CITY DAI WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS i Y SENTINEL. L::c 0 Com-Fsii av As i i The -ant . Mil- -Hal a on j .roper : I i,r. : iniail I It.i:! W!:i M.-. I'M-llcs , l'at...i li'iii Mr. i : nib ,- a hii.l t.ff. I '111 .lies ill 'lie lillll irk ami In v cilt A.-ah named I !;ira -ion. It .! die , npon 11111,111-a'so 1". Henry ..' an,! dan- ll.lllks Holt 'id ;U (Ira 1.1I Welncs 1 w;is railed .:cj jury " ,.i:;ii of Mi- Holt. id- 'IS III' ' I 111"!! t '! .,s,V'7 L Ul!ili,UL in uror timipht 10 HLTIL 1 U 11 1 b n I T!.c Kdwin R Weeks c.i j '.";. .-I'diiJ of Hie si r s til I entertainments in the .1 : Hole! .aizi !ic:iii 1 iun:t o'clock. This is said t,i be a at '1 action am! 011 that ha .1 ii'lUm es in i 1 : 1 sec' : m emir!tr . Tli' company is r iiiii:iM' I-Mwin It. tt"c ks. the w n. 1 humorist: Miss Weeks, s ip: I ist ; anil Miss May 1. violii ! Ralph Hiniihuni. in his 1 ecei lance here, ivcoiiiiiitiidi d i!i I ti:n t his audience in ; !i, 1 Tins. Those ho la:! in .1 miss a 1 1 ill . i Tims who have imi seas, : can procure r. i : : .1; i . 'iekt 0 Mr ' 1 w : 1 .'k' t- i oli i k's desk in Hi"1 hurt for hf'y ccnls. 'Hit' T (lly Piiblishiis' Pr, s I Ni'W Klip lit-al wii; :in oi'L'.aui in in an NKW HAA'E.V Nov. 1" - land ncniocrats of the ra. have (It'citlt'd at owe lo lit-i zillion of bis Hi-van 111, ivi 111 ticipation of , 11MIS campaign. The ciiinniittt'c has, dt'l t'liniin il 10 call Hiyan DciiKM'rats to nitt't at ihc Quin- cy House in Iloston. Novcmln'r 1 1 . Mr. CASE MAY BE TRIED iHy rulillsln'rs l,l0NI)0X. Nov. Iii. d( fnanil.s lv husband I 'less.) Mai '.'.101 nuiih will pro ilo lake the initiative in divorce pin 1 1 e filings in which case she would pi oh ia'iiy resort 10 New York onus when I a secret trial is possible5. EIRE IN SD1T0N (Hy Publishers' Puss.) SCRANTOX. l'a.. Nov. ln -nnn fire ikstroyed I'ihiIc & hardwaro stor. .1. Scot; Inn':: pel store, and H. .1. I). William Shears' h's car 1 llroth- its' restaurant this inornim;. is covered by insurance. The'losS New Advertisements. The Snititoriiiin Why we do th best work. l.amlquist & Pfohl Tiiaiiksiiivit: spices. Rosenbachei' & Hro The llu.-v Stoic on Saturday evening. Ilrown-UoKers Hardware Co. Carri ase and oil stoves, his iines. Forsyth Pres-sinjr Club Special at icnlion to ladles dollies. Meyers-West brook Co. Call .special attention to wall paper department. White Star Co. Hreakfnst menu. W. T. Vofiler it Son Weddini; pres ents. lHi'.Kf- and varied line. I). S. Ileid Kunher in s in re gard to big china oper.ini;. which takes place Thursday. Wa' "I n tli j f'-- V.'. Roberis, supei luti ltd in of se. i'.i'he construction work on the public :1 t. huibliiiK, left this afieiiioon .for Hal i ha : I ' ' more, to visit, his' parents, lie will t el urn next week, A service will be Slreel chapel both tonii irnv nisht, conduci'od Mrs. Hunleite. held at Kim hi and toinot by Rev, and c lives V II Jonathan P Dolliver. flEPl'EUCAN LEADERS IN THE SENATE i - AJ-'m.-?? i.r North Carolina Building at Coining Jamestozvn Exposition Something of the Arrangements and Other Details In Con-' nection With the Building, the Plans for Which Were Drawn by Zimmerman and Lester. j .of This City. ' Tile ahovi i- a on: olira IniiliiiiiK in I" if the Niirlii Cai erected oil lilt- .l.iine-tuw 11 Kxiiositioli yioiiiiils The plaiis for 1 In' lniiiilini? were liiawn hi .iinnienn.iii i l.esier. of t!:is ci As will he -1 en from tiie pirtino. ir. liiiildili!; is 10 in- of colonial Hire. It will on.