rWli-lTY DAILY SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23." 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS m Him They 'jgWho Has Operating 1 Fr Be .Sf He Fir" iHt hjs A Msion j ,..t r le-inse GITIZENS BANQUET AT ZINZEDDORF T0NI9HT- The citizens' banquet under the an pices of the local Y. M. C. A. will be I held In rhe palm room of the H,v,.; I Zinzendorf tonight at S:15 o'clock. A large number of representative titi ! steps will be present on this occasion. ! Brief after-dinner siteeches will !. TWEfJTY-THR EE LIIIES I LOST PEARY ARRIVES jm to ie SAFE AT SIDNEY me COPESS I! INVESTIGATE Terrific Gale Wednesday and, His Ship, the Roosevelt. Puts mursday on Great Lakes Does Much Damage. mil cle to be Riven at thei nude by Governor Glenn. Mi. bins-, of Washington. y c.; Rev T. Durham, of Charlotte, and Dr u:iy. i i .vVPr-"1 ,. ! . I. T.- r 'Iicp .- h:;s : . , ; house r.M. in Wa'-; '.f.llll.a sniikeu-j .;i,Ier(.i!. undersized ! CttVtt !'!) cigar-1 f . , f;om 'K ', :;, ... '.o ! ;:! ',. j,. The : is :t :i con-V,:- ix'i'i'e , j pi of tilt irrinill fl jIHUIIlbv IT SPENCER; I t NEWS ITEMS REPORTED FROM STATE CAPITAL In Add.t.on To Loss of L.fe Much Property Damage Was DoneOne of The Worst Storrrj of Its Kind In Recent Years Brief Detail of the Disaster. in. Disabled, at Nova Scotia n Port. Commander of Arctic Expedition Is Given An Ovation Peary Leave Today For Short Butinett Trip To New York Mr. Peary Joined Him At Sydney. ! The ra:,i.!: M.nmna; Huiuimc thi , possible That It Will Inquire no? a; s ociotii piom;s"s so ue a, imw ! rir-,.r. f j enjoy able one. Some of the best ial-j Is on the ptxv at 1 In store Into Negro Troops. I Hi I 'ius an,; is:i-te vt'coi. .-he Tie Sen:"'U i r-a party oficials made a for- hp-r yes'iruiy anti- 1 iwr of inspection. ,i C. li. Allien, ,r ami sei:ral mm- r, genera .-uppr mini (Special 1o The Sentinel.) Jan-at lak, n.lCMi-II V, -".. .i:f -rf...r '"M n.-L.i.iiiii, .... .lujuitm ueu- eral T. R. Robertson, of the North Car olina National Guard, issued a com mission today to Dr. Duval Jones, of New Bern, as assistant surgeon for jthe North Carolina Naval Brigade. A charter is Issued tor the Beaul'ort jllyde Printing Co., of Bell Haven. One : thousand dollars capital Is subscribed I with George Washington Bible as the I ni-iiiriiinl inenrnoiv.itii- State Superintendent of Public In sanction J. Y. Joyner left this morn ing fr.r Charlottesville, Va.. to attend !the bis convention of educators there to consider matters pertaining to sec ondary dueation. He was accompan ied by State Superintendent .I. v. Hill, of Alabama, who has been Mr. Jayner's guest for a day or two. f trie ijinly of tne unknown man shot I to neatti Here By feen board Air Line ! Policeman II. .I. Bivens several weeks I (Bv SYDNEY Arctic si.iii t'idav. torn Pres.) Tn. :.n il l i.-- of p'o; t rti i rd of p.'ilr swei-plni; i and Thitnbnl!iit.d th i ne tost vessels are harire emdnte off Toronto, with ti men drowned: baifce Athnns sunk 41ff Sandusky, o nun lost; Paiiiiuia in Lake Siiw; ior. V' HUM Il.M. Thilt.-n d.her ei-els art- limited 1,,-t. Wcid is rectiied tliat Helfif Tailor, sieamer. lis: off MiisktKnn, Mich.: thai her nvw of I nicti weie drowm d. tacts ititer will niobulilv I'ublisht rs' Press ) N. S, Nov. 2::. Peary" ..' r Rixseveit arrived ht re mil disabli d. Mrs. Peary . .'ommander, who wn Riven JoJlUaott. .,. ovation. Pearv will New YoiW. After intending to will return and necimpa- on t rip ti) ihe m . ent iii the Twin-City j I'ram at;d a m.isical tr . f..r thn,-t who at ifti I. A collect inn will be taken after the' ! conceit. The prmeechi will he nw'tl to! jassis, the Indies work of fiirnUhlnx I the ladles' parlor. Later there will ) he an informal social, when ilnht re-i freshmt nts will be served. The public, lis cordially Invited. The following Is I the program; ! MiKuillKht Sonata I Ileshoveni Mr. 