f LA.LY tl.VTIML, V;:TC- SALEM,' JANUARY 1, IM?. U -J Let Us Fill Your Pre scriptions in 1907. Just tell your doctor to leave your prescriptions with us. u n I A 'Registered ' DnijjR'st Always l'rcsent LEARIMHE WAY TO SIMPSON'S ,, - i fci . ' u n PERSONAL NOTES. T, t LniUMllr. Was ill die tost eWlllllg on ns- MESI I! EIRE : Fr'.GTICE OKEB I. S. l'r. -ton i: ft t.Uj- f1r y;. York. .. (art ell ' todav. v. i o r.rkif irt a Im.siin ss tup irtli. AMtrriiKin A. S. IIjirh rHuni'd this morning- f sTbutfhivss trip Mrs. 1 bonian wont t.i (Jre boio today to visit Ircr mothor. Mhh Anna -Unxliwi returned thisled much -fantab! commciii. Tin morning from a trip to i.cxlnston. 1 15 ai d was crcjv.l b Congress for Mr. i4 MrsJ. 11. Hill aro vMllus!,,", r tfiinwVitW.Ini i" vkitjvi ami friend u pa Mou-jrin Ietic I'-1 lu ln lli"m" Uiin.i Guard, second aiimoa ciwiian. ui- n-.rl,.l Al,.m,v i,..:, ,w iwrt of hsUisk lias lieeu wo.i .. v. .: . . . . 1 im if.uin.tr Tin- iiillilla art- p::itc v .Mars Kii iiirm ivfo.i i:, nuL.M 1 r - ,"Ml(1Vt jtl.K wliUlie . (Special tii'Thn Jfntittel U VvvsiiiMJioN. im-. ::i.-riic a-- (iiiiiiu tliiti ( to ;Jio work of tin NutkjiiaJ- Boa'i l for i!if l"iuntion i'f Rifle I-aee I'n slit nl KmjsouU. In the iucliidiug parjgiaph i.f his an nual imigo to (Vusi . '" a'traci- tHiM, ANNOUNCEMENT we wish lo nnnoiiiiee added at our Ihiggy anil ons, 11. m;;y ajid I'ai lingo to our this day c lie an. I rr. ir lii timi' .im I it dipt. U. I'. Henry went to Mayodau1(i;w.. 1W. -i. s, t . fk- will ,vt.rm -nmrs-rin,.-iJ-t!r... inornliig V. y a; J family, of Danvillo, :.iv bn-ii xlsitiiiir rt'lalhcs Ihtc. an1 p 'vi r ? ik-v-half million i.siilc i'xcl;i- will be. nnniili I w':h rura'i many n ' Stat ; nl li:tn. ate ma ch illi a'.tciiilaucc i:n lli- nal-..!i il inatcli ps will he im-rrr. ii .1. as tlu ri- w ill I. l.nth"r TsH w . at t; Mt. Airy lodat !,,""' r '.lu' r ' ,v ;.l' lo V. r. Ciu iin rfiuitiol last ulg-tit l f Sui'u- fi:::n m ir lin a ! am. from a p!'i:me tiip. jAniutiK livilia; Jh.c )rk is li r-M- I rily slower. CluLsMini In' (.::;annf(l. tramp's riMiiitl. and wi ai: ;tis ;:ovtw .1 The mllilia will -C n I. x:llTIKliiS wi'Vtr, an.l cirt lionu- folay. II. S. Koy, Jr.. wid V. F. ("siylon, went tn VlrMiniu uxixi to tobacco ! pa'i'uim u in the public mat we navo Currlni' Salr.ii-ooni a fomploto line of Wag- Harnu -i-s ; hIm Spreads, -Covers, Collars, whips, etc.- In tart fvcr tliliiK In hurso wear. Wo dn-iro to call special attention to our felnms lint? ol busglcs Biid eurriiists, all most reasonably piked. " "The Babcock Buggy makes riding a pleasure." Smoak & McCreary, Main Street, opposite liiuwu's Waielioiiae; Sales Stable, Church St. We Make Our Best Bow and thank our customers, one and all, for the very liberal patronage given us. We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. " Yours anxious to please - Crawford Plumbing' & Mill , Supply Company. tor tliif l.iipfert-Seales Co, lleinian Kle-tciw r, deora4;r fir Ho siMibaehir & llro., f.tii rciuird ireln a few days' stay n, li.t M'e. Mr. iint Mi-a Tom Ile of llis'i Point, win, hav; biH't rtsltln;; rela tives Ih-iv, retiwned hom'1 today. . W. U. HawUins, of tre ii.boro, and (jeo. 11. Han; ( r, of Vetnaiiia. were HUPf-Ls at the Phoenix last nlxli-t.-. Mr. anit M-i.-'. A. A. Veisiur. of Tan a, wlio have been voting relatives left (bin iit't-rinoiifor Itotne. Mrss Addle' (irier, jf Mnroln-um. who has been Wsitiins )m M mini rite Winre.