V tf YEAR. WINSTOR ' S . , ZlZr "-, muKMJAY EVEN NG. DECEMBER 20. lOOfi K SCAPES , ATTACHED 10 ;pBfjWFfi irmnin Pimn Minmicr in urn ire '"Hi ' ' J'Lt trtllll .:,::uL ikif ru pi i . lit Wu -i i l. V t . . . " PRICE 5 CENT! IT II GET SCANDINAVIANS nam issued m FBUBELTI SXEEK5 rfst in 10 llllll 'its His Sentence to anient lor uie. Higyins Today Com.!.;::-. ,, s Vi; wt: !:;:. some Pacific, n, J .. : . . I m-i ;v,- a! ;h" """" P; . -"uw u.i.as uecn In Raeflhu:, STATE'S HISTOHY ,jtrK;k Was Convicted Largely !T(,timo:iy of Alleged Accom ' yyho Received Immunity By lng a"0 m.i i nree iwem i if Co"rt of Appeals Said There Errors I" the Trial. ! j (By 1'jt.lishcrs Press.) LT. 1 ornor HiK- wsaarjftd senieiire ,jf j. T. Ww.VJWlrtr?ne8 "TjdK .llill'sii 10. ...... ;,ml Mrs. l!.,rv last t . tiii em, m;, '1'"' if side, j A pleasing lit!;, , with tliis s'cri.av U:u)ih tin- Ij Newark. .; MllailCe is (,, mi, on. The , r , '. a few ,.ks si,,e , ; IK nut Me-s Pharr a, 1 Ue- !'-' f-lalua.,,1 a; one,, H, did m, LI! I.I, intimate lr,,,;, i '. . , nas 1" ami that he ,, 5, . 1:1 wi" 'n ami hand ,.f M-ss P.t.nr. II,. pressed ,,is , ' noit t.ut Start Tomorrow ; They Co In Order To Get Information , At First Hand Relative to the Em .' ployment 0f Cooliel on the Canal Western Congressmen Opposed To Employing Coolies. Hv I'libiislu 13 WASHINGTON, Dec of sei.alrs ami repre,, tin' I'.cilic .liat !.m,. i u.au;:t i u m t, r Bringing Them State. to tSp la' t.i The S'iitlm L (iKKK.NSltoiU). lH-cln-1 iKin rju. ..:tu.M ,.r (j- .u-.. w.un.tLrglslatlvo Examining Com- iCM !t wa sh it an, I mtIhumi1 . . . - IT1ITIH i-innc II tl in- . , i.invv I IHUJ UdlU IC VI va i j A purry 1 ntatUta t'lcin; t'lii.rniB fur: tll.'!!L"t'..J Governor G enn May Reconmeno" to the Legnlature Su.tabie Adverti.n9 in the Northwest With a View to Getting a Cons.derab.'e Number of These People. of William jilo itr.jji ;-TtuuL'Ut. iiur in a statement, fx- , ii, iiiiii.ii ftMiitneiiteil that w h'f !' coiivifted on ovi-j-Viu '" Jones, who purclias- i,jn.:y lii-in piosecution al- (cufi.inw: liis ntiilt, by ti'sti- fli ra.rifK. mo tact mat ( jnl.'e.s uf tlto ccurt of ap- :J tli-ie "ere errors la I rial is sit en as a reas-jn for jj ;hi' si iitcnop. BOSTON NEGROES HIE EKED Br IS1 E ; ; '" - mii llllrni.(In fi .nl :,,U-' '' 'ln""'H' f civile, n the ,a "'! WeM. rn rini;reMiieii are ep .' '" e1(,.;ies an,! In .... .. tPHf!al tv Tin S- i!ti:i !.) i:i.lj(;h !, . !!,, lilW Uiiire 1 lilt Hie employment 'lie Southern Statu PlolilHii'e. uf ne oii! it lie 1 1)' I'lililiMieiV n ,v i:otox. ik,v :-.,.-.N08r(H., lu,,. I -Uf fm tons out Kosevtlf, mes-sii-e I illWifi t,.., il,.. .,: .... . at-f - "" "iiiai'i,-e o the neirro "o.w-- in,, hurtiai;,, .,a,-i;e rmr has :'" ils '" fh luessace was la,. i nblie ami a.,)pi-, n .so!mi,,iis t, be !u Mfftiv oiiraniz.uiont. Oirt.aKltJiit Hie ror.iiti'.v l, iu)i,n!