'j . Bland N.K'ht.siilck tSchmnannt-Mis 1.11-' ' 'h' Prld.Mit lit ilUmlMlnic Soma Believe Resolution On The Sub ject Will Be Introduced Chairman Hull, of Home Committee on Milita ry Affair. Confer With Secretary Taft Relative To Thu Subject. (By PiibHsheT" Vrttn ) WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Cnwtr- will, it In believed. Investigate th c- an for business hi 111 the Roosevelt leave todav ' Vo0Jl1' -As'haro'" t ll.OL.1,1 tTroferel :ir. It. : troj Oil: The ; 01 ease th in-1 casualties. AND IS WEEKLY PIPER!- t general master ma- a?o was exhumed this niorniiiir for the purpose of photographing it with a view to future identification, ar.d found to be in a remarkahlj good slate 11 i of preservation, owing largely to hv- siippiinteiKieiii of i'"S l,p"n buried in an air tight casket. ;.c,. j yi . Srai, man-: "lvc'"s ls lo ue tnen at. tne ut'comuor aspnraiimi rtt part- jterm of court and is held without bail. awinin' sirieiin- Atteniung pnysiciaus say tnis aiter- (Sp.'ci.;! to Th-: RALKKiH. Nov. T.1. if thirty-eight is phariniicist out i Sentinel.) - Eighteen applicants for license were successful In the n.Kin that the condition of .1. K. jdros. sinu-riniend- !')". e division, .mil P. 1.. I""' abdomen sk" t the Char isi a niimlicr of ot her is th3 first visit to Ackert hi'cinie gen V puny is visiting tis'i'ti: ami li ft here ;es:t;!:i! aftertMioii. tpn-ssinn, in refer- lo say that "they Tin- writer saw "'in this moni ipii'ss in t he YVa-T:,-s' Co. from the Kia The amount '"s it is known lo f sura. Being the 'itmion in the that the Wa it (' m my should ? 'I"' harrel, - 1 JFFICIAl Press.) ---It is not "'If an, vanity oi ' '"! has caused ,!-s,!iffs. accord "? P"ts, agricul- ' aa-dais insist' Deni)- of Portsniojth, who was shot in at the Johnston street station of the Seaboard Air Line by Night Watchman R. B. Parish Is as good as could well be expected. He has rather excessive fever with swell ing about the wound. They are hope ful for his recover)', but say it will he four or five days before he will be out of danger from Internal complications. To the physicians and others Denipsey made a signed' statement today to the effect that he was in the yard mas icr's office sitting on a box in the cor ner asleep when shot; thht. Rastus Parish was in the office before he fell asleep; that they were the best of friends and there was no reason why he should have shot him and that he is firm in the opinion that thi wound was the result purely of an accident. No new oases of smallpox are re ported today and the health authori ties say they think they have the situ ation well in hand. Everybody who lias in any way come in contact with the disease has been vaccinated and free vaccination is proviib-d by the city for all who desire to take this pre caution. Three cases, has thus far rt- veloped among the while people and much the most sirbus conditions ex isting among the negroes are in settle ments outside of Raleigh. examination before th,' State bonid oi iharmacy Monday, the announcement of Hie successful ones being just made. They ate Miss Mabel Bi'inllill, Bethel; W. A. Blame, North Wilkeslwro; Jeff Bruce. Marshall; I.. C. Camion, Al lien; J. W. Coppedge, (Ireenshom; A. Y. Deitz. Newton; O. P. Graver. Mor Kanton; 1). M. Gurley, Greensboro; W. A. Hall, Pavel teviHe; G. W. Hill, Wil mington; Reginald Hamlet, Raleigh; I.. M. King, Greensboro; E. W. Martin,- Wadesboro; Edwin .Vowell. Greensboro; G. L. Robinson. Lincoln ton; I). W. Tart. Dunn; H. E. Thrower, Wel.lon; .1. R. Trotter, Reidsville. I Mam lending- Republicans have ex ! pies-e.l up opinion that Congressman! 1 Bui; Mini u's threat t: Contest with I jllou. It. N, Hackilt for the hitter's! ' st-. 