,1 . 1 V 1 "- T 1 i vv rr YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31. 1903 PRICE 5 CENTS J II iiuluu ! PASBEfiBERS gDccd ufa Stranger on ' )M Air Line Train ",J Richmond Early This Fon:es porter To Lock Doors Tfc-i Secures Over $800 pjssei'gcs Conductor Ar 0 Scene a 'id Robber Shoots gjt Not Seriously, And Then PUT UNDER ARREST nun- lid l-iKe OM V; itm - 'I" ;,- li .ilea: ... V.t. i! i. I) 111 III Press) r. ;;i.-.vt iurd Air Lino a most (luring i:, s (mm here near i ;m i iii t-iitly 25 years I,,., i, il I lie tiain at Rich j i-isto! :i! the In ad of r. farting liim In lock doors lr II. bid secured $xni) :iii; s vvliei: the conductor ; ani'sl Ililll. ,iH r s! away afti-r t-!ifjlitl.v the r i! -iIik r i' s! i iliinr- were locked ; id U, I ners- MSTEO ID DEATH I pi.-.-i ugcr I ruin number Hi! Hii' mi. mil scrliut of local r 111-', liiilf way between mil ivarliland last night at . a Wailr-boro spinal to tile Oii-i i rr. Engineer. S. B. iiiiiniiiii ilie passuiger train, I. ami ii lunula r of passen-.-(.!. The express, mail and ars ii! uii' passengers tram turn up - j ml the six cars of I'uiimlt lely demolished c iiiiiiiiice was done to the i! it nil, i-leai-cil ni about it din. t E:iiin cr Maxwell's hero-fea-iri' might have been the iV Sr;il"ianl's history. Villi iiiiiin death staring him in lie iliil a'l Unit was possible w tin- lives of Ihe paw-en-t mill that had been ac id ilM hu think of his own j"ii it was too Inle. Me was "i'ti Hie engine nil '(('mkr in view of the rescuers, pmwiii -s ;o save him sfovv- tliiilMill. tunnming tlm cain-e of mi' quiie con dieting and ln. I- :n "round Ii difficult to inti'iu l'nuu the authorities, 'hat tin freight had passe.! ":K s'.iit Ii with orders to 'itch in I'eacMaiid. Ilefore ia' iHiini, however, the ac- firml. it.. IV. ington, Ross anil ,iu to Mm scene on a tiii'il inie hour after the "'il Tiny found Engineer Jii'liiig lietweui Urn engine 5'1'r. ;,iiricil to his waist in '-h eiti' iMit inside tlic lire ' tti'-iiii'. Tim shock, had ni"nii ..:vi)Kknvi)fikajk ' '''ti'i'T .mil the engine to 1 'lniv i night the faithful 41 an in ttvu act of 1 ins- engine. He lived '"1 ns conscious to with- llial' i'f his death, confi- miiil be rescued alive. h iii'd eoulil and asked ""i' in.' sent his wire, as bl fiiis'hlened. Ills 1eirs '"l ami hiidlv hurni-d' and' 1 "imi'd iinliM.he wtccU W'i'il the lender from the f'ii live, I 1.(1 PnloLrl, Uu "ms of ast. anj is HU1---f'- ;UII one small cliiUl. ;il"';V popular with the i'" f"l wan one of the "n" 1 1 .in 1. ipiiel l-ist Wednesday ni-h- jii,,,,,, o'clock twii m-sri.M's mi, .i window in Ilui-Ke'i t ii i-. str.et. n, ur ?, cn 1. ,itu n,. llfr .. 1 , ..i ,,, i . , . i"-euiiu,i !.:,ci, r lldiii- i,n i t. ,.ast, draw.r., A p..ru passing :u- piaee saw the two iiiriH.s lnii,,;,,- a!)1H,t the slore and tli, ir action, r,ii,,l the pa.ser-li 's iispici.in. i,,,n,j the niait, r to :lic nffi,-,., , , a:. possibV. However uhilc ;1. wiim-s.s was earchi:;f; for tin- otll, , r the ne kms completed Ih.ir ik ami when the officer arrived .tlie.i li.ul Med. lem iui: the window open. Tin- owner ol the sioie was m-iu for and lie found the iiioiiey-draner about tit t v yai.ls from the store. The parly ho MW. nu. nesroes at the More could not Kive a ei minute deseription of the robin rs as he was not cloe