DA J17 j& 1L-1L ii ti ) ll Vi 1 l II -LLjL :jju WINSTON-SALEM, N. C," TUESDAY EEBEr4;i PRICE 5 CENTS II r jfflOUBLE 10 SUPREME HT All ; vquitted an At-; Winston ugarette Machine Hint Is A!-' to, tdbc Againsi welk in. Whitehead Co. ';Mtr of Young Wo ' ? spMulat'cn Will Before! As To Exception Taken By Plaintiffs on Judge Ward's Ruling As To Submis sion of Issues Cigarette Machine, Company Secured Judgment for $o, 200 At First Hearing Defendant Wins In Horse Trading Case. President's Message Read hi Both Hraiiclies of Con cress This Document D,,i!s With a Number of Important Ques-i tions-ln ('.nversation. the Prudent Says That He' Stands KtMtiy to Furnish Full Information About Dls missji i.f t-gro Troops Smoot lose to Be Brought Up Soon. DERS MADE BY 1 COUNTY FATHERS il Ll. G. IS. FUND ! REACHES S44.0 No Papers to Be Recorded 'That Was the Amount at 7:30 Until All Fees Are PukT Clerk and Register. Last Evening When Com mittees Met. :: .' til i : 1. I' luis Hi1 muruo. . ,.-u I i -s - th;. t. 'I l Tbei I:i ''c Superior Court today tin- s n; of . (... IouD vs. h,. t. Lou:;, ri'Siiiiiiu item h horse traJe, was Kivcii Ui the jury about 12 o'cicek. U is v.imatc. that the ccits of this actum will a-;-pi.-pate over I:!"", which will b,- mere j t inn ihe r.otses and mule is;,aded ' itixt -H ' b weiv worth. The jury reiurue.i a , : ' i E-n !"'""'' . diet tl.ls nftern;;ou iu favor .f the .: -ii-' -" 1,1 I'en.i'ar.'.s that ho did not "iiarumv! j Irij an' hiliiir made,,, i,';1lu.iiT the hoist U lie .snand and' ,,lf Sri 4 uidict .,. j. mi)!,. worker, with i:o tricks." j:. stead iksree 'r a -j-;;t. st-eouJ ease called was t v j jfw:j ''"' i- ,,fr,'r,'i1' Winstcn Cigarette Machine Co. vs. ih ' ,.,,:;'! . i'l'tisiltted. ! W;-Hs.Vhlteheail Co., of Wilson. .The i J.jt.tav '' ju'orH icontentio;: of the ji.'tintiffs is iliat ;!: : i.f l'i!lSl,i u(fen:lii!Hi fa'tlc 1 lo eni ry cut a ci,.-.-j o-i k : ' s:ar';' tract by not exhibit im; at:-l operas im; ' tin-ion tlo-i ::! Kive a jg.jr,- 0 machine mauufactuicd by 1 W s'IM ; I.N'MK I t- I P.-- Si I'll ilea inai Smoot Case In Senate. Sin. .,: i-ii-i' will mioIi.iVv i , le : M ::d.. h. ii Si a,iN.:- , ihai:m.iii .-f i mniiiii ,.u i " ' ,; ii.s. c,; Ui HS.lj ill) ll i,.;' ; J ... ihhn. 1- .. ' f.r di-iii t rows ;. i ttie f I ' N I t i. si )f K ''ins lid of ..I to-t!l;;ls K o.intlt m.)t will ntnaiii. Hur e a set tavoritiK fviilowed hv Out) us, of Mr vu'l In tlefeiul.'d hv (liKO. and Sut'ierlnml. nf bote. 111 In pro' mm l. Is riK(.te.l until after Board Completes Its Settlement With Retiring Sherlft and County Treasur erAmounts Going To th State, County and School Funds Board Adjourns To Meet Again Friday. Amount Secured Yesterday For Build ing Fund Wat 11,850 Splendid Con cert Given Last Night By Salem Bays' Band Fr Benefit of the V. M. C. A. Building Fund. a Ti la' la ' a ' T! i KiuM uain'i. linn ai rrll lie;: Uiaj -I ii'. IS, Hhi'l t:ie ilor ;-r o:p. i?. . . Vi.e IH",.-HL i 1'iav Preiident Wants Inquiry. ,ie a!unnlsi!atio:i mill no: t". -lir-t, 'i' i 'i.ki issue. Tac prrsllem Seya'or Utiikins to.ljy ihnt m! '-il'lef the l'i iuo.e of V'jraki r !iill'i:i oil til subject of dl.