-iii-tlie President as an !ustiKaior of ran ".ii n u atu moll Molei: -e. '"i,ev ""ii a iv rant and say he is "n it th, I'liellii !,e .,., s to tie l,y mere liaml- I vllr 'o I lie r.'K'e in aihanee of his :;ia: lu I'liu StnUrel.) . eioetiun ol a few paltry loaves ami 311. Liir. lion Williams, fishes, tnereiiv shinvin"- hiiiKetr i,, i,., fci i,n the gallows here this "lore of a politician ainl nor , FORMER WINSTON BOY STABBED IN BREAST BF RAIEIGH a nuiiiK the death penalty liirjii'iit Alex. Clark, colored, Va. The trap was aii::2.'i and th attentling phy. ppiwinici-il life extinct tt.il . tVti'aftiT. luaih- Ho personal state-. lit liml' his counsel, Charles 1U to sinlc for him that, lie was ! ,lt a. reeeiving just pnnlbli-j Jlth.it he harhoted ill ttill toj I a::d I'larli Were Iw.tti m. 1 t the Seahoard Air Line and! ': uf Clark was coU-MooJt'd Elianis went to th liouso Mas sleeping ami called-him loratnl slut liim down with- Jeuloti.sv over a nvnnan id in il liotise wa.s the eansn. as drinking at the time of -t iiml claimed that ho "had ftion nf the deed. ' statesman. IS ATTEMPTING TO 'E M'- A. A. Wliirlow went to SP."i r hoi niuht. j,, ,esp.,i,M. t tram MatiitK that her son n:,,-,., I It'ii'ke, am-,1 is ,. ,,r m. ..' " " i'lili I et.s on the i;, w Imlidin- ins erect ed I'.ir the spi nee,- graded- school, wn.-itahU-d y.sterlay by Learnlcr Ibnioii a lT year old M . lhirke's wound I m I he bri.mt am his eondtlion Is re fTanlid si rli mis Mrs. Wiifilow tele iihoiieil to her daughter, Mrs. Menu lniti. this m-U'iiini iiun- nr..;. ri'HinK tasy at Unit. time. A Salisbury coi'rcsponilfnt ren.il,- 'hat the affair Krew out of a Velml,, jlil.-h Hull;,- admiiiisiereil ;., Hm t hi'. younger brol her, Clifton. ,o whs sah; to have been commit! I m- .teiire.hi - V tU..- ta- I: V.tnns.eii i.r in, , . ! 1 U.iicis-h, in tl:,j liu, rit of the at jli.ictin ,:f Sciiidiiimiaii setllers to i-Viith Caroiin.i. Slu'e olticials tuid the j iiiemliers ..f the rtaloUh Cham!),.,- M' -Cumini'ice l,ne heroine -onsideralil i .'.n il sie i in uie ma ti r. C.ivt r ii n Clenn h.i.s iiitiiiiaie,! ih.-it he Hill leeviinnieiid that a sjH-elii! up Ptopilalloii !,, inade t tl, 1, Kislahire lor adu itisliig m ,i. .unim,.,.t a liv U a'u acting these settlirs to Hie Smie. There Is also talk of send in:' a sin rial car exhlnit of North Cur- tiei s and aiUatilaKos to the diits In the .Northwest here , ' bae si-tt ed and are now I' e.iteli: South to n better ItUillT, In !., i vil...... ... i TnlS;j!,-, '' ' a 4tUiiit hat bun ,u-! ' jfor the orticer. vhartiis-him it(, .Mill! nifi a doa.'U mein.oii sin in.t tent t. kill. Tlio hmrtne In th ease tie held in ;i few ,ft),. Itrioul Imist mij Stem npi,Hr for the pMMH'UtiiHi. and Col. J. ,. Hiirrtimer lor the detitnlaiit. An IrmtiiTuti-.n of the s-ux TliiiT wan held hef,. ih hoard of iiNI-etiiieit Tuesday ntfchl uiiH tiu- of the m-Kru, ho re now in thei . r,1'1, 1,1 Tl' hospital, aiv not .ii!sne,l th that I, ,,K'11- l- i'"-Kor U pt 'h.i. the spirlal leKi!t,t,c. com- iimiee ur ine t'Xinlit:ttiun and iiou "il VVin-Ml" ,m' v.Mi.h.T .f ill l.rail