-i T IT i I T "1 Y li ! --. JUJrA. ii WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS - V M I -. J VI V iLJL i liw AR. irrine m m. , several persons w of living mam mm ims III u 'n KILLED 111 FIGHT; IMS MORE: if pilIT iMST ' , York's General Present; to Be nyilis Successor.;; p.rfected For Ag ain a..-.; lht , yy-rtjrc y-'" cf Cone:.'. i r. ,tes To the Rtffi' r.iun:. of tills c ter, uf C'.ciu: C HU'IIV L' il' M(il '.,: tuv.r nu. r:.. -,, e.i n i . the i :.:-. d only a f, cn' aw.ne t ';"". - P Four Amending and F our It Has Advanced 10 a Creator .Mexicans Known to Havej Extent Than Wages in 17ji Been Slauiihtered bv Ytiuui O'Jt of 20 States of Union.! In.li .... IHUIU11X .1 Ssme Intirttt.ny SUtt: -:t 0" T" y Subject ;r h.ina. ".Sott. ,t- I and n. .lu ll '..m r th. Ms I 111,1 !:,r'""i,u,a'j Annua! Event of Post B. of Mr .,4 fro,) -,- -1' ' -T I !1: '".111. kin W: M.' IV th the .'.::.' . k::own ill this , -I 01 idl' 1 .1 0.' I-'!: J,lhn llllir, l! , !, ;iul if.'i m.iiIi.- r,sh:ess tr;NV!ts,n.Su:,.ll ,- anytnius i M- an J Mis. li:..n. ; . y M. O'.er.'tnis (ity. In- i'iiup;i- i . .... .- publication : ices would crop may I t Mr D-t,i'is A-e Cfita n "Pa! At Least E.yht Per 53-is W'rr K l ed By the Ind'a.-vs. f-ccutred SaUr-Vy Niyht In i to Near tne Border Complete iKinoy But It Seems! Wiicor.j. i tne O ily St it- Wurt It it CU'n'td Wijet Hav? AaiKi-i - " f I -s---tt. t , ' ... ; . t I , , I I w.ri lis. i.c R, I Mi .. ;r ,i v:i idle Iml ,.i!i ii(i More Ra ing. d'y T nan the Cm of rt. m:v h;k. i . . !5 1 A ).. Ml. i li. ll:' ;ias start'.! . trust. H'. I ;!ic lnves-.iga-j ,! tin- com pa t t..,-( iiiucli for 1:r, (S'i'i;il U Tim Srni.rrl.) nkw vouk. I). o. a .1 h HIS -f I'h stiK-kh :; is ;!-.. J. Jackson-& .Kaiiwit. Ci y i.ii r. ,i ; -, ii v as (u chic i ic v- ntiirtitiixt' tn sVi in- $.;.i- cent. sl';u term lt.U The n,.!! ill ul-u nut r 'l.i (lull' cV t'hir: I.htd. it ii tl t!ie sil-irtsitiMt'ls "I t.i' tt r ('(.uipiinv will iihk t...m-rr.: aiithiiii.i' the ii i: M.i i I-., s s.-c -'., r.iiii co. j ill .it iv. i, s'nii s'.f,.n ills' i iiii; h.i iiH'i c.f.1 1 inoic ! li.lle ii.lv ill!, i ti. T t i.t nil iii: ' I ill. ma. is Ic l--l.uu! -him t.!' at: r ;e- l!t;,i( i .' I'i-ci s. ,.iul im.ici a't- i I . .1. Virginia 1M 'I ,1 ' .III I . C . I ill ,11 t i it U U. jii ...lam 4ik; u. s O" Ul tfij Uio olltc'-i ! . ''. us r.m-tCh.iM t'.i in . s a; I'.itt Stc: I'-.M' ;i'i U..,; Iu m .Hin lunuc as N.ilinie lti-'tiM. IVilrolm.iii J. T T k .i i - . i' -i V'v 1U ;tiii that he; - .11 h.i I mil slut-. Till. Ilail'lliee n nu -e c.tiii- Ir-'in Ititf S oiic t'ti!. mmii; ;'i.r, n n:.c lliat liiiiic if j' i !!n u Hi :iiU.ihi V. that ;,U