rWINCIT DAILY SEN :ir. :7'nrnKrn tele IIILUIIUU, i r n fNSTOSAmi, WEDXEsSXTSlNG, NOVEMBER I W Were Beat ' seriuus!y r'-jed. Tnn C ty Sent Cifa- On M e ana graphic items q nil 1 1 1 n l n 1 1 n r W ur.i mm mm UBPOENA 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS S ISSUED TO DISMISS TBEHlii5sa M from Greensboro S3iy Backed. (Bv Publishers' Press ) WASHINGTON. X,)V. 21.--M .. Louisa Monchear. H ytars o'U. d.cmh-: ter of Baron Moncheuf, minister ;o the United Slates, is ill with pneum.:--r.ia. contracted at her appearance at ' her step-sister's wedding, her first s ,- i cial event. She is m,i expected io! live. j Wn,,Bn,S!rVed " SKindjrd ,t to Follow President's villus uiia uDsia ijry Companies Todav. !r,i:n !ay-f' Urn-- j iho '' sfihe cats '-sstaiat'tl ' 4ttbai :(3t3 e',"'.1 No. 2."i'b : drei'lis .If.ix, the lie. eiiing a ;liat turn nous in mo hi ATLANTA. Ca., Nov. 21. Mrs. je becca. Douglass Lowe Hunter, wife v, the N w York magazine proprietor, is ciiticaliy ill at Hot Springs, Ark. Tin family front Atlanta was called to the bedside. She is suffering from pneu monia. She is the leader of women's . I clubs of Georgia and a social favorite. These On Rockefeller ard Several Other Officers To Be Se r,ej New York and Cuhers In Var.0L, States Vre Subsid.ary Firms and Cor rations Are Doing Business. Orders About Negro Troops at Once. rpo Illy ! UMTS. 21 - to t '1 U;: till t of ;!'. .,-i Red - 'a-x w a -ptcial to frei'K M attend the . Ha an Sl'FFOLK. Va.. Nov. 21 A big '' ipcanutcavention, th first ever he ,ot icaril- n,,,f here at luvon t.ufov aw......i,'i...i delegates from eleven counties in Vir ginia and North Carolina were pi, . ent. According to statistics these coun ties produce seven-eoliths of th: world's crop. ck was it lit re :ei-ies;- ,is js'.n-Tis .;'). t! ,!:) iiu I Lock- nil nil ("apt. to lie used , mail, bas ic regular s aft moon t wreck. ctpd an,! t ruins may jis before tomorrow i liih the resolution i Jil.-teria! .V-sscia-ij anting Motiilay. Jttii to ,e;se plans Irvine- of Thanks- n Tw.i.-t r , nu t. in atoriiim yesterday J. A. Hopkins, pas- ras church, preside! d the chairman wa raw committees to wchants ami niaiitt- lifit that they clnse sines, all clay Thins- .1 in observance of Sj:no I'rcsid, at and iiismiiii; io Al iiifi.:d blessings i'-'wl upmi the pco- i. ''far; also to give e opiK-rluiiity to at- services at the va- ish. 'telui i.inu ii; ,l,e against the S'anda sem j,,,;.,, liv lu-nt coin-, The w ,-;t j IV h'K l.ofeller an, ..,;x i i'l S.0 tn the ITli'e,! S' ! ul New V S;i,,. Isov nty one porioratlon,- ships w:l: go ,,, .iiffeie jtricu is New Y. ii,. ()hi ; "'' N".v. .lei s. v Kan.-- Tile . ,.: .; l'''iilic di! (oiiiptinit I hue. Pn t'"iiip. I'nit,,; for 1 1, V. r i Ui i ud Program for N.C. Day Selections to Be Used in Pub lic Schools of the State on That Occasion. JS 11LE foe Sentinel.) h- Nov. hi. -The ?the CoiurcKation ft'iit ami I'niled P illio im l,,l.. . . l file, A .lrK0 3;!s'ers of 1 1,,, "N is h-iu- lu ,i 'iie projeri. The " I'loKH x 101 ";,'"ihl,iiiuii (if u, ' be km.wn -o Rile the 1 "i'-'lib'r.-:!;,, of w- o:...,,r the - f!.iiicl,, s i ,,, Dead The following program has been ar ranged for North Carolina Day in the public schools of the State: The Old North State (William Gas ton.) Charles Duncan Mclver ( William Charles Duncan Mclver. A Sonnet (William C. Smith.) Charles Duncan Mclver. A Sktlch (ft. D. W. Connor. i The Coronach Si,- WaK?r Sco'.t I Charles D. Mclver As I Knew Him (J. Y. Joyntr.) "He Died Poor That Ho Mlghi Mi. re Others Rich" (Josephus Daniels. ) America (S. i". Smith). Stories of Charles D. Mclvtrf.l. Y. foyner.) Southern Educatioin! Polirties (Charles D. Mclver.) Ho! For Carolina (William B. liar-rell.) Europe A ftcr the Standard Italy Latest European Coun try to Join Crusade Against the Oil Trust. (By Publishers' Press.) FtO.MIC. Nov. L'l -The standard oi, I Co. and its officials are to be foiiubl vigorously in Kurope. The Italian gov erninent has given the final iniepi tie to the movenitiit by joining the con ... lent rauon against tne oil combine Italy -Intends lo abolish the di ty or crude petrob uni which has enable' .Rockefeller to control the Italian mai kit. This will allow- a conibinatioi planning to exploit Russian oil io uu. i uie American concern. Train M Slirnimho IU 34 of Heart Today. " "Airi-i ' Crni. Pa 111" oi, the T r'l Win-, on- " He u-,. "t a ft !0- of Jll.