MP J WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17, 1903 PRICE 5 CENTS If IEI 2 IIEGRO HEN 1SB MADE! ftRE ARRAIGNED; IBDDY OF DEAD FUEL PALIIIIE III TWO MESSAGES NOW Oil IRIALl I'f ,11 111 NORTHWEST flOW TAR. COLO! Ml TOCONGRESS becomes Secre-jAre Charged With Being lm- Editor of Town Topics Discovered Yesterday About Scarcity or Coal Will Be At- amerce and La i calf Secretaryj I irj Mr. Bonaparte; (Sneral Today. j sorn In By Dei ,:rj na'.es Outgoing ( Office's Made Brief on With the plicated In Recent Assault on L Banks Holt, of Gra ham. Negro Man Convicted and Sentenced To Hang For the Crime Made Con festion Implicating the Women and Will Testify Against ThemFrajier Jones Sentenced To HangOther Greensboro News. uiargea with Perjury In New York Court-Trial Commenced Todav. Three Miles From This City j on Southern Railway Track. It I: In Charged That He Swore Falsely the Famous 'Fadi and Finr- Car-e In Which Norman Hapgood Was Tried For Criminal Libel. Wat Hornbly Mangled, Her Body Parts of It Track Coroner's Jtry Decides That Woman Came To Her Death From Causes Unknown. tended With Serious Re sults If Relief Is Not Provided." Being Strewn Along the Coal Companies Endeavoring To Get Railroads To Move Product But Lt ter Say They Ar Unable To Do So Situation In Several States Serious. President Gives His Views on Panama Canal Work and Naval Personnel Dill. He Endorses Secretary Views on the Latter Subject Which Will Occupy tht Attention of Con gress Soon Present Week In the U. S- Congress. -Without ,c govrrn- duties were is secretary i M -yam ami .Mine ,. or: . iii-i ' succeeding i. ;;i becomes sec- Bir II:' in ''';' Sll j y,uiai'.;i U-. who be psecil. Tht' oerenm ,,h case consisted of ,n.',,.s In the outgoing ofio:-. Tin- subordl-.wirtim-iii administer- i! W chiefs tail" ni'i not Older occur itfSTiTE ( . m m am m mw USUI MLLI io The Sea nel.) i; -Tiie trustees i'ai'.rrsiiy met here lu ,iji.-i Sa'iirrlay t con- ,1 'Hi' I'lithroming re- i V'liaiiic. on wnten ! itii ii'roinmendattons !,i the governor' and ;t, N.ithing was mado lr ;.i' enrollment is a riinipiirPiJ v i h f!S2 i jiiisscii by the board ,i.r (if i imr;i villus of kiiMiiins and ca in ihh s (..inn rllon with the ;iHii(in inn! to lio Jis- ihr JJ si I J i If- school houses , i. i i v. .....II.. ' It iuiu i; Ull I ill' ill in, (Special to The Sentinel.) , GRF.EXSWinO. IVc 1 solicit..! 1 A. I.. Riooks went t Cru'iam this' moi ninar ti hp pi.sent as the Slate's1 the Hial of Fannie Turner,! wl;li conspiracy iii i U. burglary ease1 against Henry Walker. who was eon-' victed and sentenced in . hanged for entering the house of Cul. 1.. Hanks! Holt after night and shuttling Colonel! Holt.' Wulker made a confession a, few days aiio anil implicated the two; woniPii who were suspected a; lhe: time of the trial of Walker, I; :! w!r; were allowed to go to- ru-k of any ,.yi-; deuce. Walker was the oif j who knew of their Indus connected the ease, and w hostf testimony' would ho conipetenl. ; Walker was semenccd to he lianseil ' Deeemhcr . lint when he made a coil-i fession he was resniicd hv c.iverimr i kUenn and the dale of execution ' for after ("hiisunas. h,. i,.siii. that the two women planned lor him' and that one nf ilirm lelt the door un-lsi t H nb!isVrV resi M'W Vi)l!K, le i; -,'ol. William la:t!in Matin. e:!:tor f Town Tildes, was luoiishi lo trial today on ehari of km ins swotn falsHy in "Kad anil I'ancies ' cu.