bk. A MsflBSJKS a !) A i! 1 7 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2tC 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS " ilk 1 l i k' Jl JL N iL ill N for Funds VU C. A. Building Begins in Earnest THEY ARE ENRAGED BIG LEAF BREAKSjSPEGIAL Ml OIIE LI DIG ; Many Kalians Want Their Sales on Local Market Last! Rev. E. S. Crosland Preaches' 7 FJfL hfl H i L I1LUIIUUU IIUIII Governments Make Dip- Week Aggregated Nearly KMiuue muesttoU.S. 2.000.000 Pounds. of $40,000.-; '.red for This i-BeRdised Sake 'aY AT WORK 1 jjc.000 I" Twenty ijtrth An Enthusi- t appeal for iho building t. be rm: in this city for the local associa tion. The service was a rutins clow; to a day in which thp cause of tiie Young- Men's Christian Association' i liat reeciveu an impetus mat wm rc-i salt in nothing shoit of a handsome j ! home for it In this city. i '3 They C am That Treatrve Spectators By P.-Oieci. At CcruSo Hearing Thf Should Be Made The Bi: s of rr.at Co-piaiet. -ay For jn-lt Appears j That Bid of the Crop )l' Will Be So d By Christmas There V'i'l be No Saies Waiehouses ThuisCiy cf Th.s Aeek. It Beir-j Thanksgiv ny Day. ttes Afternoon I. (tie Canvass Were ljfM(l Away From U Last Night For , e Fsature of the . j-itnd.d Illustrated ,- George F. T.bbitts, j, C Yesterday Y. Host of Churches. ,-; nc::ii held al 1 hrjlqii'i' ts yes .(Uniitut wen- ap .. Eiiuii;ii')s for ..(y;-ii ill this city 5t iclatin:;. Tlie hp 'i:k of c';l"' minim; and so 1 niucii encourage- - inn-1 of lie Committee. 'tiairman; V. J. I.iip- iimittfts. jt&r-J. M. Rogers, i ;. L I'aitiTf.ia. MaJ. fa, lMiirr h. jv. C. C. Hino. H. ii-er-E. W. O'llan t H. E. VorUt. Joe Lfaik-r W. N. Rey tick. tt. 0. ( in i in. Mer-ll. E. Fries, F. Sbaffuer. T. a. Leader P. H. lor, Jnc Jacnbs. Geo. k Men's Committee. chairman ; R. V. 'man. Sulifonimil- 'ttraiaii-A. P. Mos '.ttH. Blair, Ceo. V. IT. chair in nn V S W Jr.. Ceo. 1'. Pell, chairman Sterling Wn, lli-nrv Shelton. ?! chairman It. J. S. Dunn, 'I Committee. nan-It. A. Nnnn, II. C'oter, w. Jami'i s K meet at the "towers at ;:;o to ,s 'hf day's work. 'hes Sunday. "rv-Os at a majority ffcjr .M'steiday 'M. C. A. work, the !ithir theme the re- to the associa '"ian (hnich Mr. iVashiiiKUm, 'lipy on the snb ;fiion. At the W'!' as hunc con- ar1-ii-iuiK-.- and ill l, "J If 'Mi-:. HQ.OQO R 33-000 -38ooog -37000 -36.000 K -35000 -3t.000 -33.00CW4 -32000 -31.000 -30000 -29000 -28000 -27000 M -26000 -25000 -ZtOOO -23000 -22000 -21 000 r M -20 000 -19000 -18000 -17000 -I 6 000 -1 5 000 -14000 -13000 i -12000 -I I 000 -10000 - 9 000 - 8000 - 7000 - 6000 5 000 4000 3 000 2 000 M H'.'i J the t. r ii ji-'iet hiU( .! ai.i ilu ie : It.llian I ao ioti. I '' X - -!a:.- ' s In , v '.: i'..:;.i:i ,.- - K' aritiar l. l'i..r-t P'ali atoiise! the is a lii'in'ra! dcmanil iiw-niin. lit tah,. 'it Ma in "plr, hat :mia!ii- , The leaf i' af mark- i.Tt;2.st;: wi i xiMfHd tha' -n:ah all l- mis show h ml Bil.iln.. .H'cii sales on the local .a-! . nc-k ui:!cM;e:l i The nmehoiis-nien wei-k'k lucak-i .mld let : n cords, hut the tis ial the, sales fell shut pounds. co!iipard l'h e .'Mst ' weklti ". h month na. T' change tn tlie weather will af c t'te sales lis WeeH. Wiia favor- i.iliV M'.ious it is generally he!i''ed irh.it tin- liulK ,,f this j ear's crop will lie maiKeted hefnie ChriKtnias. i 'I'l.e H.i! ehiiiiseinen halve Buret d ten 1 ILEA SUPPORT! sell Thursday. Thankssivins day Tim Soiitint-1.) y - filial is M one It. tin li.ii.- ol lla 111. h Cai.elia .