rvn; i : j inrrnT r- -j 1 I I ' h J (I kJ P." ;AR. ; if ill Ml 51111 Bill ' mm ,f row iiw t t t A::. TKMAUM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER NEW YORIv n -f William , kvrf Discovered ! u js-js m Which was ew Orleans. Dec. titers: m. 'in acton ,n (1 , again:. Mayor C.;.. i; icatue up tm a),,-.,I lx fv.-H 2t3, 1903 mm ii ... I i M HUNT III 111 n OF m n mi SHOOTING AFFAIR II DIVISIONS PRICE 5 CENTS FAILRO'D KM late division ' i Fr.M.iv A'-sihi-'-n -lS,y V-ctimi of A Se nil; ,,,o ait ,,ton Wmch Has Beenisaid that Mrnor , t: C'ty For Many! nominally the a;. Much Exc.t- '-' in mt. Apmv " (Vir ..: ' M.,n,r. r frs.t -St - ... .-I. .,.. 1 Is Seriously; Officials of Both Winston-i"'"' " t;,i;'i "d Tho, par k'-itnug VVttiMt.kn Salem Gilt Brannum Wounded by John Gordon.; S3lem and Mooresville Dl- "p1 Ai'jr oeio s Fond. .ji People r. .! I M.C'dlau. a!;, H :.iu- w;u i ( - The ...a! Left t.ti w.i- It;.' jo.in ,- ft Iff pi J' ,S) ;. six itRi- tenement lay. Same ;:;. Those ,ly victims : secretly ' ;l.e i J O : l " I II 'Ills lUatl . gviU:C Ml y :ukin- of ItaJlaus vrau a bo nas .ii so excited. . rf !ic:i .c '' COUt" ar.j fc'Hifii trv press- jj( lii'lii v. d to have ? ,'aro last r. I slit and t- lar. :'.. !. no scream ! jwdlns ' tlwi theory : Ss to ri' -iaugluered -en's miMi-e or warning, st A,' w ::ce Uiink the ; b.i Mvfft ?:t'lety ami r- wtiol for deat.li by he repicsviited tlo::.?. " iiwiutaiii." u , title uf t!ie Maor to his ..ffi. not Ih- attiu-ke.l li (i;r..-ts- im-r and t!:e m. :. r be k : io:.'"" ! Mr. Shea tin for J: Ibar.v jtha; it wouM se. :u abMtr.l :h.i: M. j.MeCldlan 'k.i:!1 smu! :h,. einv i mo:uv !.. i.-i.i. a ivor," of l.i'm, i'-J r?H- and .niLloy th. Cit's law. iyer u in'ecute an am-, M in i,i. (lie had no interest. Ho declared -hat jit b.id hn'ii proven iS.ii in ttir.-.- at of four boxes t!iat, had h,en op,n,.,i th re had been a fraudulent ccun:. Tin- ccart reserved iletii..u. Recenes Ballet Wound In H,' A'rr Brannum At the Motpi-' i Sriouc Condition Pn,.m.l P.a De.e cpsGordon In JiiBrjn-r-um MaK s Statement to Coronet RbilECP. l..i, ijion j ui OUUIIIC;! II HI novc X Their O f ces Here. (.i:i i :.l!li w 1 .11 I lie in. r I : I't- bj .liin d. An um in n.'.'in a.-S'. 'i.-ani .t "A lll'e II as - ',o: . ! v.-1. i in a j.::-, u.i as ti ;i- rir.ntr it'. H Kut a :tn lit I a'jntr.i nieii. DEATH OP MRS. L 8. .11 one .11. , i:h -i- allec. -'oil - :!:. i-rKiam for t'.ie iD rr'ainnent to . be t siiit by the Melho t f.mciv scliot:', : w f'hrivtln:i Vision in i v: f o n orations. ;( Vision Ruth Pedi- ?ii ids Watclioil May lii:Uail the Christmas w-UB:-lh- Um Pat- iiMii'.im: Christmas tKrii, by C'lioir-Olatl ij?us Asn in lielhlcliem jir-Tar (i'orious Day Ml l.ishts By nine (,w DiUv-ldio IJrewer. ir-MeiTy C'hritnia. Til" Children's Klitc IU. ilyrtlu Hill, Du- I Clx: i.sttii.-is Tree For- y:mi less StocWllK arannociiou wit., W,K ' U'ir Christmas Stock 'i!ii Cam., - j Kartlx m I Know rtubic A cablegram ni-eiu-d Iran Par's yesterdax ann.iurc.i the lUaUi on Sunday at ItoloKne of Mrs. I.. !. liar dins, aim- rf i(.rBe V. IV!l, ()r tlii city iu;4 mother of ;he wiie of the minister fr,iu Swei.u at Washinon. and of Dnneau 1!. Harding, a promi twut IVrlsla- aitlst, u 1;,. w;,s ;;lst a.