fTT T r i si SIS .MX. iL i ft 111 LOST! jne Attended 'j Results. Occurred Atoms Others ; K:i td li The .;- Uiu i Ti : left " -rtt I a3 lie; at j ::-! it, ! in I, -:T:ltl-.vtlv oll yi r.niii 1 Nil' ac- 'n:Dtt. ..j reccsv. 'I 3 in.! ii : Wti rscavi in s 1 1 1 1 - .ill!! I siftV Prm.it.) :. r:: i'- H''!' iOrte Mi. i iltcun . :i j:" in a ."I rid of : tpa-nry sin plus t,i Tudai the sui'iiiis :.- (1 : .".!' .i i in A I .he i i- Kill ih' over flos" iif ill'1 !ii-(. ;i 1 sKcc U .lone ti. rphis all i lie money 3 tCw there soon. ' tat i in touch list' itli to pa .ii,;. good a ii ll'li'll-. 'I'll. s the siilisi.lv km' Press.) ft. l.-roiiRress-;in. of Massj.. take a shot 'Sf Jtitiati,'-.. fpies- 'j rd In- (,(-..( iae; , : '0 pranuse iiuiiiiiir jf thf iirm.v to ,el. 's of th.. I "... . tis inr instance. iiattcri d down Salt Franci.-co in.; ,! Pm In the sword Jsl Of CthlCII ,f l'n- cants wi'l i:a- SUM !!(?;.) -Oil '''''kins, s l ' at white nititi wlv '"r r place tc It. " last Hit B'lytl a,',,,!,.. .,. IJ0,ia '.li'! o men Atlantic I' lt ,.w tllte ,j miles a " ii' visit ,111 1 ''It phi A ' wed ''H'-ls a,j M'uidav ; ,i! chair. ', a " . a f''w 'htiirmnn - -II til. con count y Hew .TSIRF IRETWJ MOO IS STILL EDED , mmK in Y. iM.C. A. Building Fund mm by ,ljp,is, S,.1U. ,. Reached the Sum of J46. 166 Yesterday, and Can vass Continues. Committees Working Diligently To The End That the Entire $50.000 ( May Be Secured This Week Those Who Have Not Subscribed Urged To Do So At Once. til ; The Y. M. C. A. building hind aggr, - ;'1 V' ' . ...... . . ... . i at ii.ii. last nigni to report m i:, day's work. The sum of $1. IC tv:is s,,. ' 'cured yesterday. , '' ; li will ho seen from these figure-; Mhat ?....s::i 1 needed to complete th.. fund. There is no reason why this .num. till cannot be secured by Satur day night. It is lo be hoped that tho-c I who are intending to subscribe will do so at once to the end that the fund ; may be completed this' week. nit' canvass inns far has cleat ly demonstrated that (he py ipl" of Win ston-Salem realize the .importance of the Y. M. C. A. building movement. If those who have not subscribi I will do so now and thus close up the mat ter several days before the specified time it will be a great thins for the Twin-City. Those in chaise of the j building movement aie working with jthis end In view. With the pr.ip.-r i support from the citizens of this city thVy win be successful. (By Publisher WASHl.NXJTOX, i).' Press.) li-The in inttal ieH)i't of the Comptroller lency supiKirts tit" rec of the ii 1 1 H 1. 1 . e' Secretary Shaw viding an elastic The whole peopi- he 'Hi'siies, by ninth 'i.' leu'isl ,t )ll p;o f: .. reuey s) .'teill iviil be Item lilted le-,'isla!ioi:. 'I'lie !- mand for crop-moi iii : fu.iU c disUirbances in Ml--1 mo.ie;.; ni and raises rates' for iv.o ii'y. Th; lo cost of hand! m; the crops ,i (luces prices at wi!cn I'nrnt pr I Hies i'lkets . t lids ii.i ti'- id'tcis are sold by producers. Farmers have pecuniary Interest in snltiit.r .he proli. lem. Any man wnuse pltin-t for Ins money nre Interfered with or rates raised pays the penai;;. For their own purposes a.t ..! r are not entitled to additiona; privileges, hut the welfare of the whoia peoiile tie innnds changes in the ciirreii-ry ,tw.-. exhibit m mm From Repisler of Deeds, I.iiidstn's itinnunl exhibit for Forsyth county, the I following smnmarv is made: '! Convict Camp $is.:ir.ti.i;7 ' j County Home. . , . . , . . 