i CITY DAILY SE WINSTOALEM, X. C, WEDNESDAY EYENIXaNOVEMBEu" 14, 1906 NTINELo : PROCLAMATION IB MI 1 J That .Money i'-o Relief Fund Wh it. Vane cf ,..g 7-: $ i-.vest.ga- SJ. wn.itsoever ..tSt Havng immedi-; .7.' !- . ,. ' .'v-' ;. . : .1 , ia ?,v,'-i I! i jj-r. 0 ' ; dii-L.'s , . 1 ' i V at ' t , i el I .'' - :a-i-s- 81 CJ. GLENN State's Chief Executive Ap points Thursday. Novem ber 29. as Thanks giving Day. In His Proclamation To the Pecple of I North Carolina Governor Gienn Calls Attention To the Fact That the Good Things During the Past Year Have Far Outweighed the Un pleasant Ones and Speaks of the States Rapid Progress Along All Line". , 'Special ti Tin' Sentiuii.i KAl.EUIH. Nov. tl.-Uov. Clem; ne.'. ;i proclamation desigratii;:: iv . i . ' 'II. 'II. .. ' 51. .. t.ilair.'. : ':: ;r.t-si-., : a T :t .: :. i.. S .wh ir ..J ' Ma ar , :t ,:'. f !..! was. tli'' 4 sfcirn fiiliiiwcil that a sys-i-'ii f fund V-J'a! laiih.- niai;: Thursday. Novemner li'.i. as T i I giving l):iy. I" the course ol i h lainntiun tin governor declan !v!;ik' excessive rains have da the ctuiis and while during r 1 i -I i lblic ii ace lias been marred by acts uf I lessliess, ye! our I fold blessings have mi" far lour tempo! ary ills they gio !for thanksgiving and p:ay., i' I Clares the inert ase in ilie Stale al..:iu ; agricultural, industrial, educational jaml moral lines ha far exceeded his I fondest hopes and educational prog ress is s:urce of contra tula I ion as I longer tonus, more efficient teachers, better school houses and equipment Slirpi'-.-ei us c. u-i . Mr '!. inarK piogiessm while growing ti rnpem: ions spirit voices a ni never lit fore itnessi ri. period in sell v and life l'a, cull IU nil "A -LOW PROMISED RIDE. ' ' ' srn ' 1 ' .-Y A : . v V - r ) ' Vy:y ., , . i - N ;."'.. d la iiere a.raa.: at 1 J : :;i :a'i: late. ! ie flu. s in ik;:;; s , hadly tlia; iii'ns ha i t i. draw I le ;d.u :!ir iirirmid pi a- Crrr :in il .Mr. .1' C ::'a. and aiiin lisiaiti'l"'!' ''i v airahrr en- ..'':.' tlif iroir. to Win k :V ad a: Col 'sSWit mi l a work .ssf-nevs :is coiiiforta H.'.i! liov. huili in Mi;'h.-s af;-r v.hicii a ;,:;,! 1 i ; i . i amclu s iiVli.-j passen : kk r. Tile niemi C'k. haul, fried ' t'o 'a (Mlies, etc. r:K if'pn nil, 1ml a .!: entlae fr tni i" c ,(T..,. cjulj be :S: ' K-;iU1'svilli' ..r.. Vinti,!.Sa- Mi atlell ,, t, M,i Mt'fl live. The Man Beneath: "It will be ready to go very oon now." Bartholomew in Minneapolis Journal. ASHKVILLK, Nov. Kiatin , 'bravely in defense of their police cap ; t ai it. Patrolmen Charles' lilackstock I , and William Haiiey, two d' the most, ;etticient. members l Asheville's police1 i forec. were shot to d a:h or. Sa.rh j Main street at 1 1 : :: tonight by a ne at. who proclaimed ihat !ii.