.J Vv i , v5T yjLIDAILY SENTII WINSTON-SALEM Lv .r n ! J L IUL.il J fffl! -sMeni cf the, CJ.jjj Burned vriticn. Fol-j j"coi!isii'n Near; - Yesicrday. j J . prccns injur? d ( ?5i ii:eM.Tra:nt. 'jjj the Fatalitcs--! W Af-ir 3riefj iiJt't S'.'ncer-Hi$ j, H;d Si -.d.iy ! :;tiC:i of Cai.se of- C, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 80. 1906 HEDI1 I Y. M. C. A. Bmlduw Fu)Ui 1 Aggregates uw of $3s,2(w. Of This Amount S2.520 Was Seared in Subscriptions Yes terday-Committees Meeting With Uh,m p...rt Their Request for Subscriptions-Some Xutable Fe.t- PRICE 5 CENTS .... fr AfrrrhmitK9 Attnrintii Jury in K.iwan Superior Court Declares, conductor Not CLiliy of .Murder. The committtes tolicitiiii? sabsctit.. tto::s for the Y. M. C. A. buil:liiiK fin: ! ii two, secured $2.r,2u .Ht,I.i . Tho total now is $;;v2i;o as fallows; Previously acknowledged $:!r.T In Citizens' Coniniittie yestenini- 1,17;, Yoiint; Bus-iiitss Men's Cuiiitmt tti1 yesterday . ...... 1 m;, K. 1 .. : Ki: :n. K. . K:. r 1. Grand Total j;; Citizens' Committee. inu 1 ! ni C'.'i ;'-i-:. 1V'IS I V! rj'. - S-'.U!h Of ;,. ':M'k Ve.-ieldav of jr. nin-ai'iT .(v f;;- tu re l-.iilt J wr The ::cci-j:;-, .,f a -.ar-oml :" !',:-: s miii-,-,l;s :' in - J. ::!' m.'.- w ere ,::: .p. X C. en a ;v a:- Id n' occnrr- iSrp.vn! in the iK'ci ::. i,.i '.m::i ill. e ;;. V.'.i -':.;: i i; :i and ,:..; I'"- li. .ivy en .::: . Mr. Spell- ilidi; fir'-. Tlie pas !'':, !!: acri- Chairmen ias. A. Grav . . . M. I. Stitr-kton. . J. V. Carter .. Gi o. T. Brown. . II. A. I'fohl.. .. (!. Y. Hiiiihaw Total.: Nov 2!t Tola 20 2nd 25i. ",,",11 l.P'.io mil 2.1.V! ::. 1 r.u .. 1.47'f $12. U Young Men's Business Committee '-!:. I! K. W. K nu'J.. 1. C. A i.M. A!, v. '. w. II i;. w. o Si:: ..f Mr. Speli !.,:; n : burned. ta tarm'd almost it injured: in K'lied. UII'Kl, SPKM'KIt. sher. r Haiti- m ef Ne,v Y-rk -! Ai-.i.-li:.,. Va., Cbairmi'ti Nm. Total W. 1.. O'Hrieii S $ .4m, A. H. (iallowy 1 j !r R. W. Correll . . . . tn j ;.- Thos. Maslin ;m js; Fred Shretz odd l.lllii T:I $ 1 j . List of Subscribers. FoikmiriK is a list of the subscribers U the builuiiif,' fund up to 7::ju o'clock I :::. ! I.. :ik. . iivlU.t -McC.t M.i... !;, M f. : -M.'Al'Ui, .1. M.ir!'!-, Watt M - mi. l.urii, r Mi:!-.. W. ). Mils'. 0. 1 ! -i 11 Tims. Maslin. W. it. Miini, Clein, t Med.-aris, . ( Miller. K. I'. Mick i. K. T Mickev, Mi in IIm. IKSSUN. wiiose if i'Ui r:i 1 ,;tf short. 'lie tier,!' )r ' r 1i is mUs '"'' i'1 i'-arned. ft Isjtred. "' to '' ' roinl Ini,:; last nislit: Alliea. t'has. Andre, (!co. L. Ar;)nliinie. K. Ashburn, A. L. Bailey, M. I)., Jr.. Uarber. Tho.s. Hlackwell. T. V. Biuin, P. V. Hi-ami', P. J. I.'invftian, E. C. l!::)Wii-HnKeis C'o. Mulla id. J. Y. Itiown, V. T. Prown, Geo. T. Bennett, A. H. liyerly, ,r. Y. Hi own. V. ('. Blum & ELttliiK. Bittlnx. TV .1. Bnuit, M. Y. Brunt, J. H. Cavmlchad, R. E. Carter; R. H. Carroll. E. Y. Cash. T. H. Clark, V. H. Cleweil, Vv. J. H. Clinard, V. H. Conrad. VV. VV. Crawford, T. H. , Conrad, Dr. VV. J. Clinard, E. C. Cranford, VV. C. CcHman. A. M. Cromer, C. F. Coter, Jas. II. C'ritz, Robt. Cciin, (leo. VV. C:;r:i:i, W. D. Chieitzberp, H. F., . DaiiiKerfield, A. B. Uaiion. H. P. HaHon, R. E. Day, Fred X. Davis, d. T. Dalton, Dr. I). N. Da I ton, VV. K. Dwire, (Icq. F, Early, J. H. Eaton, O. H. Eller, A. H. Evans, J. R. Farrow, T. L. Fleming, Dr.: C. .1. Fiankin, VV. E. Ei'Ies. J. VV. Fries. H. E. Fletcht r, J. R. Fletcher. J. H. Fulton, irvlnj; Fulton, T. P. Fariow, X. y. Clmn, J. W. Cliore, VV. F. Crray, Jas. A. tiray. EiiKenu E. frray. E. S. Calloway, A. H. Cointcs, .1. A. C. Crillitb. C. ,M. Correll. R. VV. lass, R. F. ''criiei, J. F. Manes, A. S. I.'aues, J. I,. I lanes, (!eo, A. Hasten, VV. B. Harris, C. VV, HeKW(rfid, Fate Hill. VV. P. Hill, ('has. G. Hlue, ;. c. Ilinsluiw, G. VV. Hinshaw. Miss Mar. Huntley, 11. F. Horn, R. !!. Horn. .Mrs. R. 11. Ha user, A. I.. Unhand, W. C 1 Idol, v. ('. Jones. Geo. t". Jones, Dr. R. H. Jenkins, R. F. Jenkins, C. A. Joyner, J, T. Jticidis, Abo Jacobs. Joe Jackson, VV. D. Mock Mali .i ist .Vlawe. Millei V'i.r.i: NadiiiK, Na-li. A X.-irfb t Xorili ( 1 Norllee', .Vorlb et, Xorfleet. Xorlleet, Xorlleet, Xiinn, ) (JKbiirn, OKbiirn, K T. .1. J. P. W A F J. A. ('. It II. . V. .1. H C. Mis. Miss M U li. i. (' M eid s. c. S. A It c. Kile O'Hanlon, K. VV. I'ell, Geo. p. 1'erdi r, l(. If. I'fohl. 11. A. Pit is. J. V. Pitts, Tims, 1.. Pulliani. H. B. Reynolds, R. .). Reynolds, V. X. Hi ynoids. It. S. Rector, B. VV. Recce, A. ('. Recce. W. 0 Riddli-, If. II. Rose. ("has. W. Shepi-.ard, H. .1. Kciiles. J. S. Shelton. II. li Smith, Hit rliiiK, . Sheetz, Frd Siiaft'i.er. II. F. Shaffuer, VV. F. Slmiisun. ,1. T. SpaiiKii, W; T. Spai.Kh, R. ,: Slitb, Prank A. Sprinkle, T. S. Swink, I., M. St rktoa, M. It. S.arbuck. II. It Stokes, II. S. Sullivan It. X. Stultz. lieiiry .1. Siinimers, lr. Chas. Scutt. VV I!. Spter, Ellis Sm.iitk. VV. W. ScroKs, .lames, ,r. Slieppard, J. K' ill. Shun. Henry M. Taylor Bios. Taylor. .1. M Taylor. R. C. Thomas, ('. M. Tnttie. Frank (. Tudor, Geo. ('. Tesh. I,. M, Taliun. M. K. . Tesh, Cliiis. i:. Vaiif.'hi:'. W. F. 'cn;a, V. S. VValkir, Biim I!. Waikiiis. W. II. Walkins. Dr. ,1. Woodruff. .1 M VVixidrnff. It. M. Wright. W. C. Womlile H. Wilder. Saieul. WiIm-u. ( ha .. W.iii. E. I. Wt hb. Col. G. K Watson, T. W. VVI.i'e SHr Co Yoi'M. M.ij. .1. 1 Zill-ll erij.llti At I. Co terdiy V. j Givei T t Niflht B. The Tnai. 11 Odiick Yei org. Ca:-' Hav.rg Q?e.i e Juiy At 11 O'clock the "e Brief N .tes About By Merchants9 Association. This Was Held at Motel Zinzendorf and Proved a Most Suc cessful and Delightful Event-Splendid After Dinner Speeches and Other Enjoyable Features of This Occasion haihpii ! (SH SAI.IKHI Phllliy E. Rowan Si. 1 i'nunn btc l''in? Biaa Tl i c i-"'!l u'l I. idilt war. 1 SO'lll, li. H- lil.il k.i , Gi ' it VluaiitHin. .'11 01 : 1:.-: k liilll of I. ,s Mile ri'k' .rti d ih. 11 1 Richmond, e .1 to Tl.u Scntlne;.) li V. ,,,v ,;n. - ( oujiu-liir it dl u k. ii, ai .:i(led ill t i..r Court .U rtlay , lie triid Lir i!:.