THE TWIN CITY DAILY IfNTlNEL, IVinSTON-SALEM. FE3RUARY FACE FOT'R f"gaS!g. m TViN-CITY DfllLYSENTIfiEL AT CHRCHES TOMORROW T THE Sentinel Publishing Co. Usual Serxfces at All Houses of Worship Strangers Wel comed to All. . , .... , (Eutered at the postoffice at Winston Balem as second-cia.s mail matter.) Every Afternoon Except Sunday. I,- . . . A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. i My observation hnn t:ui:it me ibaC intelligence ami charade do in t ! ((dim tit the si.niKKl for wealth.; Th' men of Jarsfsf fortunes are :.! mifi Willi fewest ,ernples.- t'pt.m; Sinclair ! We would like tt kuon just !io-,v ' many bills alrtady introdwvd In the; W'biianiir seek to remedy thiims covered by existing statutes. Tin- fact; Hint such hills are deemed necessary shows that some Of t iti r present laws, lire not administered as they should j I. The commercial ornania'ioiis o! ; Wilmington ami Hili I'olnt have tuk 4-lt ' a position Oil till' proposition to, reduce railroad passenger fares siini-j tor to that of tin- Wiuston-Stilem ! 'board of trade. All thri-e have wisely' emphasized the. fact that better rail ! road facllHM -lire needed badly.; Whether we have cheaper passenger , litres or not better facilities should be provided.' i Vn;.-!ia' v 1'. ciicbiii at II a. m. ate! 7: p. in. bv K-v. M. V. ill?. ber. Sunday school at V.Ti a. m. - Urau Sunday scti d at p nr. I'lvno'Jn at 7 p. ta. by pasor, K.-v V. U. Kobbir.s. llurkh'-ad - Su:..iav m-I.oo! at !':!.") a. ni. l'i'"-ai h i 1114 at II a. in. and 7 p. ni. In Hie uitr. Hev. K. K. Williamson. South Sid t Sunday school at 10 a. in. West Salem Sunday school at 3 p. m. I'nachln-,' at II a. in. ! Hev. W. M. Kobbins. Methodist Protestant. Sunday school it I '.' ", a, hi. Preach ing at 11 a. m, at: J 1 p. m. by pa-ior, Moravian. jjoiiiif fit. It-v. Euw. Rondthaier, P. P.. pastor. I'rcacMni; at 11 a. m. , by ilev. .1. K. I'toht and 7::',o p. in. by U"V. '.. C. S! iiip!c. t'hrislinti Kndeav-! or iiieet,iiiK C: I .". p. m. Sunday school j I: ir. p. ni. ; Christ-Rev. .1. K. Pfolil. pastor.; I're.ichinj,' at 7: :i" p. m. by pastor;, men's prayer meeting at, 7 p. in. Sun I day s'hooi at 'J: :!i a. in. j Calvary Rev. K S. Croshmd. pas-! tor. I'n aelinin' at Pi: l., a. ni. ami i;.m p ,in. by p.'sior. Siilidav school at I 1 1 : l," a. ni. ; Klin Street Sunday .school at t : ") p. in. Kairview.- Sunday school at 2:i!0 p. in. I'tcaidiin at II a. in. and 7:iln p. in. hy pastor. Rev. ('. 11. Wcuhold, Kast Salem Sunday school at 1:1a HALF PRICE 5 'Z Z Z Z 4 j 5 v 5 Cap Sale. Formerly 50c, Now 25c Men's, Boys' and Children's. Great Reduction in Hats. J, M. WOODRUFF & COMPANY HPTTT? MAN S o 1 UKh. 1 riJQ 4 STORE that SAVES YOU MONEY. i p. m. rri achuiii at i p, m. hy Hev. We can see no necessity for putting 1 1C. A. lloltou. the r.d'onnatory matter in the hands : B?,ptl,,t n , 1 First Church Rev H. A. Prfiwn, D of a commission, the latter to rfporHj 1);,stor, Sunday tehool at !i.;',n a. 'In two years. This would Involve u m. Preaching at II. a. m. and 7:30 p. needless expenditure of time audini. lie legis moliev. If the members of lature tlo not. Know what they want hi do in the reformatory matter after tlx' prolonged dismission which has been wiikihI for . the past, several uionthK they are not likely lo know two yenrs hence. If 'is to he .hoped (lie mutter will he settled at the present Reunion of the legislature. Now. that the Thaw trial has begun Iho New York "yellows" have been illimtratliiK -every feature of the sen sational affair. Soores of ailcs'cd plct iinH of Thaw have also been printed in the press of the country . no Ivvo of which pictures are alike. It. cannot be denied thai the Thaw case Is bo tilK more generally discussed than any other similar trial of recent, years. J it devoting yards of space to the de tails of the affair the newspapers are merely tfivinn their readers what they want. A.shevllle has recently completed a Y. M. C. A. campalBu for $Ui.0tl', over! $22.