2x.:!3.x!i iCoiinty Jail 1.1 u.y.'1 ji'oniiiilsKioners :.,7::.c.'.i ' (court House !;:'. il ( oroner IL'.J't ; MOIeelion Expenses ! 1 1. Listing Taxes. 1.1 KMOj j .Miscellaneous ;!. l:::l. :!.". ' I'.T.sper Coffins 1ILU.V j Roads and Bridges 1:1.;: Hi.:;;: I Refund Taxes i;mi.;i7 Supenlor Court ',. I" j Tola! Total $7i!.7f.u.i';i in'.'Obtcdness is the $:..".,nuil ' ' I 1 1 1 (' V ii . . . ID build the court house fl'iittis th,, I , iiH1 WMft for current expenses up to December 1, iflntl. i'Rv rtibllshPis Press.) XKW. YORK. IV'.'. il. -of small pox have been among negroes livi.i.' in a in Drooklyu. I'ulic" t' now enforcing ipi t'ttti itt over the entire bio it. T Ten carrying a bi1,:' went in the nelghborhiHid. '! 'u "ii ,'asi'S scot ered Ullg bind tide illir-le 1 ii saloon COii.llti,)!! 1 A'.aii', l excited suspicion n' ti a docior was 1-kii'iwn ! called, who pronounced it sinail-pox The entire nelghooili n! .was P'i 'i i icken over I he lisCot n . . Special Offer Soon To Close. The Sentinel's special offer to old and new subscribers giving The Daily ov i Sentinel and the Woman's: Home Coin- ianlon, both for one war for . j will close Janiiart I. Setetal hundred ' have already taken adt.uitiige ol the li'dd a i special offer. Send In your siibscrip- "'ruing It Ion today or call phone No. IS and we will have a representative call on ton As a Christmas gift The S-nMnel and Woman's Home Companion would ! thoroughly appreciated. -Rev recently J. D Wi apopillted la ins, w ho w OFFICERS FOR COMMISSI IS : ENSUING YEAR SUING SEABOARDS - veniion Now in on at Greensboro. Mr- W. V Jeers is Rr E retro Pres.. oeit-P'oceed.nns 0 Yesterday And Today s Sess,ons 0f State Meet 'g of the Baptist Drnomm.n.or. ' L.trge Number of Dtler.ites tend.ince. In At -. (S.i-(:.i! :,, :i:.si;oiu cvt'-ii'r-:" i: !.!.! : r.e; ) t.lil .l.leii!- N. .1. ii: R:il..ji; U l!:tf .-. fit- 11 . I.. itl.l ;,i-i',--tKtori! . I'Mf il e Ashi V. r ii, l. S! . V i"' . tela! ; IliL-h! 'itslire I.i:im.".. .,; !:o;il':ii,.ii a., ! 'til of Itaiemii. i' ham or rt:i! N I! Moure T-V.l'le I" II, H:U Ai;.!l!oi - Ua TI ia i- K' Corvsp ui.ihiu' Si.ct i t a l.ivintstoii .Inhtison, ui Tiust. 'e, V. ('. T) na Haleitih. . II I'. WiW-'-. Kx-llm. 'I'he , c. ii. .)c-.ck. i: i.. t; .'. fuaiiizatiott of the cnnienti on . occupied ti:,- time of the conv. tit; m idiiriiig t!te jfteriii'im esti'idii, th, oa'y other matltiis thai claiined tl;, 'titlentioii of the .It legates hi aim the .recognition ol ' r.rnniim in visiloi.-. jAiiKing Ihp visitor.- t'toiti a distance ttra : .1. ,l. I- rost, .Nashvibe. I eiin Ki v. T. II. Ua . Dr. .1. F. I.ove , liatita. (;,i.: V. I). rpshn. Lie ' A'-tin- ,loii!iii Age. Atlanta, (la. j The second session of the com. ti I (ion wa held l.i.-i ni.ulit The feat at.s jof lllis session were the senium by the lliev. Frnl I). Hale, of Wilmington, ami I I he address of welcome h ('.)!. F. I'. llol.good, Jr. of thi- cil). Dr. Hale's srrnion v. as an able effort. His sub ject was "The llnsiiiess of the Church of Jesus Chi ist." He said ihe hiisiness of the church of Jesus Christ should he lo save souls and the haptlzin:.' of ilia n y new con veils. Colonel lloburaid. in wclcomiltl the convention to (Ireensboro, made a splendid effort, in which he called al leniion lo the work of the church in Ibis city, and the result of the ef forts made to erect the new building in which the sassions of the conven tion are lieing held. He extended to the visitors a mo.