Ill' IEAR. fifi SiiiS JlK CITY SALEM, N. C. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBErTi. 103 PRICE 5 CENTS BAPTIST BBABfl OF MISSIONS Holds the Great j,: -a Metropolis in Itslf Th-. S 11 t .f .e Degrees Above Zero g,cing Great Suffer ,flnt D'Strict Seve. ii jj, From Expoiur j'organiiation Relieving I'r.giJ (Special 0 KA LKIG1I, ii,... '""'J of Si. n- vi;.. W a 1 : : s- hours Vf.i.-A. Jilt p'a:s fr IK Jt.t". Aou' 'y vario.... par ,,f ;m, lor Mo m ! in for the lariol made eu ;lic base j.-vi-ar, instead o! This is by r,.a,.., oI W' for State mi,,; cei.l cit; von' Ion (;, Til;' lUlUi'l look -'p i Is,: ii-c't:. a in,.,- th 'ni'ili'.n ; MDRGAN STANDS 5TJI1 IIS !gc:.:i::s sessid:j cf RY PRPQinFHT ?.m nri upprm ; Ml u" i iiluiuliii uiiul Ull nl I L1L Aged Alabama Senator Says: Decided That Recent Hnelm "iouio:ui ui Aegro iroops Was All Right. i T : IhN- l'ir the Statesman. Who Has Oimojeu Koe Vf t At Every Pj.nt He-eto'or.! Z in liat M Should Be 'J,ih-,d In Action As the maids It, i O'.llrk. uilur hi f h rwvo.4 n rll Tpi,r i. i i valid, as Court Lacked AihJj thority. cv.tiie v i Hi.- S;. ,ih-,d In Tl.t! Public Interest De-' It It Mrld That Oh.o Probate Court ','H,"'t'' Had No Right To Try Caw Under ki- ..-.ik'v: ive in tile tcne- oiTioiizati ms an x press I r, .. ' I A ,.'m I. 'its tts.M). never- , ' ' . " '.ii.o'ii- mi, 4-rrT.irTTr w irr-ie Wei- rxiHCtnl in isii uiis.i,ni tr!!:it. tit lioln:ii.ill..ia; w ; Sl fu- ;il-.. taki'ii ,u"n"n;i 'a l;'llu- uuiloi's:iiit(i.jK wiiitc ami c..!;,r. d S';n.' orj.M:ilM: j.Ioti K. U;y is i'!)a!::iu',i of 1:,. V,ii.l 1 ii.... i. i ;l.v.1IU 'HI Hl-l. Iltill ( ( (,,,. b.iS'i '.: she Siild uir,. l iiu u Stati s Senator Simin in-. ,. hew Saturday tin hi way from Wash ir.Stuu t-0 llis farm it; Joiics r mii'v : ii:. U ASH W M .in:i. , i .:. ix-i:i: ii.) u.i.. "II alllrt , u- un,'d. :it, It. -.', " ,.t itr.i ns i Uhl. M a 1": -l 1. .IS' .-N !.'IUil !h ..1.,! rl :-.-"K' h a. -a i .' (n r'A i. ,.. :, - .a'M'H in il.-niissiii- ;' ' -ir. uv is n'.,-.;;u.. . dis'.nis 'i: a Valentine Anti-Truat La Other Cae Against Standard Being Held Up. Pet Uirg Decinon In Thit Caae. i ,'-:i1 i I1". . a 1 ll!) KI."Ii AV. I wl' I'alilis iiti,' 'ri I Oh!o. ',!. Hnt fCH'W'p-lTm tw .u. .-.1 hai no ji.rU.!K"ioa t trv th- .taii.l ir.1 f)i V :ui:.:iy und.-r t Vi.'i-tt'.l-.r lu . T (StMcU; to Tto St otim; ) HAIKICIl. ;.- luu r-t i.s 1. (ii ai-rj! Asuniuii to is4:i'ii,' t'. Ui:Ji to the ptottah.o uut ' thi fi,m 'rnfr.', nmti'i.1 Uh ji.T?hlp of :t II w nf n'i l an l the f. unirvH i.r Ii Iuii m huh nu- ):K h flirv 1 rlnciKi!!r juiiiii; if NiH.Kt,n. i.i iin- ',ni; com. st fii- Siu.i iri'nn .iiiiU i ii" !h: V.ilt-r Murphj. cf iun lh larnil' V. iiiIht i f 'itM irc.ViHt In him, tmti th. v haj, ii:i, i',H! hi fau- dip..nUl .11 ih n tiil of tin- liin ,A,:x, u ir' l-i" ill all i im? ,1 t n tho flru! s-iiioo IJ:or' nil; M-iaitm 1N. a luiltiin iiualns; Mm b tho xii,-r fandi SUPflELlE COUnT 10 THY HIE CASE Decides It Has Jurisdiction In Contempt Proceed!?. ;s Re sulting From Tennessee Lynching. Thi la famoui CaM In Which tharlfl Shipp and Other. Were Arreeud , For Contempt of the United Ut Supreme Court Which Will New Hear he Caee. & way loso lior lower Siimi'o;.