I J Yt n a, I WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TITAY EYEN'iNG, DECEMBER 11.' 1S03 PRICE 5 CENTS ffFiip :n ti;;g of the Mr BD! OF TRADE '.itteeon Priv i Elections Being lrt7rt 15 Favorable To .iFiom The Senate '"je':Jte 0" The Matter f PropoS- 1 .. -. .I'"' j sw il1 ;" ' A r.au Hat (n fix'.'' ' !. The Senate rovs, of ..I !, ( 10 J M ll 1 rounds Mormon TlM- Wiuston-Salem IViar.l .f T: i,;, had a profitable and interesting in,-.--in- las; night. The attend. mi e w.. guild aii'l a. number of important in ters were consider Report float several eoiumuo -were heard and all of them : . mil progress. The prtsUent was authorised t. .. point u con'iitltte.e 'o take up ;'. the Norfolk & Western authorities 'Io nia: ter of. having a morning iraiu th.it road into this oily. The matter if fciret t work was .i cusseV byt several membcra of tbe ' ijoiird. the prevailing opinion liein, that iwnif extensive suo.-t worl, desirable. ; The telephone matter was disciis-scl. Mr. Sterling Smith told of wli.tt tin' tioari of aldermen had done in the mat, or and President Liipfer: a;. mimiced the contents of some Ir t r. r-. GASEISNOPSUITED EXHrBITS VANTEO'PnESiDENT S OEPOnT ONlfS nEGEWT - n i tun nr nnMTrt ninfl imp io uu u. ruiiiu him One Brought Against City of wmston in Ncrne of w. C Brewer. Administrator. Those Who Have. Historical' Relics Are Asked to Send! Them for Display. P Jfnt.ff SU'td T-.lt Ins .tut on Si.it Was Not Auti-onied By H m Danaye C:.e &t- Head Ker nersvilie Improvement Cj. lose. Smt Aga.nst W C. Suto-d. '1 :,. .; i. . ... . j of Its jlte Sends Special .Message to Congress Txtfay Glv.ng In t li Dtrd By Trote Having Te: Matter Oaryt Tnat Tni State a Hitor.:l O.sclay Secendl prcsslons Gained During His Visit Make To Njt At tht Jamestown tipo-j siticn Winston Salem People Who Have Reocs Aaed To Exhibit Them. V SlllN.IO.N. IKC. 11 lTOiJ-iit , . Mit.nl.'e the ol'owltiif: re- part ot Lis leceitt IM-to H.cau trt to iC .ugics t.v'.ay I'l'o the Senate un1 U,iso of Repieson t . -lu t:.e i vv.,- i t .i!' the -' t al-l i.t K' in. apl.ui. ai iff t . ; i Tii. .1., , tii Ml ' 111' ft' O: f I rv;-.... t'i ii.ji.o.y. ',i a. ri- Iran sa.'a r; S'ilttai'il. The de. p. li,. major: f iiivt. Tit " ... L; m' :hf ronstitn ! tlial had been received from other eit nA Mlalli-o tn the matter. . n.H i:eenu:u t ' "' t....". - - :!u' ?iiif !s a poly-; A number of oiber subjects woo of nt. if: . hrirlly discussed, amoiiK ihem 1'ie ;.. imV. no.tnfllce. The onirton w as freely rv I V , in niresseii tnai me povernmeni suon.-i Hi'O'fi in he one. of 'provide this city with quicker service ''v if Vision. as far as the time of handling mail-: Stance Tax. is concerned. je i'erkLns. ot .New rK. .,tii'-i Rixi-eveli's nl-.jjri-asre lax. ile de C.of t!ip I'niied States i (otimnniial and traced i "f-,ftM couii; i u s where Mill w'ao accumulate jK.jif duly to ihc state. Mtfcfi'i' had' heen horn fund remained iliero with iifss ability lie wimldn't it'icli. Ilr has l lyli t s msmi mM Mr- l erkins, i:lB; i' n or trrandson l( Kill claim on his cr- child ot'o: her parents. t: ISLE? SUN W SERVE TERM ON RIIIIDS B I STATE V 11- The law for sop--.rcli mill iaie hecomes ir as tl;e I'ufie has for--w to .inform with ihe trricius sncktics to ,c. over church property, j'lr iwin-rship iiasses to mrs iiirmiirtiont 1- ranee terftof 'ic:ii)ii. Serious ;iputl if tlie sovevn- evSr the priests from - wliu.'i an l niouaste- P"tihiy In: required! Tlie raliinet today Wesley Smith, the fin enslioro ne rfro, who was arrested Sunday on ;h.e cliarse of retailinfr without licetiso. is in the city look up and It is quite prov able that he will i -:rve a term on the roarls. At the henrins; before 'he may cr ye.sirrday aftcrroon a ne?;ro testi fied that he bsusht bflttle of liquor i'rorn Smith. The iefen.laut. wanted to u on tho stand, but liis-counsel oti iecird to him testifvinL'. After the 'mayor had' announced a fine of $.".ft 1 and cost, however, the lawyer express-; cd re.uret. that he did not allow hisj client to tell what ho knew, addiiip! that Wesley could not June been, worsted, as the sentence of the court, was tho limit. 1 IleitiK unable, to pay the fine. 'Smith was locked up. ; 1 .1. ,i.l. t ill. out $l;'.."a' a a 'farm owned l M (eiiiiant ma .' the 1. .U t o lier j,:lr. ties for a liineli lar.r tif.-i-.ro. Tlie jury d'ided -.li.it Mr. Siatf ird t, no: o,- tile Imp: "V ' ni( m ('.impanv an) lihin. The him' of .1. - K.in-N'i tho Sini'h -I'.'iiliip. l.utnlior Co, i i.ei::t; lii;ilil. The iilain'ilf a tor $'!. lit i damages tor injuries to his lintiil hy setting i' eaivtii in a saw or plan- 'fr ill the defi ndaut's tn'.V V. R. liri-wi r, a Itnini-itatoi of S iitia Voder, iked f.ir a nuii-Miii, which .was irriuii.'d in a Cii.-e bniujtht against i ho city of Win.- o" Mr. Itrewer Ma:- ji.i ttia' the -iii: wa-, inn au'horizod hy ihim. i In the ea-e of Callio It iwland vs. the ill. .1. lliynilds T.t'iacoii Compary. lit ter the plaintiff had- si'miitted aM of her ini'ieuoe, Judi't Ward sustained a motion nia'.c b counsel for d'-foad am to nim-.-aiii under the act of IS'.iT lain! K'lti Atmrney II. (. Sapp. as a'd tiiiiiistrat'ir of Win. lletidi :s n. . KaiL'Ins of Honor or th World, seeiu ,rl a juiL'ment fur $ltm i;h Interest a; X cr cent, from April 4, l!i4. In the Ki.it of R. II. A i kins, oeeuio: of .loliu M::cy, vs. S uthcrn Itailwa;. ,annniincement was made thai, a com iproinisr had br.-it arraiiKe.l hy which : the defendant company pays the plaiii iiiw i oo ti.r the destruction of some worn; hy fire. ..: n Kvic.iM.iti tn Itt.iT! :t.!r.en'' an historical! i , Sinter, a: A "m'i iaH tb 1 ri.' tei- vt. ativrs: Oil NovetniKT 21 I U:ie l Uw Island Poito lan.lin;: at Pinwe, cwnai i:..- nil tfiKititti r-ia.i ny ie u .Sau J.iau. and r.Hamliiic i.t morti'.ns 00. a io c.Mu-0n:ratinK , - , , Ainerk-uu nd from At- t lottos on a 4:ila.y thiU Ii .ik.. tn !. ihn an-nerv s (n- how to 1'ie wot id what share i.tch has ; drfnuy tM-autifiil. spivUlly motiit at in w.e MMiieim-iii ami tie rm).-: ,), ulomiiallU Of I Be UHPIi'T, llirti iiieut of it.o loiiiury and later in thiit, conoUtui m nieni l is stiitKsl with Kuirl.tliii ' . 'tiai i ran.