lit" IIUI Ul LflilU II LH $403,000 In North Carol! na's Treasurv at Ptmm j - " v i jCommitttt l Jutt ComBlctina II Examination and Will Nxt rormu lato a Report for tht Governor and the Central Aitembly BooKt Pound In Good Shape. . , rul' itbict nr ii M llliiUI Ul LfUlU IILTWI mm solo . I li ll , e :i i inns : i pi . d- :; -s i 1 clitna e. OCEAN STEAMER M HAVE BEEN LOST T SFOR lllv PiiWishcrs" rrss.) NKW VOKK , Dec. ;u. Attorney lo'l'era! Mayer In sail suit in the Sii pretne Court lo.lay under the Donnel ly anti-trust law to dissolve the loe trust. The complaint charges com pany with restrict in,; harvestitiR of Ice In Maine, .Massachusetts, I'eunsytvu nl nttj Ne.w York. Tliis restriction ietiahled -the tniEt tr HOll itc. ciwtii.c i,,. . . .. ., ... j. a ton ror iourteen (lobars a ton. It is allesid that sales in New York sua- a profit of "1 to S-l per cent. It Is further alleged that IM.tMRi.utW of the company's $i.l,l)fin.000 capitaliza tion is water. tliy 1'iibllsheis' Press) SETTI.K, WashhiKl.Mi, Dec. 2,i. litnve le.us are entertained for the ati'ir IViinsjIvnuiii. six diys out il te t'K.ui Vai.lei. Abiska. The ves.e! Hlmnt the pkice where li n. ' ' " " " and ..UU.(H) In r-'-.i ii mein men llK)ne(l hllioe Ieci iuImt !n)i, aittmiKli the run usii ally takes onlyfhe j. The never est st.niiis of the season have- been taniiiL' on the f'acilie mul it Is fe .ie.l may have been lost. (SpeoUl to Tim Senf'uel ) CKID! ANTON. )ir. ..'n- .Vr V. M Itainey, of this plare, soil a laise tiaci of laud yiMirdiiy to Mr. It. .1 Sauim', the eor.sideiatHiii tains !.- 7'KI. Mr. Shmiuiv h liiihe luiin,. 'rly at llmiiu'le, lull who no- resides III the Klondike loiiulrj. Is ivrtc(l io be u kinressfui and wejitfiy iii.. ui us man. lh:-' Staff Auditor nnd il Mintu tut-n. "rer lm Ihi-ii Brk on its m-mb 1,1 al ta.k an.) M Ju ,t riiilshliii It ui. The oiiiiinltteii finds Hint thf total h:an-i- tn tlw Stato Treasury ft.r all l'iir'iH Is IliiJ.Utiil. the befct sho. ' I" the history of th. Stat Tlw. cimiiilileo.llmls thut the turlouH fmuU rirt-ie.K,:,l vlnw'-l) lth tlui utati mi lit Kleii In the Auditor lu hi reimrt la tioverm r Glenn for Uio leirlsUtiirf and llely puiiiishisl MtnitMr- uf h roinmltt.,. win return to their Just us noon s they can runmihito thi renut f,,r the (loveriior and the fiei. 'fill Assemtily. E in SGAPEO CONVICTS I BEING fm workiiiR.- Iturke is aliened l hine slapped the Hut-ton boy and at this the older brother interfered, slabbing Uurke. The Ihirton hoc is now In ai awaitiiiif the result of lluike's w.mn.l YoutiK Iturke resided with his moth er here until about a, year (;i). He has been in spencer only few months. flic MIL OFFICERS CENSUS REPORT OF GOVERNOR GLENN ;Af.!EfllCJCOJE!i MORE THAN HALF CROP ItJtlSTOU Ih-c. I'll.