-t t-'h ud at '"aeked r-snlted .'1. oi t i v in "Mile (Special to The Sentinel.) GREENSBORO, Nov. 21. The ac tion of Prof. J. Y. Joyner, Stale Super intendent of Public Instruction, in de clining the office of president of the Stale Normal and Industrial College, t'aused a surprise to his friends here. It had been generally believed that be would accept the position. B- fore the matter was officially taken, up by the board Mr. Joyner said1 that, he could not accept the place. Speaking of the matter he said it might seem presumptuous for him to decline a position that had not been offered to him, but he believed it to be the prop er course under the oirciimstanci s for Iihii to take; while his heart, was in the work at the Normal, he felt il his lnty to go on with the work he had commenced-; that county superinten dents throughout the Stale bad writ ten him not to resign his present posi tion, and that after giving the subject careful consideration he had decided 'o remain whore he Is. The board then discussed the mat ter and ended by deferring the elec tion until next June, appointing Pro fessor Koust acting president for the current year. A resolution was also passed em powering Professor Fotist ' and the executive committee to appoint a teacher to take charge of a part, of Hie work now being done by Profes sor Foust. After the meeting a nieiii her of the board of trustees said that 'he affairs- of the college are now in excellent condition tinder the direction of Professor Foust. The Inter-S-tate Convention of the Young Women's Christian Association wll he held in this city from Thurs day of this week until Monday. mppiicauon for Mod.fict:on 0f the Order Denied By President and Sec retary 0f War Saya He Will Pro ceed u unce To Have The Order Car ried Out. O'v I'ublishers' rreas ) WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. Tafl this morning announce,.! that he had or duel im:i:. ,!i.itt. vxecullou f J'm si- ilenl Roos, .;fs order dismissing the i.egro trot 1 1 This action was taken, be explain 1 as soon as he returned !-- r and allied that Mr. Hot sevei' lmo ricclio-n that he would not ie cotisiiler the case. WVSHINGTOX. Nov. 21. Secreta ry Tn' t today made the following an ii "U unent explaining his determine ;ion t,, carry out the urd 'r dismissing 'In t oiored soldiers of the TwcnU til'tli In faulty: 'Tu nutter of order discharging en si a men ol three companies issued by the president, application was pre sented In the Secretary of War by u -iiiiiib'-i of p. rsons of standing asking for re heating by pie:blent f grounds which the action was taken. Ttu ?ei! clary telegraphed the president of the application and1 delayed the 1 iocee,.igM ,,f discharge imti t. I're-iduit could indicate his wishes. Hie secretary was in the meantime ailed away. No answer was received .'mm the president. The secretary on lis return did not feel justified in 'mi her delaying execution of the or lei, especially in view of the fact that be secretary learned that the tesl bnt had fully and exhaustively com eh red arguments against tho order d the persons wh, now apply for re icaring. Accordingly the secretary lirected Tuesday that the proceeding's or discharge he continued without dc av. Thi h, in, Mrs. tiea i; ill aftenioi i of the M-el- K NX 1 fn", li-mie c REAKS ! o'c'.xk 'Ii p.i ' in. Mr the r. 1 Big Leaf Sales on the Local iMarket This Week. .il W.o-i. it in n. a ce'"iia, -: ; ilt Sales Today Lasted Par InU The Af ternoonHeavy Sale Will Proba bly Continue Throughout The Week Large Number of Wagona Loadea With Tobacco Cam In Ytittrtfay and Lait Night, d. the (MP r,1 -: t i Kemer Kvnn Shore, of Winston, in,! lis Bessie Maie Nissen. of Waugh towri. The parlor where the ceremony tixk place was aitistleally decorat- i 111 white and green, graceful Southern smilax festooning windows, and ar ranged on cluu.laiicr and mantel. Here also were taT vaes of lovely white ctu saiithiimmis and ferns In the front parlor a pretty arch of white and green had teen erei-ted In finnt of a dainty altar, while mispend "d from tiiU arch whs a lovely white draped ud the) mercrxints jn'port rxrillnt trade. rns- IVnibl miU wero on alt day and It iipi'nni now that the aurthm.