-e ia h;ch .e , man n,lUOOU. edliir Ot V , W -'ekly. was trie.) f u -i itninal lih.l. ! Kltlct' .1. CKlirr. , cekl v . n ;i siminnine.l llilllel Tes(erd.i nniriiins alKHit ft oVliwk I'm niahis ot nn unknown wht'e 'mini ip fotud on the track of she f,il!n i n lIU uhlls!nT" 'n sl I M1WK APOI.I.s?. t ' 1" of (' with hut did lint appear. i.ller s i.'eia! Kailroad. near the AU N(,rihwen( laeei. tlie tno-t fmd fu iC. about three miles horn H is faniino S,M'' m'- .Tlw ,, . , . . cn.e siave wet-k hkk and nnw the eity. l, e hidy having been llteral'y , . h ,,, ......, h torn lii Miwimt r,i.. ,wi , ' '.. , fVi-lilie as:kier .wxtiuMkHin ot il of "ii'h no llisiiiin t f .mi yiirinS r it l.i'i"ll IHIIU.I. com.! III" HMIllU'tl II 1111 Illy INit:(h-r' Prts WASIIINCTON. Ike, 17 lTeiiidelit The ' a neni to i enures n-iui men-jg, thin f!erliooii. nrslnj pas isge of nmal pctnnel bill reeotn men;! d dy Secretary Ikmapaite, pri Siimkn was a d ;!1 l.i in poliee i li cit s. The oftireis it'l.oii that ni.ieC (ally nothing; d.iiiiR. A ni'sio:1 named Itoh Harnett was the onlv mii'i that serii,,ily disturle,t the peace. ! After "taiikius up" on mean liquor; l!i)b Kalhere.l his lireecleloail.T and!1 soon hecame terror in the llelo Pon.l I ! .-. itleineni. He shot im holes in I, is ' own nome. a ter w itch he weni in 'audi of a ne-n, whom Harnett al ,..,,,r . o,e, ,mn ne mternt cam ert- i,-e,i had f oleu $17 from him The trance lo Hie hou-e. other dama.itm man l!.h was enasins made a n p.r, eylence asahiM them may he,, Patrolman Thompson, who pi iceed Colonel Holt has hern out of he.l ed lo K alter Harnelt. He was found for sevetitl weeks and has almost en-1 anr ie, lin, lwU,,,, ,,. M,. T(,m, ttrely recovered 'front the woutU In-; s.m also has the Kun and he savs Its a dieted by a. pistol in the hands of Wal-Urtiml one. kcr. The neKro had been discharged i" i!lrneli. who is in ibeeilv .,ck-up by Colonel Hoi, and Walker was seek-, slicks to i, that tl toiher"' Kot Ins money an. I hat had b. 'to .M. liosi.a proniinenl him he would have Pythian, a member of the hoard of acuiss" with the e con; ml and general manager of the in-j head off, suranee depai iment if the Supreme! . I.Od.O. is lu Hie ciiy and will speak ih-ioii- ine .ireeiisnoiv) I'ylliiiins !( nifcht. After the nu'tHiiiR a social w sion will lie Held. Mr. Hosl Is a splen ruor.. T it' IkkIj was so ha.lly nuttila-) j te 1 that any reiirmllon was linpos-J sihle and only from the ciothliiR wh an;, euie as to ine identity m the w, inaa who hmt niei death In s.ich a hon lh!e manner obtained. ! rum ail that can he learned the I i.! i nupi)ise) to be that of wnni au who had been seen about town for i en or two and. had I ild several sto. I'.es , s t i Ikt h ui . linally statini; : . I' : "e.iiiau I'r.itt i.i.ii what fhe1 ha I I '. ' pt i v: nisly , all fa.'w and that i!n r home was In Knowille, Tenn. i ue reiuaiiis were carrteo to the un nakiiip establishment of the Hunt- Hill s nekton l'.)tniany late rs nla and nieiiared for burial u eoe- j .tier's in.puM being held in the uii. rtaking i-eoins hi III o'ehek this ; morttini;. t'oi ine- K .hinson had sum ! in i:u (I the f.i!! ii, M : Messrs. V. i mown. I t sh. W. M. Illnshaw. II. M- Ivkin. II I.. I',. id and C. II. Vuleti- I'ound made him "come sb or blown hi : TROOPS IRE STILL Mdicrs' Press.) o. 1?. Announcement Ptof. R'lht. Koch, after min Alriea. has dis- f lor sh t pinjr sickness, if of the "dark conti 'in is trying the cure if Africa. Two million v fi im the disease M :i"t;ii)es afflicted are t'sramp at Lake Nvan- I'tess) iit'iinatiy. lh'c. 17. -w'-taiiuinq conditions : '''i" ".liuiKle-" reve'.a 'lix le.-eii here in the i!-"' of the llenz ! is reported to have I 'ads or diseas to have been "' I'lu- aiitliorities are t)vanced Age. Jl,:.'l Dr. K 17.--.M.