THE TWIN-CITY Zk'.Vt SSVTiKS!. WiNSTOVSA'-EM, EECEMSER- 2. "1 r When You Want u n Li n SPICES AND SEASON INGS OF ALL KINDS, LEARN THE WAY TO SIMPSON'S i cz2 czzj czzi nu czi a n ,, Awl .';... Cut Glass K lt !N . I -I. cc with-'llt J f I J III" tr.i.l-Miiirk (j, Fred N. Day, Jeweler, 406 Liberty St. See other ad on page 8. It you want tut glass then Day's Jewelry Store is the place. One of the finest stocks to In found. Hawkes ami other tine makes. Com pare my stock and prices with others. For brilliancy we cannot he excelled. j PERSONAL NOTES. j W. M. l'oiu-iiU'r. of Wa.kcrUjni , i.r Suditi vcverduy aLernovu. ) W. T. l'ii;. ili x;cr made a Im-daiss it rip up t'ue WitkfsUopo road t-jda . (", lU rnio Lour left yesterday etn Ins for Macon. (la., to visit Lis pa r'iits. Mrs. .1. W. Mini!!, of C.rvt usboro. U.i lias Ihii vl.-iling her uiuther lit re. went home today. W. W. Larbcr. of, liu has !kcu atleniiiii Federal rviirl at lireeuslxm). returned home Unlay. Mrs, X. W. Caiihwll. who has been quite ill at the home of hi r daughter, Mrs. Hi lloan, is cor.valcbi iuK. Mrs. J. W. Kry. of t!ii tyisboro, is i tie Kin st of lur sister, Mrs. Henry Roan, on Wist Fourth street. She a riW'd tills i(t'terlll,'o!l. Capt. K. T. Stiadman went to ay, Mnoie county, today to see hW atV, r. wlin is ill at the advanced age r V .wars. The latter resides wiih 'ii-, daughter. .Mrs. l-Asiier. It. Kiuloy. (if .North WHkesboro; V. K. White, of Mebauc: A. L. N.'. iieny. .f Dunn: S. 1. Alderman. ' 'lii ensloro. and ("has. ('. i t . k . ii'' Charlntie, were iiinong the gtiests m t-i-.teied at the Zlnzendorf last nlg'ii. Tfa? Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. FOR 62 YEARS LONDON, in c. 5. Cult's allU'ial in- yiuei'.ci is brought t'j hear l his ene mies it is . believed Cierurd Loullef will succtid Sir Mortimer Durand as liritish ambassador to the'Cuiled States. It is being; urged by his op ponents that Lowtlitr is unpopular in Washington. This company has stood for all that is best in American Life Insurance. It has proved that it is possible to uphold what is right and oppose what is wrong and succeed in building up and main taining a great business. The recent investigations show' these facts. The large annual dividends, low premium rates andliberal policy forms make the contracts of the Mutual Benefit the most desirable to be had. We sell you more insurance for less money than any other Life Insurance Company do ing a legitimate business. In justice , to yourself and family see a represen tative of this company before you buy life insurance.. To convinece you fully of these facts we ask for an interview. S Tudor & Wimbish, District Agents. j YOURS for $15.00. Today I was sent 30 spick-span new samples of suit cloths which represent the season s very latest styles. These I am to have made to your individual measure and order for $15 the suit. I have been in this business for 15 years and I have never seen this offer matched. If vou want a suit, I want to suit you and I can do it too in quality, style and price. I need your patronage and will try to merit it by pleasing you, so help me if you can. Over 300 samples to select from. Suits from $12 ts$40. Pants $3 to "$10. Overcoats $10 to $30. JOHN L. BRIETZ. 326 South Main St. Salem, N. C. Fast Mail To Be Discontinued. WASHINGTON. Dee. L In accord ance Willi a reqni st of the Southern Hiiiiwav Company, Postniasler-licner-al CorulH)ii announced today taut on .liiiiunij 5 the contract with it to sup ply fast mail service between Wash ington and Atlanta would he termina ted. The inability of the Soul hern to make the schedule required by the department is the explanation Riven by t he company for its desire to he re lieved from the terms of the contract. The subsidy cost the g;ovcrnnieni about $li0.t)n a year. STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA. . Department, of Stale. Certificate of Dissolution-. ' To AH to Whom TUese' Presents Ma Come (J reetlng: Whereas It appears lo my satisfac tion. b' duly authenticated recoid of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the utiatiiniuus consent of till the stuckli'oldi r, depos ited In my office, that the Ashcraft (lege Dry Coods Company, a corpora tion of this State, whose principal ollice is situated at Fourth street, in the city of Winston, County of l'or sjih, Stale of .North Carolina, II. C. .Vshcraft bolus the agent therein ami in charge thereof, upon whom process mav ho served, litis complied with the reiiuirement.s of Chapter it, Rcvisal of Utu,',, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary 1o tlie ihsuing of this Certlf ieate of Dissolution: . .Now, Therefore, 1 ,1. liryan Grimes. Secretary of Slate of the State of .North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corpoi ation did. ou the 21111 dJiy of November, ltmij, nie in uty oltlcc a duly ixeculul and atK-ted consent in writing to the dlshdntion of said coi'poratiou, executed by all the siock l:o!d(TS thereof, which said consent si nl ami the record of the proceeding.