MI I JEAR. III llirnnn - ; nnfJCRF.q.q? fe deehee u J, uuiiwiiuwuj otters Have Been; ,j in Senate and: l Representatives. 'r'ta i ... - ' i.T OF ' TRirjniUP Diipr iTrnnnninTn nnnu t : t nun .i .1 n h - w i w WWWI M (Special to The Serr,;f' 1 i:i!PPvi;t.,in, ' a f, 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 II 1 1 U I nnnrn u",u wiu UlUtn rinifin ninn I iiuniHb uLOj PRICE 5 CENTS POSSIBLE M WITH fill DISCUSSED mnnrnrinn nnrn ruiiULUCiiiuuU - . , lunula DCl'Il Clir ,V! in senate ana:;, iI1PV , .... 'tazier Jones. cl.:irj of bis wile, .si f-omises To Qe ! aftrrti.-.on- returned -i Consider2t:o"i ' f .iter: f Considerable vr;:i To Adjaur.l Deiiiber 20. the fir , ctia n'! k . ! i.-H Cinvili I't 1ft'. I1 : si I". - Con !) i o,l.-es The Senate ; i' imiKlt r in 'irrct?Lint wa shef arvt hist li.cfr fcnme a r.'xbic iirtv The (;.,. W;N (..,: , 'ay ninraiiii' a::d ii,.. glMSStho Prosecution Were il. ri)Ill. ; ilclViis-f offeie.l n. .. ueknulniit w nr.nint "f m:c a-,'a. 1 .... . i . . ' ' -i a i . " I-,,,,-'''' tk yo.-(, s' (li'rif. r "... t!l" ii.uii;-; h is wife jn I Th.-i.ik- Toninhf "U1,UIUI uiiuubsou wniie A ft., " oer of the C0n,?stJnts H,v, I Would B. Withrir,,.,- r- .. , would Be """ r,om Race On Ac-1 count of Accidents-Dope Bring Ad- i "'".iter, To Contestant, Today In ! Order Thtit They May Be Abf T( ! Finish. He was in Carriage. Attorney ' A- Harrim , tiio Staff was reproson 1 hv fii r a. id Thomas S. He-io . to lin' f..ipieme court I "-'. was rrprcse..-.i ,v. ISoaarartf at th and n. p. ste,.,. (lf , . , uerul,!'""' u. c;.r.;,i!. ,f i:, ;,,.,, a.: , r ii,.. . i, Bi t i a! !'i:t'j Lixir a' J CouiniPrcH ar tia y, coufirut :fs si-( ury itt com- -.vs. Tl.i- Senate rati ; trcaly and Iwai'.l H-t'.-toiis dii- ii:cnrn- Vl!lf ' iiivc: ; si!.: In' simplified guiiou of loin- i::Tjsp for and passeil aiinoiriatioti Tin m:i L'ii ir mi.,- trock:,s crime r,, i aiKl said ,,.., . . Tlu n h ii.. ... ,i. " l... .. .. " '"""i.V.U. I J'l,., "wis were tire' -.i t, .: 11,1 n , ........ " V'" - ' " ii naim, in- ,(,;, onui-h nt'r liinir :.i:d .- He was uncsi.M an,! i,-, hore. Thci is to;, . rii'i ill l!i Ij;(iiniji'iii, fi'iiali' eontiimea the . sajr ad ji t Consi res ::!. iwr iH-oia! inessas Sfi'li'iii n tiat il iii Pan- h'i'm' ii:ii.iti,!n Thfiil 'fni. . lake tut District I Kvs. E ifi:r ami more appro R'h hi .is.'s jvill a; r '. to .laima.ry 3. 1 OF WAGES !Kl:es if IviK'lii ,.r waj saved Ity ;u, , JiKi'St? MK)n? fit rounced his d"e,si ; acainst tv whi p b,))s. Kl Causey. chat-'l all thert- were t l!;p;n. It ia i -'. shotiUI he ii.,.!Kni .MT w . I ;ay on. .ha't tlie (, .leases. The o:h,.r !MV w. . jfo two years u. i;.e .vn.ij-. Jllio ji: ;.;,:ti,"ii(, susv 'ii !,.,; ,. .Life's iS to llini ,',.,.,,. i jt. r hirvltiK nad ;l it ,ti Hw-ortw '-'-i I ! " s of a.heiimi.'