enoimh (,, u,.m to dislin i;iiisll their faces. He described the nun to the ollicers as to their wiar iiiK apparel and size and since Ci.it ! . II i one uiuecr i-iiiK Has been on search for them. Ihuisday morniii;; Officer Martin aiTestid ;i lu-yro naincd Arthur Keen in the charge of sn.iiliii; a n seems that Ollicers Pratt and Thoinp--ou went in Arthur's "woman's" house Sat unlay nitit in search of stol en articUs and lindinn the woniiii In a very talkative luoo.l Ihc ollict is Sol truck of the robbers. She said Arthur Keen and Arthur Smith had broiiKllI a nick or Hour to her house on Wednesday night ahout p o'clock; thai they poured the Hour out on a shed, burned the hag and filled a cracker Imix lor her. There being n dishpanl'nl remaining Kcon ciuried il to his grandmother. The ollicers ask iil Keen about the matter anil lie con fessed that lie iiml Smith went In the Store, his tale ns to their niovi'inents lallying with thai given by the man who saw them at '.he store the nlgln of the robbery. Smith' denies being at (lie store, but saya IhntKcenc took tile goods by himwlf. The men will be given a hearing be fort; the mayor this afternoon. Tints the ollicers bring two more ol the Christmas offenders to the bar of justice. So far every person against whom warrants were issued for se rious crimes committed ilhring; Christ mas has been taken Into eustodv. FORI! KILLED III WRECK Oil !. 0:10 DEAR 1SIGI i. Lighty uthcrs. More ur Loss. Seriously Injured -Details of! Ihe Horrible Disaster. H1GKETT OF CHUT Ai-eordiu j (o an Asn lausl Piw p, it M'lir out (rwui 'Hshlimluii S.it '! nuh; im.eer Itlnvkltitru hu. .it Press Il -Th ' vv.ie killed if, here hist t v eu led, ad was (liiliciiii il.'S Ililll O'v rulilisheis' siiim; ton i CM es! illi.ite s.n for!.' tl:.- w reck j,,,; (inisi.!,. 1 ins. Kightx weie inju I Tile I V.lcl llllmliel- ii I to learn as their disiie mb( red h I .were shewn along the Hack for a in i If. I Tbi' railroad officials will hold a (rigid investigation of the wreck In Ililll illioic leilav , lo be Conducted ,op. u!y mid the 'results aiiiMiincid as iiKiii jis possible. Officials of th;- . '& t). .lie unable to place the blame ! now . I MiHnu W. Phillips, operator at T i Icoma, the I, ist signal station thai t lit' 'extra train p.isv-ed U'fore hilling I lit accolnmodu:ioii train, lias lieen eoiu r lilted. jeiiera! SiIh-i iiileii.leiH Todd lull inati '1 Ihiit line blame would prolnil h rest on Ihe engineer and en w of the x 1 1 a train. Kive of the eMra eiew have bei Il ai resli d. First Report ofWreck. Kall.iw iug Is an extract liom the r port of lh;' wreck soul out from WiiMi ingtou to various papers of 'Mie A"-oel ated Press last night: An appalling disaster oeeiined' to- .1. J. .Normal & Co. ers uud commissbm liave been doing a ni,ss in this ciiy for wholes.ilu groc nierehants who successful until leu ytai-s, liave been hi co i iiorated' )yider the name ol the .NoTinaii-.Molr-Uillon Conipniiy. The lotal authorized capital' stick is $l(IO,iiiin. The company will begin business with $:iil.U0l) paid in. The in corporator's are llcsnrs. ,1. .1. Norman, V. P. Moir find K. I. Daltoii. The last naiiiul lwis been associated with Pile Messrs. Norman and Moir for five years. The couipany will ItMTeasc its capacity for bundling' business by building large; additions to Its present slores and increasing its pieseiit work ing force. It is llliilorslootl thill several Will-slon-Salem concerns will increase their capita! and capacity for doing business i-arlv in tlie new veiir. Hisiii If MB JUSTICE 3 P'liilislicr:, Mniiin o ''iirimi. "il Mlis 'x Int, " mic di(-r I, I'lflss.) Dec. 111.