i j i ! J WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1. 1907 ; PRICE 5 CENTS olST YEAK. 4 If 1 YEAR'S I Hint n r UUbt !MR. EDWARDS TELLS DF HIS TRIP TO MEXICO .vmwi; RccepUon f oljcn by the President c.m " Roosevelt Today Uirgely Attended: Thou: Call- rvirinn RoCCMniHOUrS Illy iu . - - 1 ti-orge W. Ed wants, t t anted I a. -it ni-rlit frjnt City of Mexico, where f tjtis cit.V a nip ,o he a:: U wui.it Fe.itu of the .... ihi- Anst io qroev Only Two At 11 O'clock Last prttcnt. I'u'nislic: s j .:;;::Bhib! feature , V,'li:- :!.'. .'..'II ,,,,. r Un us :nt .... v 11 o'll.ick oil i inioiig th -AJ ::i llll isa iii icablc White was the of no- u eg iocs lis wait- luud. (wl'lintl'itd- n- bro.her. Dr. KJwrjrOs, of Uristol.Tcun., iwj'h Mr. ami Mis. J. H. l. hiuan, of I.Mwlco. attended a bull fish;, it being jthc bi-st cxiilriuicii of the a-Miu, a: wlilch time four bulls were killed, af- Iter Mverat horses had bo. u gored ami ,khVed by the bulls. Mr. Edwards re- a nil M'ixiiws 'nte-ii the hydatid t he sritciiicnt Hie pcoplo at tinii-s was iiidewrllnc 3HMCn people w iv p'tasc:l li the shivv tliey wjjiW stand u. wave their handkerchiefs, threw their lia's nit.) i'iip rlns. nioocy, ciirars. Itot !!. s of beer, whiskey ami sonieunies tin ir i'.m. v ilea .he people ft- dlsiiloai-ed. llicr i.'.-ai)no-Yil of tlfi' slaw win ex rte&ion H. Use nee ofie: i ,nl" HW-ttl ell t.ki: tiekj Called :a 1 kJO Were !' VI l; to rue I'lt..-.. - V Ln-at '"' ,v,'n' I'f1 .m: f i'i :i.;-i all'ii'ledaf T r i .i' v-jh l r. - tailrd 4 -tUief rs of liiny. I IF STATE ptlon Tliuna- Imo re ds with i 1 pres-- jst effeciive li t: tide ef exeiteiiil'M .Mr. Kd- wajdi say-s lie w:m!d look ai;ui!d at llie vnsr cr;wd to s.e what effeet it wys haAing on the sev ral American lilies al ten dili?.' the liht. w.i Wti'.,l (Siifcial io The E mi.i.. Dec York i.t Stli i:.fa Bi c S. He II' uliii;i-.t.s "! s, which will be mI oh Satiu li I'difiii r '.'Mh. . ihe same In' will aiirm: nio'iUK of tue 'r tin1 SURVEY t'ljol.) SI (Joseph his son e to Jiial uieelUis the Unltiil serious expres- i . i-n. fivJ."-... h..LI Vl'vW j THE CONGO SITUATION. ; , - "- " " ': ..... 1 i. in m i KEW DBS MADE S MM SERVICES tieiifn man, of Soilltieill It;t: eentive order I Siiierilteild ;,t' K H tlu' .:ri.i Mi P.T.,-t f a .ia.- reei ;td au I i t.e.n !!,. ..Ilit'i Hi li GflDHCH t N., as i iainu r i 114: flu j. HI.' wail A.si:.?i.ir 111' 111 of Science,' OoIoslcaJ So ot Ametica urrt "tie American' iinca; Sni'ii iy. of all f wlilcli he s 1111 ml er. (in Monday, Die. 3U: St.ilo GloIo- 1 I'nn wn- in Was): iton, 1). C( 'Si!ti!i( vywilh II' C'iiaiies iiltnH, ilirfcior of the .'lilted States rfiilofiical S.irvoy. In 'psnl to eo- bferatn e work lulwee! the I mted it- . ieo'cs!?8l Sni vr;' and North .ri.iiiiii C'tliiniial i:id Kcononiic titv in. tl Cc it-ml I'laiu region X'n Carollnu. Thw.rk will In rie nutfy ot the iH''!crtrrouiid wa- r 'aiij tin,' jscu-i-al ki.iIob.v of Ibis sioii. aiii