DAILY SENT! u A m i V: WINSTON-SALEM N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER S. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS MP iTCOHIfj EDWIN H. WEEKS CO. ,iN unm I mm n iirt nrT iirnr 07 Um bUULU HUI btl tltttt 1 dUtil T MS OF SIMMON S VOTE II FORSYTH n tie CORNER STONE I nyn!y in ,f t.'A The 1-Mwiii wi'i t.i't app. ar ;i' ii!.-:h! ovv iui: to th wrck i! ' v tut t here. Tilt t'l.t. R W,. fl I " fact ' I m r'ai;::n. Democratic State Chairman Canvasing Board , Meets and' STATE SHPHEUE COURT! Talks About Result of the Election c . r-5 1 a Sl.r.-.as The Ntt : IT. S r i'l,..t'H vi i ; (Hi pof-pom-.i una! -V Th-- W.-vk- C- : i win R. V .i ;s:i v. . ;, , . K'.izaWi Mai. : All Circe arc art a splendid n p'!!.i i '.ai torm. New spapt rs they have In-fit speak ;n t. mis of tin- I'xci !!t tici' ,. taiianent. Thus.- who have not e, i an si c-tre sins!" t ick Is a ib si, at tin' 1 i : t I for til: Stlvs Dcicc'.M c Gin ,. R-.-Dw:e To But r-lnter'c-tict cf pf r,i! State Poiitcs-Sen.-.to- Cc-a-atas Some Republican Made Befoie Eifct'on w tn cf Tuesday's Voting. H l Cl'a! s State ar3 ;he cats In mons C airns Result! S--v Passes I'pon Returns of Tuesday's Election. Vote "n CcMy T enet In Each it cmct cf Forsyth Given Belovx The Board Had Not Finished Cinviu ing Anyth.ng But County Vote At The Time cf Gcmg To Press. IS LI TODAY i Fi V i! I; I'll !! I a,,- f. it-rue -how in Sa la- , s; ; Mar)-! Maine-1 M (liiin.i i a aaia. ipms ,n or miof I vuio- '. civil. 's h. hat- (Hv Publishers HIRMlN'tlllA.M, Aia. remains uf a hoily of an m ha o !i' li found in a m i i was uiiduiiliit .! r(,;is j j ; .i oner's ji;r 's m i i!ic! was K-ii t mi'aiis in h.uoU of known. h.cvcn day s a,-n found mar the in . at !i i south of Hi ss' no r citv incuts of li -us. TtU'.- au til ill a newspapt -v was li ; vt r r.e.i i" Hri-ai ii .Mill I r's in: -'ill. Yi. -tor, lav ; found in I li;' r, : '.: indication of foul jiiaj was foiiail osii".-i!ay 'I'ln lo the siuiliv Olio. on .w ar, . .' ma :o Hh!. in a i ;i ' - frutii ..ni of nr.'.!: .N . Tin l;i 1 1 !',,. ri-r-. ;. a' li U :s .a- i:i;- a ir ::.k . - ! I ll.' Si i r lad r 1 .a i fool ola n. K-.l fr.'ia tin; ' ar Hi.' -rw-a- s 1 1 ! I ;u k.'iio; , v.-r : An -IliM- 1"1! ! !. ia Ino in i itii .;, . thai! a liiii'l i . ami !i;m lln-.l'iipin: k' r :a tin Tia t'ki r i-"i'i;r.- .. .ii-i in. t! -.at' oar I'iaillii liiajorit) of III. ... rt Mo n. ! uu'a ioi: iiiciT i. in li. I .1 : ioi onr 'i'a. . iia v i .:: lao olil llii' lliaji.iin, i loso -i)!iti: i.'S oounlii , i Ino t liini'. Iiolh in th't tii,. , 1 m a-tioa the ailil.-: llio :mjIi 1 . ! in t: ., P.i ri ,i : ri ilol lirK l.o.-s lor o'uall rv.'oiM'i! aa ! Z' ar !; far !) asarata :. . Tt hiisoii, I, U'l.:ai;!iaii "is II.;, I'oaia on- 'li. lor ('.no '.. llii'k a: v..