-, a Ion said are now on file ii: my said ollice us prov hied by iavv. In testimony win renf, I have hereto set my huiiil and affixed my ollicial seal, at Raleigh, this iltlj day of No vember, a. ii., uim;. .1. Hit VAN CRIMHS. Secrelarv of Slate. 3 ex Ifs a Wise Housewife UM.Pir wlio goes to 'OCiLlK for I'm nitine, Kul's, m ( that she needs. Here she can see the prices of the ,mods in,i:kul vt plaiii tijMires so she knows she is making no mistake li ,t getting the v'ry lowest price and the highest value to W l u) for the money. Confidence is everything in buying household l'u.hs Your confidence is earned and never abused wr t ila-n advantage of at Vogler's. Ask your friends about us. VOGLER & SON, 'The Plain' Figure Furniture Store. (;rav UUL. Plain Figure Furniture Store Plain Figure Furniture 1 ' " ' ' ' SECOND WEEK OF- GREAT SLAUGHTER SAI Means greater bargains and still greater sel Bring the money and get the goods. Cost considered. Everything slaughtered except u sett Shoes. Dry goods, ladies wear of all k ladies jackets, ladies rubbers, two thousand ladies shoes, and one thousand pairs child shoes. Also big line new furs ust received the best line lap robes in the city from $1.48 Yes, Groceries Too. Everything in the Grocery and provision depai tiucut also go in this sale. A good time to lay in your winter sup Remember, all goods taken out of the store, and not pal will be charged at regular prices. rank C. rBROWl, New Store In Coleman Block. Mr. (.'. L. Ilobson, un experienced dry .noods man. now with the Mailer-Dnlion-tlilmer Co.. and formerly uiiii the Hie Hive sto"e. has rented the store room on Main, street, nmv oc cupied by the V. m. c. ... huildini; heamiuarters. and will open by March I a coniphte slock of dry o:ds, no tions, ladies and tjeiiU furni.shlnjrs. shoes and millinery. The stove room is lo he renovated ami repainted and modern fixtures will be installed. t Dainty Lockets. r We can show vou an assort ment of Lockets, Brooches and other pieces of jewelry that will make you think you have stepped into Alladin's Cave. Prices are so reasonable that the likeness is all the more striking. All Goods Engraved Free. 5 opp s Jewelry Store. a a the Items From Rural Hall. Hunting and hop; killing a lealuies of ihu day here. There was a large crowd in attend ance upon the funeral services of Mrs. Luther Nitons-, tit U lib rim. Sunday af ternoon. The proirarlid uiectiui; will bcKin at New- Vernon, the second Sunday iu December, by the pastor, Rev. W. M. Riles. The liitle ibnmhier of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Enochs has been quiie 111. V. GIIA5.I1. PHELPS & 60. A)C U Via About J For Sale. On account of bad health I have de elded to close out my ctitlie stock of nicrehaildiso at once, consist Inn of Shoes. Notions, Heavy and Kancy Gro ceries. Clfiars, Tobacco and Confec tioneries. I have a Rood cash trade established. This Is a pxnl standjor business. To any one that may be come Interested, 1 will he pM l0 (iR. uro with. I will sell stock as it stands or by Inventory. Stock will be closed out at once. Respectfully, k. ii. kahahee. Main street Xo. L'l. Winston. N. c. to Itiown s Warehouse, g Swell Suits and Overcoats, fine Shoes w and Hats. Call and ask us about the $5.00 Shoes J we are giving away FREE. W Only One Coupon To a Customer T - 0 i. -1 4 .Next I Passed Examination Successfully. j .lames Donahue, New Uriluiii, Omit., i writes, ) tried several kidney reme idies. and was treated by our best phy sicians for diabetes, but did not iiii I prove until I took Koley's Kidney Cure, j After the second bottle i showed niv I Improvement, and live bodes cured me cpinpletely. have since pasisl . a riKld examination for life Insurance." ipoley's Kidney Cure cures back ache and nil forms of kidncv and bladder jtiDuble. E. W. O'Haulon. "77 . CLA Carri f HeaK lakes iMl' BROWN-ROGERS