IM-ClTY DAILY WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER i:, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ' ii i r NEWS ITEMS REPORTED rnnn nurinii mniu n-iiTDCi HUM IMtlbH I UIMf nauLiicf; FEAR and Shoots Ten Miles T-e .cers cf Ashe- ..d a Negro Tuts- ., r.es3 Nights ;Mt- Been t-u'd jcaw Desc-r.ido-. Ht Made a Des- ;,-. o ill. 1 (Special to The Sentinel. I RALEIGH. Nov. 15. Mrs. 1( s Tucker, of this cuy, has pr,-sente : to be State a life-size painting of ii n: :c:ay. It will bo irivui a place re wails of the representative' ha" it; :'; S'a'e capitol al-ms w it !v Wa-.rtt-"a and Yauct , In sjusikinj; ot the movi-nii :. that has stared afros-U in this Stale '., t siablishtncnt of a State icfo: nia'oiy f .r youthful criminals. Slate .'nli' : H. I". Plxon buid today lhat he ,s :, .iic'.'iliy opposed to ;!k' reform t: , iiiea but that, he believes Cm- ri ul assembly should pass an act aiM'i. iiz in;; the judges :o turn over i i North Carolina Children's S ciety. In a'l office at (ireensb i. such cliiklren as would otherwise ;) eligible to the refoi niator'y si that this, organization could tin il It.u, lor t.cni wne.'. they would be I ml.e.i after just as homeless ehibireti a.e now provided for by the sod a., which now has' almost two hun u. I children in good homes, who would otliet wise he homeless. Major Divm says that besides many ;je.-ti.::s to a reformatory he fears the results in tills. Stale of one thai would icipiire a REGARDIN6 MUST nriniim - . PtAHTS SAFETY 5 TANDARD 01 NEWS ITEMS REPORTED 'SPFNCE DAVIS 1 KILLS A ill firjve Appreln-nsiun That Suit for Dissolution of Trust vi hi, L.p.iri IK)s Boon Renins Tn,l.v in ---3"" - 'VI V J lit V VIM Ul Court ji St. Louis. Lust in .Mid or tMn. I.s Cr..': v,is S ghted By A-cfrr S" p So-re D.-,vs S.nce. I: Berne Tn;ri In Bad Cond t cn Lac sf Nes S nee Thrn Causes G.ave on u Fnends cf L eutc-jnt Peary, Oil Trutt !S Chargrd With Num-rots Violates ot Sherman AntiTrust Law Sj t ct Government To Be Projeci.tru Under Direct. on of At torney General Moody (Spei !., I li r-cr tuil iKF.KNSPOii. N..v f. Th .or una. ,!,st: 1 iiM,- ,.f h I' t U i.t sls o' 'be S. nilh D':nt w:!. ! (ul.! :a Hl-h 1'. t v'i! Lot. .itien i ..;ue : i' ; in! .ha; ' a w . 1 . the i,,p'e 1 ton, ' ; i -i i sN r . w'... .it'ci.,1 The f,lio Ills pP'tralll l as 'I. . !'. .llllloilIK r . litiict lv v il; nid M. - C f M. .!' tf.: c I. ip i.nm of 1'.m;t I,. Ice '. C .- t' i; -..hii-i VMM- , ..T . '..l!. V I If.! u: I H l.iFW I'. i;..-- ' W.l W.IS It .e .a'i Ht- I'.it l.s'l. I- 1''. vP i W Slil.i, H)V. .o. If..- TI:, t. .! ra! L..H-; iii.e i,; lo.l.u I't-tati .iMini ' '' I ':..! S ates c! .ciii! emit t I.. us iiu.t-r .IJ. I'lloll of ttortte- sf rsc lira !-ti.i l.r p T' ado: an Ii..:: Mil. pi! Iier I he X. W! ; -r. inns Ii i:ll. II. ilul M.hmI. to eis- )!v.l a" iirrav : .ii l. inist C rl'l cioii. ii Koosevelfj a aw . am in the , , I MIS llle' ita : i n a' : .a .aiii'ard niint tit the nut .lis '11. ill Will :, I-..HU : ,n. : ; men. til.' oilier ,o,k and llailei. , ..'f j. A - levi'.Ie iik to his deadly ;.' ;i die., captain villi' 'fill i. lleforej ii r.Hl ,im it ill .':n :w.i men ! ! I. formal oi, v tor netrro ( liddu n ibis would be overrun in a lilt',. . bv s;reat numbers of mpro cliil many caused lo commit some oil. ' b their parents so ihai the care .1: ithem may bi s'.iifted to the Sta'e. .M.ij. : Dixon thinks too that juvenile ui ate not at till ticed. d in h i . Sue a: !ihis stae of the population con iii:.i,:s. .there heiiii; scarcely a town in the I Slate that catihl show conditions t. quirint; such an ins.itution. j State Siiperintendeiil of I'ubiic lie I struct ion J. V. Joyner w eni t(, Cra jliam this morning to attend a di.