jfiITCITY DA SE N I'll W a y ItAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. .'FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2S, 1905 PRICE 5 CENTS IB! I fi TROOPS offkers and iMem 4 Congress May Urge That Body. i-sbab'e That When Con- ffigjf SAYS WAfi m BOOM IS mwm F1JJEM1 nmmm nnwc mcniicQmi DEAD M MOE iu UlLllinULL ULIIIU UIUUUUULU (SpecU td The Sect CKEENbKOIM, ),(. sessioi: of the National Colorwl Teachers i f Agrie Mechanical lV'-vti , SchnVs ati.t S.-honis of High (iiu lat night. aJvires. , w V... Mn.. ... S t II 1. ... I u jioiji i. .i. jiiqniy and ros'iinivlY. . .... T7 1- 1 I . . . ii W u" That Br0W"1lrMs wa, a speech of weicm- ,! U affair. An Effort WilljMr. i,K!a!4 SI;k . nog.-,, education, i s i the rmy -IV i.wm iuiir '. iiMfi: a to w.tti a nvnt I" the '-A- "Oia'iutl ni" tit ;ra! an ! S- iiHiiiarv 1 r K luoa- ''I.- tun III mi Commercial Commissioner of! Sentiment in New York and Japanese Government Says; Throughout the East for -" That It Will Come. the Nebraskan as dential Candidate. PresI- 0 -J Kt5" :os. i" '0 rM when t: . of CO Ser-;r,'rt' ea: of ituere. . Th. -o w. ro rr- -)! i i i ine i.. m , educators pre;, flit. R. H. Wr'gsl, pr si. lent of the ass.ici'it inn :iiiil :.:, w i... .. .t... l'r-sv) Georgia State 1m' isiria! School wa- :.-CoiisrcsS!an,)R ,,,,, ,.,.llbt,r , armv of all The marriag of Rev. Crawford taken tip JacK.s.m. chairman or the Contra I ,lu- vonuc rrot.otory. an 1 MNs Cora, K. Ctix. a teacher in the oirC schools liri ii West Market Street M K Four roifi-lves con lligll Vumjj, Says San Francisco Inci-' dent Was a Trivial Thing But Wn' An Intuit Nevertheless Sayt J -pan' Want To Be Treated As the World; Hit Reponcd Declaration In An Inter view That No Mai Hat a Right Tel Decline a Nomination For Thu H ah I Ni s .is rioiii!'! fierv t.ui.v that a !;.: tt.ati r um. I J -so Smith I was fvind i! ;nl la-tt evening about mile an,) a ha f rt of .V!vnno l.n;o ro'iniy. A cironor'n jury Inx-K :lttol :h m :ola. , 'a:m- ho!" .ni f :n4 1 Sinlt'i K s!iiua'!i tin,! an 'ik r 11 tin !rris'. war trw hisir: i;.- h lr llciilf.i !!:.'. thv wiro Ir M'ot ' ! ha slirr Kun, li Is n poito-', (hai Rniitlv, l) Is si :iii'.f of Mfirsau Smi'h, a million- II ' II 111 T. P. OlfiET One Meld at the Hotel Zlnzen dorf Last Night Was a Not' able Success In Every Way. Be tl M Army 4i i a;'. .iffirorsl eh ins i, ' I'nssi 'to: i.ia. i. Yam- mil thwiwht. , f tho far' thai fr ,ci icni liwlia -CtTllS i ir.t'ipv ;t.i tliC disohart d a . haw swPt fnlay afionition was an -vnt siii.-raHV illlcrt. Tlicy l.-ft lat for A.Ianta. (!a., which is Mr. Jacksim's homo, and w'noro they will Irfsiilc. A noinillon wiU bo li;dl to- nifrlu. Tlio wiHllins is the culinina- lion of a lirief and nulu r uriiino ro-i- inaiKT. A li.uv wks affo Mr. Jark' in i d hi lo as fnlil worker in lhi in. I i By 1'iiUlis'jv l.OS ANdKl.KS. C "War tnm.f:i the 1'nit, ; anil Jaimii is ine iiaiiie." says Y aji. ootuinis-iftner fir Japan, so 1 ajs ! official in cliaiui iXi witioii al Vei-iee. l.;is An el' st aside i! s,ii ; "Tiio Si:i Krai'-.-isoo m iiK idenih' E went.ally Hit Candic' An cy. Announcement of . , i (-turnout a c tin ro h Oil"1 l;" the lio iibi.i-lH'rs' I'ress.l ht. Fi.ilowins Wiiliain Ituit iiuii't!!: -.ids of "hustle" :ns William, tin" fourth Kiiirer. whos'i? en-Kllgc- iss A'exaiidiia Sohlcs is ji'sr Imi a announced, k H :t d S;ato on lils The prince will travtl in- : !i.) iitticial hospitali- a..',,io was a trivial thiiu; Inr s'ill was an insnli." Iieiarol Y.imaji. "Stiine sncii itisnh may l o nnno than Japan- pride can ei -'"re. We n:i!:ira.h ro. to he treated as the w uld non- came hue as field worker in the iti-! wo have r.rovi n onr--e'ies t. lie tcrest of the Juvenile Protectory and I The war with ltus-ia .