. ,!e ; ti,.,. f,wy "-..i i n:.o tne ).s!n;..i,. on tliHr own account, and neeorHiifjiv sli(i i var.otts neoe?sltioi m-i ,.,,', " .i'i ramp v.'mssos I'.iri ,,-. f , : 'HiMi,,,' ,e) - I - ;,lu fhe K,V ,;.w.,(. ; fir ; -1 ' i ('!;, I';-;"; a'W" a-H V.V.. .. V:i. I.,!1' r " ' '1 ia.,..; :,,.. ma.:, ; W"' W:,;::..;;. ,, . ,...,,- ; eai : , 1 I1'... bii: I r-- i !) .... , , mjitri'd. Til I '"'""t """i "Ii III.- ,: . 'alr.-M.ll "" ' I'.-' . 'n,:,;. , .,. ' T. il.ii A: iiihiii v-.,-i, i . . .. ' i ti,. "' " . . -" ' i!'e won,-,, ,,,,. ; ..I .'. :; i, .,, 'X' i!:.'!it ,., :lV 1 ;rT "'"'' ... .....,-..,.e,"-'-;"- i,i.. . ' an i . ., i - -- ivut.umu,, ui l II 0 1 ' i iiSPi ! j USUflRTS IMPROVED 111" 'on. :,..; if his rati;! ! (Hy t'lialishers' Prjs ) i ri:RUV. D.v. l.-.TK. aronsinK ureal imtn . .-. , wr ; ,f'. i "' ' " r Knroptan cap:!.,;,. Th:, i, ..In.' ;. I ie pieiailln- f(H 'hiK 'n o'.U-ljl Al..m.r,et.s that w.ir (H-tween ;h ri.li. .!' S'a:e an,' J.ipan !!! nli!niaie it-.n.i I I'lie Kal-e, t.a i. d .,,,..( Ann p.,.. I. . . ' " lo-iiiie war wiiti vatlous1 f 8 er of s"t''-'s an. :s ,., r u h.:s;, y' l';,at " 's i '.i'l'h'.. hi itrtims of' i""' '- PMcnimentH . War mi l nri.il ... f iv i 1T- Auasunt Have Been re.ted-Pl.nt Being Laid For E temive AtMiri3.-i 0f Offkert 10 SOME GASES Number of Churchmen Jn ., France Drive o From Oiurcli Duuaings Dy Force. Lw For Separation of Chwrch 14 Stato Recently Put In Forc , cu. 19 Conidribl Troul And It Constituting Quit a Prob lorn Mr Troublt I (tupected. - Mfti- l',iV.J.,.. ... . . M'V-l'UV U,.la 11. . , e!firitte. ner. SMtaiin- Ui.. I'iiIinI iu ,-,,11, km n rviwiu , A 1 .... I i k :lh a inv t,i '1 JC. Coniurl.iH neee.K Jain ai w u .1. .1 ! i if a.iwi iiMH-nt. An H1 "H ;.I M UI 1(1 L : ') l.linir.! . sue-m.r genera! r .Moscow "'iay while he wn in his A ""toll was thrown at hi. 11 ' ii. DnhasMif was s'lch.Ie wo"!'i.!. .-is.iis-i,,- oiuhr.ak s:ir an In He.,, 'ii'. .rUei-s ,,,-e inep-rliu; 'I""" 'Mr threat, to as Hiei.ils and iiipet , i.s,. 1 ' rnnitiaiun. ii,ii, iiu i.'ie tin-oof thls war varle l,t .), -l'fi!'i'h .prle mtmnitim Is reKa,le,i ,a U.nH flve yearn. BEPBHT ABOUT I eECOIiCIOJITIO ,'i ' (Special lo The Setitine: STOCKIKil.M. Sweden It 'tl.r I .. .. 1 ' ",u; ' !' e yes.erda, ,!, heart trmihi, I. 'I . I r rni-lft l 1..., j , ' 1 mints f V ' ." 1 i II MPr t,; " "IS MJSt 1 r sttonj;er. life. Charles M Mill OWn- fWOK'rt mnntlu. ' , . !-,' '"'"i njiir ,1 nisi 01. I fW volnnta- dW'cndant pleads miMtv m.i .1. ... ''Sirs' Press.) Dir. ! a of 11 ; i.," sentoiiee.l Ir county road w ini-'i'. .11 Increase ' This U ti:i!f vhnt Kit: ani iiiuy nrt have The in:vcaf. afl'ects Locals. "'UTS (ir, ,!'