CIT Y DAILY SENTII EAR. WINSTOX-SALEM, X. C, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12. 1906 im "HLL-," cm se till El t! David oji of -vuve Hill e State Able To j (Special to TU' S RALEIGH. Nov i:.-TU.-:tioti Commission will, ii was .the llffie (if tile Commission, ruling piobably on Tluirs la; s ft VISITOR 10 IIS I NEWS -ITEMS REPORTEO FROM VARIOUS PLAGES ii ta't (! Pr. - N;. b, Acie iv t c j Hryatt Crime .j .- B jS'ness ' t,e Southern Hell Telephone !,;::. 5 in Its in which the demand is mad. iha- !: Tni$ rate lor telepjjitir.c c .urges h. ".: " - " Siali' lie fixed a: $2, per month t ; ', :, 'iiiess and $ 1 .Tiu I i mo:::h for i.v deuce stations an.l that th- l-.n.. : - jtance Ct'.ls he limit. J to I'm- e.-trs j.. it, etui minute tor all in excess of live m.. ,i lias ntcs. The statement is made ,'. vis- the Commission will make a u.e. :, ;' i! .Mr. that it will not nee .-.warily he the ,,r.- Mis!- asked by Col. Grimes. In tart, i is uinierstocd on tae lirsi nn'tioi i: ihat 111.1:1." the rates will Ik higher t'.ian this ami "ami 'will nof be iran-clad. hit: .allowing va aitlily -nations scolding to bca! conditions fimiin accordance with the contentf n-, e, and made by the Hell Company that a in his j fixed rate to apply to ail eve-hare s day ."! v (v.i'd be unfair both to the ;,i .i. j company and the patrons. Here in Raleigh the !: ,1 Caiupany is just n.)w having new cmtracts signed for subscribers to residence phonus by which the tate tor special wire unliniit d service for r sid.-tu-t-, is advanced from $l..",u to 2.".. in", i mouth. For those who d nut -care jhavc the service with the advanced prices a duplex service with a limit of two stations to each wire is provided at the old price of $ ihat was charged for the sp.eial wire serviu-. Then the company has a service wi'h unlimited party Hues for residence.- i for which it charges $1 per niorh. .Manager WcodrurT says that t ie ti;i: majority of the. subscribers for resi dence service have signed up m w contracts under the new ti rni.-. FORCE OF THIS KK.MAKK MADE APPARENT by i1. s. n:srs figures pi-bushed below Tlit-sc Figures Show That Winston-Sdlem Leads Every City in the South in Percentage of Increase, in Value of .Manufactured Products Since 1900 and Stands Third and Filth in other items. Winston s the Si.r.tliera : inert ase in the PI'llLlCtS since Clc it-ret-lf-i:'t-an; .'.nit , j a.: I vaiue of tna; I''"", standi of it-ana-,, la: inws'e.i iatid- .1 .an .ii a- i li-iti ntactiu, t ihir.-l in ill the at. ; lit; t ;n tiii.e i --, St., U Ihii-Uh.-is ST I.Oi IS v II S. e.'.'.i: n mil., ii' K'lt.ll.i, St I'm.- e ..' 1..' ligit. m k. -I t:.' '.1st tec I the M ss.i i:-. Pat tl t'o.-s; !.,,; .i '. hl-t lll-h der.ii .: the t! tl .t'i ' -' . it.j tt;n; 'w,.,. pas-, a.. 1 .01; - T w 1 h e o t- - t , 1 at ens !,-- MINNKAI'OI.IS. M:nn . N v The Vtin ta.iu K-i.'-ni;oi it I. ' -r 1 ,tn ,-ttt !oii ,iniv,i.'t lists in p -; ! . tr Notman.u Ma!! tiver on. Cm.,-am! ilelecatt .- an- present, is.c'.iiu.i !'r, - idenl Sauoiel (; mpeis. lol-e .':, C, .' au,l ,tli, I iiililels Ti e .-.,!!- a 1 .' .xecutive HA VAX V Nov j I -0;ns to sp n th in the iatiki of the l.ilit'ial iit i .. 