(KKi lieinjf 4T.m-etl; Charlolte hasl already raised $:!0.Plli of Hie $tO,Htiii' n aired; Klchmoud lias secured con ' slderably .more than the $hi.(mio de Broad Street l'ioa blng' at 11 a. m. iind 7:;tn p. in. b pastor." Rev. 11, K. Mason. Sunday school at ;i: l" a. tn. AVaiiclitown Sunday seliool at J:.-V a. m. ..''' Soiithsble Snndiiy rhKI at !): -15.(1. in. l'leiichins; at 11 a. m. and 7."( p. m. by piisior, Rev.. A. I., lietts. Presbyterian. First Church Rev. D. Clay Lilly, D. P., pastor. Preaeh'uiK ut 11 a. m. and 7:!lu p. ni. Sunday school at. b:;ii) a.m. North Winston-Sunday school at 2 : :io p. nt. Episcopal. St. Paul's Rev Henry Teller Cocke rector. Sunday schtxd . and rector's Bible class, !i::;u a. in.; morning ser vice, sermon and holy communion, 11 a. in.; evening- service and sermon, 7;. 'SO p.. in.; Wednesday service, 7;"0 p. in. Vestry meeting-Monday I p. m. Altar Guild meeting Tuesday in the home of Mrs. R, M. Owens at ". p. in. The Bishop of Ihe Plwese will visit St. I'llul's clnindi for the pur pose of admiiiistei'lm; conlirniation on the evening, of the K'tli of February. Lutheran. Sunday .school-at !l:45 a. ni. Preach ing at 11 it. rn. and 7;t!0 p, til. by the pastor, Rev. George s. liearaen.. Christian Church. Rev. ,1. A. Hopkins, pastor. Sunday school at '.'t in a. m. No preaching. Catholic. The first, second and third Sundays AS A WEDDING PRESENT. Mis Burger Marries Against Her Fa ther's Wishes, and He Prints No tice of Her Death. Baltimore, Md.. Feb. 2. M'.ss l.o.. Louisa llurger was married Wedne. tbiy. The. fo!lowir-g day the -uotice iiipe;ued in Hie death notices of a i.ical new spa pre : Burger Suddenly oil 'luesd.t.. . .lanuary :ln. I'.hi7, l-ouisii, aged is y ears. (Chicago. IK; York. : Pa., and Norfolk, Va., iiapers plensu Copy.) Fnueiiil at Poitsiiionth, Va. "To all intents ar.d purposis s'ie is dead to me," said John P. Burger, the father, "and I have sent. In r a copy of the death notice as a wedding present. She knew why I objected." When freedom from the Mountain high, Cnfuried her Standard for all to see. These winds appealed in black and white, "Prink Rocky Mountain Tea." K. W. O'llanion. P. A. ThompsonWin ston; Landquis t & Pfolil, Salem. IT tffLJ "A C a n H is fam Sy its Depcsitors" Wachovia Loan & Trust Co. PAST GREATNESS IS NOT AN ASSET it eo iiai'v i foes-i. on ; :es eni invi- A'il:oi;-'h prit!" i:, retie it on t,ii stiei.g'h ., ites ;. our aeeouni is now. Wiih ,t t 1" .' yoiir a,-, ncoid. 1; ' iitse of what : ; of iC.Mi.iei.. ... ii has ample f-iuds io nu-et tU exl ;. i-.ra of trad-: wii It umHvide.l pro';; -of $l:;'i.O(iil ii ei.sures safety to (ieii,, its; with a liireftui-a'e who guid.. :. wot l.i:;-!s and w ith a m,:;.a:;mei,r eage-r to have the eumpauy and i s (''.stonier.-, both, - this i n" i twitm i abic to serve you to the Itm.t of sound banking eiiiics. . OFFICES F.'ll. FRIES Preside!,' Ii. V. SilAITNKK, Vice Pres. & Treit--. T. S. MORRISON. .. .. VicePrehidea' TilO.