-, v as f.o o a--'.11: at 11 .a i". Minis of !u- Mlfh'll' Tin- iioii-i! i; uiii'.i I. .morrow .. r. in. a 0 k to!a T a. Hiiiiv s 1 ! 0.-UU-U 111. I till (S,"'i-;a: ti iiUKli.H N. ('.: in ha . 'is i! y I 1 Nl' li-.MI . f iws 1'iiiirt s i: .a ii'i.B1. , liisUIISM ,i I Hai TinsttiH I ! i.ro. aft'n loisi l.i'O,, s. Oiadstun r:l. s I'asoliai, S-i',t.uti ) rio- s..j.i. i l'im.n in or o .fc.lilt''a im lw I ition (or c finiu i lo: a i t I (it i tumuli fnnu liioliasii, aftirin loillf itil. afflitu II II t V I IfM r The Si-io Hi' . ;i.i r tllitl J '. Hi-I to it ri si on . 111. Ho h as olio IllltV I ..Illllli- !lllll' Mai- Hi) ran i nlf iu a.. lor i . for I, for ::. 1. ' . for f ir i aiaj i' , II:. I, i, o Ulliis ark of -o!ls: mm -o '. 'o iuv 1 ri ani i niliK o II 1 1 1 - . k' 111:1. an of I ar. ha r. IIL'T 'lllllliS J. ::.".! , LV.'Tl. Shore hail-!. Wo ha rairyiiiK i:.'i Jin! w, in oi odiTiiiini: Ui'iailiM t ami Ho I llll'll ,o ir; a': ' s. va i an :, Wost Ik'lllO ' a ro.ooo. COUNTESS CASTELLANE : WINS FUST PIT 'Bv 1 nhiisliers' I'r'-ss.) PARIS. X.iv. S. C.i'illloSs Anna ,1" Caslollatio lias won hor lirsi coiion tioa in Ik r suit for iliuMce iomoiisi nor i aasiiaii;,, ( oin,i Itoia. 1 lion will lie !i:, open liial of llio case. 'I'iio jml?i 'wili (iociiio the qnosiioii of (iivorce on - (iacmnonlary eviilotna' pku'i il lo f m o j tin in hy altonn s. This iloU'rinina - I lion was iiiinonnroil to(!a with the j statement that a vcrilici wiil he la ti I (Itri.d next Tlittrsday. ! "Taken all iit a i sr. atest Detnofni I uon rincc the iii;i I. I renal,! i! ; ie ictni we wave of 1 VtV . the-have! Other Majorities. : a iior (iravi s' inajoiiiv in the u: I- I'.IT ai'ai fonnressinan Kilch 2 ..". (.' ltnxlon's majority Is lie i.teiviiiK 2.t2 ami Beiilinw i". W 'i'. Carter's total vote was ami Koiit. Cox. ",4TI. Ned Shore 'iviii LMti'i voies ami Ir. Morris , l : 'la The Ol! til, All!.: liolii.-, 'S ELECTION i News Items From King. (Special io ''a S n'.im !.i Kl.'(!, Nov. 7 I'ariiiers aroiiini lo re are quite busy Hal kerilii: and muekiim com. .Mr. Luther I'miiani op, nod t : i - pub lic srl'.nal lure Moiolav with nooil t' lenii.uif'i'. Miss Mary Man in. of liar bury, is assistant i. aeni r. a1 Mit-s Kannie Xt-vvsoni. sa!es!ad at w-t II , I -avis' iniiiinerv store, spent Sunday ;piio here w fill parents. ' u ii-1 Ik L. (l.abs. cf Roanoke, was a vbi- piou ! on in re rsaniiiiv "It is a r.'hiiki- lo the alteiiipii :l io !. rlerr. nee of f. di rai offic.-h 'biei .-. in iliis SlaK with our ', 'cal iM.'ilios. a id I da not la lieve we w '11 i ver li'-aill s. i in North Carolina the speciaele of c bin I'.ostmast.-rs runiiiiiK for offiee and stumpini; the Soil.