- killiiiK of a the 1., 11111 of Whitaki 1. nn " i.t tae i.r at k Wed lies da v nielli. Tile turned at el Th d if '.a.-', niiilit Rota:! Meir!ii:.-S I.:.'--. di bu.'itl':: Willi lilts ,.!( ,r, iex thlius I I I Ulld !...- Ik t il .w:: .1! lintel ;'i!i?ei. I.y tl.e illslnu Saielll s V-sori.il Inn was a 1 iffa.r--ih keiiiu i.t.ations w.t if (iis . s.ri-:i! as all thai -111 .1 and the a.-ts w en structiv 1 , Mole thai; loo i n' l.i :ion :ul 1 around the te.-t at happy, edit) in I1H mite! .lid in , l in t d Nori li Ciirviliiu." ' I Co- VV V B!ir. in reMiiuine in the toast. "Tfc Effeii (1f Our Sta'e'n j Pi mnt KiempiU lis." ! ,ln- f the In justice In 11, c ,Uvn. to holiest unit jwcrthy men by tb. pi-esi nt homesleiiil I law. He ii. ld that It flerl. ,1 the credit 'n ir ism. . ".T ..rrr Is VI 11 oVlock jguvt or. 11, d 'eluded hi 12: '!n. of , was intei -eel se.l 1 It r K Whitaki t .r IIH-lit lis !;(). 't: to. 1 Intimate f many c Hid mm h ton I net woiili in.iie thiitj the ImmeMi ml. of the u - Mr (' It. VVats.111 iok Mr. VV. G. L'.i iii ieii Btaiih.im place u iilt. pi oK mm "The 'ban t"!lW . nvrxhul wplj hcarly ja)p iiiM. Vlr. Wrttsoim mivutiitiiiii iii::k i'b .11- He advised Ihe no rrluuitu Mis lledlirk ha- ,1 Frank fellows," -:.i.,i luar him nil. '.e.'lii and was con The spi i oil inakiin; i 1 with 'he iiietm Mi i "ililiy-d.-ilh " but lo sa (1 ihn Moirls. that 'tprinee of Kin 1 1 ri,""-1,i,s ' 'i'l'hatlciii: "You imisi n...s lmi-tiiia;lt r. 1110I ,e in-,.. 1 I'm "s t'le same fm ill m; lo iHttil h It ast and cruce. Seal. l ' liar noble 11111 11 ofl""1"1' w 10 II BOARD OF IDE II o '1 li. .. 'Wills I I . li :. in v. is! HPT. nllTlfllKi MMUI IU II UUULU I I Ull U i 111. I . r tl.id, Dr. II ille hie: f In" and members of the Merchants. As-'or'aiioiv .Mr. .1 W. Carter, one of Go chaitet ! lilt llllii Is. 11 sll.mdeil In Ull Ill's! lolisl lie annoancea thai lliew hamm"! s. 1 Tia of .-i a'.d lo Spenc . r;. mm man isioii si ems in. 1 "We li' sire to rxpn his stricken I'amil, ih- ami emplojces 'iiw:! ho bate In -ociiile, ami ehi. i. i.10 Winston a t niiiht ill. :..- w.ie a.lopl. d : Tiade of Winston. to r. 1 or,i Its sense ol - in ihe dva'h of V... r: a ili alfi which to nu t untimely, s our s 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ) 1 wlib eten other Stale fho y to men li.iiiest Ik lo leach t hi III tn A. Bixiwi:, who invoked ill- f l,:,.v ,ll, lr 'lebls," said Mr. WattMin, ii:ii- uiH.11 the urea-1 hl 'ellv diMUissisI the homeslcad I law, mivIi'k h I.eliet.Hi should be n' j pealeil. Mr CiuHiice S.iwjer. of AKhevllle. plesldinl ,,f l. ,mae Ass.H'illtloil, was no; on the prvsTiiin but hi siki in n spouse to an Invitation II.. ail.l Thin ksnitinj; nixhl. I vvere to In 01 riuaueiil and won!:! li. 11. that ho belu ted the pnusiKplon wt Assoclat Ion's vtlvi a 1 . rt ('arter si'.oke of tort, 11 IHiik of the siinnKii ! ha I when tit 1 mnanied. hls- a lew men to keep il and to the oltl ot' the Southern en depiin d of a 1 jus! and most 'kind as , 1 Itil lent "Hi: im: a.