-; : thi- I'l'Ct'SS ., ii t:'j-pila: 1 rjp.-a J v. aai.i.v of ii!j)Ut I n'f 'ii-chiL .t:i the dock. k to tk . irk St-t.-y. Sho n-l Irr jddri'ro, a.-Ir;e; she ! ! .,, h,, Mild firiLMl h.T ll'"lUU w llls If- ' ,tj uii tho sltwts for SI!J hi:i. M:s, aua cu mutt rs wn; i-onmisi iionai i a;ii;u minni;' tho TCanyri'ss. " An i ffoi t is ta In- nn W Inpton to soonro iin t.rdi'r j f-tull-ntU; :i of an ilovator intra lnont ImiUlins lnvi'. t'oni I Sniall, h h i is in t jv city for Idays, say ho uvs.- the ia It'or such an iiijinnoniot:t. A cmiimlssiiNi is isst-i il to IS. (,'ai petitor a socmnl :it-ntina::t of Coni- pany N. V'ir-t Ri'iniont. at Hich INiint.; (o'li.ral and .Mi.-.. T. It. Koborsan hau sir. to Ha'-iat-ko'. Va., ti hpi'ju! tin' Chrisiiuas uoii hiys With Mrs. Itohi r.son's );irt tits. Chief ..Instk't' Walter Chirk, of the Supreme Court, Is still witn his broth er, I'Mwaif; T. Clark, who :.- d-.siH'iati'- Iv ill at. his haiiu- near Woldun iii I -tro JUS l-i n fill tlio ia d. fania'.,: y. 'h .1 i ' pel 'i, ia! and ci y an I a ib -in with bit! such i iiiditii.iis I'll Iin.; ,,f all l! if. Hi.- Ho ,-a. aim I'titi na s lui i sti: ia, s it h:o en iii:is ,iao ; deim.ii ia i i'i tak n tla- iiai' ptvcUim;s a-idliim lilt. 1 opr. aches. l.. napiiio t a ui Km l eirimci I'r'-s lad. ocsi.ta inuaiis hai tho I.", mm tilie illi;' nn III,. 11 I ... ji-- u.Kihil as '!! M a 1 1 i n r.niiHx con,. ( The caso will bo tart let! , mil court and I . a it to the oir h tpri'iiit' caiin as scam , ...b,v. Hoo.isiaii as to iinliotmeiitit n 11 ..; kelelii r and othor Stand . llici.iU has in , n Oofornil. Ifti- rublUIirr' rret WASHINGTON. :i.-Tb Viijl. .1 S'atih Siinri niti f,ui-f anii.,.,.-AA ct.mbt- j t,Jj l. an u.iimun ti Jiutlr- Hoirni candl- lh., ,, .... ....,. dales In tlv taco. W. C. l,,. ,.fi"'" " J,. lrj V"a !. l.'..i,;.,.,.. p I , ""i i'1 " '"''.(;, mm., tin mi.. idem :s n-; siii-uuie d ,iUl K lottt-r lias bee;i reciv l artb ot : .ji '.. Cliainiiaii Itailroadj "f. ljnl of Trade of ilrai. Winston-Salem. N. ! a: for Wa-'i t!:.