-Itals iindll chief who el lou so long, is !'ie Interior, a fu- bis head. Every i been ordered for- 11 'l HI IP iinirli. nf A reward for him nd or alive. ' iliowers of Rals 1 's cause. He Is '" native tiibis 1 ' tip to receive '"' Holy War" he : dilvf opt all W. here A. Ilailey, of Advance, who was today, report,!-)! that the officers of Davie county, are still puzzled to know who killed J..-ssc Smith, the 17 ycar:ilil young mini vv how) body was found Friday one mile mid a half west of Advance, with gnu shot wounds In his breast and abdomen, The two young men who went hiiullng with Sinllli were before the coroner's jury and provwl that Smith was with n ne gro man after they left him. The lat ter also testified that lie had arranged to go hunting witli Smith and that lie fed his horsi. Two other young white men, who hi snH'Ctid of being re sponsible for Smith's death, have not been found. E Mr. Li e lludd siieeu-ds ('apt. W. W. Dugau as coudviclo: on the Southern Hallway yards here. Mr. Hudd has bieii brakeiuaii under ('apt. Dugau and Is thoroughly familiar wllh tin business of handling cars. dipt, Dugau. who become train master of tin- new Winston division, and Supt. .1. M. Onuolt, will take charge tomorrow. The train dispatch ers will not in- brought here until I hi Western I'liiou installs the wires In ihe Tise building. New wires are to Ih- run fioni Uural Hall fo this place for I In 'old ('. F. & Y. V. road. Auollx r line will Is- run from the South) rn fii'ighl depot for Ihe (1 reeiisboro Wllkeshoru road. I'ntil this work is eomprsled train.s on Hie new division will be operated on onh-rs s)'iil out from (ircciislio.ro. District Attorney A. K. Iloltou n turned yest)T)lav fmm an ofllclal tri) to Witsliingtoii. He visited Ihe depart ment of justice in relation to the pros ecution of mill owners In North- Caro lina for alleged violations of tin- con-, tract labor laws. He wiis a caller Saturday at Ihe im migration bureau, where he had a con ference, with the officials who brought the cases to the attention of the at torney gem nil. Kiom present inilica tlons'tlic government will proceed lo prosecute criminally certain per sons in tin- Stale for conspiracy to evade or violate the provisions of the law, so says a Washington dispatch. T i" r ii s:'l!lC('S 'nil ;lU'"'. "f Owymievllle, :' filing relallves ' ' k"; :'n. will leave II" went to Wall;- I" SMnd the cousin, N. D. !'l,OI,l "( his The HHiris-l'atklnsiiu Stuck Com pany opens a week's . ngug) nieut at the Kilts' Audiloriuni t-might. 'This callable repertoire company was here season bi-teri- last and liiade a splen did Imnression. The rompauy pn- s)-nis good plays in an ner and the spicl.il'i'-s simile gisxl. -!1:,. ..r the Orient" wil. be pi seined tonight as tin ois'iiing bill of the week's engagement, MAY CASE WILL GO Tl COURT OF APPEALS Mis-sis. Cb'iiu nt Manly and .1. C. Ituxlon went t)i Creotisboro today to n.k- up the May case for tin; Court of Appeals. The suit wast tried at the last term of the. Federal Conn lit til ceils boro vvlu n the jury gave .Mrs. (iMirg May. of this city, a verdict for over (."