-iMiir ;'.' Weil ha: lallioii v .u'.d i T.h Y. t. C. A. bulldl'.iK fund a I I i,i Ut ?:ro o'chick hut niKht. Tod o;k ll! !uht'.t' raako a e-tld- rr UI rt-Idimxt f'i this mini. Tt n iiKiimt iui.r )esTr(iiy wa I,kiO. . less commlsnl.MH ati " ".:)ci rt Riven laal niKNt nj- ui on I'll.!': vu-h -'i Hun t for the bentb f .11,1. I the Wln.;t::i C'oniiumy durinc the S if, -In' i :ise l'nm first 4K par icir ot evi- .rlllrnl'i'. i- j:ii,-.d raaip. 1 LonU Exposition. The ease was heai 1 tv W'.caiiii.iu t";at a fonher term of Kursytli Sipeiioi .;r.!U Ms !uichedjc0lt ant ,ile jm.y awarded tin: plai';- i'M. tiff $20u as actual damages an, I jinri'v Wiuil iirule a,iofl as iiosm ctive. The Veils-"ii:e-f,,..',i,ii ,11 cf ("ai Sler . ,, j f,, nniLwil in n.nv !h. "liti but nut the $:.,0lKi. An appeal to the Supreim- C;urt !'.!!:, w.d and a new luarlns was Kianu.l. Kx-C'oni.'res.s-tnan F. A. Wot.dard ani', U. (!. Cm nor, Jr., two pininineai !aw..eis of Wilsim, are liere ri'iuesi tiling ihe Well.-WhKilKad Co. Mr. W. V. Car ter, a member of said company, is a' s.) attending the trial. Under the ruling of .( mi -ro Ward as ic submission of issues. coiinsi'I for I the Winst'.)n Ci.mireite Machine Co.. the plaintiff, excepted and gave notice of appeal to the Supreme Couit. BANDITS SECURE OVER 100.000 SPEC! TERM IL ll:; l!;mvn was I ie do r.i- ;i:i's 'tiers to ::. !li' KareasticaUy ; . as "in, iei i lire-! i hi:i! as "a moral cl,'H':'. C'liiiMfrotis ! Train Robbed in Texas and This Amount Taken. Rob-' bers Then Escaping. i Express Messenger Probably Seriously1 Hurt Rcbbery Occurred At Mylan Siding on Cotton Belt Route Only Meagre Details About the Arfan ' Have Been Received Thus Far. The tsiinitj - ill i ll i if s mo i r l:i mh si, Ml tula.i, ociiipleti'J Uelr sett'., an nt !'h evf.Hiu:y Tiasuier KiiiiK. The reffpi from jilt Jiirn t am iunt et lo :.1"I,2T nJ dl4ur iiit uts. .1 J .i i, '.eavlm; a ;u nneo due (tie -,.: in . $ :,i."::.t: I 12 per cent. ainointi to II mIXI'I. '"' bul.llUK rund aa a ap,endld- one Th.. net jiiat r..:iiln f h.. nn. ' ' t vi ry tesn. et. 8el I. uu hve our '"'in Is ll.TMi.M. C.mt KlL-utiiM x. un. 'cltlicnx ha I tae oprortiihWy t.i hesi ihorled t pay over lo id neesM.i, miiwen! el.elloii mi anl(kI.v ren :t!wse K. Ileek Ihe toiler sum. idt lid. Kven ntfMlheT of Ihe btttld M- M- ' An oidi r nan naisf r.-,. n,. J, .hi. 'luillfd bilikM-lf ho . ndklly aud only uu delai. Tile pncl lent has ,j , ,(,.,, ns ; caiiroa I lax mi u.c- i l L- "f I1'"' 'ro heard fiom tlh)s 1 ipt is ir tlh- case. II . lie's ' e, tJ all(, s , fax ' pi-fj-enl. One especially enjoysbln l his :ie:'.in ill l e uphel 1. i,i Ifeature ,f ih Drinliam wtuj the vernal Here llt.w. w. re r, leased if one half'"'! ' I'lMf. Kune It. Sloi'cr. U-? 