- in-iOM'i-tl- SMiian a ." i'i si' v OF 1 0. ! WIS SLAUGHTER IS Th, it r. nla, ni Kht. htiiin I), calii, as b'idly Mis. V I Mi W . ItCUte T ilaiiiiiKed ii'linri.iti;'.! I ntK in the Mardtobe, I hioli ciiiiLtht Niino ; was Mioii in ii blaze. Va; Hi -i !.v Hi: struck I'lathini; Mr. V;ii tin i-tar let tt r of jtli was ro- jslhtn held pcmllug gin it of sfiu-iialos on our iitij:; t,!' n hich you have a i:i th,- i:. wspa.pors.This iveii spocilio attention on i was not present, for the final con for thiii.t. and I have thoU'itco and ailj.urniuttit of th'' conn tiiiy tlui: i fftctlve Jan-.'this morning. Very little li'ipe is 1:1 . ! i xpoct to put on uruiimd for Mr. Cl.ti;'t recunry. la line ni b our dlsotis- Tiio Glenn View Land Company, of b Wii;s.t.;)-Siiloni apprxwl- Drvkain, Is chnrterod with $,ihmi capl- p. nr. arrii'litt? Grwii- ta! by ,T. I!. Walker and others. ?, in., ii turning leave - . : 1:1j p. in., arrive Win-1 :::'t a. in. j CiiiiKit, s'art tileeiilnc carl SaVm. wo exintct to as-1 sci'.ais to acctnumo-'3.1',-iu business, to bo! 'Dflj ji'.) on train which J i-'m, iKHthbound, ap-j Two cars oiT'tho lower end of the . in. Will advise ! Soittiiorn jartls wire practically ib iiiii-: li.-brls. U.trovi .l bv lire Saturday night I'lli.. I ri main, !7tu0 o'clitL'k. One of the cai.-, was a fthanly. in which tlio lire originated. ON SOUTH IDS tits very truly, PVICK, O -n. Pass. Am. rf trad., is very much ' night train 'to anl Tiiej live dh'tippoint-'-t ii? Pullman attached, pi. up this feature, but WiuUltiH-. will continue Ihillman leaving : in the i voulng "1'i'bo !:(., p. m. train mri'tiiniiiig from Waslj-!-' Whision-Saleni on h iBi.rirlng. S. JUIILLER'S .'iuuuh. Hot ha las. . l.ii, inaicb w hicb liicriHiKh, the time work In Ii an de ; li.iioiigh the Hi II and t Mingiiislii d the llames, Inn not until nil of the wife's clothing, ix cei't wliat site was wearing, bad boon burned. About wanh of furniture, including a new suit, was destroy ed. A five dollar bill lying on tho bn n au, was hitiiied in two.. This can be excliaitgi 1. howeier. for a g'tixl bill. w ho w as out of the lions,- at was suuiimiiied. By hard managed to .-aio tin- house Mrnctioii. He 'ami Mis. V a-,,! carried burkois of water fu,i Tom Sa iglocr. oloiod. who cciip o i lioin Cie oily !.: k up a few weeks tag . was l aptiir. d In (Jrceiis.xiro ,.? ! '-i'hiv ami is now In ForytIi Cliii f TholiliU was asked over iho l ;.iiie yisi. iv by Orooiisbaro's chief if S . ghti r was vaiitl hen' ia Wii.-, air, .-ted s.til an weai afti r !;im last night. iibilig, K. J, Justice. f Oiili- lord, ami J S Manning, of Durham, Th closcM light U nps'!ej betwHn l'ii and Justice, although MiUmUiR will bate a strong u(nirt. The fir mer two aie p.ntirg up much the strotigt-s. fight for the oiilce. It In geui-i.illy roiiotsled th;U either of the four wiH iK tlorni Hit- ip tles of itpeaki-r with dignity and cri dlt. j Loglsliiiloii as to the control of rail I roads H i Vrtel to be t.f widest pub ,11c Intoiesi. Uio nuuctiou of the .ia sfiit'r rati. the atolitton of mtoikI ols pasm-ngor aceoiiiiiUAliUloim alul It-he iiilaiglug of the power of the ' Coiiimlssltin Ko it will huw mill: ult) Mn Interstiito sen ice to li'ipilre