BAILY SEMTINEL ! i V V WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4, 1907 Ml. PRICE 5 CENTS LT'Y 1LX Ni .hlr.L PROGEF.DINGS. ' MEETING was ! V a v.n large attendance I .!" esterd.-y of the IJcht Dearer of: Vdi!tr5tonjidercaj0;wnar. ln tho abs,,n.0 j l! n;KnO CCflCrfll jon account or Ru-kns, of the piesi-i , 1 r tCf KCVieW Of.,:Rt- Ml!s Emori Barber. Miss Ma I and Saturday's:1"11-w;ml . vil'p - i 'a'ir.t In Both h'ouses! The wif-iy opened by repeaUtiK 1 "' ' (the missionary creed iu concert. Mexi co was the field of study for the after- r. Inter .vims articles on thin prd) ilu: on in-1 to , t'utr a; i'- running , 1' .i;f:i.' country and some of the workers! there, were read bv Misses Lllliar. i h taMlaltoii and Louise Montgomery. Alii -enjoyed the violin solo by Master (i jWIUiara Wright, accompanied by Miss 'Co-. iJJ.wJi'l''!iv.l,.WhMtfiT itisffn. mental lo of Miss Mary Griffith and jtlie vocal solo by Miss Celese Ogburn. a MI', rcla- Very good indeed was the recitation by little Margaret Dnlton. The children contributed as a thank offering fS.oO on this occasion. :1 !,. At f -r t.:.' !.y Mr. B.:x--,. i law came ii--.l second :uetit that In i ;:..(-ctir the :,. sh.ill eon- i.f pharmacy, reading ni'r: ow. !.r.l io allow ti..:ss out of !,! to allow ,,:e cf the .lliition town. Ei THE I F. M. SOCIETY. SenjtfTwenty-tirst Day. , ; pji, f .:!' the Seint ! ,. s- :uj i r Oi mond, r . ' ' !,' :i llSCIMV lif II The Woman's Foreign Missionary S.k-U ty met on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock iu the ladies' parlor of Ceu-i'-naiy church In the unavoidable ab sence of the president, Mrs. I-. A. Vaughn, who is still confined at home on account of sickness. Mrs. 11. F. ot !chrc iUbiTR. flsrt vice-president, p re bel sided. I After the regular progTam, "Chris . ere son! i tus Redemptor" was discussed. As the next meeting o fthis society f Forsyth ill be a .social session at the home (Vmi.iiree on ol Mrs. H. E. Dal ton iu March, the .study for the two months will come up at the April mooting. The following commit tie? to nomi- relative to nate officers for the ensuing year was i.i judges fix-j elected: Mrs. P. H. Hants, chairman; $;:.o. Salu-l-M-rs. Samuel niackburn, Miss Nora Doiison. ni: m sales u... ! ." : ;cr f Enfield. i':'!-. ,-ir. : Toiv:is. A; ;..i!;t K. il. Smith a jus- pure and allow him to .In-.'ire of tht' peace. A st' " Ui- bead issue of ,.n Fa: ,) . , : . 1 7 vvlliifc . T1 D JAPS NT Hi It Is Estimated That Fully i 63.000 Are Now in This ; American Island rosesslon. i Much Speculation As to Tho i Purpose of This Unusual ! Immigration Movement . (Spwlal to Th S"etnI.) ! Honoi.U.F, Feb l- Thvr is I ;svady tmimrting of .1aimiu- Int. JlliaJlrn Islands. NeirU 1. 5u(i arriv ed the DrM twii eek U Junimrj. TU-e Influx of the butt two week 1 vet greater. ("onme'rvWU conditions in the IslaudM dou'l l.ihi the lurgo luuiitgratlon. M.uiy of them nun ar Japs of edue.i'lim , otbei-s nre vete :U! of the ltU!"dn J ipa:ie- ar. iulster motives are lilnte.1 at by of ficial. The (iuluct if th" given fouudatlii for tuisplriou. Many ms-ret unleMes ls! Htnous the Ju'H. It lw rumond taut theno are really mllHaiv oignnliitlons. It In eslliuiite.1 that -fully tir..U"(l .laLmtiek tire In re. TOK1D, Fb. i -Vlseutit Hayasbl. minister of foreign uffuirs, today nabl t!i'Ut rause for the war ncnrw with the Vuite.i states. If any, must be the San lVauclsai matter; t hat tho Jnp!uwvs nailou fully appreciate FivsJdunt i(iK)sevelt' stand ami In telligent ha nipathy of greater jvinlon of AtiHTlciiiiH toward It tnmt tlni rlght'-ouR elianieter of Amerbaiw ami their m use of fair pl:i to olvo the diftlcnlty. There Is not the ullgUl est genu of nr spirit on thU dido of the ocean. WHAT IS THE JOY OF "RULING WHEN YOU HAVE SUCH A ROAD A3 THIS TO TRAVEL DAILY? 1111 0 CREATE i E DUTIES in nfveraents. tl. Is State ll.i - nuong the i P. ere will be the COlil-"-islative com-i-'ii and towns ' i;artit- ku(5- ' 1 vt.T counties. 1 to be created :-ii';l Cliathatu " 'he coun ; t-oiititv bv a vi!.i iliah Point 'I'lie h!