- he did. by his lull Hi K'. 1.1 ... iuti jsriiy ar I failhliiln, ss. step I I.y step, to tile piosiili-m-y of ihe Rrcat isl l.iiiway sv.-tini of (In- S:uith. his i life stands, and his inemort will abide. an Inspiration 10 Anurican citl.eii- ' He was a 'leat lover of die S0111I1. jaial thai be fidly apiiiecialed the rap. lidl.t xiowiiiK coinmeulal ln-eds of Unit iHi'Clion, jN attcslnl bv the stiim'iidoiis impitov, inenis accomplbiii d, and hi iUK accomplished, under llis wise fore-.-iKht. "And in token of aiipreciatlou and resiu-ri. the following cimimltt'e,,.Mt. G. VV. Illnshaw. Mr. 11, E. Fries. Mr. P-. II. Ilanis, and the president of Ihe Board' of Trade. Mr. F. .1. Idlpit-rt, are appoliiii-d to re)re,senl tliis coniiiiua ity of Win.-toii-Salem nl Ihe buiial of Pl'esldell: Spencer." II FUil ON SMK l.iipfert has just iele.i;rani I'mm lecelvod Col. A. Presiden the following B. And n ws: "Your lelimum jusi ncehed. VVi were all dei ply slloclii at. Mr. Spe, fer's death. Tin' funeral will take place in a -IniiKton : i 0 cluck p. In Sunday chin cli .1 din's Eplscofial K'.int;. He h, 1,1 ijnii ihe 01 t:,ini.atloii was Ihe s.iitatioii of lh.- retail nu r cl'aut.. He id I'lat ihe ass-iclailoi! j.ived ihe c insiiineis llionsaii.ls of dob Inrs I15 knocking out the "stamp act" a few y.ars aim. "i has ediicaied Ihe merchants lo stand l.iKetli.-r and Unlit a .ttintiK." said Mr Carter, who n jolc id in safu Hint ihe local association had nccomiilii hod cm r tiling under taken. "We want to do lihi 'and ex pect to do ilc'.ii," were iln- spuiku's concliidinn; win ds. Mr. Norniiui II. Johnson, of RaloUh. allorney KelH-fai of the Stale Associa tion, discussed ihe objects of the or BiiliiZiillon, siiyinx that it was to make l.onesl m. 11 and to secure fair and hoii isl li Kislatlo;:, Mr. Johiiniti s,:id that X nth CarolitiH'.s fretci'i iHres ,.r nisher iluiii In any Suite In ihe fnioa He t'xpn ssivl the opinion that the iitj socliitlon had already t-uu-il the nn.r chum of N'ortb Caruitiia at lea,t l. .'''"' lie In lieti'd Ihe I. ,,,, sleiitl exemption laws Would be repel'! l.l heciutse liny opposed lo I10I1 est). He tilled the members to litlrnd every nieetinK of the local liss-iclal loll and thereby seci.re the bom-flu d riv ed from the organization, in concluding Mr. .lohnson said' "No town In Nul l h Caiolina lias ei.nuo for beinK mo,.- tbiiukfiil for Ideksinns that have been bestowed durliiK the Viar than Winn! m Sjitei.. Mr. ('. T. pemsou, of Durham, made a happy hit. Ife is a Idi aslni: and captivating spi-alu r. In ivrd u, what (lie in. rehaiits have accompllMl) ed he said "Ihe half ciinnot I... i,.l I " oiuiiuiinit, .Mr. Pearsnn Klid: "At! we want Is cfja! npp;,r!unlty. The hest j I3r(li P 0ile everywheie hate dlHcrlmlna-1 011 foot bv Ihe Slate Aieoclat Ion or ganize an iiiMiiaiice inipati) would ho m i ompOshcd e nniioiinced that the WlusOn-Salem Ass.K'latloit no' lends ih, Slate In membership