--A t-,se unn.1 jwitii cunw and lining bloi ilhouiidit Is loti-,itiK Wesley Woken neKr.. coli ileiniiil to lit-iiK Kehimuy 12. and a while de-ppeni-lo tia'.e.l Cnton, who enoiped from ;at. tv. Vu , Jnll Inxt llit. Tho men nttacked the .herl(T and knocked hira down aud Wilkes hit the sheiifT's daui;Uter lu tried to help her father. The fULlllve took to the nioiintiilns of east Ten and arv upos'd to lie i.'me-l nd K fierce- flpht In expected wlitt, tht v ara lovortaken. IN 1SRINGT0N Lt liwla! t0 The Sentinel.) idc. cjoininlssioiis H tiJay from :,,- r.i,,.i'c M j.nliciar- oflicers ek-ct- ia:' I'hction so that they :v laiiunry 1. Thero are isKS, 0. II. (rUi,m , tbc :r:: c- ' I-ytm, In the sev-f- "tl ' Crtiwford IJiKRs, 11 Tlie new solicitors are ar in the seventh: J. II. "Sll'tiil. ami K. A. IJiinev I'l'intli. " r r',nlr,s is authorized "lil-"' ln'tween Judfres W. 7 w'!irl "'at JudRu Al mi the Alecklenburg court lri1 I'eriiuinians couti rotueniiip January 1 1 wis t0 weeks. THE COTTON GINNED rilr'monia Papers. 'I;'th liiive been ':nl- nai-ile.- """'''I to Miss I.. M. u. ";''ii SaVm. f'(lp'iM to MUs Minnie " "--'.iii-Saleni. 1 Walkertown, to Miss ' ,f Ki riiersvillf. ''.'iil' li to Miss Ada V. ' ""hiii-Salem. F vertisements. fl,. , ,., jj,. ----- ,j, "li-"'1 111 be found at this '' "'-aMast menu. k -'iie sliK-k. of Brown " '"' si'I at once at bar- I'Pv Fubllshcrs' I'rcss.l WASHINGTON, Dec. llu.-The cen sus bareau cotton n H)l'ts (,'ives 11, 009,i)ti() hales compared with y.L'HT.SL".! for Hin.l. Tin- nnmln r of nrtive sin- m rs this year is 2S,;;i'2 eonipari d Willi I'S.To; f(,r T.iu.". BRIEFS AND PERSONALS. (Special to Tlio Heiitim ItAI.KHiH, pec. i.'U. Governor H II Glenn and Mrs. Glenn left yesterday afternoon for a stay of a day or two in 'ahinj;;-jii on pleasure hi nt. While there the povcrnor will call on the postmaster general with r ference to a niimhi.r of special privileges he de sires to have extended in connection with1 the special branch poMoftVc that will be opened in the State capitol biillilliiK for tin- aceoniinodatioii of the iiiriuher.s, clerks and employees of I he Kcncral assemble. I'rt) I'D.-Statistics labor depart- (Hy inibllslior' WASHINGTON, Dec of the cnninierf e' and iiieiu show that America Is bmmln coiimmn r of more tUiin fiulf the. rub-In-.- crop of tin., world. Importations thin year amount lo fifty millions of dollars. The popularity of the auto mobile ami bicycle and the greater use of rubber through application of ebc'rlclty In dally affairs Is partly re sixiusiblo for the Increase. BOSTOn 01IIEE (I)v DuhllslHm' Vni.) IIOHTO.V, Div. 20 Thn Hub" imk, more bait dlslliik-ulshed Itself nir nulnialiu.1 Ita reputation for atrlrt' tiHimllty. A in eeh a idea I fetltliirf uien 4VlllK II lurttle In tail HtaiTKerlna utimn of Inlixlcatlon h bectl nlaci'd under tho ban be tha r.