-ii hearty welcome. The work of erecting the Masoiilt The icspoi.se was made by the It' v. .1. Temple, corner of Fouilli ailif Trade II. Tiiiiii r. -of AsIuh ille. streets, has now progressed lo that After Ihe devotional exercises at the stage where the mind can form some session (his morning the report of the idea of the beauty of the llnishet board of missions and Sunday schools sliiicture. The marble columns of Ihe wa submiiiel. Mr. A. T, Robertson first story hate all been placer In pot-poke on the l.outsville, Ky. , Seminal ) . sitlon, with the (tuablaitire also upon The orphanage a' Thoinnsville was Fourth street and being rapidly put in al.vi discussed and the new ministers position on Trade si reel. The steel inii-H.hiccd. superstructure and ileepers for the This afternoon the report of Ihe floors of the stories up to the fifth are Sunday school boa;, I will be made and nearly all .in position. There is yet also the repot Is of the Sunday schools, another story to lie added, the build- I , Tonight missions iott. T through women's woik and foicign will lii he coriyi Sun itiy. he order of the sen niton wi out Illlle T (n.v fiitilishers' Press.) i PAIIIS, Dec. ii. Anna Could, lot in-1 erly the Countess Castebane. lias lieen learning to (conomize since she s. pti ratcd from Honi. In nine inonths she has silted over $::r..fHU. This fact a- tbrotight out in the hearing of ihe end jjiofs to collect debts. One bill of M Marrpiereaii. a well know n furniture land tape-try dealer, is for D7.' ifrancs. Mnrcpiereau sins she has been 'using the title of Countess I'listellane .-ii.ee her dinuce Inst, ad of calling jhei.-elf Ma ill Could iis th" Fri l.cli law protides and that this makes her I responsible for llonl's debts. New Advertisements. I . l.ashmit--Vo i rouble ,1. shoes -HO shoes lo s'lotf 1 1 , dibit Wiichm la Loan .t Trus per et ni. on dopo.-its in I': ilng nal'metl' from date of d I' Whit"' Star Co Dinner menu. -, ,, v. lies-1 r Co.- Annouiif "- ,!;,e of holiday (jpellittg I night a; s o'ciock. .Mr-, staifon Aiili'iunci'. r i. ill ,,l soeeiii- -li'e Krida.t iiitiiiua- ( ,M llb:.( i.- K lit Clf us I" -W.-itkins' Mo il, S;r, M.ll'a -We are ready ,- of Christmas lor ton ll-iteiti. itll leet 1: for I'ioi; , C. A. .Mil.:: I'll'- in W'st W In -in sir.ible n-sid, at a ha ritiitti - Perftiuies f.u I Simpson .!i;mb Chris' tiia- ' Rosenh.lelter . !; in.lii' rs", .-atni'l' 'y otli-tlliril. j lite Hit.' s'p 'e(ill!ill,:i s; sollle I III . - Mlg lot of furs ; a sat itig of fill cia I if 'h'' eduction sa.e low prices thai store. ' .,.,,f,ipretiiil throughout the Flrst Slli, der of Mate Corporation Commission Is Filed. Seaboard Ra.iroad Is Be,r,g Sued For $5C0 Penalty For Improper Bullet. ng 1 $500 Pena ty for Improper Bulletin-' mg of Trj n at Lumberton First Case Brotgnt ,n State Aga.nst Any Road. iRv I'liliiisliers' rress i Ul.K!'ill. Ihc: t; Tin Nulti'swk 'Trui r : n r.i i : in coinmi-i.en iiuit i- ' sni' 1. i.'-o anaillM the Seabed , i- l-ii 'i U.i:..va Tor $".'nt penalty f.u -''.I'loiiot the uder of the eomntis- m -ti :vs ;i.i recent; for prowr bnlie i : it in of ti.i;i;, in that railroad com P.tni. - iiiiim i pint ..ii station bulletin i ii-i.i i ' ilea : cau-.es and . tetti of delays as accurate us possible, improper liullttin at ut ceiiiit). and Is i1 ill the St.i e au.iinst 'file Milt 1 Lumber-' l ie fust on i on I. DESTROYED BY FIDE t; ., S a. ill. in Itallway depot at Ad ' w.u ib -I luted bi lire last night hiiihliiu: was " 'appi if in flames n the lire was discovered abii liahr. 