1 i P 1 VjJ T s I J ii 1H) A t it 7" 3r-. jffi i i rates! TOSION-TOy EVENING, DECEMBER! 190S n nnn niunrn nr7-TT7- 1 ; . 5 ..... t TO PlClflCCBIST mmm Ifl CONVENTION PEOPLE STIRRED1 DLL'S price 5 cents IT 5. 1 , "r W"! lX-"l RoouVonlyNlne, Days R, Dismisses re .j.BryaitOriniesj Reported Lost Around Clifton in and Arlzonia. vaioiiin (tie ciiy ,,f Greens boro This .M wing. Attitude on Japanese elusion Question. Ex- , t Rcd-ct'Oi of Inestimable Property Damage Also Re- f5rB, Mr- Gr.mes son3be-Hoever, Consider In-' Complaints suits Sudden Rise of River Caused By Heavy Snows Precipitates The Disastrous Flood One of the Wsrst Disasters of the Kind In the History of Region In Which It Occurred. Prts,Jcnt V. Y jj.1fs. SdHlg An Rd;e jn, Pre- i It Free I'lterestmn Sfision i., cv To ti)ecLea-S3re SUtist.cs ' "c oip;.st Ur"ctnm,ition of North Carolina. Aoout In State Predicted That His Tenden Intrrfere In The Matter In Oppos.t on To Japanese Exclusion Will Lose Pacific Coast States To The Rcpibucan Party. main and Over 13.000 Is SU11 Needed for Y. M. C. A. Fund. CHILD LABOR BILL OFFERED Mr. Lodge Introduces One In the United States Senate Today. r.iv ,1, I . .; V . i H . vf;,; sMi- j. (,ry.-;sK.,. .J lit'' VKU KT. I j,., mini:'- - a" I one-' I jnin' ii.irno - and i' !.- : rl-''" j , ilu- 5ii.t.t that ( 't.-tba'. I 'l'' : ., JIl'i'T l'"!i''' Till loll , i.i' - .t!:.i! '"a I ,if'j; :in i mill -inif-i. j '3IWEB I'Thv-i'iiliM-i.) ! 1 nrr .V" Wa 'Illll'io:. ti t iBr 1 ubliahers' Press) CLIKTOX". Arizoua, Dec. . , T i ty id sixty lives Hit? rt ported :.m ; t !:-;- ima ljto pioputy dama;;e a It stilt (if (m of thy wat fl.iod, ' C lil -"il. f.ti'-rtp-ili. T.ii' iirln bitsint a section of the city witeUcil. many buildings being ivm-l ''! phtoly swept away. "ion. Tlu sudden rise of the Cil.i r:v-s . j railKid by heavy snows. sUirtcJ Francisco river ami Chase ere. I; precipitated i ho lUod. ' . K !:r !'i ii;i i i hi l Htt;tfuU fWhl?-r1tif 1Ri a i'i ,.- 'a' ll.rcc ,v an.! ' I'm '(llllll' U:. I'll. r Sun a. T.i.' , ' l 'i cUlH . UmW. i l' I' i.-lii r-. l'r. (.) SVS I'l; NfS-tt. I) r. TU, :. l1... ' - ,:l-t is .-tii t. il U t:n ' H ' ll'!.' M .-t.ilMit H j.iN.'M'it Clll '"! .1 iii I':k mi'SNiiKi . A Wit i r 1 is '.as l i n iirotift'il iimiiiiiu lalxir tin-1 .! - air) the ni!ii'tlm I niailo that! ! . I s ut t i. n Iftiti ilrlvo'f t';ilifor ' I Those Who Interyl To Subscribe Are j Urged To Do So At Once Entire i Amount Needed Should Be Raised j Before December 15 Now Is The j Time To Subscribe. ! Tli.' Y t. f n a. h. i $ll.7l I A liiiildiiii; InltJ li.nl . ai 7. 'I' ii'rlirt k U-t, Mil.'lu Uu t,..' c iuiuiliti-1 lint so r- lion on ilv .'ax's oik Tin' aiitixititj srCtlli'd JcsttMlay w;is $i. Id. Tlu'i, an- nlj nlno wiuUlns ,la iii.i i: i CASE WORKERS MEETING HERE wit;-, :,tiiii" ait: Fry nciM'o. Njii.iii.i! I.eKit-lalivt: if Aim riciii Ki ilcra-ti- itunins l'atillc iif,r slid hmu-li'ial Imry li- ';it:nk ;!m 'a; an i:; i , Jais irbl'-l r. rvery thought.-li.-lit'vi s Ihi'ic i .1 a ;i 1 1 snout r ;l r H-ninj; of iiicnl tac win briiif,' liavc hi't'c Thi- nialti-r North Carolina Association Is in Session in This City Today. C' TU I " r a. . i h , .,i V. N ,... . , I I.f U.ttt (llOM II I . ; . many clinic:), i uumli. r tn. n :' ui.',. 