii m - 'aiaara'e : a : 1 La i, is lie, I.-, I H'aiKa.a a " 'i nt a liist 1 ii reLiri.s .lit- . - a . 1 no iijit-e, in:! lime , m:',:':.i .. ii 1 a : my pre lie'iatt :i;.tt 1 : a', il' 1 err-' w:ll w;n with a s ie 1 Si ill u- laa.aiii, !i 1,1. h la' a- u., : . . s. vent! bundle, in lia'iliiti! . a . t tah-einer. !,y It a iu'.' 1 1. 1 . - :. . 1 of i'am in I . ni.-W't n: a- maj fv. It h:' . I'm in. 1 jorii y Cm i Im I"" i!iei niajm iiy U r ienn.r!.ii and .- - 1 ' c: ea.-e in main .,t!.. 1 - "In fact ." sa d Mr Simmon.-. ' I iein octats will cam Hie State by a hia-a r : .,,;ts n ;.ey ,al simw tlui'tuat ions vote than in tin- RiMisevc'- e.m -pa":n ' Taimnany Hail 1 lecled all its Sn twoyiars as-.. The llitiintaia ,i.- jusiiics with 111,- evcep- will not be as iaiire this year ;i:oi;tam uf Otto linsalsky, llepub'iioan neither wii! 'he ft. puhlii an ml' " , m, endoised by I ho Independ- Pou's Majority About 5.000.' '," l.e.n'iio. For this, lite fourth' c,mf;re,M..na l')l';'li;;"' l.-slamr is safely Re district, the letiinis indicate ahaii' Il! l'u'an. iiimj majority for i'mi ( Hemoc: ai 1 mcr Statement by Hughes. Codwiu (Ri-iMildicani Some t tin ma ' MiW YORK, Nov. 7.- - Hughes made jorities are; Vauee. iHhi; Wak". -.i'"" ; 1 1 lie loilowiut; statement early this Johnson ami; Chatham. M'e'. Ki aiiklin. moi nini- "1 am gratified at my elec tion. 1 in - I reMat that my feeling is tad one of elation but of responsibili ty Thaf is the only Ktatenient I care to make ' This was all the governor-elect of New Yotk could he induci-d to say of his victory today. He declined further in outline his policy of administration. He wiil U'ave tonight for a few days of rest in Adirondack lodge of Tim othy Woodruff. Hearst Makes Statement. NKW YORK. Nov 7. Hearst made the following stalemeiit early this morning: "In vi. w of the result I have only to ri'iMai; what has been said before. 1 am eniist.'d in this light against con trol of the government by the trusts and coipoia'ioiis and will light it out to the end, but will serve in lead or ranks ju.d as the people desire, as eainesliy and loyally In one place as the 01 h 1. The people decided to re tain Ri pnalican pany in power. I wiil make 11. y light iu the ranks as a private 1 it, en and do the best to pro mote the Interests of my fcllow-cltl-ens " TRRO0GHO0TJEUIIITED STATES IOWA. MINNESOTA. RHODE ISLAND AND OKLAHO.MA IN DEMOCRATIC COLUMN. Missouri Returns to Democratic Fold-New Jersey Legis lature in Doubt Democrats Make Gains In Congress. Republican Majorities In North and Central West Greatly Reduced In Kansas Result Is In Doubt News From Other States. "ic Notice. f Win.- ,., I.- d;e Nn. ! :! re ' Hail to at 2: ir, hi 1 I.ndge in. Mem A and all 01 ling arc he Idas- hv S, '' " W' M' SOllt Notice. U "', Winstnn ... A v -d . tonight ;a,l'';."'l''"''Sll";',,' t , ,( ,'M ""' If re this i-:eI,'".f"s 'i;'l!li':eci u. 1 ; " ' onh lie t,. ' 'laying of ",", ;''' '"ie Tein- t j. " ' - i-' u" wiikcv L- R-,.i ' 'L' '""; 11 K,'dge ' The fire h'' ;; doiiiK any (Hy Publishers Press.) NKW YORK. Nov, 7.