c: IT Y DAILY SEN 1 1 , il Jo Jr. sir leeting ight Hearst van Were irsed. Friends For Be ''te This prom NOW ratic Nation- 3""0: 90S. figlH und sr la i. Cm , Ll'ICst (if niocra's .(! I, , till-' ,a. makliis, oilv begun., i i continue il ! nominees every effort - :i i'.h a(- nffici s. . ks as l ie yor.i l.eagno !r.. tin'.; h Aiitt-InM i Pros. I Nov. II. Deaf A.a ni, - cars ago. rlhi.oii, womanhood .it- ut rmu a word, i tslkni in her dy jsil.f Intelligently, had mine inlo her tin' I'.iniie (if her .! alien- die family a; i xritemeiu over Iff El SHIES ::ts' 1'ivstO i -Rcsoliitioiis call Hie Pniteii States 'ii "f liic present i-i will he In ! ioh-t;iK shortly. ! (niniaierpiai Ha--p '( Miin'rie.-i. is ' iiUF-i-iiat ionut KUb- r, i' is session. T. s, , ut this I;. in. us. d nan- inilioiieti I ( 1 u I i:u- -ship-ilfe 1 'iit Ij K -narges (o ono Rcpti0n, Yi,,.. 1 ii. a' I',- .1 fidUi .1 !". tiix. ilit to '" ll.JS MiK.M s . 11-ien Cm,,,. R AT Work 1 ;"- fiends Nl w V, ,t-u .''ivitjes o four s wit li on the ' bug -p.ii' ild a I"homas '' to the iv. PLOT DEVISED LAUNCHED: BY ANARCHISTS s in New Scheme to Kill King of Halv Is Frustrated by Arrest of Two Men. It Is Said Plot Was Hatched By Band of Anarchists at Paterson, New Jer ; sey, New York Detective Notifmc, Officers At Naples of Tins Sche-r e (By Publishers' P.t ss 1 NAPLES. Nov. 1.1. What t!,,. p..;. I say was a deliberate ai: 1 sk-.'.t-C planned plot to assassiii.au die kh of Italy anil Duke Aost.o, is have been nipped here todav arrest of Gebriel Lun.et'a a!;,: name' unknown, anarchists, i. livals from Patterson. New mi.: In :h. cousin rem ar .Ii r-ev iTiie police received . tips from Wvv 'York detective, who learned that tlx jplot had been launched and Lan.atta i commissioned to kill the king ami his The ! companion to slay the duke and duch ess. It is believed their accomplices at Patterson may he arrested. AI the last quarterly conference of Centenary Methodist Kpiscopa! church, South, held last, night, the fob j lowing resolutions were adopted : ! "Resolved, by the members of l he iquaiteriy conference of Centenary M. j K. church, So.uh, at, Winston station. that the thanks of the conference a-a they are hereby t- rob . u to Rt v. J. R. Seroggs, 1). i) , Presiding Elder. land Rev. H. K. Chreitzbeis. I). R. pas I tor In charge, for the faithful and eifi jcient services they have rendered !: jour church and our people diirins t,i. ipast conference year. "Resolved, further, that the Bishop j be earnestly requested to re-appoint tbi.lii to this work as we believe .'hi best interests of the enuich will be promoted by this action." The following stewards were r-iect-id: .18. A. Gray, ',: T. llynum, ,1. V. Alspaugh. (1. W. Hinshaw. S. A. Ofi burn, P. 11. Halies, M. I). Stockton, K K. Gray. R. R. Crawford. C. J. Ogburn, Geo; D. Hodgln, J. F. Griffith. R. E. Daltou, W. H. Marler, W. P. Hill. J. K. Norfleet, T. I.. Hawley. W. C. Wright, P. J. Bramc, T. Ii. Crawford. Enoch A. Griffith, 0. 11 Kaion, Geo. P. Pell, W. S. Martin. W. E. Franklin, A S. Manes, C. Re Witt Cromer and R' land- C. Taylor. P. M. Colbert was elected Sun lay 'school superintendent in place of R. II. Crawford, who requi sled ;!i;u lie lie released of the office. T. B. Cray ford was chosen recording .steward and Geo. W. llinshaw district steward. All stewards were present last night but three. The treasurer's report showed that the collections for the year aggregated $!M72.g;!. of this amount $:Mou.:n be ing for missions. l,iCj lllRMIXGHAM. Ala.. Nov. R-A number of the world's best marksmen tare competing here today' for prizes 'presented by the Winchesti r Repeat ling Arms Company. ,1. ,M. Hawkins. jW. R. Crosby, and John Ii. Taylor, are . trying issue and Mrs. Topperwein. 