-tlihe, itnrned lluiie today. t Knags for Spih:;;!i "'I tin-re seems to l;e iu m iso.i wl.y Con- Sivss' sHoald not' a.i 'itn lze" the Va Depiu tment : l;.-n: tliem to ehii lan rlulw tbirtich t'.u N:itio::ul Kille Assoeiiitlmi. Rltl i Aj-sVK'ia lions- are beiiif; organized in alino! every State and eiulnihiatts- aie foiiuins rilte clubs heru and theit' tlnouii "these Slates. Tliu work is r-JKivs-liis n'U'e- At-p throusli the Natioiml Utile A.-;rl- .it Ion and the Board is (liawins nearer its goal. Evtirwhire the1 sc'.iool chil dren have been given lustructiutt in rltl;.' flicoiins tv.ey liavo 'bt-cumc eu- I Umslastie. Sonic k-isjhs f-ctin to ithlnJi the sovernm; nt proposes to have Mis Mei'i U- UiriKiriSon. of Aslu ' school clii!dre:i of tenil: r years I nit Ixiut, w.Imi tins lieon lsiini; lier atitil.itlng out to" the rallies with Rims a: Mrs. day. K. U. Miwick, retilued liumo to i Cured of Lung Trouble. Public Speaker Interrupted. l'lihllc. hpeiikers art) fri'iiiuinlly hi lenupled by petiple coii;hiiifr. This would not happen if l''oley'n Honey mid Tar were taken, as it cures "coughs mill cplds, mid prevents pneumonia and consumption. The ('.enniin! con tains no oplalcn anil is In a yelktw package. IS. V.. O'llaiilon. "H Ik mnv eleven .;ns mIiicd I hud a minxiw. escuie from' ' i.Rimi;t.li?:i." writeit ('. O. r'loyiU it lendiiW biisiues niatv of Ki rslunv, S. ('. "I liiidcTiiii down In weighl to l:!.i n m 1 1 ul s , an I (miikIiUik 'u rf;iHtHiil, boih day and lilgllt. Kilially I begin, tiiklng Dr. King's New Discovery, MM continued till for nbout His months, when my cough and Jims houbl;' wero ent'iely gone und' 1 was initored to my iii.'.iiihI wclgbl. 17(1 poiuids." Thousands of hiwus are healed every year, tin:,; invited at Tl.'.nnrt an' li is si i.e. r.tie, und $1.H0. Trial lH:Hle free. il.- ; w j. i li:i l: ;'e. i . 1). 1.11.-: "I toim-i, i w'. i l.ussiiier, in' New York Cily. li' en pei I'tin.g 1 he. lH'iida g.'t 1; of 1'is iiK-fior. Mis. M, ': .', w i:i U l.r l,s . Inline . II- ('. Noiniau now of U'Juiiutu'. retuniliij? firoin' a vi Surry county. . C. C. Maivbiall an'ti of the Crlui-Cuiiit.n'l:! wciil' u tlerinaiitun todk bird liunf. Mr. ainl Mrs. S. T. Airy, passed lb rough- 1!i moriiing. ix'i'iinilng fivm,; allv-'S in (ieorg-la. Iwiw. 8. Fuller, Jr.. Thuruluy for XoTl ilk, ' Roes to accent n u..i ! fd-iner ciilzen, js e;ei,uu.y, J tojilh tiioLli .v in i I.; . H 11.- CaiH ivll. l-lrnlt ure Cix, 1o Laki a im-s, of Mt. city tWs visit to rcl- will . leave wheie hi' with the mt ''My. Atliintle Mug 1 I 'g C 1, II. IC. ('. Ilr.viuil. eity 1 harlot U ()is(Tvcr. was IwM'ween iraliw " yesterday He left l:r.-'t (aienilig for ti f'hem Merediitli went .V. ('.. lodiiy1 l.i iv-uiwi ill 111 ioii' ( eewit rafe syiste IWWU. Col. ,1. U l.ll'd'lOW, 1 ih tho contrartoi'. I'rl'T Valor, Jr., aiid Cluii M. Join s, who in -lit iKiciiious wiui 1 mi-ct at. ViiiHlvinglon, afti (ho botidiiyw at. home, rctuii ulioiiat eii)Hul 'today Mr. aiMl M'l-s. K. V. Itayll of lUeU- nioii l, Va., who lmve. beii vl-iitliig ft 'kit :ivi hero, went; io (1 cmiirro t'tls inornilng: Iw SM'iid a da with li Is brolJier before ivtitrirlim liioile. . I'kiJ'. A. H. Hiuttn rsoii, a 1 i-niber of tiie I'acirily yf the pl'iiivoiiiit: of Giw- gin, alter kiwihiiiih a lew ls hero Hie guest of lwa inotiber, l'attcrsofi, left today fur iU;r of, the li Hie city nfU ruoou. teiiHlxjiti. Irevuvill. cwiiJUntet-Uh- that tlhl.s city, govern- spenUliiR