-m msti.m d recards the Vnii, , States in of the l'nili.iini s the menace ; ( I'.y rn!.:i.s'ie. pnsJ KV YOKK. IKS'. 2S.-Vii:i.im J, 'Itrvan's practi-a! iin'i.iuntvnient to tie i.'i rand: la e for tiio nov I V -moo ratio ! nomitiati m .far the d-i iileiu' . in an litli.-rx lw at T ipek.i. K.iitsis, U ea'ts iini; letn.nrats lirrr imi thniit-.tiont I the east l.i came on' cr-u'v for him No'iru --kan i- roiMprte.l Ut have s.ii-l III it while lie liiid na; yet an it! nice, himself u can lldtite for sue') a liiuh li.m.tr as the pi:llou,ial iioni iu.i.i.it. it was r- uiothiix that i: Am- m. n intiii4 i:li two or threo parties on Wednesday. t Is" ik1 knowu et !iether he m.K mi!rd ro ! or aoviden 3 1 : kiilid. Nearly -Sixty Wert Prettnt on Thl Occasion An Elegant Menu Wn Served While T dixit Were Un uiually rpv4 Some Sati1. y7 .pnf -s He organized the (iuilfora County Associ ation of the Central Juvenile Protec tory, as he had don? in other counties of the Slate. While hero he made a unnibtT of a:!lresss. lie met Mis Cox on iiis second' visit to the city and it was only a f, K weeks al longest be fore they wore et:uai;ed ;o he married. The antiouncenienl created q.iite a surprise here. Th. bride is finite Weil kniwn In the city and is deservedly popular. Hhe Is the adopted' daushtir of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cox. The new city water works sy.stcm is about completed and now the city supply will bo obtained from Koedv :: tli- Ktiiser re&ardsj Kark, a coiisiderahlo stream, attd there ,i' "iiiy imliistrial com-iiH no danger of there heins less than many in the future struc--enough to supply the demand. of t'n' world's markets. , .lap. in vtision of the orient. ' i:at .I I: ' iii He he w III lit;. .1 I'll i 1 1', I to I A eltijten of Aihanee who a here today, j f ported that the yoittK Smith hm en'y aho.it IT .M ars !d. lie wiu for lolnir a n.iii of Kdiir.t Smiti. a farmer wh u trptin,;, resides tu .ir dauee. Tit was ;ie; f i n alive ii'muii ikwh on last Widnes.liv Wmti f.iand he was !i!'u on a d oili'i -linrrelliil sh t: K'in. Th itnn roiitnlnet two einptj x.te'ts 'i'o loadivl IioMh an da tiettio of coloiiiio re 1 vine ((irioiit twenty fe f from the body. I In ailitlon to the woumh In th abd inion and hi east exery llner oil (Smith' hand was Kb it off. I The coioin r ,f Iml, eiiur.ty stated I till-. iiKirnlmr il. it th outiK men n -hi iid iliclmo. I'olitii la.nn re th's sla.etm t l as a practical an fi lllelil. u.-' is toiorti .l to have said that iii nm s. ok 'ho u ituinaium. New I'htt'ln i ev'!ent wTTTk iliifmlth wa iftM wen with wire known .'s In iiiilf litis been dotio attd I am) that he evwlcdi to Ih' In powei--!...'it i'.o .:t-' it. Is eoticodi I hi'ui of evldeii'e within a day or two ipiiei i iTurts have been working hleli may had to nm-xt of the Mirt is nitifteen. vr tlitin tlin prince. three, DRIVEN TO INZr tt'.C' tn-tiii tiers Dec riot? (lilt Press 28 Following Cioventor Var- tliosc respon- us offered a reward of aii'trc, dead or alive, of . s' r.r'iT. and Dan Kerr, ;-' ! t have shot an h farmer and