- all tli (Sppciti! t, ItAI.KHIH. ; Me::n. lis; Orphainm tlie supihiit of al! the .M :he State, instead of just 'wo Conferi net as ii I: was foiunlt ,! h lla- ,i Cunferetiee, which inclnd. eastern ser-tiuti nf the Slate and us f.i west as (ireeiislmro. Ilowevi i th Western ConiVrence has n.iw j.iine fiitees with the sister conference j I 'lis work. Tile orphanage assessne ir ate ten per cent of the pas'mV sala ) lies paid by the arious Alethu list 1 connre.uatioiis. . The main Iniili'.in of j tlie orphanage plant here cost Iii.ihhi. and the ornlian.me pruiienv is alind! at $'111,111111 Hey. .1. . Col,- is llott Ml- j periutelldent. 1 j There were Saturday t!iir!y-:iie snia!l)o ruses in the pest house here. j none of them dangerous. Tlie re are I three white casts, one of them in th"! pest house. The other tivi are white women who ate closely quarantined at their hotnts. Negroes tire very much stirred up over the spread of the dis ease anituifr their race and some aie asking that the nubile schools for their race be closed and other that ennsre Halionn be foiblddetl to assemble In the churches. Joe Jlickness. colored, was arrested here Sal in day under ordeis from the authorities of Jersey City where he is wanted to answer the charge uf klllitiR a woman there November in by stran ding her to death. TV Jersey City authorities had 'traced him here and notified the chief of lMilice that he was here visiting his aunt. He was tit her home when arrested. Ho in sists that he has not been to Jersey City, but has been runninx a bar in Atlantic City. A detective is cominE from Jersey City to Identify and carry the prisoner bark with him. On ThaiiksslviiiK day v. (ilenn and State Treasurer R. I!. Lacy will de liver addresses in connection with Ihf i ...ice a i om . I 1 1 h ei hr. ap.pt III! i .11 rested Kil a lit ;r "... w ho s'aiids n LVetlim. while sick. I i.- i iii!. which .lie,! a few wieks T ie ullicers sa. Kaismi has been ni; tliein ever since the child His home is In lllumlown, but il is that he has not been siaylnc since the report went out that a wanant had been . issued tor his r test. He was found yesterday sonic .lisiai ee from Ills house. Pa i son denies thai he is a Chiistian irieutiM and says he is not a faith .ttisf W hen seen this al'leniiKiii. Kd said: "Ise paid out nearly ever) thins 1st' made tils year to doctors, I 'owes some tn Dr. Hall now." Pais, hi will probably bo civen a hi ariiru before Mayor Palon this afternoon. (Ft- tihllshei i' Progs. J HOT Sl'RINCS, Ark.. Nov. 2ii. Th locat faction which lias been flKhtlti? the Ramblers bus asked Miss llel -tt ilotild to buy out the hatKinor.!.Sy lil ted up gambling hciiiies. It Is plan ned to have public .Ib'-.iry. Y. M. C. A., home and charitable ins.iliitioni occu py tlieso places. raising of a national flag at the Mur phy school building In th i city by th Capital City Council of the Junior Or der. On the same iay State Auditor B. F. Dixon wilV deliver the address for a flag raising by the Junior Order at Wakefield, this- county, for the pub lic school house of that thriving town. to the Juniors of Win- ; ston-Salem. . i I Larje Nu mber of Members of Junior I I Oreer United American Mechanics Attended Special Service At Calva-I i ry Moravian Church Yesterday Morning and Heard Spieno d Ds -' course By the Pastor. j One of the lit l m st lio.lies of nielli ! litis of !!) .Iiinlor Older ever assem bled tm the nrcaM.Mi of a sptK-lnl mt mon to t'lai Hid t was assembled at' Calvary Morsviiin chinch eMerday! niornini; at the iinliatjon of Sait-m ; Council, No 14. to hritr the