- at the same tinno "It is a disKiiu'ofui spectacle- -;!ia: of a man. while liohlimr a hiu!i feiiei-Jl I l'"i ollice, it: mi iiin for u State otliee. j:''s: . "1: is an einphiuic answi r to tlic'vil' claims of the Republicans thai the trend in North Carolina was away from the Itenmrratif pari). I' is a ta buke to. tile attempt to rev ive Unt ie. i;,m in this Stale. It. means that the p, ople of this Siate have no pa tience wi'h tie- cauipaicu of misrepre- la aiiian. socialist ramlii'aU' ipr.-s. reieived n aial .1. P lor tn usurer. 1 1 1. Vote by Precincts. voti of the va'ious townsiii; t com ty ticket is nlven below: li's Creek Transoii, lis; Key 112; .McKauKhan, 10; Wilson Mall i-Vl.ll man Ziuiar. IIS; Kapp. M'J; Conrad, Sty. rs. 111; Robinson, iiO; Lln 111. Heck, !!S: Crews, 11:'.; Hull- ev. "a; Sii-icklaud, ;:b; Harmon, III!; Slarhiick. Ill; LUht, lit; Shore, HI Hekw's Creek Transou, 8S; Rev mdds, li!'; McKiiimhan, S4; Wilson, ",: Coiiiad, Mr. S'yers, tiS; Uobinson, Si',; Linville, tA; Zlglar. S.".; Kapp, i:S; Hetk. XI; CrewK. till; riallev, r,4; seiilation am! ileception. of abuse am! ! Strickland, iA; liariiion, VJ; LiK-'it, M ; vilMfieotifo which Rut I, r llirouch his i Starhuck, 77 ; Shore.. 7:1. l api rs ha.-, atlempled a si com! time Hothaiiia Traiisun lo iniroduee in this Suit.-. It is a im-'H: MfKaunlian. tie,. I,, llnller all.l bis CloWll tilat. I foil m li , 14.'.; SIV I'.irdoi i J All. 11 v H'lea I'ti .-.'ll. a thrioed Mill - T'obsiapb Co, 1 1 -. ! ' ' . at ti-nnd Ilavis vs Kn-ii, ll.iv al.-ail .Itlllllll 'l 1'ioi.iti v.. M;oifactuii ot Co.. from Meckielibiiri;. -lit!on In reeiiiiniilcr itisiuissi d s Kiiiiii i vs Ai mstroiiK. Rowan. ,li,:,jtria! I RobiMin vs Riiiiroa.l, (iuiiford nil ium. atlii un .1 Stale v.-. Warm r, lav!ilson, jier cu ria in. alhrnied j( Stale vs. Adams, Itaviil.oti, per cu riam, athrim.! Tvsll'ior vs Kioiiiture Co., DtiVld sou, per curiHin. alfli im-d Miller vs Miller, Rowan, per ru i lain, a Hi i mo! Wa'l vs Smliii Kiakiiuliam. ami Miller vs. Miller, from Alie, ilisinlMsd for failure to prtisicuie iippea!. Tui-Miay. Nov I;'., ilie ca! nilar for l he Twclllh ilisll iel. coliKlstlllK of MecklenburK. CUvelaml, CaMon. Lin coin ami Cabarrus eounlies, will In called as fo'iow s: Shaw vs. Ualiroad; Wil'kowsky vk. Lund Case; Itoberts vs Railroad, lljavms vs Ualiroad. Melius vs. Tel egraph (o., ( ri-iKhton vs. Water Works; Miller vs. Railway Co.; Shaw vs. ManiifacicriiiK Co ; Mining Co. . Colton Mills; R.am vs. Aillerholl; Shellon's Will Cise, Millliin Co. vs. Coilrane. (lovernor (liinn cianis a respite for Svlveslor Hairiii. ihIoikI, who is mi- di r sentence in Ci:t count) to In hanx nl Nov. 17. until Deci'iillier IS, 111 ol id r thai he may have lime to invesli Kale petition froln eouiisi'l for (lelense for coiumuialion i, hi ii.cm-e. Ilairel, was convleteil of kllllni; Waller l.ov ell, count) constable, walle