'iiihle lax (,n pro.iv In first iird,'lll,s A nunidfleeni vtdeo thul hoe,t the amount Ix in- ijh.s. jlu xphmlld adwintaKe taut nlnhl. An order was pmscd lo (he . ff.s t! The foDmltiif letter, which explains l hat inee the pussiine of nalary I HU 1 " ,,'lr- M,,lt ,,,a ' T u J lir t ie different county office,), uu j H-'bl. b-uder o( the Ho)s llnwl: lees miiKt accompany all pnrx r to ko Mr- J- ,,f,,h1' ttl'" i' m nmnl and that no nnw r ), r..,-,..,!. "'"Ml. Winston Sulein, N. C: ed until full fecH aie paid. The hoanl made i.;IHnieut with Sheriff Alspa.Kli ef special laxe fori the year l'.iufi The State's wrt Is ll.M3.92; county, $2X3.Ki; n-hvolH, J'i.n:., uiukiiir a iot.il ot '.i.s.',t.;;i. Tne hoi 1 ad'j iiinie ", uu afteino.irj ; !.i ni i't iu m Fi l'. iv, wh-n claims j iiiTiilHst tic family and other mattei1' will he acied nptm. sidered Judgments In Various Cat-, . fEOERI COURT Wll Convene January 14. When the Alleged Revenue Fraud Cases Will be Dis posed Of. Seme Other Matters Also To Be Con-; jJf'Of t'if Kt,ukh:'.derP ;i Swiim flonds Co., I, di'' companj wan per i.iixl liy the e'eclion 'iMftr: ' l),.lciiuainer: vice ! I.. Vjniiiu; secreta- manager. C. C. Thorn- OFFICERS ELECTED 'Sit'Oirs wero chr,srn: )v. K. II, ck. C, " LitiLn-ron. and Chap 1!'iii; (ioorts (',-., as mi occupy the "rams en West Fourth suMI by the Wall pCo. Tac new com K Uisiness January F ' MrryinR a com f -,XMli, aut-mo-f-'urn' n fail line of buhi a re department F'"f Mr. 11. . hnhher i' hardware man i "'''"' 'i ihe company as I ""! ais cl, cied Yesterday beinit the hist m.mthly inwtiiif; fur 19ufi of the Hospilal Aso (iathm, there was considerable busi ness lo dispose of. The reports were read of the dif ferent committees; the one In refer ence to the thanks.uivinir offerings be ins especially ijra'-ifyliiK. 'The asso ciat.io:t feels vt ry .itratefnl for the hlndly remembrances in donations from various sources, the .Moravian churches beiiiK very generous in t.'i.-ir contrihutirtns, thev lakinjr up colee ti:)ii at their ihanksniviup; services pavtlcuhir'y for i this purpose. The Home-Moravian church sent $7S.Fi': Calvary church, $lU..',a; Christ chape!. tS.dfl. Total I'.iT.lu. old Town sent a nice collection ol' vcjreiables and eun- 1111,1 fruit- i Piiiil' K'liUf.oRiil church I Iti.ive a jjetioious has; of orantes; Mrs. jSuttenheld's Circle of the Pieshyu-I Irian church has hi'-n g'ivim; for nine I company I m-n. e ,u ...... .v,e r.i,- .-.ntrv " .m w ' .- ii, In. (Hy 1'utilislicr..' l'r-sv) I IIOCSTOX. Texas, Dec. I.--A dis I patch front I'ab dine, Texas, brings ! Hi.- belated story of a train lolib. ry on !sa!..rday niitht te-ar. Mylan Siding, i Train bandits attacked a Cotton HiR jlraln and probably fatally mini' il the express, iiiesseiiger and deeampeil i with ihe booty, believed to exceed lllAu.OOo. l'acilic press tfllclals re i fuse anv information on the subject, T Th" lad ties wish The T'iiuii.-nt cost ins over "I' l,; mil . in i E. K 'jii-ii,. '' .li:k nf 'O'llii c'-i sid es : supplies; Calvary churca, he IiiK' money, sent flour, sunar, apples and iin:nr-i. T.ie i-itv schools, as k. who iiet-;ls I .ial, did not forget llu li'oHpiial, and :" 0 t,u' ! I seat. a liberal .louatian in package sro- Ic.ivw.J mini, fi.tf, m ili.'ireil food-, ls'tea, etc. These tokens ol kiiuily n iinembrance arc greatly appreciated by .'these todies, who fed keenly the re sponsibility of carrying on tin I tal work and fed that a lilt! iro.ids IS VESTRYMEN many individuals would relieve .f very embarrassing places, In lieln an instituiiiui of which wi well feel r.;,)iid. T.ie were decti d for the T :.l .. . , T . . i i lcsmt iu .i . Ihe ' m-o -l,l,,nt l.