011 t. ,.tj jctniiit of the fa, tit:i tl fljt'lt ever She pi esidetitial tictniiiati Ml the ni i.l Kit for the lirst time in, (h PRICE 5 CENTS LIEETHIC TONIGHT Board of Trade of Winston Salem to Have Import ant Session. OK'Cirt W il Be Elected And Num ber of Important Matttri Will ie O'lciisied Everyone Who Can Sould Attend Thie Important Meet '"8- aiti -ti-.t f ' I e ' ., tht In; e 1. it ; a.-,- : emeen; ii ttiinib, :- .nit eitht. P tttatr at i A sail eh ;:;i; j anls into the ntimber The crew i in; The sit of (!' ( 1 :,! 100111 faHinsj - ate se ,irt. A wo w .mil tne 1 . hi! t the! eal- - of Aver v .i, : Statt - t a :; t.iiii'a; ,n in p, sc. tsta-j, of eslti'i!;- l-ntl) ill p IfeUl.lge 1 ciea-e in value of dmis. These facts tir,- coicalt: the 1'. S. Census bull tin of l!iti," ing with the stiiij, t-i of uiainilac: nf, -aii; sliow in an iinniisialvti!i!e iiian:',. t'aai very few cities in the eiiiiie I'm ite 1 S'att-s ale nuiiit: forward a- i.ip iil'v aloiiK imiu-trtal a- the Tw in-City. Wins!: 111 -Saiein's p.-rcentage of in crc iist- in the value of lualiufat tun d pro. tacts dining ir.e past five ears has been aboa! per cent Xo city ill :1k a sliowin -ids in :!iis -, m. In ih- pcu-eiitam; of antoimt of t-api.tal invested ibis stands t'ii'itl ill the entile South, .lack v .i v.". I.' .a it....,, ,.;o.. 1... ' see hope of inning the next e!.-ct.,.n tn- -l;e -tii two that bat our in One tuclioii of lih.-ials cjui.s,.d of e-,Hse of !;: per c, n:, .1111MiK 'be ttit. s is backing Alfred. S.ayes Xe- t !. ,-s of the wbo'e I n iei: Slat. . taigfh comprise the '. a n' thiity make as s.i ', or -'...wing and a nauib.-r of th, at. The Win'. ii-S.ileiu Hoard o( Trade wt.l hoi, I :i Iuih a taiit nie'tiii In the cnu eil chiiuih-! 111 th Xlnniclp,'i! Imihluig t.tiilKht at T . 'clo k Uffl ti ts wi'l he elected utt.t a number of Inipm :a;it mutt.-is ilisv-iii4il. Hall lo.tvt piime niter eivlce Will tie Blii.MH. the subjects taken up The in. (!ug loiiiittlt siitMild tie Urgf- revolution lvHtt'u btl The biiiiiiesi. to be tram- act tl is of tllal liniHii tunee to the Its mtil thus- who can d o nhtmbl atli ml t he nn-et Inn invest, .! iii itimt. nine i less s city had. at) rhcreime shire s showing a big percentage. n-"i'( magi of III the a : o! mainline, 111 lag , stablis'i ; s tni- city sta;nls tilth in t ho it In 1:1 Stales. Only llaton Rouge, Oh eiivllie. S. ('.. .lacksonv ille. t.iail til then t h I'l th s; 1 AND 1.1. STACK'S imp TO OLD HID 1 .1 I la., ami Tampa, n tins' if.-iect. Or the ellilf lllltid States teen ni a I. Ill it her fac tioll and are snpHirliig J.i- Miluell. I lie lilierals ontniiiiiber tin- 111. ni, rates but as the spilt promise to widen hail comparativ, ; ;i; Me ' consta lit i 'he iatter are !ioM-fu! Th. , anil Staves laction l,t 1., ve be Is to t friendly to t ie I'nited Sta'i-s and fa 1 Vol's anuexa! inn. (eitm-z represents! She radicals lr a"'l M'"'' A M Slack, of Mn- PANAMA. Nov 12 l.ii hour dii) r' "' r"' N,'w Vork, from has been declared on all canal w,ikll,lrh ('il ' li" will Hill thin week for alien lal.oreis. A me. icns liii''"' Ml" Woi Id. Till will bo Mr. ctuirge or aliens must oik leu lioiu s , Siack'K se,'on,l trip abroad. He ami without increas.'d pay. All. is ,,'iMr!'' s,1"'k l" 'Vanf. paid for! ho'it .,.,,.....; llelitluni. Spain, MortK-co, Alfrerla, .