d' to tlie Mi. M. K. Ali'ms, Ca. Schnapps Tobacco is Made ENTIRELY (from Flue Cuied J Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country. I The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps Quality Only On the Outside ' Of the Plug Hundreds of imitation brands arc on sale that look like Sthnapiis to bacco. The outside of the imitation plugs of tobacco is lluc cured the same as Schnapps, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco. One chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such to bacco. The color, size and shape of the tags, plugs and packages of certain imitation brands o.f tobacco have occn made so much like Schnapps that they have often been accepted by buyers under the belief that they were getting Schnapps. Sufficient . proof has been secured to establish the fact that- certain brands are infringements and i'n vio lation of the trade mark laws, yet the trade' will .continue to be imposed upon by these infringers, until the suit claimed to be "hist as trood as already Xntorcil .and now pcntlin; protect Schnapps is decided. reati "many of these imitations jto. A are Schnapps, but there is only one gen uine Schnapps. He sure the lett.-rs 'o"n the tag, and stamped on the plug under the tag spell S-C-II-N-A-IM'-S .and then you J have it -the most wholesome toKicco produced, wjth' just enough sweetening to preserve the mild, juicy, stimulating quality.of the leaf tobacco. Expert tests p reive that this flue cured tobacco, grovf n in the famous Piedmont region, re quires and takes less sweetening thim any other and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect cn chewers. 1 If the tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy you more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. ''Schnapps isikc the tobacco chew ers formerly bought costing from 75c. to $1.00 per, pound; Schnapps U sold at 50c. per pound, in 5c. cuts, strictly , loc. and 15c. plugs. . 4" " ' ' " , u v y t f n it ppeQial oolidayis 'j . 9f I Piano Offer a i To all purchasers of pianos l a. I 1 g Deiweeii now iinu January ist we iyc free Three A Months Music Lessons. You ft v can take the, lessons under any & music teacher, anifat any time during the yar I9()7i bring us the bill at the end of three months or at the end of onrh Q ,t . . & a monui ana we win pay it. r You do not have to buy a $ r 5 higlpriced piano to take ad- ,i V trn n tci trr rf thic off or - Thic or- II. rl. KKV.NobDs 'Tobacco Company, Wjnston-Sai.km, X. V, IIS till ill. t lvi-.i . '... " 111 ootupclHioii with men. Not at ulil The prop,'!tl jii l-;.tiiiHu"ilki va in the high schools should reci.lvc u cw lain amount ;f t'lainiiis. Hist wjjli. a sub- target gun, wliich leiinires no Hintiniiii- tl'ju and where there Is n;.-l a parti- do of (iarger, 'and' then wiUi the -.32 caliber" uiti,sket. The tr.iiiilug hus given would encouriigo them lo Join either the inlliila cr civilian Wile clubs aftiT tluy leave school. ICug- laml makes . great point of lllle prae tie ihi tlitt schools, uei do Kronen and other ixnntris, on the principle that the bojsf of today arc tQe men of totiwrrow. AXItr a!lv toys like to .ilnHi with a bow, s-lli g, er gun. Hffw luticli better tlial they ahoul.t be Hitlgfct so under ctitrful InsLruclors tluin to go tapping cats on the back fence with air guns. ... Much complaint Is heard from eu- thasbstie rlllenieu on r the fact that tiro iiewsiwpcrs' and' (bo tiiasazlues. iw