-irict imeetinx of county supei iniendems of iPtililic schools in session llu re this week. It is the West Central district i and consists of about liftten conntiin I of that section. I:;hl ju: !! ' Itti it' t'le ( ' i : ii i i f. :.. 'Tli action i ..- :..M'ii , l'ie e: ad lion 1 1 iimst w t .day's pleslioa ,:f 1 .I'ffere'll . - le,, T , lo owning a1 i :'.s I'ltlii.IlS a," ioj. eon- T.Mtn (r :h. S ;al" UP-TO-DATESHOE STORE i " t Wins-ton-S li-!.nla!e si i . and cor ('.).. in the pi.'d by ('. I The niaiarm uleni is I., laive an l" SI. lie. l! Wil, l.e on". 1 l.v He,,:d l!r siore room formerly . Sharp, .mi l.ili.r' s ineai of du lei-ill' s itin: , in Ue b nil, j Tv'rtcr lk,i'r 1-tiiT,1 C'iiWi !lor assullles ('l;i;r f)r,e Miuiiif HeKr's In K pi escnta : lives from ach '".!;e. Ampl'ti.d Thlid Tel in b Cr. lis!., in .i ije, No. s.i. H uiiiii-cein'es on Tnkint 1,0111 I' I'e.'ii W. ,d, Ashi...,o I'v Tiiin '.i -in a.s a Hull lei l. I' S'i ra, Cn i i.., Are Uiatrict Mec-.r.t;,. II, iteti Mcltride Holt. Graham. rjihiaiiisni Outside tli Hooiii - I. It Jail',., Keidsi ll'.e. I'ylhiaiiisiii in a N'n'sh' II IM lliibliatd. W'.irtlnille, ImpiOinptii Ueiuaiks lij 'isiioi-s. The ttr;e; llil.!l!l of (HI. I Kel- lows, compose,! ii ;; iiklKiM, has ln--ii in sessiiMi hi re. The tli in. inu n S-aiilar.l lias ht-lil Tuesilay nielli of other com- was held yesieidai lis mint;, and the ipiairities in-, m,.t tine, adj milled nlulii Anions weie of Pill Hugh Weaver Shot Three Times on Road Side Near Clemmons. The Men Had Some M itundcrtt Over Son-it Slab Davl AcCMttd By Weaver Who Had a Shot Gun And Fired Upon Davn. Who Dodged The Load 0avi, Who H Not Been Arretted, Begged Wtavtr Not To Shoot Weave. O.ea In Hi 0n Yard. i oi l ie com Is Tin' tris; are ti ls ihaiied Dial I a. M iran.-o:i oi ' '.cepl ill ' H'.l I, preveal IllvepellilelltS frollllihc :t ()d, KelloAs II seme. , r .inner n is enais-.t,raiul Mantel W. M. Steu ns H i : k 1 1 lli'iu'r s hol d kiliml : li Sp aci r iKnis at llie latter .iw I null, near ru-uniious, jestenlay after ,110111 It apiours that t'ie killing 'was the of ; r;mte over mime . slat. s. j I'-avls lui.l re tusiu at reti 4 IM nun niiiK V c'.l!.en ..J ( itiHioi. re 'por'cd that he as hiiulliix lumber to I the ut that place. The otllceiH lien- were advlMsl Ust jnlcht that a man had been kllbil nitir , ( lilllinoioi, tint ihey were not requent 'ed lo tut out and make an arrest, Tlx1n learned Cli 111 to lielieve that ttU" H1I1J idei was omuilllisl In Davidson coun jt. Jus! aeioss th Kontvlh line. Later Report ! Thi afii riioon Inforniatioii came ti llo1.ier session' 111 mi lium I ill mi' ruei i uiai mil- 'e stated lo a friend yesterday tlKit i lie pmpoM , to kill I Lulu before nun jset. The party to whom lie niadf the I threat rep orTi-d It to Davis, who wan l.oln C " 18 WILL BE be in charge of Messrs. lto'.an nut ' Ikisii i. Ilea! !, Two eleer and w.di 'awake yuiiim nun They cperi o n for liin-liiess. t:ie midd'a' of .i.,t nary or Hist ot Kebruary. ' ' Uoliali 1.. Heard, the senior iiieaioe; of the tirin. n-ciliT returned t:or:( Africa, whi