- name j was Will Harris, of Charlotte, a des jporado, for whom a large reward lias been standing for some time. ! Prior to the 'death of the two olli cirs, a neprro restaurantdierper nam ed Ben Allison fell dead at the hands of Harris, who. haiidiini; a rifle, killed him without provocation. Another tie-Ki-o. Tom Nelll. Ires fatally wouudid. Ijoth negroes being shot before :he of ficers took a hand in the mclc. Harris started out on his death-deal-ing tour from a in gro house on Val ley street. He fired Into two liauses as lie made his way up Main street, oue of the principal streus of the city. As he readied Eagie street lie fired at and wounded Alli.vin. On South Main street the desperado en- NT N DVORC in (French Court Allows Count ess Casellane Divorce and Custody of Children. Count Boni Will B'. Allowed To See The Children At Stated Times Evi dence of Cruelty on Part of Count Brought Out During the Trial. (By Publisher-i' Preni.) . P.UtlS, Nov. 1 1. Countess I)e Cat tellane was niilay granieil a decree of alis.i'uie divorce air) ciisicdy d' hit tim e chiiiliea as a n !ii: of d'sperate !'a! battle with lier im.!i.-- hu.siia'al. Count Ho:ii lie t'asieiiane. who laa! and humiiiate.i lier In siuiit of .ill Ku- ng her lort'ine. es in do.lars secured I HAW S no m mum i STOCK' DECLINES District Attorney Jerome Will Is Now at the Lowest Point That It Aas Reached 1n Many Personally Conduct the Prosecution of Millionaire. !He Will Make Strong Effort To Prove Premeditation On Part of Man Who Killed Stanford White Evelyn Nes- bitt Thaw Will Be Principal Wit ness For Defense. PRICE 5 CENTS CONFERENCE AT MT. AIRY OPENS Bishop Wilson Qlls Western . C. Conference to Or der at 9 O'clock. Twentieth Session Opnd With Prsy er By Rv. P. J. Carravny Ah vilte. Cnartottc and (ireen FrsnWH v 1 1 le. Greensboro, Franklin and Char lotte Want Net Confertncs Sever al Gentlemen Introduced T. Confer ence Nineteen Candidates For A1- mission on Trial. (?lHi.il di The. )fiitlrel.) MT A I It Y . V. H The tweii'b tl. session uf the Westei n ,'or't Car. ilia i m K Coiitereuce olxMied hare I i'.i. !islie v Wlis m pu'tP'tn. Huiih o I v. as suiiK. u i nhiitl l!e I. I C.ii i :idv i ffer.sl h (nunt : ivaw . ' .sieiil.e. Cli.iri K'nl!.iiii i.nd Hrei ns'iuru asked i ii lie re ,l Con leieuce , ! Ite. J l. Misise, of Coier., w.i'. Ue Hediice.l to the conference He pre- ' sealed to ItMiop Wiitoui ,. Kaiel mailt' f : "in the pulpit 0r the llr.t M. K. i hlltrll ill ('anil , Messrs. A J Ulnar. W. K. Tlilett and I. I Hammond were lutrodu' A to the conference. i Tlieie are iiliiileen candldMte or iadmlssiun on trial. I . 1 1 1 Ii K the lollfeienci' ear T. H. , Pi pain. .1 C Thotim and 7, II Til- .' I' It had died. lie V. V Tlilett, of Vauderbll! I'ul eiHiiy, h.kv this inornlnx tr. ti. H. Ih t iler pl' aehes tolllnht. j A larj-e rrowd Ii, in attendance up on the conference. Salisbury Wants Conference, j Ve.-lerdav t, Kullsbnrv Post wijn: 1 "At a mu tiuu of the noma of Kt-w. taids of the iirsi Mmlnxiist church lust jiilKht it was uiifliilniiniKiy deckled t jimlle I he .'illllilitl (u fiTenis to ni't inlth ibis church mxt yeur. An Im1 .t.'ition was nlv'n the conferiMicti to inieei heie thin year, but Mt. Airy won out in the vole on the yuention. Ir. Hoe will pieh.ni ihv Invitation and it Is reasonably fxpictivl tjiai It wljl be accepted this time, ('olitetvncv ni'i lln Sa'lsbiirv In U77 and IMtfi." I Bishop Atkms