MA V 4 y y Jj JL- WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS NT WANTS MDREPQIVER FOR 'HUE CJMMERCE USSi ,-t to Send special Message to Congress on This-jjj-i 5Ut)jfCt Doings III unyicas luuuy. B4 Jlm SOLDIERS S9PHEME COtt Ti ifj nniiriirni nim III UUUIMLII IMUI I'ri iS.I .. 'r. sid'-.U ,, ..-lid a Spl-C- , - k i icc.m . r ;;i:e com-! -die: ion over :!',' cars. ,. : i .a many .jufo they itdorseu j bounty. Sixteen lines aiv np.iii In receive assistance. T.:e luiuini'im rx uiiituitr annual. y is csuin.ii. i Jl.SCO.wn anj maximum fu'iMum, Senate Proceedings. - Senator Gearhi, of Ortgun.' t,uVr-d a resolution today calling fur tiie t x elusion of the Japanese cxdks by ,i treaty. It wu.s tabi U. Senator Hay. nt'r made a sarcastic runarl; on the president in Uiscusing his n-oiiilioii (Special io Tin' liAi.nuai. ik,-. u rd in fiit.u the Sllptcl'.l ins; Sim v . R.iii;,.i ';. inirt. n. w M'.siins Co. . tv.i.n ji;: in i. s-ut.L':.) t'l'Uil w. -., ' - T,..-.;.iy Court. f r-'Ui Mivk:.-:i- omcEi pan LIE THE RIO M CHEGIE OFFERS 1D0ITI01 SOLI An Officer Killed In Philip j pines While Trying to Quell Disturbance. v li i' !i,.glu Im- proper', path. ;.- liK'itit : wvutml A ! v ewiiints since. A matt 1 a tick. ! or hiniM'lf an. I farks vs. i; ,:: v. t.ial. ; Matter Will ted. It Is Si ll, With " In ltrt.. the bill.: hi--k. . , . . Wants to Supplement Nobel Peace rrlzc of S-IO.000 Awarded to Roosevelt. ISa !k - s. Hay. Hark.. r.o .-ror Webli w Tniu6s. Rurl.e. aHi:nicl I' vs. In- ranee Co. ll-n-V..- .i t ra.i',1 al at d pot par ilf on. Tin- husband was under1 ' IKV :f thl bfVt-r.lCf .!,.. I Tile Woman boarded tiam fori Be Thoroughly Invest. ga-.(.re, n.r,.. The husband disappeared! Roocw,'t H A,rdy Announced Hi. wife became aliuiM fiun-j ing the Responsibility Far Thi Of. 1 h'' b-U to; fen.e Againat Arm Pmuiif ,. I Vti U. r ha.J .h, i s And the Lw. has lief it uf 'I Subsidy Matter, ,, i-'n-i im l u .,. I ill . I :a tllO fctllll cilimIH' i 011 merchant toil: take thi ii'' ii - f r.l oil., Tit" niriil an c.ien- t i):iiii:ai tuiu . 11. i : Only ves- 10 the fmneil. Sit-atlin.ia v. Si. a jnian. IliiMicrfui . no error in iU fi inlaalV ai'ixal. a: J partial ntw triai in uaimir amii-.-i: calling ror luioTiuation on tue Japan-j .Maniti vs. n-. nt-'i:ie uff.fct' ,v iKwitUiL . . . , . f ,. . , .. , , . . ' M'l'iii v accorciti n rsni-iMiift iiiflii; luivin.u. i,iiiu' l OIK s. Ut illl, Uurlii IHy I'uUii.-her-Kt)K(lo. I , Ikr i.M :ruips .slmUar aci'i tll'iWl jainl niihiwful, wn:-ti;utUiial am! uu Secretary Dismissed. Tlio.-,. liarr, .secretary to Sutator Morgan, af Alabama, has Iiim-k diMiiiss im! lKwaus' of alleged actiuiy in h l aif of Hi" lobby w hich tut bei n rep ri'sentin't; Kin; Ilior(l. of llcUiiim, in trying to pr vent Ctrtisres.sioiia; ac tion on t'se Congo waiter. Hynl s. Leather Co., Mi-Umt-error. State v llobert? lirnnsl. Il;!!on Kri.sli. trial, i 1. no' t a View of Plie-I""d '" t!C. The man rn oxe ajiU proitct Ut hud ut.K,w..i:.i .-.u iu ihm-i ;i-m a.l tlie tiKim . VJent Jat-ktoi) ,,nu IVllccmaii I'raltj er,. no Ifi. i. Th.- maile Inquiry but! I'ri-ss.) lailt j (, Kn-atc the mli-iin; hnlinnd ! U'.