-'. MAS1.IN'.. ..Sec. & Asst. Trea 4,m4.4.4 4 PKOUD OF HIM a man is when his horse looks sllcn, iilump and well groomed, his muscles showing as jf ho really liked to go. Pcpewls a lot, my brothers, on what !'ou put inside of hlni. Suppose you try our grain. aad,fe(d for a month, or two, nolo the condition tit your live stock and decide for yourself If yca'R continue buying hero. , G. L. Dull & Co. Phone 176. 108 Fifth St. 1 -! 1 1 :.t ' v. 37. .S 9 f l V t Car Load FINE MULES Received Today See Them. i Arrival and Departure 1 Trains. of everv monih niasit at 10: JO a. m. sired. In Charlotte the campaign is Sunday school and benediction at 3 yet to run w'veral dnv and Hie secur-iP. "1. Father Stapletoiu ln of . the. full amount l.s assured. Bab j Four-Fold Gospel. , I Rev. Marvin Hosier, paslor. Sunday llntore a few weeks ago raised $",- R(.llwl 9:45 ttm. freaehing at 11 a. 000 for it Y. M. C A. building in t wen-, in. evangelistic service 7:30 p. n. ; ty dayH. There Is something 'about 'Prayer meeting every Tuesday even- ;, the Young Men' Christian '"K 7:4.. - - Hon and its work that Insiiires a de cree ol' enthusiamii that few other causes inspire. One reason for this in that the Y. M. C. A. supplies a vital need ami does a work that no other organization does. The proposition to raise more than $50,(100 In twenty - .. days in Winstoii Salem a few weeks ince w as considered by some a doubt ful experiment but when the purpose was explained1 and the enthusiasm of Y. M. C. A. workera impressed! the public-spirited citizens of this city the combination was Irresistible. Wood's Grass and Clover Seeds aro the best and cleanest qualitieR obtainable now crop froo from weed seeds, and of tested germination.- Wood's Descriptive Catalope (fives the fullest information about Omsses and Clovers best time j and methods of seeding kinds best adapted. for (lillcrent soils i quantities to seed per acn best combinations lor nay una pastur age, etc. . Oar tradi; 1 Cms. Clover mid Farm Scads, is one or I lie liif pot in thi'- emuitry. Huinllitn; tli -- ftvU !n tin' large iiin'itl ili;." tint I e le ennliles le Hi .'.rl! nt tlH'liraor uire. iio.i-ible for (ii t i-li;--. Mjeil.-'. Writt! for our Cabiloeue and prices of any seeds desired. Cata logue mailed fret! on .T.VV.WOStSW Seedsmen, A. L. HAUSER it. Wise Counsel from the Suth. "I want, to give home valuable vice to those who suffer with la back and kidney trouble," says J. ltlitnkinisblp, of Heck. Teuti. "I have proved to an absolute- certainty that Klectrto Hitters will positively cure this dlKtresslns conditoii. The first bottle pave nte great relief and after taking a few more bottles, I was com pletely cured; so completely that it I becomes a pleasure to recommend this' great remedy, ' SoM under guarantee I nt Thompson's drug store. Price 00c' The Right Name. '! Mr. August Shorpo, the popular' overseer of the iKor at Fort Madison,! la., says; ")r. King's New l.lfo puis! ut-. rirbtly named; they act mure' agreinbly, do more gmul and make one; feel better than any other laxative." I tiuaranteed to euro biliousness and cons tijKit iou, 25c at Thoniiison's drug; fcioru. j Trains Arrive, ! From Orcensboro 8:15 a; m From (ireensboro. . ...... 11:25' p. m From Greensboro,,. ., . . 7:20 p. ni From (ireensboro 12:20 a. ni jFrom Charlotte ,,ll;ii0 a. m j From Chariot! e 2:15 p. if from Wilkesboro. . ;.. ..11:25 a. m I I From Wilkesboro 4:25 p. ni From Roanoke ,. .. .. .. 2: 00 p. in Fmin Roanoke. 10:00 p. m From Mt. Airy .. .. .. .. 5:10 p. m. Trains Leave, For Greensboro. . ,. .... 5:15 a. nl. For Greensboro .. . .' . .11:115 a. m. I For Givensboro. . .- 4:35 p. tit. l-)r Greensboro 8: HO p. ni. j For Oharlotto ... 