THE TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL, WINSTON-SALEM. JANUARY 18. , v , , ,v , ' r ; r y , . 1 r i EZZ3 r3 PERSONAL NOTES. V f u n L Are You Particular " a n About who fills your Prescriptions? You should be. Guilford Oul IFARHIKFIVAY Til xlMPSflll'S i.L.111111 I III- lllll IW WIIMI VVII W mm Registered Druggist Always Tresent. ! J 3 CZZICZDCZD V l907 iiEKwn?5i-9B7 POSSIBLY YOU arc al ready a patron of this haul. If not, it might be well to start in with the NEW YEAR. We en deavor to advance the business interests of our customers in every legiti mate way, and a trial may prove mutually profitable. C 1 sVileny : ii tin- city tmlaj . M. I.. Tritglie Mt- ' ii go today. Mrs. S-iliii' (!u itturi.'d this at-'.-rnuon rom a vi--:t to friends at Ctur- :. Maj. S. H. Smith returned thi nimnlug from a In-iiu-s trip to Wi! mingto'.i. ' William Spain went 1" Guiifott College w'sUTilsy tu enter tilt) institu i sioii at that place. 1 Mis. W. M. lii !--. t KernersviKe. ho lias been visiting her parents in i I ria!i'iu. returned home today. j Mr. ..and .Mrs. S. H. lltirton, who have, been vfs'iMng relatives and friend.-j ihcre. wint to Greensboro yesterday. L V. A. Wilkinson, cashier of the wiv-l iings department (if the Wachovia Loan Ai Trust Co., ri'tm noil last night from a business trip to Huston and New York. V. S. Forbes, a prominent cithen and business man in lucnmouu, was here today rcliirnii'g from a trip to Charlotte. Mr. Forbes owns some alua ll- it al stiiU' in this city. Frank I). Hacketl, chief n-ailhitt clerk in the lower branch of the legis Mature, passed through the city this t morning en route to his home at 'Wilkcsboro. lie expects to return to Raleigh tomorrow. J. S. Crim. ) E- B- Cant, The New Furniture Store .J . .. . . . . t l l.u r Invites you to tneir siock inspection now Deing ueiu. every iiniarJ W YVinctrm-Citarn i invitprl tn hprnme n mpmhpr of this rommitt.. t,1 purpose of the committee is to inspect our big stock of new and i iusj) designs in furniture and house furnishing goods and ascertain if any 0tfc! V( dealer has a newer stock or later designs or sells at a more moderate pric The report of this committee will be published in this space in a few day CRIF.1-CA0TRELL FURNITURE CO, John Alexander, colored, was locked up last nii;lit on a warrant, sworn mil by his wife cliarliiK John IHi sault. Tlio woman alleges that her hnsbniKl lieated her very hadl. John admits that he slapped the woman lint sas he did It because she Rot drunk, iefiiscd to rook and talked in- nultiiiK' lo liiin. The officers-say Al exander's, wife is a terror, but they warned him to keep away Iroin her when he Rot into trouble once before. John sas he has a brother conducting a barber shop in another town and he believes that he would ,"o on his bond, provided it was not too steep. Chief Thomas told the prisoner to put up $."i0 and he should no free. These fig ures frightened John, who exclaimed that he knew he hadn't done that much damage JNew ugburn .buiiumg East Side Court IKu 12-YEAR-OLD 1KE0 Maintains the High Standard of this Store. .lames Hicks, who was Implicated with .Mm Southern in the larceny of fountain peps from the Watkins' book store sweral (lays ano, was plac ed In the city lock-up this niorninj; for Intoxication. The condition of Hicks, who is about 12 years old, was indeed pitiable. The sympathy of the otllcevs went, out to the boy, who claimed that a man bought, a quart of liquor from a Kiiloon and that he (Hicks) and two men drank all of ii. Hicks was unite talkative and he gave Chief Thomas the name of the parly that, Rave him the whiskey. A warrant was issued, for the arrest of the man. EHEUMTISM AN ACID BLOOD POISON Rheumatism is an acid blood poison, and the causcs'that produce it ar often silently accumulating in the system for years. Poor 'digestion, stomach troubles, weak kidneys, torpid