-.s..iar- witlow of the it. passed away i"ino or. her -'on. at Sun- dbl orator and a man of jrreat ahillty. II was insurance eoinrnissioiier of Wisconsin for a number or ears aiul stands pre-eminent for inline are . exertu in the convention of liisiiranre wmimissionprs. He 'will probably re main here for a few days before jroini: lo other places that lie is to visit in the interest of the insurance depart ment, of the order. Hefore the adjournment of (Inill'ord Superior Conn late Saturday after noon. Frostier Jones, the Cibwiiiville nefiro, wjm shot and killed his wife at teemed lady, Ikuuk a sister of sentenced to he hanged January l,V When Jndse. ..Moore .pronounced the senience there was hardly a. tremor noticeable in the body of the negro, half Indian, who slood before the court. Colonel Ilarringer, ationiey for the defendant, took an appeal in open court. He will make an effort. I,, have the defendant's charge reduced to second, degree murder. Minnie Oznieut, a niosi disreputa ble white and John Ward, a negro, were sentence, 1 to live yeais' imprisonment in the Slate penitentia ry for burning the barn of the wom an's brother-in-law, .Newton Leonard. It was shown that the two defendants had been cohabiting for a number of years and this peruaps added to their j punishment. Charles T. Welker. ihe young white man convicted last summer of man slaughter in that hu led open a switch on ihe Southern Railway yards here, tatislng the doath of five, announced that he had decided 'to serve his sen tence and would not prosec ute his ap peal further. ( lly 1'uhlishv.-,' Irtsl ItOMK. IMv 17.-Troops today are still guarding vat lean and the French embassy where demonstrations oc curred last night when anti-clericals voiced their feelings antagonistic to the Catholic church and in favor of the French government. Feeling runs high and I: Is feared there may he I'nither trouble. Another outbreak is almost certain to n suit in hloodshed. Catholics resent insults offered the pope and the church lust night. If anti-elc rirals again attempt street de monstrations it is feared there-will be open fighting between Catholics and anti-clericals. . Only the troops about the valicau last niglil pievenled an tack by' thousands of angry demons tors. u s. I lly Publishers' Press! BKRI.IN. Dec. 17. --An attempt h Kaiser William to introduce Ameri can electioneering methods into the present campaign have been checked apparently by advisers. Many par ties have Issued miHiifestoes to Ihe voters. Kniicror William planned is suing of an imperial . manifesto, urg ing the people to rebuke alliance of Catholics' and Socialists much after the style of ItiKisevelt's breaking Into the American campaign. He was final ly coiuinccd it would be iinw .ne up the project. Ollicer Pratt was the first witness and tes.lllej m seeing the woman at the depot on Fri lay morn hip. She said she had come to this city on Tbuisday from Cret'tishoro. She had with her a begging card, on wlileh was slated that sh was a widow, with two children lu Charlotte, and wanted as sistance in gci t Koaiioko, 'a and giving her name ns Mary Miller. Site said she had Played at the Wlustonla Hotel on Thursday night. Ollicer Pratt sow her ufcalu Saturday, mid In reply lo hl questions she said she had spent Friday night down the, rail road in the wood. She (old the oflleer she would leave town, and that was the hist he su,w.of her. From the looks or the hat, 010111111; and teeth, (the lat ter being very proniinenl I or the dead woman, he Judgel that the dead wom an was the same one. Mr. 0. K. Jackson. Hliitlorninstcr at the union depot, testified to seeing la strange woman, at- the depot on Thursday night. She was very drunk and said she was going to Hoanoke. lie saw her iifterwarda with a man who also eerned to be intoxica ted anil whom he did not know. From