Her. - 1 111 lllshop JatncH Atkins, of Wanwv The Government Fight Being Made villi., wan here this afternoon I'D route Anainst Oil Trust Has Caused The! I" Mt.'Alrv io attend lh Wefltrm Slump Wall Street Fears Standard . I i-'ine aftc" smiaiidei ountcred Tom Xeill and find point , , imit,,(, fl, ,;,, .i.i wi til- II 1 1IJ . j-j I he noise of the shooting c Will Retaliate By Hammering Down Stocks One Significant Result cl Fight Being Waged Against OH Trust. Press I II -T.-.:::nny ': ft S'a;.-s com : Nelv y. :!i ;::'"-''i '::.: uiviag : '"" fin rail-Bi"-n rehairs lr"t"i N'-w York triv Fran( Cooper, Ae'.nr.. :u, ,i ;!:' ..f hear: - ' l'-u, '-t. Sa- 1'. ca;. : , .'M. r.iay Y '''"''"'!' While ' 'a iv' i.irutcs "- ' tii- " ::ls auwidi. in:l . ''d ..: death. 1 ' Adauce Tile In- " tainurifiw. h -, '""'n n t ""' ''iirn- . '", "I'' rnoun. asid Pa-1 lice Capiain Page and Officers Haiie;. ! and niackstock to start from the v-1 i lice headiuar!Pi s on a run, Ulowni- ! their whistles as they went. Haiiey ! took his stand at the In ad of .Main 'street and the courthouse square, ieav- in?; his captain and iilaekstock to go j ahead. It is repar.cd that Capiuin iPage met the negr.) in the center of i . . . I -Main street, the rornier receuu g bullet in his arm from the le-sro i rifle. TIip wounded captain callM np- loa Hlackstock to fire, but before !h officer could do so. he fell dead with a bullet in his chest. Harris then started on a run for the j square, where Patrolman Haiiey was ; waiting for him. Haiiey tin d iwiee, ,b;n missed his man, ami the negro I turning his rille upon the oflicer. sent ia bullet crashing ihioaah the iaf-r's bra in. The oflicer liwd hut a f. w me meuts after he fell. I The negro then ran down S .mil ! Main street toward liltmore, and a' ' midnight was still at large. I ne creates! exeitenieni foi.owi killing of the oftiei : alarm was tunnel in by nice Hernard for the purpose ol' ing out the militia companies, and - 'eral posses quickly, fornn d to tak up 'he pursuit of the limi'dena'. ' The store of the ,she ilie liar-.-;ware Company was broken into by tae police otficers and 'In- p ss -,s .-: armed with rilb s and shotgun.-. Officer Hlacksten-k. win conies fn.ni one of the o'di-st I'ami'.ies In 'lie State. ; leaves a w ife and child, a::d otlii'' r ; Hail, y leaves a wife and 'in'' e ciiii- di en, .in !e r. All 'he countess' fonten'im ; ing h"r inisha'ad's inlidei:';.' i molality were upheld. l!o:. !,ali iWe to see the (hiidr'U i week a! his mother's home graute ! aiiiium;. of 't11 The mother cannot lake the Stork J earn out of Kranci tin" court. withou; perm r.-tard-at: ! itu 1 will be l W ice II He was annually, childien issiall of (l!y Pulilishers' Pi'CsB.) Xi:W YOiiK. Nov. 14 -The po-dtiv announcinie:;; was made by the dis trict attorney's office this morning thai liar;;, Thaw trial will be heard bifoie Recorder CofT bi'iiliining De cember :i. Iiisiiict. Attorney- Jerome will reouire four days to present his I direct case and two days for rebuttal ! after the del- n-e closes. Tin se two idajs ate io lie dev.ilt.d Io