WTO-COT DAILY SEE MEL YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY IS. 1S07 PRICE 5 CENTS ,SURE PROVIDING FOR 10 NEW- ! IPERIOH COU IRTJUDGES INTRODUCED! to Hi. MUCH DiftGE A 5TK FIGHT TO PROPERTY AGIST KAISER NUMBER KILLED III EARTHQUAKE AT KINGSTON. JAMAICA, STILL UflCERTAIf Lieutenant ni.nvn nv Luiot Winston Present- state Senate ai m lilt i',,i-rinn ilf TTlAt i.ira Judges Would special Terms. Re Sent Wherever Spe Were Needed, Try Cnm .. . Aitrnd To ss,.yll Wn " " .. x Tkii ktnri judical waiters ui "- P. o.pt Action Bill Allow- ..,, of Public From Crinv .-Of. ci" Millers tjci,s .vM- i,, lac Sentinel.) I. hi. I v- In tin' Gencr .lay the House passed n.iim Superior court t.rraics to exclude i i mi in all persons not :i ilie c.iSf in trial; foi , ,iii women, i dill was inlrodiK'i'il lo anicid t lie St ato a- to provide two ex special terms of rt of the State, to try i:r cases, aim noiu spe ciicver needed. The bill Mi- Lieutenant-Governor ita-nl of the Senate. l'tt STERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. M.itters Considered In State and House of Represents la:;. IS. The Pinter for i,f the Senate yesterday , by Itev. Mr. Poole, ol the Sire, t Liaplist church. head of reports of Com- t '.): weic reports, as rol- -Tii amend the law rcg- : il, i' ,:ilr ol" cotton seed In Meek Nash ; 1 1' Warren eoiinlies. ii x ( l i irs iiiui low ns l o ai- lilili-M'HHTS III .MUCIN!!! coun- v ,i special lax. Favorably. i.IhI ol II. Worth, of ity , fiivnibl . To allow cotn jif I'liiuii county to remain Mine days. Favorably. It iat'iiiti. - Ceding lo the lini r in certain lands In fur tin- erection of Fcdernl Vi-HHi, favorably. ' T ; an1 hori.e the judge in luminal assaults on women li nn i he courtroom all per i "ini'Ttcii wiili the case, fa Tu make indictable as an i it pi . jm-r address to an imio- iii in. imlavorabl.. To atiieml Lo c.,ii!iiiuiis precedent to 'c lo prai'tiei; law, unfa " .inn nil Sec. 07 of lie lii'i'ii: ins i'ltonicvs, fa ' ri'nard to having liulicl- "I lor iinn-piiymciil of dil; To deiine anil puil 'liifavDialily. To require "Mntie lo keep record.1! of 'rv'l and aHifh official ui'ily. To preevnt expos " ol iiiilrcerl iietnri'S alirl 1 r slums, favorably. n-nry iiinl cxlurlion sub 1 1 1 d lav urably. '"'i .-M:ditTs' Home---To "'iH'liciai ii's iIk, amounts !u pension hoards, favor ' ,." ""'tin!! inm or iievis- ' vi'-iui-.s who have lost ''dli and (hounds To com ''ii'iiiiifs id I'uinioii pure I'" 'ddihe the rights of 11 entering and leaving :" i l"irti'ii without prej "libit the collection of ' 1 ' " i the ticket from 'unci not having lii'kel Mibstltuie favorably, in. ml See! inii li.'.S of lle- :r 'nils introduced wore: 1 "M-iii - t lunsportation !llilisli cms when ship- ! tl t lit in. ' a committee , ,! 'xii ; on the journal ' i""t,-c: trees j,. Capitol length ai d finally rcferrtd iiciary commi'ltv. In House Yesterday. There was no clergyman in the hail of representatives vvstcrdav nioinitu at !!)::: o'clock when Speaker .Instlee raplMtl for order and so there was no H'uiug prayer. Bills Introduced. .McNeill, bv ifinnst A petition for the reH-;il of the lioinestead law. (ierdoii For the reix-al of the home stead law. Koyster Aiiieml II7." of Hevinil relative to powers of the State board of pharmacy. MiMtFTrr Wparate white and eel in d pnt-x liters on street and inter- urban ears. Callow a.. To prohibit the waiving if hills of indictments in certain case. Winhonrne KneoiiraKe the writ in;; jf history of counties established prior j to INfil. To make it ueeesniry m real actions to prove title out of State in eilain aetioiiH. I'reveiit delay in set llii'K eases on appeal from the