also a contiruaiton of the ;rk n .Mii!ins n:'.PsUui watt r sunulv Ni.ilh Caniiiia that was MinniuT. fills Investtea- is nrt uf the iiivs t imnortiMit i'Ti,-, ef vi'k 1 hat tlieO-.olojrlcal'and t'lnic Survey has u dyrlakeu. Aii'ithir line of Inv.d lotion that I I 1m Vuiiiim need ep.iy in .laniiary, ' is llK' I'l'f'-ieMtatlfi of'tlu, banks iMii li,,,. Ritmin ttnj ,i,c AiJaiiiitie r'i". . This .Hork'wl; fie done- in "nni!Vn with thl i; tilted Suites mau T Hirrsm. am u nrtUiuliiarv, wi'i be made n January 011 i ! lMliuii of ;hu ba.k bolcrtv 4)la ""I I'ity. If tlie p";;i; of tiui Sur In. carried- on. It will mean ' Mi'-eiva;ioii of tie remaining mm-' laiid'ani forest, on the haJiks piee ni Hie IJl'liiL' n ,,r tlw cli.-.n. llllllkV d(-covcr a rather on ihili' face, Ii: the AnioiicRii cjkniy of fif' in't twenty fboustind AiU'crican In -the Oily of .Mexico, Mr. Kdwards, inet ,1. IJ. l.eliiiian. yon of P. T. I.elinlan. of this city, orirfnir tu tlie front 'i't filial coiiiHry. He Is a mechanical eii Hilc r (;T ctiiiniilerable lvputaifcn ani s-:,.akl 11 1 Ik fortune fail lo overtake hiui, it ap ix atis that bo will be a rich man ere unity year pa.-'S. ,untS,Kra Xat Z ' su Others Arc Missing and Jttay Also itivc Been Killed In NtuJiRr Killed in B. Wreck Is Now P faced at 45 Mr. Edwards. The City of M ico is nearly elsb't: tlioitsmnd feiJ. above the ca am.1 one 'nover es a r.l.ice fir, a fiif in tiKj Jh'tnises except for coukinj; pivruowa. Tbls Is the cobli'iit sea-.Mi of Hie year and tlie weutber there j. qniitn pleasant, exctpt at niit jui.l earlv mcriwng when it is .sMsM.lv nail- iy. .'-., In ixissi ii-- toto the City of Mexico yon pafs Ira.puato, -the straw ben); sta tion. .ii4re frcyh siravlHTries ar.1 old at the train side every day in tbe C soiu at xne tniin siue every ) j' cir lor - etria, .iv,iliiii iikm-. , . r Ifaskct, audi it Is qiilto aniiisins to e ,ll.. IT,.. .-I !..! n..li(. 1.,. fek i!,iiikij!.1 nin 1st Lriiiioiu w ivai 'uie .VRSapan' anil J.mUan srirls for straw ben je. Eao3. statioir- has a special thing, as a rale, to offer for sale, tlv(j( stiawbeiTy, opal luul drawn work, ttc: TlKreuppeai! to be many fine o) poi';tmttls for paufltablo inyestnleula Itv Mexico w hero dlscn.H jndsnit'iil Is exercised, sans Mr. Edwards. I Fe t'tUll ran 4" tv.ut ln ELEBflATEEUNCIPATION i' i n! ii'i ii iJM'i il the ti fr.i, i! I " : : with 'I '. ii.l ctitiet 11 ! '' ilbt Ji II' I X 1 I f ,1 . Illy Publishers- Press.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. This is a sad New Year'is day tire iu m.iny bclnts. This HKm!K the fuiiera!.i of foty-flve kiiow'ii victims of Suinlay's horror at Ttrik CotLa b.'san to lie held. Hi nr.