'I'he town having no rite in: lighting apparatus and the building be ing a fume sii'iicture, it burned rapid ly. In addition to the bull ling a quan titt ef freight was riestrotcd. Nothing ttn sated. Aii nl Wonihle left the ileKt kIhii I !i .itii r si ven o'clock last iiIkIii jusl att.'i the passenger train from Win- on .-'.iletn 1,1 Moorest ilie passed, lie say- he had lit) lire In the depot yester day an. I is certain that be put out the lamp, before leaving for holne. Mr Wonihle Is conlidi III that Ihe lite was of incendiary origin, though tiler., is no clue to the guilty partiieit. An investigation will likely follow. The depot cost abtiiit. $1,111)0, It was insured lor about $.",iiu. Fnlil anothei lepot is built Advance will be opciai i d as a flag station. j lug to be six siories, Including th basement. I The brick nl, on Ihe ,ih. r two I sides is ku ping pace with ibe prog- llw. r.t-.t,,.. ,,f II, rOn,. line, and lie progress of Ibis Temple of Masonry in its ni.isslte beauty Is be ing watched with interest. SPENCER CITIZENS ATTEND .FUNERAL (Rv I'nhlisbers' Press.) SI'KNCKH.' D"c. a. A Hirty of about I (if! v repiesetiia'ive citizens of this sec Hon of North Carolina returned lust night from Washington, where they intended the funeral Sunday of Presi dent Samuel -Spencer of the Southern Itii'wa.t. The stort bh told in Wash ington b a citizen or (.iliinoue nun a: (-, mi in it t of citizens of the latterj place Spell' 'ibe c at So ;,,a ! .- it i tiles' nam, it one time peiiiloueii nesldcnc r to locale ihe large shops ol i tupaiiy at Charlotte, Instead of; iii'i. It Is siiitl that the iail-1 . , -idenl aiiswei.-il the petltlorj hi would comply with the re-j it Charlotte would change lor! to Spencer, which place wiinl in his honor. Death of a Child. Miipatht of manv friends Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whitlow j spu . id ti surrounding buildings h"-l n,.v. J. D. Williams. ho was re grief, caused by the death of ( for" It as extinguished. The lost ljceui) ii.K,!nt. , to tin- pii'.loraie of r. , -t cat-old sou. Ralph llyilutii. t'-stlinai' d. at $J'iu.iSin. , Three hundred M.-tho'tist ro'.o.tai! church at ,i-tiiired at 11:.'." toilai. aft.'i eui.l oyees ! Just, entering the fac-ig!, ',,lnt, mote. I to that place, today, s it'.ness. The funiral service; lot y when the ex phis' Ion occurred, A Mrs. WIoI.iiiih and two Children will held tomorrow. The hour has'scor,. were hurt. . i spend a few day s in Greensboro he- arranged. The liotulnger Illai kl. ut n Futni ; , C-, bate leaned the iiand-oine v R. '! olds bullditic, Hearing mil- ion "ti Liberty slt e.t, a'ljoiuliig , new- Wall & Huske building, f Di .ng li m one of the handsomest .ire storej in the city. This build x'.'tids fioni Libert) t.-i Multi i The HoniOigf r-lilaekbun. Co occupy both floois. TRIAL OF THAV TO BE III MARCH w0 Killed Stanford White Will Not Be Arraign ed Before That Time. Mot.on Made By Thaw's Counsel Caus d Rearrangement of Court Calen dar And When Motion Wat With drawn Change of Calendar Had To Stand. Case Thus Being Postponed Until March. tn Puh'o-hets rrss WHK D.V. (1 The tnal of 1 Marr T,UW for ,h" 'f'Ti! White will n vt j March. Whet) Thaw for appointment of ,1 coinmis-rl -m to ex - amine witnesses outside of the S'alc ihe court calendar was rearranged Now this motion has In en withdrawn, but the mb it-hir must stand ami Thaw loses ls place Il had