- Students of polities are studying the returns and are nrofessing to see c rtaln demands of the people in them. j It appears that the 1 mociats have' carried New York for the entire ticket but .Hearst, who is defeated. All Stat s. In' the North carried by Republi.'ans , have been carried by n-l need ma jot I ties, while Rhode l-land ha- pone II 11, 1 oe'ratic throughout an ! tia- N -w ,1'r. sey legislature is n cl ' 1,1 West the Democrats have curried Min nesota, Iowa, the in w State of Okla honia and probably N'or'h Pakoa;, have regaini-d Missouri 'by i'.u.nu" and have cut the Republican maj ':: t'.v :t' Ohio, Indiana and Illinois in hail TImtc seems to be a disposition to la lieve that if the Democrats nominal -a high type of a man with respi-c f '" law and the traditions of 'he conn-1 try lie can be .elected. A cablegram ; received here today from Richard i Croker intimates that Taiimi.'i:.' should se'k a new leader ar. I the e Tammany chief conies out bn Win ! . Bryan for President. 1,7ihi. Wayne is i. hii;:i,1 I nioeiatie by l.unii; Harnot; by bin. Davie Goes the Same Old Way. MOCKSVII.I.K, Nov. 7 Returns now in indicate a Republican major ity in this county from :;! to ::7.. Vote iight. nuiny . iters failing to come to polls. Guilford Democratic by 1.300. GREKNSIIORO. Nov. 7. -Whiie complete returns for the euatily a:e not in the indications an- thai ihe county has goiu- llenmeiatie hv at least 1. "on. Then- is a deei-i. d gain in the Di-niaetatic vote oyer il.at two years ago. The lollowing dckei was elected: Senate. ,1 Ala 11 Ho!' . Ibui-ia Dr. .1. R. Cordon. K .1. .lut-tice; Kuiiil. It. I-;. ,b s; clerk of court. Ki iu-si Clapp: register, A. (1. Kill-. 1110 n : ttiaurer. ,1. W. McNaity ; coiotu r. Dr. .1 V. Tur ner; surveyo'.'. Robert Gilchrist, coun ty commissioners. W. C. Turl.ei. ,lohn A. Young. W C Rags la'.- .1 A. Day id son, Levi A Walker. Ashe Goes Democratic. JEFKKRSON N C N '. 7 - The Deinoeiais elee; their entire county ticket. L. S. Vaunoi . for t reasin i r, will lecelve a'mnl IT,".. O. I. Park, for the House, about Pbi, a:..! lh ha'ance ,f the couuly ; ii'Ki : stnaii majorities. Tile Republicans may h.m- raitied the couniy by a small major;':, on the Stale tick. t. ail.! ilaicktnn may have abuiii This fhons a I letnar.ra 1 ie uain of lHI, Yadkin County. ' r X. Chun Wi'aani-, 'j- 'as j hei.- today, tep.nied !!ia the It. icioii 'cans had rarried Yndi:': oonti by 7.".o. ' 'he D. niocrats did not put out a comity ticket tlus year. Surry Republican. RiH.t"s ft .111 Surry are to the 1 fleet that the II publican candidate for sheriff Midland ('apt. Pace by almnt luii. liiaei.'aitrn carried the count by aim or '."ii Stokes Goes Republican. Slolo s yyen: Republican, but accord ing to a 11 ;i.:l received li re the I) -m-ooratic n ..mince for sheriff lost out bv only - nes (tlv publisher Tress NKW YORK Nov. ".- Com;iesi.iini ill return show that the presr-ut Re publican nuijoiltv in the House will be re 'lued bill i ho ReplbiicHIIK will coutnd lo. mi iH-s Republicans Carry Illinois. The Republicans won in Chicago hy lOiiiiti Tiie S'ate wa eanii'il bv 7."..- tlliO, Moran It Defeated. Joli 11 II Moran, Oi liUK'ra:, was dc feated for (; minor of .UsKaitiiisett by Cti'tis Ciiild. Repnbiicaii Th bit ter's p 11111'ily was tu.oi'O The IVnio rra'K cairiid lioston. Pennsylvania Republican. Sluait, Repuliiicjin, wan elecled Governor of I'cniisvNania b a large majority Michigan Republican. Michigan went Republican by more than lim.i Republican Loss In Ohio. The Republicans lost a couple of Congressmen In Ohio. Congressman I.ongwoi t!i, however, was probably re eluded. Democrats Win In Iowa. Everything Indicates that I n im gone Democratic though R"puoll ana say they haio not abandoned tope New Jersey Close. T!hi N w Jhi-m.) U-KlnUturv ut