the cfTlci-r !nn iiioik oi uiiisi. nun mr paruci- Large Number of Peopel At. tend Exercises at Splen ! did New Masonic ! Temple. EerC te Conducted By Grind Lodge of Masons of North Carotins Fr tia! List of Articles Placed In The Cornerstone Appropriate Addrese e, Other Features of the Exercises, j Banquet at Hotel Zmiendorf To i night. ihoilKll they roah'.l ll'.e people once systematic and persisii-ui mis-rii.) setiliitian, ihey can't do it anain." E GHTH AID TENTH I n:a- l.esl I rave! ali a, i Un' .1. W. Wall .-on Orocery Co Mr. Wil'iiains, Itroa., was In n Mis. S. T. S!:';illz al.ii' Nan 'I'lairnlav in I hi ri pi i HI an; I h . is in lovvn n presoia in;.; last niish;. Kiwer. Mi:.-. Si-ulnlioiir :-p Tvv ;n ( ily s! ,. Madi lolliwht. Ci mi :- Simmons Says Hackett Gets 105ft Majority and Crawford 139LJ. Thomas, wiih M Daiu.u. In ;h. in;: 1 Miss Delia i'o'iit Saliinia n luite froa i lo attend Mary Ola Coo. Mr. and Mrs. SliuHz Mi:s Lou. from D.i::'.::. Iieie visiting fin mis. Mr. ami Mis. O. L Pn sioii! Siiudny and Mon i'n...s here. of ,vi A W ,11'H lam .-..s l.oil ipi'iit last shappiim. Uolliauia. die Kiuer she ha i of Mis- iNews Received Today B Chairman ot Ill l.. HI ( 'onrad, Linv ille. Hi ck. at State Democratic Executive Com-i .in, l(v mittee Shows Some Cnanges In Vote j I, mill, 7i From First Estimates Latest Nswsi Kirnersvia, . - - ; Holds 1", I ; M From Eighth ana lenin t,ongiis.uir al Districts. , am! .; SpClll liiani. ' !st.v w i unhi. S'l!,0, Brown I Herry B. prr- " ..J'ja ! j " V I ; " , iff 'in ! " ' i;- r;-SP,rc 1 ' I. f l Fr0m The United States Supreme Court. i i i:i.Kb c lii-ad.p: d to.!,,) t In i'i.o -o Tli I!. Nov. v nan. t -- wen y Chaain ike atM'ino o ib'Vl 'opliM aams !. imaiioii -tl-iets. ' kburn'; am! In- s!le j;, Caai!, i-tii" pi art a'l.n" bom ill '.lie II r- i . 10 jl ' ; III l)0! I' OK k Ka li - ,1 u 'aaU.alii. and Mae! A la -nb.-iiy :., In-a in-, il'i. V:!ke-. .". V o..i., Hi..: maj t. a. . CI.; Will;. Ilia . I roti i -' ili. s A .slle 1"? S'aioe.. ! irry . ".." a: .'i ni. . .Me Hon I ; . ' o. W Ne Advertise'nents C . I'' e I''-' l T'H . A: I ' 17',; Reyaohls, lbh; Wilson. 1 1! 1 ; rs, IK!, Robinson. 0',7; Linville, IJjo ; Zllar, US; Kapp. 12'.; Heck. 17; Crews, liltt; iialley, lad; Sirlcklaiiil, Hi!!; Marinon, )S!l; Starhuck. ll'ti; .Ktit. 124; Shore, 12(1, HroiKlhay-Transou, l'.K; Revnohls, SHi; McKaiiKhan. 17H; Wilson, 32H; (.'oniad, I".",; Sivers. ?,:,; Robinson. jl7u; Linville. ?,:tl: Ziglar, 171; Kapp. ::;:2; Heck. 177; Crews, :!2h; Halley, 1C-I ; Strii kiaud, His; liariiion, V',X; jStarh.ick. Link:, xti;; Shore, :;;;-. (Teniiimiisv lib Transou. Riey- M.-Kain;haii. ".ii.W ilson, ,.!; I ; S'. vers, 71 ; Robinson, fi I ; 71; y.inlar, fill; K.