burned the 'Spirt d. r'"i is also out for Tom E'Kiu wha assassinated dive. . Wi' veil to have fled to hisaers.' Press) Washing in. 28. "I'uiway with Japanese i' Northorn Railroad Is -f'K's from Missouri ''wis arrived vosterdav. ' lapiinoso laborers are scarce every day. r inly workers they at'oanplish as much in men. (By Publishers' Press) PLKASANTVM,I,K,.X. J., Dec. US After three days of untold suffering, shut up in a little home where his wife nil. I mother had died of starva tion nnd cold, freeziiiR and without food, Frederick Kosher and his five little children were rescued today. Kosher, crazed bv his misery, was pac ing the floor while the frightened chil dren lui Idled in a corner. When the plight vf the unfortunates was discovered peighbors. observing no' signs of life about the house, began an investigation. Kosher would not leave, his wife and. tho children were toi) young to understand what, was wrong. Mrs. Kosher's and her hus band's rrasnn fled. The children were afraid to move lest tho crazy man turn on tlietn. IKE LABOR JAPANESE MATTER Advertisements. Martin's Odds nnd 'We incrohandlHe at. a tiitimrtow ..v-.t, Monday. & llr -I.tuiies' coats - ri"!i'c ion. a foreca.st !!t liif-v St ar -. T :t" li:ti'riri.-i..fL-insoTi " cnriinp ncir'g Mon- (Hy Publishers' Press) WASIIINCTOX, Dec. 2S.A conf. r er.ee was h: itl today between Attorney General Bonaparte and I.' ill ted States Attorney Kobt. Devin, of San Francis co. regarding the J.-itianese distiir!)- ance there. Devin has charge of the suit which the government intends In stituting in the courts to test the au thority of San Frauelsco school board to (xcltitlc Japs from the white schools-. flilt Hitindl.am. tie young white man who was shot Monday night, near llei.i's Pond, died at the TAin-Ciiy HospliiH ahout II: l.ri last night and was buried in the now Woodland conn tory. near Piedmont park, this altein ou. Deceased was eou.-vious to tin- last and begged to sen his mother, who re sides at Big Stone Can, Va. j Chief of Police Thomas sent a tele I gram Tuesday, to Drandham's mother. telling of Iter son's critical condition. The son gave the officers the wrong mime and the mi ssage was returned. Another lelegraui was si nt and last night the following reply was received from Marsfinl Belcher, stepfather of Brandhnin, who 1st on the prilioe force .'it Big Stone Cap: "Wire full-particu lars, collect. Ills mother is unable to come. It he dies send corpse to Mar shal Belcher, police, Big Stone Cap, Va." A teh gram was sent to tho step father last night, telling him of Brand ham's death. No reiilv having been received up to noon today. Mayor Kat- on authorized the undertakers to bury the man in the new cemetery. A 'coroner's iiKp'ost. was held this morning. Dts. Pl'ohl and IKkott testified- that the direct cause of Bran I hnm's death was pneumonia, produced from exposure after he was shot. Herbert C'rumpler. a young white man, slates that he was near th etwo men when the shooting occurred. Ho says that Brandham and Cor Ion were on Eleventh street between Chestnut mid Depot; thai C.;rdon find four times at. ISrandhani; that after the lat ter fell he raistsi up tut:) shot one time at Cordon. Brandham -told a citizen recently that ho came here from Kentucky about, three months ago; that his mother resided in Virginia and that he ran away fro'U home a few years ago. He has b en working at a furni ture