mo::,"- iu ill. cil ,-t Uiall by 'the litiiic r Mr-nil Iteifticr ta.l tli.tt '!n i ; i .c tit Si.:t Irtip ltra-,ii',ii..iit ' ceii.tiiloH : i ii n',. V. umicii'.i ha-. N r'ii.rl'si u'li'i cj on the Travelers Protective Association. Is to Be Held at the Hotel Zlnzendorf. An Attrtctiv Menu Hit Been Arrng. td And ApprOpnU Toartt Will S Delivered By Various $pkr Anni- Banquet Premitet Te Be A Notable Succete In fvery Betpet. 'an a'n- i t;.- - i'.i h s t i i I' Lane, j.'.u li' all 1 - ci i.cLi. li rt i : .. Kts:!!t MtfXi. i, . 111. I - - II Iff' i S.i I r,; i ,! ', 11: 1 l :fr is ;iu ; ii .i i. I I, III'. il i.t I i MC.l1 iiplm ' lie an.! P'l lii.li.i Am- . pa.s T ie -'."Il i .mi ile.il : M.is. i In l! i.( Y'.i.i ' ! i t jsii I , ,; -ill .: .! Kl.i i. i I v. 1 .ri.i. Mai S in :-,i ;n ; '.M.ii'.l t!i..t warn .- z- cf ; per c i i; .-na-.itl li'' I, ..--. ' li. -.rcia :i s r, .-a-t 1 "i i U-i i "Hi - i 1 p; t s-l una: i iel ccttt. I. ll.lt T In- i: .' in . mils low I'iMiitii.Mi ineic niid' .iiUiiltceil ;ii nil . sHillt.l labur Ik , tills aeiai: i ! jkb Liv.i'.slr.K 10 the (l.ii.a ('"., was stolen Mlabt. Tr.e anl ;,. . ic i;.it missed uli :;. T ic elti.-i'ts weie 110-Zi:'a.- "i i ailvist'tl by ii i Diiif anil woman i .5 th.it t ivsi tarly 1 this lasjr i.i iviiiK a horse i , LiM-W'ion cf the one i TIE OTTAWA VALLEY I Special tu 'I'liu Sciillnei.i LOXIJON. in : L'7 Tin- C.tawa V Ity lailway pi'ujiit lias, l,..t ;i s.icce fi.iv linareel lieie incl the i.tistnit- UHl liee,. u,,l:,. i ; : 'i Ii.hi :- w lien tiit: H.ij : -n ii il ili uu nil -lie I'M It j,i:: :;. nl i l.'ii'ii:;s ,ni.; il. in n u !U,ir. I si., ; in.:; cmi' :i- I. in in tl." . ii incii . i ' Hill' s I'l .'111 l.iilll .1 I'nill' hlt.re lie 11 Here ' j li:ii.-,-'.i ! . ,. I, . i::e w,ulll,. linliin TI.e 1 1 ,'liiir inc liieinlii I s of III t-!ilii.aiiy i s f' -i i to lat , Kiting i In-) -t ill,! at:" j.fi the In lii.ns -ill in-x: ,1 i w;ien a i lulllcei' wun'il iurlve tu ileal s .imniai My t!'e IvliHy il Cill illfeil. iicirais jZlijir- Hint sv.it a t-'l" 1 ion of tin- line In. m Mniitii-iil U, in which direction the tin ! (Jrtut LaUt'i ,11s. lMlie.s,llH lll.ll.I- ., HniMi.il, if t.hy camt! .,,.,.. iciirivi i. Tl.0 HTiir.j,,,! ,.. ..,(,:, iv J. I' I. ills .Morris. iH .e.iijsci'lbei! in, S.'oiUf on Co.. W'l.'llt to .lie m-.-i tsii.c train-, t fcen liinl li'iiBijy bflons- .liTCJlH-i'llU-tStucWoit Co'. !;iy i i a section knowti : ',n :hi f-vtn me western il Th c cindliioii of the nl. I M-af it had bwA iy s titi uue an ! i.ht.