- vol ii .1 ts. Mb., Mary ,:, Ib-U thuyseu. t.t New Orleans. She was a Noith C:;ro'!na woman, lieiir befor. the war v I known i! tin M-eial cir : les of t jc S-ate 8f Ms tevkt-v ltam &ay, ot iia.i'irih. Sue wa maiTitd to iK.lw.-r:! I.. IlarUinc, of Connecticut, 'and lived l'cr years in llrevkh ::. New Vork. After her husband's death she lin;vcd to l.akewo.l, New .Icrsey, btil for tiie past mx ;ars has residtd in Frann , sjx-t: titiLr a poi-tlon of that time, howevir, wllli her dauKhier, the wife of the Lord Hich Cnamberlain of tiie Kills of'Swuleti, (iiistaf "de Stlo!.', ill StcltlH)lin, before her .fuhler'H htwsbaiki was wnt to Wash iiigtoii la settle th' affjUrs attending the stctaration of Sweden and Norway. She. was about C ytars old, remark iH)lo for her lieatity and avcotnpllsh mriitR. Hh enjoyed the acquaintance of . niiitty tlisUnsnished persj:)ii;if;es, and wa:j often sekcn of as tin- met beau tlru! ilderly lady in. France. " a,a:e ' ii . -lines ; .1. h:i vb ii- charge,; in jail. II ' ' '"il'i''-- n -Jia' his pistj; hs i!'..l with blank e.u tridt;. Htjis la' o claims tiial tin- tt.nil.lv between !iiu iir I I'.i anauii was rans. -d by lira'. j:: :ui try't. t take bis Heard .n '.-. if.. 1 ';nay fn,:n ban. , I at.!. J. M, Roiijns-an. coroner, vl-1- en i.iann- id heiore the ( piiaibui w , "K.I Ui. l and beilK lold by lars t.ial tae wound in kI i.i .i., ( apt. . Iloh'.nsoii t.n.k do:i ti.e !'i l' .w'n Mati-nii'ii' made by IT: ;. -mutn ui. !-r oath. repar.Uns his tr-jini.- wltli !i idor.: J "1 and ,;. an (Gordon ha I be. u to-t'-ier lor three or four nrrnvhs. Ue :..i ui. I. re. .o. n tiot.kn it-m er ttiornlnc fr l XtrbHt. oo the "h t'nivliii MM la u.l road, n, k.sl a'K.it to tul;e. rortli uf , vld.n, ru!tl i.i the killing or la in the Headqua,-ter of the To Be-' !llf '-n line hot-- ani the total tween F.ftsen and Twenty Men Will d" s,nl''!'"i "f eiit it r.ir. trobabl. R Pi.m . ! V P,'f;' to the Chat lot! Ubnrr wi , f, . ",ftoin n.vn!w..n thin report v( the visoi Change. Are To Become Ef wnvk: fective January 1. i Whi'e runnlii binary sp.cl 0nj A :.; 4 in Tae Sentinel . ! tra-K, the tender suddenly cau to li;.4.;,-e Soii'l.era Kaliwiti hn Mod :md the Car fo!!,.liv ntlml hi.j, t "Di!1m1m t t,r ilfit-'iiii lu 'he ii l"t coiifuMon. nm.vitiltia It 11 la'aioea to t uoexen.' No'them to kilidHui; oJ aiv.si.a i,i t,e nhroihan to him Kt:in.ir ISIhln. ti,.tins that the ne.i tnaes in li iiitth. lh sup. rinter.U- can erv oM'ttakuiR him anO ouM destroy eiiKinv. thivw his throttle niiie tiN't; tore ai from tile tender t:l ran a short distance lou the tiack, thereby sarins his locomotive and his own life aud that of the fire man. The ears are simply piles of spiln ter. tVlsted Jroti ami broken Wheel. FORAKER SIOES WITH.THE TnOOPS Ohio Senator Says Nero Battalion at Brownsville. Texas. Was Not Guilty. He A rt. That They Dd Not Cn mit the Outraget Charged Te Them Pregident Ha tepretentativ In Tta$ Now Investigating Thii ont Rooeveit Standing rtrm in the Matter. i ' r-v,',;--,'. i'.its c ii. OIX-.1 an 1 U et tec- ."''. ' ins bel.- i; .