.; which i" l'!.i lunihcr niue'i m.prov.;, bm J h 'ISi '".- ; ;0 hi':, anacH !l:,. has an 'Nile' l-i ;i Mr. ( , :'( lit? l,i..-i s'anjrh- 'tf.T , h.,1.1 1 . 1 . 1 ... .a himself on the niercv of the The Oreenshoro Musical Associate Rave a most interestiiiK concert last "hh'i. iu 1110 if ranil Opera. House. There was a larRc attendanre. and a most excellent program was rendered.! mis was the first annua! Christmas concert. 1 At a meeting of Hie hoard or alder nien yesterday afternoon it was n ddoa 1o hold an -election to vote ninni the question or isstiitiK thirty thousand dollor.-i for impnivenient of the city schl facilities. The elecil.in will i.n hehf Fehrnarv 19. "Hoity Toity" Wednesday Night. ; ;h oi mo i.i m,.,, , UVI,,.. j5,."',!' V,.,k Musi,- Hall I ll.iliy Toity," uhirl, ,,in Ir,- a )V ns.-t. a, their non,,!.,,- ,,,,,. ., 'na.-ai.:ch in,. Weh,.,- g. Kiedd,1 ,, KaiuzaHon is nut iravelii, Die hi ''vni..i, il,;,, the OIllr im,hni,,n wiupanv proilueiuic il,,.!,. -ius wil pi-esem tin. 111,.,,, ,!.,,,. S'c.liuday i,l in )(; ha'I'M- with joy l,y the lovers of innsl ca leoniinle. The n,iu p ,,.. mini roity is fnli nf ,,,,,1, i,. f,.., , . ' , 1 "in 1 ne oii'n- iR chonih lo finale, is f ti. kind and many of the nntnlieis are catchy and ivliis;eal,le Makei Recommendationt. S..-, lal to The. Seminal.) ' "'!IUi. X. C. ,.e. 1;,. - M,. "'" 1 "'"'' .'" ''"'vis ilitary tc.rii!a. I ' ':'"'l'i""d Its , w, .'"'k,. puhlie p, it,;-,;;.; imH,nieti.. """ '.. .miM itior mid lot-UIatm-e. They . .,,, i-arii eoiiiiaiiy 'n t:.,. ( X"' ' ',: t; ;:"-d he allowed e-ie'l'.uie' 1,1 ' ,l,:,r to like rare of i:,e ,.,,,. j :r:" s lwri ; 'hal sif.ii.ii -,,. '""'i i" he (ii-uanlz,.. ..,......., 1 .., ' " ''""" of rilll'eren' in-wnn ,.,.' "iii" sulhHeni e.vp,.-t te!c4,'..,;,r. ''M't,ielans; tV,t K:i!:, r J i" 1 a 1 ne inriea u and r, ' "I"' to Hside in ta;( .., (IU I nlij tr-." Press) l.l).ll)., IVc. l.V-Il u .iHTtel r-coitcla(t., has 1m. , ffec.e.l he 'We, ,, the Duke and Dnehew of Ml-v iMioiU'h or lha' a . tilett.ent ot th ', marital tionhle ha : (..,.,. u .; r;il. appearance of Hie Inielie noeia H ""iMi'S; i.ii.iaiitly haom. r,,., M. . nior Unit the itiff .,..,., .., " 'il' 1 MIKI' and Dncli.vs ,, 'n,:o 1,,, ,ltr lhl .,. ,. felhi'T will foend -lie :,,.li,:.vM wi'h their chiUren at 11!, !il-,.n. tl'.y PuMUh.,1 pr!) PARI.-, -D - l4Wh IVUii. Jo offlelal di-nia' In Iw,.., . t of th ren i-t th , ,1 . f: ' liUttiou f the pndate, )Pitori,iv 11 u.Tijia that I.ra-Iu tor !cfnirhv in -niilt holding icIIo.h jM rtlees coulj tm nni.le t,j lajmnu. The conn Ml f mliilslem i(;,.,v frilu. ,d ft hill for.mrrj-lnn o.,t lit- pit.v 1 1 M11 law .t otTeiliiK m n tor r.ith o.'lc to coiKlm, m,n,, x.ri Tu nieaniin. will l. shniil-1 to'iur'ia, ment tonieht. T.Ki.ty the polloo re uAt Htw to ;'' fhurch odlclal,, ,, pr-Uif, fIOtn hlshoptlcH. HenJuurles, unt vhutrh btilWIn,. (ardltmi lo; wa, notj. " " nrchhlshop.ic p!c Ilt'In clKlitda),. Churchiae,, .r h,v Hitf drUen from rliinvh H..M.ti. 1 .. force. ci, Myron .Marsh, of iiinefiehl, V. a , is the Knesl of his hrollier, ; Marsh, arriving this .