-cr trill The sales on the kwnj tolmcco mar hot yesleiday iiu) toly er much l!K-r than they have been alix- th big break a few iHkt agii. Indie ti.ins pdnt to big breaks throughout the week. Al! day yesterday and laxt ntsht w.isoiih loade-il with the Inm pnraairt rf.itilMwliK, l)nethwu. anno,! . u,' .". wnirn tne nrMe and grooni k!,n1. At , ,tre-ta Hie rear of the arch was a profusion of palms, uitted planu an I fe which fni nied an effective background' (By Publishers' Press.) Bl'DAI'KST, Nov. 21 An epidemic of poisoning has b( en brought to linhl in the village of Knox. The disclosures are made that probably a score of ill- mated husbands and wives weie mm - dered by this disease. In formal ion led the authorities to the examination ot 2.") bodn s and arsenic, was found in thirteen. Four women were arrested for murdering their husbands and nine men are accused of killing theie wives. and New Advertisements. John L. Uriel. Tailored suits overcoats. Meycrs-Wcstbrook Co Winter nulls' and shoos. Fred X. Day Wedding presents, two tills., second ' and eighlli pag" s. 1). S. Reid Fine china and cut glass for weddings. Rosciibaeher Ai l!i o Linens at a saving of fully one-third. J.. I. Xewmaii Calls attention to complete slock of seasonable Iliclchail While Star Co -K. Robinson C -Supper menu, ilhing economy . CH.ARGE Of MURDER Sheriff Dorsett, (,f DavldHon county, iisi liiglit, arrested Spencer Davis and anied him to Lexington to answer to 'he charge of killing Hugh Weaver, mar t ieinmons. last week. Davis pleads self-defense. He is the onlv living witness of the tragedy. Accord ing to his story he was passing the home of Weaver when the latter, who was sitting near the mad side, fired upon him. Davis then shot Weav ( r with a pistol, firing three thnes,. two balls taking effect. On the Sick List. Mr. Kd. Rotbrock, the clever night watchman at the municipal building. Is quite sick. He came home nick a few days ago from his vacation, spent in Davie county. His comNtlon Is such that the attending physician has ad vised that he b'- sent, to tho hospital. Policeman Bryan is off duty on ac count of the serious Illness of one of lis children. to the picture. Io the .strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin, skilfully played by .Mr. wand, the htldal partv entered the room. The two dainty little How er pins. Misses lli b-u Nlssen, sister of the bride, and Helen Shore, sister of the groom, citine down the Uhir aisle formed of white ribbons. Then came .Miss Cora Panulll, of Greens boro, the maid of honor, gowned. In white silk "en princes.-," and large black picture hat. Next was the dame of honor, Mrs. .1. F. 1'eiin. of Greens- rjoro, wearing an elegant costume of white net over silk, with hat and Klovt-B to match. Next came the Kiconi. Mr. Shore, accompanied by his best man, Mr. Kemp Baltic. The bride entered with her brother. Mr. W. R. Nlssen. She was looking very pretty in a golngawiiv gown of dark blue cloth with hat and gloves to match, and carrying an exquisite bou quet of while bride's roses. During the ceremony, which was I performed by Rev. K. S. Crosland. "The Angel's Serenade," by Broga, was softly and sweetly played by Mr. Bland, after which, while congi -imitations were bolng showered upon the happy couple, Mr. Bland played the "Wedding March," by Mendelssohn. The guests were then Invited Into the dining room, whose prevailing tone of red and while was most effec tively earned out In lovely red and white carnations. Here a most ele gant ie veil course dinner was served la the library was a most beautiful display of presents. The couple leave on the five o'clock train for an extended trip. The out-of-town guests were Miss Cora Panulll. of Greensboro; Mrs. T G. Penn, of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs Henry Shore, of K"niersvllle; Mm. Susan E. Hartmaii and daughter, of Atlanta, Ga ; Miss Fdith Cranor, of North WllkeslKM-o; Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Nlssen, of Woodland, Cab; and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Shore, of Kast Bend. The Fries power plant, on the Yad kin river, which was shut down Mon day al noon on account of high water, was put In operation again this morn ing. lie called iiion to seven hours dully Rev. C. P. M'Xire, pastor of North Asheville Melhodlht church, spent yes terday and Inst, night hero with