-v;,t .!, ud .: '"-I'aiion of! ii-' nl'il 1 1.1!- HO ,.' ... . . , ' I '- I- J.OfKrt' ;.TV. , ' 1 ,mx- , treasurer, Vn. ',k "p' 1 1 , tary, Mrs. W. ":.,!' U'ltive l.ard eon ' iv. Schon t .0111 -id"S may Ibwlnir oMieers .niins ear: . THrl-i:-; vic-- :e; I ies of the Associated Chnri to tnank the (iraded S'-hool children for their liberal donations on Thaiikivint-' day. Fift families were hr'ped by their Renerolty. There was $.1.0;', in moiey contributed, whirh was inveslel in wood and delicacies fir the sick peuple. T fallow iu report was Riven by .lis-, Annie Cromm. secretary if the assoi i at ion , on last Tuesday for the past month: Am mnt comrih.fi d from Ocio- bi r L'7 to X ivemiM r ?, "u Applications fir help If Those found dnscrvinir of he!i 39 Those found uiiwarthv ...... !" Th. re ha. I been '.'' K.'irinenis dls tribnud iluiint; ihi-i time. Amount spent ihe past month ine. proi isions and milk, ladies liud In their wo; I; a ven need lor a district mii-se, as in ease-, tile cases of ifferins he considerably nliewd by a O'omuiih ku ,we lire of sanitary niet!:oils, and sme-'i ,ns :ei:a:'d to iliei, etc. An api a! lias- I" '"i made throiiKh the mini-teis th.- dilf, ;vu: ch rches lii brill!! 'Ids befnre tie '.r ffin ii; i-u.-it itms and ask them to assist them in u:-.i k iytr this d a's i be br.mtht hi fore : ; charitable and l-iie. 1 lioi:.-. The need is uric i-! lie ,-ause of pfiW m es Against Revenue Officers To Be Anounced At That Time January Term To Be Adjourned Session of Term Beginning Today, Thit Being Continued. i III for 'in. lit j Tin "na; I many llOSpi-j , Mil i front , mi i; i (Special to The Sentinel. ClU'.KX'SJtOllO, Dec. 4. After liav imc continued the prayer for JudRtnent in all ihe revenue fraud- eases find cases I or lllc ft dl.ilillliiK, In whjch ver dicts of Kuilly. have been relurnod or s;,bmlssioHH 'ulerell, the necial term of I'liiled Hta'e 4)strlet court, wblcll convened1 yeaierdu) . adjourned nt 12 o'clwk Kxlay until Monday, January 14. A jury for the adjourned term was drawn and an order made stating that the term would be for the trial of bull criminal and chll cases. At th" January dpcclnl term the bank ruptcy case of !(. H. Hardin and oth ers will be called for trial. The jury for the ppecl.it lertu. as drawn this moraine, is composed of the following: Keuben Brown, Hrow-I er; .). A. Horn, Morrntoch: H.H.. W'ehb.j Oaks; F. M. Hlimcliard, HurllnKtoi); ilohn A. McCauley.l'nlverslly Stutlon; "film if. Johnson, Riifllii; Wllllaiiv I,. Waltci. (Je: m:iiUo" ii ; William Klrk mn, (ini ihboro; X. K. AIIn. 11 1Kb Point; .1. T. itbodt-s, HuniinerfleUI ; K. I. Atkins, Collax: John Ixiwery, Oak Illde; Jos. I.. TroKdon, Sloneville; Alveus (lllmer, plesaut (iarden; Iavld Parks. IllPfihom; W. l. Slate, Quak er; A. T. Kiddle, Hurphin; O. M. Ven ial, Fmbui-h; .1. U. Miirraw, Center; I). P. Fie-t.r. Xance; W. (J. Lcwan, Winston; tieorjte Yarboiomrh, Milton; Henry Mie, Keedy; . p, Murjihy (Ilv IhibllRherh' Preas.) CHIC.