'i in-1-.. a: . ;i'M !' mail j.i ,iii;i . i. v,.,ji, i i-l'T- !'n ill aU mi ,,:t t 1 1 r -.-i -ii i j ii i-u iy ii.ti-n ' lii'ic'l. Kiaii.ii.i;.- .,- ,,ii;'ti,, if'i II Ilia.;,- tV.- ;li,. , m, -;Uji:i i )! i i ' i-.. lill'KH d lln u.Miall iiiurr i,!.li:-. Ila'i'lin loii'iiii' w.nk i tlius i. it ii Ih. .'' .iisrn.-.-li n f til :i':iTj ilia' I'. ini- II i HI' III! I liiis IK Sj.'yivt:iri I .hill. l.J'T V iii ;), :aa i. ii af. ami ii d Si r. if lii I r.iaiw Il ; I.' ii .i ti i-!rri;i,ili hav l Mill Cur. niic!i .; mi l H all till' I'lltil l' cai-t 1 ! Kill rank. I h i i;oii ami a!-, i il I'Uiti'd fur lull. . . i a.. . lln i I -d hi .or I'.. ,.i : ;'! t'alifoi aia I'rtliiHI.h'K 111 ini-il. il. thi-, This aim nun 1: n v. ii it a t.i wHMiii' t hi- sum Vinn nuiiv limit $."i.'hhi. .sin. ill," lit' ruiml In thi- ink! i'.a or two. ShIimmIIh' ut i.iH-c 1 1 il o fun,:. Yotii .hiitm'i IpUon Is nt't'd i'il now. Tin- immIu- $ .11.111111 sliouiil he sienii'il In inn' lVvt mix i- l.'i mill Ui Ih' If thi' liiiois of Wlii-vtoii-Sult'in Wll.l ll.lVf la.t MlllMM llli'll tii tho btiild- fut.ii! s 111 it.i so at oiioi'. hi i Tin' ii'inimi flan 1 1-. ii ar.-rii 'ii.- fi 1 t. Hill ii;i. i,i . M-sr-iuti of ilu. Supi'rior was ;ykni up In hiarini; the it- suit of Cora Ni Is.m vs. thi' K. Hi i ih r.iharo.) Co. Tho plaintiff a c.iiii'i'd w.iiiian ami alkies t!tat lmn:ll t'lll". vtu- urn. rim in. r liv Advance In Price of Case Goods Decid-' ,,' , ' ! , ,' .','", ('t.ir.'!Hnt'!;iK Srcn-tari l.iiliuMt.ti11' l.-eM.-; nt loliai'co at ono of tin.' ed Upon, Owing To Increase In Cost !.il!n,Mi HaptisL i-onvrnlion, whi,.,h'af Iw.iim'i. of Hi. il.'f.Mi.lant. -oi.i..i-of Raw Material and Labor An In-jimt'i- in Cn nihluro loiiay. sins In -"J a; ."iislalni'il iiiJiirii'H wliifh ki'pl tercstinn Mretinn At hmi Tin. I ir- stills am! i-r.-diiaiia' slaii.-iic n la !"T l l't lor 1- 11'iiiiHiK. Sin asks for dorf. nrvun no nn i J LU -MURDER I r . in mi ' : i iiift-tino in xn ii it: in; CI tlsl'll'l ,11 il.ll t'oi r.'spoiii' op. n i inorV up flT .1. Hi I I in :'.H'!'b!i'iaI niii'Ktion i ibich i act is KoltiKlof 'Pn;lic Of.as!. White tW lih tin' .laji.s at I (or a livclilui.nl. Von iiai-i icakc any- '? ki Ii ,l,1p. AllKl)- ais'o thi uiilv ii'lii- 1'ivss.) to. Four paddi ii ! 1 ' Ai'i'.'., c unity '" -.'ii.tin c.f Tfi-ry ! d a'hi'i-wi-ilit ' f ' .( win ii, whoso tliftlit. H" will fi": iliin of ohscr-WUi- war,!. "I fu .' Illii,;. IC ' lie luiii W('m 7,. "1JHi ii' main:, , that tin' money, li.t cha rul e's for his ;" .'Ii(;ovi-:t. ' .'t:i ib'i'.es I l! -'-iac;iiK iinil j'"fcil.'l li.day that r'''i :o owning a rS I,:, I I , ii Jinilli . 0 Viiil. r: 1.:..- ci3 aro si'tiini; for tliclr noivls. "Now one of tiie main Mil.jii'1 hal tutliscusa a i. Hie inciint; wa. very Iruiihli' wliicli confronts us have worked ililiiit ntly over the 1 1 n lo t ie sn.w ih i.l Hie di iMinina lie. in N.n.h ( iu,ii'u iluriiiL' the ruisi : jt-ir. Ol' t i'- nt.aii) L'Wi.'ii.ii whiti Biipti-ts ill the Stale ll.iinii baptism-i were dtiriri; the year, ."tm ni .ie than an piesions ciir Mure money wa.i laiM i! for missiics :f;an eer Ih fore. Tin Slate iiiis.