- t .s i were busy a.'l 'day. Many of the bodies were s.j ba J'.v man- Jrt$l tii'.it -nCallvon wilt not st'e limn. i ue ui.une i it'i ine vnyi nts oil oithi r Harry D. HildelNand. engineer Of tins extra liaiu which era'it'd in o tlie tvar of the local, or. Milton W. FINE HEALTH RECORD pejp.o if Uni clly todav tir.1 an ivtreary of the -in. Tl.r ptr'rani oimmi-I I Wail!, lk'illll.rl hv band. The uroct's- liHll'fi mile In .!eivS-t;i. s iA. Ihe coMrllw..,..,,, ' ' i-!, Iiy -vrtl "i.iii- ,f ,' . ,aC)1 huntlred llw cwnr: iM.use Ml. i V. m it ;;Jv.. iH ' SM.till iiii.V K srairitd cat. in,,. ft.ahure '-u .wa ihe jaiKnial w-i-Ht,iJ S O. SltaiibergCT. the '' ' ' :li'J c.:'jivl t u I: ill- an i.n'tM i-,'i,.. ' .i SIKtilk- l:isciissed. lll'(;ro' !ltll(i-(im..i,.lu . in. . The Iddiess 1 ') ii ivif-e, Th ., ..... , .. '" Bl;, tcii respict 1,1,1 " irla-t Hiat 1 KB II i C0 "1"' l-kcr si: Id. I".il,,'1" ' ''' of "be tit,,,!,!,. Uvan ;-'-"II ine u ra(,4 "' iireis- to (. 'i't ''I'' same thins." tbal.i inisiinder- Iniild He ttrs- fiblii Christian hf.lll uf ' A ,1 i-:H,veitb;:;;;: T" m,r Hv.'lved-M'l, nia,n t.Mhw, '!" ,,r lni Sides. r "f FiiuiH, miir the ,. 1 Miinen.froin the "' 1 r-Hiaiire -"'I 'he-fi-jT' w.i efl. ei- win.kiwl The ryf. "ll II inline an PivCi il i, I ' : 'In I r s,.i. , '! !-.', ha ' Kl uiirlit "'" Who l'-liis)ii. who "b'''li linpljeatefl "' da tisf,, hail lia.S told nev- to die. The fiCiVwiiiK 1s a report. of the ia-:t year, by Mr. II. S. Koy, siiperin-U-iwkyt of tli-o Ea'tm ceim lery: My records 'f jv ;0;e ye.iir 1WG sbow (but there were 73 intcriiiciits In the Sabm ccuietiry arnd 27 iu the Mora vian RWeyaiid, nvaildiiR a total of inn. Qui. cf till Ik number 02 vvw .iliiWn flit'J 38 t'lilltlixiii, w-,'0fie apes averaged one yiar and four nnmUis. Tbe l-'.uil-ber of nmi ried inli buried in llie cem etery were 20; avemw in 51 yi'ar' mid 4 ni.fiii.Uw. lit tlie gran yard, 7; itvwasn ?tii, yxtirs and1 3 imNib). Mari'leil Svpiiien in etiiiet.cry. I; rtv cngc Cf 00 years, und 0 inoii'tlis; in the KT3vvjard, tl; uverag : age. ,51 years and 1 nrontlr. Single men, In ciinutwy, C; average ae. 30 ..ytsi-nt; In gwivcyard, oiw1; aice, 22'yptws. Sin gle -women im cwmjtrrj". I't avefase ac. 30 years ami 7 niirtlm: in grav-i; .yard, 2 javerago a'tje, 70 yi'urs ami (i months. ' - , ' ' There were 2H cbiUrcn inurred in the ceinotery and: 10 Ju tht' Rraveyartl. Of. the itnUiiiieiit tin the wiueiery were 4:1 front Winston, 20 troiii Sulein and 4 from otb; rMbwus. Ln the gray cya id the iniiiiber of iu teniienlH from Salem were 1!: from WitiiStan, 1 , aiiul f rom out-of-town, 4. Cuniblnlng tlie iWeriiiei'ts in the two places'thc-tutal' la 17 from ..Winston;' 45 fu om Salem and S from other town There wa iKt it sinsle death ficiu typ'uld fever Interred during the past, year The principal ejyjsK f death anions the 'admits vw old ago iiynljli'. H. S. FOY. Supt. HARH15-PARKINS0N C r The audience that attended the pn -.'jiMa t'taiv of 'Slaves ef tbe Orient." a I the Elks-' Auditorium lawt uiKlit was a l-tcord-lireaker. It was the lariwtst au dience in tbe hisKiry of the Elks' Au dllflfiiuni. Scorts of people hnd.'lojbe turned awy for ''ack of ixmi. Tbe play Inst night wa a spleiidii. "Oil I II'MV l tft i...,.., iv,, .P