-, 'or m. d oak olonles into a .k.v hurl, ir his not been drcdR ed out and can no. iwelvo un Anusi can bin He ship, t do not think tb! r..oi Is cte.lltahle U n it nation. anil 1 eattirstly he that Immediate ptovMou will he made f-V dredluK San Juan llartx.r !t. and It -ui te w tiKtit au4 ionic it oi" a teriiahte trnc sht 1 v. id not. embark al Ran Juan That each claims the! mii.hu nation ;i.'.t s. 's!:ar in that iransfonnutioT, A- s wi: '.!. t sayiiu. What is of more' ."wqnrroe, each State U i'anni!it; ; !. proe its faith hy its works, and p'rive it works hy , Its exhlhiis nt .t:. n. town. r.'iiuM-lvanln ' ha-t already ih .omiwIn ol d'dliirs on her his- i v'iihit. i tut wi'l s-nd thousands ; .Virginia nei she can't com wiili N it : li I'ati.liiia. either u:al! or iii manufactures, but In i.-te:ic ((,ildt sh will lead the rj. So the si ry Kes. with but except i.tii. N.e 'h Carolina nev-lile-iiii: attend her and she, Is n. n: 111 T. .ele I ii . ,i her 1, eO 111 on ( n MEETING IF RETAIL OTHER SUBSCRIBERS TO MERCHANTS' RSSOCIHTIOS THE T. 1,1. C. A. F Revising the list or suliscrihers u the ' XI r A liui ' rl i ii ir fund. HI) tn the present time, it was found ' hat i hi- caiunei uxiav immediately to li-l'1"' fo!lowinK names liatf been Kit out Kvili vliurclies and ree. ol honnnei yesiernav. , ,.,,, ;,. .... i error: vigorously. 0r- 1) m,m- ' i neu. i.eon t asn, u. i. iflitii! tht 'lavs. It l I'elirell mot- rWak- with lor.i.i.,! l!:oi-ia Dalton, ' -'-'in ileiftininetl to W. A. iX- f. K. Hen Chathani. Miss T. Kiynt, A 'Hee. C. K. Johnson. U. II. I.ahborion, I'. O. Leak. W. It. l.ittle. Irvintr M her, Rred .Miller, J. S. Mock, Nixon Pad.-rot. J. W. Schouler, ('. W, Snyder. .1. X. Styers, W. 1.. Thornton. "B! IT iiiiuiiu ni i 1 1IIITY FimllMi SUN I - . - . ii 1 1 j I mm-. r ei retaiy of Til. Sentinel friz '-winners on ' "H'l: ii fa in on. was tho ii the the the acre. success- KEEPER KILLED lie ( '!'":i; '" to 'n ;i K; i n -I, ' . "I tins city . ""'S'Uli tr, offered l.v :'31 r. Hunter's record '"ll0 s "ii an acre of hot-1 ! Rilion Ttansou (,-els i;2" MTerol hy Taylor, ;!i!ir'' '12 1-2 bushels on1 R. Xis- ;'ii- i tn; bushels (,f upland. Mr. ,1. I!1!-Vl on bottom P"ize offered Mr. C. XKW quarter YORK, Dec. Is shocked by 11 The Italian tho most revolt ing mtiider of years. SaKaK.re hter lozza, a saloon krvyer. is the victim. TkA ., circle oil the SflasB door of the saloon as a ia.ei, then called Sterlowa. As the saloon keeper's body covertid the target the BKfisst.i tired with a shot-nun loaded with sinus, minie balls and shot. The Hill- down neaci -flllv with her knil- ::jc wondering why other States know ;s.i iii lie of h.T past. Tor tho first time iin her existence an opportunity has o ime to her in set right, once and for all time t.ie mistakes and sneers of Ik n itance. Hor State pride as wen as a "decent rettard for opinions- of man aind," should make her send Bitch an 'exhibit that her brave, faithful, modes- n.i-l shad ho irlorv of her future land tha; hereafter men Hhall not come 1 1 North Carolina to leach but to learn I The Daughters of the American Kev loin! ion