IN-CITY DAILY SENTIi a .May Try to r i!jn!. ...s To G:t At''Pt To ' i My. :tfi TfT land ...m. A I last -, call i ,.-yver , pe''t offices ; ,e-al i he - will : tamps mliont The it II' I'm: All li ('lost elejiant ! It ft j isi were :!;.t ft at- ' ..I about ived the as toii-t-iiiantier. III ver . D. Jr.. N llacl.etl , B !:..! Wiillan IIS V ITevO I'na'nU' iii stand ii- Viiliran l'ope Jit rfay. This, is -aaiii; aaiiautice- p-mtirs health. :-'i"ii is o:.l rel--.i:'l 'he physl-'-fins li-iiii trout '.- ilost ( ,y -(t. '::.' Viiiicau pre-;:- !i:s liealih. ,mj w:!i 'li.- like ;ui i!s,-f to the i- fim . rii-vi-r l7i) the venture -(): .'WtiiiiK una I. a Many awiiv. HF ffilGIT - ,; :r:i i;: nipt 'cue- i i V V f'ents. Kn -i'l ''hi, . - i. i i' W.i. ! .Sl'ti IIIIIIU IIL.IIL. I U II I U 1 1 I The following is from ; News of today : "His .Majesty and t '.it Miss Mary Enitfrson as l:x Mil, tinctly pleased the audit net (iraiid last night, which did Hi i make up in enthusiasm what k. Ef- in numbers. The play is of the Prisoner of Zend school, with nobles in sot ceo-.;. m forms plotting; against the lift- ,,f :,: sovereign, who is saved 1 ih,- ii,,(; who turns out t; lie his dauuh-cr. There is a ilninken scene. ;, ,t scene, a minuet scene and the yavi ,n other scenes that o to make up i h limiatitie drama thai is written a n mantle dramas should lie writtt-a. T.i scenery was really excellent. the wua. Kt nil w nil which me p:a open: as s'd as has lieen on ihe lnca fir many a day. in:; itue Of the supporting conii;i::v i,i means the best was Con rail Ca:;tzet:. as Count Nobhei's. the c.ii'-f p'.at- r Miss Mary Emerson, as Hi. mai.!, was distinctively the oential liuu.t Hi'inmd whom the action ol the diama revolved. She is a clever aetie.-s. ,,t pleasini; manner, and p:etty. wi-hout Ileitis strikingly beautiful. Tin ' v,-r iii -t rendered upon her by tin- audience w as one of appioval. thnunh the 'carp- Mil; critic might perhaps say that her , acting would have been more a ft', i iiye hiid there' been more of naturalness and less of evident aclinv; All in all. the play was entertainin.n. and what Is more, unusually clean and wholesome from start tn finish l it of ' ' ; . H I. HETT E uinsressnian-eiect K. .N. llacKett. , .;., ,.II,,.fiI1!. ;, ,li;l,,ini , who spent the night here, statetl thai Th, ,,,.,,, ., ,. . , according to the fiKiire.s furnished him,t unll,s. .,,:i,,,.,,'i,in , ,,. ins Hiiijui uy over npeucer ii;acKiiui is 1,107 and he is quiie confiilt at that the official vole will show this to he practically correct. Mr. Blackburn was to have left Wl'.kes yesterday, but for sonic reason ho did noi depart. He declared to W. V. Barber and others yesterday thai ho proposed to contest the elaction of Mr. Hackett and expected to k(-i-p up the light for ten years, if necessary. A number of Mr. Hackett's friends in expressed jtns cjty were at the union station I'ahlishers a)t evening and' when he stoppiit from the train- hearty cheers wa nt up for the Congressman-elect, who was warmly congratulated upon his suc cess. Mr. Hackett shows the effects of his strenuous rnmpaiKti work. How ever, he says that he only lost four pounds. "I weighed Him when 1 start ed out and now 1 pull the beam at 1H0," said Mr. Hackett, who left on early morning train for Raleigh. II is known that many Republicans nre rejoicing over the defeat of Black burn. His fljrht for Hie Suite chair manship did him no koimI in his I'nUit for re-election. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS: , mi. noli: , .nmaj,,, j Mr. Henry h. Foi.l. snpennlt ndeitt a:n at-i"1 0110 ot' Koi s t h's road forces, celt - a (iiatl-! "'ul 11 ' 'le ueiii aci a i ie ioom.. niKlit by loyally ntortaniinn a tew of his mnnv friends at bis camp m ai tho county home. Mr. Ford's Knests wi re Hon. J. C. Duxion. Dr. v . ii Cianford'. W. V. darner.. R. S. dalhs way. N. L. Cranl'oid. Dr. ' J KVni in., Clarley Flint, V. I". Sprinhba Watt Martin. A. F. Moses, Tom lluske. (leoree F. Dwire. R. C. Click, I ial Dyer. W. T. Tirown. Walter l.imlsay. Dr. K Kul p. Leo Vaughn, Kemp Hattle. A. C. liluin, John James, ,oo Terry, .lae HaiiCK and Tom Ilium. The bill of fan was as follows: Oyster S:ew. chicken stew and chicken pie. other things, coffee and cigars. Dr. Fulp was toast-master. "The way that crowd ate was a caution.'' ki . Itlk (lmi un "We tl - V, 'l I'ed who was present ' '" jeverything In sinnt lahundant supply li ; be satisfied," ' Mr. Ford and his sm loolebratlon to the I'ulb enjoy CXlell ad the And Still They Come. .New goods for Held, the Chi - na - mini, rnntlnne' tn ntrive and the larS' ititr- I force at Reid's china sioie is kep; ofjlnisy tinpackiti!; and plat-ins sim k. i Reid's stock will he In by npeiiin- day.' ! which will he next Thursday, from n r' 10 o'clock, when one of tin liiifi'sii land best selected storks of imput-'1 e US 1 KK)d8 ever shown on this market by a retail store, will be display ei ani more than six carloads ot cu' .as and fine china will be show n. On "l" u-' itii! day the tnusiu coui'st tor the' handsome doll now on display a: 'he Reid store will be romineiiced The committee for the Chii.-'ina-ontertaimnenl of lluikhead Sunday nd : school met at the home of Mr. R Thornton last niisht. Af'er the busi ness of the evetiltiK most delightful t'1 freshments were served liy '.bo 'ul"! 30X:SALEM N" c- FK1I)AY try officials: Thrt-e of .Mutual KcM n- Lite Assurance lo. Will K, Priwuted. T-t A uids Fcr : A e cl Co. " -J L P I .v . 9rr p'"cs act J-a V T ao of tr Trrre C.; To Bf Tr ed Nov ,?-.. I: I':' Vui;k tiM.-.i- , I N K tih-i: As d i: y n-i li. plii Nay. i t r- ale tl;. fay. ,a ,.y, : a A".u II -ai :i::i '. iaias sai iinc No t.ltii lla: I d the Mi ATTEMPTS TO IT Mr. Ohio. John .1 iltletllpl N, 'litis ('in. -ho 'i'y today was ' f ; : 1 1 1 comniifii. 'In 'ii..!n.l artu.t! f Isiiatrlieil a p:-a, I p: tleed - ai, i t In- hand -d him a i tppi a s. ol , his father and I at n kani-! : Ml. and Mi.-. N.-ims. l.iiiiie.l a irar or iiio:e a'j ml wife has he, u ;a she t. a ' .(... hoped foi laa-aii-i at ion his father and inuihri Mr. N'evins was aire up. He was intoxh-ati Hi the officer thai his i kill his wile. M:s Ne lelllnent and appears the tian si sense. Inhl that this wais not the tt d anil lor eked 1 tint! ailiuill (1 iieuliini was ;o ills, w l;,i j, in- o be a la;l in 'lie pniire man Iii -! lime hi r Inn-bund ha t at tempted i Kill her an. 1 that she was forced : b ave him in Cincinnati on aecimm of cruel irea' - nient. Mr. Nev ins aii l hi- son. w :io travel for a nott'iiin tirm. have been I In Order to Accomplith Heartt't De- in the ( ii for a