-n!iment .'" eo j i! ties m ay i' is scarcely vi-1 jrot tli rough Work will be commenced this week i On tho Improvements to bo made on. the "Old Paper Mill Road," just weHt cf Salem. There Is about a mile of this road, heretofore lu very bad' cou tlltiun that will be very much Improv ed. This rond, iu the dayij of tho old paper mill, which was located at the of Marshall and Academy street,, was travelled heavily, but In later years h:s been used very little. It joins tho'Clcmnious road about four miles west cf Winston and while the travelling w ill not bo quite as good ap in' the Clemmons road there will be a considerable saving of distance for Cartics south of fialem takiug this ro : d. .' The Salem Corporation la bavlug! the work done and Messrs, Ebert & N'adiiig are the contractors. Assistant Garvan Makes Opening Address For State in Thaw T rial. Following His Outline of State's Contentions. Several Witnesses are Examined. Stanford White's Son Being the First to Give Evidence. Thaw Seems Nervous. (By Publishers Press.) movements from Sumlay before hie NEW YORK. Feb. 4. A mysterious i1'"1"1 Oie;' night of the tragedy. nr TDmnp" ur hot WOP iLl". .. ! HI u NIGHT vill he pre ""ium tomor- 'o n' ; splrn 'u v fails lo I. compos-d pia y has .viiilo. IV--.-puts-il..y f ron; "PARSIFAL" ILL BE "Parsifal." the magnlSc'ent festival drama ts be presented at the Elks' Auditorium tonight, lias played to large audiences everywhere during lis prea; nt triumphal tour of the S-.nilh. The drama Is interpreted by til excellent company and every part is portrayed lu an artistic manner, i jgog". xw liie scenery U probably the most elaborate ever put on the stage here. Tho production Is on a large scale and its presentation here tonight is recog nised as one of the theatrical events if the year. The audience will be one of the largest of the season. woman appeared in the Thaw cose to day. She came with Mrs. Evelyn Thaw and Miss May McKenzle and sat with them in court. The unknown person is a small woman, well dress ed and- pretty, clad In brown. She wore a heavy veil. No one outRide of Thaw's party knew her. It was- stated she was an Important witness for Thaw. Mr. Peabody, one of Thaw's counsel, declared he did not know the woman. The crowd Is the bitfgest yet. The jury remains as it wan, At 10:45 Assistant District Attorney Garvan began his opening nddresss for the State. Tho Thaw family aro in rhilr ac customed places. Harry Is nervous. David N. Cairvalho, a handwriting, ex pert, sr.t next to Thaw. His connec tion with the case la unknown. Mr. Garviu In opening told tho Jury they were approaching an Important case. He Raid,: "The purpose of pun ishment of crime lt its example to tho community. The defendant Is charged with the murder of Stanford White by premeditation .Tune 25, attorney traced White's nee poll MEET. "White wnt to Madison Square roof garden, sat. at a table. Tire defendant, was In the auditorium with his wife, Truxtou Ilele and a man named Cobb. Herry Kendall Thaw, the de fendant, arose from his seat and walk ing amoug tin table saw Stanford White. During the middle of the uec oud act the Thaw party started to leave the theatre, Harry Thaw walk ing behind. When he approached White he drew a revolver and fired at tho architect. Thaw looked at the victim, shot him again, this time In the mouth. Again litr fired, the third shot takiug effect Iu the (.boulder. Thaw raised his revolver high above bis head holding it by the barrel. Thaw turned and walked to the door where he was seized by a fireman. The murder wan criminal, cruel and malicious. Tin State will prove these tracts." Mts. William Thaw and Roger Oma ra lef tthe court for the hotel. Neither would give reason for their departure. The witnesses wen; then ordered separated. As Evelyn passed Harry she look his hand, held It for a moment and then turned away. Iiwtcik-o White was the first wit ness. Tho yomn son of the dead architect) traced the events leading up to the tragedy. The young man heard of liiti father' daUi