clone, llotti ides claim It. Minnesota Elects Democratic Governor In MluntHota JithivKon. Ih-moctut. n reeUned Governor Democrats Carry Rhode Island. lLgKlin. I'nMicratic candidate for governor o( RI11 kit Inland, Is robhly elected. Colt will go lo I nittsl States Senate as the p-gihlaliuv Is Ifc niocrut lo by a .Miiall majority Indiana Republican, Reiunis from Indiana Indicate Re publicauH have plurality of about 4d,- IMIll. California Republican. California pien lteuhHcun by about ;o,iiihi. Delaware Republican. Delaware leRlsluture In llcpitbilcJll by a majority of t n. Kansas In Doubt. Kansas Is In doubt but clalinxd hy both side. Oklahoma Democratic. Oklahoma State weit IVmocralic. Ic. Democrats Carry Missouri. The IVtiiociatu carry Mlnwourt iif 30,iMi niarlty. , Much Interest Manifested in the Election Returns Perhaps more enthusiasm was maul ft sted by the rxsipic In thin city last night over the elction retniiiK than ever before in an off-year The Sen tinel's complimentary service to 'the people brought a large crowd of eager people to the couitroom and by splendid service from the telephone and carrier systems the result of the election In this county was- furnished from all evept one township by 9:30 Of course there was much rejoicing of Ihe younger men and Ihelr work wan not without rwilt to a c4rtalD extent. But to return to the make-up of the crowd at the courthouse last night. Mr Cyru II. Wuuvm wu ne of the first to arrive. Hn remained niltU be hud llgurisl "Little Mack" Mafe ins Joilty and went off lo bed lu tlm bet of liuinor. Col. (!orge Pull, accord ing to Mr Watson's calciUiUUiDH. "puo el 37' miles from 7 to V p. In. In addition to thin he figured and red bulletins, always; ending up with Sotue ev. I)' remark that showed lie was very tntuih among the DemocrH when they found j jn , ,., ftK)U, w, lninr Mr, that every man on their ticket, had T. II. iMithit canio up ftmi 8m received a wife majoritj and ux ilii'lth his . Igur and found his w-at Dll result of each pnclnci was anunc ( ' '- here he . 1 01 he sa the victory complete. "Ihueb. I heartly oheer. rang out. The fite J)hu WluUm ,h( w,r show ings made by Droadbay, Betha-1 fr,,m i,,n,)U t tell the KooJ new nia, Ke.rnersvllle, Old Town and South r(.nialnei until ver thlnif a Fork No. 1 surprised even the leaders ' m ,.r yam 'n.-shmun and 'One AI- of the party The Detnorrais made , nfiiM"! o be comfort.! untJl Hi.) wcim H.iilslleil bejoud a rea.toha bb. doubt that Hackett had put tv "iiili-ius" on Spencer. Jud)(e Jone wanted lo know how Stoke went an t Tom Watson a wire llearnt e ebs-ted because he got h) ciifonnded many vote in New York City. Olln fonie kept the figure oil the county returiiM and Rufe Tihiihoii waiwl nil the time. Senator Buxton was wit Isfliil with the retiirtw and forgot tlwl be was aliout worn-out frtiin the binJ cam ass he bad made Theu tUera were Ihe worki r from the Salvni aiil Emperor of Japan. Mr. Banks Holt's Condition. Mr. L. Hanks H di, a prominent ci' ia n of Graham, who wa- shot t h home last night, was res'iag very this afiernooii. A nie.-sai;e from B'l"-. lington slated tba' Il"iii". Wa.tn- ....... 