the re palr of road bid and Impiou ment (f rolling stock. ' l'liilid St .ii . s S.ialor S i in Itu . ii r who is here from Wio-hliigtoii, suvn ! there can baidb b. anv forml lie lil The effort uia It' to change the W aits mid ofllcei ' ar'l acts ,m to temiH-rance issut-n I In the Htate, since the party pinifoiiii er tor coinetupt of coun in cvnms lion with !iK-hiii( of KO Jolmoou,- negro. Uwi Marrli. The chargo u( cn- leillUt a (tie, I tir I'i.. ilKiairlril. nl wr ijutie itat.iinst m1.u!i alb g-.l roni- bem of the mob and Sheriff SMpp, thn latter boluR hold repoii,4b!o for fa tiw to protect the priMinr, who mnA ui. ler (a) of exi-cutkio KrnuUil br the auprenu- court. The caae UI bo be "hoard on IU merit. T'.,iii has si rved a term on the com,! i-IwclHcally declares In fnvr of hoth iy i.iads. He telU Chief Thomas thatj their present form, ae i .cniid Mil one of ihe cilU 111' lac i .( pi nun by prixiiiK open oue of tlti- wliii. awn on t,.e north side of the tmiuiei,,il building and Jumping out of the Mime, lie f,d a illHtance of twen-t-fn. itnd his escape serioilH In- jmy is icgardcd miiiiculous. business mim and the other was loaded with cotton seed meal. The firemen won- handi capped in tivoiah ways. In the first place the liox indicator in hoailnuar teis Nx 2 registered and ;is there is no !x of that number in the city the firemen knew not whore to go. Finding that the boll was striking 11! the (k-pa it incut hurried to that num-! splendid patmnng. bi.r. Uv. It! is bK'atod near th" S mile of a I pronation ou ern passenger teH)t firemen arrived then the lire was a half mile distant. Tneri is a yard; SIRS' go I able road, hut the big i nuin New AdvertiBeineiita. West Salem Gieenlioubi-a. , ItuKtv, ciirnations and other flowers. Roacniiiiclier Ilro. ()HH until II o'clock tonight. A merry Chris! mius to all. HmitJoy-lliH -Slookioii Co. Wishing you a happy Xnias and prosis-rous new year. .1. M. Gildxi".-- Is here for the holi days. Henry Key came In yoMeidny. to spend the holida; f. HI .IHJ 111 111 No Paper Tomorrow. Tiio Seiilnit ! w ill only observe out day for Chrbtman tills year. Hereto! adniuate stock to iiK".'t til ' I'.enwml fore it ha.-, taken '"o days off during! of tlio customers. file iKilldiivs. In res H( t thej and ma Inf eolation j Cantata at Lutheran Church, he part of tin- pa: The cantata at. tin- Lutheran church iiial when I helpers many patrons, tne manageiiieui last nigui was a misi signui nmwim. tliev 'saw Hint has d civ. d io "skip'' only Clirisiinas ! All the. children diw rie great praise ' ' .... n ii- .i i - i.. .!.;..!. ii..... .l.,.,l i iiv I lie nex'L issue will ;tpim vv e-u . lor ino niouiii'i tu iu u ,.in-j n-.ii,.. tnel hadiiis' through the railway Incalny aliernoon. from Third to ISoH w s i re. s I and rbe. liivnion attempted' toT --Tne marriage ,at way. The l-o-e wagon wa-M!ss. Kllei: Hicks , ....11 ,1, ,.l, thn ,l;,rl; II 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 ! ClA 1" 1 1 Til t I'd i!l tile l,u" ''""--. : I .. 