-uabl.d to make frv "''" Ut.Nl Uk,i. .,i;, a- tr!M -,ve- h!r leititm. The !"n,r "r ,w" ar:.T,('Vs:.a f a, lvu ,.rt,t JuU(W. il. I'U' 'be pnysTian- fai'tsjln 1. i: petf,:ratv. ti,, : ( places, married man. who 'o itiK Ibannuiu. Is that he tta auder T: beavlipiarlers f - M:-Sa'eni ai.d Mo: re il, It d'.;': , I'. :.i.. A N .th xille 1UV Win i 'ItlllS , tl .11 . ' ii:e : ":: v.ri . :- aie . if 11.- :.; ' divi t n tail. ti w,u- y the phv-ITf '.Khl 1'! :t: II ll..:u;"i Siatitthter. a neipr) wh.. was IMe er in i ; evllidioKI SiiIhImv .11") d:AHi to Casper's plao- an 1 or-; lii.,uK!it h. re that nlRhl to un'er the OIn' Ctate of b.-er to b'' sent tolchai, (I -nre.ni- nii.l.. hi- ..,v.. l .im tb.rd in', houn where we drank ( ft om lie -i ! ;;'k-up M.m.lay after tin...' or f j.ir bottles. Then'li.-' andni .1 an I j hetealxiiU are ttill uy ais wife asked me to k over to Mil-jkiiown to tho orllcere. Two othenim ler's shop aud play car.'.-s with the' know n to the oflic. r. . This U the sc-c-"''' i '! himiu. We plnyt.i. .ine.,,i:.j tlm- SlaiuhUr hH nwdo bki tim,' and then started over t.i theraj. frcm th slime teil. uth tlnil yoliil. The train came nlonr on the' ho leaped ,ut of a window ou the this vitj. Tilt- M.jiei lute:: foi nii r w 111 be Mr. J M i inr.y uain master on the T of the car, were loaded wlUt fur 1 i si. ti, ni ilc Mr. 1, W.lni'ure, one with Kt.-n-Ji. one with ttftb tie si..e: Intel: Jen! of the land one wan IchW! with a Milpmcnt n. In the hein!.uur-of line Imiw, Tb coiit.'itts of thv il.M'-i ti t'teeu (Cars are Mrefttl for Keveral Jeards b" ii.. a will In- etn lsidv the track, throwu then. b the j force of the collision. ..'- i The car omtalnlaj: the horn U entirely demolifhis',. Kour of thv aul iikhIh were killed in taiitly,oue of theln bavins b.-en thn-wr. throujth Um air a (llKtauCc of lb) feet. As wHin a the tit wn of th wrrk ruw-hed Davidson crowds n people hurrli-d to the ncene. (irent Ore wvre Mni-teil from the wreckw and coal that waK tjjown fnnu one of the cam Krom the hote car eotttd he heard tho dusxnn of one. of tiie animal, pin ned -down beneath the wri-ckaitc. It took lx or elKht hour l" rea-li the horse, owing. t the !ebris piled uiwn that part of the track. When the animal win finally reach ed tt wan fotiud Jammed hed dowiv In a corner of the car, literally wcrtsl III ULIIUUII I Sail) UUkl) SIS BUT OF LOCK IIP W'ASHlUTOX. TJ.C, 'he "ktoi-T l..irt wii aiutiein. up l(, unions) wit., tnedjucnh side t,f tho municipal biilldiiiK. with .plititerii. heanm and car whevln U, K.-t on the euKine. John kr;lou j fallinit a disUuce of about 20 h'.-t iThe head 'was twiMtnl to one ttldo and Two other m trroes went out of the how Hfe retained la hi h a pent- Hon Is biijond uiiJi-rN-tandlng. Pulley m hal to be' used lift tho horw; from pu'-led her down and stopped her. untie sne was try m to w on the en- nr-k-cu with Klaufinter Monday -af-sn'ne be nr-d several blank cnrtrid! teriH,n. . but ; iJit-y- were recaptured, U her. Then I wt hntw.-en them. Il Thikw ;.'li .Chief of Police ThomiiH mid to we: 'Shoot me.'.Wjth au oath) t Lit SlwiuhWr luude a taw out of a he continued to " :' 'Shoot nC- rjpockot knife, which ho car.lod In (me tdld Ulm I d'd not want to huri-bluiatrtHte, .ai d ,awed a bar in two. With .OqrtiiL l.'V Speer, Nirra Ivlr.a CummiiHTK six i n .0"i n U . -it.' j:iia. N.