2:25 p. in. I For Charlotte 5:00 p. m. I For Wllkesboi-o 8:25 a-, m. jFor Wilkesboro S : 35 p. m. 'For Roanoke 2:50 p. m. I For Roanoke. ... , , , ..." 7: "0 a. in. !For Mt. Airy . , .v, . ... ,. S;S5 a. m.j Richmand, Vo. m A I rr.s zj i a --s CONTRACTOR and B U ILDER, A full force of competent work men employed . thus enabling us to give promptl and reliable ser vice. Phone 678. mmm m mm : ,'Also iare.e stock of Urates, (. arnages, Wagons, anie, v:;:;!. Horse Blankets, Etc. In tat-t. eveiyrliing the hoise e8r. Wo are agents lor the tamous II. II, liabcoek Co's C; -r:i 'ad PuggUs tie II Mo r, C l I - llltl Iblggie-,, ;;.- Kr:,, Es.' well known line of Wagons, Also several lines of cheaper Carnages and Rugim-.-. See us for Horses,. Mines. Harness, in- ai:y kind of Vehicle, Vee. suit you. , Smoak & JMcCreary, BUGGY AND HARNESS DEPOSITORY. X Mala Street, opposito Brown's Warehouse; Sales Stable, Church 31 We Are Headquarters fo Mill Supplies lvlachincry oners Wc i a'-: vir. -.a yA . v 'tt ; -' ' ' i. r it. ' ; jp . t -',..-) v -,- -. r-.-,..T,' -GSUStD "NAME ON VERY PlECk.1' )0W&Y'S Chocolate Bonbons. FOB SALE BV Landquist 6 Pfohl, DRUGGISTS. Phone 386 6 ! f : ALUM! take pleasure in tnat we are just in recept ot a large shipment of 11' Cooking Utensils ! Always clean and (j brignt and lasts i life time, Call in and ask 65! to see tliem. (iy I BROWN-ROGERS CO. & OS GSSiS iMI AVP a is nines Crawford Plumbing' 6 Supply Company. t Martin's great White Sale Starts Mon day, Feb. 4th.L Martin's great : White Sale !j Starts Mon- 1 day, Feb. ! - ! t ueai estate nought Co. citv and s-.'.d. Pmnertv ways on hand.' Special t 1 mon Ceniru! Insurance Wanted- $tii,Uiio worth of properly in one blo( (, J. 0 foy, 'I eb-graph building. itooin 1, Second k:,i IMartin's grea All Metal ' Wash-Board. j The newest, most serviceable and j easiest wash-board on clothes made. ' will last a life lime. i Maniifactnied and sold by W, C. Airblge, corner Main and Second Sta., ' V4teM-41tIico Building. M NOT J JUST AS GOOD" ! BUT I NONE AS GOOD This Is our honest conviction with regard to our "Southern Queen Grates."- They .furnish more beat and consume less J fuel "'than. "any grates on the t market. Sold hy ? white sale l-y&$ f FBGLE BRO.'S GO Starts Mon day, Feb. 4th Corner 7th and Trade Sts. Livery, Feed and Sales ' Stable. OAK. WOOD PINT.. WOOD Bv load, cord or cai Peoples Fuel and Ice Co. Phone Notice 'is h UH will he Notice! rehv irlven that applica- lliado i ho nresetlt SOS- s'on of General ASSenib!y of North """' tor (lift tua- f mi net to incorporate a banW.... .,a i,,nn and trust, company under!. h,,-im. of Win- CO.... T, . "(Ill- Haute aim Trnuf, ('"iicipal offlw Everything new. Special attention to Boarding Horses. Phone 491. MEtUKDWOMEft. t'i.n Hie Of-iru indTiiral dii li.ri.'.-8.M'S1 oiiiieitmnt, iri-.Cit'oufl or uhrouielii Ol I" I. COO llU'lllt'ftlliC.. i,u'il.-,-4. met not ufttrio.. KtFVAHSCHtWs'fiCd. B'ot r t-n-en .-us. . CINCHiHJtl.O ET-J hj Irj"glt. tn TTir.'NN. t.rrtmui. for v Circular tent ou reiiujt. This Jan- In V irv 111,' Company, nn Inston-Salem, N. 11)07. v. a. iiA-iiQ. SMlTHi CARRIER & NORTHUP ARCHITECTS Tlss Building, Winston-Salem, N. C. Rooms 7 and 8, and Ashevllle, N. C. . A W tn 1 l(iid.t. y 9 nil to urti-iurr. t rr..nt. OittUiln.. -v .- . - i I ' ' ' Jtr TIN WrORK The Good Kind Peter W. Blum Breathe Outdoc Of Course all you can and inJ - !l sure that the air i;: ri!"e so valuable to ft: "i e'! frr life byl;glunKr ,i;r:" with electricity. Fries MTg. O V

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