-A riot ofj"1;1il jit In-fore the train pulled wiit j lav Heart of the biir oflicer t.Micli. .1. (.(ili i; In !hw hu.'li.ill.! h,. u o h ii-Ut r re-," Intint.on To Use the 140.000 T Maintain Peace Committee T Set tle Industrial Dispute And Cameg Want To Provide Additional Amount For Thu Purpose. Ill' ) Ti- I J (llv rMillcr Press.) I WASHINtlTU.V. IK U. A.wlrvw IU- !' 1 a i-w 1 ii lv e .' iaroufrt ,ia fi-ieml 11 it h mtUria'it l to e, IIuiic.iIiiIh-, error. Roljtns. Iluncoiiilie, af- i rt, win ot lit mother as miir- Iisds ' im norm of :etdegember iai superior gourt judges i j I ru the K. Ek.lT J. II. Sci'.L'b ,r aiiuaiil im'e! ins of j ki'I In- Ii-. ! I in the pas-itVi.-cii.iry M. K. church i , lui-uay. in'i-einiK r .if T'lis inetMln Is l;vi.f .lie l'rcsi lir.s Klder i (ui li-rencc cn'.'ec i charKca in Rotation of the Superior Court judgfc is no doubt an exccli -n: ihir.i: in mauy resp-ect.-i, but it h;s its draw hacks, especially in relation to the criminal (I cke lloeo( ( f tin a.' giu-s thus: "For instance, aloiiK and ri.Ie-, inonth: theu a bout tlio time says K ioru Hccorl' i;;r .Ice )., ,-ir- ,,':K'-. ., lia, aiiiii'.ib'y ailjustetl Hindi by Bishop jr rii'i iit aiinuai con fer al. AM. Hi-v. A. It. lk-Il ill frniu Webster ;;:l!Til nmt.ty, succeed C E &l!rds, who was nl'i. rk at Wt bstcr. On tt-. Kd-.vai'l's health, the -iilin; li" be given an-oth-i! mis Mien ' siiBvHtot l iidiits ti main on their ttiis ui last .war. This, .1 au' sa isl'actory to Mr. j'iii H.iU the iiKiniitniri '.:rinii-i;i:' to Ills health , h..i,,,i ... .s -v.i. ntro je ln-;i notilied of the v afi: linliueir.s nii'.tle a', i ,'feH 'ICO. ' j WMUlll ol lTCSldlll t- Ili.-!ii)i Wilson consent-1 M R.v. Mr. lull to Sir V V V.l.. lu t :C MnyuJan. 'succumIIhk! wtrt.ou..a J'"1 one juili- conies the circuit alMint six in niaa comes in. the firs; juilse be comes acquainted with the old roi:ml crs on the docket lie has t,y move to tiie next illstrict and the new man is OI COUISe llliaeiiuuilliej llier. llnulers auu so lx is- uiai e.ueiuei liK'.it sentences are imposed on many criminals atljutlffc d nuilty of carryins concealed weapons, tetailliiK ami the like. In other word, a retailer is let oft with a flue; he don't mind Mils, for like the tariff,.-the consumer pay. -the line ahd his stxs back to bis trade of selling' bug juice and soon In In the tolls Again. This lias b en koIiik u 11111111 he ixiiid force - is growiits slim. this shouUl have iiothhiR to do with a man's punishment; that is ;to t-ay h:' should not be hiked ofT to i the roads .simply becaus..- thu forc needs his work, but if the same judge ' ti.',,. LIj.1i of ..1: tht I' i 111 i M !1 1 tlTIDK . Vill... u v i.n ...v. .... here the force would be greatly aug mented. An old rounder knows how v who knows nothing Southern lUiiwuv Co iS'irry, affirmed per curiam. j Cliedest-r s. Moore, ItiiiH.niilM-. tie. f' m!au!'K appeal .loekelnl and Uislniss- e:l uiiuer rule seent en. ', In Stale vs. Hailioail (miu Hun. comiie t;te huitreme imn lx ills that assault nith revolver or knll'o dins noi con--tiiiin- a mali-ioiis assauli Ph in Iho meaning uf the statute aiel comes ttithlu 1 he category of iiiipii assaults which are exempt from pmi ishmeut. r;;dei- the statute of limit. e Mjns after two jcais. lu Shaw vs. Hailroad. fiom M eKIcii lung, the Seabaai.I Air Line secures a l lv trial in a suit in which l!e-.,ii Shaw obiained a nliet f- r i uuagei' f..r injury in b ing thnnVn fr.nn the car pialform at M it t .lew win u she Was about io get off the train, the train having been given a .