are making an effort to gather ' together a itnnl historic exhibit, but , U is not for their order they are work ling; it" is for their State, and they ask I all patriotic orjranifcatlotm, s well as Inn iiati-lotle meu untt .women, to join with them. Thcv cnnnot do the work ialomt: thev wotrti. be asbamett to d) It it tho,- nnld. for It WOlllli be Oil ad j .v,withsuiiulinK the inclement i mission that., patriotism wan fdeepiii; Svca.her the attendance upon the last or dead. That: they are ieamnK n , ., - f n. itomi! Ininttoi-Is h mere liameiilnK, ami thfy UerchiMils' Xs.ioHat'li.a, last ii igh t, would I Just- M proud to follow, or ,. , , .1 v.ir.h fulv. 11 linn 11 I'm, 1111.1 lart-'e. several uiauri, u- a..- ...,,. . Hathm i; not ready tn: Daughters afterwards. ,.,,1,'ic were discuss, d. He- The ladies ask 'he loan of anything Mi'iini'ted hv- the attorney : hat will it'.iistnite the history of the seereUiry. I ne mm nunc aim .u . . ' :.. .. .-it er-tel 1)11 I 111! II 11 CI. ICVOOH IOIIH.1 ' IlillS HJ.it .n, weie ieiiiie.1 -"had ilehts." The ! manuscrip's, school booki, furniture, j i 1 ' niL . ...,e m tj j a tl n 1 1i rr 111 !1 Jit M 1 1 t I . ( Ilia. .,.,1.11111 -eci' taiy ri oar c.i - ,i vi-' - Lotions for -he past two weeks. -etc. All articles will bo .eat to Unl review of the vear's work -bowed Vgh and put In tlie care of an exper ,,', ,,, ,c,oiplislim-nts of the as- ietiri.l pcisi-n, who will w to their ' -if.';,,, i ,l i..vxen b-n.Ocii.1 to ev-t packing and thr arrai.R.t- ' , ,', ,.;, r .! thai the membership uient In locked ease, at Jaiiiefown: ', , iuc're-i-cd 'rom 11 to about Ihe with them during the exposition I;'!11" "1 , land then repack '.hem afterwards. ., , (-.aiiu.i-.l nad an inier-jTuey will of course while there bo In ,1' i'wii r ir'om : evident Sawjer.ia iire-proof buildiui;. The amount al ''" ,he late s-:o, ia!ion, wlio at tended i low. d ihe ladies for getilug up the ex ;t bi banni.ei fti-n by the local uos .tiihit is so small that they ftnir the rr. i i . . i i i 1 1 r ne. rii ' uiirnuri n w r r-n inn mn u- umi Tl'.'.n.Vr.l the WinMoii-S.'.leui As-j,orel by the neeessi.y for Btrlet ecou-i , ,r boiio- the banner asso- nlv, n thf' wHl try to make the K-iaiioa up . ..... .- ' i ,.f n,n, ei-iiioti of the State in tueiiniersnip. wif.esi pon..,- rA.n-,.,.. ... v.ve of ibanks was tendered tho,mnl at their disposal. 1 A ... ,.. and Miss I .'.i,ch town in the Siate Is asked to riiZc. Or'insbv. asisiant secretar) fike par. in this exhibit, but Winston. U ' - . ,.,..:..; na accomplish I Sab in au do morn than take ,m' ' :nn- sl. can lead. She ha 'failed xet In an undertakliifr. and thin! is no time to begin. Mrs. I.in l.'ay l'atterwm, ( hairman oi lumestown lilstorlral Committee; 1 doubt whether our eople a a while rou'Ue the beiuiy and f.nliiiy f Iort( Rico, and the- prorrei- has Iwen ma1 under lis adnurnb I'overninetit. We have lust cause for pride In the c haractor of our reireseii lutiv.M -wb-i hao a iDi.nlsiens.' the tronh. fcian,u. -which came unler our flag as a resull of Ihe war with Spain; nd of none Is this more true than of IVrto Kiro. it would bo Imiosslhle to wish a more faithful, u more ffl clout an.t a more disinterested public sirvlee than that ow ling rtmi -red in the Island of Torto Itieo b thoart In com rc.'