a nile, pay , HHMc alUmtkin to ri fle practice. It, Cs pointnl out that while pages we given to accouins of races, irl,o tlglit. iwinaii niaiciirs. wml a'Ut'umoblle typlcs. Mie wStiuer of a lille inalch Is fortunate If his name is- ever meiKl loued. Thesj eiitks sbouid n. member thai as a ru'i1 peri odlealrt treat of what tiny held ve will tiwst iiit(ii wl their reaili is, and if some of them do not pay much atten tion, to rifle iirtuice it Is bruise tli.li readers tire not. generally intcresled in the subjict. Hi:! tTiere are-m arly four linnd'tiedi dully papc:s in the coiiu try puhllsliing anlclt:. f:t time- to iiline on this subject. And it is notice able that as tiny lake up r i IH 'prac tice tiny flint flvdr readers are Inter ested, and atuiinlier that, a few years years ago never published niiylhin on the subject at.e now running aiti on 1lie Mibject are now niiiuiu:; arll e.les regularly, s'ltiic of them as ofti u ns- twice u work. Michignii has lis own publicity aseialiou which siiii plles slioit articles twlc: a niotith to the Mlchlgvin pit-Si on what is tiring done In the Stale or Michigan flir rt lle pructice, As a result of the de Virt cd c rforn of the . Michigan iih ui n. clubs ar Hpriiigiii'g ui all over the State and the press ha been quick to respond.. Itilltnun have no c:iuse to ccmplaiiH or t.ho gnieral pres. for it Is largely diK' to the synipathelic intciv-t (vf some of .tile lending jc. r imIj! Hint. Intenst lirs Increased with in the pa-.! .few yum' to Hie extent it lias. Tl-.r- sunken Ion Is oil en made I ant to poiHiliitize I'HIf .'.tl-ng "s.,';:!:;y" n'nit be Interested. These advancing this linen sling ld a forget Hint, 'so ciety" interesrs i.If ver little In sports lu which It does not lake nit ac live pail. It pnlroiil.es racing largely because it owns O'c tracks mid senile of the Htrrbk's. It partnilws- goll l)craue it idoV the game. The BO-me is true of av't niobiks ail witlr fi;..' ball. The in ercst'of "sceiwy," as the timi Is tiwl, lu Mite practice, win come when clv'llhin clubs beemne f -,p- ular, w-hni men brlns their wives und daughter to see theni slux..;. The presence of Hie ladies- made the tour naments of tiie Mk! lie Ages succ:..s fni, while the Vestal' Virgins Grcu:oled th place of lienor in the Roman am pltheater. There wivs fflhii" '.'. n Hie women, of Ensland wnntwl no brtler sport thairarrtry. If the ladk s take np rifle she.ctlng that sport will soon onstrip golf as a popular pastime,. fOf course this Is more or less jesting, but speaking seiien-ly. the Atnerlraii w.i nmn rides to the hoiMUls, .en;.'ays men at golf and tennis, im .1 bin her own basket ball t'Mirtis. Many of them huiw aid' fish a experts, or coui'he not many would e.ire to shoo; w ith the Ki.r; or Spi ingfkkl, bui ii Is safe 1.) say t'nat 1f the clvilinn clubs which have jdios.tlng galleries W-eie'o eneoui'HV"e 'the bulks to kIhmI with the .22 Winchester, or the. Kras g plies to any piano swe have. pianos, ranging in price from We have a good variety of $ $200 for slightly used instru- $ g ments to $500. W A nmno would be tlie most w appropriate of all Christmas w gifts. H J. Bo wen & Bro. g Phone No. 346. g w. b: cook & co.) Iron and Brass Founders Special attention given to all kinds of iron, an A brass castings. Grate bars and furnace Work a specialty. i 1 Estimates furnished on building CastingvS. JfOTT'S PENNYROYAL HLL f S.fo Bind rellebl. . j overcome woaknej