-t'd By ' Choir Boatt May Have Kt lo llbra- s rf Clirlstuiaa. Ula luess Ed- 1 ot tiie Story, r Christmas. " iittendinR alii treat. i (Ily Publisher,' Press I .M Kit 1 1)1 AN, Miss.. Dee. Quiet In tnaintained in towns ot -8eHiha and Wapalak following the outbreak that renu:",t.-.I from tiie trouble started Sun day v. h.-:i a conductor on a M. &. O. trai;: attempit d la cii.-t a ilisturbaiice tl!,'. Je bv a. ncKl-o. As a n u't. two lie- itkcs were tnortal.v wuuimi'U. Twcii'v-five troups- arrived- at Scoo La today and martial law was put: in force 1'neiv an.l at Wahiilnk. A (.-ri ju.-i race war is feared. The H.-t of (bad now numbers- II- (lovei nor Vfipltiiiiann ordered the militia to Hcoobn. after the county of ficers ignored ih .se sen; to W.ihalak. I had treated hun like a man. He started home; left me and hif wife. She said: 'U't's follow him.' I. stayed tl i ere until be wus ot:t of sicht. His wife followed him. Then I went on and overtook hl wife. He was cursinc Ho weii't on, his wile following. I started home. He in.'i. me. He said: '1 have be.. ii home ami got my cartridges am',- noiv If you want jo .slnxH, shoot.' I tol.l hlui I did not want to hurt him. Ik. walked oft' about .twenty stop and then returned. He walked off again, then around and .-'hot me. firing four times. He then ran. I did not shoot at him a single time." j Gordon was shot in the left arui The ball entered near the elbow and came out in ar the wrist. the Inner leading to he prized the hall the .window, open.. door, 1ST PI! HALF lu,. lhMuhra' Presi; 1 I.J . uuon... . - . . PAULS, Dec 'JC. Madam Anna tioiild. fotnierly Countess de Caste). laiM-, was today held liable to pay' jolnily with Count lioni two claims of J cn-ilitoM one of Ml e. NnmidofT, wno v,ld $'Jl.i"' worth of diamonds to Boni. wlio d.flard Uie jewels ha 1 been given to the former countess. NHW YOHK, D..-C. LC. J. Plerpout Morgan joins a scon" of prominent clerirj men, tinanclers and o-duitorn In a memorial to Secretary Kon, urglnR the government to act In the Congo affair. Financiers ure telling the tor that -Morga.il V reason Is a desire to retaliate on King lnxdd, of Belgium, because the latter gave n' concession lu the Congo to Thomaa F. Hvati. Mor gan and licopolj had a split Iwcbuhc Morgan wold a concef.sloti for a rail road in China to 'he Chinese gincrn ment. In revenge opidd gave Ryan the Cotuxo coius'-isioii. - Morgan In try ing to even things, they saiy, by get ting tiie govenimeit to end Leopold's I rule in Congo. BRIEFS AND PER80NAL8. Wins ju-ir'alein's casn to the Oxford Orjihanage, itribii'ion a Christ- II IKE SI ID VIRGINIA i mas pres. nt, auiouiiiwl to f...:". i m 'money was raised by a commit;. . ifrom the Win ton M.-aouic lodge. This crdrr li.'M'i- fails In reiuemb. ; th or piian.-, at Curi.-tnias. b..r Press.) ;' .:ii wtveral of l'"' buiiorrow for ""-Va the ' It) seve't, for .1 Vilit Secretary ' !'- the l)eare.--t ' lnt returns. !:'f executive in l; 'hej-e. .secrda ;' the routine, ring Hie prtr- V It'XM;.velt v Yenr'H Ueeeri Sr On tills ac 1 i stM.ner than Accident Christmas Morning. (Special to Tho Svt'n"U liAI.iatHI. ! -,; The contention is row mad..' by the Seaboard authorl :ie. tint tiie aeeidnit in which north bainl iaseiiiK-r train No s rim Mill.' eign Catholic Mass Meeting, iliv 1-iihliHherB' Press ! C1.KV1C1.ANI). Ohi".' I-"-''I. C'Vf olirs lore will bold a mass meetjn next Sunday uml'T ''i" au..iics of th riev.