mifvr,i Kev H S Crus an.:, deliver a (tptMial 1 Thanksglv iui; st noon Bloodshed Follows Dispute In Chicago Over Lecture to Be Deelvered by Senator Tillman In That City Tomorrow Night Negroes Urge the Mayor to Pre vent Speaking. (My Publishers' prs ) ; (tlH AOO, Nov 2'-.. Th firs i KwhUIhhI a the rcui: of !he luiKr disputt" twer thn otmiinj Icm- of iSttiator Tihtn.in, hbh the ncgiw Mi. Croslnii.l tooW for his text. 111:!?, "If ye know these thlUKH, Py Hie ye if ve Vti them." The main auditorium and th- JohrpKie trying lo prevent. hu. wenm il. hit.' Arthur. Kt ho. while, u ilyhi(!, ur.d I John Plemlim. a iinro, l und'r ut gal-irei-t rhans''d wlUi shooliiu Kth'. in a MaVi.nili ar d I'inilcd In li rit s oi C.ilvat v cliun h were crowded dispnH' over Tillman. ant! many who r-i the discourse 1 Ihakiisti, negroes. .-ay that the sermon was one of the j the dispute, test ever delivered from local pul ! Mayor Will Not Prtsids. pit to thai order ( j CIUCAOO, III., Nov. 26. The nefira Air. Cropland tlwelt on ihe prlncl- Ultuallnii wihltonlv broughl ta acut pies Of the old r. the woik that had'stage by uiteraiices of Senator Hvu In t n aeromplished and the work in I Tillman came lo cMina with au- thai body in making Ihe I u umeemeiit by Mayor Dunn thai h will not preside ni Ih MifletliiR to- he done by vvoil-l better. The ItM'iil councils Order now have more be! s. of the Junior than ilno mem tllv Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON'. Ntiv HU Not with standing the efforts of the War Depart ment, desei thins from the army are continually growing, (ieneial A. K. Ainsworth says; "The number of de sertions (lining the year reached 7.7.1 per cent, of the whole number of en listed nieu. Past year it was ti 8 per cent. Tweiily flve per cent of all tie serlloiiH occurred during the Hint three months of service. morrow night whero Tillman speaka. Tht mayor wan called upon by a com mittee of negmen, In aiW by Hev. A. J. Ciirey. The comiultten denounctj the Muintor as u bt llevor lu mob las. They nsktd Dunne to prevent th Till man KH'akliig "I cannot prevent hit speech," m the mayor, "hut I will refuse to act ns the prenldlug oftlcei'. I find he is an advocate of lynching men accused of crime, both white and liluck." The news wnn received with trumeo dotnt applause when announced by Ilev. Carey at Tlethel church. He) de clared Roosevelt wan preJudlcM In dlshandlng those negro troops. IK RETURH T03IGHT (Tly Publishers' Press ) WASHINCTON. Nov. 2fi.--.Mr. and Mrs. Rtxisevelt will return tonight from thn IslliniitH of Panama! The hour of arrival Is not known. The fol lowing are new records made on Hie trip: First Amerlcnn President to visit foreign soil during term of office, first American President fo visit a depend ency of the Pnlted States. Mrs. P. II. Dalton, of Mocksvllle, who has been the guest of Mrs. K. C Clinard for several lnys, went lo OreenslHiro today to visit her son PATRICK AT f Condemned Man Continues In Death Cell His Campaign for Liberty. In Spits of Announctir.snt That Cv trnor Hlggina Will CMthits MM' Sentence of Dtath To Lift Imprutn ment Ht la Going Right Along With Hi Fight for Abao'ult Fresdom Caao Still on U. 8. tfuprtmo Court Docket. ser- Centi Diet. "acy Church. "fry (hineli wfiu "II):,:!;,, ' H!t iii h Tl"' tiniin SiCOIIV nn- the ear Mr. nudlto- er nackod """1 HVlav 'or lack f a hea-ttifHl : ,)r i-i:iy made 'WW le.c Watch ihe Mercury Rise From Until December 15. IS STORY ONE . OF CALVFS JOKES? (By Publishers' Press.) MADuirit l ir Vnv. 2il. Mlf'- Calve's