-i: lie rt.ceed, d wllll a' i! irfet in;,' nl' the di W ill he :- c'al it was aiil;iai'ced liiil reiiiin d had bei n mer :!iiil 'a' iKirse and biB--2 "liidimii Uiu-a' IlitU 'r: ' llet tile H Ul-- !;' 1 Stucklcn Co. I "tun. as-istimt sii)tir is dhisltm of the Sotith 'i prett nimi on lK!;'em- !H" illiinmr.d riliK by cf Hi- A. ft Y. and Wilk "s null lii-nds iu the :"i'i a mark uf i-s- f-M'ijiieii ,f ids kiii-tl and' D' f lite t:Uiplo et-H li-cotii cays that the i in aiHtlfct-r oUiei ami' s,,r- fur. ar.il tilt rinK : Vv C .aductor C. . " i' st iuhI nniHl on the. branch lr '' ''i1' I' and beantlt'ni I'l.lit'il with iiii ipprcciii l.ion. Mr.A.r.Yunne, ha piirclui.-i .1 Mr. V. L. O'Biii n's itiii-ns:. in H'.e bnslm s.s of the Simps. hi ln-iiK fiiinpaiit . which was omanized last i.ilii',. 'l'liis nii-;ins thai. Mr. Yo,:c;; and his family will cor.-tinue tlit-ir rt niih nee in this city, K.;r live years or more Mr. Yonns; wits, tho popular niana.ner uf Hon.'. rin t:;. He has had seural yetus' ex-JKM-Ienci' in the drus business. Mr. Vomif; will H'tcci-i-d Mr. O'Urieu as president of tin' coinpany. The lat 'CI- will dt'Mite his nil ire lime i tl-" future tu the iiis-iihinte business. tlt. . Ottimrn, til' M ibile. Aia.. is; .siniiiliiiK a few Jsti here. Mr. On-! burn, wlm was i'h 'he U. ! H"!iildsl T'itiiti.-ori Co. for si v oral ywift - n rrnv-j ellin: siilesin.ui. Is lit te t nunued in; bii.slni s.-i fur hlrns- El AREJEXPECTED It Is Believed Several Will Result From Recent Inves tigation of New York Life. It Is Quite Possible There Will Be One or Morn IndictmenU For Forge ry In Conection With Grand Jury't Inquiry Into the Company' Affair. A l.i. te .ill. til'l cclil! lie ltldH".Hc l.'i per ;-i ii- ii a It in si d a pltaxlii ( lirisiiiu-. elei el tallllill lit Klti II ey I'.tlU Nlll'l nuu- !a fvlit.nl las' liit;l:t. TIi" p:v.,iam Aii-. i,s foll.iwf: Clnc'l Sinn leoi.v 1 St rli.l ic ill. I l'-M-i'. I m; Slim ai d l,iiil. ' Kecllalitiii Tin- IUcm-ciI Morn S.iUi and lliiet - Over lU'thlehein Hillsidv. liinnis Arise. K.irci-ts by Primary U'lMrtyiu-tit. Soi'K 1 lie AliKt'ls' SdiK, y iiiu -S-eltTtetl. ScllilCimni-() Judiili, Take Tli Haip i c'lioms--Vt Ictin. v Murn ; Ibiei-.-O t'lly Fm'.r Rt cliall.iii -Kilectt tl. SctiK --The Ihrth StuiR of ,Ieiuii. Chorus -l.tiyni lleaiis and Truf. Offering. Choir- Selerteil Adilret-s, Churns- Send KoiHi Hie Kiannel. Doxoloj;y, l!M,t'.i-t ttll. A very tiiJovHblv fedtuie of th" eu ieiiaiiinii n; wiis lite miik. "My Iv-Ulo'1 by liule .Miss Ivn NatlitiK. dauRliter of Mr. and Mis. J. 11. NmltiiK . P,.-s II, N..r:ti 't ai j i"'. ,'lvlsJA-ii Tuuins' pr!itvOt' 'iitim of America. i ! K'.v If w''tKU antiu.il but iu i at II "'el iaueitdorf at J to liie'it. A ;art uambtr tf UviUt.otm have li.