'who is the acknowledged champion ; ladv revolver, rille tin. I .shotgun art iin "he world is giving an exhibition. Mr. roiiperwein will also plv an ex 'hibllion. At a distance of seventy I yards he can hit marbles and small hi1ling objects thrown in the air. TO GE HELD HERE 1 The African Methodist Kpiscopa! .Conference will .convene in 'he in w St. James Church, corner of Seven! i laud High . Maple streets, tonight. The address of welcome on the par' of the ''ity will be delivered by Major t) H i Eaton, Uishop W. .1. Gaines, of .Vlan j ta. will preside over the confluence. I the first business session of which win ' be held tomonow morning. I A larte number .of preachers and delegates arrived today to attend the conference. Death of Mr. David Lindsay. Mr. David l.inds'nv db d Motida a' Midway, Davidson coiuit, after' a brief Illness from heart disease. P ceased was brother of Register "f Deeds Lindsay, of this coitn'y. who a' tended the funerti! In-ld a- Mida this afternoon. Mr. Lindsays was alKiut fifty years. He leaves a ta n il.V and was one of Davidson a In - -izens. Terrv f'ornelle. of Oak Riilii''. -SALEM C, TUESDAYlvENING, NOVEMBER HE iGOOD MEETING Retail Association Holds Meet - ing and Hears Encourag ing Reports. Initiation Fee Reduced to $1 for Two Weeks Collections Made By Attor-1 ney Hartman Retail and Whole-j sale Merchants Get Together With, A View of Holding Home Trade. j The Retail Merchants' Association held an interesting aim lui'husiaslie meeting last night. One graMfvlng feature was the reports submitted by the assistant superintendent, Miss Elizabeth Ormsby, and Atiorney W. V. Hartman. These showed collections made dining the pas! two weeks, on what were regarded as "dead" ac counts, 'o the amount of about $1'.'". While this' sum is considered by Hie merchants as one of th" Hiniillrs' ben cfits derived, vet ihey realize that ihi sum of over $l.uim, coiled ; .during the year, is quite an inten sMug item. The idea of making Hie "assoeiati r a genera! Information bureau :ir. w il as a collecting agencj is proving hlirh iy satisfactory and' iienelii i,i' o nu members: as very few d.i.vs F''l:'' the seeretarv does not furnish infor mation which proves profit r.!.e. The present membership of ire sociatkm is lull. Tl..-re ;.. v, lew retail tiierclnints in tic T'.t"'-Ci' who, have no: joined this hf-nelielai wwa-i zation. Willi a view of ith -.: lift those who have not joined, th iii; tiaiion fee of IS."" ha e.-! r. d e i , to $1 for file next two nKh.r af"r which tillie i! wi'l Ii" 'he .-.loo' heretofore, in tb- lantnacf -: ' . etithiisiastie niem'K r, Now- ;; i ,v i time to . nr. j The retail j of the ci'j ; ncreeltient 1 i will i.e k' I i Mill 'tame. and wholesale ne just elltere i i! i : o an which tn a' kena t ol tm e This I'lv nppfi Ho n teliei; BBINC I ES , 1 1! KENO. I tr Pi esi l 1 I Meeting at North Winston. : ! .til'. ,1 K. M. All' i II settlio a MEFiCHA.NiS HOLD Rev. no"-:; vi ( I; WON'T BE HAPPY TILL HE GETS ' " P -ir 'I'ViV e.C 3 1 OFF CERS ARE TO RETIRE 1 president and Secretary of Southern Cotton Associa tion Will Probably Not Run Again. Cheatham Announces That He Will Not Again Be a Candidate and Jor dan Will Probably Arrive At Same Decision Tom Watson Being Urg ed To Run For Presidency and May Do So. (By Publishers' Press.). ATLANTA. Ga., Nov. 11 -Richard Cheatham, secretary of the S !u"n Cotton Association, who recently went through an investigation by he asso ciation growing lint of the charge made in the legislature that certain prominent, otlicials in this association were speculating in cotton but who came throned with only a ccniiiire for dealing f ir oi hers, has announced that he. will noi be a eaiKlidme for ic-c'.ec-Hon when 'he association ti'.eei.i in annual session in Hirminghaiii in ,I:iv nary. Coupled with the Hiatnient that Harvle Jordan will not again head the-'association It i-uviis a ii-uv rt of olbei is Tom Watson is urged lo moke the race fM- ;-( dericv ami may do so. bei,,g pri si- II KERNERSVILLE ( Spec.al o The Sentinel,) -LE, Nov, Li- The an- i KKUNEItSV nui ; ra v iof 1 1 1 pi'-vineial conference of the Mo in elm.ch convened in the church !i,v d notiiinatloii lu re todav, at r 1 i' k. Bisluip Kdward Rondtba i preside over the sessions. Rev. I W eidmPl, pastor of the Kerners . Vtrrb, d-'livi red an i-sniot and '' arblns of welroini- Al'" ...iHK and apMiliiim nt of s'and r oi.niit lees, the conference ser was preachci by liishop Itolul H was a happy, eano s: and e discourse . aft moon's ses-lon opened .: devoilonal service, condueleil i .1 F. McCutsoui, This was n.'