wee, m mole feat. Mrs, N'evins d... s not wish to ap j xiCW YORK. Nov. X -Chairman pear aaiti'i I" r hi:-haii, ,,ii. i: i-( Connors, of the )o cratic Stale com- likelv that ciirrvin:; a nonet ae, we:ii-, mittee toda.v issue.l a call Tor a meet on will be the on!. h.H.t acailist (int. of the full cointlllttee to be held Ihe InislMiid when the case comes up,),, r,. tomoirow. The object of the before jhe maun- - Mr. an Jr., Who w Mrs. A!: ;indt r Cnatham. a- marne.l in :i)e new ,M E. church a' . Bikin ) -sterday afler - noon. na--etl i5nwi;li I city last 111 I'ilies. niarriaee, oi l-::k in's 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r - et iiiim eni'-eile lo I Mis,' Cha'haiu. before was M iss Cl aee (lw n papula:' and arc-imp' ; ai-:h her Olle The' "iiiain is l.r all,. Mr No II I. a Car Cijaili .pi. -n: read. hi Mr. Q pa.-:or I'll! R.IJ.l been !o-iel I'. K..'d I . j lunch lie: eft eslel' er the l lor i a lor s-iona! an so ie pas-t Niaek. v I;.-'! N. V ; plele his c i The class pins of the sealer eia-s inf the W'insion hinh school have been in eeiicd and are now li.-:.e worn lv . the y iiinir hi'ii' and ii' ntlemt n ol the chlSS ill 'llT "I'll'' pills are ever liix j ly pre'l. and appropiiale Speck von 1 ' OEHMAN AMBASSADUH I l,C' ' 1 I V 'I Vv 7hA? )) EVENING NOVEMBER 9. eiectii sem.! :icl Bes. Latest ws Regarding the Great Battle of Ballots m TneMlay. Df -nocrat c Cird.flJtft For Stte Of fees In N?a Vork, wth Ecptioo of Hta-st. t ctrd By Mjjontit Ranging Fro-n Four to Tn Thou and Pru dent Gamptri. 0f Amtn can Federation of Labor, Pleated With Remit of Election Otrr Newt AtOLi Tuesday's Result. isliers' Nov. II I'resi I With plurali m.isand lKiiit t lected. except F.W wui ' - Of f If' tell t t was C St.: i I I.i o . lint s Stvti Chandler's V I Ktit ' II. tu." ., "tti:i KiiktIi l.iim 111 uce Is four teudeiit J.. iter, t xirai-r from upeeeli t ie Kepiiblicans exptvties by Or. Mcher, showlni; his view a lii:i:i '. No ill tilt COIllls Hot, iiiaiked for a le vied au. Gompers Appears Pleased. WASlt;Tt. N . !i- S niiu.4 ' ! - '.i n es t.Hlllv til M .ll.ienpol.s :..' t. a rt'pot tt d dilTei t :i:'t In ' . a , ; Tat. - A nit i t itii l-'t I 'ial ion r the entrance Into the h It is p.cliited that coiim ii t it m Motni.n a a , I tin ileltuates will be with el 'a- I . aeiiiiioii hea-hpiarters slate 1 'hit :-' ii i i oulii but that (lumpers l 1 .!: ' :. lann d. lie tleclineil to make ' a ai. in, at about t he election. He j ! i- iln'i- has in cii ictor foriitKan-1 . d l.i'n.if He will tell the conven tion ha' the Ii"ht iinalnst hostile con- j l -Mm ii hail a ureal moral effect. Ile 'll l'a:i:! nut rtdueed lliajotity of ,lt -j ih la id in Maine. He will dwell on the! -.Lji.Heanre f I'ennsyhania electing i "" uiii tii millers, and New .It rse s nhiui: a mil m printer to the haiise. ' -to;::; 1 will In plaved when he j a ii- i-f Uo.sevclt'.N ib-cl-ioii hist Will- j in -shin to appoint a conitnission to, itnisider the atili injunction bill, one' of labor's pet measures). j Churchill May Be Named, bad a claim against Mr Hrewer had CONCORD, N. II., Nov. 'J. Winston I placed the account In the bandit of Mr, Chun bill,, novelist, will probably be I .'crus,in for col le. t ion, who Inslliut-elecit.