-i I l-jtl and the Xta.im pr.iniit s lo be bvlh tlePahUul .... iu- tell-slltlR Ti-!ftl Will be !s lldM ;: i fob liits: CHir Vim .rs --Mivr O II lUd i.i HoU'lit- V. 1. Harvrjr. Oui Wt ik V. II. l.i aU The (kVtiflotl lloti (it'Uient Mi,ly T P. A. of r. S. A.--U. II. M.rh. ! The Tar HihI Ii ulliin-r t. C. M' I. ell 11, Our Wives and Svve'ihvai-tj- fol. . A. riith. The Menu. ' 0!it r CiK-tall (iraiHi Fiitll t rtaiu tX t'nru Qliet-ll Ollvm lIt. MlM d I iCkit'H Kll ! t,f K.li, Haiiee li-nin Oau-i rHlea . . K. ist Turkey Cranberr)' Hauoe I'nmh Dt-lin ililt'ti Hoiot Quit'l en HlmiqiK'ttei. of Jirtiimi t MunlirtMiiH' !,ottut I'll Mayoniw'te AttMirttnl Cake Cheese Cfn Ntilr. .'raclufru iltt- I ubllHhers iTuan.'l NKW. YOHK.-lx-c- 27. Hivi.ra. In- i.iei.iiunls for fnrk't'ir- are cximjcU I On Stpienibtr ulieu Urn j-raud -'jury dniiidet" I'S'Si: .'th la.-t he and Mr. .1. ('. lirillln, an ether lorni, r saleslu.ill for the Rev i:.,Jils Coliipaii;., oruiinized anl ii.i r- piinitcil the ll'tliilin-lil llliii tiierery t u . j i a wlit'.lt .sale c, in ii ii. at' M'obiie, and ', Mr. Opium ii-i;or;s Mir tl. iy li.ti- nut with splt'iulld success. " j Mr. A. A Me.H'is. til' the M , eiv j Wislbn.'k Co.. stave an eh taut, sun-j per ill . lite Klks' Home biill,iiiiR lasl nielli, coinplinieutary friends. Tie s pi--:iil was sjinptuoiis veHiinntiun nl' -the NVW Yoik l.lfc ln- siiiance Coinpany. Tnilay lei.rle.t Al-j loi ney .lefimie. iu suniniln:,' un ;ln- i vl-j leiice. went over "VeryliUi.c .! the; Kifilti si lb tall. 11 Is belli'M.',, inni in dlilintiis fur finti'1-i in :li. 'bird tie i Kl't-e have bei h fuulitl an., ilia- theyj wei't; I,, sed on ili-als with subsidiary oinpaiii' s. Il is uililt i.sl ioU that Jerolne adils-j the Kr 1 Jury that Kufliclent evi- l ti nuiuber of! dt nee hud b"cn prevented to Wiirrant Indicium. :s for fori-fiy It) the tbl d d" and Kit ally ettjnyed. (VI. J. A- 1 an -j;rii . wa- toil.-" -mailer. Toasts Were re-! . ,i,nnd.,l ic In Mavor O. Ii. Katon. Cl. -Cor,ilut-t,.r .lolm.iu, of tb- N. . W. A. Illair roid others. Th- menu road, sins hoilday travel U still on. (iiail,!'H' handled inn iiameiiKi-ra umav "..t, io,Mi)l,.. and Yins,ton Siib-ni. TO PUT UP WlRESFOfl nitftniTi ii ocra his uirnf. n inflirujJiariiiuntn. Cu:.. ) be coll.-istei! l- llllke.l. illiimswick stew, etc 'j tSioitu, N. wt 11,, of Ahht-vllle, who Is KUpt-lllllt ndeiit tif the HfW Miret vllle dlvlsltin. Souiliern Hallway, ltlt hi adiiiaiter In thin t-ity, li here 'o meet Mr. V. (1. Thrweutt, of Rich--non,;. Va.. who arrived thin afternoon i nrratiRe lor put!u up wIu k In- the Tim building for the new train dii liltchtTH lo be bl'f'Kllt lure for Ul" Winston and MooyeovUe dhisionH. Mr. rhrwialt is limpector fur tlm YAWem liiioii Teh Ki aph to . .1. T. Ilclibow went to Yndkiii lotiuty -v'lrtv. I''." II b Tiie foiir-uar-old il.iii-iiier of Mr in:,: Mrs. T. M. N"'i, "f Walkertown w hs but iii I lo il. a' Ii The cliild wa.