tA7''!i'l(nTrT7 k3. f i i 'Ni fAK. ill THE SUUDAY SCHOOL : ;E BUILDING BITEIpEIITS WINSTONALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1006 PRICE 5 CENTS 'f Xew Winston DI juttiorn Railway. HeaJqujrters Up ted By General Super for Division Su- Bennett, Train i at-d Two Train fit OuC List of Those to Be Held in Wlnston-Salcm During the Christmas Season. 1 Two of the Entertainment To Be ' Held Tomorrow Night-Programs of Some and Dtes 0f Other, Public ed Below-Some Very Attractive Programs Are Arranged. II. i,. I Clu b, , y -,111 has rented i.- ,vf liu " L!" pr.raiil (,( nuis euict ia, anient i.. i,., , he il... '.r; r. . . : ,,.v v hum, ,111 niimiuv sc i ohurc:i on West Fourth iotnoirow (Thursday) in, u m at the cor at S i v I'll-! -,sr o'clock hv, fur offices 1, . '"" W:i!'"o:i-.Cantata. Columbia's Christmas Givers I Chaiaotcrs: , ( ( .mint M;ss A lie 1 r i l;;,,;;"u:rs:;!a'K'!ii,j- ' .... i n ,1 ,ivii lj Manila Washington.. MNs Ada Culler John Paul .Jones. "' I I',. Re .Molly Stark. i :-: - 1 U 1 I f ' fr , - . : sular passenger ,,ndKi.-. He wai C- y.-srs. la maru rey-on-r ci: known ofli- -i'ftTti. m;t. "' "f Ashevillc. .41. riiiteinlt-nt of the :; .Mr. W. W. Dngan. ;i : , ,:i..utfh,re. wl'.l .. ;!i t ; n - Tise building. ,,1 'in! Mr. .1. IX New , w- i!'iiute;ident of .! ,i;:shn. wi! nlfe Press.) H- u.-A decision was !i v.-ra! of t'.ie suits v ('o:mt Iioni Cn- 1 :ii.. r wife. Madame T;i.' cf.iiit ,;'. tliat ,i is joiiilly respolii-ibli.' y ;in7 francs, debts xl ;ut ..rks wliich sh! Buni is rwinircd by tli' , ::,::, francs to moh J M-tt: I .',1.1 otber bills The claim of usnr if i,'."'."..!;.".'! fiants are i( tuurl liy 1 lie court as no ii'.iut iarRf. ui!k , :iut Wednesday. V llli.Iiiuv and Archl ai'imiiii hiive retunifd Virginia, wliero they fins of the North Car mi fur the Jamestown inn l in Norfolk Mon PW of letting the I'Nwth Caroiiua build '':.. Ilids were liled by - C'r..:iM and Virginia muvit HiCm,;-. "dug Mr who i'.'i-t. Work 1- ;l once. Joe the ...I. T. Ii: Miss Elizalieih Tes'a : New England Krl Fletch ri The Kouth Miss Treva Jones i jThe N;ahwet.. .iss llattle Carnv:' j Maids ot Ikin:,r j Misses Km:,. I.umly, i mie Car-l roll, Stella KoIm rts. Kra Wall.! IXilsy Hwidrlx, Kva Itolirrts. j Yinini' Vtii,.p.V;i n.,.,. i-w ...1.. ... 1 Fwil.., I " I'JIll, proba- rl, .,..., I jflitai!crs ill this city. i,,i,',.- 1 , ." " ,," . , I 1 l,Tlij- .lores, 1 .a Wall. Annie1 Iliiglier, Mamie Wall, Stella Wn n.j l ly.l-e (. uller. 1. other I.aslimit. Nel lie Missick, Mamie Kimiin-l, .John Winibis'l',, Myrtle Carroll .Y:!.!t Kills, Mabel Douglass; Marinl Cumbo. I.irine Cu!, r, I! m Car-! awiiti, (lien Wiiiiliisli. HerlKTt i Kiniinel, i.ulj Wren. ! The historical ciiarac;i rs aM pear in costumes of tln colonial pe- i.ieie iu aiso ne a song hv tne priinary dei-artiuent of the school and distribution of the treat for the school. Kvoryb.xly is cordially invito to be present. The tiniu will be Thursday, December L", ai S . in. With dialogue parts intei-sMTeU, foHowing is the program lu order: Invocation. Welcome by the Superintendent of the School-Dr. R. 11. J.mes. : SongI'rnnary iK-partnient.