-rpp, 72; Cn w -, 71 ; llailoy, la;Strick- llarnioii, 4i ; Starhuck, 77; Shore, 72. . - Tiausoi;, "71 ; Rc Kaimliau. 1S4; Wii.siai, j l.'o; Conra l. 17:1; Stvi ih, lafi; Roldn js.ui. 171; Laiville, l.'.'.t; Zinlar. 172. :Kipp. I'"!; I'.eck, 17.; Crews, Ldi; Hai!ei, 17' i: Strickland, I7'i; liariiion, J ss; staiinick. I.'..".; Unlit, lral; Shore ; 111. Tiaiisou, 4!l; Reynolds. i ill. IS; Wilson, 71, (ni:- S-;.i-rs. 7H; Robinson, 4?; 72. ZiVlar, ",2; Kapp. 7u; Ci. 77, liailey.i:!; Sin -n Hoiiioii, II; Starhuck, 7ti, Shore.'".'. F"k, No. I . Transou, i.C; I.'.I ; McKaiinhan. To,; Wii Ceoirad. ',; S'vers, 1:,S; ii ; Linville. pai; Ziniar. (',;. : He, k, Cn, 'Crews. !.".!; Hal' ev. S rickiaml. t;; Harmon. W, ,r: a k. lbl ; Linlit, 17:,; Slo.re. loo 1 Pork No. 2 --Transou. 7',; , -Is s. ; Mi KaiiKloin, 7:', Wi! Conrad. 71, Ster, Hob 71. L.nviile. Ziiilat, V. K.i,.',. 72. Ih-ck, 72. Cn ws. M; Hail . 7, -': .r-klaud, 71. Marinon. 71, S ir- s2; l.iKht. HI ; Shore. 7-S f i' Hiehllioiirl --'I'ransou, !t Id" 122; .McKauulian, SH; V,-soii, ;.T (onrad. S7; Siyeir.. 127; Roma , j, ; Linville. 12',; ZifcM'ar. .il; K.i.v I2S; Reck, s;: Crews. 12i'; I;:,..-, SL'; SU'ickiatid. H a r n. a. . -. S'i , ' uek, 121',; I.icht. 12 I Shore. ii., 'I i. wn liau.-'Hi, lie;. Kioi.ij's, '.!rK..ii(iiian, 1 "7 , Wilson 7' i , lit. S'yi rs. 1,7, Kooii,-' n, ; ' I laiivil'e. f.f,; Zii-'ar, 121.: Kapp. . ; -k lit; Cro., 01; liaia -. lit. , Si,;iml, In'.i, Uarnior., i"..: S ai 1 " a n '.4; l.inht, Hhore, f,l .-'.o' in Cliapu! Transou. '!; R. -. ... -. I li.'. MoKa'iKhaio W: sor ' . I "in ad, 1,1 , Sty; s. 111. Robin ,i .",:; I.iiai'le. 111. ZiB.at. !.;,,; , I i ; . If.-, k, :. Cn us 112 Ha.: ,,. S-1 Icklaiul. 12; Ham, on. II. s ,,(.., ck, il';; lanht, 12t. Shore 117 -' u'b Fori; No 1 Ttan-i-nt ''.! ; put ion In a row in i.1k public road iir Karinvllli-. .leiry Cobb, another lie pro. Is servlnji a s.-iiliMice for iiiunler in the second ilrKi'ie In eomiKllon with tin same ruse, there belli;? jtoini' doubt as lo which of the two m-Rroes nr.-d the .'hot which killed tho ofll-cer. New Superintendent for Hospital. The directors of the Twin-City Mom pllal AsKociiition have electeil Mrs. M. L. Yorke .supei-iiiteiid. ut In surrei (1 Miss Virginia. Blunt, resinned. Mi i. Vorke graduated last suinnier from the training depart inenl of this hospi tal ami it spi-aks well for Hie i-xcel-lenre of t li- deparlnnul Ilia.! Mrs. Volke should be on.sidereil ciillrcl) conipelciil by I lie eoiilliiitlee for the impoi lan l. position As a niaitir of fact Mrs. Yorke has been III charwe ot t!lo hospital since Mis.s llllinl led her position last AiiKiiM. I I tn dne" ..'