an effort .at coiiua iii ting tin- eiiilence of Kve 1 lyn Nesbitt. w :r Is understood to be the main Thaw witness. Jerome will Itrv thi' (as., pcisoiialiy, il' will make ! iirenie.diia'ion the principal point and 1 will iimUi. ismi etTo: t tli keel) out l'X-1 l'''k North Carolina Ciifernt. IllHhop AlkliiH, who a elected to hU pres enl hlt'h office at the (leueral Confer ence of the Southern Methodirt church, held at lllrmiiiKham, Altt., las (Mil), lias b fil holding (vinferencen on the Paclllc coast. He left his home Ut illy PubllhhfiH' Picks ) Way nesvllle August idth, ndurninn ou Ni:WY(iUK, Nov. 14. --Attacked by11'" tHh Inst. The last couferenc ave,- wrucii he presided wait at Urn An Keles. C.,1. Itish.m AtklliM has beB lalue ol M'anu.iru ui. iiiih h ii uns : ,,ri.Mi, ,.f .,, nKii(1 fh- within the year 1 lUridiUH i 'in. Tin-j Western North Carolina Conference the Pederal govelumeiil tin mark' I h'llllilk ! (he loweft iminl t ida in slump Iiuh caused Ifocke lo wiiher by Oi n).i KtO fears (he efforts uf the at Tin fe'ler'S pile i Wall st ree: ! govenllnetit to break 'lie oi '.'iiu.-:e the Standard Oil C tiler nil slocks to show Ihe : 'Ion that tin oil suP has bu.-dnc t ust w'il . to hail, ilium' s'ia- de,-eS' i d LITTLE il IS trane'iiiH ii:ivate II nm"-r relating to W'tiite's CICEfiO KNOTT IS KILLED Uf T s. Hinai! h'ddei-. ale sialing feailng tile govi rnnn -ni wiil leal ihe trusi a death-blow. A brolo r today declined the situa'i.m :o be a : i h man's oil panic. (Hv Pubiisl CAi.NKSYII.I.K, Wlliie attelHptm a lifiiimi-r a r.ilii Maiv Smi'.i Smiih. a pa-mira ! lily ina nub d by 'I' immediately. Tin Pi ess ) I 'la . am: .'.r lai ue eXpl'.s lll.it lie M a i 1 Sl.l.-lll I Kilo! t. ane. inis'.n le. was run - er. w!i ) ;n.ia:. '. ware s tandi It V . Nov. :ed about lif e, ii a le, of -.er and kil I ilie S illtll'-: lasi night. l severed 1 1 Cicer :y year.-, a brick Wiiistoii-Halem, !-! Ii a sbif':ni' n Kail way yar is His body was from bin iowi r WAs nv Pubii.d.ers' tlllNOTON, N'O elan s p an w i:, ad HllMig, piesid' ::t of Ih Pre?- ) 1 1 a i d." said I till rt N ' death (:. Hi : was iiistantaiie o Sali dapa a ins f.'W Bm IAS OFFERED , fl BRIBE IF Si ' II; Sl'l ili' I'. I'lMH AY ri,.e t i -a, !:'t' Midland '" he held ! "n-il 'he ; Tj,,.. , " ' s io I- ,! '"' ha don ,.f I a v . i .vine a L ' "ti ! w, '" roisvtn Negro Bank Closes Doors. ! ffly Pllbtisheli P'es- i J C.REENVII.I.K. f- C. Nov II -Ti iAVorkingnian's Savings and lAitt ' I the only in gro bank in the Sta'e. C i e.l ll doors lu- .nlei- of State halliv ' ..n-i'- jia.-:' The i.e. II II- t Ha: II. 1 "'a!1 rin.li al : r nil. i. d:ir;m: man tin id' Ii' tr a iio' I w as a n nniiis w : In. II' -oil a of 111 ,' M. Ki: '., Sali e noiiai liaiivi il b. . wlb .1. Ibis illg.lt I ai Paiik. ; currency Hanker' !sec.)Ui l :is'- j,r. la 1 1 hi if S a l.ouiK commissi', e-ocia' ion. ,' SI'S'-ll.ll -i'lall to f wrien'','. a nieiioe r il of Am which bega'; i's one Mr ion- of !),e' r can i tenliiV !' i I 'onirre- s f ,i "We Will !i all plans suifi .) I'll 1 1 v ii cit . I I s, HIl'V s ) tin tod,,; Ilie 'aai-.i- j'l-! d.