-' . What's the Host Day of the Year CUorus. Flag DrlJl ;uid Maix-h Mal ls oi Honor, with music by the Chorus, The Red, White and Blue. Columbia. Queen of Our Hearts Alt Thou Chorus. iiuiding Star Solo by Columbia, with Chorus.. lJnnner of Jleauty Chorus. Tho 1'ilgriui Fathers Solo by New England. Old Folks At HomoHolo by The South, Willi Chorus, There Is No Houth. There Is No North Quartette. .New Kngland, The Suulh., The Northwest, The West. . Recitations Hy Christmas IHvers. Would, You Your J'ica.surcs DouWe'.' Clionisi. The Star-Spangii d IlaiiiK r -Cuorus. America (Last Hlanza I. Distribution of Treat. " r.ctiedirlioll. Sunday School Reception. .Saturday at'ternoon at 11 o'clock the First Presbyterian Sunday school will tender the nn miters of the scoiid lrljtt rlan sci. a reception in the Sun Jay school loom.-, of Urn- First j church. There will bt no Christ mas -ti t r lahiment at the Synl I'resiiyterian chuirh, the nceptiu taking place of ihe entmainment. All numbers of the Second sclKiol. both young and old, are cordially in vited to be present at the reception. By Broad Street School. The I'road Street Itoptist. Sunday ( s.-bjul wil give its eiitertaininetit Fri-j evenirg of this weik. file pro- 7 ! 1 I I- (. jT A," V" ha: r, S t t . ' K Lt-i v .K... I i r,v.- "- LSI f ,j7l. -ir&ti h rHfi ZQ&mffi&i & PUZZLE: Firm THE MjrmVOrf OF Ml OF THtft- C!FU. LEGAL GOfiTEST EXPECTED II',' i Policy-Holders' Committee Will Appeal to Court If the Count Shows Adminlstra-' ! tion Victory. t Seems Now At If Administration Tickets of New York Lift and Mu' tual Lift Inturancs Companies Wen Sweeping Victories In Elections i Policy-Holders' Committee ftayi j Many Illegal Proie Were Vote, j By Othr Side. . (I'r TublUhers' Pre.! j NEW YORK, Ik e. j a Umfi kia lliKllt Is exp-ted U rentllt met lie'' !Uu of ottloets o( .Mutual and New' York Ufe lutiran Cotupanli's e' terday. The Indlciitlon i that the' udmlnlHtr.itlotv tKkets won a mrop InjC vlelory. The Internet lotial j!lcy 1 hoi lr' outniltim III not lnili tlo-l fi-ot hut II Is knou lu b pn-iMirtiw' to ehalleitKe In snirt th proxies ot j ed by the a, Imlnlut ration. j The ,iiitfnme if the sn km d""!!!! on what ieor(lon of wali-d ballou'-, turned over to the election ymmlo sUmern Is for the ilililultrtttiu Hi k etn. Th opposition to the adiiilnl. : ration tiayn many 4 the provlen vt td by the tifflrera were llltKKl and will conlet the matter III the court If the Niimi shows that lln admlnlstrtku W.rtl FUEL SGARGITY IN NORTHWES T CHRISTMAS INDICATIONS. E ME Y Senator Hansborough. of North Dakota. Talks With! President Roosevelt on the Subject. He Says Railroad Officials Are Large ly Responsible For Suffering Entail ed By Lack of Coal By Failure To Attend To Their Business Duties Wants Powers of Interstate Com. merce Commission Increased. T. J I'r. ssi I'r.dessor Ka.tl r inanUed for 'fwny'wiH.rc charges j ; r-m-.aw are ni Han coilaps-od. in wision was rendered '; '""'en-'luus to his; rr;ir'-1 inUou in urixou I ' ''"" ;t man of line l,lfl (liy Publishers' Press.) WASHINGTON. lx-c. l!'