-: --re jolt. The court holds that unci -r the rules the woman should have rnnaine.1 in the car until the train had t I'iiH stop, which it appears she I'idn't do. hil i miir. tried , llii-i; !ll ! gui.t v company b t'er f.iys ("al- .f l.iuetenam Caiv lire,) by members .on duty. Th. a.s a vii-iiiii uf Mr. n.e.ih i'.i r while In an isol.iu.l e.imn. II.-11 h' I si.ip a drunken tlslo ,,f ms t Ttti'lHj .fourth li l .utrv of in tie ,s win.-, he tt.i.s .hot, TI;.- noire coni K u :i ier airest. A.i ;M,M li lili'ib t i It . seelt l,i have IV punished. "I'll go 111 "Yes, and Hainan 11 i i t. wh caught hold the husband's arm and gavn hint a nniiuie, you'll go ' saUi the man now,'" mid po of to (the NoIm I p-iw'e prtT a .TJJ of Itil.i'Ott llf tti iteident H1 (h p. ltd the . b'.ui of l,.ilng siiRklint fikkt to e- t ibllKh a -liirev p'rmatH-iil henuqusr lis for In-' wli-ial pie coiuiultteo wh'ch nevr!t pnnioMM to foind Dm ham man did not continue, the IU in" Nol" BM,,V,5- controM is, but innib-rstaini that he must obev orders, i Utuve.l off to the train, licrc he found the ll'n .slivud ing on the platforui maitlug anil wuicli ing for the return .f h, r lnisbitud. As the man entered the coach, the ll'e gave him o siai) on the kick l iliig: "I'll see if 1 can't keep up ll) Jon until we gej hotne." COIITESIflfl SflR E CLOSE TOGETHER i 3-.uiit. -mi, nut IU ill ; IlinEBE: I, 'aliout him.' No One Seems to Have Much Advantage in SIxDayBicy- cle Contest. Racers Have Already Covered Over 1,100 Miles Since. Sunday Night When Race Started Walthour and Bedell Are a Lap Behind Owing To An Accident. GILLETTE TAKEN TI (llv ruDlisJicrs' Tress.) I. Mat-uniiira and j IIKRKI.MKK. N. Y.. ivr. i:.--'hes-iiiivts of the ,la)-ie, (iilleile, the. rtulvnuHil nninl ri r vi-l- In the city to-jof Ciace Hrown at. Ulg Miio.e lake. are sigtnlH or thejwas laken I'nim here to Aulmni pris iniiiisifactiifhig In-Ion to, lav wher1 he was sentenced to be tli'ct'mcuted the wnk of January UStlt. (iillelle's tnotlier accoiniiauied her sou tu Hie prison. r'ii' wwtiiw a tour, t fwf ma.ikels ii: l.iie P Tbt'.v left on the 10.50 tH- oa.w ; t ni jmrl. of the pttiu ,jr ,,.,,- Um:S,L 0lU '!l';-i)e to Japan and is f r the aus-plcea of1 TOTAL BALES GINNED 12,546,000, visiters' Press.) ithT- '-- tiUK-kholders "'r'i Uaiiroad aro to i Car: "in.- present. It. ,!l''t six lniiiioii ' d to stock holdings at ill' Bureau of Statistics Reports In Con junction With Census Bureau Esti- mate Eestimate of 500-Pound Bales WASHINGTON'. D'JC. 11. The crop reporting board of the of sta- (Hy Vublishfrs" Press.) NKW YORK, Dec. i: The gruell ing grind In six-day bicycle race con tinues wilhout change is relative po siiions of the teams. Walthour ajid IIi'lvII trie.1 desperately sev rai thins to make i-p the lap lost by the spli; the rn-il day. ti forgo Schley, a iiiemher of l.b Mock ex.