-d to Culled Slates Semite. ed an It attains!. Mr. Hrewer. When ('hurt bill If. -publicans will combine i the sniiimon was Issued Mr. Hrewer wi:h Democrats lit the legislature ami j went in search of the attorney and the novelist to the senate. 1 ACCUSES THE REPUBLICANS. j jNew York State Democratic Chairman j Believes That Votet Wer Juaaled nieetinj; is in devise plans "to safe uuard the itilensts of the Democratic Stale ticket." ' I decide,) early today to call the j Democratic Slate ccimmlftee toxelher tti protect the interests of the Smln iike," paid Chairman .Connors." l''rotn lelt'Kiitiiis ii is plain Republican ma chine Is resailiiiK to Its old thievish knavery in older to beat our ticket." - Mrs. Hun n-ilva! at th. preach then sollK servile and Mrs I! music. If ie. w bo assisted in the K!m Street chapel, will Satuirtay niKht. The will bee in at 1 ::'.i. Mr. ib "e will assist lu the SI'KCIAI, l-ui'l hats at I: lif i W. Hester Co ase Ice of ladles Saturdaj . sheet !' The J SAFK FOR S.W.F.. (luick. hashmlt. Speak 'His Aiuii.'oil-. and the tonight Maid" at Kile Sternburg. STATES. JO U at 1 1 t u 190G IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS (Sr-e.ul tt Tli Sentinel.) R A I Kid 1 1 Ni-i f - The program t r the ohservai.oe of Nnrtn ('aiidina, IKi in 'he, ie i In .' ( the Stale Hei.'ii',; It It '. te.t and :'! U ssucd in pamphlet f.ii in f;.m the ..f hce of 'lie S:a'e stipet n'cndtnt of public In-ti ucti.m .is ,i,.ti ;i, ihev i-j-j be R.ittui fit, m i in- Slate printer The day Is to be wade teal!) tin :i r:al t,. the u e Dr Chares D Mthti. who is collet ded to I v- done more for the a Uaiiceiut in ,,f puhlic ediU'M 'ion tn the State than any olht r nin !n the hisloij of 'he Sta'e. S une i f the most notatile (e.i'uie tif the pro mam wi'd be a nki.tch ft Dr McHer by Mr It 1 W Coiiiior: Or Mchtr as lo i il:i n neetbsl in S.i-ath rn edil rmionul tna-'eitt. Sptcial effort l to' be made 1.1 have t ie unwt (lent lul b senunce of the ibi possible In all the scln.ols of the State j The Eliiioii Max ell Co . of Creeiin , lioni. Is thiirteif.i with li&.iHHi mpttal. to isiinluei a neiieiHl mt iraiitlle bnsl i jiiess. in thai Iii wood and ct ml und lotlier bi.ini'his of liiisiuess The prill jripal lucorpoiators ale K. I'. Kltnoiv (and W. M Maxwell j Another chatter Is for the .etiolr ! Huitgy Co., wlih $i',,im1ii caidial, I.. II, 'Coffey. .1 K Cook and ntberit lncon- atoi a NEWS ITEMS REPORTED El Special to The Sentinel ) CKKKN'SIIORo. Nov. .- Carlaiul S KeiKiison, Jr . an attorne and V. I.. Iliewer. an architect of this city, had a difficulty in front of the court house e-teiilay afternoon that attracted a la ran number of people, A man who met him In f i out of the court house, A few word were ptixKed bel'oie Mr. Hrewer Intimated that Mr. Fimkiiwiii was inn a Kcnilcman, Hardly had the w.mU 1 mouth gotten out of the arrhllert ' before Ihe lawier struck him In the face. Mr. Hrewer tried to de fend hlmstlf, but the lawyer koI the advantage of the difficulty, and Mr. Hi ewer went away with a bloody race and liniWe.l nose, were died to appear before the mavor this afti r noon. The Rev. Melton ( lurk, of Coufiver. S. C. has formally notlfieil the clerk of the KCKsloti of the First Presbyte rian church of the city that he will accept the call to become the pastor, fiticceetlinj; the Iter. Dr. Hubert W. Smith, who