(.nun ror the killing of her husband by a Norloik & W)-st-,-rn train a yar ago last Ktbruary. Mr, May was en ginei r of tin- 111 -fat" il train. Tin- N it. VV company,' n-pi esnted by Wat son. lliixion fi W'.Ltson, of 1his city, gave notice Immediately after the jurv ii'iidi red ii viidlclof an appeal to the liigher omit. oeimsir rilti ll K X Haokett tlmt h)- i.iild jn.nies! Id, eleeimi: to Uio s:tl.ih 'CeiiL-ie-s from th eighth dUi.n-t In itbis lit,i-r Mr ltij.-kburii siu, lti.il 1 ; I hough the ebelioii returns uliow that jliis .H'lx'in ut w ghisi a iiiairitv of ILl 'llllole k I ,),,,; b .w ,,, ;,,,f..ii, I Colt.i, :i!.utj,H Mr. lliuekburn charges that ni"-s cli. in which 1 irregularities. Illegiditli-s. fiu,l .ui.l kill I ami (in in iiierv ,... ..,,..... a i.. ... 111 so .-elUillslv ,,f jir ll.icketl illi.l Ih.n't! l',.i iiiiueiu as'or lie i .rlin n ,.m. ioi.i-i.iii oi nam .no, j pivcinctjt i y. p 111 , from Fred- rut . knew ii as the Fred ! rh v,h.....i.. ... -.; -- i ,,( , , s nn,e((( )1 "' "I"1',!' "mi a ueiiii'iii'aii missile chai lolle ,cr lit pm s'cl:ii ot eight viirs. ; lU:u-Miiim' liroachi s night Ohio liree a limit : injured, soun that they will caiiFfd by Ihe tin. din her) at I'lleksliurg. Md . ur mk liai'i (ind a' mill, from iiN pes4,n.s i.r lie. oil It'. Ten., tills tteiv lie Tin' II unjust, er at the inlug wrongful ud un Oi T lion iMsseng'vs wi'iv dMiarl tin illfattd train, The rallriMd officials Kuuiiht were unable to assign any ciiiiM- tor th" 'cn'HstrTr Observer D'lhtrts that littir to llack)-tt "h the sensational In min " Among other thing Six-iiecr mis; 'Again. I claim a. id shall provw lhat " , i iiim , i4.(?1loi. n i,i.luf,.t ,..i news f the c.ll.ssl,... n,-l,e, tlierityieorn.pt agr.-. mcnt was made and tin ill ambulaneis available, with HH:,.rt.(, ,, ,,y Mm, ,.,,,.,. ,ul.B,.,f inaiiv pl.yicii.ns roul ! l,e i,ss,.,- ,,;ou.n,r ,;;,. f X(,rUl hi ii. weie y)'lii id nil- M-eiie. all, I the Of the Injur) ! oiii were lak li t I'll' dnuin's Hospital. 1.1 to the I'rltcd Siiiiis S.r, Mi-is' Hiuih" Hospital, and Ju have In lui brought in to tin- cl'v mi a spici il train to In carried to Ihe Vl.li'llis li.;s,ilills. Ti e ill-fii;ei. Iiiilu inns only on Sun .1 iv fi r II beuelil of W.ishlngtoiiliins vvk.i eitlnr hive ivi:n.t i y places on ! In- Hid- oi ' go to v isit i-i lativi-s. Il loaves Fred) rick at 1 o'clock In the iifternooii ami Is scheduled to ivach Wiisliington at li:25 o'clock. TOMORROW NIGHT The lawyirs and doelors have ile ciilcd to give their big banquet at Ho tel y.lnzi'inloi f loiuorrow night. Mi tu bers of Hie two professions an- antic ipating a royal feast uud a jolly good Mine. "Col." V. L. Harvey, tin ih-af poet, has been persuaded to posloiic his trip abroad to attiiul the banquet Hint respond to it toast It. Is whis pered around that the colonel has Ills speech prepared ami that his subject will be "Lawyers, (ientlemiii and Doc tors." One who' overheard thi deaf poet rohoarsinfc his toast -tells The Sentiui'l Hint, It. Is "rich, rlin and ridiculous." Dr. .1 . I,. Manes, who In chairman of the banquet conimllti-e, has been busy all lay completing arrantfciiimits for Kill annual event - Hon .1. ('. Ituxlon will net as loasl