1 1 in ihe sixtieth congress will nev-' i r amount to anithing. Republican j State Chairman Adams is quoted as I (saving that he sees no chance for liliickliiirn to win in such a contest. K.inie of the present congressman's admin is are fife to say that they have no i lea that there will be a real contest. It was learned 'tod-ay that Blackburn has decided to assume editorial con trol of his paper, the Weekly Tar Heel, at Grcentiboro. Mr. 0. S. liradshaw, a Greensboro lawyer, It Is understood, has not been elitlng the paper tlnce the Republican State convention. He was succeeded by John Crouch, pri vate secretary to the congressman, who has also bee business manager of the publication. I A "Red. Red Rose," (I.. S. Hast- hiss, i ; B-"In the Daik. In the Dew." C. W. Coonibsl Mrs. Thomas Maslln. Siegni iiidii Love Song, (YVagnert I Miss Haidie Gainer. ! Vocal Solo, (Selected) Mr KiiRene Storer. Overture, Wm. Tell, (Rossini) Minn aiy Crittt Those who attend will be more than repaid by the excellent music, which will he furnished. T T THE REGISTIIS E Prof. J. N. Ambler, who for seven years has occupied the chair of math ematics and geology at Ronaoke Col lege, Salem. 'a., will succeed ('apt. K. P. Henry as city engineer of vViu ston. Prof. Ambler was a member of the faculty of the Davis School, this city, before his removal to Y'irgima. He was here the past summer doing civil engineering woik. ('apt. Henry, after retiring from his position, will open an office in this city and continue in his profession. of T ISSIESJTATEMEIIT Executive Head of Sonthern Cotton Association Claims That the Cotton Crop Is Not Over 11.300.000 Bales His Advice to Farmers. "'""yiliing." savsms..VI; . Green, The registrars who served for the recent election in Forsyth received the followiiiR amounts for their services: U C. Merritt, $51. (in; W. F. Sprinkle, -Steam cleaning and , advantages for quick gill '!'"s Press 1 llllf of - Rail-M-rat curt ;t rebate to "lln Tomorrow st Kin,, ,;;n . il!"h'Iav eel,.. "I "f the to I! Were I:!' i --"jr t. G. H. Brown, $4G.f.j ; Carl V. $-l.".H0; (1. 1. Walker. $:,2.m; C. L. HollaiKl, $50.i;8; J. H. Cohrad. H5.II5; S. A. James. $10.1111; 1.. M. Disher, $!(!. SO ; J. P. Linville. V,t).M; W. R. Rominger., $."4.Sn; H. S. Koy. $57.51; V. M. lieroth. $17.00; J. R. Hasten, $58.40; 1 1. Conrad,' $l!Dls; 7.. T. Byniim, $(Hi.r.o; W. A. Crews, $40.50; Frank Cook, $t:!.mi; J.H. paid. $12.00; W. F. Sprinkle.S Will Transou, $:l.7.V Shep 1 sm : New Advertisements. C. A. 'Jenkins Real slate and in surance. Armory Skating Rink Arrival skates, price of admission. White Star Co. Dinner menu. Thompson's Drug Store A prepara tion of true merit, "Dr. Thompson's Cough Syrup" Rosinhacher & Bro. Special Satur day news. ' B. E. Te driiiig and service. Robinson's Announcement big re duction for Friday. Saturday and Mon- I 'lay. AuditoriumWilliams Comedy Co all next week. j Joe Jacobs Clothing Co. The differ ence in ready-to-wear clothing. Brown-Rogers Co. How to prepare for a thanksgiving by the aid of ibis store, W. T. Baynes & Co.-Entire stock of shoes and rubbers at cost. C, I.. Wilkinson & Co. -Announce opening of new clothing store. (Bv Publlshere' Press.) ATLANTA, Nov. 2?,. Harvle Jor dan, president of Southern Cotton As social ion. issues a statement follow ing the government, census report on bales ginned. In which he claims the crop is not over 11,300.000. He declares the crop is much shorter than Indica- lions. He advises farmers to hold their cotton for higher prices, and market slowly. Commenting on the press dis patch from New Orleans that the As sociation-had lost $l(Mi,oo0 he declares the people of ihe South should (rive solid support and make the ass.xiln- tion a success or signify their disap proval and let the association go out of business. (Special to The Sentinel.) RAI.KIGH. Nov. 21. In the midst of a serious hearing of an appeal the Hu- pretiMt Court wju today hroinchl to confront an Illustration of "backwoodii superstition," and credulity, whk'h convulsed the court. It was In the case of 1-aura Shumate vs. the town of North Wllkesboro, In which the plain tiff has been awarded In the trial be low a,..,rdlet for $25 against the town for Injuries she received while walk ing on the street by stepping on a nail,' which protruded through a