- U(f wtd ktn-i-l fakirs who Uhvp Un 'loliitr a n;-hlnjc IiumIiiohk ntlllii( thfl toy tiavi. Imhmi onlenyf tu aint hitf ille. The W. C. T. P. !tiWa tha ordef on the Rnnmd that tfwi iUiqd.ix ia uMk tor Jtotitoii children. .Mayor Katon taa (hu jHipplns of llre-ciackers will not hv permitted during the holidays lu Winston. In fact there is an ordinance ncalnst the sale of fireworks in the city. Majority of Crawford. ' The State bonrd of eUctUai luet In fUtleljrii TnrsiJAy , afferliooti uf i I oV-Lryk for the jun tiose U rcUwlliB lUe tetiiniH of tho Tenth. iWnwslotin! (LiMrlct, a -lillhtakP of f00, tniUui hav. I in been nidt( lu the orlKlual canvas. The majority 'of Ciafir' o'er Iiritt Hhouid have been 'jn'.i lnstimd of Ho'J The luistalic wan competed by the board. Mr. una Mr. H . Ilassett. who have hi en ilopplna at the I'IkKuiIx fi secral weeks, will leave tomorrow Mr. Ilassett. will return to his home In Ihe nortli while Mrs. Iliissett will So to N aOa to visit her brother. 'If the climate Ihe re Is ni)t afirei-able to her hialth. she will ro n Caliri-iilii to sin-mi the remainder of tho winter -A San'a ' (HI Hi.ti,- Co tell,..,-,,.,,. :!:--S:'xktou Co.Tb.. 1.1,- ileies- in n'i - " 11 i-i-io ' M purcha.se. 'proves Slowly. ' I'-'stor of the Flint 'It 1 1 reel, u I.r.. t. f . '""IIUI, Wlltl Stat h srip and bron Ihiptist convpn- ', ,"M "iDW-ly. says the coiiliiied to his ''at .hop,.,, to be 'ii k.-.,i o..i i'iuis shortly 'ttiiii Hull! 'iv'tn. :i tj. k recovery, ''iirk-is will 'V- Heretofore '""il Christmas day. .'"f train were lalt Mv Riven as the .Mrs. Slanliel.l is mi home on .Main sin ct. The offices of tile couu will be closed next Tuesday. The merchants are doiir business despite the inc'eiueiit ialher. C. D. Harris, of l!a!li;h, a as oik Wiiislon-Sa.lc.tu's visitois tislay, Jack Klliotl. ami T. V. Terrell. Coileemee. spent, the il.'H here. Jtltn 1). HolTuiau. of lliiilsvilh- liere today, stoppln.i? at tin Masjn I.ilhrrd and J. H. liorlon Klkiii. weie resist eml at the Zinzi u dorf Unlay. Mis. Kniina I-'ok! kilb d two line i. irker; weight lii-in s"ii pounds. Mr I.i-h is Kimiliel. of Suh 111 n celled a siiu'lit ttfoke of paraly Tuesday, is able to be out a','ain. The May Ilillinaii Company appear aiilie Eiks' Andilorimii week in the rep ed plays. Miss lxilllse Ilendrell, of Na Tenii.. was here todai Wilke.-lMiio to sin ml tin her parents. D. H. Anderi-'on, of Chariot: Garraud. of Durham; Stern, of Greensboro day's visitors. The Southern Railwa; will wires run into 'he Tlse btiildin once for tile two train u..-iui.i brought lure January I. Miss Mary Knilit. from tin Normal Colle.ae a' .reeli.:o. jltin her eons. ii. Mi in. Hi st ( ot aire on Street. The revised edition o Cite Housewife," pilbli.-h mil 1 Wlnitsoi vei- Circle of K lei-s. is out and Colin s tin at Mrs. Slanion's or t rum tftiv ..f ll... U'loitsoever I ; lliouks are cloth-bound and me pn lift v cents api'-cc- Thei i large nuiuh'T vised edition Ik- of ii ceipt-- Kcneral assenibl.v. I.saic of firework in Ihe city. (DamlM. , were In Ihe city today. i . I , , f 1 Ii- sick a. luri I II : A . -r ' ,..:- " ' 1 I A - V . ' - . ' Has, ,.-g5--rVL J M 'jiCTrJr sj - Uilf " J -J ' .' Zinzendorf. , ! . ' Zs.SfJL V JJ IY T " -rrC. y , , or s.uth.id.;' -. XMr VSS. 