.S'iiator Hansbiogh, of North Dakota, thinks the reas.iiii' for the car shortage in the Northwest, which Is causing disas trous fuel famine, is due to the fact that the big railroad men do not gfve enough attention to their duties. Tht seti;ii,-r ha I a tall; with President Itiosevelt today o': the subject. On leaving he exprer.n d his opinion free ly of th- iiiiln.ad men: "It the big salaried men mil spend more time managing roads and h sv, Mnjttini; alH.iit the swell lite. lr dress sui's there would unl be as mnnj hiriages of cars to cause, s.uf fering and death In ninotc parts ol the ciiuiury." was his expression. II says tlie interstate commerce conimis sion has not moiigh power at. pi-esen lo dil with the subject and wants them authorized lo order cars from one part of the country to another as needed. I Millions , of Dollars Lost by Big Crash That Forced Many Traders to the Wall. Vanderbilt Interests and J. P. Morgan Relieve the, Situation Somewhat Tight Money 6queexe Results In Great Slump In Stocks Bad Day on Wall Street (I!y Publishers' PrtMi) NEW YORK, Dec. I'.i. Tight mono) squeeze resulted in great slump on the stock exchange today. Millions have been tost in the crash which forc ed many traders to the wall Call money Is at I'D per edit with no relief In sight. The Vanderbilt iutec-ests and J. P. Morgan came to relief comc hat. by announcing' that all Interest pa) incuts of iiinile, ,p.)t f Vander bilt s,steui due Januarj 1 will be ,.ald immediately. Standard Oil Inter .sts are reported to have taken ad vantage ;f the .ituatlon to iKmnd the market and brii- oiii loosely heWl ilccks. T S TERHDRISTS ME AT WORK AGAIN Have Resumed, Their Attempt i to Overthrow the Govern ment of Russia. Bomb Thrown At Chief of Police of Lodi, Poland, Today, But He Wat Only, Slightly Hurt Other Acts In dicate That, Reign of Terror Is Be ing Resumed. ' (fly Publishers Press. KJDZ, Poland, Die. Another at tempted assassination here today shown that, terrorists have really re Mi.neU the ratiiii.iU;n lo overturow the government by violent nieatm. Two bombs were thrown at th c.hb ttf ix.Mee while he was driving 111 the prlnclpul alreet. A hotw draw Ing the carriage and driver Hm kill ed, but. the chief escaped with hlithl injuries. Dragoons acting s an es cort were mortally woundii. POLICE OFFICER IS Illy l'ublislieps' Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 19. The move ment to have thin government take .-ome action looking toward rcmedv- (Spe la; ;o The Sentlnci.) GREENHItORO, I. 19. At a mt Ing of the Ixwrd of iiblermeii held lu tins oily elerk'n office Inst night, an Invefctlgailon of the shooting o( George WilMon, a negro, by Policeman Hkeeii! wa made and resiilli'd In Iho olfleer'i coinple-te vindication. The. board held (hat, while the shooting was un- wrecl I 'e I'nss) in business "'''i'-tied entire ;;iieii in a. Sjx. iira- to ad ,:iidiim OrpiuMini iu-ought. un letiidlnga had "rpheum was " 'gilding being " ahiHit $.',iiIxhi. at- Ml COUNTRY I'.'eSS.l I J ...'! Sports I '; in Rus- '' "llk'ial state to the do- it ' !j" l:ljM,(HM) i'di. The rye '' fa mi ne year giani prepared includ. s: Special Exercises, by Jlataca andj Pbilathea Class's. Primary D ixirtmeut Song.-, drill. and recitations. 1 nt crnu Ji.'i to tu ea-rt meiit -Can; recitations and songs. Christmas music by the choir. The animal vuit of S.m'a Clans ;1ik. distribution. . Doni'diction. Dates of Other Schools. Helow are given the da:is of otn.