-t all ainoiu;! mil to j exceed $."i,ini)i. I'tii' plans were I'lic iniiiosf:h!el,t.,.i hy !c ,-x Cllie Collllllitlee of Duchess of;th,. . 1 hi h C.'iroliiia coniinissi.ui 1 ibiy force li r i.lanicstow 11 Imposition. Mr. (i W. 11 of , -haw. of this ci; is a nii'iuh'i- 1 if 1 1 vecntive ciinmiini e. The tilst floor is to lie 1! i four spacious m inis w it h c : niniiiiiK through iniddlo of VI 111:0 n'rai had Hie cut ire I l.ciildin. The wliolc ti rst floor will he lanaiiHi'd so as to be thrown tocoiher jhy means of hirire flidlii.n doors in the ieentre. At the rear of the main hall iiare ( 1 . ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 :aii'ways lead to the soo lend Hour with lar-:e landing space lie I :wi-en. At thi rear ol the h:,il w ill he itoilet and ba.miasie 10 mis for ihe ,ic ,coniniui!ation of thr otlicers a'tindini; ' the cxiaisitiiin. i The second floor is dtiv ideil in:o four spacious rooms, lame !all. ladies too el. and trunk room. The at I ir is to he lai'iie daiicini; hail I'l'tiched hi double fjjfthta f slairs Oiieiiiim' out from the attic Is a l:ir.U iiicconv iiavnit; a terraZo Ilo' el I'lolll The bal- i balcony is :.x:tn f' !1IS John .1 Neville, who shoot Ills W ill- yesU'l'dlll ejvoii a heiilitiu' before al letup! tiiiii'i'iii I to was K.i ton I, mini e Mavor i -ii i'dav af'enio. mil was over to the Supt i ior l' ' fani: of a I1"1 b''' 'l he wa -. la il" ciilllllli' led I,, f.,i! Mis N' Vii: ,i!i nd'-il ilie trial. jThe Wit" .iccllsi'd her hll.- !l!S hive ! woiii' ii. ,) of niau- lle 'Neville 1. r on'' ,i certain to her. 5:1':: .train when -in cbarsietf tka time written man in wine ' .Mrs. N' vi ! la-t ev tiins 'in ! a lo his wile I i lie made lo ll' lot! Oil lili for Ash'-villo ('(indues a ImardiiiK house, . The liushaud cariies a bit jaiound his head as a result of; I inllicted on the riuht -i'!'' 'f hit hiy his son's list. The ia:t.;'- I thies are with his m:b t. t i"' ', has heeii iiavi-liiiK w iMi l.i. fa' in Cinciiinaii hoii.-e for several u 'cases St "beef lead , r to ,i:tii- i .-'j't-eia! :o 'I lie .:!i'i' ' CH 1C Ai iO. No.. I". T::,il 1 liaises a.L' the vari"U- ni' '' inu ' Icon iliip.inies uii'O'i on. i ' - ,i foiuhina: ion III e.-lialu: hich were I" i ni I poll' '.lot and d in collllll' w ml"'! I' 1 11 li "1! Ii tone I, ers l"i n. Ihe ,1 li t , i.r.i: 'in w ouhl toil ill lion I : in r -i 1 b't' ,,-e llll'i, tO'l.ll ii'iiiii' d on iiehalf . jomie .Oid it :s u" ev; for 'he pioseiiit .: -illeiilllle tilll ,,t w :' iie--en hai C.rrefrions vs. West End. ami for i ',.i:o Ha' ,f Cr TiM 4 cony' ii is saii'k the view of the w ati r-ti mil loim I ill any build i nil on tin- grounds H lm nisbvd . The trout portico of Ihe bnildilii: is n wide ami spacious. haviiiK a cir t idar foi in at Hie entrance wi:h laiKc colonial columns exteiidini; to the main balcony . The roof over the front 1 nch surrounds, three sides of the hiiilditi? and is so neiiled hs to farm a balconj over th. entire Krc!i. Ilie nuani e lo which is from the i-ceonil I II 1 11 Ibtouch !ari;e ilonlile thiol's. j Ali windows throughout the build ing id lie polished plate glass with iieielcd plate ill front ami vesllhiile doom's. The roofs ale of sliiiilcs. sliiiiu d. The finish in the main hall will lie inarlcrid North Carolina (ink, while the remainder of Ihe Interior will be finished wilh North Carolina woods, such as pine, poplar, chest nut. num and oak. The foundation of the bnildilii; will be of concrete and hi irk. The build-1 imr itsell' will l- of wiHid II will he filtuil with ni.idein snuiturv iilinnhin.n ; and electric lights. The side of the biiilililip on the wa-lor-frout facts the Riiverninent pier with Flotid.i huililin),' on the left and Connecticiil huildiiiK on the rlnht. The Connecticut, Khode Island and Penn sylvania buiiiliims 4irettiow in piooess of erection. The pastor and Crat e M. farewell Mill coiiffreKa'i"!!