mastor am! (In- following loasts will be n ? Huiled to: "The Doctor"-Hon C. II Watson. Lawyer" Dr. D. .V Diillou. Patients"- Dr. K. F. Sirick- .link tin- A inei li nn lUHik Connuinv you Inlng st that time the attorney ,11ml re presi illative of the hiiI.V Amor! ) an Ikxik Comiiaiiy, by which com IMi-t tl was agrved that Cmveiuof (ilenn was to ri-cuuiliKMiil lo Ilie stlntc Isiard Ihi- iiiUipilou fur the m'IiooI or .North Carolina of the IhioK-i of the i lean Iksik Compiiny, In return for which service jou wen- to use all your InMiiencc, particularly In the eighth congressional district, for the election of Oovenior llinin to the I'n lltnl Slates Senate. I claim mid shut! prove, that. In conformity with the terms of thai. ugriM-ment, (loveinoi (ilenn did ri-oimun nd to the Stale Immi'iI and f)irc the iiilnpiloii of th whisil Issiks of the said American Ikiok Conipiuiy and this. In sjHIo of the fact that a largo majority of lh leachei-s of North Carolina hail re IS'iitedly -protested against the use if tlw- b)Hk of the said company. And further. In carrying out' I ho terms of this corrupt agreement, (iovertuir (ilenn .was lo and did throw- the weight ami Influence of his office and pal roil- age In favor of your candidacy for Congress and the snld American I look Compuuy was lo and actually did con tribute large sums of money as u cor ruption fund to bribe tlui voli-i-s of the eighth congressloiiAl dlst rU t " "The "Our land. "Our t)rson. "The CHenlw" lion. Idndsay Put Client and Patient" Col, VV II I. I!. S. I,. Harvey. "tones ali i llrlef.s"- Col. V. A lliaii "The Difficult Cases"-Dr. K. II Spaitiln Mir. "The Constitution"- Ihui llecki Dliie. "Our Meilii iil Soi b ty"- Dr. I.irtt. , "llijiini-tiotis ami Appendicitis" Maj I. K. Ali'xnnil" r. Manager Kavaiiaugh, of Hi" Holel .Inzeiid n f. whose fame III the lino of preparing hamitcl. Is so W)'ll-kiiown is preparing a great spread for tin la w y 'i is and doctors. HAS BEEN KING (Ily Publishers' Prpss ) NKW YOIIK, Die., t. (iiiBtav Athilph Maleyer, agi-)l tin, who came from (lalvestoiif Texas, last Hepli-m-her, win re he was a prominent ship broker, worth over one hundred thous and dollars, is missing from th home where his wife Carolina i)-ci1v)-)l a letter saying ho would commit nilcldo. Miilcjer gambled his last ;.u In 'ott))ii speculation lust Friday and when the landlady nsked for Jill n ut IIdi man Ml the house and has not Is-i'ii wi n sin))'. Mal.ver lott heavily In cot Ion sis-i u latloii 111 i.ulvi ston and came In re to revive his fortune In Wall Street. Ill Wife Is destitute Sh- says she ha: f 1 1 )) nt H in (inhesion and If she eai get there will be all right The police aie searching for Male.v er. HUIIDRED PERSONS WEREJRESTEO Police at St. Petersburg Have Broken Up Formiablc Band of Military Social Democrats. They Have Alto Frustrated Plot T Kill a Number of InvporUnl Person 0es At A Conference To Be Held Soon A Number of Women Among The Persons Under Arrest t Ily Publisher' I'm) ST. Pl.'TF.itSIHItC., I tec, Ul.Thfl IHilhi' have i.iptuusl fiv,r a hinulrt-ii lesuli rs stid uwiiiti f St. 'it. burg military is g.mU.u hot of h-UI di'iiuK-iata who mw comliicllns pru- agumlu In th army suil navy, Infor mation . 