factory and boarding at the honn of the shot. . hitii. K u i i; s expected an. r Ynnsw ' I" n I. . un will b, stai'titl. j iTinn urii nininTrn ! i mill Mtn iitUibitu ! fl! GRAND JURY nr port lei win shol Smith. (Hv J'ulillsliers' Press ) M'W ,YOKK. Dec js A.t tiio ro-1 nil of iuvi':-tlgativ.i iu'-i Instil fnce trtt'i,.., ,iy tl., j"i e.iitjei' grand jury two indictments against men who wi to prominent in New York' Life In siu.'iiice Company hi dnyn of MeOnll regime have been fouml. Their Idete lily is kept secret till indictments are handed down by Recorder Colt In (lea era) Sessions Court. . Follow iiiff tlie custom the district attorney dld noi arrest the Indicted men, but sent, word to their conn pel to produce tlietn and they were in tho vicinity of the court room waiting ta be summoned." Humors indicate one to bo n financier of roputaL'oii and prominent in Internal lonnl insurance work before leavins Now York. The other is said to be prominent lu national politics and weliknown In banking circles many years ago. It Is retried persons committing alleged crimes under orders like book keepers, clerks, ( !c., w ill not In In dicted but that their testimony will lie a Rett to convict those for whom they acted. Later Ceot go w Perkins, former vice-president of the .Now York Ut Insurance (impan,v and partner of J. Pierpint Morgan, was indicted today hy the grand jury In collection with the ins iranco scandal, He Wa charg i I with forgery in the third degree' im six counts. He was formally placed under arrest and arraigned le-foro Ke corder Ctiff. He pleaded not guilty, with, the privilege of withdrawing thin plea hot ween now ami January 111 to that ho might interpose another plea il he ,-i desire. Charles M. I-'aii-ehlld. who Is ii'ivv in MERCHANTS REPORT FINE HOLIDAY TRADE The Christmas season for Hint", will long bo reineniherei) in Wltikton Salem as being the best from ft hnslnesH standpoint of any ever experienced here. Not only have the city buyers lieett exceedingly liberal In their purchases hut the country people from the conrv ty ami KurrouiidluK cmintles have bisui here during thu pasl two wtsaka hy the thousand. The nierchan's huve not only made word breaking sabu but the mutiny if gools om;lif has been of the bout ami cash the pre vailing way of settling fur all pur chases. Shipments by expr ss of orders re ceive! through the nm.lU tiave been enormous and even th" freight offices haTe been packed with outgoing goodH. Crowds lntvi thtu'vgi d the slrei tu at all t lines- and the city lias had an nlr of prosperity, the like of which has seldom been seen. Tho rosulL hilB been Olia-t the pisiple have pa sited a most enjoyabto Christmas, th" pro MTlty being calculafsKl to make aM feel at peace with the world. CASE OAT CAUSE Th. sevcTb (ttoiiai hn i.p.ot, :; n t night Iti (ae h.in.H mie d!nln i j'l.iM of the tH-itiiti) it Xittjen W.rf, by Post B T. V. . was it '(, !ng with hlie Kptpatlon of the drummer boy things. The mea't wt while the uxntn T.eri 111'.!