block of wood In a lot of tan bark which had been put on the sidewalk by the town street force. The Supreme Court Jus tices were listening gravely lo the reading of features of the evidence In the trial below from the printed; rec ord as sworn to by the Shumate wom an, when this part of her testimony threw bench and ltnr In convulsions of laughter: "Quest kin by counsel You exam ined the nail after you pulM It out of your foot? "Answer Yes, sir. "QuoKtlon What did you do with It? "Answer After 1 took It out of my foot 1 threw II out on the side of the street, Soim- of my neighbors told trie if 1 brought lu home ami grinsed- the nail good It would not hurt me so bad. I si'iit back and got it and greased that nail. I put tne nail under the door step and kept It there unrll we left the place." battalion of nenpo troops of th Twen ty fifth intautry. Chairni.ui Hull, ot th Iltmse .Military Committee, has eon ft ried with Secretary of War Taft re garding the matter. Th committer of which he Is head would take clmri! of any resolution on the subject. NOTED TEROR 1715 ' 0! Til TODAY (Br rublUhert' Prs 1 NEW YORK, Nov. 111. Caruso, th tenor, accused of insulting a woman is Cent rnl Park monkey house, was not called upon to face hli aecuwr Ih tat morning. The commissioner explain ed' to the court that thu woman had moved outside the Jurisdiction of tha court and ill end of notoriety mail her refue to testify. Following th aU tempt by commissioner to lr action of Caruso at a fashionable Fifth Ave nue ball last winter, which was ruled , out, attorney for the defence began, ar gument. Caruso's counsel luld stiff on fact that the o4lcenHul had allow ed Caruso to annoy a number of wi men before he arrested hJm. Th offi cer watched the tenor annoy aeerJ women before he stopped him. MUSICAL PRODIGY hi u Beryl Rubensteln, th worxVrrful.. boy pianist, who Is only verj yar old, will give a recltaj lit the aui)IU rlitm of Hotel Zlneenrtorf tomorrow night, at 8:15, for the heivoflt of H. Paul'a Episcopal church building fund. This young prodigy In the mualcaJ t aim has attracted w ide attention and wherever ho has appeared eirthtwla tlc I ildlences h,lH greeted him. Ill playing Is said by oomiietent critic to be wonderful in every respect A large audience will doubtless grl lilrn The admission price will b fifty cents for aduhs and twenly-fiv cent for children. Lu E DAUGHTERS DT LIBERTY Salem Council, No. 11, Jr. O. I". A. M., has issiiul Invitations to the daughters, sisters and wives of the niembfrs of that rouncll to a meet ing to he held on next Wednesday night nt Salem council hall for the purpo-e of organizing a chapter of the DaugVers of Liberty. Mi John F. Reynolds and sevmal oilii- prominent Juniors, will fpeak ,n.,! ' Indications are that the chap-iei- mil he Instituted W'lth 4 or 50 chin ter members. A message was received here this afternoon from Mt. Airy to the effect that the suits against Graham Trotter and Elmer Brim, two young men of Mt. Airy, charged with shooting and se riously wounding Miss Hethanla Ash by, while the latter was out driving wllh a lady and gentleman friend, hall Miss Mr. E. II. Gibson, an old frbmd of the writer and a brother Odd Fellow, wa i In town Friday and spent a few hours lu the afternoon bird limiting with his brother. He represent the Brown-Wllllunison Tobacco Company, of Wlntoii-Halein, and sell tracks of k ods. Stonevllle Co-Oeraur. has held ,T" H.iilwav """ " 111" (By PuhliPhers' Press.