.ie of the spa mliil ' Masonic T -uipie now In course of wc ,tion a; tii ciirner i f Kmrvh Bil iTrmli- ktriafiit a ia!J thU uftcrrmoo I at 2 2n ov: n-k with appropriate tvr new tcliics ciindiu trl hv the tlraud IamIko jof Masons of North Carolina Urg per j milliln f of people, many of Iheln from lutlier cities of Ihe Stale, attended, th tmpiesslve ccreniolllei. The lii-tind. jodg. met In Hie !. M.is.mle had at 2; l'i and the ci'niiie ai the ti iii ! hcKiin near!)' an hour la' i i- Col .1 W Alspmifcti iiiailn a brief but v. ry impressive talk on "The Klrt II. me ir Winston lxlue No. It',7." Thw conn r sloiie waa laid Nov. 30, ISfifl. Col. AlspaiiKh and Mr. Jee RUjrge are the only IIvIiik MasoliH 111 this city who were present then. )r llrown dellvereif un approprle,' addnss ri-latlve to Mr. Peter A. WII foil, first master of Winston Indue. Maj S. M Smith. Piiiit Crand Mau ler, spoke of the second home of Win Mtoii l.odne and the enerelMes Incident lo the lavlliK of ltd cornerstone on .li.lv 12. iss.!. Various ar'hliH wiie placed In the. corner -stone b) Mr. .1. M Loucenoiir, presi'til worshipful master of Winston lodne." Atnoutt tlifSi- wen a number of things ilwit had bet n placed In ln corner htone of iMith the earlier homes of the order. A ropy of th lll4h Point Reporter pithllshnl III IV.ii; an alintuiftc of isfil; I'tviple'i Pi ess of Nov 2, I stat, and Weiucn S.nlluel of Nov. It, IM'iO; aeveral cop ii s of ChrUlian Aihoetittf of IHCy; some coIiih; cop) of the Spirit of Alt" published In Raleigh In lili, proccml- IllKS of Kiand loilne of 1 K5H ; roll of Winston lotlne No M7; proCemlltins uf (iiniid Lodi;e of P'OO; roll ofWIOnton Chapter No 21. Ilojaf Arch Masoli; roll of Plednioiu Coin nisndery No. C, KnlKhls Templar, 'i( anions; the IhliiKs placed lit t)i corner tiUine. Mr l)UKeiiiur wan assisted In thin part of the cerclnoiilei, In Mr. vA. K. Kranklln, hlnh pilest, ami Mr. W. J. Roln i ts, einliient coinniMllder. Tin ii came (he Inylnu of the corner stonii bv the (iraiid lislire of Masonil of North Carolina. At 7:lfi tonlxht there will he an rt- eniplllbaitioti of soiin- of the Initiatory woik ami in 10 o'clock a bamiuct will he held at Unti l Zliueiidorf. Rev noIds. Ill; McKaulian. Wii will, llii," Conrad, r,l , Sty. rs. Ill, Itoblinon. ail; Linville. 1)7; Zllar. ,in, Kapp. IIS; Hec'. I'.ll; Crews, II ; Halley, IC; .Strickland,, f.l: Mnmloii, SI,. Li wisv iib !7:.: McK.ur.: ;i ad, 47; S Linvilb , 72 Heck, 1 1 : land. It. ; i.iuhi, 7;, Middle , Rev no! Is "Hi 107 Robiioon ! K:. I l.'o Mi; Starhuck, 122. Unlit, 120. Soul!) Poik N',,. 2 -Transou. 10, R. vno'ils. 47; McKaiilian, 40; Wli sou, 17; Coniaii. IT,; Stvers, Hi, Zi lar. 17; Ka,p. 17, Reck. 47. Cn ws. 17; Hallev, 11!, Striiklaml. II; Harmon I"; Starhuck, r,0; UkIh. p: Slm.-e 4!: RoliiiiMui, 40; Linville, 10. Vienna Transou, s; Reynolds, 0!i; MoKaiiKlijan. 7s, Wilson. 70; Conrad 7s; S'vors, 7"; Robin .ou, 7s , .in. '": Zinlar, 71, Kapp, 71; ll'ik, 7'l; Crews. t;s; Hail. y. 02, Strickland, r.;i, Harmon, 00; Ktarbijek 71; Uitli;, 72 Shore. 