le he spent seveia! y.a:.. ! holding a hhI position in thai I ','Oimtiy. Mr. llasil Heard, his f i rut h , it, has been with .Mr. W. ('. WrUii. ! for seveial years and is a line sales, man, lie wilt remain with Mr. Wi'lpta' j until January. an I i an, I the Hut! luri'ed sixteen refln- I'l-lillsv haliia ami Ohio, which their' crude oil throjmh The 'I s pipe lines, to sell to the d i bus iimliuitinr; coni . !i- li.iin. and (iuiiid Secretarv II. II V.d ha.iliiiu lumber 1.i avei home. a i in rs' Pre? -Wall I iff arrival xpcrls. ' S -iiie. to in tli'' Herman 'iiii.ui states lie. Ii ;i roused ''.ins will he lo.'iin aieiied ''k of I he lUDn wTcn in lu v . ttiiuniiLU uniLL.ii ; nnntciMP lu J Ul IIIUIIIU III I FINLAND FEMED : el Sheri If -elect James Zinlar was ask ed tcxlay if he had named his depu ties. He replied that he had not and would not make his appointments un til after he was sworn lu on the first Monday in December. There is some speculation as to who will be jailer. The ixisition is n Kood one paying, ii is estimated. tl.r,oi) or $2,0oo a year. Mr. 0. V. Hau lier, son-in-law of the new sheriff, has held, the place under Sheriff Aispautth ;"' to si ilior-jf ir two years and ii Is said that he ''," ' -f unjust j is- an applicant for ri-appolii'nu-iir. :;s ii: Aniet icani Constable Hutchins ann peir.aps oth Hv. i phase ufjers would like to have the job. , ' dl' H ''' ill vest 1. I . - JUDGE WARD S RULING fl)v' Puhlialiers' Press.) HKUSIXCKORT. Nov. If..-Fears of ;t p-itera! upt'isins Fin land are ealertaiii, ,1 by 'he authorities as liic tesii.i o: uise,-i, ,m iii'i'i,-"! of aims smuthd into the country.! It is known arms hav laen supplied to many M-a-atrs. The Miuaii.n is considered eiilicai. of Ital. iKh. Thv: address of wel conn Tie sday Iiinht was made by It. K. Smith, of (ireeiistioio l.iMlae No. Itit, ami the :i, lj Li rand Master Stevens The second annual mei'iliiir of the Fariiicts' lhx.leciUe A -social ion wil: be held in this city Flirlav, and may i-ontlliue into Sill ill itav Coll .1. S, Cnil himihuM, the president, and I'nd. J M. SliaiX', the secit-t'iry, have made every etTot' to make the meetiuu a t.iicci ss. Special rates over the tall roads and at tie Jiotep; have hi en hi cured. It is proposed io have a num ber of tubacc;) st irane lumses similar lo Those uieil by cotton growers' a aoeiatlun, in which to store the ; , baceo and the fanners be lonm-d mon ey on It Instill'! of solllim at a time muijwhen the uric U lo. will be rendered ut the Acad-'my chaisj f;,oi(:e Wilson, the nemo who was iTlilay nlKlit. X.ivemtier ll.ih. a! Xlsliu, ..M nida. bv I'ollreimui Skeens. is In a serious condiilori at the hospl till, where he waH carried Immediately li i.- ..iik. d that i he Standard sells subsiaii lal'y a'l lain icatinj; oils lo the iiiilroiii - at 3 in lmi per rent more 'iiati tin iiid'i pendents ask, but the railroads pay It willingly to net the trust's business. This ammtut lo re-ba'iiijt CONCERT BY THE Davis thai. I. I'd tlie jrty who KavM htm the Information, but kukl that he proise !, ciwilliuie haiillllK lullilx-r. As Davis passetl tlui house of Weaver In l ie afternoon h1' di.siv.verivt Weav er siltiiiK lown on the road able, hold iiiK a shot mm Davis lulled off ti Ik wuifoii, on tin- opnrst(. sldu of Weav er and bi-Kned Hie Initer llol to sluxit. Weaver II red, hut Dm Is dodKe.l ainj Uie load mismsl hlni. Davis then