liver, and a general inactive condi tion of the system leaves the refuse and waste matter, which should be carried off, to sour and form uric acid, which is absorbed into the blood. When the blood is in this acid-charged condition, it deposits the poisons and irritating- particles with which it is loaded in the muscles, nerves, joints and bones. Then Rheumatism gets possession of the system, and life is made miserable by its pains, aches and discomforts. The changing of the weather, exposure to cold and dampness, etc., always increase the trouble, and so severe does the pain become that quick relief must be had. A good liniment or plaster is often helpful, but it should be re membered that relief from such treatment is only temporary, because the trouble is in the blood and cannot be re moved by external applications. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism by ridding the blood of the cause. It goes down into the circula tion and by invigorating and purifying the blood of the acid-poison and sending a PURELY VEGETABLE stream of fresh, rich blojd to all parts, re lieves the pain, reduces the inflammation, and permanently cures this painful disease. vS. S. S. is the only safe treat ment for Rheumatism, because it does not contain a particle of mineral in any form to damage the svstem. Rook on Rheumatism and anv medical advice desired sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Even though few days of the new yeau 1907 have come and gone, we wish to express our gratitude to our many friends and patrons for making 1906 the best year since we began business in 1891. We will use the same standard this year that we have cised in the past, a square deal to all. We fix the lowest legitimate price on every thing in our store and will not lower our standard to make a sale by cutting Scon 25 pounds of sugar or lc on a pound of coffee and hope to gain back on something price less known. We could lose the lc or 5c, as the case might be, and easily make it hack in many ways, but this is not our idea of business, and the thinking public are showing their appreciation of our methods, and our trade is growing daily. With a square deal to all, we hope to merit a still larger business this year. Wishing all a prosperous 1907 we are at the same old stand, awaiting your command. New Advertisements. W. S. Marti ii Special sale on la dles' rIovcs for tomorrow. Mill em! sale of short ends, white goods, per cals, prints, etc,. Monday. White Star Co. A dinner menu of good things obtainable at thai stoic. Shapiro's Sample Store After-ir-ventory clothiiiR and shoe barRaltis. The Dee Hie-Annual after-inventory clearance s;ilo starts tomorrow. Hoseiibacher's- A forecast of tomor row at the Busy Store, Close of Whit Sale. Other specials fur Saturday shopper. Or. J. J. McKaiina. president Mc Kanua ;; i)ay Liquor Cure Co., at Hotel Zinzeiidorf today and tomorrow. I Ask Your Dnr.ior ! and he will Ic'l you just what we have been lellln you that you arc not compelled to luke, your prescriptions to the druggist, whose name appears ou the doctor's prescription blank. He will tell you that you arc at liberty lo take your prescription to any store which suits our fancy. He will also tell you, if ask him. that, we are capable of filling any prescription that he writes, and that, we always iill them in a manner highly satisfactory to himself. It is a pleasure, to'is to till prescriptions, for our i."'".