-hange, offi-ntl $oi0 and Geo. Considiiw $"iu additional to the man making up the fu.-.t l ip. This caused svu-ral ..i pur is- bill no one sueeeeiled. The record at noon was l.Di-1 inilet, and 7 laps, except Walthour and lie Jell who aro a lap behind. (Special to Too Sentinel.) PARIS, Dee. VI The suit, tf ci editors of Caunt C'atel!ane and iuji,..- ,.r ii. ti enriment f ALTieu -i banner wire. Anna ttouid. is coiicniueu lure ricm i!ie reports of the ccn-espon-den'.s and agents of Ih? bureau in The decision will be rendered In a wick. The to'tai biiis tcr lunis'-hold franc paid. ex l enses- were 2,2W.7:l which lSS.&.'o have been of WITH PETTY LARCENY (Special to 1 b SuntiueLl iHK-:i-:.Slt()HO. IX-e, ll.- Therou and Kd Cox. two bite; boys, whooti ag an- pi n-d 11, re-.MH'tjvely, were hi inch! lul l t;(!,:.rt yesterday afternoon iii.J they submit!, d to ileas of guilty In light ckk.. ebui.ying them with h teenv. The judge ibf.ired sentence int:! I'ri lay morning In order that lie inigir, it-ipilre ni re fully Jr. to the case. The i!,.wnrai: .f 'he boys is due to reading trashy literature fivp and en ci ut novels of udvcntiiro and dar ing. After having read a gr.Mif deal -if tills class- of liteiature the boys decided to go Into the "Wild West" life on their own vount. They took tJielr fathers' mule and wagon- and Irove out Into the country a few miles from town and pitched their tent, tihich' they had" stolen. Having set- Ufil :owii to the llk they hud, planned so eagerly and m joyously, t wan ne cessary that' they havo something to live upon and m (her bc(rfA -am-paign of stealing that resulted In their trret one night as they were oarry DigAway a large amount of good that tin y had stolen roni a Kiiburban slore. They wero lodged In jail, but after the hiarlng their father gave bond for tliem. There are lh" cases on tlio criminal Jocket for this term and two of the ipituber are for murder. Only one case wa tried yesterday. That was against a negro charged wlJi retailing and the case was dismissed. The Jury re U rneda verdict after having been out only live minutes. TALK BT REV. J, R. MOOSE 01 f'!5SID:,S (SimcUI to Tu-' Seatint-l.) SAIJSH1 KV. 1W. 12. The dis trict stewards of the Snlbbur) dlhlilet hi !l an- annual mii-tiiig lu Salisbury this aft. rnoon. Afi;r the trHtinctbp of umllne husilurti's tile pH-dor of the dii-rilct representing Sesi nteen charg es le i 1 n spi-clnl conf rt nee. The huIc ct of niiKs1in.4 wm given proiulnence A distinct feature, of the gathering was at1, flddtesn on mission by llev. J. fl. Mouse, - a H tiinn-iS liiiHsiohuiy from Japan, who wiu present by Invitation. I SOI IN CITY OF SALISBURY - - (Speeihl to Tlni 8etjnel.) SAUSm'RY. Di e. ' ll'.-''m ds rv out niHinum-lug Hit; nnu-rlago on tho I.'.th Innl., of MIm ClubldtH' Lyons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juiihk i.y ons, of this city, to Mr. J.