ll.r, ' I llllll Y, I ,..,1, pieseif.fd Ixyxvinibir-inieedeoinijimiles Indeed it waa tlie opinion ef many thai it was lietterJhan many dollar sljws tSmS have bwh 4-e1smi(tel )e re. The specialties :yfT0 Very giKid; indeed,, es- pcelal'lt' the fllusteated fowss. ' , "My .liin"1 wilt. be pirwnted tdiiig'.it. This is one (if'the best lJlaji In the cunipttny'a .K'uviloiie oud "inwjtlM,r Ihtrp nndieix-e In stnird the Terrible DlsastoMt Terra Gotta rrrfijay Night Victiute Buried To ay Responsibility for the Wreck Pil'llll S.' Op' I'billlps lia lihoiisau.I is t'HU b id 'f he en !:. .. Hie n tbe scene the siirrtm,! The Ink foiiy-thrcv tlficd, misK' lured is ii hospital. & 0. Ncaf Washington. 3 STANDARD OWDi dlHIl iorat ITut,iu:t stathm. ih iif- re!i ;is d i it ten .us nail, uut' llildvlM-.iii'd T dei-lalii4 lie saw fro . ; jd if ti..;ik a jury to familiiaiize theilr with ,'iS. ist of r;i-,".ia,tii s nuniltera en t i fi e il- ,a.Uyi- 4 w y; :J mUden- six. I ue mmilitr of in- i x . " t .ii 1 n j i in il ! U 1 In iO'r tw i nty-foiir. SEE" THE NEW YEAR IN .(lly I'ulillsbers Pit-ss.l NEW YORK. .tan. 1 It, Is toiiliilept ,U...4)e!ieved i'all Strict thai, llie petiiiisjlvania stttc'iu will nowffif-iS tin der the Standard Oil party's 'con'.ml since CansaM's ileal h. CaKsa.it lialkid1 every effoi't of Kocki ft'liler ti) seize file IV iiiik I vani. Piiek wiW now- he-the dominating foice in Pcmii-yllvaiila af fairs aiiil it Is liilk-ved lliiouh lilni llockeftllor Inuiresls will 'at last irrt Vail. ihe pi-esi.iet,i of :U' S a'bern. by der of the b..,f,l ii.tmui- iln- il-nr. ., livisions eoiiip, ...iii4 ),,. -,,rtli)Ti j triet ovir-wbi-h Mr Cuiptaaii ' vuaii;e. i.h cIuismus, ted with, their ,i ilM;. t as follows Washiimtoir DiiisU'ii- H.'.i,l,tii,,iuiK tit. Abxandi.a. Va Vasli;nt-n. It r to .Monroe, Va..; lllii.-in.nii. yttruv' ton and Hanl-oiiinni,' bftuirhes mid .Monciv tri miiials. I'anM.n' ir,n,ion Heamimn , : s ,,t t5rensl.iv, ,X. C ; M. na e. V.i . t.i Seilcer, N. C; U l,y 1 nml i,iid An'ielKut) blanch,, and Danville (, r uVn.il. " Itichni, ml Dlvlsji.n ll.l.iiarte.s it ItieluiiCi.d, Va ; Neaiolis to Wesi l, !nt. Va. . Not f, .11; DU islon lieadqiiBiters Hi Nerfolk, Va. f West Niiifolk to Selii.;' N. (',; Pliinei s piint. Va., to Si in.a. X. C ; ClaVeinuiit;. llltcbM k, Hnffaln 1.1 hia Splines, pirlsnum'h an cp per" Mine hmnchiw. Dur iain Divii-lDii - II adiniaileis hi liirha,ni, X. C. ; KaTTnrlis"iiii. N. C, to Ke.iMfhV. VaT Oxford to Heii.ler- son, N C. : (ireeiisboro to tioldsboro X. C. I nUeiity to OhapO Hill, X. C. WiiiMou-Saleui Division- Hi adiiual ters nt W'lii.vroii-Saleiii, N. C.. Mt. ,Vlry io Kan ford, X. C; Climax to Uaiu seur, X. C; Wlikeslmio io tii-eeustoro, X. C, Including WiiiBlon-Snlein It nut- nals: Stokesdale to Mad1!' -on, X. ('.; Mt. Airy to (Iranlte (Juan ? , X. C. Al(r.n"ivllle IXvlsUm HeadiiHirtci i at Wlnston-Saleim, X. ('.; Vtooresvllii' Junction to WlirfflTin'Sitein,. .Xi C ; CharVotto