-npl..;, ... s ivoVd . , :ht ' Tunis. Kgvpl, Ktlilopa. Aiabitt. tht ",l cities in the h"lii- Mi'.a dlssau.d.e I'ou Is .x-i,1,,,v '""" ,"h,,r H"'rlH .,.. , , Piessed among the Ameilcnns affect.!1" Asl ud Kuro. Mr. Mtark Olliv aiMllll si- ...... ,.t ..,. ...n,..u , he 'i-uil cannot " ' 1 " " 1 '.."". ,w he built In the sm cifl. tl time without i s,',",,''' "'' practiced law at Dan- en. a lit tiol Hies say as gornt or iieiier snowing I s Item. ten hours' Mcliedule. It is rotable that not a single city In No: Hi Carolina. Virginia, Tennessee,' .Mississippi. Texas, (leifgla, or West1 Viiginia ,,iials the iccord tit Win-' utile SoiUh niaki s as l' id t s "H-Saiein In any of the Items liien-' .... . i as this and all cities 0f;'m'd ;"'e and tins city mauls i hurv for several vears after ulMXm- jliiK of his Interest in ibLs paper (u has contratled to write lliiprek.slon of hU trip for n number of North Car olina weekly papers over X,i inhabitants an iiPtV P. ess 1 Fifteen was badly burned this morning at ilie hem; of Mr. Fred liege. She was building a "wash-fire" and mistook a run of gasoline for kcrosine. When facts are taken. Of the 5." I cities in the entire I'nited Stales only about s-. veiitten make as good or better rwt- Included j nhe-:iri of many States in oilier M-otions aaso m lliese respix-ts. Tliese fads are indt.-d significant and are being usisl by the Wlnslon-Salem board or trade In such a way a to attract a great deal of attention to Ibis citv (;i;;.:s are i.eetlet: j the gasoline was applied the blaze inn ! "-.a! year - (mo the, can and an explosion follow-j Aauital repoit,ed, igniting the woman's clothes. She; -vat-ti-e of river ' ar as $J I. ;'" wants aaout I's'iit'iis. Hlver .ri'.-e:i. anil forti-'a-1 iha s costs " The last "" ' was inad- W ?r,.o all ellgl- WtTC 'ni' by 'i ;i; I ii lows Vt niit "ii a' Sargent '- ;n t!i blind wreck was tie :; dark t et eiig'.neerrau into the ball screaming. Mrs. H ge i .u t figures I came to her assistance w ith a Ian robe. The colore;! woman was thrown to the floor am! wrapped in the lap robe, after which water was applied. The burns .though serious, ate not thought to be fatal. Mrs Mete whom, eft'orm s.'iee.l the ,!, .,. '. . '. .id his home with an nit- til lllli coioretl wtnuau. reeeiveo ; severtil lotfitt- o. Vn.i- f'i.,. -itol litin.l-: I siege aim iiouiing st-i in us (Special lo The Sentinel) 1 (Hv Publishers' PreRs.) NEW YOKK, Nov. 12. Samuel i ST. JOHN S. X. 8.. Nov. 12 Com-Clt-niins "Mail; Twain," is conliued plications are expected ov. r the act irk of broil- chilis. He says it is merely his annua. though they are not serious. I Davidson College Notes. j (Sptcial in The Sen-'iiel.). I DAVIDSON, Nov. 12- Davidson will! 'probably play V. P. 1. on their home: grounds at lllackslmrg, Va., instead of I at lioanoke, as wa- first sell, il'iled. : - Ion November IT. , I Presiding Elder Scrt.ggs, who has j .t. Newton. N. ('., on Saturday, the1 been confined to his home for more ; second team defeated the eh-veii Irom than a week, cause. 