07. Salem -Transou, "10, !(, no'ds 2,!."i .MCh.ou;;,an 2!0. W ilt ni Zi tad. .IH,, St M rs, 2 !7. R 1 FIVE INJURED (Hv Publishers' I'resK.) NICW YORK, Nov. k . - One man a klled and five hurt by f!Hit rock lit Hie Peni:ylvaiila rnllwii) di-pot cxra vat: in this tiioruliiK oniusoii, bp Coll :, I :. . 217 i Utivllie. 227: Zilar 2H2. Ka ' tff-H, '!'; fr ws, 22':, Halle), 'n; j Stricklai.d, :a.s: Harmon. "i2. St.-o buck, 2',s; La'b!, 2-i;. Shane ii:, Wltotoii. First. Ward Traiisoii.::n, Ri jliolils, t!: M KaiiKliaii, aO'.i; Wil son, 7,1; Coni-ail, .'100; Slu rs, fo Rob- Home Church Anniversary, Tin commenioratlon of t)ie coiiko ci at inn of Hie Motno Moravian church, Salem, will lie duly olMTved Ihla weik, hi Klnliltiis' wi'li tperlal wrvUi"S tomorrow ninhl mid Sunday mofnlnK (in luoi lock. ( onirreuittloii lovereaal jat 2 p in Holy iioinmunion at 4 p in. Tin- (hiirr), waw coiisnralod Nov. 'i. I Hon Marnage at Madison. The iiiarrbiKo of Miss Kddie ('un uiiinliiitii, of Madison, lo Mr l T. Wah ti rs, of R hi'Ster. N. Y.. was celebrat ed ai tli Kplscopal church at Madlnou last ivetiiiiK The bride and khhuu are ,iji iiimiar vonntf p'siple Tim trro-oii is bettri known lo re a "Tolly" Wiil'-ra ami ;u lonmalj of Madl--ii. Insoii, Kapp. -"I. Linville. "I . iU- k, 2!e; 0i. S!rtckl.ii,, ."!, Siarbink 0. I ; Zi!ar. 210' ; Crews. 17, 2ss, Harmon. Linhi. Shore Uinmoti S.-coml Waid-Traiisou. 2"i2. RevnoblH I.',; McK.niKhiu,, 2. Uilvm. ::: Coirad. 2-.S; Suei n; Robii.sop. 2K, L'nvil'e. 41, ZU'ai 2S7. Kapp. C; ',..ek "Ml, Cjetc"!! Hall.i 2S-. S'iick!and, 2H2; Harmon' -m; M'arniiok, :. 1 ; ,,. s Sin - Coi.nri s.' ii,.ili-ele t N. Ilai ke't ml-i-d hi Lain thifi niornltiK unl thiiehy fulled to a'timl the ceri'llio-jni'-s here this afternoon In connection j with 'he layliiK of the corner 'ou j for Un- lleW Mlisollae Olllp!.-. ! -On .lati'iarv .';!. I7M. Sal'-m had i i - flirt fire wiia li biirmd the Salem 'Tavern, No town ai the H'ate ha 'lad fewer eoiillaKi a' ions Kta'e liinur Unce c.iMiii -rioio-r Yoiini! Ms that 'ii-- i o on' In lets 'be ,im nariomuiy. Krai I. Martin receive,! over l.'i"o l i,ri. a, Winston Sab-Hi for coiistiii!.-. Flank di ' bin s thai he I a winm!. Wills Wi! Thlr-1 Ward -Tr,oo,,,i Id ) nolo,-, ni'2 . McKaiihiiii, 21'' li. Kill; Coma l. ::' u.i,.,w i,. Rolilnson, 272; I. Ii. villi-. o-i, Z:K,,r 274; Kapp os: (.- k. 20!i ; f'r.- s I"'; Hailev, 2'::i; Strickland. 207., Harmon 20::, Starhuck, 111, I.ik'bt II !; Sdote 11" '1 UK P.LACK C T for lo s ami nali., S ' Mai tin FOR Stl.fi "lie I lit (I'M III loll.ll' oil 111,) when ami IS gel One! Ill I ' III st ' w. true a ' ba home Work X, f are R u - -Alt!

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