-; Cl'tistmas entertainments: Centenary. Methodist-Frid;iy even ing. December ill- East Salem, Moravian-Sunday teniooli, Dioember Calvary, Moravian Dioember : '. I'Uriui viomvian- Sundav ever DeoemlaT "J. Home, Moravian -Tue.-ilay ev. r.in;, DociMiiber 2't. E4m Street, M-rav i.m-W. duesoay urutiM,,' Tw.inlM'r I!''.. First, fkiptist -Mondav evt-nins ceinber Salem lUp'is!. .li.s-i.M!-Sa lJceniber rin-lsiiaii Thiirvd.i.v . I'1 Ceutervilie. Moravian lug. Dis'ember II im' Chapel. SaJUI isi'ie Til'lt l'l; evening. December -" Sou'hHlde Iuplis'-W.slues.ia' . l- CetiibiT 20. itiirkhcard, .elh.ali-'-'r"'-'-'v ,'4' cpltig. D'-c' tuber IT- : bin nijihoritj , nor do any thing in viola I Hon ,f law. ! .Much InteroKt has been tnnifehtl In !tl:ls case. The officer hud arretted the ! (P.y Publishers' Pre.-.si ita.J new YORK. IV'C II'. -Eddie iuM. lone (,f the winning tuini in the six i.lav bicve'e 1,1 'e. rode tlirmgli the l .Miies: W 1 : U a l.ll.Ki n no. I lie ;r happened the llrM day in a Root told no one as he feared ill) he l!ipi,l!i!lnl. He h.ld t le -ib m t and biimlaged to.'av. lie con fessed ne endure I terrible agony din ing the spurts I r the !i ad but to' his which lie was alraid to (lie lina! ,-purt. howner, and Foglcr, his partner, to mal;i vv'iilch w"1 f''r tle'in. whole accidi spill. he w. s;uek Iry ia ask"i the ride i ing conditions In the Congo Free State fortunate, tho officer did not exceed j is growing iieie. . The iiiiiss-nieeting hehl at Cooper ll nioii last niglK adoptt d resolutions imging Congrtss to ),.is,. resolution lr.- :i.i,Iuc.i In the I'liitul States Senate : liegio on the chaige of driiukeniie,., I by Senator Ixdge. The speakers call-J and while taking him to the H,ice ed on Congress to take stie.i action aslHlailon the in gro broke away and ran. is po-o.ible by this gov eriitne-nl a s oneTlie olfleer shot, and the ball took if tin participants In the creation of i effect In the negro's back. Injuring the Congo Free state, to p-.t an end htm seriously, P was'at flrn tiioughi to reMir;nl atrocities iractlcel on lhetliat the woiml would rove fatal, but native slaves'. 'the negro is now a grit deal better. : . j e may never be able to walk again. New Advertisements. j At the hi at Ing last night there w a l.,ii,.illlst fi Pl'ij.hl --Why give per-ja Inlge nuiilber of people, and Sevemi or 111. I)e tnrdii; ,s, COURT IT S jfiin.es' Ci.iwlord Plumbing A Mill Supply Co- X'Uia.s pre.ynlv , A C. Vogler i; Sou r ui ullur Ul:;,. (M-n a' night. j W.i'kius' lxk Store Holiday I suggest ions. i IboeuiiaC ler i llio.-- Meet, yi.iir llriei.d.s after aupjior at the m;v Store. It'iiiiiiiger-Diackburii Co Only a witnesses were examined. i uile r ." -Krii.il' eve;. i Hv Publisher-.' l'r ss i Sli .1!I AI Dec. l'J.- New Sla'eS COlls: 1.1 iK't-asi.-l. was wi'h a baniiie eiu'loi. The i lol.gllel ;' 1 in China- In an i night - .. t r : opeie ,1 h elelliate.l IBS b the Anierlciiii a.--. iif' is designer to gni Cectioll to Amerii all ! !a more to buy finniture at T.,e A i I 1 1 Co. I'm (oi'iied u ii.- on m!c for (cuts. Meyers- Wet brook Co. - A agi m i ..." Iiieii; on the holiday irfca-b ilia; stole Col. J. A Itarrlnger aplx-arM for the ofllcer, and P.t:idhurs( and Stern aHrei foi the lelativej. of the itijim-d man. AL) of tne attorney made brief Kpeeohes :U) Th. ity has decided to fUn up the market, building beneath tin- Cit-y Hall an ! p nt the rooms for other iuriii.M The city market, has riev r paid Jh municipal govern mem near the worth of 'he lii jidiiig ami cxpom-cc CO t hlt-i ad ui at C. elliclt M:ll'ly visit' 'I (ireells.'i.' Special Communication. 