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2:!. William Jen nings Bryan in the Commoner today denounced the proposed emergency bill drafted by bankers at Washing ton, it. will- be a sorrv day for the American people when they sleep dered and was soundly and permit anybody to place jjence is feared upon the statute books such a meas- uro as is contemplated by the Anieri can Rankers' Association, says Bryan CHIEF DP PQLICEjBiffiT WEEK HISTORY U (By Publishers' Press.) WEST POINT, tin.. Nov. 21!. Jamo S, Johnson, a merchant of l.anct ,i. Ala . shot and instantly killed Chief of I Police .1. W. Jones, of Umetia, today, following a ii'iarri Johnson siirreii- iced in Jail. Moll vlo- C loll this Sll -U An-1 , '"Jkir. .i ."f, "-'miuee .", Ci-,-.: , ,,, , ' price U !.eille Family Reunion. Mrs. J. J. Norman and brother, V. I'. Moir, left this afternoon for Stuart. Va., to attend a family reunion at the home of their parents. Another broth fr, P. M. Moir, who has been in the Philliplnes for live years, holding a iwislllon with the I". S. Government. 'lll be present on this wcasioii. Special -rial sal'1 o'clock, on mi es ranging fr sec t fine1 line Sale Tomorrow. oniorrow. 10 to school skirts, pric- j 111 $2.50 to $1 Be sine 'o Mrs, Daniel, 227 Elm : ho., il G. E. Webb expressed the opin oilay that the leaf tobacco breaks week were the largest In the his i.i f the local market. Double sales blocked nearly every day and e is enough weed at the war , , now lo keep the sales roing : tomorrow afternoon. been compromised, by which Ashby Is lo be paid $2,500. The case was set for trial today in Surry Superior court. According ti the compromise the defendants are a1 so to pay costs lu the case. It Is cli mated thai, this with the counsel fees, (carried and the $2,500 to Mlsx Ashby, will ag gregate at lt-ast $5,001). Tne message to The Sentinel re ports Miss Ashby doing nicely. Tin attending physician Is quoted as ay lug that while) she Is out of dangei there ls a strong probability that he will never have free itte of her right arm. The little finger on her rlgat hand was shot off, while another ball enteied her back, near the shoulder, coming out In ihe neck. The attractions tonight dnclud the Pythian entertainment at Elks' Auditorium, the citizen' banquet at Hotel Zlnzendorf, the annual meeting of the Wachovia Historical Society ami Musical at Fl i at Presbyterian church. FANCY BAZAAR Walter Sutson, colored, who com pleted a six months' sentence on th county roads Tuesday, was arrete4 Wednesday and this afternoon was to Madison to answer th charge of Mealing g, puiae containing $5 from a negro nanu'd John Halrslon. AGENTS WANTED-Rev. Sam Jmw" Life and Havings, by his wife, Is tlwi biggest seller ever inibllshwl. I'rlc. only $2 50. Magnificent outfit an right to territory only 5'c. Don't mis this chance of voui lift- to make moo 'v. Write quick. Circulars free l J Nichols Hi Co, Atlanta, Gu. W. II, Clinard Is arranging build a nice residence on bis lot re cently purchased on Main tret, Bu leni. Work will he hturted at one. Mr .1 li. ( iiiiiininl-'s has decided j ,,. mk.i ,. Ms new' blick store building ; nt the corner of .reeis two siorie first reported I.iheity and Is-pot s Instead of one. as j Engine and Car Derailed. engine and three freight cars lerniled this afternoon on the N C Midland road near Delo's ikiikI. :: r," sltatlng a transfer of passenger and baggage from the Charlotte train. An engine jumped the track on the N W. yard today. An ere ('. The fancy work bazaar by the la dles of the Christian church, given last night at the home jf Mm. L, V. Hitting, was a dei-bled success, More than $170 was cleared alxive all ex Dense. This amount goes into the improvement fund and will probably be used toward liiwtalling a heater in the church . Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McKaughan re turned this afternoon fioin it visit Irt relative lit Kernersvllle, Mrs. G A Carroll left this after noon for Stokes t visit her pareniii. Ml Fannie aflermsiii from Ht lb o returned this a visit to Greensboro. Special 81 Tomorrow. Special sale tomorrow, In to 1! o'clock, on misses' school skins, pric es ninglng from $2 50 to $1. II" sure to see this line Mrs. Daniel, 227 Kim street, Mis Emma Fount, of Allen Creek. Term., Is the gu-s' of Miss Pmrl Me dearls. She arrived t'hu afternoon. I). fl. Kothrock, or Waughtown, went to Wilki-sboro thu afternoon. -The here Williams Comedy next week. Co will h