friends on bis return from the an nual conference at ML Airy. Before entering the ministry Rev. Mr. Moore practiced law In this city. Misses Anna and Cnro Buxton re turned this afternoon from an extend ed pleasure trip lo Kurope. MOST always ens ut J. T. fresh eggs Joy 'tier's. and chirk- THE MOTH AND THE FLAME. THE CARUSO AFFAIR (Special to The Sentinel) BERLIN, Nov. 21. America is a and of barbarians who do not appre ciate art and cannot comprehend blth nulcrt artists and American ar tists and 'American police are worse then those of Russia Is the opinion of Oerman artists passed upon New ll ! Yorkrtl-C honnncu, f Mm un-ext Of Ctl' "iso, the tenor, for alleged annoy; ance of a woman in Central Park. A ; meeting of literatems, painters, nin-i-Clans and philosophers was held today to act upon Caruso's arrest. few iaW"i 1 ' i'"'i" " i.iin-1 in m.i i hi ' - - - 1 " I mama . i , i "" aHaMHMMMBWttJHaaMJ r 11 Jaminon in Pittsburg Ditpa'ch. rry out" alx or throughout the wetk. The preMtit Inflm la due to tho ex treme warm weather, which prevent the farmers keeping their iv good condlilon. The quality of tlw wed Is K'XMl, the offertiiRM consUtllig' mostly of medium grade. Considering the warm weather the weed la In very Kood shaiH", and prices ar holdlns their own. In many cas incretisfa are noted. There Is a scarcity of very fine wrappers, 'which are bringing un usually high prices. SUIT OVER LAWYERS FEE IN FISHER CASE Suit has lioon Instituted la Guilford Superior Court lo wt asld the) award made to Col. John N. Staples as attor ney for Capt. H. J. F1her, decerned. In tho case against the Greensboro Water Supply- Co. The Record ay that thin suit arose over a dlsput be tween Col. Staples and the represfiit lives of the Fisher estate a to the lea churned by him In tho aald case. Thll (HspulB was Kiibniltted to rbitra.tou and ex-Judge R. C. Strudwlck was ao- lected by tho representative of the Flher estate. whll Col. Staple chota Hon. Clement Manly, of Wlnwtan-0- Icm. I'lsin bearing the tctUmooy lu the case the two arbitrator! could not reach an agreement, ant R. D. Hold, of Weirt wwrth, was aeiected a u:l- plre. Mr. Held, together With M-. Manly, awarded Col. Staples 7,60(), al lowing him $!too which had prevlomly bi"eii paid to him, Judge Strudwlck, at arbitrator, not signing tho award. C. A. Bray, as trustee of tho estate of B. J. Fisher, dewtuted, through hla counsel, Siedmau 4 Cooke, ha now biought milt to act aside the award. BRIEFS AND PERSONALS. Rich Mrs. R.J. Reynolda and Mrs. D. left this morning for Baltimore. Clement Manly went Ut Grocnbon today to look after some professional business. Col. and Mrs W. A. Dlalr returned this afternoon from a pleasure, trip IQ New York and Philadelphia. The brick work on the big addi tion to the Vance Iron Works wa ! gun yesterday by Foglo Broe. Co. Two car loads of betf cattle pann ed through hero today. Thr were shipped front North WUkeitbo-ro to Raleigh. Mrs. I. C Adair and MUa Knilly Taylor, of Richmond, Va.. who have leen visiting their brothers, J. p. and W. B. Taylor, returned homo today. -Miss Ophelia fiillllim and Mr. John Ii. Reich will be milted in mar rliiKO this evening at 1 o'clock at lh home of tho bride' parentu in Waugll town. A beet that, Ix'ttt any beet that the wrltiir ever suw is now ott exhllil tlon a( the postofflce by Clerk Martin L. Lancaster, of Falrvlew. It weighs eight pounds. A fish car, sent out from Wash ington by Hie department, Is expw-ted here tonight or tomorrow. Assistant Postmaster Vance will get a supply t stock bis jxiiiil on bis farm near Guth rie. Mr. Henry Tesb, of Arcalla, Dfv vidson county, was brouuht to the lum pital here yesterday. He waj ofieraled upon by Drs. HHhnwiii, Pfohl and Zim merman for aipend1clts. His condi tion Uxlay Is deckVdly favorable. Tho woik on the foundation for the Brown Memorial church has been slarte! by Foglo Bros. The Brown Me morial church will be built of red pressed brick, fnrnlihed by the Nor fleet Hardware Co. -f)r J. Thomas Wright run his automobile Into a telephone pole on South Liberty street, near tho Salcin Iron Works, last evening. The front of the machine was badly damaged. It was making good time when the auto collided with the pole. Dr. Wright as thrown out of the wit, but es caped Injuries ALL THE fruit cake want at Joytier'a. materials you