1 i.,,.,i.,.,! f'- tll ll iU( II IK) UHll IM I II - " the eniploytnent of Mr. Ib'lt. :s eha n Ctl with the shootinrr 'a" i-- :- m jail. Quite a large crowd enjoy e-.. in ing the election returns in SaVm ; night at the drug stoic of l.aii'lu & Pfolil. Ill - substantial galna In piudlca!! couniy precinct. Outside of the county election per haps more interest was malilf) ste 111 .he result of the eighth district. Ow Ing to Ihe fact that Home of the coun ties In this district lie in tin- m uin tain section and there being no wire there Tin; Sentinel was unable to gUc as complete returns as it had wished ,nevelie!ess the report a jecelwil f,.,it Sm-rv Wilkes. Iredell. Rowan, Stan ley, Cabarrus nV Wllkei sliowed tlia Hacked had a good leaif and ey tv Isidy seeuuil to think that he as sate Winston wards by the tiuinlrelv I afj exc pt Col. Gisirge Pell, who telepbon- wer,. tired and. worn-ouf. but not too ed In all dlreithuis for the news fioin 1 nri., t,, y-n when tiii-y heard from the this district. ' country districts. Tom Pfaff bnimlit j The monotonous bulletins from New I j j. 1(,te from South Pork No. 2. I York cimie In a steady How. but riol,-'oni IntriHlncwl 11 noye'ty In tluit !unti; I: o'cl.tek could the p.siple nn-j pi eenc!. He wen! down there In bl der.-.'and which one of th'1 H's bad aaM(0 and went, from house to boiuie i majority. Many iHonocrais oerily ex-1 riaulliiK 'he voter to the votlnu boitt). ! pressed their desire that H'iirst ou:lt in neerllei lo add that that auto get defeated. - hlle others wi re for ; and Tom's reasoning power bail a Hear.-:' fiMii lir.-' to last.' marked-effect m 'he vote from that ' The old war-liorses of lh mix lacy ,n ptecinct. ihls rouniv wen- at the coui'lum-c Chairman Klb-r received three bear last niKlit. Old grey headi'd men who ty rhi-eih from the crowd and atKrw have workiil for tlu li paiiy for a half ed plainly that be apptelatml It rT century s'ool shoulder lo Kiioulder , nal! Mr, J, J. Notma.ii, who la all e :wjtb yonnt'er Dene-racy of the couniy j port llgurer, gave out the news that agio lit-ht which sent a cold crowd began ' and time and I feelings of di 1 hi!! thiough the remnant of the Re publican par'y 'ha'., gathered in their hall acro.-. ihe stu-et to hear their fate. n passing it is but just to note it he line work done by th" young I)em iicratt, In this cirio'v dorlng tb.- cam tpalgn They traYe ftillbsf about lie Ikiamlnrd of fienioeraflv In an en j'h'islas'ic maimer and '.while th'y ,i!!d not organize they did fine work ' for the tlckt ' An Inllueir lul Is 111 locrat express , the opinion last night b 'boil : 1 very raiididate was le.iy. "if", and the . tivigh at 1 o'clock this morning Tom Hesbniao Hint Col. pe, toge'her with twenty, five or thirty ohcr were still fl(ur lug on the result la Ihe eighth The pos'al fui nl.sh.vl quick rettirot from the country at large, white tt Bell (.-aye satisfactory service froru be country dWtricta. When Mie xl's closeil the Republi cans weie rontident that they had In-led a part of 'heir ticket and ipiltw a nuniliei of them pat h-t at their 'that, a young men's fVmor-ra'ic club 1 lieadipiar'i-r for a julliflca'lon trie. bou!, beoiganltid ill Ihls county if Ing but wb'oi the returns lienan to jonl'i- thai ihe younger eietneir may ! I In- kept together from year to year 'and 'bus be ,ti K!t;on to w..tk more ; sy s'i nni'lcally. Thtoughont the cam ;pairn the Republlciitis have mad.- a 'special endeavor to cap' 111 e ihe v.,te. arrtye they found that their Ka'herlniC had heroine a niee'uiK of sorrow, so 'b-y blew on' th'-lr tigh's and silently di-in:ted lo their homes Ut make the lint inpara' ions for the voyare up Slli' Rvm

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