. of the Insilar government. I slopt at a dtwen towim an totu, ami one of ihe notable featuroi In every town was the 'km uerlnu of the fadiool children. The work that lias been rl i:ie in I'orio Rico fur education nas bn u noteworthy. The main emphasis, as Is eminently wlie ant Dioper. has ft.'is quite which the gio to t'ae nnrls were ami assisiaoi inline. hat been placed on primary education hut In ad litior. to this there U a nor mal kc1m;'!. an UL'ticu'ltuni! kcIioo' three tuduMilal and three high schools. Rve.ry ,ffrt I being 'made to secure nttt only the benefit of ele'.i mental v education to H the 1'ot to Hi cans of the next generation, but also as far as means will penult to tnitn ihem bo that the Industrial, agi leultiir- a! mid commercial epiiorliinitleM i( the Jlau.r ran be utilized io itie nesi mi xntitaKo. It. was oUtleiit at a xbince that, the teachersbolu Ainerlenn mul natlvo INirto Rl.'dus. Wt-ro endeal orliig to tmlii their pupils, not only In mind, bill what count far more than mind, In citizenship, that is, in character. was very much lniek b the thai acter both of th.- Insular police and of the I'orio Riean regiment. They lire liolh or Itiem nouies inai n ne.-i credit upon tlie American adnilnlHtni- tlou of the i.-lund. The Insular police are uli k tin. kku' iihvo mean gin ... IHU-... ..... , ... . - r -- , . . r..- 1,1- t OI Xroop.-i II1VS1. 1- .II'Jmoim mi' ii .tn ... Congress, i earueiitly' hoH that, this body will be kept, pormunem. Th re should certainly l0 trotiim III the Isl- nmtirr el rirtle ol I'orio K..M T' art 1').. th i' a.l to be nudt-r iwir flag, they ' ui.ikinc tPld pigre kn Ihe f'b. if orderly l.twrt). Surety w mwu'l ihow o.ir ni.iiiTCi J.tin r tuciu, our p i.le la whal (hey h.ie i!u. and our pleasure In eM.Hitlmt recognltiou for wl.ui lu tti-: fur b'H H !oe. by rrani iu tl.eni full AmetleaJi ltiieob,k. t ndcr tbe l ttdmlultra:ha of 'be fr..1!!! irnerDor Bd COiQctl ni.irtte.l pro"" ban bi madt lu the difflcuk matter f grantlttic to th people of ihe Island the lftr?il we- ire of self oummmt that run ltk afely he given at ihe present lime, u would base heen a tery nerloua ml uke to have gone uny faater than he alreadx iroue In thin olrertwa. The l"rto Hicn baxe complete n.l absolute autouoiny In all taetr munici. pa) i;overrm nt. the only power over ihem pohsei-icd by tho limxilar mvern uient bng that of n'movtnn cornipt or Inowiiitetent ofilclalH. Thin power has never been exerc ise Have on lh ctearoHt W'Mf of corruption or of in eomnf ienck H'h a to jeopr1Ji tha inierMi of tho txn!e ot tbe Islund; and under nu b circnmiitance It ban lieeu fearlessly ip'l to the lmmn benclll if tbe people, it Ih not 4 pow er with which It would be safe, for tho sake of the Island Itself, to d1pene with ut nresfltit. Tbe lower noun 11 absolutely elective, while tbe uppr h.uiso Is opi-dnttve. Tin cnem 11 wotk!ii well; no lojuiitlce of