drew a pistol and shot Weaver three timen. Weaver arose mid dlarted' to tll house, but fell in his yard, whew un eKplusl. Tim decen eii, leuvett a wife aud one soli Davis lu ulK a. limn vif taiuUy, The followii'tr proRram of o'ehx-k. Admission vMI be HT. cents; children under la yi ars 10 cents: Program. Overture- Schansf rled Pa'!.. March Hon Ha tlalllni. VoetiS The QuillliiK I'ailv. Waltzes Italian NlKhts-Tobanl. Ikiritone Solo - When the Swallows Homeward Fly - AM. March- -Washington Crraj stiraful- I, WARRANT FOR ROCKEFELLER. UTS ICTIDI Sev 1 1 I II Df - I X..v The 1 cision I Court, '. -.1 is.! th-ii- suit i Tin i iupa n tin Stiprenie of Jiuiye Court .sustains the de Ward, of the Sup. rior in the case of Jones et a. vs. Coniminsitmers of Stokes county. ciiS" was arirned before .I'iuk ' Wind in iiis city am! aci-ordlni; to bis rulitiK Sauraiovvn and Meadows mwn- ..iiy I It iiistat i t In i i 1'les;- I'-i- a r ptop " and, '.- eon ships ill Stokes. ran hereafter use the tax voted to the buildim; of thi ol,! Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley rail road for road and school purposes, hut the tax voted to the Koanoke South ern road, now owned by the Noilok it Western, must c mtinue to he paid to the owners of the railroad bond.-. I FISH TRUST HIS III MEET Heod of Standard Oil Trust Indicted With Other Prominent Men For Alleged Violation of Valentine Ant. Trust Law. K1XD1.AY. 0.. Nov. If, -Tin. rand jury- made its r i -t't today won ml ini' e: in. nts wh'cir wik I' made puhlla uiilil torn ri ,w Sheriff droves left 1'imlley t an i r is Ulliier-liiod he M 'k with warrants to: 'he per .:i Indiete.!. Tin' ch :k "f tin court a-'lm i ' t I ilia indie' in. 'His had ! a reimii.-d auair,.- several prominent men. lb' !!: however, to .ulve names. sm;:m infornia'iou coiil-l n"' ''' mud. pi ninil tomorrow. Prosei'iitor David s'a'nl ha ir; and jury ha I vo'e I an iti 'ir'i aainsl John t. It' k' le'.le: mi ,-hars'e t vli.iat'l.S 'he Vn.eiil.ii. :. Mr. David s'a" no .iH.tiitil wrmld In- 1 Kockefel'ej- to coin.- I Hie !,ee,ise .I'''. iv elltel, d probate Si'leetioii llohi'iniaii Cirl Ilalfe. Hour Star' lnh I Morse. March Col. Korisevejt's Hough ilid- rs l.aun ndeau. Vocal The He-.e Dell Crosby- RlHIt. Cornet $.,: - Love's Old Swe.-t Sonn Mollor March- I.. i Fiiia Itoncov lore. The hoy , have he.-n working faith- njm , iniiy ami ar port, tei '. y ourself after the slnxniiiK The neuio was ish)t. Ill tli.- hark and as a result his 'body and limbs below the hips urel paiaiyzed The phyalriaiiN think hisj lis'.very is doubtful. The iu ki ,hv- : I he, are vety much lnr nsi d over thej ! hhorniii?. The in irro had been arrest ! jed on s ue charm- and a.-i beimr car ned to Ut caialxHihe when the in-jjro attempltsl :' rwae. The otllcer shot. at Hie HeeillK IK Kl - . hrillKlllK 1 1 1 tit to the ground with a hole In his hack The annual chr stititlienium show, which Is Elvell this year hv Hie ladies of SprhiK (larden Street M K church , tlx-nan ibis moiiiimr. The show U , j i 111).' held in the old diuitiu mom i I of 111 iilllford Hotel. The- are always greatly even'.! s. I, 'hat lil.r Me I nr in ll ap t r n r A km w MM i-t!U-l II, ever, tha' io cotnis-i :io n,l,. ( lllio ;-es :- I': p. I if I ' -it's .1 Mil, til -1 lent 1-ake Cleve- i i'-t:oii of 'mpl-.vees '-- II is " "f i. a (By Publishers' Press.) rtOKTnV Mass. Nov. la. A trust has appeared.' It is