1, ,,,,, It i;l olliee oils iiioiinns. .-"ioi' (Special lo The Sentinel.) IIAI.KIGH, Dec. :S.Tli Aigim Is .cliajlerci witti IliHi.i'on CHpitiil an thoilznl aijd $r,l,ONi utilMirrtbcd. by Robliimiu, J.'L. Ikirden. Uis. i Ho.Mil and A.1 C. NorwiHi l,' J.t fr the pilblliiitloli-(if thn daily , tuid' weekly , ' ' (lly'l'uWit.hiMV 1'n-K.s) I Aikhh. . - -. MOW YOUK,. Due. This lityj The W. G. Slioeniaki r Co., of Cliar- will have t!ic hiss rhrintuiM i ob-j Ijt'e, Is chartered with 2.f.,WMi capl bration in Vfi-"' For we.-ks (.repaia-j till, for a merciiutlle l),,iiiewi, W. (I. Cons have rie-.n goiiTg on and the io Klii'iiik4r, W-, 11. Andrew inl, ottt tull Is i luil til large rli.'.rity org.iulr.a-j ern hit the IneorpouilorH, tions aro prepared to see that uobody'sj Another churt. r In for the lmle slocking Ih neglected. The postofllo Kuipij- Conrimuy, of lHscoe, Mon'goiii has Ixsm waniied so ibal janltor ery county. flnb.uiMi capital by J. K. I and every available man ia pressed ic-jKanoy ami other, i to the service. Hollilnv l.iiylng hss Adjutant Genera! T, H. Ilobitlsoii, ilneu heaviest in city' . i history.-Mcr-jof the North Ciirolina Natlotia! Guard, j chant;, have been k.p'. busy keeping j Akhvlllo, as captain of Company K, Viral Heglment, to Miccoed K. V. Llnd say, resigned. of W. I. Cllue. io of I'fafTtown, w;is register of deeda' h Mr. and Mrs. J !'"' liiileth annivoi-i T". .Saturday fioml '"'' ' was attend-1 u - and friends andt as greatly en an 1 liiisti ss. as well '';- Mr. and Mrs. : "f-; j i ii t H, of many ", l' I'll se:i:s. They "' M v,'ial pecs of "us tiotiiy decorated s'Homled over the the ii:;,.l and had to sti'.p. The origin id' the I'm t!ie tracks ait' l'ollicialel!. unknown. -The , bo closed itlic-s ill the toluol row. ivairthou. BIG RUSH IS DN AT THE POSTOFFICE --Tin- batiks and revenue oln be cosul tomorrow, while the post ollirc wili ouservu Sunday hours. Tw.y solo:, wire sung very s-wei-tlv' by Miss Gertie Dean and Mr. Cicil Hiue, The le.v-on taught was that to give was better than In receive. The ros trum was elevalei for the occasion, and Iho church beautifully di-eorati'd. A large illuminated itar adorned the wall .behind the altar, which adib-.l w ill greatly Io i ,) lit ailty. j There wa.- a very fine attendance land the audience seemed to enjoy the w ill iexercis.-s. A nice collection wa tak- wlll be CANTATA IT THE FIRST II IT I en, which home at Sali in, sent to the Va. orphans' The Hist Ilaptlut Sunday school will give Its ('liilhtiimH entertainment tonight. A two-part cantata will ln j the ii"In'ipal (oiiline of Gin evening ; In the first part of Ihe van' a I ft the "Little .Joy Givers" rpres'iit the Ideul 1 Anierletm ChhstmaH spirit as Iw-lng lone of Joy In giving, and In the o- ond part the ChrKtmau cusitoum ail lover the world are portrayed by little IfolV..