to Taylorsvllle. N. C. Mr. E. C. Peiwi l'cmie chlif di patcher of the New WliiKtxm division unit Mr. Paul Nash, for yeam a nut dent of this city, will bo a dlsputchei wKli the sanio (ilvlson. I. W. L ROYER GOES II NASHVILLE, TENN. Mr. W. lit lltHyer, for the mst )er a.twl a I'.ulf one of the btiyerM un niaui iit of tow aidvertlsiug k.iaitnuii't for tbe "Iuy H-Umt" of Rone abac her Si Mm., lias resigned to Bcrwj.t th' uiauni;eiiicnt of" a new big (bjpaHnieiM store at Xaslivtlle, Ti-iin. Mr. Itoyer, who is an exirt in hi line aiul' a ttwti affabb) genilenitiii,' left" hwt evt'-ulnu fur Xorthent markets, to buy a stottk of RutwlH fur his noiieerii'. Dining tlielr resUleiice benj .Mr. mid Mi's, lloyii wi.il a host; of adniliiug friends. The Sentinel Joins other of these lb ex-pivi-.-iInK regret oviir iHu'ir d'iartuif and wtsfiliiK for tbcni iiineli liapplne.su and pitisiM iity. ' " Pei-nii.ii:ki Iilfonl, tiavJlng ah iiiiiii for the I.Mpfert-SettleH Co,, nfler spending the hoWdays In Salem, re turned to bis work today. . - i If SECURE CONTROL , , . . "r'-""""CT! Publisliers Pri.-i.) " XEW'Y ItKCjiiii.' 1 A incrry New Year's gi' 't r'mg was 'Ihjrt ,ot.,HKiiif men's8 SC lriii,)veim nt Club, wiilch Viw tin nld year oitt at Us rooms. MbUw iffred iwi Edith Holt, d.iugh''-i if-Henry Holt. " bo has ilwte linn for the blind, luipul with tbe festiv iej.' - --'--- .- Mm. M 1. Hyer, of Kalem; is eon n ii.., I in i i- lioiiwi hv Illness. i . . t m .'' " 1 1 mjiw . t-.-jn, J"T-" s :4 'j iry f-' iuiT DIIFFR WORLD I'M GETTING INTO. ' " ------ - . , It Large trowd Was Trcsent Last Night to Bid. Farewell to 19 and to Welfomo 1907. Services Being Un usually Interesting. Al The Firt Service BuHop Bondtha ler', Memorabclia Wat Rend. Thla Dealing In An Interesting Manner ' With .the Event of the Patt Year Rev. J. K. Pfohl Deliver Addret At Second Service. The Home T,i-avlti rhiuvh. beairtl fit! In Its festhe ikwi Urtnts of edr, hwliy and list lriiniul'ng of t Meatc vine, ai now Jed to It iitimmt mpae ity lie: eveliinr. t'hiirs nilirf il the nlf't , tht Hpachmji sallertt-H werp owwdtif an,! many who ev.uld nut find setts were standing m itiu fretit ire tlbule and on the c!lry walr. It .is a large, quiet onlerly onnpany ' ihat )btiutl ix'vervMitiy to what wi said and join -d IxartHy In the utf lug ef the familiar h nun Tlie fli-st Korv lee of the evening wd . devxited, us has beeu tlie euMiflU for more than a eeiwaiT.v. t the reading of iUit-ticH dealing with the ruuitltloiM of tbe vaiioim roi.gregatbaiit of the chnn-h and tb pnvsiitatloii of the yearly Miiiunrabllla lwowilln? the chief htiM'iiings of the 5 ear In the wxirlnl ot Uirgt. In naiioiuil and, Statu irlalr Bind ehoe of purniy kieal ami denc-inli'Htlonnf inteixat a WD. The ct at I si leal rwiNnt ef tlie Prev luce wa read by Itev. J. K. Pfohl and Uowed"a"nr if marked growth and activity. Twv hiUKlred aiwl twenty wetxv ixceived .into the chuivhea of I tin s ("rorvliKX' diinlug