- out iu Hi wih In r m-.titer '-' siiiiie 1. a vi K atwl ' !r"' tun 's rlo'J ". s unl'i d bifjy was W'r,-; ma. I ISIS MEET ' n OF 1001! iiiuniin back v a nl was 1; iinin a. The IU1!'' and siHiu her Wltlppeil in IliMlli'S. l.iToii to xll::nuish the lire, bu-' ihe chibl's clmliiri; was practicing burlie-1 (JIT bel'iiif tile II noes !.' i -llniiislii d. She died in a f"W minutes. Mr. XiKin is inanas.r of a il'iurim: mii and 's a hittHly esteeinej fit: n -.! W'nlkertowii. K th 11 M IT RJULROADS 0 Tl"- SmtincM ' a. uieeliiiK uf; '"! Hall today i 11 ' pie.-idcd, it was' ', , '-' ;":l" '.i I'.aU' been i ..in, m' Kainine Re-' (Special to Tin: l- s;.ri, b- Rev. Dr.! V.-IIINOT(.'N. I" 1 .f'-sl.inarv S:v-i. iiee. ,1 thai tii- A.'""' will ,'.a dor!::-' - it- e-iir-u. h. $l,0,,-J,IHlo,oeo in wa-es. the f i)n- d.ii.try.- wi-ii- tll , v.sKliB ei"'--" Men in ai dl' ''''""n'' ' ' I'litu-'e uiiif.al'y. 'I WW? ' tCXA rrn:i:;'!-3tij h-t i f- J rs A A --VC-Ti3;;." "' hr-l' :,','.'-'""''l;"(i liin'Wtl'ii-;:-; -t.'. ; ..,..;.!.-,, n - I'M VvlLb ttt wV.Apf 1 fv r .t ay v..,-... m v i:tfi-m. 1 1 I is ( -t - ih s r . .1 A".'eT7:s-- - i.y vi i' ' Trv? A v X"'--'"!,'.'-..'- ; -';-";,'. ti;--!-':; b-- '-l;'t' :i: "i:- - A . . ,.PTiV.&mmrttTM u :l vlii iii -if ! '".C; : : i ay . . -ij 'V'-''!ii.r'.'n.-.'"ifiiair:E- bi;a-iS'-'iil'' i TWO NEGROES Si ; fin (iaU-M,, a eolorrd ,iunn, tiiilo)ett' nn ciiok 6yT ,Mf. Ari'A Mfa Chan. IS. Slielton and Joe lloddy, driv er for Ir. H. II Hal, Coloritl, wcfi tli it and uniindttl last ulKht uoa.i' lli-j r nier of CheHtimt and Hevi nlh, iint'iM while returning fifiu an enter talnmt tit Rimi ' t C'lltUeuii' llaJl he the, colorisl Otltl rllown' UitlKe. The wottum -wait htl Iu th aokle, the bit'l niisiclnp dnniitM'd lu the. It. ban Un-ii hx-atid nd will rt-bhly bo rt inoietl thin i"-viiii)S. Th-i woman wan riinovisl Id the Slater mptl thU afit moon. The wuiij It, KUiug lu't miMh Kiln. Rnltlv ituo' liet Otie hall liK effect in tlm riclH uk!e and 11 tiiplMt-Hd Is In hla lool. It ha l ant been JtIie(l. The otll'T bail htruck plivlcliitrs hoitie, tlillikH It rebounded, i In- Imck of IiIm tieiul and Dr. Hull, wbu is aiieiulliic Ul d.Hi-r. at tho ' Hut li wiwuria. wlill" painful,, ai-ii wa, I r ic'ird'-d m rloim Tile IWy imrtfeit ib't, with lhir I .'tdoi'etl pet pie, paM d n rowdy enwt of bu u t,r Ihivs near Cnsper' i)n', on j "In t ti ut. (treel. Jnt before the .jiX(t lliii; (,ieiiiril. Tli'S ba"ve HO Idea at ilu the I. .tines of the KuMty paris. j The otlleerH are rimklin an Invi-ntl. iilli r and' hope to arreol, tin.' parties w It,) did' the mIiooIiIIh Si-nt'rc. ' . .7.