Mr. Archibald Nichols, of Ashevllle, s cr. ar of the State .socln.lon, stati d Ilia! there uie now oyer forty live local associations In Xonh Caii. 11a wilh a toial iiieuilM'ih!p (,f mor than I. Inn memlM is After impii.milit leuinrkii by Mr. Luther Tesh iiini otheis. Mayor Eaton coiicIikU , Hi,, speech -making with a stlrriiik' ami imiKiillleeii! iidilren., u eul.iKi of Ihe retail merchant iiiim' llave Is ell (iiatllyliiK to every Ineniber of Ihe assiK uitloti. Menu nd Toaiti, Below s appended tin tiiiiiu and toast.- of 1 hi' etenlllK: Menu. I alted Cm lor, nu Can.'iM' 0fcti r (,'ockbill Cream of Toinatoen N'll Wueiii OII( AccoiiipllHhmeiiiH of the AK'll.loh Since !s OiKlilllzailon .1. VV. Outer, City. Flbt of Solo, Breaded, a I a Crcol Poinmcii Parish tun- The Slate Assixdntloii and Im purixitui Xoimaii II. Johiison, Raleigh, N. ('. New Advertisements. I.nndiiui-: k I'l'oh I - Low in-j 's fresh. Whil. Sti'i Co.- lireakfast tneuil. l!.-e lliti B'i: la unliler price sale starts toinoi 1 iw; entire stock slaugh ten i in pi -ice. Robinson's, opposile. city niaikel Thanks to 1 n-! .mers lor kind patron J tal affairt ae, Itoseiibai b'i- A.- I !io. Women's tail on d suits ( ..ii'inui a at biK reductiuli. Boston She. Sion Auuoiiiiees bin rut pi ice .-al. s'urtinj; toiiKii i ow. T. I.. VaiiK.iii. Jr. & Co -Haberd ish-i-rs iit .e.-lv .V ('rule's store; oter 1, 0011 ,ji:ti ins in neck wear disfdaved Met, r.-W tin::. The merchants of '..i::i C:ii,,ii dl will never r- buck to Ihe old way of dniiiK business. The ahsoidaioli stands for proicrcss aloun all lines. Ail We ask of the aw makiiiK body k lo nive us a siii,ne deal h, iu. -.biitlle." s Xonh Carolina forever to be Hie niev of the railroads''" :.k...i in. u....i...r lb- did not fav.ir a r. n-al of ihe hoine fteail law In lis eiiliri It . He klie there were men who honesty contract tl ib bin and who will pat Ihem when uin-ii time. jf,. wanted to s,-e our K,, eriimeiil make m, -liter oroKiess In i.o. lie lut-i-.l lb,, liieicluii.! to be palriots, and view ifu, stions rrom! I.ntli side, lie ,,ai,: "1.,., n.s be lion-l est wll! our trade; let lis have lnie(;.l rit v; our h.i'oe principle i i lniei;i it t j With this moii, 1 we can deft h,,, n. sh and Ihe devil as well as J. ,,.;siii I Chicken Cioquelte. Pelltji polii The Hoped: Accomplishment, of Our On;aii!zed KfToriH C. T. Pemsou. Duil.ain, N. C. 1 Sweethiiddst oil Spiniu h Toast. Prewnt. Col. Tim Effect of Our Stales Exemption W. A. Blair, City Roast Quail Salade Ameilcaine Mushroom Pat t leu Punch Delmonleii The St. 11, Future Wi'hoiH a Home ''ad ExeinpMoii II. Watson Clt C o ' so Crarkent diinlurt R. rilin 4 on Dliect ResidU t off'-e Clmirs n 01 si brook ale of hoy 'OllliUlles Co. The bit; and children's SENATOR MET ' i-; '. in 1 , I km I lit n'ant Buried in . ,iii huiinii.' :! e discovered new Iv-iuade u-rai Paper Box. s'erdav M I... appe.il, I- iii ar TO FACE ACCUSERS Salem Council Daughters to Organize. w .! al'i mled tlie s). --'.i. ;.