Supe rior to the Supreme Court. Mansiim To allow judfjis lo she prisoners the benefit of lime in jail while awaiting trial. To amend y'.' of Kevlsal and prevent delay in trans portation of freight. To require rail roads lo provide cars for the transpor tation of frriKUt. I'riee. of Rockingham To pension certain ex-Confederate soldiers. Maniiini; Auihorize the corporation commission to require railroads to in stall and operate additional passenger tniins and to require them to make specilie connections. I'eele, of Scotland Prevent and punish negligence of railroad employ ees. Tile Speaker announced additional committee appointments as follows: Deaf and Dumb Hawes. Insane Asylums McLean. I'ublic Koads frier. The bill to makV Burke a dry coun ty, including Morgajuon. came- up on passage and passed by a vole of 100 to 2. The Uiughlugliouse bill to allow prisoners awaiting trial in jail to wol'k on the roads ami have the time credit ed oil sentences If .convicted and re ceive pay if acquitted came up. It wan defeated yesterday as a Statu bill and appeared again to apply only to l'itt county. , It, was passed aftei amend ments making it apply also to Guil ford, Vance, Mitchell, Cumberland. Wayne, Haywood, Franklin, Onslow, Harnett, Rockingham, Gaston, Moore, Mecklenburg. Richmond, Kdgeconil), Nash, Washington. Anson. Orange, lliincoinbe. Senate bill to Improve ami keep in repair public roads of Forsyth passed. Repeal the act incorporating the town of Hearing River in Wilkes coun ty. Passed. To require the members of the State board (( agriculture to be practical fanners. Passed. , To allow benevolent, ami fraternal ordtjrs' the same right to hold and con vey property as allowed churches Passed. To regulate statistics of leaf jobacco oil w areliou.'ie lloors. Passed. To provide for the payment of bonds issued by' the Stale prison. Passed. Resolution to obtain information as lo the number of insane in county Jails and homes by each member of the house willing his county officers for the Information. Passed. IHtxton resolution calling on mem bers of Congress lo renew efforts for Forest. Reserve hill and asking Gov. Glenn to attend meeting of governors of Stales interested at Washington la unary IS passed in accordance with a special message received from Gov ernor Glenn. Flood Along Ohio Kiver in Neighborhood or Cincin nati Causes Devastation and Suffering. River Expected To Rejch Height of Sixty Feet Today A Thousand Fam ilies Made Homeless By Floods Oc casioned By Torents of R.'in Relief Measures Already Undertaken, , I Ity Publishers' Press ) CINCINNATI. Jan. IS There Is ev ery possibility that waters of the Ohio will reach tin feel by noon today. This nmrniig rain fell In torrents. Des lolalioii and suffering follow in the I wake of the Hood. A thousand fanc ies are rendered Homeless ana ineie is great financial loss. Effective relief work is being done by charitable organizations. Opponents of German Lmper- Estimates of Those Killed Range I'rom MX) to 12(H)- or Making Strenuous Ef forts to Defeat Him In Com ing Election. Socialists And Others Who Do Not Ap prove of Kaiser's Policies Doeiy Ev erything In Their Power To Have People of ermany txprest Disap- (l proval of Him In App'-oac'.i.iiij Elec Americans Killed City Almost Totally Destroyed The Coast Line Changed by Earthquake Further Encroach ments of Sea Cause Much Uneasiness. CONCERT BT ARIEL QUARTETTE POSTPONED The concert by the Ariel (Juarte't, at Motel X.inzemlorf, scheduled for to night, has been iMistponed. This e cellent company will appear here 01 the evening of January 2v leial Relations to the Federal buildings, law regulating Hie Superior