-ik. W. Aids, of Alabama. The. eei-einony will tuke place at home of the bride, who Is one of Salisbury's arcompllKhcd duughtei. .Mr. Aids Is a rising young busini-' man of Akibama, and In well known here. "l! a)i'ars thai, therti Is going to ho a general cbangin' of Southern of lieials tin first, if the jear," re-mark-crl a neil-i:;rorni d railroad nmii this morning. An unconlh nn-il n port has been, cm rent, for several days that Supt. AmlrewH and his Iralnmasler, of the Danville division, with head ipiarlers at Greensboro, have sent, lu their resignations U take effect Jan uary 1. Trainmaster Newt 11. of the llIo divWon. who frepieiitly visits Wlnstoik-Siilem, is Uj Ik- iiH-rinlend-cut of the newly-established Norw...Ml division. ;'"23 "it !c il V,' s' 'r! -r ii. ,., it,-, t i,. 'nicii " Smith's Fine. nii-n.-.iMro ne ' by Mayor ICal 1'or niiiiling 'se, may escaie A friend came I' ?i.'-"i cash on irieiids are en ''' inaindei-. May I'i '.'lii'-t' Thomas '"ii-is if the Ijij ' few days. : in i5"1'! Dan conjunction wiih the recent report by the bureau of cm-siis of the quantity of coitr,n flnn:xl. estimates that the total nroduetion of tot ton in the ln- Represents Business Magazine Red Stales for the year 1!Hh;-1!"j7 will j Mr. James Dupree, of Knoxviil-.J amount to l'i.0til."'2ij,Utt pounds (not Tt nil., is here in the. interi-st of thtj liishiding :iniers.) uiva!en! to 1 -.-1 llusin Magazine, of that city. Ho 510.000 bales of uoO pounds gri.-s has had g.': 1 sure-ess g. tting subseril) wHghL ' '" i'-1 other cities and is pleased will) The cst'unaitj piodnctioii in Gtio-ithe prospe-ts here. His iiubliea'i.m nofind baits bv States- is a follow s; t rropt n to have a wri.'e-up of Yirghlia, 1X.U0'; North Caiolina T II OF SENATOR ALGER 15 FINEO (Hy PiiblislHTs' Press.) NKW VOltK. D-c. 1.'. Russell ,. Alger, Jr., ton of Senator A.lgt r, was tined ten dolar, lu pollen court I., lay for speedin,; Un auto. He gave a explanation, i-aylug his gieollne a almost exhausted and he was trying to get. pood , headway to reach the garage. The polite who arrett rl Al ger had to lake & fly ing leap Into the ttmneau. Alger faihd to:xplu!ii ibis, lie s.pi nt seieial 1 1 1 n 1 1 s In a ci II be fore ho was bailed. 0L0 GODOT , Cilia FnESEOTEO (Sp.t-Uil (ti Tlio Svxitiuil,) -GltKKNSHnRO, r: Tb full ed Stiles government his im foot a plan for the coliicSoit - of Jwlgim nt agaltct former dlstlllei!, a&J lobst-o nianufctur rs or their bon.k men tist U, ss om It Is t (Te-t!ve. The Judgiiit His Mgadnst. pi-ople of thu. kind have nti liiultiiiiloii and can he collect t J at aiiy tinny if the persm ha no)" proia-rty. Thus. ju'lginentH ihat mm ttnterttl ftgitluut iho - parting twenty ytsr ago, when they 1um,i tio moeri). m- k binding today a,s they new t the (hue of t.hei trial. If th rHTnoiM at that. tlm had no property, aod-, have since aceiiinulAtcd pnHTty, th Judgments can colU-ctwl. A man who tmnmoi In th tmylo) of a tolmcco tiuumfnctiirvr, nd k lir.i.i.-or man who at that time hd no iiioni,y, but mi rely . lKnol th Un a matter of form.' wiut survrlKvl n C4'iitly whfu a pciaJ collator of lh fnltl. Siatn Internal Reveutin lis partment foaCrontwl him wlUt claim for i'.(HiO. Hy th Influenro f frlMB thf claim fltHillx oiun-omlmit U1 settled by tlwt mau iyiu; l,H) Ju CnclH Ram.' W nalid that tlxt.l'nilUil Suites will mak mora than flO.Oon off milt Klm't W c!