- 1' is lean lailr '" n'-iitv million ' Ul" erw or stUrva ' K'.K'ii Leu and the bis unioiin 'i y dw ini: t Ki 1 .-,e Crown POLICE GVIIRG Princess. ''yfiilinel.) - The inaniue '":'iv of Pi-ofessor '' oi. who receiv " ' ot iriety thrt'" K -"'itamasii of the n " : rat icn or the i " I" Saxony to in l"lm (o fit'lli'V,!. ' - "i" this unloriii-! 1 '!- . I he Ciown j 1 ' f the tdec:i ol'j "f her f-liildren.1 ' ,;' !i '111 tile Illipt.- ' -, lo which Hill- familiar. She! ' liiitia. who hud I M; s. Su-an ' ' - li- at flit Kilen.ll.ati In 1 u t ' !''u three monlh.t,!!. I.. II..H"-. ' o tie nirl wiiol NOTED PH!SICIAN NKW Y'oltK. 1' ,:i-c pitarillntf D". M-' i nolcii p ,. v .-:."' 1 . wild i.s-.a.--inaiioii init uniesf. I,- pa: iitid ib.ilais H' !' In - Klied he Ilia' i -Tne n Ha 's tl. ... , -I l.i ,s n .i 1 Monica or S.a ' I ii tl Ktbel Hod- llell.l. who ha-, rib-lids In M.i.- ,.r i.v ' r! - .-.-S-- -r-ii ----- L WHEN CONGRESS REASSul-iBLES. , , , ,t,,i .i:-.,-,v.- :U - ' i" - in ' - '"- ' ' ' , ,l,i ,.-,l-e I 'i. If l . "' "' k ' ' KEPT MARRIAGE SECRET SI'iCE AUGUST !3 Mr. Carl K lllne and MImi Kllit.i M Tlioniflit. two is.pular ytnins people nf Old Town, till" county, were tmir-rii-l at tb" ITifct ItnplKl rsiryi(fi 1n (ini iiHlom Auitust "i last by He'.. .Henry W. IWtttle, D t . r-M'r Of 1liO jiiit-t tisiioro ebnit-h. nd they k-pi the j tldin a profound werel un'U 3 jock-ck 5't-tstenlay (' riiofin. when Urn let leinotiy H iil.or.'llictsl t-i be p r-Ifoiiiit-d by lliidiop Itondthahr la Uj.. S M'-mv Ian church at Obi Town A itirne -Iid of reUiUvcri 4i.i! fth uiw. bad a-tnbleil to l'i ,., t'ui jiiiip'laU. Th'- couple apiari'l awl th jwiilillim march '" ln-nutlfully ri''. 'd rfj bv Mr. Ira lime, brother i.f tho Urooiil. Th- bride-. ,nHr B tny 'i-llk 'iirrl! a ieveiy buiH'h t-f eairna- tlt.t:-t. ,'-'"inia!:l''d thu groom, .lie advanc'sl In front of tin- t hntvi-' wh'-ii the I'ti'-lwl1 arirK- antl to the -ren-nine Mirpil".' of the parent H ,,ii bride and itr-.iu read the ni.tndfii eei llfl' V" as Iii''' out by I)r Ita-lUe, i.M.tor " t it first llitp'lit, ch'irrh In (JieeiihlK-ro Dt I-aiti'i Ion! Ua lu- jvi',-1 by M' llbltt to be .e.1lt J l i jieiilny and wilttis 'be "ptomatli" hi. i "tiess j.ieviv.'td hi'O f"'.ni ati.eiin-: I Mr, and Mra. H'ue wi'.: tx,nt. wltli ii,.- .-rootii'ii pai-ii'". Mr a;,d L" (. 'l.niber C. Hi. u- ut.til tli-'ir n-r himi". in rou.se of c:,s'r!ie'l"il l.eur the Mo 1 1 1 Ull eii "Til, ! . .U'l'lt 'ei. The brld" I I. I,. Ik bl ell Hill t'll'lli II I