i"'. prompt iranspor 1 v "f ich mains. ,,: '"representation ni,uiies. '' M',:s reevUed f1(J ' xivuu tin, einolu- " 1 ",! "'' lay of hi ' ""' 1 ominiiiiiciitions "' -eneial and tin " I'reveiu collection ''' 'nan regular fare ' tickets was discuss- el'nrreil to v I'tihli hers fr , ItKRI.lN, Jan. is. - Supreni- efforts tre lieing made i opponents oft the kaiser to elect a Reichstag hostile lo his Hilif. A reniaikable document entitled 'The Kaiser on Trial." was published today, just a week iHfore voting In the present election. I'nder ihe iri;e diilum 'Trutb," Ihe writer declared the Issue is whether I be Gerimn ko pie will decid.- lo manifest cnnlldonce hi their nhs.ilute rulirir to give Miw-,'i- to the electeil rcpresentiiiives of the nation as In other Ftiropenn conn- i lies except Ri.ss.ia. The writer at tacks Fie German i avy, supposed to he one of William's successes. The gist of the whole indictment in the pamphlet is that Kaiser William bas been a gig-mtic failure. The pamphlet will be widely distributed an the si cialists are largely depending on It for be elect tou of their candidates. (Ity PiiUislieiV Press) ' KINGSTON. .Jan. IS -It Is now cer tain that the list of Americans ki'.led Monday's disaster Is greater t!i..u Was at lirsl believed. Several bodlet buried vesterday and siipiHised to have been of Kngllsh people now thoiiglit to have Ue:U .luerleaus. So far only ig'at Ameiieans re reported mining to tHn. Sweitcnham but mi ut- are short, The t-tly U no nuii'l.' Relief Resolution Passed. WASHING ION. Jail. IS The Sen ate sush ntled rules and pu-sed the House relief resolution tor J,niic victims through the use of naval sup Idle. i " g TounstsVicpt"lnju'y POSI'ON'. Jan. x -T,iurlt)i tempt has el been made to check up n cm-uiicu iiijiii) uv ei.n ii... ,i.u1,i nil ,i'Ki.- Tl... vi, -i i quake, aecoitllng to in'oi mat ion tj manager for New r. (Claud of lia.li Inn g American line In cable from rep rt ht ntatlves of the line 111 Kingston. The mcM.ae stateii ihat 1'apmln For- tourist bureau among wooo. tile eonipaity repieM ioanve, T Mysterious letters are .being receiv ed in Wiiiston-Saleni and they are more or less annoying to the recip ients. The letter Is In Ihe form of a prayer and was evidently written by a crank. A copy of those received by severnl ladies here reads fl follows: Please do not break the chain, oh. Lord Jesus, we Implore thee. oh. eter nal God, lo have mercy on all mankind. Ktn'p us from all sin by Thy pres ence, bless us ami tnltu us to lie wnn Thee eternally. Amen. This- prayer was sent by llishop liwrence. It Is lo-he written and sent lo nine other persons. ' Me who will not write It will be af flicted by some ill fortune. And persons: who paid ho attention to it met with an horrible accident. Me who will write Ibis prayer nine days, and scud It to nine different per sons, commencing on the day it was received, and writing only one cacti day, will after the ninth day exper ience wune great Joy. At Jerusalem, during the Holy Feast, it was said that he who would write this prayer would he delivered from some trouble or calamity. At Asheville yesltiilay rlieinooll .Indue I'ritchard ei:lei.l hnal decree in the suit of the R I. R-ynol Is Tobac co Company against li' Alle.i Tobac co company, oi i.yuc.i:imig, a., per petually restiaining lhr"?,l!ei' compa ny from using the It,; up m its brand of tobacco known as Tr.iveHt I." The court holds this lag to he of su;ii st tilt ing similarity to a brand ol the Rey nolds company rs to,anio.::i .. to unfair rude. A npecial Ivom Asie ill" says- l'he entire South is Intcresteti in tills decision, as It l fllniel , !a"g'! sale has been established