(Um In thi dlrtrtn this year. ' Plans for a imw iratmfiir stallon for ", Grwiwboro haw hnun- forwarded to the depart m ul at Washington, hut m' yet no aellou tin the matter has luiti ' lakfa. The volume of thu hu-jilnfjw deiM! Ii thin city- haa Increase in rapidly that tho ppwnt ftirangaraeflts for the IraiMrer of freight am eutlrvly tnadejuat) for the need of tho com pauy here. In the Oiilil'oi'tJ RuperW.r Court ys-t-tilay a iihh; bill was returnt! 1n tho case of Stato vs. Krazler Jones, th riegro who killed his If" til fHbOn' vlllo on Thanksgiving Ikiy. It. Is prob able that. Joiieti will tm trlod at thin ti-rni of court. Several -wes of minor importance havo been disposal of dur ing the week. EIRROn ESCAPES 3 liRLEf.1 FI News Notes R. F. D. No. 4. John Shore hai huid his splcudld farm to John Cliiiard, of South Kora. Mr. Kliorc will niovt- to Wins oti-S.iletn and is having a nice residence btilll. lu t... if.... rv-ill. .n AH-...,l U.rn Sniulav m ll.x.l !Mli'k,' J,,!,t caught Brf. practicing for a.i cntert-ilnm lit td lx (Hy J-ubllalu-rV I'rwts.) NKW YtJllK, iH-f 12. A Mm io Harlem apartment home this iiKirnlug trapptd one hutidretl pvrsuns. Thu llaimrs III the basement al i1,n-ad to the stairs, cutting off Inn escape of the Inmates, who wero routr t;d out of beti. Tin' floif Ut the roof In their night ciotlies. Tho flrellieu n-M-ui-t'' nil of tin in on ecalping anj tension ladders Tho lai-f fTm w 337.WU: South Carolina, S7,".,0'Hl; G'-r-gia, J.57S.OUO; Kbirida. f.l.onO: Alaba- . . . !..... I . .01 .,,'.11 jllia, l,2.i..Uuo: .Mississippi, j.ts-i,"."-, Louisiana, y::o,'Mjo; Texas, ,-;,! h. ' mi .-. H l.Oo'i; Tenne.-,stv',:i,ii,ooii; SO; Intlia.ii Territory, in',- Arkansas Oklahom.' Oim, Win slon-Saii m ill an eaily issue. It is 0 Hint-nil bnsii:s maga'ine attractively gotten' up and' containing live articles on commercial topics. "I r j: ; ' :(JJi ' il. ger. 1 Morris Parks. :illi' "ho was acci- "" 'iioiiti by his t'-'iiiiled favorn '' !'iit-r hospital man is not ;'r I'arks had a r' -'ig well this Death at Thomasville. Mr. II. T. l-V;i-.cli!. wen! to Thomas ille Monday night in rcsiwnse to a . j telegram, announcing the death of his Special Sale. 'brother, Mr. .T. T. Sklles, who died The "Ui Vogue" people have author-1 Monday m.milng at an advanced age. ized me to sell at and bt low co.-l tint ill Mr. rikiies bud Im-.ii HI for f.-veia! i i,...,. , nretienl nlorli rather weeks ill Phi iaiicl pit in. and 'arrived at il,n .-,.tn,-n niivthiug to ilietu. Now i Thomasville the night bef ore b. the linn, to secure baii isouie sun-- T N-.rih Car-1 sterday af- .-lay i the rH! btiurs am, wiiicti ieu ii.-n atternoon for Caar the Moorvsviiie train, l'-av-i i. m.. were In-ill at. th' Ait-cK until one octics. im " " 'a.--s'KgTH for Chariot t and other StMithern pilots wen- transfer. c-l at H.u'Ik r's Junction. Outside or block-j all sz Ing the tifick very little damage was j n, ,lf done. About threo coal cars weir railed. A treight wreck on the 'tlltiii .Midland Railroad ye; .enKA'ii. nt in' WoaIleaf, d' -,w,i I -isseiig. r twins tor si v Cap!. Morron's I it 2 '. lit yesterday dif'e- and ing at ." Ken during the Carlslnias holiday. j Mrs I'etlee, widow of tho late II'-V. jAIr. Peine, of llei.l'un