-iTt .-rtuMm. Mrs. .1. A. Holt, who has heen visit iiiff her sister, .Mrs. W. T. Carter May for her Koine at Washii,,,,',, tj, iBwton Orchestral Company Tonight .if niHim (iretieslral Coinn....,- uii, appear ill Hotel Il,, , . - JIIIK1I'. 's a flue iniisical otanlalion ''''I .1 Iiii-bc andleiK-e will )u tl,tl.-Ks he l"''Si'lll. Those Who have -., , I , ' "VIIMJII l.ekeis rati secure .i-.i-.., clerk's desk In the hotel otllce for r, cents. Coming to Hospital Hero. A correspondent writlnj; from Olh, U., to Hie Mt. ll-i V.,u 1 it . . . "J. Itoheri ('lark han heen coiiflno.1 fr ifiiile awhile with while kwellinK i iiinea improved. Ue will leave on inesday the Hill, for t hp Tnltl-CJty Mo-pital, where he K.,v for an opera lion. He was tdiflsantlv mmri. on last Saturday eienii,. h a "ponn,r I'ltny Klven ,y a arit,. ,,,,.,.. ,lf f' ii'iids uilil K( hooltnates Th..v 11 variety of delicaeles Inrln.lJ.,.. li"s-. cake, aim rapH ,.0m, 1 ,t ,4 ProM'titu holfi us.fnl 1111,1 DECEMBER IDIU OF COURT CLOSES -W T. Stewart has retinnod frou ''Is annual hunllip,' expedition In ;he -"'ion known ns MmmUln.. Ulliaui r.irls splendid snecsi 1 ifM a resident of unii.wi, u ., supply of "dry meat" i eertnln lo he U'PHCinled in any home II :t'..ir,o!;s, js W. !,,. i Vii: liti,; a'll.::!i,. isitin" "I iliin his nice of (O new j,!,ln a Well. f ' l. Kelly, ot j;'1 in that v'il-i'- The liijiplo says 'Pes were '''fiie.l to fill :"f ihawi,,K the "' viork wi,h ithiMw thiltj w was notj ,'a!'w'' f:d at the I H.rt sn, '"p tin. 1 w !i : d Elf REEUUHIIS 10 BE REC0MU1EB The committee by Major Katon to ecer.i'y Appointed re-omiiiei.,! 10 the an I i,k ;;. oMi-ie .ep.-rt lo '. ' nt the !l" S.llilrt 1 it en ;a the 'fii! in tit tile !.".tii-i. iiai .;!' hoard of aldermen n for pernianent, stree: i wibinittei! the foliow.-.i.' ho-aidot a special ni,.c;! crtmieii last ijfgilt. and ; adopted: Thai the hMM- i.f ahlernieti of th. f':.v of Win.iton an ei.viioii e, s.nne. ilute after M-tv 1. j.eiT, t,-,r th, purpose of voting Jimi.e.1.1 in-wi,,-lcr cent. hond.T for sli" ,s. fewi'rs ,".:;l hlsh school biii'din;,-: . an'i recom mends that the cii.-.