-ioii iKiar.l, it la more missionaries in tlw liehl, is tin; of tel.,!. Mcif church liuilillmrs have lieell i rectei! ;in,l of I). Iter class. Wake Fon.-t Coilese and the Buptisi ruier sity far Wotin n are i-liuiiurlm; for en lai;. nn ill. llielii-i w. X. .lones, of Haleiirll. re-iie lit ol the Stale euliw uUuli. wiU in.b;ilil lie re-eleclid. At a nuM'line of the Ministerial Asso ciation of the cit . IipIiI in the parjor o Hie McA.liK. Hotel .l hiy afternoon. il was deciili d lo hold a Sahlialh Oh servance convention in this city Jan nary K.-H'.. ('oiiiiiiit s on arranue- menls, transportation and publicit were iippoiulid and will at once Im tri Ii I tie w in k of arraiiKin for the conven tion. A Mi liowci! In neli: concert was piiv- ,-n in tin- chapel or the (ir i-lxno K- maie Colieite. ' Monday tiiht, by. the tneiuliers of the Kulerp.- Club. Then: was ;t law iittendaiicp ami a ( si 1 eralile ainoiint lo Ro to the McDowell IV-iielit fund was r UH .!. The Iro gram irmiend included many of Mc Dowell's own works. There was on! a brief session of the F'deial Coiitt Mi.nday al'ieiiioon. adjoin nii't: in oi ut r to Ktve had come froin Wilkes and ;ei to rain Monday .l-e The North Carolina Cast WorkciV Association uiei, here this in.irnim; ai M': ::u o'clock in the Zin.rn lorf llou-l. After ;in iiilertsiin' iiii.etim; which consmiifd iill the Uiornius hours it was decided that, if the niiiuiit'a(Titt'ei fiirnittne would make a. proli: on capital invesled it would be tiect s.-iiry to advance priseut "rices on accouni of the continued advance in the cu.il of material and .labor. tins :isi)claUon has anioiiK i hers n," per cent of all the case work ers in North Carolina and Virginia. It is an important IkuI.v, roiitrolllns; as III dae.t one of tho largest nianiifactur- tllft interests in I he South. ('resident W. (i. Iira.lshaw ix-inipied 'lie chair. Ilo ma.de a brief aildress. spoiikinj; of several of the more impor tant mailers which have arisen tiuriiif; the last, quarter, lie expressed his lib !lklll- ..I lli ...,i,.-ll, ..I' Ih.. ..,.... j f, , ...j iii v .ii ruv iii.iii i . ill- ii-"',. Hon, and the deep inlir.si the ineni bers appear to he taking in it, and benefits derive by lieiu a ineii;lier. Thi principal matter of discussion was the advance in the cost of raw material iiiu! labor, and In speaking of I his: C. J. Fit 1.1, secretary of the as sociation, Siiid: "The rise In ilu- cost of material last fall- tiiiide Ii necessary for us to advance the prices of furni ture January 1st. Thai' trouble still continues. There has been iio drop in prices of material. In-lead tin- ad !lnv ,.uri vance has continued until the raw nia-l,,,,. ,v,, terlnl costs more than tin- inannfactur- ,.ii,,.r u-t stern comities time t s in :he aim a- Kiveii to on. TI i- p Mil of fl'.nmi. Tin tilt Jun late thlsj i ill 1 i IT wan repif- M. Swink. while Man-' iipjieiire,! for the tie-! at:, r sen I- d by Mr. 1. It At lliiidien leiiliitit. I!y tho rullliu t ,lutle Ward in the iIiiimibi' suit