tminetttne at?o resigned to become pastor of the Second Pros, hyterlan church of liulsvllle, Ky, Mr Clark and' wife are expected ly come to (in 'dishorn 111 a few weeks m re side. Mr. Clark preached here last Sun day and made a One impression tin his ronfrreKiitioii. The transfer from the I'ee I)-c Presbytery to the Presbytery of Orange will be made as soon as pns ! slide. The duilford County Teachers' As social ion will hold the first uiiat terlv meetitiK here tomorrow. An Inieies: ins pronram has been arranged. The assK iaion was )iKunl.t d at Ihe huu K-slioti of the late Dr. Mclver and has for its purpose the abolishment of literacy from dul'foid enmity. Count v Hiipei'lntendent Foiiki Is the ptcsid' lit of the association, Coinpleie reiurita from all the pre ducts of the eoiiul) iudicatn tliat the avernKo Deinocnitlc majority lu dull ford Is 1.(111 The average iikiJoiIiv of the count) candidates Is or UK! more than It was two )enrs sko Man Robt T.rain Alone. SI.ATKR. Mo. Nov !i. In real old j fashioned style, alone, a small-Mixed I train robber went tliroiiKht the Chlra- ; ! Ko. Alton ami Kansas City fast train I 1 No 111 at 11 ,Vi p. in. Thursday mar' 'here. The fellow weni Ihrouth the) car awakeiiitiK sleepers In R'ue Cu'.j j the bift ililcli made fatnteis by opera tions of tin Jauics boys From proba-i Iblv two dzen p.-iHseueers he jjol old) ' ! about $ii roi he worked rapidly ami I I look what was offered him from tremb-j !iti)t but navliiK uasseiiKer. He took I . -ion i. ... ire it . Asking For Receiver, i III l jewelrv, bi Inj; jn Its) great a 'burr), completed lb,. Job and left the I M'-ssrs W M llendre,, and Frank icars Conductor .roseph Snmllr) avjT' J,,'i" ''"' '" Weut worth today 'the thl. f lift the train on the outskirts'1" 1,"f"" a ' h'"v" Wafl' of Mexico, makini; a fl)iiiic bap it, ih-1 Mr- ,,,'llllr''" r-pt est tits Ihe plaintiff, jdark. Sm.illiy stop..,! hr train Immc j" Kill,- '" lM wlnK for 'he ! Idian ly and backed up to where he I. ft 1 1-'1"' ""'"' "f a "' elver for the firm iii but tl , ttaee of the thief . r.Mirwl i"f K,,r' ' "' ' ""t "w I Des rlptlotu of the roblrt-r were wared' jnt ntice fiom Mexico to d eii sui rouniiiiiK towns and his escape will he difficult. ib- Mr tin, Mr C I. d roner n-ei'lved .a i-'tatn Ian nU'lit fr,,m nx t,rt fn-r I) drtitur. tif Chattiitii!,i, T i-ai Iiir that be h;1( heen ejeclt .1 to CotiRress In Tennessee bv a ; of idei, Mr. (was tinmlnnti dront-r ',i d by the a printer .ind;'b'ti, whleti hitihh liib-ir uiilotih lien Kprinus. Va PRICE 5 CENTS Additional Information About the Democratic Vole In Forsyth County. Majorities Rang From 104 t S4 It It Certain B'oadbay Wint autk ful Bantr Offered ty Mr. E. H. Wit ton Ta Township tnovning Largest Gam In Democratic Volt. The IW tu r: Ic liisjriile til for th itniir tt.mi let to :it Thi ftuii tv commission! rw. uxm whom big ftKht wan luatle. fill behind:. Ou or to ernns ere niadt In the ( pub lished The tifniUil rtKnr- for coiumlsH.mer are ni fol!oi: t)r. R. Sir tklaml lead, reeeUltin 2.STI voleit ha 1 1 n ih tl M (J. IWIIt v a mr.illd. Ills vot helm I. W. Hat moti'ti vote 1342. Th it for tie He publican candidate, un m fol lows Kx.Iudxe StarbiKk. :ia; l.lKhl, J.21X; Shore. l.Oin. Mr 11. K. TrHiiMiii, fur clerk f 8n peilor etiiiit, lttl the lemn rat lc