'V '7 A t -slay, the total I - - - T. A .1 I ',--' ,, V A- .".V ;,'' fi who' 7., - ) t . ,. li H nUMv'i V ti , oi iH,pu.ar-i.ru- . t'- . . I .ll Ti 7." lidHV I , j K . iti imm f t i Vt f. V. Ik Hi t JB 1 ' I I ii s e" r-Hlle VIM 1ti lE,'tr i i 7iJ L I : mmimmm.. . mb :si mm mm mm ' ,y-,, "ta W ! :' tin- T f-- Z V' ' I S4 ! I'll I.'-' 'a- . !' '' I V-.f I he seemed' - . ' -T ' . . I ne . , . . 4 ' i .. . i V V --1 I Hi'' 11 ' y I "' 1 i MR. OLD YEAR BV GINGER! I COLLEGES CLOlf TfiEfll TEfil! f Special to Tb 8ftitinal. (;i(Ki;N8IH)tU, Ix-t, ?xf. Th ii4 N'.irmal and Imliistrla.l t'oli. wilt close thf full term tomorrow hjiI ready many of the HtiidcnU have lrt for their hwuea. Th fall term hni been v.ry larffnly attmided, thn iWtend Htice lielnjr bettrr than ivie before. The (Ireeusboro I'eiliale Colleite fimpA ihe fall ti in tudny, and Uw atudvtit who live out of town liaio deparUMt for their homes. Doll la Awarded. Th; cijin btofi) of Mr. D. 8. Rld was cruwijid wild peoplo UU artfr- IHXlll from 2 to fi o'clock, the ..ukl.,n le,!n th,, awanlliirf of Ilw Innidsom .tira doll which tin been on display ut the Held store for thlrtv davn Mu Ku-lla Conrad, of Baleii w tho rnc-c-.s-tfiil Bneser and wn awarded tlm doll by Mr. W. C. Crist. -halrniaii ,f jtho committee Hint cicinic! the jr uf neuiis. .More than mm kik-im-h wer inadi; and lu adiiltlon to Mlsa Conrxd'a Kii'ss there were two other corrw t Hues, a, tliem bU Ibose of little) Miss Hopluila Hiirluesa and Mr. H. K. I'fiihl, th! correct fpiesw bi-tus 9SU, Ihesi. were also remi-niberiyl hi Mf. I field and rientcd with a nlc0 pres. cut each The gui-HsIii ratik'cd froiu I mf lo U.im. Will Reside In Oklahoma. Cards are out tiotMiii4-ln I lie nr rla(. of Mlsn lola Carlton to Air. James Aunusla lloidln. at llm homn of the bride's mother. Mr KnlHe Tine. ton, ut fiooiner, Wllki-M county, on WediHwbi), IheeinlH-r 2ntli. Tiny will niiik" tin ii- boiim In Soma MeAlUter, Oklahomii. and will kmi! f,- that pluee u,ui the first of the war. Poatmaater Married. Mrs. JuLla Smith. DOhimater uf fi f. tfer:Mi. who was vlal'lnx her iiarenta. Hev atj l Mrs. M McNeill, at WllkCI laio, Miiprlsed htr many friemb by iretiliiK utarrlfd on Wednuoday nljrht si the bom.. f her p.ir"tit i, to Mr, J. II. Council, a proiulneiit lawyer at Jif fir.iai. The father of the bride off! claUil, sa.'a thu Chrouiclf. "Hoity Toity" Last Night. "Hoity Tolly," wtilcb was rf-H' 04. at the Klks' Aidliorli.m, lsstt nlirht, rotiUilneil Mini" pleuslitj foatunw hut Urn pe'ifitm.ineii Hs a hle,W4. ralh. i-r dla-appoinflnv- The ' horuH looked nid wiiib well but the nolo and com dy ork was weak Home feature of th" iK'tformaiiep were very mryahfi and broticbf. forth HUial apr!an.if. HEARD THE "HONK" OF SOME DARNED AUTOI HeliiK anxious for some lltllw girl t. Uecurt rt.irra'if hlg doll. w- will gin) to very clrl niifl'T t-'ti (l"l Jfiir of u that calls a' I'm store Ix-tunea t h i hours of one and three o'clock fomor jrow a ticket which will MifllU Ikt'o Ichaiiee o rinire !M fwautlf-jl d .11.