-ce lire ! t In m form IO I' .IiL'Ii d M" alie 1 1.(9 1 lleln "ilia! f. sii'.mi' f ii M vci.tl veins and the urpoM of his visit ii) Mt. Airy at. I his time In to attend the meeting of said board and see If some of the preachois would not ilke to go to the Pacltlc. coast "Thoy neij fiome g,KH pieai'her out Uif" said the Ilishop. New Advertisements. I S' Held Announcement of china opening, co-il sale of fancy Kroeerli and free d ill coniest. Newman's Variety Ktore H'ltn ihiiig new dally; k"ep an eye on our a and l'i cent connleis. Ihe Ih'f Hive , nice string of hpe i liils for Thursday, Kiiday and Kaiur day lu silk and millinery department. Itosetibarher K Hn . Important lin en news. Thanksgiving nale of linens siaits totnvnow ; s iineihlng of the bin sale, II II. Tesb Co,--A pro,'Ksltlon to our pai roiis Huntley Hill Stockton Co. The Wil son healer and someihlni: of its twpe- riontv as a Mar of fn 1 Preachers and Delegates. Several preachers were here this morn. i.y en imiie o, 'he M.-ihofll-. i ..a !. ii in . ai ,p Airy Those n -t'-d we:, (ey M il Vestal, of Arcadia; ,Ue A , Cohirn. of fluirlot'e, H"v. I I" Wooi-lcy, Walk' i1,-n. Ihv. I C Mock, of po ktoil. Itev W, M l:a. V. of MoiK.'iii'on , H. v. T. P. .Murr. of High Point In II V. Chre:i?.berg SHOW AND SLEET IN did not go up l.i . d' i'":a!es I. Hlickey. of Sail, I f AlOi ks' or Moiir .c ' 'oil, in- i Among the a.ti wi re 'i' i il l ..le, and Ji M. John-Houston, c 1 1 1 0 II: a miners. Careless buok-l signed as the cause "PilH! 'e Year Old Today. .'-,:-. 'I;.- i'op'iliir , ;,. , .1 'la- I 'Illi.aV .11 sia.il j, , . aii ih--- . ha .,1 l'i CllsiOilil , -x'i' rl.a.r am! ia I Rv Pubil-beis' .ANTA, (ia . Nov and si' t of ihe a a af' r six I'nii 1 II T tt'hllel fl oe.,,1 k l.e fiisl fIJy Publishers' Pi CM 1 ' A I ' E TOWN. Souih Africa The li.ii'r oU'liI'Mil III t'aH r.v is ii, or" scjious. Two new I raiil' rs made ;;e-!r aiqe in ni.ee nori 1, w i s'i rti part of i!h colon' Ttn y a I' is .innouiK eil thiit the Trmmiry In pa mi at, hns aw.iid'd tin- rotitmct tor ip!' big new furniture Io." .t.r ii I e. ' The W lii!eu:llg (if the fla e'd le. a i'ti-l: fu'l "f s, day ad auc d both nn 1 ', cotton was ha-!!-- bii:' . ill" uea'iiei ir- iiioiiri; In d ;ls 'ioii. ai.il I'oiti' tinur irni 's 11.1 d o a'sfii'! ion iill.'MiK the H-! i i 1 Ilie r'-liif. irei d p., mil-- v rcc; u d ,p-ilii-e pursuing I'erreira ow band i, ear I piiugiou. ,u u i light followed purer:! - the to.'ai i:r.s- eilil.r I-' :,! . building i WiiiK'ou i-.oii i. 'ion t:i tin- Toie.'o .k iii.t .(''.fnpiirv, ot l.o'l'i Ohio, for lr. hid j Sheriff Alspaugii i Wagoner cottage and lot j view today for $.'21. Tip' iject to n In per cent. bid. Add Sonferenee off near f.il" Kai VI: II t I.E - flea!'.' i;i;i flak It and ChiiKii i. Hos-klnx. S'leet, i It v. 1 r.'ivlan ' I i '. C. Il Clo.ldi -i'ifer"iiee ;r i r.i'-d - Mr. marrUgi llf'et fj. h "ie , lid M is le; .W,,, A M-an T. Itramlo o M.ss M.i" at I o'clock S pilP I,''. .ui united In e Holonum 'his a" he home of A P.. lb f..l.i ii .Pon returned this nJ ylsit 'u relative al