- of Cenieiiiirv, Ittirkliead K. churches will preach "lis' lo their respective iiiinorrovv for this con- I lerence j i a: The iinpi'-Moii ii f-vnl's that two of the thl'ie pa-: '-is will he retilined m j their pre-i li' chat'so s. Rev. ,1. V I Kirk may i'"' ii"irn Dr. Clireiizlieis j has serve while Rt i only beci respect i v to Wo with iteiiary Hi lee yeais. ilanisoii and Kirk have Hurkhead and (Irare, year eiioh. The lii-ni'M rats of Riok s county made a hard I'mht. bin lost. The major ities of 'he Republican candidates ran as follows: ( A. Reynolds, for Coil- fie-s, :l"i: Jo'in Itobson, for solicitor, ii,.; ; (ai:er, for State Senator, 27": lli '-ii i ck. for reprioiiMiia! ive, iTL". ' I'll ', . for clerk of cuiiit,, ", , .loiiisi .. .'.-a-r of deeds, ::(, I'eliee, fur v , 1 Pell, for Mlivevor, HC: i,,r foroiu r. 277: Cbiisiiau, fm ' I. . . .: i ; , 1 PI. The niajot lt'."n for ' co iii mi ss ioin is ran over 2'mi. Death of Mitt WHbe Page. ooifi'iim iicelvfd Iieie ii nil 'wince ,. !. ml! of Miss Willi" ie which; d at 1 o'c'ock lliis tnoriiii. at lo of lo-r paidils In S.ilishuiy .- was IT veins. I )! a -ed as . ..f Dr. W. (1 Crimt'o l. of :h: lh. and Mr- Cianford wj.l ;r funeral, w hb h w t'l lie !o Id to afternoon l Hawb-y has a tree of nnu-j line Poliderosa ii liioli- A I :pe : . IshltiK one i.nd a q ia: 'er w :i s palled ye..i rda y. , ! Haui-'ei'. who Wll . ("'..! 'Jl.tll (li linn l,!e j (iiini'jli'i:. ) ',, ' ke a for a few riuht haiid-inan i,' ,ii"e,s il'iririK th'' o ()M Town loiiii' ,1 and to edi'd n s ' his old hoine ,litine Martin wen' :o hiio s cvcniiifr TERROR HEI6NS III RIO GRANDE CITY ill. IV Foll.s r i.m K.o I .'i S .1 1 :o r . i "I" 1 HI hl! a 1. on t : c. .1 !'! 'I Cina'iv i' Ha t'.inm-t , tt at h I'.iilhi. The litiiili: sasin;i :t i( 0! -i-imi of imlin-a! t nil ullit i.iN ,il U.i 1 d Mi icaiis au.t lakaii; st in t'lic u lit ' J i.! '!,al .! ('. fiu,n : 11. l.ix, tiossoiK !iim' Ir 11 .: Tfii' sivlii cava loll is t il loillf lo Tlllt'c Ciilll,lllll 1him lit-cti diM-ha ill HloWluii'l' oil! arc In hik rnshcl t'l'IIC ' tit III o sold ;! s for coiii!k ity . lute trtt'is here SAYS THAT TUBES WERE Nil DEFECTIVE (lly Publish! is' 1'rc.n I WASHINCTOV. Nov Hi. If a t d j mil al Charles Kae, i nitn er in rlnf ol ' I'nited Siati-s nan, dues not belie, e delel'liure tubes weio put ill hollers ol j the battleship or nthtrj ships of ihe 1, ai "Tnbe-i," sals I be admiial. "haip mam ol Iheiu been in ithe boili j never had as Ion; ,,s foir yiais V.. ;lslt Iim. brut tier 'Mr'. I A Adaiim, who the slmlitcst trouble lt!i,hiis lui-ii Intl Isposed for muiio Mmn. thilll. Hi tilers on Louisiana. Tennejt ! see anil W'ashiimtou have never shown slinhicsi weakness ciuinol , see 1 any how wav Ilie ; f ruin II til s I iiernniiiit sil fl' l I'll III Hllfllipls, to he pni pad oil ; BEFORE DEED BE TRUST I Maj .1. II. Ah j bank: upici , lodai U'hanlc'h lien lib d jof Pilot Mountain and .lohu A S'o Xlltldel', II feree ill decided that a un til Mr John llia't after ) Voiinu e hud CnllM Veil .1 lived of tins! to tin- (1 11 "ll sin 11 n N'a """h' '" ';1 "'' ' ' Hank, he claim Is for $'l"'l for bulld'ni; a sioie house a: Pilot Mountain for Vimiic nd Sioiie, who laier nave a uiortaije or ibid of tmst mi tin' property ( lly. Publishio s' Prei-s I HAVANA, Nov. In A