-. in lorttumes of tbo various coun , trios. The cantata will be pr-M pied m the ; the white barber shops in this) Miss Lnrile Itishop, f Wilmngtoii. i main auditortimi of the ohnrrh. Iv.t.. !."-. e.l to stav open until i arrived las! night to Hpeml the holl-i clock tonight and will he cloted (days with in r f-'eud. MIsh Stella,! Dr. ,1. i.,,- o.moiif.u il'oits. on Liberty .street. wa here t city 111, ' ion ' VI illice. til. I'e packii tlio !la o tlmm contain Tilt post olliee was pi r.ial luis.ii sr nliiito in town today. The rush ail i was perhaps unpri ci dent, i.( Inm i ' hi-1. l-v of t'le o l olliee. t.c .... -.v . i u , - ens. in thn usual heavy in, nl w''te fifty in et tv! anils of Chri-tnij 1 i'i Ihe shane of ing Christinas presents wruhiir m ar I I), .lust today. ce, of Kernel sv llle 113$ IRE EIS BEHIND ti:.:e LIl All mi-senger tralna arrlvlnu and i partlnjr inun this city jterdy and tiNlav w(-n fur behind the rua llir wheiliile. mo) all the train wefi ciowded. Tin' union wihscng.r s' at loo wan lmiilc(iiHte to cct)iuotlnte the crowd that wn frenent ymteriht' altemoon waltltu for train i. The train from Huaiioke, l,.e at I p. iu. yesteidny arrlvinl about 5 o'clock iiii.I the train from Cbarkttte, dim at 2:1,'. came In about StHP. The bulletin Ihiard had these tmliis two hour late, but they were over three hfun U!. Tin1 union Ktatl,n crowded tu uf- focatlou with men, woiuiMt and ch!I oteii who wero hotnevrd boumf ,w peiid Chrh.tniaa and if conn in was much roiiiplalnt', ciieclallj' he( the traiu falleil to Arrive at ,03 tkti J I; 15 u. m.. l'esiierth'! UdiJ HchnduJnd on the .bulbillu lKrL . O- Ing la the iniiiiy cafe on tin .ytttiln liot It required honui llluo tti . Shift- 'Irlil i rains and It was weJl Into thi; ftldbt before the tralim departed. ' ., . . The Norfolk t Wfierit i)Htem lit riiiiiilng onm extra traln.t to tiandl" the crow dit. Vesterday mowing a hp clal was nut from here to Roanoke, leaving at 7:0 a, in, Thl train turnd alxmt lf:W liutt nlnht. Thin riad In aleo runnlujs double-head! that Is, two eiiKlns Io each train ami fix. in t to 12 coachc. Oot th" oth er blind, the N. C W. tr'nlim Werf u layed by a freight wreck nr B'olii U1 Saturday night, whU-h thnvw-ell the IrMntron thin lne lM1nd. It ban been il) that half of thn proplo bo Hve III Wlnvton clalnj'lb' er towns and commit) III tnut mtciiin us homo, mid of ixuirse they all want tu return to their old lionntn for tho holiday. I'oihaps Hu-rtt U iw tontt In this Kta'o peopled a lit Vlnton. Her Inhabitant H a rule hate nive In from ndjol nl nr cuiinltea find ,ther are liun Irol of vouug men hero who claim other places for home. The neighboring dry towns havtt h. eu well represented here today. From this amount A com hrtr that U-i lx lig cnnfVd fiom here It may. bit utati'd with ctrtulnty that live "mortlly s'litit.