of the WiiiHion ClKtirt ne Machine Co. tiKitillM the Wells-Willie-bead Co., of W'llsou, (he Jury retiinuil a verdict awarding tile plaintiff (He cents for defendants' failure to exhlbll one ()r the Winston coniiHiiiy's ma chines at the St. I.ouls exposition. District Attorney A. K. Holttm'H $lll. iiuo ilauiaKi' suit nainst X. (llerrn Wil liams wa continued by convent. -This case prow out of the assault niaile up on the district attorney In this city about three years ago. The suit of Carrie Wolff vs. the City of Wliistim was also conliui;i.H by consent. fj FIRST DEGREE, SITS JURY (Hy I'ulilisliers' Press.) HKHKIMKK. X. V. Hit. ."..-At 11 o'cl irk last lihbt the Jury In the (ill icit vase retiii iied a venlicl of guilty i i;f nuiriler in the (list domve HKiilimt thrt iWU nuianl, ClieMei- (illh ite, bc cllseil of the inurilor til his swei tlieart. (o ace lirtiw n, The jury as out (he houif. Senlenit- will passed upon the pvli-oiiei- TIuiikhiv iiioriiliiK. "(rllk'tle was Kiiilly and shoiiltl huve la en punislitsl," s;iid the aetl fullier of (iract Drown today,. Mrs. llrown said: "I it ill Ht ultnl to- was coiivlcletl, I ftal'nl the wretch would sea in borne how." tiillilJe plaiiiiiil to coiiiluil suicide last nluhl hy mi ans of a Mil stove, hut the munds (IlKcovercil the plaii'iind ro inoved 'he ht'ive frtnn his cell. He lias recovered coinpomie an I Is ioii fldeut Mluit he will eseaiie the eltctric clinir. Jlci Miner Is cpilel lisln.v. (ill lette's -counsel will ppeal, declarliiK that many errors made' will allow a new trial. ELECTION TO BE HELD, Wi the city without havilLi; to have ed Sai nr. int. There i- no Sunday from Wilkes and if is always mat ter all day: we have ili.-cusse l it from every stand-point, and we nav eluded that our only salwilioii 'hiUfh:' hcfoie tne Wnkcs Ueiesaiion n ;;el to Federal Court In re. Tiie Key. Lindsay F. .Inhli-.ni, pas- ,in iter of the (In ensboro I 'In isi ia I! . Xiitiiiielv we dis.lik. order to leave us a I do no: s.iy a pootl comiu-iled to make I'l-i. -Slur: in III: J,,:,'1 -rafl in Mil, 'II 111:'. ' K.., K : 'Hi:i,! ji, make an advanci 1 1" Co it. hut in I luai-Rln cf tiiotit, margin, we are Hi's advance. ".Now in conclusion I ni. iel waul to say that we have a niei tiuj;, an. I we feci as though tin individual mem ber has besnn to realize the impor i . .. . . a , i, . I...... torlh. 1 ("" ass;il iill ion, nun ' lie i mi,,!,, t-ni. eacn can derive " -ln 11 I 1 11 IIOOI 1 -.-ll'il "ii- inning at ;: : 1 r o'clock. '".church, is to be KILLED Bl II TREE Mr. Howard Most r, sou of Mr. Thus. Moser, of la wlsvllle. this county, was killed three miles from Farming-ton, Davie count, vistuiday by a ire; fall ing on him. He tiieit alniosl instantly. Mr. Mo.-er. with anoiher man, whosji name was not !rruilcd, were felling trees lor Mr.' (ieorge Ilauser's saw mil! wiii-n the sin! anil fatal accident oceiirn d. Mr. Mutter's co-laborer was injured by the saint; tree, but will rit-ovi i . Mr. Mo-t r was unmuirletl and alxmt I'll ynirs old. lie was buried a Con CKl. mar l.ewisvide. at I! o'clock, this afternoon. married one week from lomonow. His bml' wn be Miss Fi'.ia Mc.Mis-ter ).. l.tliitiK- ton. X. C-. who resided fur smiic limej in this city. Ti.f niarriane will t-'-.