-.;'riptiou d cpartment is slocUe 1 wiih the highest class and the hist quality, full strength ingredients andevery prescription is always iill ed by a graduate and registered plia niacist. Landquist & Pfohl. t'H''H' It's a good old world after all, If you have no friend or llloliej , . In the river you can fall; Marriages are quite common and, More peoplo there will be. Provided you lake Rocky Mountain Tea. Unidquist & "fold, Salem; K. W. O'MuUiun. K A. Thompson. Winston. Mil Phone: 88 312 J.T. Joyner, West End Grocer. SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT. January 19. KiltST TIME IX WIXSTOX SAL1CM OK Our New Minister Written by Denuian Thompson and (leorgo W. Kyer. authors of ''The Old Homestead " 'litis is the only and original company thai has played Ibis comedy for the pasl s-even seasons in (he North. Read what Norfolk, Peters burg, Richmond newspapers sav about iiis Sec Joseph Coiiycrs as the VII jlane Constable. Secure seats early I I'l ices--L'".e tn $l.ail. -: "i mail i '.itn, Y ' !.' H A"! ' .1 i 1 A-l??"ti&il Mantles, Tiling and Grates. Cabinet and Repair Work. Pattern Work a Specialty. J. A. WIESNER & CO. 120 West Third St. Price 1 Cent' The Sun, Baltimotc, Md. NOW SELLS FOR 1 CENT CAN BE HAD OF EVERY D' ER, AGENT OR NEWSB AT THAT price, All subscribers in i; , , : ,,rr Virginia, North fa;..-,, Una, I'ennsj hauia ,n .; p, throughout tic I'm::, i jitj',. The Sun by mail a: l ,-, i;. , THE SUN AT ONE CEV Is the Cheapest High Class P, the United States, The Sun's special i ti, throughout the I'm!, ,! as in Europe, China, S,, i:h ,f Philippincs, l'oiti) It it---.. t,'ta every part of the uUl n:ak greatest newspaicr that cm I, ed. Us Washington ar.d .N, w , reaus are among the b - a :;, ed States, and give Tint, Sim': the earliest infunualiim upon portant events in llic Ksislai; fluancial centers of tb..- THE FARMER'S PAPEP The Sun's market rcimi cial colunin's ar n,i, ble, and put the farmer. ;!. t and the broker in la.ii kets of lialtimore, Nnrf..;i:.( .'.i New York, Chicago, I'iiil.ia;; all other important. iru in',;1 ed Slates and other iiitimrlw. which the reader gels for nw THE WOMAN'S PAPER. The Sun is the hi si !! "' per morally and in" lariiu !;. dilion to the news of the !,ij. lishes the best feaimcs ilia' presented, such as falii"ii '; miscellaneous writints fi"!u f women of nolo ami i i- i n 1 1 in if an educator of the Uisli' t constantly eliiiiulaiing in ";)!' in Individual and iiaiimwl The Sun Is pub!,is!iMl en S; well :ib vei'v otlu r ilav nf 'll' Bv mail the Daily Sun, $3 including the Sunday Sun, V Sunday Sun alone, l a year. Address A. S. AE3ELL COMPANY 1'iiblishers ami I'l"!'"' BALTIMORE, M0. w. COOK & CO. Iron and Brass Founders Special attention given to all kinds of iron and brass castings. Grate bars and furnace work a specialty. Estimates furnished on building castings. MTI PENNYROYAL HLL& tvrd rolieble. Ihf j overcoma wknef i, in. crease vigor, banish v$ JT No remody DH. fj? MOTTS PENNYROYAL PIU.S V S'iSuliI by DriiKfii'iH and Dr. Mutu -I..t..l at aimijsou'a Drug Store. i Dr. Wdlinnn' Indian Pile ,nuittnK'ii will cure Blind, MlrnUtiir aiul ltelnir Pll.-v I I l.u.irl.w I l,n I, ,i. ma Ii I HBts a pmililre, elvi's inslluil ro ll H Hot. Ur, illnmis liiniiiii 1'ile Oint. I moiit Isprrparril fur PI lei nnd Hen, j Inu et I ho pflvmi pnrlR. Kvcry hoi In crip! nf' nni'C All roiiM nn.l JI.IMl. WILLIAMS HANtlMCTHMNG CI.. I'mpi.. ClrvelanU, Ohlu. I I Ii,n,ii-rnn arrival anu i7M",,u' Trains. Trains An" From tlreensboro From Greensboro. ... From Greensbopi From (ircrnslrorii From Chariot to From Charlot'e From Wilkes1 From Will'i;. . . From JKoniioke .... Feom li'iacol.e From Ml. Airy Trains For Greensboro. . For CreeiihlKiio For Greensboro. . For Oreenslioro. . For Charlotte, . . For Charlotte . . . For Wilkesboro.. For Wilkesboiu. . For Roanoke . . . For Roanoke. . . . For Mr. Airy .. . Lei. JlffCT Uail vCllllllCl I ARCHITECTS. I Rooms 13-14 Tise Bldg. o t Ouij - 1: n CP (jP . n I AW If MM U M mm. THE CROWELL SAN (Incovp'H '' For the ti-ealtneat DRl'O and NRIIVO! -DI8KASKS ami COM' INCr TUB ATTFNTM S' ISTS AWAY FROM RONMKNTS and IN FIRST-CLASS KTHH r.f. Apply to No. W CHARLOTTE Ellhr-r S. M. CROWl dent. 0. L. RAE, R. S , M l' urw. i iTOR'l- : ij ia'-lE V C M Brightsba At All wews Stands Winston-Salem. V