be. n geneiii I ihe trial would begin i . , III a few dill s ,'ifo. t expected that ' Decetnlier "mi-1 WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH DEATH SENTENCE (Speoial to The Sentinel.) UAI.KICH. Ih-c 7. - Coicrn.ir Cletin annul, nccs tpat lie will not Interfere with the execution of the death sen tence In the case of Freeman Jones, convicted of buiglait In the tlrst de gree and sentenced to he hanged De ct inner l,V lie entered 'he bouse of Jack Darker June 17 and attempted to criminally assault Mrs. ilarku, who was alone except for her mother. The iiuesilon that perplex, d Ihe governor he sats was that the jury recommend ed tnerc) and inosl of them signed Ihe pet It win for the commutation to life Imprisonment. iloweter, neli'ier Judge Fred Moue, who tiled the cte-". or Solicitor lltooks, who piosecnli d, would recommend commutation. The governor In a ir-agilit' statement sajs he Is satisfied this tiiiin was trying to commit a most heinous crime, on which when committed generally .nils by the peoplo taking the law In their own hands, lie dirrfU the 'iei iff of Durham couiiiy to pmceed with (lie execution December 15. The State board of Improvement! has postponed until Thursday the In vestigation the governor had dlVecieiV it to make of Hie charges by J. A. TillingaKt against Superintendent I McK. Cootlwin, of the Stale school for the deaf and dumb nl Morganlon. This was made ueccHsni) because Til linghnst was not ready to proceed. I is learned thai be lias really ask d Covernor Glenn for pennUslon to with draw Ibe charges, which were partial ity and mis direct len of funds. How ever, Superintendent. Oxxlwln Insists that the Invesi Ignl ion be made for Ills own vindication, ll is not thought that the charges will amount to any thing at all when 'he light of Investi gation Is turned on. tlpit lie wil, not Interfere GILLETTE WILL BE Nl HFRKLMF.R. N. Y., Dec. fi. The seul.i lieing of Chester Clllette for tin murder of Craee Ilrown was position ed until Monday to give his altorneys an opportunity lo prepare papers In the motion for a new trial. Cillelli was pole and restless when brought into court. A sensational siory, wait published today thiil Clllette eonfi sued to bis counsel that he struck 'be Ilrown clrl while she was In the water after the boat upset. Prison guards are said to have overheard the confession. The julge refused lo allow them to go on the s ' and. EXPLOSION AND EIRE CAUSE Sill LOSS j Illy Puhlifhers' Pres. ) ' LYNN. Mass., Dec. Holler explo I sion followed bt a flu 'fcutietl In (Ilori.e) shoe factor) lu re toda). iik n aie b. Ilet. d to have been cjiughl 'he wreckage and killed. The fin- , Elect Policemen Tonight. i Witistoii Al'leruieii will meet In I Th n-gnhir imuitbly seiion tonight Pi in- - climliy routine businis will be litiiis - 'acted The Isnird will elect a poilce-1 man to succeed Mr Frank A Mattli: I'-feiitli elected colistahl.' for Wn sloti township. There are four apple caii' for the n'nee, these being K S Fuik. .1. U. Iliiicbitis. J J Cof'-r an I "Dock Clatk. nriiTTiinrn iinimiui DtHIMMV HUM PRICE 5 CENTS TBI AMAGE SUIT John Harris and Wife Want J2.000 From Fries Manu facturlng and Power Co. Alleges That She Sustained Injuries By Being Thrown From Street Car At Swtch In Salem WhetltrSho ber Case Disposed Of Verdict for Defendant in Damage Cast. Tolav'n session of the Superior jCoutt was taken up In the ca,H nf l"hn llanls and lle. Ma llarrl. s. i 0 murder r