-UiO. Illinois, Dec. 4 A dite paich from a staff corrcsixindent of the Clilcann Trltmne hiivii; "California is In rebellion over .the Japanese I rouble. . It waiiid no war with ihv rent of Tbe'fnlted Hlaffs bh! deinamls a friendly Ilht In the Su premo foul t' to liceldi -whether Call foi ula bus n r I k h f to rue Itself In h cal matli rs and handle tile color ipies. tlon In iu own way, X Miner does California seek war wlih. Jnpaii. The school sufMTliitendi'rvt declare San Francisco never will change Its atti tude on the school question. The com missioner of labor for California de clares if California Is In remain one of the 1'nlieil Staleg then It must slop Ihe Invasion and settle Hie question. 'If we do not nettle It soon then out children will settle ll,' says the com- jnissloner." .1, n' rell, Mrs. J.M it , : I'lar'1 "'"'lUoddicI;. The , uu: is comiHOsed of -lb son, 1C. A. Kb ' i The trainlntr -'."ii ; il II. S. I.ott and im-peiliuendent. Mrs .. and .'! i;ee Oil 11. T r I. .1. Ii'"' ' tho: .1.: , nliaii.e 'o secnte iImikI nurse. I'-ible, I: th.- diff.rc nf orcaniza in. the lack : rtali'v auio',,1; he servlc III. relational, "n the fob ic-s were C, lluvion ' ,:' '"a::, junior L,; ;'ias;irer; ; -'iu itcasiirer; liiiance com-l:- l-a-a'ter and ' '' u,'din fund - "li.'id, i, t l-:l.': music ' ' Ti re and '''anuiitiv, A. Si Iioii.c,-. : ; w 'oni'io ev ,! I. Ci .'.,! ' I ' ' -r ill., i-1 l, I1..1.U.... ll.tl.. ; 1 aoilia l 1 1 ' , . w. jio.t iiiiim, I , ii lit, i When o irl convened this mornlnti at ten o chick IdstHct Attorney JIi- it'iti called ihe caw of (i. W. .Samuel. who was, f Hind Kulliy at a trial last ;r.ulmr of iii.-ikinn false n sirts while in the ,-intie f the government as . sx-rial n-viirie oftlrer. JndKe W'. P. 'Ilynnai, Jr., of the counsel for the' de- 1 f. .K'aiit, mad - a motion for arrest of Jit.-lvtnien: . 'I he motion wan areued in jj brief by Jn Ixe llwiuni, after which i.iuiiue ii iyu a.nn-iui)ceii mat ne woum tii in th'' motion, nt well as the mo 1 1 ii .ii for a new trial, which has b,-en p;, no i.-iy mane, .luue Itoyd men a:.n i ti r. ed his inlee'ion of continulns; !! ptaj t for ,;,li;ment In all Ihe I'.u-irie frail I cireii, IneludiuK those i." It II. Hardin. A. S. Palterntu and 'l r Hails. District Attorney Holion k, that jiiflirnient In the caws for a' mie wm Of raisiEDp (Ily Puhllshers' Presi.l MANILA, Ihf.- I ---Two more of the twetili -four lnuiat ,i of lilllbld prison, w'uo were accidentally Inoculated with yhiKiie eijniis in the routse of exis rl ments with antl-eholera aerum, have died, nialilllj; twelve deaths. iiewspa"iri are containing nuilailoti of the matter and severely erlllclztiiK the methods of Ihe Koverniiient labr.ra tiloiy and Or. It. It Hironsr, chief of laboratory, who is conduetlni: the anil chohra experlnu nis under Instruction from the Philippine Commission My I) r Sir I leg to cxpre, the IiIkIi appr.-latlon of the officers su( dliector if the V.miiik Men' Cbrli i bin As.