- ii'.m,,:,, -, . I . . . . ' ' ' m-pi'siiticte;i to tiiucnd i,::: char; wrjeninext session of the ,Sue s. .she in order to i.Hoil t,. property owners on eaeh si streets which hae alrea ly heei, el and mapadaniiKed, on -(if". Ii o co-it for new- work, the city paying thi other t.h rct'-lif His; also Hie p:n,r :, require the .street car o :-iii.u . to pai one-nttii or sncli new si re ! y 0 streets traverse, h :'; ik Si.iop. of ; COIlipHny. !' ;ts. tii we recommend thai 1.11 ":, of rj!..ililclrhave never Imii ei.x-lc ;:" 'i. Hoi- cat-'iiiiin-ed that the city .i, "f Walk-; 'ire cost of work done on ku.; ""son. ot i W'p nifther recoinnie.i I t'e-i jinanent street work hi :,. . - jiclcphone wires are 1 oiock Miss Uelieeca fJleim. daughter of the governor, who lias leen visit inK i'fien If. here for a week, returned to K:!leiih todai. 111.' Misse Folllo with niiich re-i-'i-ct. 1'iall Dielr invitations Issued fnr Monday nl'lernoon, DeoetnlKT 17, a tel. i'Ri-ain havini; heen received ihi's ,,f. 'enioon annonnein- the death or M' lienjninin K!fe. f t haH.i,,, o I'fother-in-ltiw of Mr. (i. a F.a'iil,' Holiday travel in the railrc'iiis. has already hegini The leaf lobaee-i sales r,,,- 11,.. w-ek endlin? today were 4s;,nifi nonnds. -ThiTe will he no sajes lit the wniehoiisis after rriday, December -I, until Wednesday, January 2d. Clingman-Huff. Ihe inarrlrtue r Mr, w ,- cn "'inn and Mh,s jinttie C. ' Huff, two popular yoniiL; people of Ki.'sl llen.l. will he reinitiated tomorrow cKdiitut at the home of Ksniilr.. A , ifi.'.rt. e, Kast Hend. The i,ri,i..-,i.,i 1.,' .. ..'...' . . .... .. ,., , trt.it i .iii- in of Sv.4, Jatues k" iirnt if this: n, , , " ' " ' "J- ... ni'"'i.i-i -ie ih h mernherof ; sue-c-svf mereaiilile llrtu !.( K,u llenci This Finishes Judge Ward's nuuna on nis Judicial District. JudBt Ftrguton To Pnildt Ovr f. T Term-Mrt, L.ssiUr tetu Verdict Against 'Southtrn Railway rtr li,o.-jUd8emfnU ', 0thf Case Motion Oochtt Oon Ovr Christmas Entertainment. A Chrlslnms entertainment will iclven al Cli nitnoim Seli.K,! , Pildiiy nU'hl, IVc..inher 21st. m ::3t, p The entertalnmetit wllj consist of mu sic, (ioniffl. iveliiitlonn, etc. The puh lie Is ordlah'y Invited. Th hnmlscnie dot: in kosetihach er'a window will he given away t() ome pifs! ,ti Kir1 ,,y Knnln CUiw "n Christmas eve iiiKhl. ;it"les Isiued 11;. . .11: . . N. .1. ' cvv ' I s. I') Miss l:ertown; 1:1 It Mar. Ill the .ek- in ' I l.,e III. -; 1 el t?, i t ma en-1 ts. j iVi'l, ismiind. done i;:r pi. iced 1 in I v c. v " 1 Md al 1; :',"."r." h,,1l '"J lielng " filllirm. tiv, Mopertv I'niboro. "I. t TI. re Kid- ;" Kerners- ''''- moved ' where l"'lrr "f his Uei'peetfnllv snhinille' OKO. T. IlitOU'N. f'ltnm .1. K. NOrtFI.KIvT. ; V. T. IJIIOW.V,. ft. 3. CALLOWAY. The hoard discussed c:her matters relating to changes in ri'y chartit, ef,c, hut no definite action was .taken. ''..t K. '"! :V '''vil war fcrai "fin says 1 1Mrilmiin on Miss Lizette ilrown, of Leviimton, who lias iM-en visilinn .Mi.