- young uuiu i anally gootl. , Aiii.it j.xly iiiouilier ami tivtis were gathered ipoutil the ftsl.ij mrd and from :u . );,..M the Joliy hi ti Hiieters wore never n rnlndis.) if the many vlcl)tu.Ws the fiesli U heir to. Mr. J, J. Nortnv wan toahtitiastvr, a piitlou he ti led lth o and It race, Jlnyor t). B. Eatotu In hU nsiia) hap py vein, w,!im;ihs1 "our vlsltocn," II also paid a ih'servW roinpllinont to rhe (Sinitnerria! traveler, conolndlnx with a few Htorlin that delighted v ory hiirtipieler. Col W. I.. Harvey, In respHidlr Ui tll Iihi-I. "Hotels,'' xKrke lit eulogis tic terms of the men who bulU th nuigulllet nt Zliucn lorf, which h termed an honor (o Wlnstoo Si'.ein. Col. Harvey, who U ktwMS'il on thn rvii( utt the "deaf jnet," nvBril hi pnm on tan dm tuner anl hl witty linen ere nTclve.) with npjliiiiR. "Our Work" wan res.tHl) tr by Mr. W. h. Ix'ak, who haa hein r years v leuthaf Itistli- hmtoImt tan'l worker In the cause of tlw T. P. A a, Mr. Clement Mnly nia(W many h) py hlu In rcHpondltiR to Uu ot, "The Occasion.". Mr. II. II. M.-wsh, who Is especially well ywted In (he AculiivhmcJiit. of iht traveling tneu'a association, d'. cussed the history of Uie.T, V, A.i tell log of Ita rap). I trnth, atnl lienetlt paid ti the h'lr of the v'cenm't mftn hers, lie real thn fotlowtnst telerara received yesteitlny ftritn tho itiitlonaJ werelary at In ailiiarier Iti Hi. Louis; ' , " ' '- "ApiiIIchIIohh lu November, GTi!); Dtfeniber, li;i; claims pa 14 In Novem ber, )3,o:!I.lfi; December. l23,23.aU tHii! this fiscal )oar, f CM.l.'.iTfl; to tal since organlzai')ii.I,4:',:l.7t;i;tneui bt rulilp this dut, W,lr; tah ami e ciitlili H on liune), $liit,)f.7. .I;;. Mr, C. C, McLtan, of (irecnvlinro, prtsldi-nt of tho State Association, made a ploasltifc and etitertalivltijc al drons lu responding to the tast, "Tlie Tar Heel Iwoniiner." He urgtst thn "tuivili'is" to refur thdr grli'vanei's to the roM r coiiinilltees. Col V. A. Blair was at Ills best In iHsetiKhig "Our Wives utid Sweet hearts." this tielr' tho ?iibjlcl of tlm toat to which he pttponded III KfK' f'll a),d ciii!hatltiK wordM. accusod of tiring the fatal f".'irope, was the other man Indict) d. Mrs. Thomas Morgan, of Franklin s, r et. West Salem, has a lemon bush which is full of fine lemons, stotne weighing one and a fourth pounds. K. H. Elveiigwd, of Hado-rd, Va.. who h been spending a few (lays hert; with his brother, C. A. Liven good, on Main stri, left 'a; for bin home. l.i) Ill's- X Iti-IL- S il llanV--ti imi- Ml s - A two I ri'tintpi i 'k I'" --. Mamies, tiling, 1 '' i.air 'VOik P.n- Kfiii'-j. i tus for rent on t C'liivetilonois. Water From dan. River Jor- C'.iru 'tis ,r " atnl itl. I, '"' till- T i ;, ' Brietz, o( (!eer-i-itinir relatives i n.ioii for home. Mrs. Hriotz had ith wnter fnim ''ight by a friend Holy Land. Illsh- ("!. tittton v'dtitm ''it'l 'he u i-Tti'.-.g, : ltiifit and two relatives Miss Julia Lnm 1 k at pimoita ami the last injuries. of Charlotte, of Maj. J. W. this after- The Pimed St'"s governinetit nr.s lor me past ne-u .vt.n snow more toliaoco of various- kirds manufactured In North Carolina tig-1 that! was . than ! in any other Stale of the fniiin. the. numlter of p iuuds b ing S.'.nUU.OOU. Missouri came msjoik) with r.T.fiiiii.nfin. ; pounds. I Of thi- entire S.'i.nOu.niMi pounds of tobacco manufacture. 