1 by an attack of ; Catawba Cul'.ge , a m-ok- of :ii to " j the crio is immoving and he hones to I Manager Scott, of the "Cosi.l (earn, is. CONFERENCE SPECIAL TO OE RUN TO IT. of the colonial premier in ordering the arrest of American llshernum for vio lating the New Fouiidland regulations governing fishing, d"splte Hie fact that the new modus vlvendi. extends privi leges not accorded under local laws. The I'nited States government b ex pected to protest if the fishermen arc arrested as the premier ordered and a diplomatic crisis Is feared. Colon ists claim the British government did not proiect their rights In niakng the agreement and that they propose to uphold their own cause. F0RTHE SCHOOLS i WI0D1LL BILL GOES INTO EFFECT NEXT MONTH (Hv Publishers' Press ) IIAI-KICH, Nov 12,-The State boanl of education in session her.' to day heard various publlshei' on the merits of books they offer for adop tion as text books on North Carolina history, chic and pedagogy to' be iih.mI In the public FchooU of the Slate:1 Among North Carolina books offered for adoption are veral in manuscript, including- history, by Prof. I). II. Hill, of the A. ti M College, another by W. C. Allen, , if Waynes Wile, and a book on civics by S J I'eele, of Haieigh. Several days for the adop tions on the part of the Isi.-ird are an-nouncetl. The new county officials will b sworn in the lirst Monday In ltoroai Imu Cmltr the Wilddlll hill uutJtMl b lire bisi (leneral Aenibly, the sheriff, clerk of suifrlor court, lre urcr and register of tif must keep a record of their 's. Armftllnit t the now the sheriff eaiinof rwWH (over $:!,r.iib. the olerk of the court ivr I'I.'hio. the register of deed oar it fi'M. and the treasurer over $1,200. All money taken In shove these amount gt s back In the county. -ii t: , I be able to leave tomorrow for Mt. Airy trying to arrange a game for llianks- to :itrcnH the annual session of ; he ' ,. iviisi. tie has alre.'elv hail offers from u,. x- ii ti, to..., i;ii. st( !i,..i: , es:, -in .s. eoioii, -it, -. lie I'..,' 'Ill',' . . .-,-..' "- Ilt'itit- I-.I. Viself it.,. , se io:i . tier's .function. Unit In bis home at Craham last Tuesday night, must nay the death penalty for his crime. His trial was begun in the superior court in Craliam Thursday morning and the case went to the Jury at ?. o'clock Sal unlay afteinot.ii. The jury was out on- i Up' ". s of Al'ri- ' fl'Oll- niider nig up 'g Ad Ulle of in ion. .ward Walker To Hang December 6. Henry Walker, the negro man who cit'.ii -1 shot and dangerously wounded Mr, I.. tors of the churches in the Twin-City .College and W may go up to Mt. Airy on the Cunl'ei-; "111111" Williams, a forim r Davidson nee Special, to b:- run from Ashcville I student, (s said to be plming a star to Mt. Airy. It will pass through here J guard on the Vniversity of Virginia tomorrow afternoon, coming via Mar-1 eleven. Mr AMennan, of 'be limi of A d r- . . , r- , I... ,,,'!.,'., last man a- i-.nsi.ti. . .,. . , ..,., ,;,,. ,.,i rr.t,,,-n,.,l .,--,li,.i and ! ' " " ' ;of burglary ;n the first degree. Judge I Fred A. M'.-.f. of Ashevllle, then sen- i . I fenced the pr-.-oner to hang on Thurs A Banw With $5,000,000 Surplus. -,.,.',.,,;, (Ppe. iul to The S'.tim t.l " ' NKW Volt K. Nov 12 - A ni e-uu of tile stockholders of the C!,a- Na lioiiai Hank was held h- re !'