-'j piaci at nie y in inu.ot i inn- ingiou. t:.-the Tllt'Ht tl i todavj' held. .1. D. New Advertisements. Tei i' Sonivfhii'-t iloins horl- ""M To Asyl "'a He,, lilt., "T0 ' "'i wuiu.lll,, 'r ii .Ille on w;iw, ar " j;ii! last j mid. ar-i :' send '-'siilal at. i in is ex-''-'I three Ne-v York. ' " Tobacco- HE Wi.il.' S ar Co.-- Dinner nni.n. Slu nk -v McCiiiny Anott'ice that hate ailih-d a conipa tf oi"' - and otner houe-.Tir to tie U . and taii-Iasc siia s room, i .-Wl.ili In ad Toliiicio (' JliiKhls i-igai. 'tes. a '-i-iir.-''-,, saiisfv. Seal I'v 1 .leal'-t'--. i Vaiiet Stoti HI"' ft-.- iit vpporninity. Mh . barn, bii'--. ' W, O.ill.l made j., sa X, man I nialii i s' (Bv I'ubll.shers' Press.) WASIIIX; I OX. Dec. .V I'poii r.conimrn latioti of attorney general I 'resident Roosevelt has tleclik'd' to commute to life lniu isonnienl tiie nience passed upon Arthur and .1. Kola. Sawter. by the court of North Carolina, and Siiw ver are the in gro'-s re convicted of mutiny and Hit t rs and part of crew of the Hairy Dtrwind on tin- high COURTHOUSE QUESTIO fl h'ditor John Oliver, of the Keldsville Kt view, passed thmu-jh the city this morning en roult- to Vade Meculii Springs. Mr. Oliver reported that the comiiiissloneis of Kockhighi'iii coiinly at their monthly ineelltig Monday, Hgi ii'ii to a proponllion Mo strbmlt the tpii stlon of locating the courthouwt to H vote of the peoyje. A hill will Im Inlioductil In the next Leglslalui p. calling an election for this i)iire. Ii lli be rt uiembereil that the coin t house at Wentworlh was destroVKl by lire a few montrm agu. Kearing that the i oniniJssioners might ord. r It re built at tlwl piiiee. a tleiigailon usketl thai the )iiiti r be left to Ih )-opie. F. Hior. Ollvt r cxpritses the opinion that. Rockingham's capital will go to Iteldsville. FIVE NEGROES ARE fl Slightly Different From the tvendge Bill Bill For Increase In Salaries of Members af Congress To Be In troducedOther Washington News of Interest. - Illy I'ulill.-hcrV I'rrsa.) W ASHINGTON. iHo. 5 -Sn4tor Indue Intiot'uce-l in tin' Senate tisVj" a hill ile-.l,Mietl lo pivMH tho eiupUiv mt ii! of i -MM lalivr It dlffent from imiiiir tiiitist.re prt wretl h Scmiior lletiilige III that It peimlt lntir slue tniliHl't I Million of gtotdx linitiufac tllltll lit" Vulllhsi U-IWtH'tl tho (e of II nr I Id jtiirs If tiny cu produce c. rtlflcates from Kt'iiool uiiUiorltli of their home town t.-stifylijt that tht voutliM are libit- to read ami writi tin Kngll.-li Uiiigiiagt-- . . . Increase of Salaries Proposed- - Kxceptiug tlilrtj -two iulllknilre nitinbeiB ivery repi-eiH-ntatlvo In Con gilhs is rejolclim over (tin new lht SM,i,ker Ciinnoii will not Hand In tlm way of legislation InoreHsIng the siiln ry of si'iiatiirs and repres 'ntatUeiw' Chairman Taw my, of the approprU- . Hons coiiiinlitee, Hiiiioiinced the new tlm l Ilo- .ropit.