said that a! the larKe concerns of Iloslon and Hl'M cester will co-operate under a '"i'" rate charter, capitalized at $.V Th;- couipany will cstabllsli a dryltiK and curing factory for tht em trade. had all' ;e him in th vious anon aiti Coniia:i; . Mr. Duvid (ISO Ul I i 11. II 1 oil I lis'.i iliefn -n's 1 1 a v i all hrotiLii: Into ' hunts ' th Idel OlIH-alilllee .art I'n a Siairlar has enjoyed bv the .le.M-rvincr of your sup-;. ,,..1,. ,,( ,1.1. ..Ij. AlllOllU the aiif- tiear them and enjoy r,, (r( filI(,y W()lk 1)tl HU.(. u a i,,,,,,,. j made handkerchief which was sent " 'by Mrs. Wil'iiiui Jeiuilims Itryan. of Nehi aska. The nieinheiH of Hie Women's Chi is jtian Temperance I'nlon of the city .have a iiioveineni on foot io i-reci a j handsome public fountain to the in.-in 'ory of Mrs, C. C. (iorre'.l, who at one ; time was liieslibnt of the Stale a jwadation of the W. ('. T. V . I; will ! co-it a hundred dollars or more and I will hi- a handsome fountain In even j way. Tie- board of lennen will be a"keil lo selis'l the slle Spciir-cr lllackbuni. who Is In Vanh uiKton, teiin his tnsiblen to a reporter of the Italtlmore Hun. Hear hint: ' The DeliioernU made a NVNteniutlo steal of i he election from me, Tht-f .started In thus- weeks before the elec jtlon to I ran M-ri Ix Hie reKlst ration : books and voied Iemocr.nii ludlserlrn Unatily, of whether they had paid their poll tax. while many Ke pub'lcaie, who had puld their poll tax were 110: allowed vote, 'fh tiitlon (,f Noil'i Caiollna pro vide that no one in Notfh Carolina may vote until he has paid his poll tax, and the lav it the KUite roipilnx that the tax must be paid before May 1 of eaeb yiar, Th. re are other allcifai loan 'lhat will t,e made n cMinirllou with .Hie content Hint I lilt"! d to umke, Ji, 'one district 111 which had Heveiltf majority Ihey Muffift the ballot Ixu ho as to make all the votes in that jbox IIIcurI. It Is claimed that my oo l;iii.nt was ilecied by Htvwit TOO ma jjorlty If the election had been 0 ,d ictil fairly, would have lud gt . leas: I 7'i majority." IP.v I'tildishers' Pre-.) SINCAPoHK, Straits Settlements, i Nov. IJ - A : iun of terroi ex la's here as a iisiilt ,.f violent rioting on the part of Chines., clans. The flithtiiiK for, I'te-r Dili11 . been rouiinui'd at fn-rpi.-nt inter for r , !r i IM A mis-Tin of tho.-e in'.-n s'.-d in vi ral mnK. i-.norts to queir ma(l, :,. o,,ui, ...c. i i . iiiiki.i. s.s J.s til ,i S, .Ol'l- ' ,,i , ; -.1 ii.ils'ii in 'ii ,-moii i i r, 1 1 , nuns, harm,,- munc nas ceas.t, ar(nll f ;, ast but weather otlle ' wh' tell, . ' iin a New Adverti-emenU. , loniiin- Saturday, Nov I ii.d niht, Helen (;,ani',y '-w York siicci',s. "Tin Lady." s'i' liev, ere Will Not Attend Conference. Mrs, Scab s. ot j.i ah s i here CI 5 DIVIDEND I Remains of Mr.. Knott Arrive. j The remains of Cicero Knott, who was kU!M in 'Salisbury Tuesday niKh: ! bv a Kliifliiiir enirine on the Southern I yard, arrived here this alterinx.n. ac 'ronipanied by Messrs. W. M Knot' I nn, I i-o.L- i ...I well son and sou in law. ! respectively, of dis eased. The lni.l'. was removed' to the home in Fail view s.iow i Immediately after its arriva' 'Hi'' i; ' ,.; of 1' -d ';ia' lie We s.llfl ! I io lav Mr S- M. 1-1 en would ii' evti .Vol" t ' 1 1 r : 1 1 1 1 u tn lie; who is pi I; lit Spiay. s lie ilbie lo .,.!.' Carolina M ssioii a' M- Ai 7 mat in ' he I An Little ihavi J prov; Hi s Driin S'or, Qu, . than price. ik ('. Iliown The CroMett life's walk easy. il's .ti Druic t o Hot rhorV.ate tint milk, not h )t wa-i reforina'o, y was set tot- ill the Iticlemeiil (ioh'sined nn'il a are a number oi in Hi.