Stan 1'", Vilvs MAtiuf;ictttln tirte cine U.forei(' "-il"'" I MnL ! Juries siistniticd hv Mm. Harris by be s lawyers asked I. , ,h . . .,.. . lit, iiiioii ii"in h ni n i niiim ! tempting to jtet n hoard same at the switch on Main lret, Siil. m. hut a m ar ago At A former to Bring In th ! Superior c.mi t the Jury kiim1 a verdict for the defendant company, bul Ju1ire jWar.1 set it aside- thereby urantlng thn pliiimiffs uitother he.irlnif. Tne cae will probably go li th Jury late this afternoon. Counsel were arguing it al 4 o'clock. .MeNrs. I'atler ui and Italdwin represent tho plain tiffs, while Manly llendren and Wilt on A; llnxion uppiAr for the defend- ants Shobt r-Whteler Case. suit of K. B. Shober, el al. . Wheeler. ( al. which has beeu The W. II hl tll0 rtwvlH for M.v,.nlI ,Panli ,ilH a,K1(., ,r,)r H i0,lor, rc,i i... fMvor of the oliilntlff. lo Ibe .ff.H't Hint ihe home place of Dr. Wheeler. In anil near Fast Sa!ini, co il I be held for dehls. Verdict For Defendant. Ill the f.'.llili) ililtll.me Hull lustltlltml against the It ,1, Ueynoldn Tobaccci Co. by Cora Nelson, colored, for Inju ries alleged to have been receUed by a hogshead of leaf tobacco rnUliiK over her. the Jury decided' ilml the philntlff wits not injured b) the neglU gence of the defendant and was there line not i III It lei In .limit. get. ELEVEN NEGROES ARE IT , Mayor Kaion Hiuit a "linmh" )f ne urts's up ii tlm Huis'llor Court je.ur, day afternoon and In default of ball eleven are taking their meal behind the bars lu the county Jail. Will Simpson abd" Hen Halrstoi) worn prov en guilty of breaking In and robhhn Mr. W. K. Deck's gun shop. "Hick" Itedwlne. who was urn-sled on the charge of being Implicated, was re leased, nldetice being In! mrfliei' I showing thiil he had nothing to do with Hie robbery. Ceorge Ixiwery, Hood Crockett, KI Hot I Kemp, Jim Golden and Sol Winn were bound over for stealing, goods from freight car on Ihe Southern yard while In the employ of the com pany as truckers. Alfred Price was tt 'tit up for disponing of goods known lo have been stolen. Untile Tut lor, a uegress, was bound iv. r lo Hie higher court, sh being Ac cusing of Hi.-Hllng $lu from Mrs. Wil liam Ilia) lock. IJTE B IA At a meeting of Norllei t Camp, Con federate vel. rnliH, yeslenlay uflemoou It wim decided lo celebrate Jointly th birthdays of Cen rals Thomas Jack son and Robt. U. I.ee. The following cuiimillee was appolnled from the camp lo confer with Ihe Daughter of the Confederacy regarding arrange ments, such ,-ih date, etc,, ('apt. D. P. Mast, Dr. J. F, Shaffiier. Sr.. Capt. It. It. Crawfotd and Dr, Jan, A, Ilium, Expelled From Ministry. COLI'MHIA, H. ('., Dec. r., The Rev, C. W. Cii lghloti has Imcii dismiss d ftom ibe Mouth Carolina Confer ence and ex'tsllcd from th" Methodist mlnb'tty. 'fhe trial lasted sixty-three ho.li- proionuiiig 'Ihe n hsIoii of the rotif.'l cue., two , lets. He has appeal ed tji the general confetein II" U editor of the Christian AppeiiJ, ttt Creeiiw.Hsl. iinJ had mad" repetif "chaie of politics and ting Mile In the" , conference. fntev'iiiig I . their new Inline. M:', Wll- llatnn semd th.j church licte lite year- ni l his wik wnscrowte d with s ii 'Ihe coiigiegiitjoii never ti il 1 in tnore desi i v dly si.u!ar pastor LOST tr si.'- g' -Reward - P.e.weei: Nadlll" t ami Hutkbeatl h'ircli, l:idv' Id watch Walthaiu movemctir. ii w.uveidr fob .,f C II N. A A- lati'.'i. Cii. lieiiitn lu this olllee .IV lal reward .llt ins