-laiiil t'td tioi: ..!' Caaioiics t. di.-cuss troiibbs of tit- Church Knave. Addresses will be mn-i clergy and l.iHy. H-sol'itions ad i ted and mt.i to 'he pi'' sid precldellt and (he two Ohio and tne Frenc'i ambuss. i lor. lier !l bun. lie. 1 at.'l hi')' tii"'-sa' oHcs her.'. freight ens j':l north of Hal ChnsimaK morning, killing Flag- Wl.ile.l. ii.ieisrii, -.in...... ' iSolnc annul Luni i i t iiureu whik j a' the switch, design. -d to keep cars" from the freight, yards off j ia,. iii.aii: linen. Some blame is also! ;;t.irl'.' n. Conductor Ihirkc. of the ; Postmast. r Reynolds r'portH that j uo (.-ss tl, oi ... i'-ni-im nae found in tag packaged nttinielto the tolK'tco manufacturers here this week. The w riters of ach lcttr will have to pay $10 to the government. Mr. Reynold says the fines on- mail of this kind, s. nt to this ,flico, will aggre gate no l"s than $l".ooo. It. I,. Caildb T, of Hallimore, who I has been visiting :Jh Hlster. Mns. !. A. Vaughn, lift this afternoon for Sprav. :o ms nd a da or two with hi friend. It. Frank Alebane, Ik -font r.turulng mar i.sl.e "wild in b will be nt. Ie.c eiial.'rs Theie d Cath- on j that tra.i iTh" co a. Dill. s-';'. b I ' the ground that he IT.-- failed to al. bralos lietore h' pa.-, -ellg- ear .'H i) - eats w the duty of seeing .-re set en the freight i.-H i.lie freight yard. r ej.gln-. expr. t-s cor, ciImm' w.'iT smas.li"l. , re d. rail. I. i ojie 'he llelkin neir annual I ins-u urn i'" tomorrow I Hotue M ! '-' .1 religion! Ume. "f the hotiKi. Will Give Entertainment The color.-! Mo; avian S'lii will give t i.-h I'biistm.i.-. melii oil Salio'iiay night a? . : chinch. The nMmen-.u-y will be le ld on Sun lav a:te;t ..'?-.-..- Tills 1 Itl' lit' th- f' ,s. ''.. ,...'. -,t i-hn.ch r :u Lv 1.1,7 "II . ' V .J.. -. - . ... . 'T-l. .. ...-It I'l -It II t lis M;i'i'. " - "'" " Saturday, ' a ay sell.-: 1 1 ii , i.lei-ain-1 IC a' :l:'''w lovef-as- r,..u at f no' Woman Burned To Death. Olv publishers' Press.) MlUWAl'KKK. Wis. !). 3.-Pi ,i, ,., o ep the cb'Mreii from tear:;- u a- Ho ania v .aus .nw a . .S'l. ,.b. alow d lo .. I l . ill I lie prety young woman Kris Krinkle. was hurt.'-i night 1 1 . r long red co..' , ,-.t:i.u bails ignited and ,r was thrown "ix-ii f"" Sat. i a in- room i .1. S. M.iyn.T, who.se he;i.liiiilterti an- nt.w In Miriam, was In the city :!ay. He will go to Norfolk In a fw la;, s on a busines trip for bin firm, he Turn-r-U Lite Colli i. Co., .rf North Wilkes, MUO. 'In' me-miiy, which has h-en as low as 11.' during the present cold M.ap, w.-.s iiji to this afternoon ut Z o'cL-x-k. Mr. and Mrs. Johu FeraliM-, of Tex ii s, are -he guests f Mr,. Ferabn-'a faih.-r, Mr .T. S ijoyd. on K.iM Fourth Til- annua: (b-b-tmas week iv-.-.;st will Is' held at Calvary ch-ircb r. i rlouy atiirinif a' I oclmk. --i;im Sins-' Moravian Stinduy .!.. 1 wi'i give tlietr Curistnias eiu-r-I 'liiiuent toniglit. tho wrwclc. Tbo homes were being sWpped fixui Roanoke, by Mr. C. P. Heavener, of Ivllicolnton. They were all flu OiilmaU biliig been espt-ciriUy tHflectd fir ttn'ir speed ami gHxr blooil. 