blind niillionaire liance is now ) believed to be one of her jokes. The I report, that Eugene ltiggius. .aim.. ca's richest, hacliellor. is to marry singrtr is nositlveiv denied today by Mr. Higgins, who has been cniiFini., in the Mediterranean. .uu'' . friends treat the story ol the million aire lightly. '' I), ; cons ; tll'lti Cms- Miss sang a j'or' IT. fhreitz ' f',li'eta:lon to that thev ."''ai'l as Mr Ti,' Spl'M'ed Chris. mighty !' ytiiing "Th- Hat- r- Ti',',, . ,""'h.' a- ' HCi; '-'llir t'f began ""'orialiiin fol!ow,,a n 1M'id 'Allan. r h "'' America San '.it1 If .v. r, 1 '-at, 1.1. V,. " '"viiuk and liri. t ti. lo all fn world. What Registrars Received. One of the registrars for the lereiif election thinks the amounts paid them last week by the county commission ers may not have been understood by the public generally. The r-xwirar was required to pay the judges of ih'' election, rents.etc, out of the anioun's recelved. In other wonis me trars received only $1 -'h a day fur their services. Ex-Judge II. R. Starbuek went Colfax this morning ' llis '"" T. C. Starbuek. . who is dancci-oii HI. He was accompanied by Dr. S. Montague. 1 Warl,. an earn- WANTED White girl fo: work. Twin-City Studio, street. he. - wj r. n A.'. Assr -r. j.i r -v-Ji..Tii,n' i WiW f : m l-')i fBy Publlihor' Praia. SEW YORK. Nov, 2lwyer Al lx'rt T. Patrick In hla cell in the dvth house nt King King la UxUy golog right nlong with his campaign for complete vindication, iiaffoctil by the reiKirt that (imernor Hlgglna will commute his tVeath aentenc to Hf Imprisonment. When Informed at tha governor dlslou Patrick showed no emotion. "I never bVlievwl h wu)4 b te ctel." declared his faithful wlfo, "H iicxt llleved It either. We will now prove he Is Innocent," Patrick was declared gulity f th murder ot William Marsh Itlce. Appeal Continued on DocVat WASHINCrTON, Nov. 2C Th fiu prenie Court will continue on the dock et appeal of lawyer Albert T. Pat rick, wtiteuceit to die In the edfKlfrlc chair at Hlng Hlng, denplie tho report ed promise of commutation of n teme to life Iniprlsonmenl. Tlx case i!l , KHlbly not br reached beforo next October term. Should Patrlck'a attorney ask to have the appeal din nilsMcd, thei Is a chance that Patrick jinay escape even prison; otherwise jthe cuw will be heard In open cotir'. land the court will puss upon the (iie I Hon of a new trial. New Advertisements. Rosenbac her Hro. Anounce big slaughter sale of clothing. Frank f Itrown Second week of hlg rost sale, greater hargalnit, greater helling. Watklnn lWxik Store Cut gl complete stock specially prlceit. K. Robinson-Wright's health tin del wear; special for the week, $1 gar menu 7"ic. The ltee Illve-Ilig Sptlal for Ihli wt k in hilk and dies good. Tudor Ai WlmbihTl. district ageutJ 'Mutual Ilnefit I. If'- Insurance Co. Im- portatu' of Insuring today. White Star Co -- IlieakfaKl niinii. Something Entirely Nw. In order to Introduce ir new card ,-itid hoiida iKiveltles we will give freo for this wee; only with each one dol lar purchase tt xst-caid wl'b. your own plcmie thereon TwIrK'lty Hi iidio, Sl' 1-2 Main street, east. sld courthouse. iiu'ht 1"! I- Mail The newly elected county will be sworn In next Monday offid. Mr fa tin I-'j rtio l,i hoi i MfVi reading in , ,'i i - 'the PROBLEM SOLVED AT LAST. lav antioiincenyils ol ihe ii.-w (k !: and new p'ay i, tiii.!"'s'..inil, rio-v w, Notice Merchants. The retail merchant will boM 4 regular meeting In thn association rooms over posinnVi' tonight, a full atteiulanco in urged