( d Increase. In Trotu iri.iaiii to $7.1100 lor meinlM-nt ami fhm $U"t to llo.uiMi for -I ih le Joe. " nr ty linen ate iptd out on the pmptitil lion, which will be Mibirlll. d tn Uw lloil-e on nnielliitlieiil to leglslatlvn hill by KepreH'itluUve l.ltiiue, of .New York. If pHtst.l It will Im (iffe-ctlvo March I, I'."'!, IncreaHt'il expenxi's r the itiiBolis glieu for the propos-M lu ll case. Committee Favors Treaty. The Somite committee on forelittj fe lailous lodii made a report fiworlrm ratification of the Algeclras tnly n llarilliig .Molocco. Shutter is Named. The rrt'hldeut SCIlL the follow tPR nomination to the Si nute today: To bo meniber of I'hlllpplue Com mission and to he Si cretiit) of l'uldle instruction In riiltlpi lues, W. Morgan Hliuntef, ,f the Dlslrlct of Coliinibla. ' 'San Francisco Matter. 1 The answer of the Seiiati; lo tiie 1-mildi-nt'K i-ecoiunienilatlon for letfls. latiou that woukl force Han Kr)nebrt to glv the .liiiitiivc equal privileges! wltfl other risfdi-DtK wiih mifk rfMj luiloii this afiirnoon cflilliiK for full Infoi million mi Hie viibject. it was presented by Senator Flint ami called i:oit 'he wcretary of, commerce anil lalstr to send t the Si mite coidii of all "oitielHl leli rs, teli grams, etc., in connecilou with InvestlKatlnn of 'the niMitor of Jii !iiu,i. attending public K-hool in Han Krtuiclfc-co If not Irlconi patlble with the public Intcresl." Tin re was no objection to th adop tion of I he rifsdiitlon. LIE I! RIROID RU:.:0nS Is tnlk that the Stiiihcrn will early nntabllsh a new di- with hi -jubiunrterH In Wlnnton-; This would im an Lbc location death Adams Federal Allan s who w ki' - iit his York " ,i busl nii inter N' w York, in- niliei- of ei:y. Wi, M: (Hv Publishers' l'resi WASHIXXiTOX, D'-c. 5. Speaker Cannon yesterday a mnced tin- ap- K)inlni(Mit of Keprest nlathc Cousit:.-, Kepublicau or Iowa, as chairman of committee on foicigu affair- io suc ceed late Represe nlalhc IIH'- of K1' nols. R(ii-(-SLitiiilie l-owth n. Il.-pub- Co. A gtiuil one Owens Wing proinpt svnice.- ,uilitoriuin--Auilietiia: lipht , ... el,-,,n vs. Hans. Ic. 7th. I.l, MILLER-WOOLEN. ations reading as follows have lica.ti. of Illinois, w a her of the committee, Mrs. M. L. Dili, (if I'ia-t is the guest, of In r brollier Johnson, on West Second i poini. d a niem- .loll M r. Mrs. Sid Law renee js atl llaptist Stale cup xii; ion tjoro. svlllr, Maslinl J. ,J. Farriss. of It 'aiiokctel'pi-ist', was In re i or two it l. i T ill it S. K. t.le t-lis- I fll t'urnii late , M. mail in- ItO' from fine:. ,:ot k lay on Co. Nold.j ,; S.ec ehl 1 lo be. I Ifl. IV a n-ii:.i. ,-, i- Wcslbroo l.oiid.iy ai '' in I..1- . .ii backer K Sal. I.l Ci-Hi- Co -A It W ot llle ! i s to be found nt I ut d : Mi-. Janus Anderson Woollen 1''-i- Hie honor of your presence at m.-iriagi- of h" daugh'cr. Hubj , ri. . to Mr. William All nil Miller. ;,! ii.toii of Thursday, tin- twen h of ! cein tier, at live o'clock, at l liiirch of 'he Adv. nt ( Kpihcopaj I, r'aiiburg, Soinii Can. Hi. a " Tin officers made h raid on the trucking foice at the Southern freight depot laat night ami this morning. Tin arrested Cue colored men, ijiime ly Sol. Winn. Wool Crm-kett, Klllolt Kt mp, (Uorge Ui rv and Jim (ioldeii. Tlitse arc accused of stealing goods from tint