J"ur the Travel- brtunt on i"wV.:ut ,f Hie simiiLr In appearance of the two tags. . (liv Publishers Press.) BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Jan. Hi. The feature of today's session of the exec utive committee of the Southern Co! ton Association was the announcement by President Hurvie Jordan that he will not standi lor re-election. , While Mr. .Ionian is positive in this announcement. II is believed that his decision is the result of certain criti cisms ttlat have been made of Iilk con duct of the office, and that if lie is en dorsed by the contention he may he prevailed upon to accept the office for another term. Walter Clark, president of tin.- Mis- The performance at the Klks' Audi folium last night again mystilled those present. Tile mind reading feats of Miss "Shadow" Itrthlwin were inieus ly interesting and are again being talked about, on the streets todtu The sleight of hand "stunts" were also good. The Haiti win Company lias given- a highly entertaining perform ai'ice every night. TiU company will close its engagement here tonight. HEREilN INTEREST DF IE0UGATI0NAL Miss Nettle M. AlleiC of Greens boro. I- In the city ill the Interest ol the North Carol Inn Journal of F.duca lion, published at Durham. Miss Al len taught In one of Greeushoio schools for seevral years. She is one o fthe foremost primary Instructors in the State. Miss Allen visited the 'e i Winston school today. She will a! lend the meeting of Foivyth Teach ers' Association tomoirow at -courthouse. IS.iuk Hold, tilt) favorite ieort of Am erica: s, was completely razed. The de bris has not vet been fully explored. A count ttxlu., showed ;'.." out of employees of i ihe dead. Hungry Itmlers invaded Hie Miirkcn city last nlgiil olid were 'lie, I up on by the provost guard. It is not thought, any one was hurt. The loot ers were hungrv ratives seeking rood They made no effort to take valuables or rob residences save the kitchens The tilv is still in danger of sinking to the sea. .Measurements IimI.iv show the nea to he steadily encroaching The entire shore line Is changed Soundings Indicate the cullc harbor floor In altered. There have been sev eral slight slides along the shore lo day C'ty Imost Totally Destroyed. WASHINGTON'. Jan. IV The nsv,, department has received through dispatch from Captain Heher, com manding Key West naval station, the following wireless from Guantanmno, signed Kvans; "Rear Admiral lvis reports by wireless relayed through station at Colon that Missouri and Indiana an chorod off Kingston thin- (Thursday I morning. Kingston is ulinost totally destroyed. Four hundred were killed and SOU are in hospitals. There are plenty of doctors hut medical supplies was t-eiloUMy Injured and the eompa i y's pier, which an' s.ift. have lceu tuineil Into a hospital The latest ad vices are that the approach to the bar Imr in extremely dangerous and that lighthouse at Port Royal Is destroyed. Coast Lin Changed. HAVANA, Jan IS - A great section if Kingston water front has slipped Into the Im". HfCoiallng to telegram received here Unlay aid confirmed b.v private wlielcss in, sage from Admlr al Kv it it s, dashed to cruiser Columbia here. The message savx the thUl movement reported exclusively in the Publishers' Press jesterday has chaug ed the entire coast Hue of Jamaica, leaving entire nouth side of Kingston and site of the old city of Port lloval under water The entire harbor of Kingston is destroyed ami the count line Ik sinking Casualties Among Whit Forces. LONDON. Jan. Hi. A iHspntc.li ic reived by the War Department from Jamaica Announces Hint the casual ties among while military force In Kingston' earthqiuike Include two of (leers killed, nine Injured, and thirteen enlisted men killed and one 'Injured. ThisH' men are missing, er Revenue Ofllcers Hendricks, Har klns and Reynolds toiUiy seized and destroyed a blockade tllsllllery and aid ml lain gallon.