any kind rendu from Ii, and reai fcMieiU to tho Island", and It luuld certainly not b ehiing'd at thl time. Tho machinery of the election In Administered entire ly by the I'orto Kican eoU thetn Kelvc, the governor ami council Veep intr oiilv Kiicb auiMtprlskm U nw- sary to In mi re tn orderly election, Any protest a to cuctoriii ratio m vy tied In the court. Here again It woulj not he wife to uinVe any channe lu llio brosCDt ti'tu. Tho election thtt iar wrn ah iltttely ordorlj', utiar- (.otiiiMinled by u'V dlnte bunco; inJ no pi otcst lin been 'maiic snlu.t Ui niaiiflgeiiieut o tue icuob, aiitiu ihr.w coniest atp threttcii'M wbi-f thh Hiaj,rlileK won very umall aj error 'w. .claimed; tho content, ceurMc. to he neUbd In tb riurt In dhort the governor uil.l council arO co-oer(ttln(f with U of the mot u llglileiied and most patriotic peoplo of I'orto Klco lu educating tho cltif :D of tint Islund III tbe principle of or derly liberty. They are pnovt.llnii u governiiient based upon each, citizen's elf resiM-t and tbe millual mtxv.t of all cltj:ns; thai Is, bttMi.l upon A flat- ii.i obwrvance H the rn-incipte -oi iuftl-e ami hoiH'sH. It haa not, 1mo eay to Insll ln'0 the minds of peolt meat llll, 1.I.U' I'lHF ' ,,.'.. , --- 1- -- Th. 1'i.ri,, lllcan reirlnient I tinurci: tonied to the t-vrX'le of frt-e- don), tne two Misw, principle or our American system; the p'rlnelplo tnit the inajiirlly init rule, and b IVU tl' that th mlnorlly, biui irtghto and. and II. Iti wine thaL then- troopst whtch m,i,l not tie nuregardrti or sho.ibt bo themwlve native I'orto III-j trample upon. Vol real rmgrrH n,iu cm. U would bo from eirr stand ; tv. made in havinjt tVse principle ...,. ., .,,.1 ... ,u,r,u tn.iin 1 ll 1 accented as elemeutan-. n tho foil ii- f.)llll ,l..ll7..' v,i".-- regiment. i(!atlOiiK of wieeessritl Helf-)tovernm-nt. In traversing ih island even the1 ( traiiHmlt herewith tho report Of imm't cnrnory in "y leaveK the he , Hie governor of I'orto Hico, fent to flio jliolder struck with the evident rapid I'icsiO.-iil thru tho liecretarj of Blaa. giowtti In the culture both of sugar! A'l tbe Insular government! BhonH Icane and tobacco. The fruit Industry b placed l.l one t,'iui. either In tbo iu .kn prowln- L-lsi vear was the 1 Depritnent nf War .r tho Department never 1 , ...,. ,,,,, ,h i,.,i lf unto I. ! n iiilnlake r.o' to so 1 ifsi in,nu. i',n- .io- - -- - man's head and1 blown to pieces. chest w re literally j I ... niinrn IN 1 I .-non nrnnir, Mrs I U 1 1 TUUUU I uwi gen. i mitt' I -"'UIILIIU ii, , 5E THEIR SHOPS With Sentinel Advertisers. White Star Co.--I'reakfast menu. The Dee Hive- News of tlie big cut price sale now 011. nosnbacher llro.-Coinmeiieintr tomorrow, Wednesday. Dec. 12. tne v Store will h oHn unti. 1" I'- m ' .., r,.f;randmoiber ap- predates a Clark boater. llH-Whltehead Tobacco 1 o., X. C.-Carolina Itrights ciuaren. from the highest quality men, of tobacco. , , r,,.... i., rv,Call atieiitioti to ..... W"., 1-1", - ; lit ir shunt trt'oi.nin 11. ,0 nf liolidav cigars. trices rin,.lj.jl n., ' . n, si.