cars, while unloading them. Castor oil. sewing machine oil. malt whiskey nn. liter were round ill the homos of Hie Ili-glOt t I' H l'liend : lial the) ciuii'-d off other prop.it;,. The nun will probably be given a In arii. g heloie Mayor Katon this af Tin ro ILillway vision. Hah in. of a suixTintciideut und traJnmaMer in this city. The lima in the propos iti new division. It Is, said, will be Hie N.wlh Carolina Mldlaul to Cfwir-loin-; (Iret iihIhho to WllkwlKro. anil Mi. Airy to Siuiford. A ruiuor Is rib-o current to the ef fect dat the Southern management Ih cousitierliig the qui-stion of making ' a ruling by which uo iMisseiiger train would walj on Bitot hr. DiMJslllS this mutter a conductor who has bemi In tin- soivlut- ninny years remarked, tllilt. he bi'lieved such i ordt r Wtiuht prove arccpuihlti to the gnater lila jorlly of people who travel. "If not In hi for dt'lan-d trains why should not every ono run on time- ptofidcj ther Is n ! a bieak-dowii?" askrd another railroader. BONIS CREDITORS OF THE STOLEN PISTOLS SUIliO F0Rr PIT P'CfJT h-Kgt.i n.-g laiL.Il I jeMeiday r.i. 'Olio A mt" u row's ri"i.- member of 1'urkhead Hui.dit) in- requested io be pn sent at III.- III, today. h I'oiiil Kn- I natters T. It-. It - M r. ii. wa- here ' Iih au'oiin ISvowii. Mi for this I"'"' bion-ir lo I an oii'ing tri.b I-- ;- 1 'iiT Inger. of Clia i I"1 !" ,av te-lii:g the new Ktank ,),. v,i;,l "i Mr ' Hal i inn. r Is Stii. tig-,.;;,-. This is tin- firs'- "" rile Willi r tK.K . lVirrin-.fr and d and . at-V rid -(in Ho chiireh tonight Chri.-'ilia's program. for practice of .Ti , i'v. Me-- . For hnmrn tin. (MM Fellows lodge a! K'T- - vioe laM. night elected tin- follow . , fti I-. rs: Noble .gran !, fi. M. : vice (iiand. (i. H. Hasien; rv ding secretary, (i. K. Kernr; !i al seeietary. W. C Slafforl, i-.ircr ft S. Ndfoii. The jsilicti have f.ijr of the pbitola itoli it from Mr W K. IW-ck's shtp Monday night, Two wen- found under the home of Will Simpson, 'be oiit;- ro bo who Wat, capturid morning Ciilet Tlioma1! i rami- ptiir ii:itig a g.sid unifoiiu In (11)' I'uhii-.Vrs' .FrtAs.) ' jcr.iwlimr under the house after tho I'AltlS, lm Ano'ljer hearing i "'"s. 'lug Iioj.k. The boy liad glvui n held ttnlay In suit of lloni'i, credl-. '""''" '' fwb'tl fioin Mr Ittck's tors iigaiusi the count and his foi iii.-r ) '" "'""er. Ills par.-uUt ; wife, Madame (;,,iii i:s counsel .,.; not approve of Ihc son's conduct and nouiiced that she was willing to payl!l'.v have puiilshitl him sevirely for all (hbts it luting to the liouseh'dd. 1 Hli" ''" his bands to s'iik to Ibing'l the line on mot)iy-lei;ders,,at did not belong to lilin. Donl with cash for ex'ra' Tin re Is evhlei.c.- that two ota.T i.eifm boys, Inck I(tdlne iitwl Jim Haltslon. wi re w l'h Hlnipon hen tint H. Cashweil, of MocKi ille.lrobbety wae coinmit'etl. Ilairsto-i I Ireeiislsiro today to tilti-iid ! ol. one of tin- slob II pi-loli to AV bill drew Sllppltillg plirses. . U-v. C. went Ut ih" Jlapiis' S'al(- coiiVfiiHn 'i-tm am! an i'l.t-r 'o Z.i'k Wikht. Mr. and Mrs. (I were here today :i c i' a

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