-.r' of the dry town will hat i heir eg.; nogt't j uj.crow morning. of no TO VISIT OICI flit shape of i n was scrv- Ifc'ing "aa; V'.W: o! hi to to celebrate iiinivcisiuiet, peace tilth. ne yours. wishes were ' w hii'ii s- Miller bv laws. (Ill VERY SOO v.. h. '. t - Ce.'onir.r- ail holrliugi; 1 'I-? .'train: t iiiiitt'; attnr ""' el agallioi 'he govern ; own hands el to pn se ine lie 1 1 .: st. out. Several siicks coutainuu .a-' turned to It. .1. It. n. .Nl.- "' er tobacco liinnnlai tuiiiiir linn--, in. lOach package niiot he "P1 ' s; c if they contain any wri"''" 1 is a vio.a'ioii ' r Kvoiy vioKtor is ' pay ?1' "I expect this ollico h,i ci least ILK".' i li"'-K '" ling the pas: two year-." jttr llei colds. A w-.-.-K 1-' I that a lag pa-' kn-e is :;.' I jtalning wiltten or. iBODM FOR TIFT e pos ('lire'! kin,! il iiid I'" in - (lv Publish';'' 1'" liOSTDN. Mas-., D' c. '.' I. lor William II. Tat' i"i ' "' hi - ttlal noNiinale' '"' f WLlmlng- , Ue.,.bliciiii !;el't- ;,i "v Io siH'iiilllit home b r the In 'da 'li is nothing but an t'- '' ""I Mrs. W. U.jve!; t. run asaln wl;: :' -'rcet. 1 Stale siippol" It""! T-1 illU !,d I i : .... ? . r j (My JhiblmherH' l'reaa I WINNKPIOfi, Manitoba' fr. 2t. l'rliice Fuil.lrinl, bft cousin of Um j.Mlkado of Japan, will the United ;Huit. and Cunuds en route lo Kn llual In February. TMirlng Huso.)apv jiu te war FiiMhlrlui comuiiinde.J i vlsl" rs. lie w as first to cross Yulu rW- PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S TRAIN ENTERING CULEBRA CUT. ii W', .01 'II' nt, a I "' ! a the . ,1 , v. ii. Ii v. ie Hie ,," ' r problem now . onlroio i.i ' I" .If and I'Vi f'-'l dfep -t !!,.- 1 Ici.cll fl.i;,I't-tl . Ice l.imiiiecr Jolm I SIimi'iis l! i I . i'.e m It I'.lifl.l.i l...ui':i led u n. li ,.f (ii. pii'M.i.-iii n allenl.ou. in. il i.e 'JHiijeil lioin the fail that a I. a 'IStalO'O l.f lie it'll cirM llh'et. Sou. rtitcb j Marriage L'centte iMued. K.lis D. Com ad to Im JIary Vi- 1 1, .ro, of Wli:-!on. . Win Llv.-i.go.Mi to M'.ss Iou I'M, ul Wlns-iou ' Karly Adams to Mi s M-U3;l; liVana- t'lje, of WIlU'oll ' I Sw.ilm to Ml , Komii, jot Winston. ! I. inn,' F. Urn 'it to M.uidC ;.1. Ich-.r.. of Winston. W. I. Clire t, Mts K leu 1 1 It" l.s. of j Pleff'OW II i Tlio. J. I.'o0. of M.MvlUe, to ,is N.'v.iil.-i M fr'hnk. I It n.t iiilr t,. M's M-irv, t-f ' v ! von. 1 C. II IO. kit s to M: s Mar) llob.ii n jit Keififi Ht llle. ! I)-,)Ui L. Tu'.lor to Miss-'i 'niirii'ii, of Keterkvlk'- ; .lean Kit;, r, of .bw iet'. to MIm Car- j ri" K. ,Kig' r. of llmal Hall. 1 Itayinond Ilnidmrd to Misn IVertha Ho!orwoii, of Ker't-t-ii'l"