.l hv a discussion of tin Sun- r.'ioul Work Tonight's res.sioli ',e devoted 'ii a discission of pule h . i preai hers and deb-gaten v insion Salem ai'endiiig the . jenee the following were no'ed V Fiies. G. H Kigiits. Dr J H 1 bonne Laiidqubt. (.'. K N'issi n, Sam . J. F. t ion -i W. . I. irate; I! II Ra ick John Pfaff, and E liii'uer. F If, of Sa V ig'et i In n,e vniing la lies of tin- f'h -f, IL'oad H !.'' Siu d.n L-ive a tii'-as i. iiu; par1-. .it Mr A T llanes, 'Jit ri street, fiom H lo lo dav evening, ft- fr1 shun i rved free, F.very'ioUv Inv, S'.liK tit Ihe Sou' a p ni W ill te I 1906 IT. -Rrlhotomw r Mmntjiunfi Journal T IN EARLY TRIAL Unwritten Law Will Undoubt edly Be Urged In His Behalf. Judge Delmas, Eminent San Francisco Lawyer, Engaged A Thaw's Lead ing Counsel For Fee Said To D $100,000 By Mrs. William Thaw A Forceful Advocate Before a Jury. Bv Publishers' Preim,) NEW YORK, Nov. 13. The unwrit ten law will undoubtedly Iv Hie de fens of Harry Thaw for toe murder of Stanford White. . For a. lee S'tbi li lie $1011,000 Delphi M, Delnnvi, lh( fa mous Han Francisco lawyer, has ne-en ngamed to conduct, the entire de fense. Mr. Wlti. T Thaw engaged him. Delmes' imwer over a Jur Is wonderful. . ldiiKs Is the man who placed Hearst in nomination for I'io presidency. He will make his future home In New York, Judge Delmes ha: had experience with the unwritten law, being advisory counsel for Trux totl liealo In San Francisco, when ie shot and killed Frank Married for publishing mi improper paragraph about Mitw Marie Oge, itubMipieu'li Us wife. i. WATTS ABLE Ills learn many friends will that the. health .,f be glad Rev, T. Watts, pastor of the M-iIhuHs! church I tr Thoiitasvlii '; has shown marked I Improvement during the past few j wc ks and that be is able again to r j suine active work In the ministry j iiinnlir i.t physicians have assured Mi. Watts-of their leli'ef thai he is i j the road to coiiiilete f eeoverj. '' ;, ituiroveiiieut has been -u) rupit! 'hoi his attemiing pnviei!t here havs lo-. is in ie-' er sriope tban two )eais ago.. lie I-, one ,,f ( litrongest preiirner) in 'lie emu . Western No'th Carol In Coiiferelir. and- il Is it pleasure to leiirn of bis1 iftplil tmprovenietit hen'ih al'er ,-m extended !lllie-s in i China, Not Groceries. Ml I) S. Ifeld. after 2' ?e.(r in tb groce! j Imsiness, has del ided 'o close out his entire toii of groceri' s in ijidir to devote entire time and Mere to bis chlila business. Mr. It" Id began the grocery business h" r 2' vents ago ami has tlwev eondncted a high class rrocery store and t-njoved a large trade, on account of rbe ver;. rapid inrrcjue, in his china, glass and crockery business je has decided to use bis entire More In the futon fur 'hat line The puriMwe of ,r. Rep! s to carry one of the largey and lu st stocks of chllia in the Stat"'. Cotnrii" nc hik Friday moinhig bin hli; nk of groceries will be fiul on sab' at cos Editor V. O. McMlcha-l. of Ihe Madi son ll-rald. was here between trmii . Vesli'rdav -' afterniHin. o HAW'S DEFENSE PRICE 5 CENTS EW OFFICERS " BID OE TRADE Mr. r. J. Ulpfert Elected President. Mr. R. W. Cor rcll and Mr. B.F.Hunt ley Vice-Presidents. Board of Dote tors Also CHostn At Largely Attended and Entiusiasdc Meeting Hsld Last Night A Num ber of important Matter DKUSStd By Members. Th- WIUMon Salem IVvard of Tia'l held liif! attvid4 and .iOl'.i.i. . . i Ho Hiwthig last nlKht, at h I c tlm 'oftleers Here elected atul severitl tin jportant maltor-4 dlicussed. f Mr Fmnk J IJipfert, a mereber f the successful lulsliiess ronci'tn of I Lilpfi rt Si-ales Coinpsii), w ss (oiidcl president hv aeclamatlon M.