from re porters, Tho defense did not cross examine him. Robert Paxton, engineer of Madlsou Square fiarden, was tho next witness. II'i heard a shot and turning si Thaw pointing revolver t White. The witness saw Thaw fire at least two Hhots. The witness took hold of Thaw, escorting hlra down MaIm. While waiting for the elevator friends of Thaw came up. Thaw nald to the party lu a loud voice, "I shot him be cause he ruined ray wife." "Yes, Harry." Raid the young woman, "but look at Uie fix you are In," Thaw r plied: "Yes. dearie, but I have prob ably saved your life. Meyer Cohen, manager of Music Publisher, llltiwtrated the scene of the tragedy by showing In a dramatic way th action of the two men. Thaw winced like n man under a lash dur ing his teHilrn.xiy, Minor witnesses were c.alb'd V state evets following Thaw's arret!. Incarceration, etc. The revolver con tained three empty slii-ll and two loadd ones. The State tested its cane at 12 o'clock. r. TODS! WITH THE "i. to i: s ti I 1' -'Id J. H. Fletcher Dry Goods Co. New of clean sweep sale. Seeials for Tuesday. Heard Pros. Co. Artistic fool. -war. Watc hfor opening announcement. I). S. Rer the china-man Anuo'iiic- tv Publishers Press.) ,- a gn ut .money-saving sab.-; son-"- NORFOLK, Va.. Feb. -1 Blizzard ! thing different -a.'h day this week, weather Is sweeping the Atlantic! White Star Co. A menu of good things to cat. J. M. Woodruff & Co. Sprln EFFECTED AT ONCE cf Court Are, P'-o'.eedincjS. i hold' 'Oil, iv. ; roast with great suffering resulting. All shipping at sea is ln great danger. Hampton Roads is filled with storm bound vessels. A big uaknow'n vess I was driven ashore today hear Ocean Ci'y on thf M,: inland coast. The fate of the crew Is unknown. ,' u. ' "I. R-d.t.l :-;"r, w.J ' H. Shu-! F. ,T j .:,o:,s. H. - il. Ki'-rer.' "'. W. F.i i l , w. I1KII1, 1. O. I.. Smith. H. S. Waiter if Pail V.. for young men here. Neely At Crule SfH'Cial hIkx' hi!''. A big special In children's shoes at jC. Rosenbacher & Urn News from tho Busy Store. Combination sab' of silks. . Norlb'et Hardware (By Publishers' Press) WASHINGTON. Feb. t.Tbo con ciliatory tone adopted l ythe niuniei pal authorities and hcIhk;) authorities of San Francisco Just le fore I-avii! for Wasbint'ton is exceedingly gru'lfy ing to th udniinistratioii. Mayor Schinlt, is quote as saving If the president can chow their delegation that-a continuation of Hie present school policy might Imperil national interests he will advise tho school ! board to rered from Its position po sit Ion. If the dol.-gatiol) lileets the 'president In this manner there Is no I doubt but that the situation will short Co. Patrol .lire j ly be straightened out. hat." extinguisher inforniatloi). Huiitley-HllUStocktlon Co. An nounc continuation of slaughter prices on the Vogler stix-k. with an addi tional cut of lu per cent In price. I ("i ,1. On account of the inclement wi rub er the piano recital of Signor Aug' lo l'atrlcolo, announced for this evening at the Academy chape, has been post-pioif-d until Tuesday night, February I'.'th. j Signor Antrelo Patrlcolo was greet ed by more than (jot) people at the State Normal College In on Saturday nljht. The "Parsifal'' performance to night begins at 7: l" o'clock. These who arrive nt the auditorium af'er that time will not lw wated until the first, act Is over. Those who have clothing they are willing to give to the pjr are request Greensboro tJ to notify Capt. nnd Mrs. uiocm, lot the Salvation Army. SUCCEED MR. M'GEE Mr. John Y'aw, who has keen the night otlicer In Salem, will succeed Mr. J. H. McG- ns chief of police of j Salmi. Mr. Yaw Is confined at pre lent to his borne with an Injured foot lA substitute will serve In his place 'until he Is able to take up hix dutief 'again. (By Publishers' Press.) ATLANTA. Ga., Feb. 1 - Bishop Want n G Candler, of the M"thodist Kpisc.jial ( bunh, S)uth, has return ed from Cuba. He sajs that k-oiiu" steps of Secretary Taft in bis efforts to pacify the natives put a premium on disturbances and gave to tlie in