the appearance or the teeth, and from the clothing, he was or the opinion that the body round was that of the same woman he saw alt he depot, Mr. F. Musten, who lives near the place where the body was found, -in-u inn! is no nav morning a ne gro reported to him that the dead body of a woman was on the railroad track. II went with several others to the place, ainl was there when the officers arrived. It had been reported to him that a woman had been seen on the track the day before, apparently very drunk. Mr. C. r. sills, who also lives near the place, told aliout the finding of the body. Mr. T. M. Newell, clerk at the Wln stonia Hotel, stated that he believed from the clothing: and niienrntice nf ithe teeth that the dead woninn wm the one who slopped al the hotel on Thursday night., where the man with her and she hud regtered under the name or Jtob Miliar and' wife. The man he describe! as a m ranter or and in years old, wit.h sandy mustac he. After hearing the evidence and view i railroads will rmnlsh the motive pow er to mow inm! stoml In Ihiluth and the west. While the con companies re clam oring for cars the ruilioad re mak ing eveiiscs. Maym In a donen towns lu Montana. Dakotu and N,trhein Min nesota are 'lie-tdging representative and editors In apparently Alii hope or ai. losing public iutcrrst and loiclng action. I' n U s H relief comes before the end of Ihe week hrt'f Ihe northwest will lie freezing. COURT CLERK ISSUIliC clerk or the kit Issuing pension Mr. R. K Trnnmui perior Court, beg. in warrants early this morning. Mr, J Nf. Wimmer remains the only old no, dler in Foisyth In Ihe llrst class list. He tost an unit and a leg In ihe war. For years this city has had tut mort industrious citizen than Mr. Wlnimer. regardless or his crippled condition. In the second class there are K m.I iIIcm, In the third class 5 and the fourth H7, making a total of I'll Th re are In.' widows of eol.llera who will receive $IS each. The iitiioiinis paid the Confederate veterans are in follows: Firsi class. $t!0; iH'ii)heliH, H"i; third-class, $:!f.. and' fourth eluss, lis. Clerk Tranuoit received a letter lo ii.iy from Auditor Dixon nngratiila ting him iiikiii the prompt and ticcu rale manner In which he handled the pension warrants end reK.rt. CONDITION OF 16 OSCIR IS BETTER (flv Publishers' Press) STOCKHOLM. Dec. 17. A bulletin today fciiys King Oscar experienced a change for the better and slept well. His fever Is gone and his pulse Is more steady. " li e - Illlike ;i:u an, highly ch 'ii effort toi 'nnl as a resi-j ' Sue died at ( By Publishers' v,i years. The WASHINGTON. I'.ei '"'ay In theoldjfial of Russia hy Japan in the u i.ei inanton. Pro . 17. -The r- A ').'K ,- 'o-ifnih have 'fiends on ac ,h" eldest sou, ' I at s o'clock 1 ''ar's illness. u,ls COIlilnctiid h Chestnut I'.v Dr. II. ''incut was iir 1'erabee, or "I the Christ 1 ami section. Thursday and j"''e Saturday warehouses liollilays. re de-1 of Russia hy Japan tn the -,u i was the result of lack of preparation. . lack of nobility, absence f the i ti i t ;.i - live anl offence, due lo the low s-:i- tus of the Russian sol iiers. is the oh-. servation of American oflleers. who; accompanied the Russian and Japan-1 ese armies. The report to the war ue-; partnient was made today. Ann also comment on the ft'eouent to tile u.e of bayonets on the li by both the Russian and .lapum forces. Personal Encounter. t I ("has. Agi-e and ("has. Oiuldi: .white men. got into a iMTsonal en 'ci inter in Kobre's saloon ibis after noon. A gee licensed Hi'thhs of u-- ling ;i knife, The faces of both New Advertisements. White Star Co. Supper menu. West Salem Creen House , hand quist & Pfohl, agents Phone