i, m , J cretso vlor, banish vt M' , 1TL-1 K rmndv eque s DR. v Jfii MOTTS PliNNVROYAI. PILLS 1 WsjJSuM ly OrMKfiiMi. od Dr. Mmti - --.,,.:r:,l I'n.. rinvnUntl. Ohio. Only at Simpson's Drug Store. relics 1UJ I I i - I iipt MANN Dr. WlIHiim i' Indian Pill ' imtiiiivit will t urn Hlii.it HIiiiiiil' ami ItcLint Micss. li iili.siirii.stlie luniors, inUi ; llio ilcltiiih at once, aits .is ixiulurc, tows luslanl r- tirf. r. V. ini,inis'Iniii:iii I'ilc Oini- mri-l RM-i-narrd for rtlMioin ilifr inn uf the p .no purls. Kmry bin I iviirrii'Or l. (inK-gits. i-v mnil on f of prim, .ill I in .-inil SI. 1)11. UUM I I1MS ACTHRINS Cj. i'ropit. t'lcvoiauu, own. wllU . a .22 Riffle), Ihey would soon liml tlie galleries crowded, llotb gilns a IV' piir'Mca !y wilPoili recoil nun ims t'er women and boys lo IkiiuI'.,'.. -(ieiieral jVun D- Huleii. , Adjutant Ceni'.i,: of Texii-.'lun ncent'.y been addi'l lo the National' I'or.id f'f the Pioim.-tiuii or liille I'l-aclice. He was trafn ciptaln of the Texas Team at Sea Ciit la.-t year, lind' bus been proin ineully identified with rille practice in- bis State. Passed Examination Successfully. James Donahue. New nritaln, Conn., writes, "I tried several kidney reme dies, and was treated by our best phy sicians for diabetes, but did not im prove until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After the second bottle 1 showed my Improvement, and five bottles cured tie completely. I have since passed a rigid cxaminatloifor life insurance." Foley's Kidney Cure cures back ache and all forms of kidney and bladder trouble. E. W. O'lianlon. Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troublsi3ol?iol affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law, as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recom mend It as a safe remedy for children, and adults. E. W. O'lianlon. V S1.n RnnU Nniv 7,r. The complete history of thegreat San Francisco earthquake and other great disasters handsomely illustrated The regular $1.50 hook now 73c, at Newman's Varietv Store. Into eirrtl'-tlfe some sorrow must fall: Wise )wop'e don't si1 flown nifd bawl; Onlv fools suicide or take trr flight; Smart pi ople lake Rocky 'Mountain Tea at night. . K. W. O'lianlon, Laudiuist & I'fohl. Wo are better prepared -to' do yuW PAPER HANGING WALL TINTING and HOUSE PAINTING Now than it -r 1 fore. We positively employ none bill skilled workmen, and use (he Li;-t material olilainai' Result: (.'out v.Oiiv and ;- ni cus tomers. Wi jLo tairy u line of painiS tiiniisth ntutnc fin.t ftil Plains, lin seed oil, turyijnt'ue, putty, paint brusl es, etc. i . SINK & FAIISLER- 246 N.Liberty St, Phone 668 Sale of Valuable Plantation. Ily virtue )f an oiderof the Super;')' Court of Fsytlt Cminty made ia :v cial iiroecilings. (Mitilled A ! ''' tree and otjers ngiiiiist Flavie r.etrcr will rwi at public" auction at "r Court lloiirf door, la Wlnstnn. N C on Mondavi the T;h day of .kinniri lflnT. at; 2 oclock p. m., the .1. G. l tree home place, eonlainliiK 11" acres more or less, lyi'iu In Old Town town ship, about "njuili- west ot W'in''l! Said tract lia on it a T-rooui le-iileiiro with g(id liarn and ndier ouiliulkllii," good orchard and v.. il .watered, -beir.; near Mt. Tabor t'hirrli and pn'", school home, in a'od niighl"'!'!!''1' Th,- land Is sold Hi l.-i a ten per cc bid mid- wll lie i-t-'led at J'-.:!! -Te; pis. nt salo. r ,. This 2si; day of !.N a-'em'her. 1!'" J." R. fETRFE t'oiiunUsioif )