0u of those killed had a record of 2:I1U. Mr.' Heavener wiu lu Hie cahooe at the time of the wreck and told the Observer eorrespondeut that be and the other occupant wire thrown back and forth the entire length of thn car several times beforo the train Anally came to a stop. The cnuse of tin- wreck seem to be In doubt. The trainmen nay It result ed from the brake beam ou tho tender breaking and dropping to tho track, tearing up the rail an It dragged over them. The iiMidbed oil this tieeUon of Ihe line Is lu bad condition nmi' verv rough. BuuervtHor .Mnrdork arrlvwf on the tveeiie of the wreck and laid a track along ihe. ast sld't In ordi r that traf fic might not be delnjtil while the cbtiring of the main lino piogr. ss. d. It Is said that it will require two or three days to p move the wn-ckagc, so badly are the 'ii-tt broken up. A Winston parly arriving lure yes terday afternoon from Charlotte re ported that the injured Ihtmh bad not been killed hi 2 o'clock vesierdn;- after noon, the railroad authorities refiihlng t end the siilTeriugs of animals mil 11 thtir adjusters had arrived ou Uie scene.. The Seiitlne'H infonnaiit wild It was pliable lo see the animals lying there with broken eg mul ufferlng and that wvirnl parlbs. had (o(Tei-i-d to kill the hoimst. but the otllclaln would not penult It In conversation with a Sent iii' iikii, a railroad nian said tfte wnk wtis duo to the same cans.' that niost of these freight, w r ks an-, vir , that the coal cars, heavily lojubil. are too heavy for these biunch llti.-s of the Su(hni, the ioadtwil In many places being in v.-rv bud shape. (Ily publisher' mM.) th lt.-sldjht 'ntctidt jo is .illy to talk aboot, ad on must excuse uie fixm dlmin-wni: It." declare J Kvuiitor Fornker. of Chlv, when askod hln opinion f Roosewll'ii rp,.r!el diclaralkiu that be wjuij. dis regard any !a. c.xiitr miKbt pvm -(lUi'tatlirK the negro troop Bnttl tb, Sii reme Court haft au opiswlunlty il puling on It. Ii Is ald that Senator Foraker con erred with the C.mniilutloiial U-cua, he iirganiiatioU coniit-etiog iudipend mit In vest Ignt Ion of the negro troofwi natter ar.l which arrived at an op potlle coneliiKloU fMlll lYetddellt R.K wvelt ard Se-o-l)r Taft. wm la Ni w York. Th" S.mator expects to pea, hi t!Miy vacation collecting evidence upportiug b) cortentlou that tlm m tro Ikjo did not participate In the tire wn lilt riot A.vilNtunt Attorney Oeneia) Punly ' In Texas as the president's1 personal reprosentatlve worklug up that aid ot tbu case DANVILLE CASK i DISMISSED DANVIU.K. Va.. Dec, Si. The Nol Anderson Manufacturing Company, .o Piiyetilx Lumb-r Coinpany, F. I A'alkcr, doing tulti. nx K. L Wa tr & Cimipapy, and tho Ikutbat-H4dtlt '"ompanj, nvtt of tu In i-geot (VrtiW In b city, whloh. deal In coal and wef, vnre arinism j In tho Mnywr'a Cogrt vere Friday on IndletuwtUa recently 'rawn by the grand jury, and aftw uH a length)' trial, srr oeirultUHJo Tbo chaiTje nsalimt tbehi im a on spliaoy to control the vml of fuel In. th.. city In resiralnt of trade, and tbn case has bto-n known throughout tha "3' ati a the Iliuivllle, Coal and W'ort.1 Trust. Thu rji fur their acquit 'al, Bi;coni:iu to lh oluh iA Ma)' r Harry Wooding, who