orders today for ros' and caiiiallons for Xnias delivery. K. Robinson Oppowlle city market Creat clothing bargains for this week. Walking Hook Ston Tell of tre mendous stock or holiday goods. Al! most reasonably priced. lioseubaclier & llro Anouiwe de laved shlpmeiii of doll now In and to go on special sale. f Meyers-West In ook Co. An attract ive page ad mi tin- week berore Xinas news at the big store. Joe D. Terry Proprietor Smokers' Icn Hunt the world over for a bet ter cigar and you will return disap pointed. C. A. Jones Coffee talk. II II Jala Mend mid Its goodness. men she wen hlo'sly. but neither , siirvtaini ! I hronght ling the lemahiK. the Jury gave ns Its j verdict that the dead woman, two: w hose real Identity could not be es tablished, hatl come to her causes unknown. Whether the wom an was killed by a train or whether had, met death previously was notjvllle o il by the evidenci injury. (.'has. F. Ik'.hnson, of Farming-ton. I was bete this afternoon, returning f;om one of his la-onle leeniriliL; i loill-. For Whipping His Wife. Ciaul Pri'i', col'rie4, was arrisled and l'H-ked up this morning by Pa trolniau Thoinpsoii on the charge of whipping his wife Crrinf, who has leath from 1 oc' ti in the employ of hog'.e Itros collected his wages and had arrange I tn leave on the 10:5(1 train for Dan- When approached hy the oflleer Price said: " My name Is Jim Smith," "That is iiltltfbl," rep'led the cop 'J'lsl como along Jim Smith; you man wanted." Tl.e 'Wo Texas Knic,s owned lo i!,ii-, the Wins!, .ii Distributing to.. ian ii..(i ,iw,n tliis afternoon, slightly damag ing the dray, to w liicli iney weie Mtcbcd. Tli'- were slopisd by run niti'j into a ' i lepii ine pole tit corner of Four h and Che-!i'il streets. !d TEfly SIIJC SINC (lly Publishers' Press.) XF.W YORK. Dec, 17-Ceoige llnrri ham,. vlce-itesld'iit and counsel of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Co,.' Hoyt Walker, mailing clerk for The Heinlnel, Is suffering from a pain ful woiiiki on one tiaiio, innicterr by a piece of glass. His hand l badly iwollen and Hunt Is some fear of blood poison iev(dO)lng. al unit cs.abiinhliig the snide or vice. Hiltnlisi The nies-nuM huvs: "I am lli ml) couvincrd that unWsi the pi-cscni coiKtttkm if lilgher wm nil.sioneil jersonn,l U rectiflM by Jn Holtnis legislation ih, rulure f ixir navy will be greatly comi'mmlseit." The prfhident lso wnt Congn'im message tjiu arternoon giving i- n f.ii of his recent trip to Panama. Note Thin mestfiflge Is found n fifth page of today's Sentinel ) Fortcsst For Week. The following Is from tx)ilij'i Char kilte Obsener; liollt Hoiisi'h of ("oiMtesn will ad joiirn next Thursday for the CUrUt uiu a holl.t.iy unless the Senate should change the pnignim adoiued by th House, which Is not probable. The retention of adjonrntni nt. which iu rent over b the Home, has not tx-en taken tip III the Kciuile, hut It will probably receive mientloii there lomoriow. A nieellng or the SxMiate coinmltteo on afiproptlaHonH hn In en cnlli'd if or tomoniow morning. and there Is Utile doubt that the rei olulion will be reported I sick utl.l a'l M upon hy the Senate early In the) d.ij The 1oiim riBohttlou calls ror lh re-convening of the two Isslies on Thnrsluy, Jutiunry 2. The House ha laid our u mrniewhut emended pn.ginmme for the Utnn be fore Ihe liollday adjoiirninent. hut little attention has been given to ny Arrangement of biwlness for tho Sen ate. In the Hons Monday W11J he devoted lo the cnn1d"t'fttMi of bill under an otiler providing fox lh snsiieiolon of the rule and the re mainder of the week, will be- given lo leglnlsiiion Mirtalnlnff tf Ihe fits' trlct of Columbia, and In Ihe hill making