1 In North Cam-. Una over thirty million were manufac tured in Winston-Salem. j i J, 'VI li', ", -1 isf -1 OA Fishing Pa'-y Tomorrow. The .1. Y. Ilrstir Co. will give a fishing party Saturday from 1" a. m. to 12 o'clock. You pay live cents to fish. Even one wiil catch something riovs. get votir girl an-1 gt fishing. Y.iu mav catch a whale Don't fai you'll have mure fun ihan had 'his Christmas. to go. von havet Frank C. Brown has decided continue bis great slaughter sa . days longer ami i,i em (,.... deeper. For further news re; this proa i sale see tomorrow's nel. 10' en! irditlg Se..;! S. E. Johnsnn and family have turned from a visit to Rural MPopViioyvj - (By Publisher' Press. NEW YOKK, Dee. 2S. By an odd c(-lii-ld(nce the honi" of Dr. and .Mrs Alexander Trnutman was nihbi d while tho family was at the hearing In the case of Mrs. TrnuUjiati oil the charge of robbing peter Ilornu, a clerk, of $12. The burglar got silverware wor'h n hundre 1 dollars (iml h-ft tho.isaiids of t lliirs' worth of valua bles, being frightened away. The Traut man caa may result li" change in th" law b eausi! under (ires ent, rule the coriration coiinsol says tho statute is faulty; that any -woman might suffer Indignity by being ticousv i d in was Mrs. Train man. HEKHY -OflRELL -SKUT PHILLIP HILTC:i DEFENSE OP 11 f1 Jc ir. wail few wfi. 11.1 '? Henry Orfcll was .hot In tlie chest and back In tho fure of .1. W, Jones, a Advai'c, Monday evening, by Phil ip Hilton. Orrell r is alive this morn ing, (hongti his ciitdltloti Is regarlt-l m-rious. A special to the Charlotte Observnr saj a : llllt'in Is a native of this conn'j', hut for Hitue time has boon in Nor folk working al the rariwiiler trade, The shooting took place In the store of .1. W. Jones, at vi'leh Will Wool, a j polii -man, was hot and kllbd a few lycais ago. It Is retried that, tjio trm jble cimie alKMtt by an old (rnide being iilt)r! ImIwhii the two, whereupoa Otnil a'teiiipt' d sissaui'f Hjloti a I'll an 8xo h irdle and w as pmt twice, Pluslelane hob) nut but lltfl ! hope (or Hie recovery of the wo ltnled 'man. Oiri it Is said to Iw Knot ell- that eftnisBitiliy. Hltn had lui h'-re s-rnm time aro for . . . ... t4e rlghM of Staten 'h mad" In a briel Icatrving a cotic aie 1 weat,ti, a.:i is ! filed with the Supt' iiii. Court by B' jc'iti-ldere.) a danger..u num. P p ilieitor Cene-rai llwt. (if Hie tjepan 1 tears 'htH the affair has lH- ti kept re .'marUa'ilv ipin-t 'or sottio reutii, aud Tl j (Uv Publishers' Prens ) I WASHINCTON, )). 2H.--VIorous Idef. ti.e of Secreiary l(.nit from the 'charge Mia' In- has on the adiiilnistra ' don't, belialt favoic) sitniigly central J I'-en of Mzi'd governinetit to the prejudice otjlu-'U 111 I Illl-lll 01 J'lf'iee, il'iv. ft.a;.h IV'te H I e- ooiii spt ooh was iiiisconslriK d , 'hat iHo.il mi an that '.ho Htattst must iawako to their powr and his search ling words are a plea for niorf SJa'e I p-iwer and greji'ep fOatf's rllt'lis,' not 'lots slow progress litis been rnu1 towari Dm rapture "f Hilton, ut no warrant was Issued uli'l! tt'edm -day and (lid t reach th" sheriff till Ihiirvdar 1' is thought t, N .rfilk lll'toti BOfJI'S ELECTION ISElIflRLIEO 8ome Things the Departing Y ear Leaves Behind Gladly. (By PiWIsIkt'.' Priin) PAULS. Dec. The ChamlHT of fK'pu'bs to lav eotifirnin) the election of Mint llotil Casitllane a-, a tnotute rl Ihee of ihe body. Itonl w as chosen in 1 lie I an c general 1 lection, but was hum ated f"t i ising fraudulent met hods On secon d eVetum he wtlK KUeC"isf'al but 'jalleiigeil. 1 1 mortiihg has lied m IS ISSASSIIIATEO i . - 1 Tt ruhllshfrs' Prcts ST. PETKIlfiBI'ltO. t' -' 2H.-Th g ivetr.or of Ornsi:. cum of ti e piok of A J. in'lin -k. v as fi.urbroa f ,sa-nin tod.. 1 - The many frliukln of Mrs. Edward pe'et'on, of S.detti, Will regret ' :im that -ho continues sorloufly 111. I ,1 r -lr- W.

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