- move men' will be made hy Ihilu to ilex' .-i.'is'aiiiri' nisi, a loll for such an institution. 'he meciiiix was later day. Then fM-op' inleiesled effort the Idin : RELIEF FUND GRAFT , - (Hv Publisher' pri-n.) j WAHIIINHTON. Nov la WaHhltit iton officials of the American NatloiiaJ j Keil Cross aie Ignorant of the ml siji- ilit; shoe T with I lewe'ry l- n -Je nry fo FULLY DISCUSSED propi ial Ion of funds at San Fraiiclsio They douhr 1 1(. bo, ty. Miss Marnd lliiidniau sei'i'etarv ot Hi'" woeMy, says about $ri,iMii(,ii(i a, coilectixl by 'he socoiv for the teili-f of San Frali i Is'o MiflererH and that about $J.'ifti. ins! of this huh had hi en HpTit. Kvry do'lar of Hie jM-nli''iie has ln--n nr. urinieil for ihi'ineh ruelpt, and Vo'l'liiTK at 'he di -pat ineui ure 'he accounts are a id:'!-,!, tie a)k. Work Begun on New Church. '.nil 1 s, S, Co, I I lie Mel io r lie in the S' ranters isht in ! ternient will Stand- i graveyard. nidetul! ; purer. j Physicians and Fees. The Forsyth Medical Assoma' will likely aRree iiim a schedule of fees. One member, 't1 Sitid. Iijecls to the rates pi'l and for this reason the f".' i has not been nettled. It will likely h of III' l.ei a aw a i!, 'he new I! church a' the Spriim s' r- - ,- The ll'-W tio 1 ," lie OtlC "f Xit.i on's Drue Store- Hot d be..i and la'es'. ' Reid Tomorrow the '" '-uie at 11 p. m. iioacuer uro - AH linens purchased at this ellis'itched free orf Clear S:.-in I l worn free each Sa'tudav nit'!,- 1'iks! NKW YOltK. Nov. If. Whiskey Jund ronsumptlon fol'ow 'he American It' d j ll.i,; and the WliP" TI.H statemi n ) from F. W Daniel, of Aumln, 'I'ih.i.i -ai.-j ej.-ciiifli ik the inn-niai iiiial ('on- FIRE FIENOS 1 STILL IT I L'r. ss on in le-ie, 1 1 iillst inn Tubert u!, sis, I hIjv , to di the Fed.tal which Is ue i vim- means f government (P, ) of ten i llMle ltd f- A'l' W, r,,i Hi nier. a .!:'. are ! f" llil-ellie Com" .a Hie was here trip lotion an.ii larhaiii t'li I. ''I introduced at the next nicetiim ansoclatlon. W lliu-ii.i it to Ml Aif' ei, ce. Marriage at Walnut Cove. M r T. Ilrandon of this riiv, and M,--' Maine Solomon, of Walnut Cove, wif uiti'id in marriaite a' the home of i.e la'tcr ia-t uit'lii. Mr. and Mrs. ( Li. in dun iiiilvi-i h, ,. this af't'inoon. Ire, will reside with the j'rooin it r.roihi-r, Mr. H M P.rauiion, on llroad I hcliUmr; ta- M'hile plattm- "('oiis'irup it Ion is not contan ioun Inn U i-oiuinun, j i at i v -," Daniel said, "and a fe.-li,. ' coii'Mtu'loii is llah'e to ai'y ,11.-. ,; . j tha' may be inherit, d. bir ln'iercuio :sis call never be t ra ii still I d Iroui pa , rent to child " Pubhslii-i V Pri I - NKW YOltK, Nov If, -;, Idly con mi' lin-etnliai i-in (1 1 1-leu; who lu a iHi'i-k llted tlllr'eell 'hlckl) ! le0li ,ts Ke' (lie t,, t,i more i-ir!) 'this inornlui! following the custom of iiriiitlnit !eti-r boxen in hallwaya. Th- b'a,e w,ih en tlll'ili-dieil Without 11111(0 I d.ltllile Miiis Inez, daiiirhter of Mr. an. Fn' N Day, who has bei n i'l typhUd fever, In eouvaletceni Mrs ' Miss I'anii iia ii h afti rnooii from I Htindy ft! iKe It) t, mil returned 'his l sit to lelu'iveis at

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