ttppmprlntlonH for tho eon- let of Indian affairs. There ri "JO or .!') bills on Hie district calendar. whUh Mr. Iliibcoek, chalrtniin of tli Dlslrlct committee I very antloun to have passed atn the com m Mo) on rules hiin promised him miffleient time for their consideration. There will also he a streiiiioitii effort to seciiro action upon the Indian appropriation bill. If there hhould be time left the omnibus oliihnu bill will taken up. The urgent deficiency apixoprlu.1 ion bill, which punned the House Hatuid:), Is expecli d' to recede the stnetlnn of the Senate before the holiday ad journment. The provision In tho bill I'siklng t the carrying Into effort of the pure foot! law Is legwrded by boih Hie s.nali' and the lloue as ery ur gent. Ir U (Hisslble Unit the provision lu the deficiency bill to inet the ex peiuies of the lutervenl lou of IhU countr) In Culsi will provoke) some de bute, but olheiwlse Hie bill 4 expect ed to iKiwt after a very brief conslil eration. There h also a e.ll)llity of rpeeelc is by Senmors KUtredge mid (Jearln, on their respective resolutions provid ing for an Investigation of tlie lum!"r trust and an Inquiry lain the Japui ese situallon, but while it is known thul ImIIi Senators urc peii!iig to illsciisn their resolutloiiH, It seetfis quite probable that they will postpone, their remarks untH after the holldii). Much In'erest altaehes In bolli House to the various Presl lentlul mev-ages, which, It Is uiidetnliKid, will b' Moit to Congress during lh i)i The Patiuma message, d-talling Ule Pn sident's observaltoiis on hi r-'eiit Hip to Hie canal zone and ootllnlm his H-ommeiidatlons conceridng Ihe woik thire is eie:lel today, but for 'be present will receive no utlotl Hon licyoud lis formal reallng. Tlie same may lie said of the four or five hi her comniunli ntlorm which the Pren id ri 1ms piomiwd for the wi-ek. Walter Fouehl, wbotrnvuls Llinrmgh Santa Clans is billed to .nine in the cit.v at 2 o'clock next Ft id ly. ' i. til ing In via the Xorfo'.k & We.vetn The Me.vers-Wesibnik Co. ren iwil a i''i'" gram Saturday night from the popu lar old gantleman sta'in-' 'I''" n" would make their store vi: Kt '.-iii. I,crn. i i.itn lit .i: in r F. K. Hairis. of th" , oil the s:ek list. Kngilieer iw has charge of his rut. Wi;; '':. otnas is subbing for C, ill in Te.i-ue, w ho is off on ! til li tn isu unci day M guilt) of grand larceny of company funds, was sen- came In to two years In Sing Sing lo-ho!lda I Mis. H f flv Publishers' Press.) indl'rie far Wi-sf for a New York house. NICW VOUK. Dec. 17. The poilro this afternoon to si nd th Cazet 'e Pebbling, a l.indmurk, w as par wHh his pareiiis, Mr. iinditiiiliy (icslruw-d b iln t'slay, canning T. Foucht. . I vacation -The Salem Female College will close Tim Christinas holiday Aca.-b sdtu my for I !'',!. lit th. home who has been buy eastern part of the for I he holnkn s William Falier. of Couriers- u.ii', Ind., who lias teen visiting her I brother. P. A. Davis, and .other rela :t;vis in this section, left today for home. .Mrs. Fuller Is a native or this fijii'ili,. but has been n resident of la id. ana for sev frul ii-ais. Rev. C. L. Whitaker was here ibis afl'Tiioon ctv route to Dtivle county to visit relatives, He Is now tojitiomd at Kiiflebl. lilshop and Mrs. Rondthaler leturn I this kfteriioon from Coneoid JIuo, i :-,,s. Five llifuneii were se- lioiisly Lu : m-'h Siort!ng M-eoriU and piiluris of grout value were desiroy ' 'I- The building destroyed !k i on th. site where lii'tijumiii, Fianklill lived, In a cottagu Herons the Kir'Pt st.o.1 'he original White ifous-e where Va ti IlK'lon live,) while presi lull.

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