in lack lias been tjikeii hy disitruliHed liheial lead ers whose anlannnism was iirmise. by Manoon's failure to five them snfi : political i.erttm. nietr inreuienci ac Hon against- th" provisional noye,. ,ot will probahlv lake :hc form of u I'f " lest to WiishiiiRton. askli.K for his removal. -.Indfie John Wharton, brothel Mrs Frank Mrller, of Ihi- city, and Mr, Albert Wh.'irlon of Cleniino dbd Wcine-dav iiihi at his home I F.i lias,. Texas 1 1 wan 111 only while and no1 considered daii? sti"!'1 oilsh sick, his death therefoie cotului' jiulle a 'shock. Misn Kai herilie ton. his daiiifhter. I- p'eas.ini'y i 1 nieinbered here, ha'.ini; been Ilie urn 'during one winur, of Mrs Uoln-i I C ' loway. i I CHIEF ENGINEER L F RES A Hand of l ire-Bugs Believ ed to Be Operating In New York. A NuBff of Firet SUMtd In Ltt a Few Ol Undrr Vtry Sutpicioul C'rcumttjncr Ld To Conviction Tfat Fire Fitodi Art At Work In I Mftropoiii A Womr Among The lnpiicalfd. , !'.. I' -ili'-isl .is' I'rt- ) ul!K. Nov l - A s.uiK f ! ici roriiiiK Ne York 1 ;. :iil.l! Hies nil 11111" Mmh t.-1 Mr h hi ic.-l !a-t inuhl the :', icil! ' In ti !n' 1kiihi- si Six'ii 'li tiiid Six! -H: l i- to T' -I : el , eai.iir lu he -o!if' Hie ilai hiiie con that U Kang of ftr- 1 inn ..I lllllIS IS lit it ll i;.lS 1 ,r:d hi ha irk T'ii fli'inln siart firm cue uprinkletl In allshuftx 'w.ns SeoriH tf itoi! III Il licit he 1 e 1 he flic hut hrk 1 nut rein, tin il nak- it'l 'at nliflil. One of l!;c nicer. dot' its is a iiltiM. Slie was -en ealiii! Ihc li'iiisn Jut In fill . I he lire In-like 0111 j ADMITS FEW SURPRISES - - Itepublii an State Clialiniuti AiluliiN pas-i d thriiuh the city this utlei mxm ell roulf In Iiolmou. Sully iMunty, Ut Chan ill, ill Adams' sislii, wliollyt-s n the Wint, is vi-itlni; her buither t Dobsoii Cluiiniian Adams admit ted thai, th eleeiimi lul Tin sdav nave lilm a tvit slll'pllti s He staled, however, that bin paity would have lnor- reuesntit tins In tin next itciieral umtenibl)' iljan io M-iirw ann I he Id publkcai ' shinip'' W.I-. n it ill Wllke evpecti , i Mild Ashe I'lllllltlfl b) Mr AilailH. - The ici iv ul which hm been In piociess iii Heck's llupilst church t Jolliel Ibis week lias been hllH"l)- ttt ti ii.le.i itnd much Inienst mniiifiHtil. The meellllu M suited III Kl'Vt'l'ftl irt-fei-i'i!;s The meeting 'will I'loM' ! nioiiow wrh a bnptlmua! mmvIti ut which time seveiiil candbliitcH mill lx bapt i.ell j Miss Moon , a Hindiinle of Snlelll Fuuali' Collide, who spent a number :nf lears In lo pnii ai a inimdohHrv. will speak at Calvnry ebiiwh buinir- irow eveiiip); at 7; 311 o'clock. All Hl'll jn tdiullv Invited ( hear tills cultured, ' ('hi 1st hut woman ' - deputy Sheriff C VV. Jomn. f i Wulki i tow ii, w ho w as her today, Htl 'i d Hint the Ili'iiiocrnts of Middle Kork I No I made a splendbl record' lat i Tuesday Tin. vote for HherlfT ZlKlar shows a Kill ii of 17 over two year uko. Miss Klizabelli Moore, returned) fmjH)(,.,mlry , j,,,,,,,, wtll deliver an , UI ,-, M uL ,,(. yUM ,,t,.rttn , rliin ti tomorrow aftertioon ut 3 H., n( lhl, ,., r gn, (ft po. ; :,,. a ). ,,ii,. s cordially Invbed. "fi The muiMul ITHi of November "f : lovi-ri ast Wat lu ll at Old Town Mru '"iviaii ihiinli this afiernoon. rU-vertll 111 i Wllistoii S.ili in people ntlctidi'd III j sen Ice . , ; --Hi uiiiiiiiu: lomoriow ihe mornlnc Iservic" ai ( w ill beKlti lit a! van Moravian ehureli in l"i Instead of 10: jd. W M llemlri ii returned thin iif ' rii'ion from Weiiiworth I . -s r -wi" 0 F PANAMA CANAL.

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