-, of beer near Haiti more. Yadkin comity. The still lias a capacity of I on gallons and w as lur ing opt rated al full "speed." When Ihe officers arrived (hey found eight men in charge, three of wiioiii were arrested, but were later released.' the ofllcers being convinced that the men were only visitors to the plant. NEAR ROCKY HT. VA COAL MINE IS From parties arriving here this af lernooii on the X. k W. train from Roanoke, Vu.. it was learned Ihat a murder was committee this morning near Rocky Mount, V'a. A man named Siaulev shot iiinl killed a man rained Foster. The two men were farmers and It Is reported that had fouling had existed between them for some time. IT FORCED TO m The Greensboro deputy sheriff III papers tell how n Greensboro made the Southern Hallway "come across" and pay a $7.miO Judgment obtained In (hill ford Siieiior court, several mouths ago, by Capt. Claude II. Heard. for alleged Injuries sustained at the Southern freight depot In this city, a few vears ago while Capt. Heard was ill tile, employ of (he comKtny, holding the iKisitioil of conductor of the "mixed" train between Winston Kaleui and ML Airy. II is told thai Deputy Sheriff Wcalle erly levied on the passenger depot I" Greensboro. He was preparing lo sell the building when the ;itloiues for the Southern learned of the state ol affairs and went to see the oflicer. Af ter a conference between' llieiu. the matter was adjusted and the plaintiff in the case got a check for the amount due him. 'DUR NEW MINISTER- "Our New Minister," whlth will lie presented ut Hie Klks' Auditorium to morrow nlgM. is a conn' I ' in, .ins of rural lire thai nv making it, tl'-,' t ir of the Bouih. The compaiiv d pro'et'ou have reciivixl exctvllii-ily f ivo aul ' imlh-e from the three It '.muni ,,ui :hn" Noifolk dally pu;.'.T leieiiij). Ihe play Is by Deniu'in liiouipioii, auHior of "i lie Old i lom."il, ail. ' ,'t'ii one Noiiolk paper su, :l I, a be i, p-.y t liit.li "The Old lione stead ' No pla that is t,f u h-r mi a eit lime has rccclv! in, h (iv iral le preas crliliisins as i in New Mil ltcr." These crUici'iii i Ii.iv-' i . niiit luiiu dia matle ciHIck that irt well iini"Ue to Judge the mcrp of a p .i.luctio l i lie Klks' Audltorliilil ho. lid ;t tl -I u Julite,s will he will o'tei' oiiioi-Kv night. Si ills on sale loom, tow inoii.l.o: S cnie your seats early iu even thing woi)d seem lo ii I'ejlt; , IU',;e lid Vance sale ii i hm mm....... d! Ml UMUbblblb The members of James- II. Gor don Coupler, F. 0, (.'., are reiiiested to asemble In the reception room of the ' Zin.eudorf Hotel at 7:i',n loinorrow levelling for (he purtose of attending it he nieiuoiial service ill honor of Gen ;Robt. Ii Lee In a body. A large at tendance of the members Is earnestly ixqilt sited. ' tn.aiiy ''iiiiiiilif., "'"'" hill t,, prescribe '"'"tieers on entering Was tlisoiivsMl at (By Publishers PKTKRSItl'RG. j Dr. J .1. .McKitmia aid Dr. II. IS i Williams, of the :! Day liquor Cure I Co.. of Reitlsviile, were ill city todav. libey have several patients fiotn the J Tw in-City who nil; be discharged thN week. The two physicians are stop jping at the Zinzendorf. They will be there until tomorrow. J. II. Callowaj was h. town Tue.