! '" f"! th,- of det'-rmii ing f.- ' i,i of increasing tin cai.ital ''"-k The present, capital of the is $ i inn. nun nun and it ha.- a surpeis "I J.-,fllMI It was d aided 'o tl the surplus Iii 'Ii" rap'u: stock (Hy Publish'-' Prees.) HAKKItrWr.t.K. Cal . Nov. 12 Morning advice of Major Cent ral Sliafter's death aro monientai Hy ex Iiected. Physlcianti have abandoned hope. Last night experts returned to San Francisco. week taking pictures of gr it'lasses for ilie Annua! Private Secretary Choeen. Cmigre SMIiail-cleet (, N Hackett the eight.h district, who left lu re this afierntKju for his home at. Wllkes fKiro. stavi'tl that he had already se lected bis secretary, but was no! ready to announce his name Juki yet, CLOSING HIS FIFTH YEAR'S WORK HERE Hev. J II Williams will close his fifth year as pastor of th Melhvtlat Pt l est, -itit churcJi next Hunday. Ills work here ban btv-n cmwihI with uc ci v. and it Is the eariest deiir of the) congregation that lie be returned, though there irt a probability that ho will be given another charire Khv. Mi. Williams Is regarded us one of tb j HitxiiigeNt pria' hers and niont popular "f I pastors In his roiiference, the annual sesaioii of which will convene, at Itockv Mount on Wednesday of next Week. The Pythlans are hmklng forward with interest to the entertainment 'o be given at, the Elks" Amlltoi luui on the 2.'l Inst., u! which time this cr-! work of the order will be nartl TRANSFERRED TO TIE iy .'XpoM-tl. A live goa' will be on ex-j ,, v ' P, Kogeis. who has been pav liibilion and a candidate will endeavor i1'"' "f ,h'' M K ''hurrh at MocksvlUe A lib- (Special lo The S -atim HRCXSWICK (la.. Nov 1" lerty tree was planted lure today H.l great ceremony. Around ihe i'""' the tree was placed i-oil t'.oni ''"CTi r the States in the 1'nion and territories. ,!!-ft- ThejThe soil was forwaided by 'he gtnrn- ors of States to the Hrunswu ter of the Daughters of the 1 lln ; can Revolution who planted ( 'hap- Ani.-ri- he tl'."' The National II IIISNI - WANTS TO SETTLL Fox Hunters tion. (Rv Paldf-hirs: Vn-s Associa- New Advertnementa. Terry ft Leonard The Cuban cigar af'er the 'I'lmitksgh ing dinner. R.,si i. na. her i- liro. Depenilahic mt-ri hi -adise at little prices. i; liob.nson- Invites a visit to his a. w ....!, Fast Fourth sire t, ops- : , . . market . .- Mllilsemellt Nov ell y Co New via .-a liuildiliif to ritle the animal. Rev. W. H Ware, of Monroe, was lure this iiieriio',n ell rtiute to M'. Alrv to a't'-ml the Western N, C. Con ference. He is a im-mlicr of one of the committees that tin. -Is tomorrow for two veitih baa transferred lo thf Vl gini.i Coiifer' nee, which ct)Iiven-s at Por'stiioiiHi, Va , on Weilnestiay. Mr Rogers was hen- today en rHite to Pot' mouth to attiin the cotifreiie J He Is a Kin.iiK prem her and h pop i 1 1 1 r wl'h his c'liigf gal ion lit MockS' i villi- I'.AKDTOWN, K was a large gatli a.d a Nov. 12 -s.r f t: n- d Nat Ilia' Ilie!,, .A- .11. '"t p.,.,. , (Special to The S nt'iic ;V;' - -' i.iin- CHICACO, Nov. 1"-P N v- , h., I),,, stood that the Illinois Centra 1 v l.iver- tors are trying to effect a s ' taken with the State of Illinois for ' . -i, with hack taxes, the amount, hen , '' ; - pi, c,'K mated at from $i;.ihhi.!mmi .., '- '- -'orm IIIMI' ' dir."' tli'iin- ii Imp. Fpwaid- of f.i . ,,i:, u I, "in ihe Ka stern S' ::,..! Whi the So lta . , , ;an:e ni'l ! Opens on Trade Street. r,:.'C:' Vehicle and Fi. ,;,. ,t i ., has opened for : - The Retail Merchants' Assoriatlon Fre. lor Tmstlav to, is arranging lo give u big Immpiei on oiily. j'he evening of Thanksgiving tlay, K S'ar Co Hreakfasl menu. ifloicnior C, H Ayfotk hiu, been in- ; ,r V Wimbish. District Agents I vl'etl to address 'In HKH-lii'i'm on I it. ml Iteiietii Life Insurance Co 1 I his occasion net t"t.. - - I Wilson, a'torney and counsel- Itev .1 R. Mim.s,. relun t mission aw. new Tlse building ,ary from Japan, in in (Ireei slxuo. lit . jwii! go to Ml Ally lotiloirow to at'emll - was received her to-lay that ronferene.. Rev Mr, M.Ke will I,, j purge, a contractor and hui!der.: inviteil t,, roiiduct a me tinfj in 'his n.isiness at Ma: t insvllle. has ,., B'g Crowd Attende Sale. ! 'Ihe .1 Hester Co's bargain Mi'e fttientlt'il hy a bin crowd Saturday, III was one of 'hose give away sales 'of lb. Irs which Is always la; gol v a'-I'.nd.-d In i .iter buw-rs The five iirU i, wbuh were advertised to be glv- en away, were awndtd 'o Marshal' M Reytioids, (i.-oigia l.ewis, Mjid Davis.R M Hrvnn.'WK Moore They will give a'.o'ber hiirgain sal Ra'.ur-tl.T.-. Nov ITth. Tl.ey will give away petition in bankruptcy are placed at 12 "17 ,,f Ji'-hs. . la '! Ihe V- L, lMig. '.f Fa'.rvi. into his new residence wi'hj Walter Nailing went I 'his af teniiM.n. hss .11 I ,lb-1 Mi ll if tl) r Hi. at V. .'.dren '.ItlllS' Miss Asby's Condition Serious. Herliert Uiwcry. of ih" Kernt r-vi'h News, whs here this mr:iir.. n-'iir: ing from a visit to his moii'i' a' M' Airy. He reported that the fundi:;"; or Ming I! 'th.a ilia Ash'., who :"s -I " near Mt. Airy Fridny nigh'. ,;" regarded so favorable this niotn,:,-' She has some fever ami -" '' ' regarded a serious one. i o. Mat his ii will eatr.v ; aitoti- hame.-v Nonce Vasone ,' 'I";!!, ICiotl F A M ., A n II ,e:i: MrCorm.ifk, of IPn-toti rht agent for the C'ea 1 1 -pat'-h. was hep : g a tour of 'Ik t nl a v Stiic h V,-i' 11 set- o'lai; p.w e. lets ft tp:t rs w II Y f f). W I it with h He sH'nt r.-vdli ids l.indsa friend. W. t)d,iv at bis His i.a-' ten talus')'" prizes at this sale. fvn't ') Charlrd'e ! fail '" ai'etnt ibis wi and get votir . I share of 'he bargains 'o be offered and ju t tinse pn.cs free hv only -Tli" Kdwin Weeks Company ave l" '" ''"" an exceedingly lnt reslinif entertain-' 'mem In the auditorium of Hotel Zm j zemlorf Saturdav lilgbf The program travel- was entirely pleirviug to ,i goo.l -i,e ) South- audience He is ! Dusty f i,aw- one of ib-m Congress, i man y ist.Ttl.iv an' be looked a' tin- .t -pent, like h. could em me I! fsiaf-j H -iggb s Woti'ler what fo- ' honie at : Dusty Cause be wu?. mad uvi- I j rode free und he hud lo pay Attention, MercHanUl There will be a regular nVeUng rf tie IH-lai! M'Te hairs' Association tv liii'hl at their rooms over tt.l,ff)c.-, lit K o i lock A go sited N I. it attendance Is ,e. ( KANFORf). Pl' S -Tfe tiiUtcb ' for 'his 't-w ;irt! s 'II bo:d r.llf. i IH of It'll kh. at! M. K their final neetlng m itr 'oniKhl