1 W.nstoii llg'.'. No. I'm. A F. k M ite-its tonight, at 7. ;t V.'oik lir-t degree. Iltelbieii please rciiie. .1. D T.AI'OHKNOI'R. V M 1 I I. FItRfW S.e Card of Thanhs. W e iie.,lre to return tbanktt an. I ae knowlilge our appiiH-lailoii of th' many actu of k i ii'l n s R " extended by nelgtiUirs and many oCier frli-nds dur Ing the long lllm-Kw and after t.h death of our beloved son, Ta linage. MR ft MRS. E. A. (JRIFFITH FISOLIER KILLED; LUSD1 TEMPLE IVD3X (Spcll to Th Seat'nel.) It AI.EHilf, Imx. 19 Th hulldluj (Mimiulttee of the Criaud Ix.dci MrtwVn lo Temple today received the ntilgna Hon of C, K. Bryant, of Richmond, architect for the templo ami elie Ctias. McMillan ill hU ted. Th (dans ar." to b' iM'i fectiHl by January and tlM work to Iw Rin March L A w-H known farmer named Wolff, thing near HIKtthorn, wait killed t h Im trnvrnliyj by OriHMbopo paK.euer tmln duo titr at 10:20. Jl' C ,vvrs oW and wa nalklin; lu'lweni , the truck and stejiiHil lu front of thn Iraltt. -, t in toitt" T IT. "Hoity Tolly." thut fwiiotis Webor A Kielda jndiH'ilon, will b prenen-td at the Klkjt- Auditorium tonight- TUero la a turg' company of prluclpiils and! a rluiruii Uiat -slugs and look well, to nay nuthliiK of ftplemMd bOn ; ry an.l other aeeiiKorlen. "Holt Toity" Ik Mild to bo a fluo production ' in verj way. Those who saw It when' It wat here before were delighted. oii;:iL copy of DECREE PRESENTED (Ily Publisher' PrfM.) CAMHRllXiE. Dc. 1.-Th orlg-, Inal copy of de-sn of U, which wan conferred on Watvhiniftoii Ininj. by Harvard l'nimrslij lu 1W2, hii' been preneated to Harvard library- by) K. ". lofferld, a wealthy New Y'ork sluinnuK. BRIEFS AND PERSONALS. TWO furnished rooniH for n'tit, cor mr Main and Fifth trect. 3. K. Shaplio. Chier Postal Clerk R. i. Shultz, f the (,ir.nhlor'0 divlUuii, was here this' aftermon. The oui:g ladte of Salem Acad emy are leaving on every train for their reHpeclive liouieg Ul fcpciul Ihi) Vilidays. j Mrs. W. I.. HiU left till aftern imi' for fiainsv Ille, Fla., to ki i:d Chrl'.i nniK holldavf, with her liuMiand, h iwh hit beadqiunTers there. l'rol J. D. Hodges, jniiH-rln'cmlciil. -if pidilic Inst ruction of Diu ie county, van In the city today. He attetidud 'he annual mix-tliiK of the Wlfmtoii ilstilct slewardd. -prof. Hodges is al uiost i'is;:ade(l to move LU family to Wlns'on Balein -Mr. P.alU-, widow of Mr. fwdlrfy Haliey. of rear Alvance, -ai bunn-J lo death a lew days ago. She livid alone and 'lie hoip. man itr'ly hurtl ed, havit.g cmght fioin Mr. Il.iiiey'-t clothing. - Davie Record Mrx i F. Mil'awav and ebi;.in.ii ar rive,; In the city t.bin ufieiliootl from li'i eio-Uiro, when- they have Iwcti Isjing f.,r a w'-el. Rev. Mr MiUa ay is "li" lo-w past,,- ,f the M. t'lodi-t Protestant ( hun h. II- an I Ids family" will occupy l be parsonage A T. Ilrook left thin '4ia"iiliooga. Teiill aftetnooii for In Tomorrow's Sentinel. Dint fall lo sie 4pecla atinouiKe iient. in touenTow's (Tlmrsilav) Sentl 'e' bv the Vfli IT'ie'. Co