a, hu- purchas j -,v t he. AHm rt Ilartmau bum three iliillts Mci Hi of Wlus-on-Kab ni and If: I now occupying her new home. KM Hld'-s mis fully n-eovcred lioui 1 1. is recetii levere iline-s. I-Mwar.) Kaid, of Wytin-vllle, Va after i. nding a few- tlays with Mr. John Relelt, has- returned bonn- Noah SnyiV r has moved from It. K. I I to H-.ulli Hitb-. Mr. Snyder holds a Tuition with the I-Ntrsyth Chair Co Several women are 1.1 as a r- suit of the ttirlble experience. ' l New Advertisements. Armory Skating Mink New have arriret Hand sl.lltes, Krlday thlrf v- A r'-a-l terii'i ti al n Wreck Narrowly Averted. n;.-k on Hie Norfolk i- VU-rn -a r.ftrrnw-lv averlttr thi sf- oii Just lK-y.1! 1 Ix iiiUK. A frUrbt passed over a broken rull JiKit ahi-i l of the pii-s'-tist r The rail thrown out of p-i.ltion aiitl the m-r-li.a master .U-'i-ovi-ied it Ju.'.t In t!nw t; Hag the incoming 'rain, which held i h'tl the broken mil wv replw H. "Hii'l we run lli'o that broken rail," t.ald one of tti erew thi af'er noon, "I believe I 'no engine and every rou u would have It. en ret k'-d. " diitl. and wrais for little, money. Call and :l, :;''' H i 's-ut-tl tt,(lay for K -Iwards to An-H.i'.i: Iheiii. Mis. Iaiiiel, 22H Kim St. Important Masonic Notice. jlniwls. A special conclave of Pie linont j dinlit .- Co'liinian(l..ry, K. T.. No. H. will he belt! j These in th. asvlum tonight, coiiiniencing at I miss. 7 o'clock. Work in Red Cr.- an-1- T..n,,.l..r .leL-rers. V. vet 'Is idy conn:. Rlv DV-PRKPARU) Big Sale China. Drummer's Samples. Dig china sale Friday, siaiting at ' a. m. Drummers' samples, line sa..i I tea pot.-, syrup pitchers, intn etc., at a saving of one third, ne valins o-.e can afford to THK J WV ilKSTUR CO. eiati'icrry sauee HoM-iibm-licr k Hro - Ol'n .-ring until 10 o'clock. New iimii's Vtivin.v Store --Santa C.ii'i-, Kiippil's. big Block, great, vart"-- ty. I. S. ilotnans, of I Meyers W.-.-'iio-ol. Co -A iner y (ireeu-boro Ufe liisiiraiw Co.. Xums. h t.-'.v ot mm- m m) te...... a us lu te betwten trains yesn lilav !cl-s offt-ritl by l.M- nu .ri..rii,-Hin Tnt-v came tin tu s"'' on: i i.i.n.tinfr t,f !be Wat hovia Loan Life Insurance Co. Officials Here. Ciii.l. .1. W. Cry, Vice Preslden- It K. Kii g an 1 Actuary th Damage Suit Case. Totl.-c.'H 'mt.i'Um of the Hdperior com!, was taken up In 'he tlimifigu suit of J. K Pansier agaiimt h- Smith PhllllpK Co. b'-'i)i vesfeni:-'. Judge Wartl b'Ki.t: b's charge to tlie Jury 1,: I' tliis iif!fiii.oti a". inir Tinst Co. The Oret-rikiioro company is arranging to erect a home of Us- own and President Fry Is favorably im pr. sted with with the plan of thf Wa chovia Loan Trust Co buiMinir ii. KVAPORA I LD fpp. W Ilk IHI'-'z C fill :i.pie MU( ' - .diiyor t-.i Moll lay. .ul, N llti-1 r.'M.-'i': ..';i imti It. i gin r - A tramway is licirg erec'e.1. ex tending acri"M Ibti railroad track ftoiu :,e ti w l-.if Htoraae hoiipe to tin- n-' t.,l,.ce,, riKiiii-.f'i' tu: mg plan) "f the H I, R-y ii'.bN Toiiat i ti ( o. !s-. D.iisy Siiti-.-li retutif-d th! f-t.-1-i.oini tr'im b fti'inK In thi . .iK'ern pa:' of t F 1 CiKO. S NORF1.KKT. K ' at Welis-Itrii tz Co

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