-!i, t'o'inci: cr. ,i I r 0. I . A M . Ui Wil:, lO inf.-, :,. let'-. I of a rti b liiiL- In.ci 1 icetp fe.r Xi. II. J l:,i -'.ay eveniiiL;, w t.n ,.li :...se of olll.'li 0 t.-kiiiK a ii-t of DaiiL- .. !., Ill oIKlllllZi.t,- '-,.- Daughters nhei , .,! Sii.eio l.irty mimes w. TV l!'ll'l-l.isl:e The 11. w eh . tui'ialed 01. !- 1 1 a-, "Hameai.' Mr. Clii went 011I I hi . s'.ii;aion fo .1 paper lsi d t.i the c., 1, , iii lle ie was in. The cldid had I : 1' liie juty wio. ;,i .'(i. r it was Hi, eel ion Jll.it iml ( 0 W es! O, and Mr C N. m.iiiiinn aid up : d an Infant bu The li. iMer was 1 wtiii I, --hi an 1 in. a.. iiel, I.Uil'. ii.i.lj.e to le or b.d'.i (- H Clin. mi a:ii file, nsb no toi.'a maled by le- li.o d In- Inlii .- hi:- ' (By Pu!)ll-her- 'ren ) I WASHING I (), Not. 1,0. - s-mum j Bailey w ill n,! Ih- In In,; : w be,, ; C 'I Kl-es, 1. pens. IP- ii.is koiii- to I X a- l. Ian- his aciu-ei, , tj1(. jPhne ca-e now k n,;;i,K ,n ,un, I A Sel.slll.on W .IS ,-illlMfl IM 'Ii..,,u I., u slali ll.eilt ,,I !l(e al.oiliey (j'lieiuti i iihoiii (! 111, 1,, I touchers, for inonet I - said 1. 1 hate ',. en pan: Ha lb 1 lit I 'cm IV ree f 11; r ,. in ,.,i:ih-i Hon w Hi, ) j H-misHion 1 f Hon eoi.ee. a o. I01 f j 1 1'linn.-Ms, oii;aniz.iiii,hs ;iitihori. 4 1.,' jdll'te 111 -ex,..s Ihe sC,tfir says! 1 1 tie u'liickh on him an Ho- woik ' pooi'ca; enejoi, YOUNG MAN KILLED 111 DECENT WRECK of fSpi-ct.il I'AV IIiSOX. fn. .1 1 111 M Ket C M ij Thy 8' i.tinoi ) Nov. 2V p ha, o-.ii R. I) ..irehis',n, Mm .VltirchiM.il, of IiiiIk- n!le. Kt . bu' f'.iiinilt of C.rn.lius. X C. ii kdle.j In tae ia:!rmi Wreck luiif l,. Kott 1,1,1 ii, Mr Sl'iiebi son it,,- i, biakiniai, in,.) on liU Uim flip For tw,, teais lo- wa a simlent Da t idaoti (',. a modi I ti 1 ;.- ai..! m it, ' W HH COISH!''l of I TEN CONVICTS BREAK 11 I.. I'-'l.l pllp riiMiiinl y at -poll.. , Rev.tr.l f. is l.imb t. wi, side e r lei I who-., oid, Willi liloVII load 1., :i..!. v.-iy T M. t. I-:.Kt W:n- Mrs. in. a ,i I',- I.' I.t S( bo d !si - -i' - bail team a' I v a s' ole of 2" to - terday i , at 1 be chuieii' a-teiid'si. .iioil forty, a n.ajniilt l,li.K -llie, eif - yeslej.iav aft. ru.s i. lile iullllltes hald'V h I'll 1 itli oiif.- 1 ionerii-H. N '.. Turner, of Sa t'l I rani "i y-i nil-, m.' 1 of tl.e Oenth of h.-r hro'liers if, Sllill l.iOJ..etit,onr. tes:-ida leollii at Iot hono- in ( olii-i.,, (;,!. - ,. ,! 1-e.is-d was a n-e of Sa. n, j wn'i In r Inisimn.l Li ned 1,, Calif.. 1 m Hi, sixt.ep. 00T OF JAIL TODAT s I f I to II e (lion i, and j --V11 y few -.1,1 in,; . w in, "ii.k 1, j. sti-nlay a:.- of Hie If a', KioiIsiii.- Il" wools Mini fieol, 'ilstiltK of their lu k U'0 Publl-he. I NEW lORK Not ! In in 11,111 it J.o! ioi.t lo-lav ,il I.,,!,,; . I .in, of tl,'""i i- off. jlilie. 'I h" saw Is silpsisi lo tmte. ilH-.ii 1 in : led In Ih" men by an Italian I ho visited a feilow (our.trymaa, one jof tp.. j.aitt Ihjt cscas-d. r p.-i-v. ) '." T"'ll Cl.llt II1' ., ji ! 1 h.-ir .;, in.d I 1 1 y A r 1 I for !."lr 1 act-