-. It W. (Gm rell was ebvte.l ftrst vlce-pi crtld at 'and Mr. H F Huntley w-conj vice j president These gentlemen a'-e spleo (did business men who have th inter ests tf Ihe Twln-Cliy at heart ant It Is needlcsd to say that they wIU make most efficient offlct'rs. In assuming ihe prvsldfacy Mr. I llpfert made a brief ut appioprlat talk that was well received. Me U u capable Ihiniihk man and will doubt less make an excellent president. Messrs. A S. Haneg, W. I) Citrrln. II It. Starbuck, K W, O Hanhm, H. A. Pfohl. J. J Norman and Hterilo Smith were rliopen as members of liw boai-d of director. The committee having in hand ih matter of sci-nrlns hetter nillroaU mu senger seivlce reportiit that nothlns. had heeu heard from Mr. Hrdlck. The commlltee was Instructed with reference i further Meps In the mat ter. Tin tidigniph. telephone aud I press servlcf at (his point werti dis cussed, und conimltie' apsdnted to look Into these suhjwls. Th commit tee to confer with the telegraph Wisi panles with refercnr to koplnfr ofttco open at night and Sundays Is conin d of Rr. II T. Hahnmm. Mr. A. II (lalLwu und Col, (l,,K. Webb. Til eoiiiriiilUf to look InU) ihe espitsa service in comied of MtRsrn J, J. Norman, W. A. Wilkinson' nd 0. f. Drown. M.-ssrs. E. W. O'Haaloa, V. I'. Molr ami It. C. Norfleet will tunti with the board of alderman pidtttUf to tho telephonp scrvlctt. Secretary George F. I)wlrt rwid his report, which was adopted., The proKtsltloii t oriranlrr a mer chants' and manufllctlrers club hm was preseni.Nl by Mr. w. D. Currlu. The committee to look Into the sub ject of securing; better railway pas senger service will meet toulKht at 7:lo o'clock In tin- hoard of trade sec- retnry'K office la the Tle bulldlliR, Mr. W, T Hrown, who has been president or tho board of trade for some time and who refused to cooMd er a re-election, has made on exw1lent offiei'r and ban done much effnct!v work in behalf of the city during W lulniliiisirallon. Ho presldexl at the tneiiii( lam nlttht until the election of bis wiccessor. Announcement. I have secured from Hie Johu Altis field Co. Hxclualve "ontol of "'Ji Vogue'' o ml Hol';i. Cliiaka and Hl-irU ou (his market. 1 had o carry , I'.irT er line than I wished tp o'd-r a 0' dure Uiem to come t tin nut to l, but after ettenslve impiirv and seauh for the best. I determined to haujie thel'- Koods. While "La Vogue" i hlRh cla s, high prices do no; nrr-Mui'lly lo'low. If I was at tloi usual rxo"tie, 'La Vogue" would have to be sold rth (In highest, hut I am at little ext.-a expense In (tie se!l- ; of ihe-, goods and am satisfied with' a ''mall profit tlierefr.re you may no" h-ive an opp r tiinllv of oiilalnlng the best aticln nial from Hie best quail' v of goods. The bent of It Is tba. a l.lgh-cbi'S j man made l.suiies' Coat H-ii" or Wtap. 1 Is within the reach of all- Hie prices iuiake posfdble b' l."-f ifote iu ;ll'-eit pt'lblbltert '. I am within block of he public jsioare, .in near, as th'" Mason!' T'"n pie, utid therefore nr much out. of '-h-'wnv If von caie to -profit bj the c!r- I'limstancei, that enalile me In gle jvou a high-class garment ut reason 'hie prion and perhaps lower Hisn an Inferior garment, come and. examine 'Clem. will l- pi.isei to have you ! Inspect the "I. a Vogiie" styles IU Kpw'fully. M W RANIKL. MRS Kim S'rfet New Advertisements. Wat'klns Hook Stole--New boot Just In, Mioers-Westbnrik Co. A notable t-.i'liei nig of women's fin'. apparel. Rosenliacher'H More news of thanksgiving sn'e of linens. Vehicle and Farm Implement Co. Now oju-u fur liuslnes on Trade stre;t in Aispangh leilWifig. White S'ar Co.--Suppt r niemi Lashmlt Shin, Hull's ail. W. F i Ipbla Khaffner lo look a! left today for Phlla fnn btislnes. the clgr.