-irc-Aii a'trac-i William N. Reynolds-, Chair- Winston Committee; Mrs. Ru-Kliort,-Chairman Salem Com- l$tsr Tress.) Stl,,;' 11 -Over t ; m lirownsvillf 2 on the 'i son. made I'oi-u -tHe thoas iv. s in Western j fcived advances,! fSneclal to Tho Kent!nl- .w.e-r.iv Hoc lo. l-'orty-tixe I n rr 1 '- - , - - cotton mi!l operativ vta.sacbntis today ..,in an ev. n HI W a. e a - . it a proem. The evaci ran in New I.-d-,rd is Mil! in dispute ',u, I'l'""' ,s to Hi" amount of advance. one-half ; OHTY FACTORY 10RKERS DROWNED t; 'OP- ''ere ''TlfX- exorbitant the nd. on cigars for the holiday trade j Women na. r tlold. Calls attention ' ''b the butch-1 line of holiday articles his - "'-' euai-tl over the I '" ' w HI wreck nnv "I" :i. GOVERNOR OF KILLED Bl GAS c .1 i...n:n.i,,el.iOil Co-A 11 lion in II till I If.'-II" ' " , the arrival of auot'ti'-r ear of "l-uxor-lie" ranges, i.ting'the third car i" eel veil hv tha' tinu in niontliv Tho Misses Mai'i'u-New thing- ' ladies' furnishings. Dr. Brown' Anniversary. . rtnine! inadvertently 011 .n ve s on av nan ,.19 . the tweni -niiitti ,' o,. Dr. II. .V- ll"'wiiV la , 1 t'ie r.:si napn-' ' --OL-ailou ever l.a-i a more deserve,, and univi, sally beloved shepherd, a hls .erinoi, Dr. Hr"n refetr.-l to tl. ''..is.,:, oeea-ion and at -he c!o ',,'.! senic- in- niliers ,'llld t'l"l. ,, i.-tward. gave him ihe glad '-'' . , y.-nde I ine'rest coiigra'a. 1- ;. ' m 1,,,-t wish-v. (Bv Pulillshers' Pres.) I'liTKItSlll Ri;. Di-o. 11- I-'orty nas ever known before or since mo Atneilcan occupation. The total of ex ports and import of the iMland was fortv-flve mllllotiK of dollar a against eighteen millions In 101. Tbl Is the largest In the Island'H h'wtory. Trior to the Americnn oectlpntion the great est, irade for any one year was that of lSf.fi, when It reached marly tw.-u-fy -three millions of dollar. Itst year. iherclore, there w:i double tbe trade 1 that, there was under the m'.t prott- pemim year under the Spanish regime. 1 There were 11111.27- tons of Migar ex- pined last year, of the value of 114, sfl,:!lV; ::.f1.r.r..'B of tobacco ant 2, 'n.n22 poiinds of coffee of the value of ititHc oov iiaiid'ing of thcK Hi tn.li ut Washington a to ! able to tako ad- vui.'.i.ec ot Hie .: !ierler,ce rained in one, when dealing with tho prjrleuiH that from time t time arle In anoth er. ' In coi, elusion let me exprr mjr ad mlratkiii for ti work Vno by tho ( ongress heir I' enact" t the Uw ui der wlilch the Islatnl i now beln ad- mllihteri'd. After e InK the Ultnd personally, and nf rr flvn yearx' ev prietice 1n oointtlon tlih it ml mliiiK'raiio'i, It Is but f.xlr to tho- who devised thl lw to say that it. would le well-nigh Imiiosslble' to bai n !i-v!sel any other which In the ac.tunl H faS'ory workers w-re .irowneu "N'"- ' ' ,, ,;' icr reM.I.H u,i ,rein. while crossing the Nv Klv- ' " ..'"-". ' ""r 1 ., ' 1 " . . . . . . 1 x ,a.( u ;tiu I til It nrnHKT V 1 1 anniversary er on .be lee, on their way .0 me, y.v... The Ice coliupseu wnen one , hundred men w r-l.l the center of theioi n ' n rai,.. w ,.,..,..,.. .... , irn K,Ved themselves, but j benefit of throwing open our market ,. others were wjhed awav ,!iii,i' oi iiii. . 