-dT shipping the last of his crop of tohac ro to Winston. Mr. Howard Kudslev. of Winsioii. spent one night last week with the writer. He was on his way home from Virginia where lie hau - The .officers of the Chri heen lo purchase some horses. Wil-ichurrh weie elected at a recent meet Mam Weatherman a,nd f'amilv moveci ii,K of t). oiigrcgailon They are: F.l to Winston the latter part of last w eek I ders. Dr. R. II. Jones and P. T. Leh whrre they will reside It, the futiin' man; ileacolw. K. R Messick, I. A -F.lkili Time.. iMr. Cablll Malrslon, the owner and promoter of the coal mining industry on Town Creek, near Walnut Cove, tells the Danbiiry ReHirter that these valuable mines will be ilevelopid 'is quickly as machinery can be placed In position, a strong company having been formed which means business. Mr. Halrston says he has used Hie Town Fork coal In his home all the winter and that it Is of a Cue quality. Card of Thanks. y I wish to acknowledge my apprecia tion of the many kindnesses extended to me mid my faintly throughout the long illness of my beloved wife and after her death by rclghhors and oth er friends O. O TFSH Mr A M Coriratzcr, a well kn iwii citizen of Advance, was here today en route to Danville, Va , lo have his right hand treated for cancer. The back of the hand is almost covered with the dlseas and t Is giving Milt much pain. Craufurd a handhoine Hricken-itein, & Snyder have tun pipe wagon f)r I. the plumber. Welsuer, ! Moore. .1. I.. Ui-tiinit and Ii A Pies Jan. O is - Two ST severe earthqiuike shocks were felt al during the sprln o clock this morning at Knba, In government of Baku. WASHINGTON. Jan. 'x.r-W' fotecast for North ('"rolii a s iy's erally fair lonigh' l.nd Fatlirdny. aifier Gen- Mr. A II Filer has a'Xt'pted an: Invitation to make an address helore! ihe studenl-t of Oak Rld'ge In'.e.tnie' term. ' Dr. H T. IS.ihnw'ii mad" a-pi'de- ! slenal visit to Klkln !slay, . this afieriKMii!. ' . ' Lindsay Patterson Weill lo .Ml Aii ', loditc lo look after some busines WAN"I'KI Young man to do book keeping wink. Must be of gtsnl hab its and wrlte-a plalr. legible hand Ap ply In own handwriting llox ISd, Win-sion-Holem. .- C. .. The bill, hit induced In the Legisla ture a few (lays, ago to prevent the sale of coca cola and all diinki con '.lining headache medicines, etc., I CiMiKlng lunch discussion and consider able opiKisltlon On the part of many druggists throughout the Slate The retail druggists of Charlotte have In striiciiil their wcretary to write Sena tor Pharr, of Meckletibuig. asking hint nut the reprcs! illative . from that county to vo'e iiKiiiliHl Ihe hill. ,V lisal (IniiigiHi wai asked tills moriifng If any at-liuii had be-n taken liy l he li ih.'iki tier (e replied ihal "wtr have not. but we ought tu." Death of Mr. Sid Lawrence. Ml Sol l-twieiite, whose tilical 111 IH'Sn Was noled In The K' tlHtiel Wed nestiav: di'-d last night ! .the age of alxtut ',) team, ai his home on F.a lleltWs ("r-ek "Meet M f LiiwrentX was a hatiicKs maker aid for eight 'lam conducted a shop on We' Foilllli streel. lie lots bei-n III t, c.u lug health for several month. : ausetl liv i heiiiiial Ism. Mr. l-awieiiee leaves a larue circle ( fi lends 'o mourn hi d.-a'h. He U suivlvetl l,v ,, wife and WANTKH-I'mbrellas lo cover, patch ' W. O Seiisemaii The S .1 Nisseii Co. made , ment of business wagons to I'oint vesterdny. ,!,.p HlKh W. T. Wilson left today for Wash ington, to look after Willie business. OFFK'K space for rent 111 rear of sioie on the siunre. Address H. cue S'ie Hliel ne sou. Fred H Lawn 'he svmpa'hv of nwiln 'li tluir bereavement . The funeral service Mlj.-from-Lbe ,i'lii- if fii-n in whom i g,M's oui nun ii, ng I, v luiefnieni ' Kravey"ai'! of trie Kasi gallon for ,1 It. v I K le' I'll .11 lie l I e ' I" ,o tnlllOllOW Ic llisloll The il the oial,iu I was ,t member Menu inn cnrit" of veal4.