1 i'JL"ix.'L-t$ tmitiir tn fliclr arrest. Anssii.thciw rpturi arp twxntv nvv aolili)i and evi rl women An otltor of MH-retly puli Ushi-)! paper U ans-ng llm prisoners TIk (sdlre also hav mrit-stol niAuy of ail InqioKanl gitmp of termrlKta. It la alb-gi-)! the dleo havn fnis 1 1 ate, I a plot to Idow up u miniher of ts-rsons at a roufitviico to t held) i" "u. . mea flBROiniTfiESSI'l E PASTE CASE President tiling)- T ItloWll, of tlui lliow u & Wllllauisoli Co . lobm i-o manufacturer of this city. Ha mi of the wltiit'ssi s xauiiiied In New York Saturday, in the trui of tW alh'irol llorilcii imsle coinblui-. A proa dis patch says that Mr. Ilnin tenllflril that In ll'ul. alsmt the time the al I go! combination formed, be had Ins n unable to get his usual apply of lli'orico piiBle ut any prlciv Iwitrr, li said, when In- made u contract with ihe J. S. Youiijt Comisiny, h had b-ii supplied wltlv Ihe pxnle. hut he hail not been s'tinltled t() accumulate any stix k of th paste for futurt? necils Walter 1, Frliidlamler, of t'allfortila, one of the officer of the Day A Nlhht Tobacco Company, gave similar v1 deuce, as did IC. J", RshelUy, tflm all In dependent plug ilinnufiu turnr of th samo city. , Thomaie Mios.u, of Cliulnnatl, till tor of the Western Tobaern Journal, testlfttil that llm ,1. 8. Yuiituf Cotiipa ny Inserted an ad)'rllseineiit In that paia-r early In lltnl anil for a )er mib oi'ipieuily In which the company an lioiiii)'e, II will continue to do Imsliies "Independently of the trust." Other evldcnre was produced to show that thi allegi d combine Including the J. H. Young Company, bi-caiiw oprrutlvft early III lltnl. H. VV. Pwiiuin, of Milsvllle, Ky., an odlci-r of Ihe lllue (Irnsa Tubac' (')iinpany, testified that bis company expcrli-nci il difllciilly In litof hi secur ing licorice paste and 1mm it coiiiMllei to close down the factory for a few day at a time on that account, Ijiter i hey made a contract with the Youua; Company and got men. paste as they neiileil from month lo month. (Pv I'unllshers' Press.) WASHINGTON. Dec. I Tin- end of tin- year finds C S treasury in a most iiisp'. i ous I'ondllion. Tin- treasury has accumulated surpluses and unex pended balances which may In- proit eily terund n surplus of tZ 1 1 oisi.immi This is mad'- up of $1 IT.niMi.lion, for which the ti'iiisiiiy has no present (is- and which lor this p asou lias lus-u il 'posited in national Liuiks f)r beue lil of trail)' and coninwrce; of J72, iiiiii. mm, reprewiitliig working lia-ltinc!' ;,,il-,iy. and of actual (surplus of iiiiii.iiiiii. repr seii'ing excess of eidpts over exp)-ii5"', which hits accu iniilaltd since .luh 1. Hi" beginning of the pits"" m fiscal J'-ar iiitistie mate an' also limi Miss llettii' Tish will go ti Wcilni silay, having accepted ii'larvship of the Woman's Missions of tin- Clitistian went lo Rut al Hall ""''-1 tin- Mission Socb'tv tlien , KiiiMoii h se' Itnilfd of fliuieh hH" 1. 1 address 1, might (Bv Publisheis Press.) LINCOLN. Neb. Ic 111. An-wi-r ing qii si ion .is to what tin- Xw Year ought to brill'.' William Jennings Bry an giv. out the loliowing: " know no 'greater economic if' d lhai. 1 La t. we should make prou' ; s iovv',iril ihe removal of tin- iiniiia:.t" s of wealth in the distribution annual I v u i i ii:ei! uud thai each cltizi n Mi'.'ibl 'ici'ilve a., nearly as s-silb- ivn.ud hdiiinn n.