deHdel tho "use, wa that livHiifflclivnt evidotica was brought lo show that any agrew flHti,;oft-ne,t shrd Ir drdbllu aran tnent among any of the partleM con liec'ed with th xmbltie wan mad 1u restraint of ttale. CHURCH 111 STOKESBURG DESTROYED Br FIRE The Me-lhodM KpiM-opal church. South, at Ktokwdjutg. mar Walnut Cove, was d"llo;ei by fite Monday "venli g The building waut a frauw sinicturr. nud cm H.wo or mori'. It apii.iirs thali tint interior of tins h'ni r of woishlp had b en atljartlwly deer -rated by the Ruu Jav hciooI for the CbrlKtmas etiU-MiilniiM-lit, to bft bn-u given that night. Fire whm left lu the stove and the rtim-li doors ljck ed when Hie commit tee . ft for tboir resparUvn hollies for bi.pMr. A defeetive due ;is responsible for the dfrurtion of ttur. building. The fire KUirte I lu the roof and typread fj Idly. SMITH-GERKER New Advertisements. R.rtM t,b lo r A Itn - SHials for toim.tfow; lively M-llllig (n-iiloted. I. H. Reld -AutKMir.cta big slaunh ter Hale for the - piirpotu of reducing stork, pri paiator) to reinHeliliig his tore. While star Co S'ipK'r menu (Jaii Co. The Humphr. y oval h'-al- er an 1 g..s niote and Its advautages r.vi r th" ordinary gas stove W.itkllis' IWok Ktore--Or(l.r tow that new i. .!g"T or day buok ou W'llJ n--d .lai.'riry I, " ' ' Ann-Hinceiiient ;m made tt-r-la) The nmnkige of Mr W lb-y F. Kmlti; jof Hie marriage of Mr Juulus V.'. and Mirs Atiulo (ii-nn-r'siui happil) Flei.-ber and Miss Nancy N. Kani. celebrated last evening ut the horn. ! welch tu, ipiie'ly i-elehra'-f LaMt of the brldo in Fain lew itev . C. H j W. due triy ev.nlt g at Centenary M. Weuhold, pastor of Fairvi.w Mora V. parvmage, In M F Chrelitrrg viau rhur.ii. officiated. Only a' f-w lofiiclatliig Mr mid Mrs HetclM r, reluHvs and frivbtl w-.tnesa.sl thelwh., . ,,.;ar j-.niiig is-.nle. tW.- id 1,1 f .re ;liiir . -tiding to kii it i to l ' lei' !':' Mil-ci'Vs: ,!l .i.iv lau chliri h -:ni '- t hns, the ; Hgtl I . ;i. Wm leti. ,f Ch.il.el H . IU aio' 1". Ti-at:. 'rains are sti. J . one due hele a moon was mark'"! . ... from f'liarlo'te. Cotton Harvest In Asia. (Ily Publishers' lTe-,M sr piMMitsm iti;. Dec. it. ..a I..11'."--'. ill Cc: ffa! A.la is -1 . . J-J ;;. 1 ills'.'. :d of tWe;e '.:. . r.i.' . .. 1- t ii" :a'. oi.tput w .,; be -.-. I.i. en ho.Kind. . ads w ill have t ) prepare : i "i1....- to har.J'e 'he pi'Hiiin - Cot- xcef tiiou-e the.ro The rail-IK'.-la! f.r- ni.Klals. ',.' Mr. Smith is manager of toe huuoer manufacturing plant of Miller Hr-rt. Co Ji.- Is a splendid Imstne n,an ami a clever gentl-iesu. The hilde b, a popular voting tady, uumlx-rlng hr I fil-nds bv the ire. I Mr. and Mrs. Smith will n side In a' handsome brick lesidem-e In Fair lew! lereii!!- purchased by the groom ixs.'iet tin';. cii; iiu.i ;. . M. fti.ial Stto:!: (lav ar,i Mrt. W. F Smith went b) llali Mi i fifo-i-ixioi) to visit Mr 's bi .'her Tl)e si'i r-tiini IV.- Mayor f-ilon h ul (iit- a huge docket lor this alterrnxsi Ttwle were 'cveia! r..s foi ".c rajK.," (!rni.k"n ti'S. etc IOST A g.sl Is-n.l tieckhue, Iw twten Cs!;i,- aveiine aul h-v plant lu Salem.. Hew, nd for i.-tnn to Sen-, litl'd ofh e I, OS si T Oo 'I btar-eb-t n lbertf I't Ite'ni office "cotnpany th.- Cl.-n i i 1 the Ci'