-s Mary I'ayne C'Hnard. went home today. Pernio C. from a visit Cia. Lonff returned je to his par"iits al -terda.-Macon. Mrs. Amanda 'ho has been Bell, of Mod; visiting Mrs W. L. Ilrown, rptnrned dome this afternoon. Mrs. V. B. Turner and children, SUoam, were here jnlny en route Mocksvllle to visit relatives. AfW" 'P:S " (t !y? L -MfxA 0 " ' - & ih !, i o Tb two week' term of Pr.tn, a.. Ff'lr Court clo thi, fterno,,n A IflW' IHIIdIkt of civil e., .u. . . 'J for 'hi. tern, -,., ,lot mi,,t(1()" ,. 1. 1 1 re it a 4 t.j he M.ntf.Tmyi V rills Ih .li,d(!o Wanfn .,t round on thin "circuit" MelhMU. I.T TmiKi .ay, ,e iHutmble,,,;," 'lur P residing omcer (),.,eer. ' Wart. 11, w., fuini m,i .1... ,.. . . - i,iiti.i .1 ' nariotie Ju.IiclHr dls'i ct. ilk. , .. " 'Hl"lll w i'li nill conveno Idir.mry u (My i"rni of coi rtiiiol ii,.- . . rrca p. ,!,.., ' w' Court Prceedinni. IOl,1 AlKhUKm w, ,;ialH R oic fr.,m hl wife, ita;,y Andw, lh INir.ie heK T""1 Mi'v. H K. Las-.)ter waa rvm, (1 in her 11 t,oo . r,Vm 'J' tn.ir vt(r(i(.,. a, 6 ( v,.()i..ii - '""11. Thev aei,!...i ' f I 'J'.rca byi;, tlCKhtic, , ,J 'f.'i: lant. The -,lf,ir .... .J'' Uf-rra.ikT. IKu.V:,. " JK'H'W look ,1 nossutt a )h nH((l , piovftiiept c,. xi,., ,,,. " "" ,,, . " ' i mere. fote dlsmJsHvd by JikLv Ward. ' ' " or rha-H. a nono'ds u. ,,,,! 'l'f"''lnt r,,,!, ,. -"! of th ,,.'1,.,, , IM" In the suit of p uu 11 ,1,. . .. . . as effe,'f.(: hy ,M( ) , New AdvsrtlsemsnU. 1 White Stnr c.Kiipper me,,,,. LT1' -o-rk rtaM "'"'"'-HIIIBi.-.hl.,nc.ln n i. f ill PS . l. ! mwvmtcan I I" IKT cent on your Xuu pfescij ! C. A Joins- , K(1((,, ,,,. tu I, , ,k', 1h" -'""'l"-- of 11. IJ. Java j hi. -ml '. 1 . , ... , J " "o-vlniff fe Co - About ;an,l I heir waPt f,. Christina. I 11. ,:,nhA)l ll(,.r r,,, jweur e,,,s. ,oy, f lc ,, 4M,I tlow r it f . C. A. .fei.kin- u- ni , , j 'f. ranee. In. W Ollanlon-wiuit Heri,lcl,l. "ie -reat iaP iol,e. has dme for ott. 1 rs. fie-it ' Dud In IndianJ. Mrs. J. M. WHs.,11. f thU city ,-, r...ivei n. w of 'j,e d-nfii ot hr I'l-irher, Mr John Wlhlnnu. wh., lle.l in Terra Haute full:,.,!, .... c... da. t h fill, lm, ti,.. .1. " I'-u.a-w ere Tied lo Ha!e.., f,,r i,( rmrn. (family bmiai , lh Uliri.u URj J place yesterday morrili it Mr V.lf. ill.'""" a.H ,'!1 vAnn. ,4 UKA. ' lf fuif v l"'r- 111 time;, and ,iU Hevrul ! friend? lo, this rity. I n. ... . --.'ii. iy . v MX'nt Inst nil-lit Th THIS Trnv DAVID iuii; Mi WILL f ir HAVE A'IBUNCH OF GOLIATHS TO ELIMINATE. ,11. :ai'.iai has !.s hire I war a.tii-t tnn li i: m. News J; Wiillains, of Ill.'coe. With her sister !iri Mr. J. f. witsfui, on Imt way horn 1 ' ivii'iiu, (ier.. she Mtend! th rinera! yistenlay f hT blotter Vr John L. VI!!im

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