tick- , hl nnijtirlty belnn 1IM I. t-'iaiiKlin McNellll, for eorpoi tum coinmlshloiier, defeated Kobe M. IViiik1s votes, deo. W. Wtfil, for Supeiltir Ctiurt .lu, lite, had tvo opjMitil Hon. Ills vote H 2.470 J ikI k" O. II. (tiilon's mairlt) over Julian V. Iuw- son bh 1112; Juilne IWIvrr H. AlW'ti defeated A. J. I.oftln !t;'7 votes; Ch. hntn Calhorn led Dm Id 8. I.ewU by Til vttles; James Ciawfortt IIIkxs' majority over V II Menllt v SIS, and James I,. Webb nwr John It. Spi-nce, ;il!i! The eanvasslntt hoard aunouncrd ihe tola vol? leeched by the various candidates fiom the west side of the court house at 3:4a this a(leriiMn A canvass of the refin nt show ttut alsiut li'i more Kenits-ratlc voles t cast In the ciMint) luot Tuesday than ut the election two years uro. Tht Ht pitldlcnns suffered a hw of ahovil 24 votes this lime, compared with the fm nx r ele, tlon. Banner Goes To Broadbay. The rouimlltie divided (hat Broad bay township had won the heaaitlful banner offereii by Mr. K. II. Wilson to the township makliiK the lariptHM DenitK'ratlc italn, rompre4 wKh, thd vote r.n governor In HUM Th ban ner wilt probably lie awanl ono nlKlit next wek at which time It 1 pioKiHet to hold a it union of the vot ers In WauttM-iwti. Cbsirtiiaii A, II Kller will likely make Ihe preseuta lion apeeh !f,l iiil Notices calllns; attention to (hi N kiwItiK amendments of ordinances, of cliy of Winston hnw been printed an4 dlsftlbiiled, Clmptcr 4, swtion 4, as follow: That Chapter 4 of the Ordinance t iiiiiended. by striking out all of Hs-e-tloii 4 and Insert lug In lieu thereof th following "SeiKtHi 4. Thai any person, flrro or ioi poi afion owiiIiik vacant kKs In the City or AVInston, shall be required to ki t p mi' Ii lots In a clean and Minlto n condition, free from oien wellfi.riib bish of any charatler, xrowltH weeds, xlaKiianl water, dead animals and oth er matter, which will cause slckn' or it odcr the lot unsightly Any fail ute .to clean said lot or abate suru nuisance, after noilflciitlnii of any pu lice or Biiniiaiy officer, or any uttemnt to evatle the ordinance by IrausferrlnK such nuisances to the premises, of un oilier, or to any si reel or alley, shall subject (be offender to a fine of llUJib on conviction before the mavor." That Chapter ! of Ihe. Oiritnauor be intended, by si i lk Inn out all of Hoc lion H a ml Insei t:n i lieu there if !h fiili'oiiiK: "Section s. it khall be the duty of owners or occupants of stores, ware house, fartotlf-s or other places of whatever natiite, IroniliiK oil Wrf-t" where the sitle walks have been Im proved with brick or better matetinl. to -weep and rt an the sidewalk dally, collet titiK ;be rubbish, paper and ira nh and ricpnidlliiK name lu bar it Is, in U reiiiovud by the of ' trash wkoii Any iM-rsiiii, firm or cotpora i Ion violatltiK ihe provision of this sec tion, shall he fined 2.uo for v ti of fence, nil conviction before the may or" l mill b!isiiies In Yadkin county Mr. 'Haldwltf is couiift i f.,r 'tie def n Ian'. W Stiliti! Died at Barren Springs, Va Mrs A. I, dtoves ami sitti r, Ml us i lira K. till, lions, left this afternoon I for Wytbeville, V,i . in rtsfKitiHe to a 'eicRiam anno aii'l at; the diatn or their btdib' r in law, Flward Wolfen- I aist nitibt at liar-

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