-.oln(ion for the uplemlld fou cert iendcre.1 at the KlkV Auilitorlum last PvenltiK for the b. nellt of lh Y. M. V. A. bulldlim fund. Willi th u mount nslljeil a tnH laritc, the spirit which pnimpted thl labor of hove In the same spirit whlcti makes the Vonna: Men' Chrls'ltu A WK'laibin a Kwer for Kood wherever It exist, aud Its ntno eatmot bo measured In dolai and nuts. The fund will be tuied for a particu lar puiTHise, of which joil will be no tified Liter. Wls'ilns; also to extend our thank to ihe & mlenietv who mo kindly assist ud your organisation, ntifl akuIu thank- SOUTHERN GETS VICE PRESIDENT DE SEABOARD Ipx y u, we Ik to reniala, Yourn very truly, WlNHTON'SAl.KM Yf M. t A. K. V. NOKFXKKT. Irsldent. P. M. CtJUlKIlT. Secretary . Statistics About Y. M. C. A, Wrt. The Yca.r-K.mk of ihe Yount Men' Chtlstlan Acieluilon, which b& Just been tH-uid, fiinilsheH w)itii titrst int statistic. We quote a selection: "The ornntiiail')ii ha viirollod mor i ban 4o,i)Oi) nieinbtrH It l,7Bl branch es. The total tneiribertihlp In lfi5 wan bul ,12,(Hln; it Is now 4u,'.,H(; aii'l the current receipt and expendi ture have rolled up front li4,huh t $,"i.rvi,i r.rs. whliu the cfit of its suix'r vlsory work (the Stale and Interna tional committee), to which Is.larKfly responsible the development of the or xanUailou Imn I pe named from 270 to l2.'.,Hi, wlih an added foreign In ditet of I0I,!H1. The Norlh AmerbW' wwlailons have ll foreign aecri-tarba ln ten connirit!, besides a lafa;T num ber of nat I v.' we?! tarh'ti, and sent out , new nieu last year. The lift prox iv has shown an unparalleled in inase ii one year of l,nk7JMH, irwk injr a total of ''t,'M Iu valuo of 1 ill estat.t held, bitddin l.7il,:WU pbdKed for m:w bulMiiiEN now belui? erecteil Iu I JO ell lew ln .lh pant )-ur Die atooiuit of money actually rtwlv- Filipino!' d by iisf x-latloits. for current ttxptms- en mid ItiilldinK wan over llD.tHifl.nno. ilts liienibershtp Is niore wldeily fHs- itlbiiied, the chief dlilslons Ih-Iiik M, :i"l railmud men, f:i,2Ji Hliidents, IS. ".'i'iU colore! men, nd larKe niitiibem of mliH rs, soldiers, nation, otc. In wiiiii. associations over one? hundred llff rent occupations ore teprent-d. Tne number of hiiti iarlei and jihy hIcsj! directors i mployed increas'-d from 2.013 to 2,::. and ::o3 nositioun ar temporarily vacant. " or: STOC MD II KEG OF P -hop of Mr W el, was broken ibbc.l niht. Knl:a:-'"i' f i run a iear window, wiii-h The Kun and repair It. lic k, on Tra le si I into an, I was mil'! ami KTON. 1 T,i '';'ii. A' !;,, Jf-iKl-S- A depioiab'e accldeiK ..crurred Pine Rldite, about 12 miles nott.i Mt. Airv, Sundai af'ernoi ) about nVliwl; li iiiiiicar.- that five ni .. i.,.,. uhni iiinmw were not learned. .i n. -,. , " .i. His hiu'iui'iim I,. .1 lion-., rondiicted hy a Mr Poiles, when one of ihe nun. .!, I,,., ., rlt'nrettc. threw It i,,... .. ... I,,,- n-hix ln-xntode.1 an ui t,v 11 ' . seriously burned every one in 'le store. It Is Mioimht one or two of the men will not recover. The store and Ms cmieiits were burn d. A!! 'he par- line art. tirnniinen: ncople ill lb ' ''Plfsts the -ie marrl ' ''' ) Mr. .In "'' inornlns. l:i!U'te,.u hum '"' k. four fortJ- uistoii-Salf.nl Mr. Il''k rejo- eithi dollars. In cm safe, which was !.' half a d izeu pi-'o ty of cartridges, ihe oHP'ei-H ant - one lecLO'd iiclt i ', r. ii'it.