01 .'... ... - - - i $::.4l,lo:. 1'nfortiiiiately, what used j oi king would have accoma4lii!ied bef s, ion ' 1 under I to it has not rorufH iisated for the lo-. ROCKEFELLER'S HICO ;!,, ice. BISHOP 1.1'CABE HAS 1 Milt' i'h.- K'l.- spieudn'. some w i.ive ; 'h. ! p. -t" . Cillll'. n.y Uli'' -Covornor tile:"., of N'oi" Ii '"'o!i- t,, ,,f Virginia ,1111. and lioveru 11 ,ave each hecU presented w,:1 a ha... some fiatio d pieiui- 1 , ' . , ''ress.) MCaiolina linil ling ' h" '.'1'',r''''' , .' t. . . t . . 1. : -1 v 1 ill il' oi" uer tiovern- Janiestowii. .xrcnn.-. ..- a' ti actio South Caroll-H- Lester ,of this city, urew e A ''M-aping gas I ' " , , ,,,, " ft Winthrop' -Tho- who have in-diii-d .. n ''" lee ..re Inves-' ait icl-s for the haaar. io be o . v . I.,. , r i,- K I.. H-kett. al ununie lo i no iioine ... .- - , I, I . i....- r'leni there 011 At Auditorium Tonight. , ;,;;d Roiielere Will appe.'i vudiiuriuin lot.iithi in !! ,...rt , nuance. iirr-xln. .to! STROKE OF APOPLEXY iiillicted bv the closing of the market ito it iitiroa 1. i call your attention to 'ihe accoiiii.anv iiiL- memorial on this 'subject, of th" Hoard rt Trade of Print) NEW l.lnaii. and I earnestly hope that K)tiieJ R-M-kef. ............... II, l-,lu,. f.. Ihu kt.ni'Hr bo HlKTv of the excellent and h'gh frnle I'orto 'computation by Uvnry lii. i.n coir, o ' lohn Areblbald. Iti.ckf. fir iL IS I4 A IIOTE erf.il feats of ic, in' fail ell i-.e niairic 'bat aa. iien'vs tliro'iiriei... ,,,. ,-v It Is a hiL-h-cas-,,,, those who enjov a go-.d , , rt.l.l'lc iu tlie r'llll'.i 01 !. greaMj plea-'d w;ih 1 iu- t'ntilikhcri" P'est I M-:W YORK. D'-e. IL Ibshop "iia YORK, !:. It.-lohn l. er's liifotue fi-r this yar will million dollar, i.-cordluic to Rogern ami d'er's rtoKOst itie frlenc. ti'.l.::s;t, d. to the lionie in ri..,. tn. roioie-toil lo have . T' sh of Max islail. was f. In addition to d'-Iegailon from th" I'.i.ird of Trade and Chamber of Colo nieree of San Juan, I also reo-Ui.(! d I- C c('llbe of I'hllad' phlil, Jello(IISl,egaio,:is in. 1.1 mi- oe, ivm .... r ,1'iop was stricken ith iip"p!'y on!:;ii of 1-aW and from the Coffee streets h'-re tflay. He was taken lOroweri,' AsvKlalion. t -be New York Hospital. Time Hi Thero Is a matter t which I wl-h is said bis condition is favorable. call your special attention, and thai . I is tlie ilehiraldll'y of run for ring :!' T.". Wii.Mon isdlrenieti luive n'- . Ainerienn cltliteni.bip iiimiii the p., pi. ' ,,. r ,!,., . hroadcloth. Th of I'urU, Ui.o. I most earnestly hop e,lis, it.,.'.- ... n 1 orf. 1 r,r.1..e 1 tti'.t th!w wtlt l rfotio I ran not s-el XV. I lllien W HO to n 1 1 1 1 l"l !' y 1 'show up well In their new bead Rear, how ny harm can possibly ie,ult fromio1 This tn- aiis a duilv Income of or tl 1 1 a minute, Only 8vnteen Day Mort. The Seii'!ne.' off. r to give tl." Dally K.-ii'ilH-l ' Woman's Homo Coinpanlon Isoh for 112'. expire Jan oar) 1, bavlng only seyenirten da) iu which to 'like nlv.uti.iire of this !0- ji rai r.ip 1.H01;, Divnes xls!d Ote'DiVirO today I fore Thiir-'day morning.