tlte year and tho tu tol menilM'rshlp Is now GstJ. Itev. E. tf. Criwlaml preimnited tha report -of. tlie Salem Coivfiregatlon, ivntirUliig the Home church, tt branehm, Cal'vary, Christ, Falrvlew, East Sa!iui and the colored chul'clio!, Fioiii thin ix'ixmt' It warn h'aniid tliat (hi coiign linn ten wan the lavgeKt Mo ravian coivgN'gatlon In the world ati'l nuinlx-iH 1521 cotnuiuiiietiirt and has a total' nietulMoiilp of 2113, The Memotahilla. ivext pcMMid by ltllil RiHitlc liuler, Ihe able and bo loved pireior of tiicongreg'atUin, H well as the lieud of the Bovernlnfl; bran d ef tlie imivlnce, wan (Hied Mh faelH of vital liilereK and wxw piwut ftl in Binh uuuu:ir to boil the iloso aOentten of llie laru congroga 1 Ujnik thru:lnrtit ita readHi. Tbe Wall- -H la a man of broad culture and "ldo know ledge aiul Crowed ail Intimate ! ipiahiUiiice with great world-wide ' eretrta and their temlviiclr auilr an alio woitlil expeet; from waiea- im 11 ami tbWe wi,w' bushiest H waii-S to deal with livUi'iiuiVma) affallK. At 1130 p. m. an even larger con itregatlell Us.-embbdi t)in in the botU- . er k nice ,r the evening, nr 1410 watch-im.'e;lii. It was aervlce (rt gixfliti solemnity ami mh In which tihe p(wT of. (Sod'w 8drit waa markiilly evldmt. FiiiulJlar byxinis 4Ml prvvyer pre(i;ired the cotwregailon for the J cIohIii ; ii ldixof the year, 'widen w- ileUvni by Her. KeiinWh Pfohl, wlw HM(iKe Kirinb ef 1m1 and Ilia hve and pI'Nid for a new tear nvm-m . (h i's' g!;.lT. Ilttitre tiui leftker had ended bis remarks Ihi m Interrupted by the hound of tho church band an nouncing the advent of Mil- (lew jeir. . I'lie laige congregation rose and wllU . glad hcartjj ef pralno naug: . Now let m pmlse the Urd ' With lx,dy, soul aiid Hlrtt Who dotll such wondi out thins lli'vvn I our sense aiut liK'irl ; ,; , Wli") from our nmther'11 arm. 1 . An.l eeriltjia Infancy, llutl dn gieu.t tilling tor Uii. ' Piaiwe Him etennally.,, : ..,--. Itl!li..p lloniK liuler then WA lit all lanifwt pra-yer for divine Buhl.tfrce and lie-vlug in the new e,ir and wKh it "Hnny New Year" heanl on pwvf hand. 1'he large eonipa-o seputaKd to their homes. THE NEW f - YEAR HElLoI PRESIDENIIiCASSATT I Itv Piibllslier Pn.t PIlll.ADKfl.PHIA. Pa. J .tattle M ( f ,te, flrst vlcepie: iw ut m the FeiniJiMm:, Hjem, .will' no eledixi today to nieced AJestiii'K'r a. Cat salt ixesidetM of the peno !ira i.l.i. raid. . " Ar a meeting t;f lite boa id of iiix-e- MH JtelUT C. rriCK, vw. n'Miwnj tli-el inagitiite. wi!d l.n.ve i"'' eieer it .pn 1rU lit I.hiI be lealied' but li wxiubl ikt roliwiK 10 titk" tlie omee. Kriek -H tbe larc -,r nlmiv-Udder til ih- road and I for McCrae for prcifi- dent. "' Ml. Willie Hawkins tu- r reliirlied . . . . 1 l .. from sen ml week's vlll " iht iet m Jiiekfvaiville, Fia. Mr T. W. Sell Iff. who Is tlellng Iter dauKbW at. Hart mi s JmieUon. H tprite st( k wl'b pn unionla. Mr. Set- lin wan bete today consici a Mivi- ci a. , - i i i ii