-i 1 1' in lor it ii. i uiir to him. Four found In bis P"'ie car'rlilires, i i1- !' were ImpilcaoM In .IK .'f'er.Jan-iborbood and the dread llejlth accident ii- ,i, pilz.d opui r 1 1 - I '- of about taken fr un :' " open, .n: I aboni :e-ii. s a i n o i s 1 1 Thi- iioeiiim; Wi!1 S'tnpsMi. a who hears a bad who thins- fi.i' do no Int .'or liie .! ilbirs w.i ! Id. It-s.d. s s.ocrai i..vi ,l I nil o'-iets .he l.ibbel'.v. T!ic .In- -hat e,l t the arr.-- of simp-oil was f nnislied bv his cintcll. i,h wliic he walks. Steps mad with this ,v the peck S'ore Wit' a ,w weie plainlv visible this mornini.: 1 1 j ,f-i ' tlisilllliiit' lie pronounced la.c it Is In the oilier cases. .Indite Hold Intends to llsKh "is i oiimh at the special term ofj ,":!' it: Jtinuari. He raid that In con-' v..iiu: the cases ai this lime lie did: i o' nnii to make the Impression tliai !.,- did not Inlemi to pas; Judgment in ; ie cas'-s. lie said that he hod beer; ii formed y men who were Inf er'sted in the carets that the defendants had -per ptucticailv all tf Heir tKe-sev si ms In iiiakinK th-'r def.-nsi', an1 U knew it w oul I be qulu them to pay the fins and (f to prison at (his time.. The minimum (wnalih-s Iti l lie H.imuel, Hardin and Iiavis ens , are $1 ooo line an I pi iBor meiii In addition lothU Hie at ; ii ni ion ,f ihe court, whs diredd lo 'tie fact that Samuel has Just been ie leased from the Wilkes county Jail. . where jie scried a term for trouble ill lieitly eonnected with the cass In 'he I Federal court. (Hy Publishers' Press.) NORFOLK. I,c, 4.K. K. Coal, hc ond vi.'-pii'silent an 1 traffic mana.'er of ihe K aboard Air Line, has r'slxn r I. He will po to Kansas City for the Southern Railroad ,0 assume similar ,fle dutfl-s, Ills reslL'iiatioii Is effiCllve i ls- t niber 1.',. of at! . . COIITEI.IPT CISE l!l THE SUPREME COURT IN BUHL! CASE fBv I ubllhhers' Pre it I WAHHINdTON. IX c. 4 - A brief hat been filed In the Fnitcd States Hu premo (Vmtt cfinslderlioc the leij.ij ii stlon In reicard lo Ihe Chattanooga conteinpt case. arlsliiK from lynchliiK of K I JoliiiKoi). a iiero bo had li"ii Krafped a slay of ex. "uilon. Oral ar Kiiineiyi wlr be made late thii after noon or tomorriw morning. Judjn I i.'i: moil, attorney for Sheriff H'lipp, accuse I of fail lie lo prelect Johnson, rai'), ik o'letlou of Jurisdiction of Feletal t eit't t' consld. r an apK-kl from the State ronrts. Ttns) iN-part- Iliei, redlel thal.th'- t ' H 1 1 ' " J Kt.tt'H conns are empow.re.l lo lake rasca al'hoiiKli t'aey may not, ialn them. It !s arum d that the Supreme Court . has a right to take case, for purpose A beautiful Franklin ,ioinool!e 'of d' teimliil:; them, arrived here yesterdai- for Mr. W. 1.1 . -- (fly Publishers' Preie) ) , Ni:W YORK, Dec. 4. The proseen- tlou rested It, nisn tmiar In henriiiK' a hardship fnrlof C,eirKe Ituriibain, Jr.. vie prinll.nt of Muiiial R, .serve Life Insurance Co.. on ihe harte of Kraud la really. The jn ror Hiusii Illness jes'i-rtltty rausei) six rnont .M Ini-j pOsiiKMietnent,!, back Prow ll. l. Is a f'sir-ev Under machine and cost ll.fc.Mi It was ordered through the local aen. Mr. II. O. Hipp. i Asilanl Ms'rir't. Attorney A, I. Coble w.ii here this aficrtioon. re'iirn jlng to lils home at Htaieui!le l:m i, em. X. C."j deeply neftretted.