surrcctioti in liilnds of wune apparance of a profitable business, For exam ple he g;ivo each iiisurrcelor the horse hi. had stolen when he went off against, the government, proposing to reimburse the owners of the animals thus taken. "A gentleman In f l-i.f i gos told me." t,aid the bUbop. "thai lie hail a line staillon on bis stock farm for which ho paid $r.ii'i. His negro rode 1! away and now has It In hi" possifslon and tie original cannot recover his prop'-tty or g' t a'i cpiate a)inent for his iis. lb- tee. Ills horse tvery ilav, but cannot touch the auiliiul". The bishop :.OS this li one of the hundreds of can-s wh.-re the men prol.'- 1 by T.tft's order.4 GllKEN'SBOHO, Fb, 4-T i if Englisli girls who are hem hue to Ut tify In the cases ugaliist the Chariot m cotton mill men, charged with viola tions of the alien labor contract laws. e.Kais'd from the Iniaidlng iimise lu which they have bei ti RMlgned Thurs day evening. ud after ieulliiit the night :n a building In hlh several young men have rooms, left, Friday morning, l.'iilted Stales Marshal .1. M. Mllllken and deputies gave cIimo and overtook the girls eveial inlies fnuii the city, They were rctuincj late Friday afternoon, though U was sometime afterward before 11 was known that the gUU h.i escaped and had lieen returned u (he city.' For some time the girl have been allowed to go about the city ot y.lll, Hie guards only rcqulrliiK that they p turn to the Ixirdlng house by m.'V en o'clock In the evening. On Thurs day evening they failed (,( show up nt the appointed time 'and tho officer st once fl About making an InvestlijH iloil of the cause of their not appear ing. Knowing that they frequented the Groom building In South Elm street, the officers went at. ouco to that place, but a thorough nearch of the plnce failed to reveal the girls. Yesterday morning lh deputy mar shal went lo the building and watched for some time for them to emerge from the building and after n time, he cri not having come, be went to bre-'kfatit. As v.;m nf'erwar; Is, learn ed from the elrlH, tb,,y b fi. while he was at breakfuct. Learning that Hie (,;irls ha. I left the building and had liikeu a street ,a,. lug out of town, the deputy marshal notified Mnrs'ial Mllllken mid tho to went hi search of the lu. It was not bard to follow them through tho count i, as on account of ti.-lr unit siinl apix'iirnnee, -j)e took particular- notice of ih'ui The) were over taken aUeit citrlit miles from town an,! brought Mo k In the cnribige. The gll is th U told I lie olncels l1(.r story. They ..aid they spent the nlglrt In the bulidiiu, n was antU-lpated by Jtlie officers. Wh ti inoinliig came .'hey were nfiald to return to their quarters on account of tj,e f(Vr( that I'hiy hn.l disolieycd rules and decided' I to bav il,,- ell v . l U now S'id tlmt Jtlie vom.fc l.e a -i,o t-nlli. d the gtil,, away will pr.hatdj be indl'ief for bat luiring goven.iheni K wine--ses In vlolalloii of la The offense U a w rlous one, and the r'-sul' l;t aa!ted IH iute(eH' Slguor Aui'elo 1',-it'lcolo, the famous Paliau plan 1st, p!vd u the State Norma! and In iu .t: la! Co,le(;e, before a largo audience Friday i.i.-'it Ills rei.dttio:: of hi- on n arrato r.-m nt of "Dixit" elect Hlled lis aulence The eliti i lainuient conoiii"' e arranged for the of K:::aor p uico-o and till plOnellt lij")ld the I veil' f'illy, The Guilford Co-n.l; Boar i of l-Mu cation was in es,.oii Fiblav night jiii.d Ka' ill day '('ei a'oe roi'.ne. jbuslnes-s was tra-i .aco d "fl.e b lind Ms now comp.. I of lb. W T hi'- LOST Between pormr Spruce and Second Ht reels, and Vaughn & Go 's store on Fourth street, a plain gold stickpin, bearing Inscription "I)oiibe 1 t'ounoll No. 1." Finder please re turn to office of Vaughn & Co. !t. j,re..;dci.' o, c'lairiiiau . f'harb lary, and .1. C Iv is now a tie oi " .1. Allen Holt, pri Willi teuj-... ill lie lll'i. r ol tae tlu 4-ou:.t. ' Wi.i: ..--t I.,.i'l:;i'e, . II I'el ,. cre. iro 't Mr. K.-MK ' ' r, having MICl Ceded icipiil ol Oak Hi dge, o-'ler i t Ir coiiie n S'ttu'o' fiom