-ut.ite with hii contilb i-ioi, ho I in- public weal." Ill NOT BE CLOSES Hotel Plus nix, wlilelr nan leased hist July 1 for six months, by Mitsrs. A. F. Mini)-, AV. T. Ilrowu and olhi-is, will be continued by Mr. Moses. One of the owmis of the rtoK'i'ty staled this morning that extensive Improve ments would Is.- made on the Interior of Ihe building. Including new fur nlshlngs, etc. IPIII A laiidslidii at the ll nillii pout, just beyond the Yadkin river, delayed Ui passeiigi-r train from Mornitt'llln mir; than an hour am) H half this nan'tilng Tin- early morning train to (ireuh boro was delayed1 alsiut, t wo hours let low Ki'rlii'tsv III)! by the engine hrak lug down II returned hero ulsiit 1 1 o'cIik k. Tin- morning ttaln front North VV Ilk esboro wn run tjiivugh OrviiilKiru leaving here alstut 1 1 : 1". I Bv Publishers Press. I'KINCKTOX. N. .1. ! ). IL'. -l ie w no iiiiiirovi'tii' lit today In tin- coiuli Moll of Y. I'le-idelit Clevi-litlld ,,.. lu-eti si i:ou-!v il! over a wi-i phyMcian says lie h.ies for hW recov er, 1u il week, lie Is stilt' ling from acute ilHllg' stiuli. Hold Family Reunion, At the home of .Major ami Mrs Vf , Wood, In V st O.Hloli alieet. o'l Chi 1st ii. hi. day was lull i t union ot t:lr '..mlly .'v.-ntei''. in number a l : -.lot sat at dlri'.'.- to:i ther. comprising foir sons, three daughters, two sons-in-law, !i tliiughtetvlri Inw. two grand-sons, two gninddaiuli'ers. and Ihe Major and Mrs. VV'isid. Tin- honii- was modestly, but appro pllately and tastefully th-coia'cd, and blight, cheery flrei, aMl brilliant llghti- glowed and shone In keeping with 'he td'vil Christmas wiiatlwr. The pres ence of many friends, who railed In the meantime, added greatly to the pleasure of 1 Ih occasion, and giiatly appreciated Mr Sam rt"- 1. of Itio-kiiighaiu N. C Whs by un vioiu ai iiiligemcnt presiit as a spis lal! ifrieii'l of the family- Oiecnaboivj News llefoie who i Miij Hi It. A Woniack itfleiniS'li. i III to ( bal Inl'l- tlndr removal to ire'-nitm-o t W)S!-I and his family le.Milcd In his cltv for a numb) r of ears tln-j Major b'llig egagwl In th tobacco ; manufacturing business. I Let's Mske It Possible. To the F.dili---T,herii Is a bright llltli- oipl'iu Ihiv alsmt 14 years old In our city III- bib) gooil 4iablts. a goo'l face anil iipprM-latlvo dlsisli loll and with some . p now will develop Into a usefiil man. Wi- have siiiireil a ChrlMlan home for him to "flvw hi We waul IT.'i.itb with wliich to chtlm and b'trd him for flvo iiioiiUih. so that he can attend the firadol HcIhioI. Are then' an- s-v.-tity live citizens In the city who will s lid Ui Tin- Senll . in-! a small coiililbiilloii In order that. In- iiKiy have ibis opisitunlly of start Ing Ii the cot i 1 way ? Il.-lneiiiber any one who helps a child' In tiied li will I- cimiitiil unto him as If In1 had done It unto I nrl-ct himself Send tin- .1111011111 ,i' once tlial w may cffeit siT.inemeiits and s'an him 'he first of the coming wx-k. CITTZr.NS Tin- S. H int-! has been nsiu ed that 'be boy is worthy and de--rv Im of i'ii Siiageuii'ii). Any funds cool 1 1 Imi1-I will In- placed In Hi'" limi'l of il, I'-spoll'dbll" CtUlimiltee S lltllK.1 M IH. le,(uril' noun. Sarah Phillips ami daughter d friiil Heidsvlll). this alter W M. Darling' North. Wilk) v boro, 1 H i li'Sitl, l ei timing a'lv at .ea,vlll on ..lid family, of weie here this af from a visit to rl-